123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144 |
- <?php
- return [
- 'Undefined variable' => '未定义变量',
- 'Undefined index' => '未定义数组索引',
- 'Undefined offset' => '未定义数组下标',
- 'Parse error' => '语法解析错误',
- 'Type error' => '类型错误',
- 'Fatal error' => '致命错误',
- 'syntax error' => '语法错误',
- 'dispatch type not support' => '不支持的调度类型',
- 'method param miss' => '方法参数错误',
- 'method not exists' => '方法不存在',
- 'function not exists' => '函数不存在',
- 'file not exists' => '文件不存在',
- 'module not exists' => '模块不存在',
- 'controller not exists' => '控制器不存在',
- 'class not exists' => '类不存在',
- 'property not exists' => '类的属性不存在',
- 'template not exists' => '模板文件不存在',
- 'illegal controller name' => '非法的控制器名称',
- 'illegal action name' => '非法的操作名称',
- 'url suffix deny' => '禁止的URL后缀访问',
- 'Route Not Found' => '当前访问路由未定义或不匹配',
- 'Undefined db type' => '未定义数据库类型',
- 'variable type error' => '变量类型错误',
- 'PSR-4 error' => 'PSR-4 规范错误',
- 'not support total' => '简洁模式下不能获取数据总数',
- 'not support last' => '简洁模式下不能获取最后一页',
- 'error session handler' => '错误的SESSION处理器类',
- 'not allow php tag' => '模板不允许使用PHP语法',
- 'not support' => '不支持',
- 'redisd master' => 'Redisd 主服务器错误',
- 'redisd slave' => 'Redisd 从服务器错误',
- 'must run at sae' => '必须在SAE运行',
- 'memcache init error' => '未开通Memcache服务,请在SAE管理平台初始化Memcache服务',
- 'KVDB init error' => '没有初始化KVDB,请在SAE管理平台初始化KVDB服务',
- 'fields not exists' => '数据表字段不存在',
- 'where express error' => '查询表达式错误',
- 'order express error' => '排序表达式错误',
- 'no data to update' => '没有任何数据需要更新',
- 'miss data to insert' => '缺少需要写入的数据',
- 'not support data' => '不支持的数据表达式',
- 'miss complex primary data' => '缺少复合主键数据',
- 'miss update condition' => '缺少更新条件',
- 'model data Not Found' => '模型数据不存在',
- 'table data not Found' => '表数据不存在',
- 'delete without condition' => '没有条件不会执行删除操作',
- 'miss relation data' => '缺少关联表数据',
- 'tag attr must' => '模板标签属性必须',
- 'tag error' => '模板标签错误',
- 'cache write error' => '缓存写入失败',
- 'sae mc write error' => 'SAE mc 写入错误',
- 'route name not exists' => '路由标识不存在(或参数不够)',
- 'invalid request' => '非法请求',
- 'bind attr has exists' => '模型的属性已经存在',
- 'relation data not exists' => '关联数据不存在',
- 'relation not support' => '关联不支持',
- 'chunk not support order' => 'Chunk不支持调用order方法',
- 'route pattern error' => '路由变量规则定义错误',
- 'route behavior will not support' => '路由行为废弃(使用中间件替代)',
- 'closure not support cache(true)' => '使用闭包查询不支持cache(true),请指定缓存Key',
- 'unknown upload error' => '未知上传错误!',
- 'file write error' => '文件写入失败!',
- 'upload temp dir not found' => '找不到临时文件夹!',
- 'no file to uploaded' => '没有文件被上传!',
- 'only the portion of file is uploaded' => '文件只有部分被上传!',
- 'upload File size exceeds the maximum value' => '上传文件大小超过了最大值!',
- 'upload write error' => '文件上传保存错误!',
- 'has the same filename: {:filename}' => '存在同名文件:{:filename}',
- 'upload illegal files' => '非法上传文件',
- 'illegal image files' => '非法图片文件',
- 'extensions to upload is not allowed' => '上传文件后缀不允许',
- 'mimetype to upload is not allowed' => '上传文件MIME类型不允许!',
- 'filesize not match' => '上传文件大小不符!',
- 'directory {:path} creation failed' => '目录 {:path} 创建失败!',
- 'The middleware must return Response instance' => '中间件方法必须返回Response对象实例',
- 'The queue was exhausted, with no response returned' => '中间件队列为空',
- ':attribute require' => ':attribute不能为空',
- ':attribute must' => ':attribute必须',
- ':attribute must be numeric' => ':attribute必须是数字',
- ':attribute must be integer' => ':attribute必须是整数',
- ':attribute must be float' => ':attribute必须是浮点数',
- ':attribute must be bool' => ':attribute必须是布尔值',
- ':attribute not a valid email address' => ':attribute格式不符',
- ':attribute not a valid mobile' => ':attribute格式不符',
- ':attribute must be a array' => ':attribute必须是数组',
- ':attribute must be yes,on or 1' => ':attribute必须是yes、on或者1',
- ':attribute not a valid datetime' => ':attribute不是一个有效的日期或时间格式',
- ':attribute not a valid file' => ':attribute不是有效的上传文件',
- ':attribute not a valid image' => ':attribute不是有效的图像文件',
- ':attribute must be alpha' => ':attribute只能是字母',
- ':attribute must be alpha-numeric' => ':attribute只能是字母和数字',
- ':attribute must be alpha-numeric, dash, underscore' => ':attribute只能是字母、数字和下划线_及破折号-',
- ':attribute not a valid domain or ip' => ':attribute不是有效的域名或者IP',
- ':attribute must be chinese' => ':attribute只能是汉字',
- ':attribute must be chinese or alpha' => ':attribute只能是汉字、字母',
- ':attribute must be chinese,alpha-numeric' => ':attribute只能是汉字、字母和数字',
- ':attribute must be chinese,alpha-numeric,underscore, dash' => ':attribute只能是汉字、字母、数字和下划线_及破折号-',
- ':attribute not a valid url' => ':attribute不是有效的URL地址',
- ':attribute not a valid ip' => ':attribute不是有效的IP地址',
- ':attribute must be dateFormat of :rule' => ':attribute必须使用日期格式 :rule',
- ':attribute must be in :rule' => ':attribute必须在 :rule 范围内',
- ':attribute be notin :rule' => ':attribute不能在 :rule 范围内',
- ':attribute must between :1 - :2' => ':attribute只能在 :1 - :2 之间',
- ':attribute not between :1 - :2' => ':attribute不能在 :1 - :2 之间',
- 'size of :attribute must be :rule' => ':attribute长度不符合要求 :rule',
- 'max size of :attribute must be :rule' => ':attribute长度不能超过 :rule',
- 'min size of :attribute must be :rule' => ':attribute长度不能小于 :rule',
- ':attribute cannot be less than :rule' => ':attribute日期不能小于 :rule',
- ':attribute cannot exceed :rule' => ':attribute日期不能超过 :rule',
- ':attribute not within :rule' => '不在有效期内 :rule',
- 'access IP is not allowed' => '不允许的IP访问',
- 'access IP denied' => '禁止的IP访问',
- ':attribute out of accord with :2' => ':attribute和确认字段:2不一致',
- ':attribute cannot be same with :2' => ':attribute和比较字段:2不能相同',
- ':attribute must greater than or equal :rule' => ':attribute必须大于等于 :rule',
- ':attribute must greater than :rule' => ':attribute必须大于 :rule',
- ':attribute must less than or equal :rule' => ':attribute必须小于等于 :rule',
- ':attribute must less than :rule' => ':attribute必须小于 :rule',
- ':attribute must equal :rule' => ':attribute必须等于 :rule',
- ':attribute has exists' => ':attribute已存在',
- ':attribute not conform to the rules' => ':attribute不符合指定规则',
- 'invalid Request method' => '无效的请求类型',
- 'invalid token' => '令牌数据无效',
- 'not conform to the rules' => '规则错误',
- ];