detail2.html 22 KB

  1. {extend name="common/common2" /}
  2. {block name="main"}
  3. <style>
  4. .custom-table th,td{
  5. padding: 10px;
  6. }
  7. .custom-table th{
  8. width: 120px;
  9. text-align: left;
  10. }
  11. </style>
  12. <div class="row">
  13. <div class="col-sm-12">
  14. <div class="ibox float-e-margins">
  15. <!--{if condition="$type eq 0"}-->
  16. <!--<div class="ibox-title">-->
  17. <!--<h5>{$meta_title}</h5>-->
  18. <!--<div class="ibox-tools">-->
  19. <!--<a class="toback" href="javascript:;history.back(-1)" >-->
  20. <!--返回上一页-->
  21. <!--</a>-->
  22. <!--</div>-->
  23. <!--</div>-->
  24. <!--{/if}-->
  25. <div class="ibox-content">
  26. <table class="table custom-table table-bordered">
  27. <tbody>
  28. <tr>
  29. <th>订单编号</th><td>{$info['sn']}</td>
  30. </tr>
  31. <tr>
  32. <th>类型</th><td>{$info['work_type_mode_text']}</td>
  33. </tr>
  34. {if $info['real_name'] != null || $info['real_name'] != ''}
  35. <tr>
  36. <th>申请人</th><td>{$info['real_name']}</td>
  37. </tr>
  38. {/if}
  39. <tr>
  40. <th>联系方式</th><td>{$info['mobile']}</td>
  41. </tr>
  42. <tr>
  43. <th>申请时间</th><td>{$info['create_time']}</td>
  44. </tr>
  45. {if $info['dep'] != null || $info['dep'] != ''}
  46. <tr>
  47. <th>所在科室/部门</th><td>{$info['dep']}</td>
  48. </tr>
  49. {/if}
  50. {if $info['schedulContent']}
  51. <tr>
  52. <th>一级调度附言</th><td>{$info['schedulContent']}</td>
  53. </tr>
  54. {/if}
  55. {if $info['work_type_mode']==1}
  56. <tr>
  57. <th>报修类型</th><td>{$info['order_type']}</td>
  58. </tr>
  59. <tr>
  60. <th>报修事项</th><td>{$info['order_type_matter']}</td>
  61. </tr>
  62. <tr>
  63. <th>报修地点</th><td>{$info['address_title']}</td>
  64. </tr>
  65. <tr>
  66. <th>报修紧急程度</th><td>{$info['repair_priority']}</td>
  67. </tr>
  68. {/if}
  69. <tr>
  70. <th>
  71. {if $info['work_type_mode'] == 3}
  72. 任务备注
  73. {else}
  74. 任务内容
  75. {/if}
  76. </th>
  77. <td><div>{$info['content']}</div></td>
  78. </tr>
  79. {if $info['work_type_mode'] == 3}
  80. <tr>
  81. <th>运送类型</th>
  82. <td>
  83. {$info['oc']['type_name']}
  84. </td>
  85. </tr>
  86. <tr>
  87. <th>开始地点</th><td><div>{$info['oc']['start_name']}</div></td>
  88. </tr>
  89. <tr>
  90. <th>结束地点</th><td><div>{$info['oc']['end_name']}</div></td>
  91. </tr>
  92. {if $info['s_num'] > 0}
  93. <tr>
  94. <th>结束地点数量</th><td><div>{$info['s_num']}</div></td>
  95. </tr>
  96. {/if}
  97. <tr>
  98. <th>运送总数</th><td>{$info['total_num']}</td>
  99. </tr>
  100. {if $info['oc']['typeScore'] > 0}
  101. <tr>
  102. <th>运送积分</th><td>{$info['oc']['typeScore']}</td>
  103. </tr>
  104. {/if}
  105. {if condition="$info['work_type_mode'] == 3&&$info['ends']"}
  106. <tr>
  107. <th>运送路线</th>
  108. <td>
  109. <table class="table table-bordered">
  110. <tr>
  111. <th>地点</th>
  112. <th>是否已扫码</th>
  113. <th>扫码日期</th>
  114. <th>运送数量</th>
  115. <th>图片</th>
  116. </tr>
  117. {volist name="info['ends']" id="v"}
  118. <tr>
  119. <th>{$v['title']}</th>
  120. <th>
  121. {eq name="v['scan']" value="1"}是{else /}否{/eq}
  122. </th>
  123. <th>{$v['update_time']}</th>
  124. <th>{$v['num']}</th>
  125. <th>{if $v['img']}<img src="{$v['img']}" alt="" width="40px" height="40px" onclick="open_img(this)">{else /}{/if}</th>
  126. </tr>
  127. {/volist}
  128. </table>
  129. </td>
  130. </tr>
  131. {/if}
  132. <tr>
  133. <th>优先级</th>
  134. <td>
  135. {if $info['oc']['priority'] == 1}可延缓的{/if}
  136. {if $info['oc']['priority'] == 2}常规{/if}
  137. {if $info['oc']['priority'] == 3}紧急{/if}
  138. {if $info['oc']['priority'] == 4}预约{/if}
  139. </td>
  140. </tr>
  141. <tr>
  142. <th>运送工具</th><td><div>{$info['oc']['device_name']}</div></td>
  143. </tr>
  144. <tr>
  145. <th>需求时间</th><td><div>{$info['oc']['xq_time']}</div></td>
  146. </tr>
  147. <tr>
  148. <th>应完成时间</th><td><div>{$info['oc']['ywc_time']}</div></td>
  149. </tr>
  150. <tr>
  151. <th>联系人</th><td><div>{$info['oc']['name']}</div></td>
  152. </tr>
  153. <tr>
  154. <th>联系电话</th><td><div>{$info['oc']['phone']}</div></td>
  155. </tr>
  156. {if !empty($info['ocp'])}
  157. <tr>
  158. <th>床号</th><td>{$info['ocp']['bed_number']}</td>
  159. </tr>
  160. <tr>
  161. <th>姓名</th><td>{$info['ocp']['name']}</td>
  162. </tr>
  163. <tr>
  164. <th>病案号</th><td>{$info['ocp']['ba_number']}</td>
  165. </tr>
  166. <tr>
  167. <th>性别</th>
  168. <td>
  169. {if $info['ocp']['gender'] == 0}未知{/if}
  170. {if $info['ocp']['gender'] == 1}男{/if}
  171. {if $info['ocp']['gender'] == 2}女{/if}
  172. </td>
  173. </tr>
  174. <tr>
  175. <th>往返</th>
  176. <td>
  177. {if $info['ocp']['back'] == 0}否{/if}
  178. {if $info['ocp']['back'] == 1}是{/if}
  179. </td>
  180. </tr>
  181. {/if}
  182. {/if}
  183. {if !empty($info['voices'])}
  184. <tr>
  185. <th>语音</th><td><audio src="{$info['voices']}" controls></audio></td>
  186. </tr>
  187. {/if}
  188. {if !empty($info['images'])}
  189. <tr>
  190. <th>图片</th>
  191. <td>
  192. <p>
  193. {foreach $info['images'] as $key=>$val}
  194. <img onclick="open_img(this)" src="{$val}" width="60" height="60">
  195. {/foreach}
  196. </p>
  197. </td>
  198. </tr>
  199. {/if}
  200. {if !empty($info['videos'])}
  201. <tr>
  202. <th>视频</th>
  203. <td style="width: 200px!important;height: 200px;!important;">
  204. <video style="width: 200px!important;height: 200px;!important;" src="{$info['videos']}" controls="controls">
  205. </video>
  206. </td>
  207. </tr>
  208. {/if}
  209. {if $info['is_deal']==1 && $info['order_mode']==1 && $turnoff && $level1}
  210. <tr>
  211. <th>状态</th>
  212. <td>
  213. 已处理
  214. </td>
  215. </tr>
  216. {else}
  217. <tr>
  218. <th>状态</th><td><div>{$info['order_mode_text']}</div></td>
  219. </tr>
  220. {/if}
  221. {if isset($info['name']) && !empty($info['name'])}
  222. <tr>
  223. <th>联系人</th><td>{$info['name']}</td>
  224. </tr>
  225. {/if}
  226. {if isset($info['phone']) && !empty($info['phone'])}
  227. <tr>
  228. <th>电话</th><td>{$info['phone']}</td>
  229. </tr>
  230. {/if}
  231. {if $info['is_deal']==1 && $info['order_mode']==1 && $turnoff}
  232. <tr>
  233. <th>派单类型</th>
  234. <td>
  235. 二级调度
  236. </td>
  237. </tr>
  238. {/if}
  239. {if $info['is_deal']==0 && $info['order_mode']==4 && $turnoff}
  240. <tr>
  241. <th>派单类型</th>
  242. <td>
  243. 员工
  244. </td>
  245. </tr>
  246. {/if}
  247. {if !empty($info['reason'])}
  248. <tr>
  249. <th>原因</th>
  250. <td>
  251. {$info['reason']}
  252. </td>
  253. </tr>
  254. {/if}
  255. {if $info['work_type_mode']==15 && !empty($info['informer_user_name'])}
  256. <tr>
  257. <th>知会人</th>
  258. <td>
  259. {$info['informer_user_name']}
  260. </td>
  261. </tr>
  262. {/if}
  263. {if $info['work_type_mode']==15 && !empty($info['quality_cate_name'])}
  264. <tr>
  265. <th>整改分类</th>
  266. <td>
  267. {$info['quality_cate_name']}
  268. </td>
  269. </tr>
  270. {/if}
  271. {if $info['order_mode'] == 6 && !empty($info['comment'])}
  272. <tr>
  273. <th>评价</th>
  274. <td>
  275. <link rel="stylesheet" href="/static/bootstrap-star-rating/css/star-rating.css">
  276. <script src="/static/bootstrap-star-rating/js/star-rating.js"></script>
  277. <div class="atar_show">
  278. <input id="input-id" type="hidden" class="rating" value="{$info['comment']['score']}" disabled data-size="xs" >
  279. </div>
  280. <script>
  281. $("#input-id").rating({
  282. showclear:false,
  283. showcaption: false,
  284. });
  285. </script>
  286. <div>
  287. {$info['comment']['content']}
  288. </div>
  289. </td>
  290. </tr>
  291. {/if}
  292. {if !empty($info['todo_list'])}
  293. <tr>
  294. <th>工单信息</th>
  295. <td>
  296. <table class="table table-bordered">
  297. <tr>
  298. <td style="width: 12.5%">工单编号</td>
  299. <td style="width: 12.5%">执行人</td>
  300. <td style="width: 12.5%">分派时间</td>
  301. <td style="width: 12.5%">接单时间</td>
  302. <td style="width: 12.5%">完成时间</td>
  303. {if $info['work_type_mode']==1}
  304. <td style="width: 12.5%">签名图</td>
  305. {/if}
  306. <td style="width: 12.5%">完成图片</td>
  307. <td style="width: 12.5%">开始签名</td>
  308. <td style="width: 12.5%">结束签名</td>
  309. <td style="width: 12.5%">备注</td>
  310. <td style="width: 12.5%">状态</td>
  311. </tr>
  312. {foreach $info['todo_list'] as $k=>$v}
  313. <tr>
  314. <td>{$v['sn']}</td>
  315. <td>{$v['to_real_name']}</td>
  316. <td>{$v['create_time']}</td>
  317. <td>{$v['confirm_time']}</td>
  318. <td>{$v['done_time']}</td>
  319. {if $info['work_type_mode']==1}
  320. <td>{if !empty($v['sign'])}
  321. <img onclick="open_img(this)" src="{$v['sign']}" width="60" height="60">
  322. {/if}
  323. </td>
  324. {/if}
  325. <td>{if !empty($v['to_ok_images'])}
  326. {foreach $v['to_ok_images'] as $key=>$val}
  327. <img onclick="open_img(this)" src="{$val}" width="60" height="60">
  328. {/foreach}
  329. {/if}
  330. </td>
  331. <td>{if !empty($v['start_img'])}
  332. <img onclick="open_img(this)" src="{$v['start_img']}" width="60" height="60">
  333. {/if}
  334. </td>
  335. <td>{if !empty($v['end_img'])}
  336. <img onclick="open_img(this)" src="{$v['end_img']}" width="60" height="60">
  337. {/if}
  338. </td>
  339. <td>{$v['nodo_reason']}</td>
  340. <td>
  341. {if condition="$v['work_type_mode'] eq 1 and $v['todo_mode'] eq 2 and $v['pause'] == 1"}
  342. 已挂起 <br>
  343. <div>挂起原因:{$v['pause_reason']}</div>
  344. <div>挂起时间:{$v['pause_time']}</div>
  345. {else /}
  346. {$v['todo_mode_text']}
  347. {/if}
  348. </td>
  349. </tr>
  350. {/foreach}
  351. </table>
  352. </td>
  353. </tr>
  354. {/if}
  355. {if !empty($info['cons'])}
  356. <tr>
  357. <th>耗材信息</th>
  358. <td>
  359. <table class="table table-bordered">
  360. <tr>
  361. <td style="width: 12.5%">名称</td>
  362. <td style="width: 12.5%">数量</td>
  363. <td style="width: 12.5%">单价</td>
  364. <td style="width: 12.5%">总价</td>
  365. <td style="width: 12.5%">使用人</td>
  366. </tr>
  367. {foreach $info['cons'] as $k=>$v}
  368. <tr>
  369. <td>{$v['title']}</td>
  370. <td>{$v['total']}</td>
  371. <td>{$v['money']}</td>
  372. <td>{$v['total_money']}</td>
  373. <td>{$v['realName']}</td>
  374. </tr>
  375. {/foreach}
  376. </table>
  377. </td>
  378. </tr>
  379. {/if}
  380. {if in_array($info['order_mode'],[1,4]) && $info['del']==0}
  381. <tr>
  382. <th>操作</th><td>
  383. {if condition="($info['is_deal']==0 and $info['order_mode']==1) or (!$turnoff and $info['order_mode']==1) or ($turnoff and $level2 and $info['is_deal']==1 and $info['order_mode']==1)"}
  384. <a url="{:url('send',[],'')}/id/{$info['id']}/mode/{$info['work_type_mode']}" href="javascript:;" onclick="layer_open(this,2)"><span class="btn btn-sm btn-primary">转任务</span></a> &nbsp;
  385. {/if}
  386. <!-- {if $dispatch_type==0 && $info['is_deal']==0}-->
  387. <!-- {if $info.order_mode==1}-->
  388. <!-- <a url="{:url('send',[],'')}/id/{$info['id']}/mode/{$info['work_type_mode']}" href="javascript:;" onclick="layer_open(this,2)"><span class="btn btn-sm btn-primary">转任务</span></a> &nbsp;-->
  389. <!-- {/if}-->
  390. <!-- {/if}-->
  391. <!-- {if $dispatch_type==1 && $info['is_deal']==1}-->
  392. <!-- {if $info.order_mode==1}-->
  393. <!-- <a url="{:url('send',[],'')}/id/{$info['id']}/mode/{$info['work_type_mode']}" href="javascript:;" onclick="layer_open(this,2)"><span class="btn btn-sm btn-primary">转任务</span></a> &nbsp;-->
  394. <!-- {/if}-->
  395. <!-- {/if}-->
  396. {if $info.order_mode==1 || $info.order_mode==4}
  397. <a {if !btnAuth(session("user_auth.id"),"Orders/cancel")} style="display:none" {/if} url="{:url('disCancel',[],'')}/id/{$info['id']}" href="javascript:;" onclick="layer_open(this,2)"><span class="btn btn-sm btn-default">取消订单</span></a> &nbsp;
  398. {/if}
  399. {if $info['order_mode']==1 && $info['work_type_mode']==1 && $org_auto_send}
  400. {if $info['order_type']}
  401. <a class="ajax-get" href="{:url('autoSend',[],'')}/id/{$info['id']}/form/1"><span class="btn btn-sm btn-primary">自动派单</span></a> &nbsp;
  402. {else}
  403. <a href="javascript:;" url="{:url('autoSend',[],'')}/id/{$info['id']}" onclick="layer_open(this,1)" ><span class="btn btn-sm btn-primary">自动派单</span></a> &nbsp;
  404. {/if}
  405. {/if}
  406. {if condition="($info['is_deal']==0 and $info['work_type_mode']==0 and $info['order_mode']==1)"}
  407. <a url="{:url('zd_send',[],'')}/id/{$info['id']}/mode/{$info['work_type_mode']}" href="javascript:;" onclick="layer_open(this,2)"><span class="btn btn-sm btn-primary">转单</span></a> &nbsp;
  408. {/if}
  409. {if $info['order_mode']!=1 && ($info['is_ch'] == 1 || empty($info['finish_time']))}
  410. <a href="{:url('withdraw',[],'')}/id/{$info['id']}" class="confirm ajax-get" data-confirm="是否确认撤回订单?"><span class="btn btn-sm btn-danger">撤回</span></a> &nbsp;
  411. {/if}
  412. {if $info.order_mode==4}
  413. <!-- <a href="{:url('finish',[],'')}/id/{$info['id']}" class="confirm ajax-get" data-confirm="是否确认完成订单?" data-reload="1"><span class="btn btn-sm btn-primary" title="完成订单">完成订单</span></a>-->
  414. {/if}
  415. </td>
  416. </tr>
  417. {/if}
  418. </tbody>
  419. </table>
  420. </div>
  421. </div>
  422. </div>
  423. </div>
  424. {/block}
  425. {block name="script"}
  426. <script>
  427. function comment(_self) {
  428. var flag = $(_self).attr('data-flag');
  429. if (flag == 1) {
  430. return false;
  431. }
  432. $(_self).attr('data-flag', 1);
  433. var score = $('#create-input-id').val();
  434. var content = $('#content').val();
  435. var id = "{$info.id}";
  436. $.ajax({
  437. url: '{:url("comment")}',
  438. type: "POST",
  439. data: {'id': id, 'score': score, 'content': content},
  440. success: function (result) {
  441. $(_self).attr('data-flag', 0);
  442. if (result.code == 1) {
  443. layer.alert(result.msg, {icon: 1, skin: 'layer-ext-moon'}, function () {
  444. window.location.reload();
  445. });
  446. } else {
  447. layer.alert(result.msg, {icon: 2, skin: 'layer-ext-moon'});
  448. }
  449. },
  450. error: function (result) {
  451. layer.alert('网络请求失败', {icon: 2, skin: 'layer-ext-moon'});
  452. $(_self).attr('data-flag', 0);
  453. }
  454. });
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