/*! * Star Rating Romanian Translations * * This file must be loaded after 'star-rating.js'. Patterns in braces '{}', or * any HTML markup tags in the messages must not be converted or translated. * * NOTE: this file must be saved in UTF-8 encoding. * * @see http://github.com/kartik-v/bootstrap-star-rating * @author Kartik Visweswaran */ (function ($) { "use strict"; $.fn.ratingLocales['ro'] = { defaultCaption: '{rating} stele', starCaptions: { 0.5: 'Jumatate de stea', 1: 'O Stea', 1.5: 'O stea si jumatate', 2: 'Doua stele', 2.5: 'Doua stele si jumatate', 3: 'Trei stele', 3.5: 'Trei stele si jumatate', 4: 'Patru stele', 4.5: 'Patru stele si jumatate', 5: 'Cinci stele' }, clearButtonTitle: 'Sterge', clearCaption: 'Fara vot' }; })(window.jQuery);