// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
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// | Copyright (c) 2006~2018 http://thinkphp.cn All rights reserved.
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// | Licensed ( http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 )
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// | Author: liu21st <liu21st@gmail.com>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------

namespace think\cache\driver;

use think\cache\Driver;

 * Sqlite缓存驱动
 * @author    liu21st <liu21st@gmail.com>
class Sqlite extends Driver
    protected $options = [
        'db'         => ':memory:',
        'table'      => 'sharedmemory',
        'prefix'     => '',
        'expire'     => 0,
        'persistent' => false,
        'serialize'  => true,

     * 架构函数
     * @access public
     * @param  array $options 缓存参数
     * @throws \BadFunctionCallException
    public function __construct($options = [])
        if (!extension_loaded('sqlite')) {
            throw new \BadFunctionCallException('not support: sqlite');

        if (!empty($options)) {
            $this->options = array_merge($this->options, $options);

        $func = $this->options['persistent'] ? 'sqlite_popen' : 'sqlite_open';

        $this->handler = $func($this->options['db']);

     * 获取实际的缓存标识
     * @access public
     * @param  string $name 缓存名
     * @return string
    protected function getCacheKey($name)
        return $this->options['prefix'] . sqlite_escape_string($name);

     * 判断缓存
     * @access public
     * @param  string $name 缓存变量名
     * @return bool
    public function has($name)
        $name = $this->getCacheKey($name);

        $sql    = 'SELECT value FROM ' . $this->options['table'] . ' WHERE var=\'' . $name . '\' AND (expire=0 OR expire >' . time() . ') LIMIT 1';
        $result = sqlite_query($this->handler, $sql);

        return sqlite_num_rows($result);

     * 读取缓存
     * @access public
     * @param  string $name 缓存变量名
     * @param  mixed  $default 默认值
     * @return mixed
    public function get($name, $default = false)

        $name = $this->getCacheKey($name);

        $sql = 'SELECT value FROM ' . $this->options['table'] . ' WHERE var=\'' . $name . '\' AND (expire=0 OR expire >' . time() . ') LIMIT 1';

        $result = sqlite_query($this->handler, $sql);

        if (sqlite_num_rows($result)) {
            $content = sqlite_fetch_single($result);
            if (function_exists('gzcompress')) {
                $content = gzuncompress($content);

            return $this->unserialize($content);

        return $default;

     * 写入缓存
     * @access public
     * @param  string            $name 缓存变量名
     * @param  mixed             $value  存储数据
     * @param  integer|\DateTime $expire  有效时间(秒)
     * @return boolean
    public function set($name, $value, $expire = null)

        $name = $this->getCacheKey($name);

        $value = sqlite_escape_string($this->serialize($value));

        if (is_null($expire)) {
            $expire = $this->options['expire'];

        if ($expire instanceof \DateTime) {
            $expire = $expire->getTimestamp();
        } else {
            $expire = (0 == $expire) ? 0 : (time() + $expire); //缓存有效期为0表示永久缓存

        if (function_exists('gzcompress')) {
            $value = gzcompress($value, 3);

        if ($this->tag) {
            $tag       = $this->tag;
            $this->tag = null;
        } else {
            $tag = '';

        $sql = 'REPLACE INTO ' . $this->options['table'] . ' (var, value, expire, tag) VALUES (\'' . $name . '\', \'' . $value . '\', \'' . $expire . '\', \'' . $tag . '\')';

        if (sqlite_query($this->handler, $sql)) {
            return true;

        return false;

     * 自增缓存(针对数值缓存)
     * @access public
     * @param  string    $name 缓存变量名
     * @param  int       $step 步长
     * @return false|int
    public function inc($name, $step = 1)
        if ($this->has($name)) {
            $value = $this->get($name) + $step;
        } else {
            $value = $step;

        return $this->set($name, $value, 0) ? $value : false;

     * 自减缓存(针对数值缓存)
     * @access public
     * @param  string    $name 缓存变量名
     * @param  int       $step 步长
     * @return false|int
    public function dec($name, $step = 1)
        if ($this->has($name)) {
            $value = $this->get($name) - $step;
        } else {
            $value = -$step;

        return $this->set($name, $value, 0) ? $value : false;

     * 删除缓存
     * @access public
     * @param  string $name 缓存变量名
     * @return boolean
    public function rm($name)

        $name = $this->getCacheKey($name);

        $sql = 'DELETE FROM ' . $this->options['table'] . ' WHERE var=\'' . $name . '\'';
        sqlite_query($this->handler, $sql);

        return true;

     * 清除缓存
     * @access public
     * @param  string $tag 标签名
     * @return boolean
    public function clear($tag = null)
        if ($tag) {
            $name = sqlite_escape_string($this->getTagKey($tag));
            $sql  = 'DELETE FROM ' . $this->options['table'] . ' WHERE tag=\'' . $name . '\'';
            sqlite_query($this->handler, $sql);
            return true;


        $sql = 'DELETE FROM ' . $this->options['table'];

        sqlite_query($this->handler, $sql);

        return true;