web-ifc-api.js 1.4 MB

  1. var __defProp = Object.defineProperty;
  2. var __getOwnPropSymbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols;
  3. var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
  4. var __propIsEnum = Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable;
  5. var __defNormalProp = (obj, key, value) => key in obj ? __defProp(obj, key, { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value }) : obj[key] = value;
  6. var __spreadValues = (a, b) => {
  7. for (var prop in b || (b = {}))
  8. if (__hasOwnProp.call(b, prop))
  9. __defNormalProp(a, prop, b[prop]);
  10. if (__getOwnPropSymbols)
  11. for (var prop of __getOwnPropSymbols(b)) {
  12. if (__propIsEnum.call(b, prop))
  13. __defNormalProp(a, prop, b[prop]);
  14. }
  15. return a;
  16. };
  17. var __require = (x) => {
  18. if (typeof require !== "undefined")
  19. return require(x);
  20. throw new Error('Dynamic require of "' + x + '" is not supported');
  21. };
  22. var __commonJS = (cb, mod) => function __require2() {
  23. return mod || (0, cb[Object.keys(cb)[0]])((mod = { exports: {} }).exports, mod), mod.exports;
  24. };
  25. var __async = (__this, __arguments, generator) => {
  26. return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
  27. var fulfilled = (value) => {
  28. try {
  29. step(generator.next(value));
  30. } catch (e) {
  31. reject(e);
  32. }
  33. };
  34. var rejected = (value) => {
  35. try {
  36. step(generator.throw(value));
  37. } catch (e) {
  38. reject(e);
  39. }
  40. };
  41. var step = (x) => x.done ? resolve(x.value) : Promise.resolve(x.value).then(fulfilled, rejected);
  42. step((generator = generator.apply(__this, __arguments)).next());
  43. });
  44. };
  45. // (disabled):crypto
  46. var require_crypto = __commonJS({
  47. "(disabled):crypto"() {
  48. }
  49. });
  50. // dist/web-ifc.js
  51. var require_web_ifc = __commonJS({
  52. "dist/web-ifc.js"(exports, module) {
  53. var WebIFCWasm2 = function() {
  54. var _scriptDir = typeof document !== "undefined" && document.currentScript ? document.currentScript.src : void 0;
  55. if (typeof __filename !== "undefined")
  56. _scriptDir = _scriptDir || __filename;
  57. return function(WebIFCWasm3) {
  58. WebIFCWasm3 = WebIFCWasm3 || {};
  59. var Module = typeof WebIFCWasm3 !== "undefined" ? WebIFCWasm3 : {};
  60. var readyPromiseResolve, readyPromiseReject;
  61. Module["ready"] = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
  62. readyPromiseResolve = resolve;
  63. readyPromiseReject = reject;
  64. });
  65. var moduleOverrides = {};
  66. var key;
  67. for (key in Module) {
  68. if (Module.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
  69. moduleOverrides[key] = Module[key];
  70. }
  71. }
  72. var arguments_ = [];
  73. var thisProgram = "./this.program";
  74. var quit_ = function(status, toThrow) {
  75. throw toThrow;
  76. };
  77. var ENVIRONMENT_IS_WEB = false;
  78. var ENVIRONMENT_IS_WORKER = false;
  79. var ENVIRONMENT_IS_NODE = false;
  80. var ENVIRONMENT_IS_SHELL = false;
  81. ENVIRONMENT_IS_WEB = typeof window === "object";
  82. ENVIRONMENT_IS_WORKER = typeof importScripts === "function";
  83. ENVIRONMENT_IS_NODE = typeof process === "object" && typeof process.versions === "object" && typeof process.versions.node === "string";
  85. var scriptDirectory = "";
  86. function locateFile(path) {
  87. if (Module["locateFile"]) {
  88. return Module["locateFile"](path, scriptDirectory);
  89. }
  90. return scriptDirectory + path;
  91. }
  92. var read_, readAsync, readBinary, setWindowTitle;
  93. var nodeFS;
  94. var nodePath;
  97. scriptDirectory = __require("path").dirname(scriptDirectory) + "/";
  98. } else {
  99. scriptDirectory = __dirname + "/";
  100. }
  101. read_ = function shell_read(filename, binary) {
  102. if (!nodeFS)
  103. nodeFS = __require("fs");
  104. if (!nodePath)
  105. nodePath = __require("path");
  106. filename = nodePath["normalize"](filename);
  107. return nodeFS["readFileSync"](filename, binary ? null : "utf8");
  108. };
  109. readBinary = function readBinary2(filename) {
  110. var ret = read_(filename, true);
  111. if (!ret.buffer) {
  112. ret = new Uint8Array(ret);
  113. }
  114. assert(ret.buffer);
  115. return ret;
  116. };
  117. if (process["argv"].length > 1) {
  118. thisProgram = process["argv"][1].replace(/\\/g, "/");
  119. }
  120. arguments_ = process["argv"].slice(2);
  121. process["on"]("uncaughtException", function(ex) {
  122. if (!(ex instanceof ExitStatus)) {
  123. throw ex;
  124. }
  125. });
  126. process["on"]("unhandledRejection", abort);
  127. quit_ = function(status) {
  128. process["exit"](status);
  129. };
  130. Module["inspect"] = function() {
  131. return "[Emscripten Module object]";
  132. };
  133. } else if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_SHELL) {
  134. if (typeof read != "undefined") {
  135. read_ = function shell_read(f) {
  136. return read(f);
  137. };
  138. }
  139. readBinary = function readBinary2(f) {
  140. var data;
  141. if (typeof readbuffer === "function") {
  142. return new Uint8Array(readbuffer(f));
  143. }
  144. data = read(f, "binary");
  145. assert(typeof data === "object");
  146. return data;
  147. };
  148. if (typeof scriptArgs != "undefined") {
  149. arguments_ = scriptArgs;
  150. } else if (typeof arguments != "undefined") {
  151. arguments_ = arguments;
  152. }
  153. if (typeof quit === "function") {
  154. quit_ = function(status) {
  155. quit(status);
  156. };
  157. }
  158. if (typeof print !== "undefined") {
  159. if (typeof console === "undefined")
  160. console = {};
  161. console.log = print;
  162. console.warn = console.error = typeof printErr !== "undefined" ? printErr : print;
  163. }
  166. scriptDirectory = self.location.href;
  167. } else if (typeof document !== "undefined" && document.currentScript) {
  168. scriptDirectory = document.currentScript.src;
  169. }
  170. if (_scriptDir) {
  171. scriptDirectory = _scriptDir;
  172. }
  173. if (scriptDirectory.indexOf("blob:") !== 0) {
  174. scriptDirectory = scriptDirectory.substr(0, scriptDirectory.lastIndexOf("/") + 1);
  175. } else {
  176. scriptDirectory = "";
  177. }
  178. {
  179. read_ = function shell_read(url) {
  180. var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
  181. xhr.open("GET", url, false);
  182. xhr.send(null);
  183. return xhr.responseText;
  184. };
  186. readBinary = function readBinary2(url) {
  187. var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
  188. xhr.open("GET", url, false);
  189. xhr.responseType = "arraybuffer";
  190. xhr.send(null);
  191. return new Uint8Array(xhr.response);
  192. };
  193. }
  194. readAsync = function readAsync2(url, onload, onerror) {
  195. var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
  196. xhr.open("GET", url, true);
  197. xhr.responseType = "arraybuffer";
  198. xhr.onload = function xhr_onload() {
  199. if (xhr.status == 200 || xhr.status == 0 && xhr.response) {
  200. onload(xhr.response);
  201. return;
  202. }
  203. onerror();
  204. };
  205. xhr.onerror = onerror;
  206. xhr.send(null);
  207. };
  208. }
  209. setWindowTitle = function(title) {
  210. document.title = title;
  211. };
  212. } else {
  213. }
  214. var out = Module["print"] || console.log.bind(console);
  215. var err = Module["printErr"] || console.warn.bind(console);
  216. for (key in moduleOverrides) {
  217. if (moduleOverrides.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
  218. Module[key] = moduleOverrides[key];
  219. }
  220. }
  221. moduleOverrides = null;
  222. if (Module["arguments"])
  223. arguments_ = Module["arguments"];
  224. if (Module["thisProgram"])
  225. thisProgram = Module["thisProgram"];
  226. if (Module["quit"])
  227. quit_ = Module["quit"];
  228. var STACK_ALIGN = 16;
  229. function alignMemory(size, factor) {
  230. if (!factor)
  231. factor = STACK_ALIGN;
  232. return Math.ceil(size / factor) * factor;
  233. }
  234. var tempRet0 = 0;
  235. var setTempRet0 = function(value) {
  236. tempRet0 = value;
  237. };
  238. var wasmBinary;
  239. if (Module["wasmBinary"])
  240. wasmBinary = Module["wasmBinary"];
  241. var noExitRuntime;
  242. if (Module["noExitRuntime"])
  243. noExitRuntime = Module["noExitRuntime"];
  244. if (typeof WebAssembly !== "object") {
  245. abort("no native wasm support detected");
  246. }
  247. var wasmMemory;
  248. var ABORT = false;
  249. var EXITSTATUS = 0;
  250. function assert(condition, text) {
  251. if (!condition) {
  252. abort("Assertion failed: " + text);
  253. }
  254. }
  255. var UTF8Decoder = typeof TextDecoder !== "undefined" ? new TextDecoder("utf8") : void 0;
  256. function UTF8ArrayToString(heap, idx, maxBytesToRead) {
  257. idx >>>= 0;
  258. var endIdx = idx + maxBytesToRead;
  259. var endPtr = idx;
  260. while (heap[endPtr >>> 0] && !(endPtr >= endIdx))
  261. ++endPtr;
  262. if (endPtr - idx > 16 && heap.subarray && UTF8Decoder) {
  263. return UTF8Decoder.decode(heap.subarray(idx >>> 0, endPtr >>> 0));
  264. } else {
  265. var str = "";
  266. while (idx < endPtr) {
  267. var u0 = heap[idx++ >>> 0];
  268. if (!(u0 & 128)) {
  269. str += String.fromCharCode(u0);
  270. continue;
  271. }
  272. var u1 = heap[idx++ >>> 0] & 63;
  273. if ((u0 & 224) == 192) {
  274. str += String.fromCharCode((u0 & 31) << 6 | u1);
  275. continue;
  276. }
  277. var u2 = heap[idx++ >>> 0] & 63;
  278. if ((u0 & 240) == 224) {
  279. u0 = (u0 & 15) << 12 | u1 << 6 | u2;
  280. } else {
  281. u0 = (u0 & 7) << 18 | u1 << 12 | u2 << 6 | heap[idx++ >>> 0] & 63;
  282. }
  283. if (u0 < 65536) {
  284. str += String.fromCharCode(u0);
  285. } else {
  286. var ch = u0 - 65536;
  287. str += String.fromCharCode(55296 | ch >> 10, 56320 | ch & 1023);
  288. }
  289. }
  290. }
  291. return str;
  292. }
  293. function UTF8ToString(ptr, maxBytesToRead) {
  294. ptr >>>= 0;
  295. return ptr ? UTF8ArrayToString(HEAPU8, ptr, maxBytesToRead) : "";
  296. }
  297. function stringToUTF8Array(str, heap, outIdx, maxBytesToWrite) {
  298. outIdx >>>= 0;
  299. if (!(maxBytesToWrite > 0))
  300. return 0;
  301. var startIdx = outIdx;
  302. var endIdx = outIdx + maxBytesToWrite - 1;
  303. for (var i = 0; i < str.length; ++i) {
  304. var u = str.charCodeAt(i);
  305. if (u >= 55296 && u <= 57343) {
  306. var u1 = str.charCodeAt(++i);
  307. u = 65536 + ((u & 1023) << 10) | u1 & 1023;
  308. }
  309. if (u <= 127) {
  310. if (outIdx >= endIdx)
  311. break;
  312. heap[outIdx++ >>> 0] = u;
  313. } else if (u <= 2047) {
  314. if (outIdx + 1 >= endIdx)
  315. break;
  316. heap[outIdx++ >>> 0] = 192 | u >> 6;
  317. heap[outIdx++ >>> 0] = 128 | u & 63;
  318. } else if (u <= 65535) {
  319. if (outIdx + 2 >= endIdx)
  320. break;
  321. heap[outIdx++ >>> 0] = 224 | u >> 12;
  322. heap[outIdx++ >>> 0] = 128 | u >> 6 & 63;
  323. heap[outIdx++ >>> 0] = 128 | u & 63;
  324. } else {
  325. if (outIdx + 3 >= endIdx)
  326. break;
  327. heap[outIdx++ >>> 0] = 240 | u >> 18;
  328. heap[outIdx++ >>> 0] = 128 | u >> 12 & 63;
  329. heap[outIdx++ >>> 0] = 128 | u >> 6 & 63;
  330. heap[outIdx++ >>> 0] = 128 | u & 63;
  331. }
  332. }
  333. heap[outIdx >>> 0] = 0;
  334. return outIdx - startIdx;
  335. }
  336. function stringToUTF8(str, outPtr, maxBytesToWrite) {
  337. return stringToUTF8Array(str, HEAPU8, outPtr, maxBytesToWrite);
  338. }
  339. function lengthBytesUTF8(str) {
  340. var len = 0;
  341. for (var i = 0; i < str.length; ++i) {
  342. var u = str.charCodeAt(i);
  343. if (u >= 55296 && u <= 57343)
  344. u = 65536 + ((u & 1023) << 10) | str.charCodeAt(++i) & 1023;
  345. if (u <= 127)
  346. ++len;
  347. else if (u <= 2047)
  348. len += 2;
  349. else if (u <= 65535)
  350. len += 3;
  351. else
  352. len += 4;
  353. }
  354. return len;
  355. }
  356. var UTF16Decoder = typeof TextDecoder !== "undefined" ? new TextDecoder("utf-16le") : void 0;
  357. function UTF16ToString(ptr, maxBytesToRead) {
  358. var endPtr = ptr;
  359. var idx = endPtr >> 1;
  360. var maxIdx = idx + maxBytesToRead / 2;
  361. while (!(idx >= maxIdx) && HEAPU16[idx >>> 0])
  362. ++idx;
  363. endPtr = idx << 1;
  364. if (endPtr - ptr > 32 && UTF16Decoder) {
  365. return UTF16Decoder.decode(HEAPU8.subarray(ptr >>> 0, endPtr >>> 0));
  366. } else {
  367. var str = "";
  368. for (var i = 0; !(i >= maxBytesToRead / 2); ++i) {
  369. var codeUnit = HEAP16[ptr + i * 2 >>> 1];
  370. if (codeUnit == 0)
  371. break;
  372. str += String.fromCharCode(codeUnit);
  373. }
  374. return str;
  375. }
  376. }
  377. function stringToUTF16(str, outPtr, maxBytesToWrite) {
  378. if (maxBytesToWrite === void 0) {
  379. maxBytesToWrite = 2147483647;
  380. }
  381. if (maxBytesToWrite < 2)
  382. return 0;
  383. maxBytesToWrite -= 2;
  384. var startPtr = outPtr;
  385. var numCharsToWrite = maxBytesToWrite < str.length * 2 ? maxBytesToWrite / 2 : str.length;
  386. for (var i = 0; i < numCharsToWrite; ++i) {
  387. var codeUnit = str.charCodeAt(i);
  388. HEAP16[outPtr >>> 1] = codeUnit;
  389. outPtr += 2;
  390. }
  391. HEAP16[outPtr >>> 1] = 0;
  392. return outPtr - startPtr;
  393. }
  394. function lengthBytesUTF16(str) {
  395. return str.length * 2;
  396. }
  397. function UTF32ToString(ptr, maxBytesToRead) {
  398. var i = 0;
  399. var str = "";
  400. while (!(i >= maxBytesToRead / 4)) {
  401. var utf32 = HEAP32[ptr + i * 4 >>> 2];
  402. if (utf32 == 0)
  403. break;
  404. ++i;
  405. if (utf32 >= 65536) {
  406. var ch = utf32 - 65536;
  407. str += String.fromCharCode(55296 | ch >> 10, 56320 | ch & 1023);
  408. } else {
  409. str += String.fromCharCode(utf32);
  410. }
  411. }
  412. return str;
  413. }
  414. function stringToUTF32(str, outPtr, maxBytesToWrite) {
  415. outPtr >>>= 0;
  416. if (maxBytesToWrite === void 0) {
  417. maxBytesToWrite = 2147483647;
  418. }
  419. if (maxBytesToWrite < 4)
  420. return 0;
  421. var startPtr = outPtr;
  422. var endPtr = startPtr + maxBytesToWrite - 4;
  423. for (var i = 0; i < str.length; ++i) {
  424. var codeUnit = str.charCodeAt(i);
  425. if (codeUnit >= 55296 && codeUnit <= 57343) {
  426. var trailSurrogate = str.charCodeAt(++i);
  427. codeUnit = 65536 + ((codeUnit & 1023) << 10) | trailSurrogate & 1023;
  428. }
  429. HEAP32[outPtr >>> 2] = codeUnit;
  430. outPtr += 4;
  431. if (outPtr + 4 > endPtr)
  432. break;
  433. }
  434. HEAP32[outPtr >>> 2] = 0;
  435. return outPtr - startPtr;
  436. }
  437. function lengthBytesUTF32(str) {
  438. var len = 0;
  439. for (var i = 0; i < str.length; ++i) {
  440. var codeUnit = str.charCodeAt(i);
  441. if (codeUnit >= 55296 && codeUnit <= 57343)
  442. ++i;
  443. len += 4;
  444. }
  445. return len;
  446. }
  447. function writeArrayToMemory(array, buffer2) {
  448. HEAP8.set(array, buffer2 >>> 0);
  449. }
  450. function writeAsciiToMemory(str, buffer2, dontAddNull) {
  451. for (var i = 0; i < str.length; ++i) {
  452. HEAP8[buffer2++ >>> 0] = str.charCodeAt(i);
  453. }
  454. if (!dontAddNull)
  455. HEAP8[buffer2 >>> 0] = 0;
  456. }
  457. function alignUp(x, multiple) {
  458. if (x % multiple > 0) {
  459. x += multiple - x % multiple;
  460. }
  461. return x;
  462. }
  463. var buffer, HEAP8, HEAPU8, HEAP16, HEAPU16, HEAP32, HEAPU32, HEAPF32, HEAPF64;
  464. function updateGlobalBufferAndViews(buf) {
  465. buffer = buf;
  466. Module["HEAP8"] = HEAP8 = new Int8Array(buf);
  467. Module["HEAP16"] = HEAP16 = new Int16Array(buf);
  468. Module["HEAP32"] = HEAP32 = new Int32Array(buf);
  469. Module["HEAPU8"] = HEAPU8 = new Uint8Array(buf);
  470. Module["HEAPU16"] = HEAPU16 = new Uint16Array(buf);
  471. Module["HEAPU32"] = HEAPU32 = new Uint32Array(buf);
  472. Module["HEAPF32"] = HEAPF32 = new Float32Array(buf);
  473. Module["HEAPF64"] = HEAPF64 = new Float64Array(buf);
  474. }
  475. var INITIAL_MEMORY = Module["INITIAL_MEMORY"] || 16777216;
  476. if (Module["wasmMemory"]) {
  477. wasmMemory = Module["wasmMemory"];
  478. } else {
  479. wasmMemory = new WebAssembly.Memory({ "initial": INITIAL_MEMORY / 65536, "maximum": 4294967296 / 65536 });
  480. }
  481. if (wasmMemory) {
  482. buffer = wasmMemory.buffer;
  483. }
  484. INITIAL_MEMORY = buffer.byteLength;
  485. updateGlobalBufferAndViews(buffer);
  486. var wasmTable;
  487. var __ATPRERUN__ = [];
  488. var __ATINIT__ = [];
  489. var __ATMAIN__ = [];
  490. var __ATPOSTRUN__ = [];
  491. var runtimeInitialized = false;
  492. var runtimeExited = false;
  493. function preRun() {
  494. if (Module["preRun"]) {
  495. if (typeof Module["preRun"] == "function")
  496. Module["preRun"] = [Module["preRun"]];
  497. while (Module["preRun"].length) {
  498. addOnPreRun(Module["preRun"].shift());
  499. }
  500. }
  501. callRuntimeCallbacks(__ATPRERUN__);
  502. }
  503. function initRuntime() {
  504. runtimeInitialized = true;
  505. if (!Module["noFSInit"] && !FS.init.initialized)
  506. FS.init();
  507. TTY.init();
  508. callRuntimeCallbacks(__ATINIT__);
  509. }
  510. function preMain() {
  511. FS.ignorePermissions = false;
  512. callRuntimeCallbacks(__ATMAIN__);
  513. }
  514. function exitRuntime() {
  515. runtimeExited = true;
  516. }
  517. function postRun() {
  518. if (Module["postRun"]) {
  519. if (typeof Module["postRun"] == "function")
  520. Module["postRun"] = [Module["postRun"]];
  521. while (Module["postRun"].length) {
  522. addOnPostRun(Module["postRun"].shift());
  523. }
  524. }
  525. callRuntimeCallbacks(__ATPOSTRUN__);
  526. }
  527. function addOnPreRun(cb) {
  528. __ATPRERUN__.unshift(cb);
  529. }
  530. function addOnPostRun(cb) {
  531. __ATPOSTRUN__.unshift(cb);
  532. }
  533. var runDependencies = 0;
  534. var runDependencyWatcher = null;
  535. var dependenciesFulfilled = null;
  536. function getUniqueRunDependency(id) {
  537. return id;
  538. }
  539. function addRunDependency(id) {
  540. runDependencies++;
  541. if (Module["monitorRunDependencies"]) {
  542. Module["monitorRunDependencies"](runDependencies);
  543. }
  544. }
  545. function removeRunDependency(id) {
  546. runDependencies--;
  547. if (Module["monitorRunDependencies"]) {
  548. Module["monitorRunDependencies"](runDependencies);
  549. }
  550. if (runDependencies == 0) {
  551. if (runDependencyWatcher !== null) {
  552. clearInterval(runDependencyWatcher);
  553. runDependencyWatcher = null;
  554. }
  555. if (dependenciesFulfilled) {
  556. var callback = dependenciesFulfilled;
  557. dependenciesFulfilled = null;
  558. callback();
  559. }
  560. }
  561. }
  562. Module["preloadedImages"] = {};
  563. Module["preloadedAudios"] = {};
  564. function abort(what) {
  565. if (Module["onAbort"]) {
  566. Module["onAbort"](what);
  567. }
  568. what += "";
  569. err(what);
  570. ABORT = true;
  571. EXITSTATUS = 1;
  572. what = "abort(" + what + "). Build with -s ASSERTIONS=1 for more info.";
  573. var e = new WebAssembly.RuntimeError(what);
  574. readyPromiseReject(e);
  575. throw e;
  576. }
  577. function hasPrefix(str, prefix) {
  578. return String.prototype.startsWith ? str.startsWith(prefix) : str.indexOf(prefix) === 0;
  579. }
  580. var dataURIPrefix = "data:application/octet-stream;base64,";
  581. function isDataURI(filename) {
  582. return hasPrefix(filename, dataURIPrefix);
  583. }
  584. var fileURIPrefix = "file://";
  585. function isFileURI(filename) {
  586. return hasPrefix(filename, fileURIPrefix);
  587. }
  588. var wasmBinaryFile = WasmPath + "web-ifc.wasm";
  589. if (!isDataURI(wasmBinaryFile)) {
  590. wasmBinaryFile = locateFile(wasmBinaryFile);
  591. }
  592. function getBinary() {
  593. try {
  594. if (wasmBinary) {
  595. return new Uint8Array(wasmBinary);
  596. }
  597. if (readBinary) {
  598. return readBinary(wasmBinaryFile);
  599. } else {
  600. throw "both async and sync fetching of the wasm failed";
  601. }
  602. } catch (err2) {
  603. abort(err2);
  604. }
  605. }
  606. function getBinaryPromise() {
  607. if (!wasmBinary && (ENVIRONMENT_IS_WEB || ENVIRONMENT_IS_WORKER) && typeof fetch === "function" && !isFileURI(wasmBinaryFile)) {
  608. return fetch(wasmBinaryFile, { credentials: "same-origin" }).then(function(response) {
  609. if (!response["ok"]) {
  610. throw "failed to load wasm binary file at '" + wasmBinaryFile + "'";
  611. }
  612. return response["arrayBuffer"]();
  613. }).catch(function() {
  614. return getBinary();
  615. });
  616. }
  617. return Promise.resolve().then(getBinary);
  618. }
  619. function createWasm() {
  620. var info = { "a": asmLibraryArg };
  621. function receiveInstance(instance, module2) {
  622. var exports3 = instance.exports;
  623. Module["asm"] = exports3;
  624. wasmTable = Module["asm"]["X"];
  625. removeRunDependency("wasm-instantiate");
  626. }
  627. addRunDependency("wasm-instantiate");
  628. function receiveInstantiatedSource(output) {
  629. receiveInstance(output["instance"]);
  630. }
  631. function instantiateArrayBuffer(receiver) {
  632. return getBinaryPromise().then(function(binary) {
  633. return WebAssembly.instantiate(binary, info);
  634. }).then(receiver, function(reason) {
  635. err("failed to asynchronously prepare wasm: " + reason);
  636. abort(reason);
  637. });
  638. }
  639. function instantiateAsync() {
  640. if (!wasmBinary && typeof WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming === "function" && !isDataURI(wasmBinaryFile) && !isFileURI(wasmBinaryFile) && typeof fetch === "function") {
  641. return fetch(wasmBinaryFile, { credentials: "same-origin" }).then(function(response) {
  642. var result = WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming(response, info);
  643. return result.then(receiveInstantiatedSource, function(reason) {
  644. err("wasm streaming compile failed: " + reason);
  645. err("falling back to ArrayBuffer instantiation");
  646. return instantiateArrayBuffer(receiveInstantiatedSource);
  647. });
  648. });
  649. } else {
  650. return instantiateArrayBuffer(receiveInstantiatedSource);
  651. }
  652. }
  653. if (Module["instantiateWasm"]) {
  654. try {
  655. var exports2 = Module["instantiateWasm"](info, receiveInstance);
  656. return exports2;
  657. } catch (e) {
  658. err("Module.instantiateWasm callback failed with error: " + e);
  659. return false;
  660. }
  661. }
  662. instantiateAsync().catch(readyPromiseReject);
  663. return {};
  664. }
  665. var tempDouble;
  666. var tempI64;
  667. function callRuntimeCallbacks(callbacks) {
  668. while (callbacks.length > 0) {
  669. var callback = callbacks.shift();
  670. if (typeof callback == "function") {
  671. callback(Module);
  672. continue;
  673. }
  674. var func = callback.func;
  675. if (typeof func === "number") {
  676. if (callback.arg === void 0) {
  677. wasmTable.get(func)();
  678. } else {
  679. wasmTable.get(func)(callback.arg);
  680. }
  681. } else {
  682. func(callback.arg === void 0 ? null : callback.arg);
  683. }
  684. }
  685. }
  686. function dynCallLegacy(sig, ptr, args) {
  687. if (args && args.length) {
  688. return Module["dynCall_" + sig].apply(null, [ptr].concat(args));
  689. }
  690. return Module["dynCall_" + sig].call(null, ptr);
  691. }
  692. function dynCall(sig, ptr, args) {
  693. if (sig.indexOf("j") != -1) {
  694. return dynCallLegacy(sig, ptr, args);
  695. }
  696. return wasmTable.get(ptr).apply(null, args);
  697. }
  698. function ___assert_fail(condition, filename, line, func) {
  699. abort("Assertion failed: " + UTF8ToString(condition) + ", at: " + [filename ? UTF8ToString(filename) : "unknown filename", line, func ? UTF8ToString(func) : "unknown function"]);
  700. }
  701. function setErrNo(value) {
  702. HEAP32[___errno_location() >>> 2] = value;
  703. return value;
  704. }
  705. var PATH = { splitPath: function(filename) {
  706. var splitPathRe = /^(\/?|)([\s\S]*?)((?:\.{1,2}|[^\/]+?|)(\.[^.\/]*|))(?:[\/]*)$/;
  707. return splitPathRe.exec(filename).slice(1);
  708. }, normalizeArray: function(parts, allowAboveRoot) {
  709. var up = 0;
  710. for (var i = parts.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
  711. var last = parts[i];
  712. if (last === ".") {
  713. parts.splice(i, 1);
  714. } else if (last === "..") {
  715. parts.splice(i, 1);
  716. up++;
  717. } else if (up) {
  718. parts.splice(i, 1);
  719. up--;
  720. }
  721. }
  722. if (allowAboveRoot) {
  723. for (; up; up--) {
  724. parts.unshift("..");
  725. }
  726. }
  727. return parts;
  728. }, normalize: function(path) {
  729. var isAbsolute = path.charAt(0) === "/", trailingSlash = path.substr(-1) === "/";
  730. path = PATH.normalizeArray(path.split("/").filter(function(p) {
  731. return !!p;
  732. }), !isAbsolute).join("/");
  733. if (!path && !isAbsolute) {
  734. path = ".";
  735. }
  736. if (path && trailingSlash) {
  737. path += "/";
  738. }
  739. return (isAbsolute ? "/" : "") + path;
  740. }, dirname: function(path) {
  741. var result = PATH.splitPath(path), root = result[0], dir = result[1];
  742. if (!root && !dir) {
  743. return ".";
  744. }
  745. if (dir) {
  746. dir = dir.substr(0, dir.length - 1);
  747. }
  748. return root + dir;
  749. }, basename: function(path) {
  750. if (path === "/")
  751. return "/";
  752. path = PATH.normalize(path);
  753. path = path.replace(/\/$/, "");
  754. var lastSlash = path.lastIndexOf("/");
  755. if (lastSlash === -1)
  756. return path;
  757. return path.substr(lastSlash + 1);
  758. }, extname: function(path) {
  759. return PATH.splitPath(path)[3];
  760. }, join: function() {
  761. var paths = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0);
  762. return PATH.normalize(paths.join("/"));
  763. }, join2: function(l, r) {
  764. return PATH.normalize(l + "/" + r);
  765. } };
  766. function getRandomDevice() {
  767. if (typeof crypto === "object" && typeof crypto["getRandomValues"] === "function") {
  768. var randomBuffer = new Uint8Array(1);
  769. return function() {
  770. crypto.getRandomValues(randomBuffer);
  771. return randomBuffer[0];
  772. };
  773. } else if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_NODE) {
  774. try {
  775. var crypto_module = require_crypto();
  776. return function() {
  777. return crypto_module["randomBytes"](1)[0];
  778. };
  779. } catch (e) {
  780. }
  781. }
  782. return function() {
  783. abort("randomDevice");
  784. };
  785. }
  786. var PATH_FS = { resolve: function() {
  787. var resolvedPath = "", resolvedAbsolute = false;
  788. for (var i = arguments.length - 1; i >= -1 && !resolvedAbsolute; i--) {
  789. var path = i >= 0 ? arguments[i] : FS.cwd();
  790. if (typeof path !== "string") {
  791. throw new TypeError("Arguments to path.resolve must be strings");
  792. } else if (!path) {
  793. return "";
  794. }
  795. resolvedPath = path + "/" + resolvedPath;
  796. resolvedAbsolute = path.charAt(0) === "/";
  797. }
  798. resolvedPath = PATH.normalizeArray(resolvedPath.split("/").filter(function(p) {
  799. return !!p;
  800. }), !resolvedAbsolute).join("/");
  801. return (resolvedAbsolute ? "/" : "") + resolvedPath || ".";
  802. }, relative: function(from, to) {
  803. from = PATH_FS.resolve(from).substr(1);
  804. to = PATH_FS.resolve(to).substr(1);
  805. function trim(arr) {
  806. var start = 0;
  807. for (; start < arr.length; start++) {
  808. if (arr[start] !== "")
  809. break;
  810. }
  811. var end = arr.length - 1;
  812. for (; end >= 0; end--) {
  813. if (arr[end] !== "")
  814. break;
  815. }
  816. if (start > end)
  817. return [];
  818. return arr.slice(start, end - start + 1);
  819. }
  820. var fromParts = trim(from.split("/"));
  821. var toParts = trim(to.split("/"));
  822. var length = Math.min(fromParts.length, toParts.length);
  823. var samePartsLength = length;
  824. for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
  825. if (fromParts[i] !== toParts[i]) {
  826. samePartsLength = i;
  827. break;
  828. }
  829. }
  830. var outputParts = [];
  831. for (var i = samePartsLength; i < fromParts.length; i++) {
  832. outputParts.push("..");
  833. }
  834. outputParts = outputParts.concat(toParts.slice(samePartsLength));
  835. return outputParts.join("/");
  836. } };
  837. var TTY = { ttys: [], init: function() {
  838. }, shutdown: function() {
  839. }, register: function(dev, ops) {
  840. TTY.ttys[dev] = { input: [], output: [], ops };
  841. FS.registerDevice(dev, TTY.stream_ops);
  842. }, stream_ops: { open: function(stream) {
  843. var tty = TTY.ttys[stream.node.rdev];
  844. if (!tty) {
  845. throw new FS.ErrnoError(43);
  846. }
  847. stream.tty = tty;
  848. stream.seekable = false;
  849. }, close: function(stream) {
  850. stream.tty.ops.flush(stream.tty);
  851. }, flush: function(stream) {
  852. stream.tty.ops.flush(stream.tty);
  853. }, read: function(stream, buffer2, offset, length, pos) {
  854. if (!stream.tty || !stream.tty.ops.get_char) {
  855. throw new FS.ErrnoError(60);
  856. }
  857. var bytesRead = 0;
  858. for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
  859. var result;
  860. try {
  861. result = stream.tty.ops.get_char(stream.tty);
  862. } catch (e) {
  863. throw new FS.ErrnoError(29);
  864. }
  865. if (result === void 0 && bytesRead === 0) {
  866. throw new FS.ErrnoError(6);
  867. }
  868. if (result === null || result === void 0)
  869. break;
  870. bytesRead++;
  871. buffer2[offset + i] = result;
  872. }
  873. if (bytesRead) {
  874. stream.node.timestamp = Date.now();
  875. }
  876. return bytesRead;
  877. }, write: function(stream, buffer2, offset, length, pos) {
  878. if (!stream.tty || !stream.tty.ops.put_char) {
  879. throw new FS.ErrnoError(60);
  880. }
  881. try {
  882. for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
  883. stream.tty.ops.put_char(stream.tty, buffer2[offset + i]);
  884. }
  885. } catch (e) {
  886. throw new FS.ErrnoError(29);
  887. }
  888. if (length) {
  889. stream.node.timestamp = Date.now();
  890. }
  891. return i;
  892. } }, default_tty_ops: { get_char: function(tty) {
  893. if (!tty.input.length) {
  894. var result = null;
  896. var BUFSIZE = 256;
  897. var buf = Buffer.alloc ? Buffer.alloc(BUFSIZE) : new Buffer(BUFSIZE);
  898. var bytesRead = 0;
  899. try {
  900. bytesRead = nodeFS.readSync(process.stdin.fd, buf, 0, BUFSIZE, null);
  901. } catch (e) {
  902. if (e.toString().indexOf("EOF") != -1)
  903. bytesRead = 0;
  904. else
  905. throw e;
  906. }
  907. if (bytesRead > 0) {
  908. result = buf.slice(0, bytesRead).toString("utf-8");
  909. } else {
  910. result = null;
  911. }
  912. } else if (typeof window != "undefined" && typeof window.prompt == "function") {
  913. result = window.prompt("Input: ");
  914. if (result !== null) {
  915. result += "\n";
  916. }
  917. } else if (typeof readline == "function") {
  918. result = readline();
  919. if (result !== null) {
  920. result += "\n";
  921. }
  922. }
  923. if (!result) {
  924. return null;
  925. }
  926. tty.input = intArrayFromString(result, true);
  927. }
  928. return tty.input.shift();
  929. }, put_char: function(tty, val) {
  930. if (val === null || val === 10) {
  931. out(UTF8ArrayToString(tty.output, 0));
  932. tty.output = [];
  933. } else {
  934. if (val != 0)
  935. tty.output.push(val);
  936. }
  937. }, flush: function(tty) {
  938. if (tty.output && tty.output.length > 0) {
  939. out(UTF8ArrayToString(tty.output, 0));
  940. tty.output = [];
  941. }
  942. } }, default_tty1_ops: { put_char: function(tty, val) {
  943. if (val === null || val === 10) {
  944. err(UTF8ArrayToString(tty.output, 0));
  945. tty.output = [];
  946. } else {
  947. if (val != 0)
  948. tty.output.push(val);
  949. }
  950. }, flush: function(tty) {
  951. if (tty.output && tty.output.length > 0) {
  952. err(UTF8ArrayToString(tty.output, 0));
  953. tty.output = [];
  954. }
  955. } } };
  956. function mmapAlloc(size) {
  957. var alignedSize = alignMemory(size, 16384);
  958. var ptr = _malloc(alignedSize);
  959. while (size < alignedSize)
  960. HEAP8[ptr + size++ >>> 0] = 0;
  961. return ptr;
  962. }
  963. var MEMFS = { ops_table: null, mount: function(mount) {
  964. return MEMFS.createNode(null, "/", 16384 | 511, 0);
  965. }, createNode: function(parent, name2, mode, dev) {
  966. if (FS.isBlkdev(mode) || FS.isFIFO(mode)) {
  967. throw new FS.ErrnoError(63);
  968. }
  969. if (!MEMFS.ops_table) {
  970. MEMFS.ops_table = { dir: { node: { getattr: MEMFS.node_ops.getattr, setattr: MEMFS.node_ops.setattr, lookup: MEMFS.node_ops.lookup, mknod: MEMFS.node_ops.mknod, rename: MEMFS.node_ops.rename, unlink: MEMFS.node_ops.unlink, rmdir: MEMFS.node_ops.rmdir, readdir: MEMFS.node_ops.readdir, symlink: MEMFS.node_ops.symlink }, stream: { llseek: MEMFS.stream_ops.llseek } }, file: { node: { getattr: MEMFS.node_ops.getattr, setattr: MEMFS.node_ops.setattr }, stream: { llseek: MEMFS.stream_ops.llseek, read: MEMFS.stream_ops.read, write: MEMFS.stream_ops.write, allocate: MEMFS.stream_ops.allocate, mmap: MEMFS.stream_ops.mmap, msync: MEMFS.stream_ops.msync } }, link: { node: { getattr: MEMFS.node_ops.getattr, setattr: MEMFS.node_ops.setattr, readlink: MEMFS.node_ops.readlink }, stream: {} }, chrdev: { node: { getattr: MEMFS.node_ops.getattr, setattr: MEMFS.node_ops.setattr }, stream: FS.chrdev_stream_ops } };
  971. }
  972. var node = FS.createNode(parent, name2, mode, dev);
  973. if (FS.isDir(node.mode)) {
  974. node.node_ops = MEMFS.ops_table.dir.node;
  975. node.stream_ops = MEMFS.ops_table.dir.stream;
  976. node.contents = {};
  977. } else if (FS.isFile(node.mode)) {
  978. node.node_ops = MEMFS.ops_table.file.node;
  979. node.stream_ops = MEMFS.ops_table.file.stream;
  980. node.usedBytes = 0;
  981. node.contents = null;
  982. } else if (FS.isLink(node.mode)) {
  983. node.node_ops = MEMFS.ops_table.link.node;
  984. node.stream_ops = MEMFS.ops_table.link.stream;
  985. } else if (FS.isChrdev(node.mode)) {
  986. node.node_ops = MEMFS.ops_table.chrdev.node;
  987. node.stream_ops = MEMFS.ops_table.chrdev.stream;
  988. }
  989. node.timestamp = Date.now();
  990. if (parent) {
  991. parent.contents[name2] = node;
  992. }
  993. return node;
  994. }, getFileDataAsRegularArray: function(node) {
  995. if (node.contents && node.contents.subarray) {
  996. var arr = [];
  997. for (var i = 0; i < node.usedBytes; ++i)
  998. arr.push(node.contents[i]);
  999. return arr;
  1000. }
  1001. return node.contents;
  1002. }, getFileDataAsTypedArray: function(node) {
  1003. if (!node.contents)
  1004. return new Uint8Array(0);
  1005. if (node.contents.subarray)
  1006. return node.contents.subarray(0, node.usedBytes);
  1007. return new Uint8Array(node.contents);
  1008. }, expandFileStorage: function(node, newCapacity) {
  1009. newCapacity >>>= 0;
  1010. var prevCapacity = node.contents ? node.contents.length : 0;
  1011. if (prevCapacity >= newCapacity)
  1012. return;
  1013. var CAPACITY_DOUBLING_MAX = 1024 * 1024;
  1014. newCapacity = Math.max(newCapacity, prevCapacity * (prevCapacity < CAPACITY_DOUBLING_MAX ? 2 : 1.125) >>> 0);
  1015. if (prevCapacity != 0)
  1016. newCapacity = Math.max(newCapacity, 256);
  1017. var oldContents = node.contents;
  1018. node.contents = new Uint8Array(newCapacity);
  1019. if (node.usedBytes > 0)
  1020. node.contents.set(oldContents.subarray(0, node.usedBytes), 0);
  1021. return;
  1022. }, resizeFileStorage: function(node, newSize) {
  1023. newSize >>>= 0;
  1024. if (node.usedBytes == newSize)
  1025. return;
  1026. if (newSize == 0) {
  1027. node.contents = null;
  1028. node.usedBytes = 0;
  1029. return;
  1030. }
  1031. if (!node.contents || node.contents.subarray) {
  1032. var oldContents = node.contents;
  1033. node.contents = new Uint8Array(newSize);
  1034. if (oldContents) {
  1035. node.contents.set(oldContents.subarray(0, Math.min(newSize, node.usedBytes)));
  1036. }
  1037. node.usedBytes = newSize;
  1038. return;
  1039. }
  1040. if (!node.contents)
  1041. node.contents = [];
  1042. if (node.contents.length > newSize)
  1043. node.contents.length = newSize;
  1044. else
  1045. while (node.contents.length < newSize)
  1046. node.contents.push(0);
  1047. node.usedBytes = newSize;
  1048. }, node_ops: { getattr: function(node) {
  1049. var attr = {};
  1050. attr.dev = FS.isChrdev(node.mode) ? node.id : 1;
  1051. attr.ino = node.id;
  1052. attr.mode = node.mode;
  1053. attr.nlink = 1;
  1054. attr.uid = 0;
  1055. attr.gid = 0;
  1056. attr.rdev = node.rdev;
  1057. if (FS.isDir(node.mode)) {
  1058. attr.size = 4096;
  1059. } else if (FS.isFile(node.mode)) {
  1060. attr.size = node.usedBytes;
  1061. } else if (FS.isLink(node.mode)) {
  1062. attr.size = node.link.length;
  1063. } else {
  1064. attr.size = 0;
  1065. }
  1066. attr.atime = new Date(node.timestamp);
  1067. attr.mtime = new Date(node.timestamp);
  1068. attr.ctime = new Date(node.timestamp);
  1069. attr.blksize = 4096;
  1070. attr.blocks = Math.ceil(attr.size / attr.blksize);
  1071. return attr;
  1072. }, setattr: function(node, attr) {
  1073. if (attr.mode !== void 0) {
  1074. node.mode = attr.mode;
  1075. }
  1076. if (attr.timestamp !== void 0) {
  1077. node.timestamp = attr.timestamp;
  1078. }
  1079. if (attr.size !== void 0) {
  1080. MEMFS.resizeFileStorage(node, attr.size);
  1081. }
  1082. }, lookup: function(parent, name2) {
  1083. throw FS.genericErrors[44];
  1084. }, mknod: function(parent, name2, mode, dev) {
  1085. return MEMFS.createNode(parent, name2, mode, dev);
  1086. }, rename: function(old_node, new_dir, new_name) {
  1087. if (FS.isDir(old_node.mode)) {
  1088. var new_node;
  1089. try {
  1090. new_node = FS.lookupNode(new_dir, new_name);
  1091. } catch (e) {
  1092. }
  1093. if (new_node) {
  1094. for (var i in new_node.contents) {
  1095. throw new FS.ErrnoError(55);
  1096. }
  1097. }
  1098. }
  1099. delete old_node.parent.contents[old_node.name];
  1100. old_node.name = new_name;
  1101. new_dir.contents[new_name] = old_node;
  1102. old_node.parent = new_dir;
  1103. }, unlink: function(parent, name2) {
  1104. delete parent.contents[name2];
  1105. }, rmdir: function(parent, name2) {
  1106. var node = FS.lookupNode(parent, name2);
  1107. for (var i in node.contents) {
  1108. throw new FS.ErrnoError(55);
  1109. }
  1110. delete parent.contents[name2];
  1111. }, readdir: function(node) {
  1112. var entries = [".", ".."];
  1113. for (var key2 in node.contents) {
  1114. if (!node.contents.hasOwnProperty(key2)) {
  1115. continue;
  1116. }
  1117. entries.push(key2);
  1118. }
  1119. return entries;
  1120. }, symlink: function(parent, newname, oldpath) {
  1121. var node = MEMFS.createNode(parent, newname, 511 | 40960, 0);
  1122. node.link = oldpath;
  1123. return node;
  1124. }, readlink: function(node) {
  1125. if (!FS.isLink(node.mode)) {
  1126. throw new FS.ErrnoError(28);
  1127. }
  1128. return node.link;
  1129. } }, stream_ops: { read: function(stream, buffer2, offset, length, position) {
  1130. var contents = stream.node.contents;
  1131. if (position >= stream.node.usedBytes)
  1132. return 0;
  1133. var size = Math.min(stream.node.usedBytes - position, length);
  1134. if (size > 8 && contents.subarray) {
  1135. buffer2.set(contents.subarray(position, position + size), offset);
  1136. } else {
  1137. for (var i = 0; i < size; i++)
  1138. buffer2[offset + i] = contents[position + i];
  1139. }
  1140. return size;
  1141. }, write: function(stream, buffer2, offset, length, position, canOwn) {
  1142. if (buffer2.buffer === HEAP8.buffer) {
  1143. canOwn = false;
  1144. }
  1145. if (!length)
  1146. return 0;
  1147. var node = stream.node;
  1148. node.timestamp = Date.now();
  1149. if (buffer2.subarray && (!node.contents || node.contents.subarray)) {
  1150. if (canOwn) {
  1151. node.contents = buffer2.subarray(offset, offset + length);
  1152. node.usedBytes = length;
  1153. return length;
  1154. } else if (node.usedBytes === 0 && position === 0) {
  1155. node.contents = buffer2.slice(offset, offset + length);
  1156. node.usedBytes = length;
  1157. return length;
  1158. } else if (position + length <= node.usedBytes) {
  1159. node.contents.set(buffer2.subarray(offset, offset + length), position);
  1160. return length;
  1161. }
  1162. }
  1163. MEMFS.expandFileStorage(node, position + length);
  1164. if (node.contents.subarray && buffer2.subarray) {
  1165. node.contents.set(buffer2.subarray(offset, offset + length), position);
  1166. } else {
  1167. for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
  1168. node.contents[position + i] = buffer2[offset + i];
  1169. }
  1170. }
  1171. node.usedBytes = Math.max(node.usedBytes, position + length);
  1172. return length;
  1173. }, llseek: function(stream, offset, whence) {
  1174. var position = offset;
  1175. if (whence === 1) {
  1176. position += stream.position;
  1177. } else if (whence === 2) {
  1178. if (FS.isFile(stream.node.mode)) {
  1179. position += stream.node.usedBytes;
  1180. }
  1181. }
  1182. if (position < 0) {
  1183. throw new FS.ErrnoError(28);
  1184. }
  1185. return position;
  1186. }, allocate: function(stream, offset, length) {
  1187. MEMFS.expandFileStorage(stream.node, offset + length);
  1188. stream.node.usedBytes = Math.max(stream.node.usedBytes, offset + length);
  1189. }, mmap: function(stream, address, length, position, prot, flags) {
  1190. assert(address === 0);
  1191. if (!FS.isFile(stream.node.mode)) {
  1192. throw new FS.ErrnoError(43);
  1193. }
  1194. var ptr;
  1195. var allocated;
  1196. var contents = stream.node.contents;
  1197. if (!(flags & 2) && contents.buffer === buffer) {
  1198. allocated = false;
  1199. ptr = contents.byteOffset;
  1200. } else {
  1201. if (position > 0 || position + length < contents.length) {
  1202. if (contents.subarray) {
  1203. contents = contents.subarray(position, position + length);
  1204. } else {
  1205. contents = Array.prototype.slice.call(contents, position, position + length);
  1206. }
  1207. }
  1208. allocated = true;
  1209. ptr = mmapAlloc(length);
  1210. if (!ptr) {
  1211. throw new FS.ErrnoError(48);
  1212. }
  1213. ptr >>>= 0;
  1214. HEAP8.set(contents, ptr >>> 0);
  1215. }
  1216. return { ptr, allocated };
  1217. }, msync: function(stream, buffer2, offset, length, mmapFlags) {
  1218. if (!FS.isFile(stream.node.mode)) {
  1219. throw new FS.ErrnoError(43);
  1220. }
  1221. if (mmapFlags & 2) {
  1222. return 0;
  1223. }
  1224. var bytesWritten = MEMFS.stream_ops.write(stream, buffer2, 0, length, offset, false);
  1225. return 0;
  1226. } } };
  1227. var FS = { root: null, mounts: [], devices: {}, streams: [], nextInode: 1, nameTable: null, currentPath: "/", initialized: false, ignorePermissions: true, trackingDelegate: {}, tracking: { openFlags: { READ: 1, WRITE: 2 } }, ErrnoError: null, genericErrors: {}, filesystems: null, syncFSRequests: 0, lookupPath: function(path, opts) {
  1228. path = PATH_FS.resolve(FS.cwd(), path);
  1229. opts = opts || {};
  1230. if (!path)
  1231. return { path: "", node: null };
  1232. var defaults = { follow_mount: true, recurse_count: 0 };
  1233. for (var key2 in defaults) {
  1234. if (opts[key2] === void 0) {
  1235. opts[key2] = defaults[key2];
  1236. }
  1237. }
  1238. if (opts.recurse_count > 8) {
  1239. throw new FS.ErrnoError(32);
  1240. }
  1241. var parts = PATH.normalizeArray(path.split("/").filter(function(p) {
  1242. return !!p;
  1243. }), false);
  1244. var current = FS.root;
  1245. var current_path = "/";
  1246. for (var i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) {
  1247. var islast = i === parts.length - 1;
  1248. if (islast && opts.parent) {
  1249. break;
  1250. }
  1251. current = FS.lookupNode(current, parts[i]);
  1252. current_path = PATH.join2(current_path, parts[i]);
  1253. if (FS.isMountpoint(current)) {
  1254. if (!islast || islast && opts.follow_mount) {
  1255. current = current.mounted.root;
  1256. }
  1257. }
  1258. if (!islast || opts.follow) {
  1259. var count = 0;
  1260. while (FS.isLink(current.mode)) {
  1261. var link = FS.readlink(current_path);
  1262. current_path = PATH_FS.resolve(PATH.dirname(current_path), link);
  1263. var lookup = FS.lookupPath(current_path, { recurse_count: opts.recurse_count });
  1264. current = lookup.node;
  1265. if (count++ > 40) {
  1266. throw new FS.ErrnoError(32);
  1267. }
  1268. }
  1269. }
  1270. }
  1271. return { path: current_path, node: current };
  1272. }, getPath: function(node) {
  1273. var path;
  1274. while (true) {
  1275. if (FS.isRoot(node)) {
  1276. var mount = node.mount.mountpoint;
  1277. if (!path)
  1278. return mount;
  1279. return mount[mount.length - 1] !== "/" ? mount + "/" + path : mount + path;
  1280. }
  1281. path = path ? node.name + "/" + path : node.name;
  1282. node = node.parent;
  1283. }
  1284. }, hashName: function(parentid, name2) {
  1285. var hash = 0;
  1286. for (var i = 0; i < name2.length; i++) {
  1287. hash = (hash << 5) - hash + name2.charCodeAt(i) | 0;
  1288. }
  1289. return (parentid + hash >>> 0) % FS.nameTable.length;
  1290. }, hashAddNode: function(node) {
  1291. var hash = FS.hashName(node.parent.id, node.name);
  1292. node.name_next = FS.nameTable[hash];
  1293. FS.nameTable[hash] = node;
  1294. }, hashRemoveNode: function(node) {
  1295. var hash = FS.hashName(node.parent.id, node.name);
  1296. if (FS.nameTable[hash] === node) {
  1297. FS.nameTable[hash] = node.name_next;
  1298. } else {
  1299. var current = FS.nameTable[hash];
  1300. while (current) {
  1301. if (current.name_next === node) {
  1302. current.name_next = node.name_next;
  1303. break;
  1304. }
  1305. current = current.name_next;
  1306. }
  1307. }
  1308. }, lookupNode: function(parent, name2) {
  1309. var errCode = FS.mayLookup(parent);
  1310. if (errCode) {
  1311. throw new FS.ErrnoError(errCode, parent);
  1312. }
  1313. var hash = FS.hashName(parent.id, name2);
  1314. for (var node = FS.nameTable[hash]; node; node = node.name_next) {
  1315. var nodeName = node.name;
  1316. if (node.parent.id === parent.id && nodeName === name2) {
  1317. return node;
  1318. }
  1319. }
  1320. return FS.lookup(parent, name2);
  1321. }, createNode: function(parent, name2, mode, rdev) {
  1322. var node = new FS.FSNode(parent, name2, mode, rdev);
  1323. FS.hashAddNode(node);
  1324. return node;
  1325. }, destroyNode: function(node) {
  1326. FS.hashRemoveNode(node);
  1327. }, isRoot: function(node) {
  1328. return node === node.parent;
  1329. }, isMountpoint: function(node) {
  1330. return !!node.mounted;
  1331. }, isFile: function(mode) {
  1332. return (mode & 61440) === 32768;
  1333. }, isDir: function(mode) {
  1334. return (mode & 61440) === 16384;
  1335. }, isLink: function(mode) {
  1336. return (mode & 61440) === 40960;
  1337. }, isChrdev: function(mode) {
  1338. return (mode & 61440) === 8192;
  1339. }, isBlkdev: function(mode) {
  1340. return (mode & 61440) === 24576;
  1341. }, isFIFO: function(mode) {
  1342. return (mode & 61440) === 4096;
  1343. }, isSocket: function(mode) {
  1344. return (mode & 49152) === 49152;
  1345. }, flagModes: { "r": 0, "r+": 2, "w": 577, "w+": 578, "a": 1089, "a+": 1090 }, modeStringToFlags: function(str) {
  1346. var flags = FS.flagModes[str];
  1347. if (typeof flags === "undefined") {
  1348. throw new Error("Unknown file open mode: " + str);
  1349. }
  1350. return flags;
  1351. }, flagsToPermissionString: function(flag) {
  1352. var perms = ["r", "w", "rw"][flag & 3];
  1353. if (flag & 512) {
  1354. perms += "w";
  1355. }
  1356. return perms;
  1357. }, nodePermissions: function(node, perms) {
  1358. if (FS.ignorePermissions) {
  1359. return 0;
  1360. }
  1361. if (perms.indexOf("r") !== -1 && !(node.mode & 292)) {
  1362. return 2;
  1363. } else if (perms.indexOf("w") !== -1 && !(node.mode & 146)) {
  1364. return 2;
  1365. } else if (perms.indexOf("x") !== -1 && !(node.mode & 73)) {
  1366. return 2;
  1367. }
  1368. return 0;
  1369. }, mayLookup: function(dir) {
  1370. var errCode = FS.nodePermissions(dir, "x");
  1371. if (errCode)
  1372. return errCode;
  1373. if (!dir.node_ops.lookup)
  1374. return 2;
  1375. return 0;
  1376. }, mayCreate: function(dir, name2) {
  1377. try {
  1378. var node = FS.lookupNode(dir, name2);
  1379. return 20;
  1380. } catch (e) {
  1381. }
  1382. return FS.nodePermissions(dir, "wx");
  1383. }, mayDelete: function(dir, name2, isdir) {
  1384. var node;
  1385. try {
  1386. node = FS.lookupNode(dir, name2);
  1387. } catch (e) {
  1388. return e.errno;
  1389. }
  1390. var errCode = FS.nodePermissions(dir, "wx");
  1391. if (errCode) {
  1392. return errCode;
  1393. }
  1394. if (isdir) {
  1395. if (!FS.isDir(node.mode)) {
  1396. return 54;
  1397. }
  1398. if (FS.isRoot(node) || FS.getPath(node) === FS.cwd()) {
  1399. return 10;
  1400. }
  1401. } else {
  1402. if (FS.isDir(node.mode)) {
  1403. return 31;
  1404. }
  1405. }
  1406. return 0;
  1407. }, mayOpen: function(node, flags) {
  1408. if (!node) {
  1409. return 44;
  1410. }
  1411. if (FS.isLink(node.mode)) {
  1412. return 32;
  1413. } else if (FS.isDir(node.mode)) {
  1414. if (FS.flagsToPermissionString(flags) !== "r" || flags & 512) {
  1415. return 31;
  1416. }
  1417. }
  1418. return FS.nodePermissions(node, FS.flagsToPermissionString(flags));
  1419. }, MAX_OPEN_FDS: 4096, nextfd: function(fd_start, fd_end) {
  1420. fd_start = fd_start || 0;
  1421. fd_end = fd_end || FS.MAX_OPEN_FDS;
  1422. for (var fd = fd_start; fd <= fd_end; fd++) {
  1423. if (!FS.streams[fd]) {
  1424. return fd;
  1425. }
  1426. }
  1427. throw new FS.ErrnoError(33);
  1428. }, getStream: function(fd) {
  1429. return FS.streams[fd];
  1430. }, createStream: function(stream, fd_start, fd_end) {
  1431. if (!FS.FSStream) {
  1432. FS.FSStream = function() {
  1433. };
  1434. FS.FSStream.prototype = { object: { get: function() {
  1435. return this.node;
  1436. }, set: function(val) {
  1437. this.node = val;
  1438. } }, isRead: { get: function() {
  1439. return (this.flags & 2097155) !== 1;
  1440. } }, isWrite: { get: function() {
  1441. return (this.flags & 2097155) !== 0;
  1442. } }, isAppend: { get: function() {
  1443. return this.flags & 1024;
  1444. } } };
  1445. }
  1446. var newStream = new FS.FSStream();
  1447. for (var p in stream) {
  1448. newStream[p] = stream[p];
  1449. }
  1450. stream = newStream;
  1451. var fd = FS.nextfd(fd_start, fd_end);
  1452. stream.fd = fd;
  1453. FS.streams[fd] = stream;
  1454. return stream;
  1455. }, closeStream: function(fd) {
  1456. FS.streams[fd] = null;
  1457. }, chrdev_stream_ops: { open: function(stream) {
  1458. var device = FS.getDevice(stream.node.rdev);
  1459. stream.stream_ops = device.stream_ops;
  1460. if (stream.stream_ops.open) {
  1461. stream.stream_ops.open(stream);
  1462. }
  1463. }, llseek: function() {
  1464. throw new FS.ErrnoError(70);
  1465. } }, major: function(dev) {
  1466. return dev >> 8;
  1467. }, minor: function(dev) {
  1468. return dev & 255;
  1469. }, makedev: function(ma, mi) {
  1470. return ma << 8 | mi;
  1471. }, registerDevice: function(dev, ops) {
  1472. FS.devices[dev] = { stream_ops: ops };
  1473. }, getDevice: function(dev) {
  1474. return FS.devices[dev];
  1475. }, getMounts: function(mount) {
  1476. var mounts = [];
  1477. var check = [mount];
  1478. while (check.length) {
  1479. var m = check.pop();
  1480. mounts.push(m);
  1481. check.push.apply(check, m.mounts);
  1482. }
  1483. return mounts;
  1484. }, syncfs: function(populate, callback) {
  1485. if (typeof populate === "function") {
  1486. callback = populate;
  1487. populate = false;
  1488. }
  1489. FS.syncFSRequests++;
  1490. if (FS.syncFSRequests > 1) {
  1491. err("warning: " + FS.syncFSRequests + " FS.syncfs operations in flight at once, probably just doing extra work");
  1492. }
  1493. var mounts = FS.getMounts(FS.root.mount);
  1494. var completed = 0;
  1495. function doCallback(errCode) {
  1496. FS.syncFSRequests--;
  1497. return callback(errCode);
  1498. }
  1499. function done(errCode) {
  1500. if (errCode) {
  1501. if (!done.errored) {
  1502. done.errored = true;
  1503. return doCallback(errCode);
  1504. }
  1505. return;
  1506. }
  1507. if (++completed >= mounts.length) {
  1508. doCallback(null);
  1509. }
  1510. }
  1511. mounts.forEach(function(mount) {
  1512. if (!mount.type.syncfs) {
  1513. return done(null);
  1514. }
  1515. mount.type.syncfs(mount, populate, done);
  1516. });
  1517. }, mount: function(type, opts, mountpoint) {
  1518. var root = mountpoint === "/";
  1519. var pseudo = !mountpoint;
  1520. var node;
  1521. if (root && FS.root) {
  1522. throw new FS.ErrnoError(10);
  1523. } else if (!root && !pseudo) {
  1524. var lookup = FS.lookupPath(mountpoint, { follow_mount: false });
  1525. mountpoint = lookup.path;
  1526. node = lookup.node;
  1527. if (FS.isMountpoint(node)) {
  1528. throw new FS.ErrnoError(10);
  1529. }
  1530. if (!FS.isDir(node.mode)) {
  1531. throw new FS.ErrnoError(54);
  1532. }
  1533. }
  1534. var mount = { type, opts, mountpoint, mounts: [] };
  1535. var mountRoot = type.mount(mount);
  1536. mountRoot.mount = mount;
  1537. mount.root = mountRoot;
  1538. if (root) {
  1539. FS.root = mountRoot;
  1540. } else if (node) {
  1541. node.mounted = mount;
  1542. if (node.mount) {
  1543. node.mount.mounts.push(mount);
  1544. }
  1545. }
  1546. return mountRoot;
  1547. }, unmount: function(mountpoint) {
  1548. var lookup = FS.lookupPath(mountpoint, { follow_mount: false });
  1549. if (!FS.isMountpoint(lookup.node)) {
  1550. throw new FS.ErrnoError(28);
  1551. }
  1552. var node = lookup.node;
  1553. var mount = node.mounted;
  1554. var mounts = FS.getMounts(mount);
  1555. Object.keys(FS.nameTable).forEach(function(hash) {
  1556. var current = FS.nameTable[hash];
  1557. while (current) {
  1558. var next = current.name_next;
  1559. if (mounts.indexOf(current.mount) !== -1) {
  1560. FS.destroyNode(current);
  1561. }
  1562. current = next;
  1563. }
  1564. });
  1565. node.mounted = null;
  1566. var idx = node.mount.mounts.indexOf(mount);
  1567. node.mount.mounts.splice(idx, 1);
  1568. }, lookup: function(parent, name2) {
  1569. return parent.node_ops.lookup(parent, name2);
  1570. }, mknod: function(path, mode, dev) {
  1571. var lookup = FS.lookupPath(path, { parent: true });
  1572. var parent = lookup.node;
  1573. var name2 = PATH.basename(path);
  1574. if (!name2 || name2 === "." || name2 === "..") {
  1575. throw new FS.ErrnoError(28);
  1576. }
  1577. var errCode = FS.mayCreate(parent, name2);
  1578. if (errCode) {
  1579. throw new FS.ErrnoError(errCode);
  1580. }
  1581. if (!parent.node_ops.mknod) {
  1582. throw new FS.ErrnoError(63);
  1583. }
  1584. return parent.node_ops.mknod(parent, name2, mode, dev);
  1585. }, create: function(path, mode) {
  1586. mode = mode !== void 0 ? mode : 438;
  1587. mode &= 4095;
  1588. mode |= 32768;
  1589. return FS.mknod(path, mode, 0);
  1590. }, mkdir: function(path, mode) {
  1591. mode = mode !== void 0 ? mode : 511;
  1592. mode &= 511 | 512;
  1593. mode |= 16384;
  1594. return FS.mknod(path, mode, 0);
  1595. }, mkdirTree: function(path, mode) {
  1596. var dirs = path.split("/");
  1597. var d = "";
  1598. for (var i = 0; i < dirs.length; ++i) {
  1599. if (!dirs[i])
  1600. continue;
  1601. d += "/" + dirs[i];
  1602. try {
  1603. FS.mkdir(d, mode);
  1604. } catch (e) {
  1605. if (e.errno != 20)
  1606. throw e;
  1607. }
  1608. }
  1609. }, mkdev: function(path, mode, dev) {
  1610. if (typeof dev === "undefined") {
  1611. dev = mode;
  1612. mode = 438;
  1613. }
  1614. mode |= 8192;
  1615. return FS.mknod(path, mode, dev);
  1616. }, symlink: function(oldpath, newpath) {
  1617. if (!PATH_FS.resolve(oldpath)) {
  1618. throw new FS.ErrnoError(44);
  1619. }
  1620. var lookup = FS.lookupPath(newpath, { parent: true });
  1621. var parent = lookup.node;
  1622. if (!parent) {
  1623. throw new FS.ErrnoError(44);
  1624. }
  1625. var newname = PATH.basename(newpath);
  1626. var errCode = FS.mayCreate(parent, newname);
  1627. if (errCode) {
  1628. throw new FS.ErrnoError(errCode);
  1629. }
  1630. if (!parent.node_ops.symlink) {
  1631. throw new FS.ErrnoError(63);
  1632. }
  1633. return parent.node_ops.symlink(parent, newname, oldpath);
  1634. }, rename: function(old_path, new_path) {
  1635. var old_dirname = PATH.dirname(old_path);
  1636. var new_dirname = PATH.dirname(new_path);
  1637. var old_name = PATH.basename(old_path);
  1638. var new_name = PATH.basename(new_path);
  1639. var lookup, old_dir, new_dir;
  1640. lookup = FS.lookupPath(old_path, { parent: true });
  1641. old_dir = lookup.node;
  1642. lookup = FS.lookupPath(new_path, { parent: true });
  1643. new_dir = lookup.node;
  1644. if (!old_dir || !new_dir)
  1645. throw new FS.ErrnoError(44);
  1646. if (old_dir.mount !== new_dir.mount) {
  1647. throw new FS.ErrnoError(75);
  1648. }
  1649. var old_node = FS.lookupNode(old_dir, old_name);
  1650. var relative = PATH_FS.relative(old_path, new_dirname);
  1651. if (relative.charAt(0) !== ".") {
  1652. throw new FS.ErrnoError(28);
  1653. }
  1654. relative = PATH_FS.relative(new_path, old_dirname);
  1655. if (relative.charAt(0) !== ".") {
  1656. throw new FS.ErrnoError(55);
  1657. }
  1658. var new_node;
  1659. try {
  1660. new_node = FS.lookupNode(new_dir, new_name);
  1661. } catch (e) {
  1662. }
  1663. if (old_node === new_node) {
  1664. return;
  1665. }
  1666. var isdir = FS.isDir(old_node.mode);
  1667. var errCode = FS.mayDelete(old_dir, old_name, isdir);
  1668. if (errCode) {
  1669. throw new FS.ErrnoError(errCode);
  1670. }
  1671. errCode = new_node ? FS.mayDelete(new_dir, new_name, isdir) : FS.mayCreate(new_dir, new_name);
  1672. if (errCode) {
  1673. throw new FS.ErrnoError(errCode);
  1674. }
  1675. if (!old_dir.node_ops.rename) {
  1676. throw new FS.ErrnoError(63);
  1677. }
  1678. if (FS.isMountpoint(old_node) || new_node && FS.isMountpoint(new_node)) {
  1679. throw new FS.ErrnoError(10);
  1680. }
  1681. if (new_dir !== old_dir) {
  1682. errCode = FS.nodePermissions(old_dir, "w");
  1683. if (errCode) {
  1684. throw new FS.ErrnoError(errCode);
  1685. }
  1686. }
  1687. try {
  1688. if (FS.trackingDelegate["willMovePath"]) {
  1689. FS.trackingDelegate["willMovePath"](old_path, new_path);
  1690. }
  1691. } catch (e) {
  1692. err("FS.trackingDelegate['willMovePath']('" + old_path + "', '" + new_path + "') threw an exception: " + e.message);
  1693. }
  1694. FS.hashRemoveNode(old_node);
  1695. try {
  1696. old_dir.node_ops.rename(old_node, new_dir, new_name);
  1697. } catch (e) {
  1698. throw e;
  1699. } finally {
  1700. FS.hashAddNode(old_node);
  1701. }
  1702. try {
  1703. if (FS.trackingDelegate["onMovePath"])
  1704. FS.trackingDelegate["onMovePath"](old_path, new_path);
  1705. } catch (e) {
  1706. err("FS.trackingDelegate['onMovePath']('" + old_path + "', '" + new_path + "') threw an exception: " + e.message);
  1707. }
  1708. }, rmdir: function(path) {
  1709. var lookup = FS.lookupPath(path, { parent: true });
  1710. var parent = lookup.node;
  1711. var name2 = PATH.basename(path);
  1712. var node = FS.lookupNode(parent, name2);
  1713. var errCode = FS.mayDelete(parent, name2, true);
  1714. if (errCode) {
  1715. throw new FS.ErrnoError(errCode);
  1716. }
  1717. if (!parent.node_ops.rmdir) {
  1718. throw new FS.ErrnoError(63);
  1719. }
  1720. if (FS.isMountpoint(node)) {
  1721. throw new FS.ErrnoError(10);
  1722. }
  1723. try {
  1724. if (FS.trackingDelegate["willDeletePath"]) {
  1725. FS.trackingDelegate["willDeletePath"](path);
  1726. }
  1727. } catch (e) {
  1728. err("FS.trackingDelegate['willDeletePath']('" + path + "') threw an exception: " + e.message);
  1729. }
  1730. parent.node_ops.rmdir(parent, name2);
  1731. FS.destroyNode(node);
  1732. try {
  1733. if (FS.trackingDelegate["onDeletePath"])
  1734. FS.trackingDelegate["onDeletePath"](path);
  1735. } catch (e) {
  1736. err("FS.trackingDelegate['onDeletePath']('" + path + "') threw an exception: " + e.message);
  1737. }
  1738. }, readdir: function(path) {
  1739. var lookup = FS.lookupPath(path, { follow: true });
  1740. var node = lookup.node;
  1741. if (!node.node_ops.readdir) {
  1742. throw new FS.ErrnoError(54);
  1743. }
  1744. return node.node_ops.readdir(node);
  1745. }, unlink: function(path) {
  1746. var lookup = FS.lookupPath(path, { parent: true });
  1747. var parent = lookup.node;
  1748. var name2 = PATH.basename(path);
  1749. var node = FS.lookupNode(parent, name2);
  1750. var errCode = FS.mayDelete(parent, name2, false);
  1751. if (errCode) {
  1752. throw new FS.ErrnoError(errCode);
  1753. }
  1754. if (!parent.node_ops.unlink) {
  1755. throw new FS.ErrnoError(63);
  1756. }
  1757. if (FS.isMountpoint(node)) {
  1758. throw new FS.ErrnoError(10);
  1759. }
  1760. try {
  1761. if (FS.trackingDelegate["willDeletePath"]) {
  1762. FS.trackingDelegate["willDeletePath"](path);
  1763. }
  1764. } catch (e) {
  1765. err("FS.trackingDelegate['willDeletePath']('" + path + "') threw an exception: " + e.message);
  1766. }
  1767. parent.node_ops.unlink(parent, name2);
  1768. FS.destroyNode(node);
  1769. try {
  1770. if (FS.trackingDelegate["onDeletePath"])
  1771. FS.trackingDelegate["onDeletePath"](path);
  1772. } catch (e) {
  1773. err("FS.trackingDelegate['onDeletePath']('" + path + "') threw an exception: " + e.message);
  1774. }
  1775. }, readlink: function(path) {
  1776. var lookup = FS.lookupPath(path);
  1777. var link = lookup.node;
  1778. if (!link) {
  1779. throw new FS.ErrnoError(44);
  1780. }
  1781. if (!link.node_ops.readlink) {
  1782. throw new FS.ErrnoError(28);
  1783. }
  1784. return PATH_FS.resolve(FS.getPath(link.parent), link.node_ops.readlink(link));
  1785. }, stat: function(path, dontFollow) {
  1786. var lookup = FS.lookupPath(path, { follow: !dontFollow });
  1787. var node = lookup.node;
  1788. if (!node) {
  1789. throw new FS.ErrnoError(44);
  1790. }
  1791. if (!node.node_ops.getattr) {
  1792. throw new FS.ErrnoError(63);
  1793. }
  1794. return node.node_ops.getattr(node);
  1795. }, lstat: function(path) {
  1796. return FS.stat(path, true);
  1797. }, chmod: function(path, mode, dontFollow) {
  1798. var node;
  1799. if (typeof path === "string") {
  1800. var lookup = FS.lookupPath(path, { follow: !dontFollow });
  1801. node = lookup.node;
  1802. } else {
  1803. node = path;
  1804. }
  1805. if (!node.node_ops.setattr) {
  1806. throw new FS.ErrnoError(63);
  1807. }
  1808. node.node_ops.setattr(node, { mode: mode & 4095 | node.mode & ~4095, timestamp: Date.now() });
  1809. }, lchmod: function(path, mode) {
  1810. FS.chmod(path, mode, true);
  1811. }, fchmod: function(fd, mode) {
  1812. var stream = FS.getStream(fd);
  1813. if (!stream) {
  1814. throw new FS.ErrnoError(8);
  1815. }
  1816. FS.chmod(stream.node, mode);
  1817. }, chown: function(path, uid, gid, dontFollow) {
  1818. var node;
  1819. if (typeof path === "string") {
  1820. var lookup = FS.lookupPath(path, { follow: !dontFollow });
  1821. node = lookup.node;
  1822. } else {
  1823. node = path;
  1824. }
  1825. if (!node.node_ops.setattr) {
  1826. throw new FS.ErrnoError(63);
  1827. }
  1828. node.node_ops.setattr(node, { timestamp: Date.now() });
  1829. }, lchown: function(path, uid, gid) {
  1830. FS.chown(path, uid, gid, true);
  1831. }, fchown: function(fd, uid, gid) {
  1832. var stream = FS.getStream(fd);
  1833. if (!stream) {
  1834. throw new FS.ErrnoError(8);
  1835. }
  1836. FS.chown(stream.node, uid, gid);
  1837. }, truncate: function(path, len) {
  1838. if (len < 0) {
  1839. throw new FS.ErrnoError(28);
  1840. }
  1841. var node;
  1842. if (typeof path === "string") {
  1843. var lookup = FS.lookupPath(path, { follow: true });
  1844. node = lookup.node;
  1845. } else {
  1846. node = path;
  1847. }
  1848. if (!node.node_ops.setattr) {
  1849. throw new FS.ErrnoError(63);
  1850. }
  1851. if (FS.isDir(node.mode)) {
  1852. throw new FS.ErrnoError(31);
  1853. }
  1854. if (!FS.isFile(node.mode)) {
  1855. throw new FS.ErrnoError(28);
  1856. }
  1857. var errCode = FS.nodePermissions(node, "w");
  1858. if (errCode) {
  1859. throw new FS.ErrnoError(errCode);
  1860. }
  1861. node.node_ops.setattr(node, { size: len, timestamp: Date.now() });
  1862. }, ftruncate: function(fd, len) {
  1863. var stream = FS.getStream(fd);
  1864. if (!stream) {
  1865. throw new FS.ErrnoError(8);
  1866. }
  1867. if ((stream.flags & 2097155) === 0) {
  1868. throw new FS.ErrnoError(28);
  1869. }
  1870. FS.truncate(stream.node, len);
  1871. }, utime: function(path, atime, mtime) {
  1872. var lookup = FS.lookupPath(path, { follow: true });
  1873. var node = lookup.node;
  1874. node.node_ops.setattr(node, { timestamp: Math.max(atime, mtime) });
  1875. }, open: function(path, flags, mode, fd_start, fd_end) {
  1876. if (path === "") {
  1877. throw new FS.ErrnoError(44);
  1878. }
  1879. flags = typeof flags === "string" ? FS.modeStringToFlags(flags) : flags;
  1880. mode = typeof mode === "undefined" ? 438 : mode;
  1881. if (flags & 64) {
  1882. mode = mode & 4095 | 32768;
  1883. } else {
  1884. mode = 0;
  1885. }
  1886. var node;
  1887. if (typeof path === "object") {
  1888. node = path;
  1889. } else {
  1890. path = PATH.normalize(path);
  1891. try {
  1892. var lookup = FS.lookupPath(path, { follow: !(flags & 131072) });
  1893. node = lookup.node;
  1894. } catch (e) {
  1895. }
  1896. }
  1897. var created = false;
  1898. if (flags & 64) {
  1899. if (node) {
  1900. if (flags & 128) {
  1901. throw new FS.ErrnoError(20);
  1902. }
  1903. } else {
  1904. node = FS.mknod(path, mode, 0);
  1905. created = true;
  1906. }
  1907. }
  1908. if (!node) {
  1909. throw new FS.ErrnoError(44);
  1910. }
  1911. if (FS.isChrdev(node.mode)) {
  1912. flags &= ~512;
  1913. }
  1914. if (flags & 65536 && !FS.isDir(node.mode)) {
  1915. throw new FS.ErrnoError(54);
  1916. }
  1917. if (!created) {
  1918. var errCode = FS.mayOpen(node, flags);
  1919. if (errCode) {
  1920. throw new FS.ErrnoError(errCode);
  1921. }
  1922. }
  1923. if (flags & 512) {
  1924. FS.truncate(node, 0);
  1925. }
  1926. flags &= ~(128 | 512 | 131072);
  1927. var stream = FS.createStream({ node, path: FS.getPath(node), flags, seekable: true, position: 0, stream_ops: node.stream_ops, ungotten: [], error: false }, fd_start, fd_end);
  1928. if (stream.stream_ops.open) {
  1929. stream.stream_ops.open(stream);
  1930. }
  1931. if (Module["logReadFiles"] && !(flags & 1)) {
  1932. if (!FS.readFiles)
  1933. FS.readFiles = {};
  1934. if (!(path in FS.readFiles)) {
  1935. FS.readFiles[path] = 1;
  1936. err("FS.trackingDelegate error on read file: " + path);
  1937. }
  1938. }
  1939. try {
  1940. if (FS.trackingDelegate["onOpenFile"]) {
  1941. var trackingFlags = 0;
  1942. if ((flags & 2097155) !== 1) {
  1943. trackingFlags |= FS.tracking.openFlags.READ;
  1944. }
  1945. if ((flags & 2097155) !== 0) {
  1946. trackingFlags |= FS.tracking.openFlags.WRITE;
  1947. }
  1948. FS.trackingDelegate["onOpenFile"](path, trackingFlags);
  1949. }
  1950. } catch (e) {
  1951. err("FS.trackingDelegate['onOpenFile']('" + path + "', flags) threw an exception: " + e.message);
  1952. }
  1953. return stream;
  1954. }, close: function(stream) {
  1955. if (FS.isClosed(stream)) {
  1956. throw new FS.ErrnoError(8);
  1957. }
  1958. if (stream.getdents)
  1959. stream.getdents = null;
  1960. try {
  1961. if (stream.stream_ops.close) {
  1962. stream.stream_ops.close(stream);
  1963. }
  1964. } catch (e) {
  1965. throw e;
  1966. } finally {
  1967. FS.closeStream(stream.fd);
  1968. }
  1969. stream.fd = null;
  1970. }, isClosed: function(stream) {
  1971. return stream.fd === null;
  1972. }, llseek: function(stream, offset, whence) {
  1973. if (FS.isClosed(stream)) {
  1974. throw new FS.ErrnoError(8);
  1975. }
  1976. if (!stream.seekable || !stream.stream_ops.llseek) {
  1977. throw new FS.ErrnoError(70);
  1978. }
  1979. if (whence != 0 && whence != 1 && whence != 2) {
  1980. throw new FS.ErrnoError(28);
  1981. }
  1982. stream.position = stream.stream_ops.llseek(stream, offset, whence);
  1983. stream.ungotten = [];
  1984. return stream.position;
  1985. }, read: function(stream, buffer2, offset, length, position) {
  1986. offset >>>= 0;
  1987. if (length < 0 || position < 0) {
  1988. throw new FS.ErrnoError(28);
  1989. }
  1990. if (FS.isClosed(stream)) {
  1991. throw new FS.ErrnoError(8);
  1992. }
  1993. if ((stream.flags & 2097155) === 1) {
  1994. throw new FS.ErrnoError(8);
  1995. }
  1996. if (FS.isDir(stream.node.mode)) {
  1997. throw new FS.ErrnoError(31);
  1998. }
  1999. if (!stream.stream_ops.read) {
  2000. throw new FS.ErrnoError(28);
  2001. }
  2002. var seeking = typeof position !== "undefined";
  2003. if (!seeking) {
  2004. position = stream.position;
  2005. } else if (!stream.seekable) {
  2006. throw new FS.ErrnoError(70);
  2007. }
  2008. var bytesRead = stream.stream_ops.read(stream, buffer2, offset, length, position);
  2009. if (!seeking)
  2010. stream.position += bytesRead;
  2011. return bytesRead;
  2012. }, write: function(stream, buffer2, offset, length, position, canOwn) {
  2013. offset >>>= 0;
  2014. if (length < 0 || position < 0) {
  2015. throw new FS.ErrnoError(28);
  2016. }
  2017. if (FS.isClosed(stream)) {
  2018. throw new FS.ErrnoError(8);
  2019. }
  2020. if ((stream.flags & 2097155) === 0) {
  2021. throw new FS.ErrnoError(8);
  2022. }
  2023. if (FS.isDir(stream.node.mode)) {
  2024. throw new FS.ErrnoError(31);
  2025. }
  2026. if (!stream.stream_ops.write) {
  2027. throw new FS.ErrnoError(28);
  2028. }
  2029. if (stream.seekable && stream.flags & 1024) {
  2030. FS.llseek(stream, 0, 2);
  2031. }
  2032. var seeking = typeof position !== "undefined";
  2033. if (!seeking) {
  2034. position = stream.position;
  2035. } else if (!stream.seekable) {
  2036. throw new FS.ErrnoError(70);
  2037. }
  2038. var bytesWritten = stream.stream_ops.write(stream, buffer2, offset, length, position, canOwn);
  2039. if (!seeking)
  2040. stream.position += bytesWritten;
  2041. try {
  2042. if (stream.path && FS.trackingDelegate["onWriteToFile"])
  2043. FS.trackingDelegate["onWriteToFile"](stream.path);
  2044. } catch (e) {
  2045. err("FS.trackingDelegate['onWriteToFile']('" + stream.path + "') threw an exception: " + e.message);
  2046. }
  2047. return bytesWritten;
  2048. }, allocate: function(stream, offset, length) {
  2049. if (FS.isClosed(stream)) {
  2050. throw new FS.ErrnoError(8);
  2051. }
  2052. if (offset < 0 || length <= 0) {
  2053. throw new FS.ErrnoError(28);
  2054. }
  2055. if ((stream.flags & 2097155) === 0) {
  2056. throw new FS.ErrnoError(8);
  2057. }
  2058. if (!FS.isFile(stream.node.mode) && !FS.isDir(stream.node.mode)) {
  2059. throw new FS.ErrnoError(43);
  2060. }
  2061. if (!stream.stream_ops.allocate) {
  2062. throw new FS.ErrnoError(138);
  2063. }
  2064. stream.stream_ops.allocate(stream, offset, length);
  2065. }, mmap: function(stream, address, length, position, prot, flags) {
  2066. address >>>= 0;
  2067. if ((prot & 2) !== 0 && (flags & 2) === 0 && (stream.flags & 2097155) !== 2) {
  2068. throw new FS.ErrnoError(2);
  2069. }
  2070. if ((stream.flags & 2097155) === 1) {
  2071. throw new FS.ErrnoError(2);
  2072. }
  2073. if (!stream.stream_ops.mmap) {
  2074. throw new FS.ErrnoError(43);
  2075. }
  2076. return stream.stream_ops.mmap(stream, address, length, position, prot, flags);
  2077. }, msync: function(stream, buffer2, offset, length, mmapFlags) {
  2078. offset >>>= 0;
  2079. if (!stream || !stream.stream_ops.msync) {
  2080. return 0;
  2081. }
  2082. return stream.stream_ops.msync(stream, buffer2, offset, length, mmapFlags);
  2083. }, munmap: function(stream) {
  2084. return 0;
  2085. }, ioctl: function(stream, cmd, arg) {
  2086. if (!stream.stream_ops.ioctl) {
  2087. throw new FS.ErrnoError(59);
  2088. }
  2089. return stream.stream_ops.ioctl(stream, cmd, arg);
  2090. }, readFile: function(path, opts) {
  2091. opts = opts || {};
  2092. opts.flags = opts.flags || 0;
  2093. opts.encoding = opts.encoding || "binary";
  2094. if (opts.encoding !== "utf8" && opts.encoding !== "binary") {
  2095. throw new Error('Invalid encoding type "' + opts.encoding + '"');
  2096. }
  2097. var ret;
  2098. var stream = FS.open(path, opts.flags);
  2099. var stat = FS.stat(path);
  2100. var length = stat.size;
  2101. var buf = new Uint8Array(length);
  2102. FS.read(stream, buf, 0, length, 0);
  2103. if (opts.encoding === "utf8") {
  2104. ret = UTF8ArrayToString(buf, 0);
  2105. } else if (opts.encoding === "binary") {
  2106. ret = buf;
  2107. }
  2108. FS.close(stream);
  2109. return ret;
  2110. }, writeFile: function(path, data, opts) {
  2111. opts = opts || {};
  2112. opts.flags = opts.flags || 577;
  2113. var stream = FS.open(path, opts.flags, opts.mode);
  2114. if (typeof data === "string") {
  2115. var buf = new Uint8Array(lengthBytesUTF8(data) + 1);
  2116. var actualNumBytes = stringToUTF8Array(data, buf, 0, buf.length);
  2117. FS.write(stream, buf, 0, actualNumBytes, void 0, opts.canOwn);
  2118. } else if (ArrayBuffer.isView(data)) {
  2119. FS.write(stream, data, 0, data.byteLength, void 0, opts.canOwn);
  2120. } else {
  2121. throw new Error("Unsupported data type");
  2122. }
  2123. FS.close(stream);
  2124. }, cwd: function() {
  2125. return FS.currentPath;
  2126. }, chdir: function(path) {
  2127. var lookup = FS.lookupPath(path, { follow: true });
  2128. if (lookup.node === null) {
  2129. throw new FS.ErrnoError(44);
  2130. }
  2131. if (!FS.isDir(lookup.node.mode)) {
  2132. throw new FS.ErrnoError(54);
  2133. }
  2134. var errCode = FS.nodePermissions(lookup.node, "x");
  2135. if (errCode) {
  2136. throw new FS.ErrnoError(errCode);
  2137. }
  2138. FS.currentPath = lookup.path;
  2139. }, createDefaultDirectories: function() {
  2140. FS.mkdir("/tmp");
  2141. FS.mkdir("/home");
  2142. FS.mkdir("/home/web_user");
  2143. }, createDefaultDevices: function() {
  2144. FS.mkdir("/dev");
  2145. FS.registerDevice(FS.makedev(1, 3), { read: function() {
  2146. return 0;
  2147. }, write: function(stream, buffer2, offset, length, pos) {
  2148. return length;
  2149. } });
  2150. FS.mkdev("/dev/null", FS.makedev(1, 3));
  2151. TTY.register(FS.makedev(5, 0), TTY.default_tty_ops);
  2152. TTY.register(FS.makedev(6, 0), TTY.default_tty1_ops);
  2153. FS.mkdev("/dev/tty", FS.makedev(5, 0));
  2154. FS.mkdev("/dev/tty1", FS.makedev(6, 0));
  2155. var random_device = getRandomDevice();
  2156. FS.createDevice("/dev", "random", random_device);
  2157. FS.createDevice("/dev", "urandom", random_device);
  2158. FS.mkdir("/dev/shm");
  2159. FS.mkdir("/dev/shm/tmp");
  2160. }, createSpecialDirectories: function() {
  2161. FS.mkdir("/proc");
  2162. FS.mkdir("/proc/self");
  2163. FS.mkdir("/proc/self/fd");
  2164. FS.mount({ mount: function() {
  2165. var node = FS.createNode("/proc/self", "fd", 16384 | 511, 73);
  2166. node.node_ops = { lookup: function(parent, name2) {
  2167. var fd = +name2;
  2168. var stream = FS.getStream(fd);
  2169. if (!stream)
  2170. throw new FS.ErrnoError(8);
  2171. var ret = { parent: null, mount: { mountpoint: "fake" }, node_ops: { readlink: function() {
  2172. return stream.path;
  2173. } } };
  2174. ret.parent = ret;
  2175. return ret;
  2176. } };
  2177. return node;
  2178. } }, {}, "/proc/self/fd");
  2179. }, createStandardStreams: function() {
  2180. if (Module["stdin"]) {
  2181. FS.createDevice("/dev", "stdin", Module["stdin"]);
  2182. } else {
  2183. FS.symlink("/dev/tty", "/dev/stdin");
  2184. }
  2185. if (Module["stdout"]) {
  2186. FS.createDevice("/dev", "stdout", null, Module["stdout"]);
  2187. } else {
  2188. FS.symlink("/dev/tty", "/dev/stdout");
  2189. }
  2190. if (Module["stderr"]) {
  2191. FS.createDevice("/dev", "stderr", null, Module["stderr"]);
  2192. } else {
  2193. FS.symlink("/dev/tty1", "/dev/stderr");
  2194. }
  2195. var stdin = FS.open("/dev/stdin", 0);
  2196. var stdout = FS.open("/dev/stdout", 1);
  2197. var stderr = FS.open("/dev/stderr", 1);
  2198. }, ensureErrnoError: function() {
  2199. if (FS.ErrnoError)
  2200. return;
  2201. FS.ErrnoError = function ErrnoError(errno, node) {
  2202. this.node = node;
  2203. this.setErrno = function(errno2) {
  2204. this.errno = errno2;
  2205. };
  2206. this.setErrno(errno);
  2207. this.message = "FS error";
  2208. };
  2209. FS.ErrnoError.prototype = new Error();
  2210. FS.ErrnoError.prototype.constructor = FS.ErrnoError;
  2211. [44].forEach(function(code) {
  2212. FS.genericErrors[code] = new FS.ErrnoError(code);
  2213. FS.genericErrors[code].stack = "<generic error, no stack>";
  2214. });
  2215. }, staticInit: function() {
  2216. FS.ensureErrnoError();
  2217. FS.nameTable = new Array(4096);
  2218. FS.mount(MEMFS, {}, "/");
  2219. FS.createDefaultDirectories();
  2220. FS.createDefaultDevices();
  2221. FS.createSpecialDirectories();
  2222. FS.filesystems = { "MEMFS": MEMFS };
  2223. }, init: function(input, output, error) {
  2224. FS.init.initialized = true;
  2225. FS.ensureErrnoError();
  2226. Module["stdin"] = input || Module["stdin"];
  2227. Module["stdout"] = output || Module["stdout"];
  2228. Module["stderr"] = error || Module["stderr"];
  2229. FS.createStandardStreams();
  2230. }, quit: function() {
  2231. FS.init.initialized = false;
  2232. var fflush = Module["_fflush"];
  2233. if (fflush)
  2234. fflush(0);
  2235. for (var i = 0; i < FS.streams.length; i++) {
  2236. var stream = FS.streams[i];
  2237. if (!stream) {
  2238. continue;
  2239. }
  2240. FS.close(stream);
  2241. }
  2242. }, getMode: function(canRead, canWrite) {
  2243. var mode = 0;
  2244. if (canRead)
  2245. mode |= 292 | 73;
  2246. if (canWrite)
  2247. mode |= 146;
  2248. return mode;
  2249. }, findObject: function(path, dontResolveLastLink) {
  2250. var ret = FS.analyzePath(path, dontResolveLastLink);
  2251. if (ret.exists) {
  2252. return ret.object;
  2253. } else {
  2254. return null;
  2255. }
  2256. }, analyzePath: function(path, dontResolveLastLink) {
  2257. try {
  2258. var lookup = FS.lookupPath(path, { follow: !dontResolveLastLink });
  2259. path = lookup.path;
  2260. } catch (e) {
  2261. }
  2262. var ret = { isRoot: false, exists: false, error: 0, name: null, path: null, object: null, parentExists: false, parentPath: null, parentObject: null };
  2263. try {
  2264. var lookup = FS.lookupPath(path, { parent: true });
  2265. ret.parentExists = true;
  2266. ret.parentPath = lookup.path;
  2267. ret.parentObject = lookup.node;
  2268. ret.name = PATH.basename(path);
  2269. lookup = FS.lookupPath(path, { follow: !dontResolveLastLink });
  2270. ret.exists = true;
  2271. ret.path = lookup.path;
  2272. ret.object = lookup.node;
  2273. ret.name = lookup.node.name;
  2274. ret.isRoot = lookup.path === "/";
  2275. } catch (e) {
  2276. ret.error = e.errno;
  2277. }
  2278. return ret;
  2279. }, createPath: function(parent, path, canRead, canWrite) {
  2280. parent = typeof parent === "string" ? parent : FS.getPath(parent);
  2281. var parts = path.split("/").reverse();
  2282. while (parts.length) {
  2283. var part = parts.pop();
  2284. if (!part)
  2285. continue;
  2286. var current = PATH.join2(parent, part);
  2287. try {
  2288. FS.mkdir(current);
  2289. } catch (e) {
  2290. }
  2291. parent = current;
  2292. }
  2293. return current;
  2294. }, createFile: function(parent, name2, properties, canRead, canWrite) {
  2295. var path = PATH.join2(typeof parent === "string" ? parent : FS.getPath(parent), name2);
  2296. var mode = FS.getMode(canRead, canWrite);
  2297. return FS.create(path, mode);
  2298. }, createDataFile: function(parent, name2, data, canRead, canWrite, canOwn) {
  2299. var path = name2 ? PATH.join2(typeof parent === "string" ? parent : FS.getPath(parent), name2) : parent;
  2300. var mode = FS.getMode(canRead, canWrite);
  2301. var node = FS.create(path, mode);
  2302. if (data) {
  2303. if (typeof data === "string") {
  2304. var arr = new Array(data.length);
  2305. for (var i = 0, len = data.length; i < len; ++i)
  2306. arr[i] = data.charCodeAt(i);
  2307. data = arr;
  2308. }
  2309. FS.chmod(node, mode | 146);
  2310. var stream = FS.open(node, 577);
  2311. FS.write(stream, data, 0, data.length, 0, canOwn);
  2312. FS.close(stream);
  2313. FS.chmod(node, mode);
  2314. }
  2315. return node;
  2316. }, createDevice: function(parent, name2, input, output) {
  2317. var path = PATH.join2(typeof parent === "string" ? parent : FS.getPath(parent), name2);
  2318. var mode = FS.getMode(!!input, !!output);
  2319. if (!FS.createDevice.major)
  2320. FS.createDevice.major = 64;
  2321. var dev = FS.makedev(FS.createDevice.major++, 0);
  2322. FS.registerDevice(dev, { open: function(stream) {
  2323. stream.seekable = false;
  2324. }, close: function(stream) {
  2325. if (output && output.buffer && output.buffer.length) {
  2326. output(10);
  2327. }
  2328. }, read: function(stream, buffer2, offset, length, pos) {
  2329. var bytesRead = 0;
  2330. for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
  2331. var result;
  2332. try {
  2333. result = input();
  2334. } catch (e) {
  2335. throw new FS.ErrnoError(29);
  2336. }
  2337. if (result === void 0 && bytesRead === 0) {
  2338. throw new FS.ErrnoError(6);
  2339. }
  2340. if (result === null || result === void 0)
  2341. break;
  2342. bytesRead++;
  2343. buffer2[offset + i] = result;
  2344. }
  2345. if (bytesRead) {
  2346. stream.node.timestamp = Date.now();
  2347. }
  2348. return bytesRead;
  2349. }, write: function(stream, buffer2, offset, length, pos) {
  2350. for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
  2351. try {
  2352. output(buffer2[offset + i]);
  2353. } catch (e) {
  2354. throw new FS.ErrnoError(29);
  2355. }
  2356. }
  2357. if (length) {
  2358. stream.node.timestamp = Date.now();
  2359. }
  2360. return i;
  2361. } });
  2362. return FS.mkdev(path, mode, dev);
  2363. }, forceLoadFile: function(obj) {
  2364. if (obj.isDevice || obj.isFolder || obj.link || obj.contents)
  2365. return true;
  2366. if (typeof XMLHttpRequest !== "undefined") {
  2367. throw new Error("Lazy loading should have been performed (contents set) in createLazyFile, but it was not. Lazy loading only works in web workers. Use --embed-file or --preload-file in emcc on the main thread.");
  2368. } else if (read_) {
  2369. try {
  2370. obj.contents = intArrayFromString(read_(obj.url), true);
  2371. obj.usedBytes = obj.contents.length;
  2372. } catch (e) {
  2373. throw new FS.ErrnoError(29);
  2374. }
  2375. } else {
  2376. throw new Error("Cannot load without read() or XMLHttpRequest.");
  2377. }
  2378. }, createLazyFile: function(parent, name2, url, canRead, canWrite) {
  2379. function LazyUint8Array() {
  2380. this.lengthKnown = false;
  2381. this.chunks = [];
  2382. }
  2383. LazyUint8Array.prototype.get = function LazyUint8Array_get(idx) {
  2384. if (idx > this.length - 1 || idx < 0) {
  2385. return void 0;
  2386. }
  2387. var chunkOffset = idx % this.chunkSize;
  2388. var chunkNum = idx / this.chunkSize | 0;
  2389. return this.getter(chunkNum)[chunkOffset];
  2390. };
  2391. LazyUint8Array.prototype.setDataGetter = function LazyUint8Array_setDataGetter(getter) {
  2392. this.getter = getter;
  2393. };
  2394. LazyUint8Array.prototype.cacheLength = function LazyUint8Array_cacheLength() {
  2395. var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
  2396. xhr.open("HEAD", url, false);
  2397. xhr.send(null);
  2398. if (!(xhr.status >= 200 && xhr.status < 300 || xhr.status === 304))
  2399. throw new Error("Couldn't load " + url + ". Status: " + xhr.status);
  2400. var datalength = Number(xhr.getResponseHeader("Content-length"));
  2401. var header;
  2402. var hasByteServing = (header = xhr.getResponseHeader("Accept-Ranges")) && header === "bytes";
  2403. var usesGzip = (header = xhr.getResponseHeader("Content-Encoding")) && header === "gzip";
  2404. var chunkSize = 1024 * 1024;
  2405. if (!hasByteServing)
  2406. chunkSize = datalength;
  2407. var doXHR = function(from, to) {
  2408. if (from > to)
  2409. throw new Error("invalid range (" + from + ", " + to + ") or no bytes requested!");
  2410. if (to > datalength - 1)
  2411. throw new Error("only " + datalength + " bytes available! programmer error!");
  2412. var xhr2 = new XMLHttpRequest();
  2413. xhr2.open("GET", url, false);
  2414. if (datalength !== chunkSize)
  2415. xhr2.setRequestHeader("Range", "bytes=" + from + "-" + to);
  2416. if (typeof Uint8Array != "undefined")
  2417. xhr2.responseType = "arraybuffer";
  2418. if (xhr2.overrideMimeType) {
  2419. xhr2.overrideMimeType("text/plain; charset=x-user-defined");
  2420. }
  2421. xhr2.send(null);
  2422. if (!(xhr2.status >= 200 && xhr2.status < 300 || xhr2.status === 304))
  2423. throw new Error("Couldn't load " + url + ". Status: " + xhr2.status);
  2424. if (xhr2.response !== void 0) {
  2425. return new Uint8Array(xhr2.response || []);
  2426. } else {
  2427. return intArrayFromString(xhr2.responseText || "", true);
  2428. }
  2429. };
  2430. var lazyArray2 = this;
  2431. lazyArray2.setDataGetter(function(chunkNum) {
  2432. var start = chunkNum * chunkSize;
  2433. var end = (chunkNum + 1) * chunkSize - 1;
  2434. end = Math.min(end, datalength - 1);
  2435. if (typeof lazyArray2.chunks[chunkNum] === "undefined") {
  2436. lazyArray2.chunks[chunkNum] = doXHR(start, end);
  2437. }
  2438. if (typeof lazyArray2.chunks[chunkNum] === "undefined")
  2439. throw new Error("doXHR failed!");
  2440. return lazyArray2.chunks[chunkNum];
  2441. });
  2442. if (usesGzip || !datalength) {
  2443. chunkSize = datalength = 1;
  2444. datalength = this.getter(0).length;
  2445. chunkSize = datalength;
  2446. out("LazyFiles on gzip forces download of the whole file when length is accessed");
  2447. }
  2448. this._length = datalength;
  2449. this._chunkSize = chunkSize;
  2450. this.lengthKnown = true;
  2451. };
  2452. if (typeof XMLHttpRequest !== "undefined") {
  2454. throw "Cannot do synchronous binary XHRs outside webworkers in modern browsers. Use --embed-file or --preload-file in emcc";
  2455. var lazyArray = new LazyUint8Array();
  2456. Object.defineProperties(lazyArray, { length: { get: function() {
  2457. if (!this.lengthKnown) {
  2458. this.cacheLength();
  2459. }
  2460. return this._length;
  2461. } }, chunkSize: { get: function() {
  2462. if (!this.lengthKnown) {
  2463. this.cacheLength();
  2464. }
  2465. return this._chunkSize;
  2466. } } });
  2467. var properties = { isDevice: false, contents: lazyArray };
  2468. } else {
  2469. var properties = { isDevice: false, url };
  2470. }
  2471. var node = FS.createFile(parent, name2, properties, canRead, canWrite);
  2472. if (properties.contents) {
  2473. node.contents = properties.contents;
  2474. } else if (properties.url) {
  2475. node.contents = null;
  2476. node.url = properties.url;
  2477. }
  2478. Object.defineProperties(node, { usedBytes: { get: function() {
  2479. return this.contents.length;
  2480. } } });
  2481. var stream_ops = {};
  2482. var keys = Object.keys(node.stream_ops);
  2483. keys.forEach(function(key2) {
  2484. var fn = node.stream_ops[key2];
  2485. stream_ops[key2] = function forceLoadLazyFile() {
  2486. FS.forceLoadFile(node);
  2487. return fn.apply(null, arguments);
  2488. };
  2489. });
  2490. stream_ops.read = function stream_ops_read(stream, buffer2, offset, length, position) {
  2491. FS.forceLoadFile(node);
  2492. var contents = stream.node.contents;
  2493. if (position >= contents.length)
  2494. return 0;
  2495. var size = Math.min(contents.length - position, length);
  2496. if (contents.slice) {
  2497. for (var i = 0; i < size; i++) {
  2498. buffer2[offset + i] = contents[position + i];
  2499. }
  2500. } else {
  2501. for (var i = 0; i < size; i++) {
  2502. buffer2[offset + i] = contents.get(position + i);
  2503. }
  2504. }
  2505. return size;
  2506. };
  2507. node.stream_ops = stream_ops;
  2508. return node;
  2509. }, createPreloadedFile: function(parent, name2, url, canRead, canWrite, onload, onerror, dontCreateFile, canOwn, preFinish) {
  2510. Browser.init();
  2511. var fullname = name2 ? PATH_FS.resolve(PATH.join2(parent, name2)) : parent;
  2512. var dep = getUniqueRunDependency("cp " + fullname);
  2513. function processData(byteArray) {
  2514. function finish(byteArray2) {
  2515. if (preFinish)
  2516. preFinish();
  2517. if (!dontCreateFile) {
  2518. FS.createDataFile(parent, name2, byteArray2, canRead, canWrite, canOwn);
  2519. }
  2520. if (onload)
  2521. onload();
  2522. removeRunDependency(dep);
  2523. }
  2524. var handled = false;
  2525. Module["preloadPlugins"].forEach(function(plugin) {
  2526. if (handled)
  2527. return;
  2528. if (plugin["canHandle"](fullname)) {
  2529. plugin["handle"](byteArray, fullname, finish, function() {
  2530. if (onerror)
  2531. onerror();
  2532. removeRunDependency(dep);
  2533. });
  2534. handled = true;
  2535. }
  2536. });
  2537. if (!handled)
  2538. finish(byteArray);
  2539. }
  2540. addRunDependency(dep);
  2541. if (typeof url == "string") {
  2542. Browser.asyncLoad(url, function(byteArray) {
  2543. processData(byteArray);
  2544. }, onerror);
  2545. } else {
  2546. processData(url);
  2547. }
  2548. }, indexedDB: function() {
  2549. return window.indexedDB || window.mozIndexedDB || window.webkitIndexedDB || window.msIndexedDB;
  2550. }, DB_NAME: function() {
  2551. return "EM_FS_" + window.location.pathname;
  2552. }, DB_VERSION: 20, DB_STORE_NAME: "FILE_DATA", saveFilesToDB: function(paths, onload, onerror) {
  2553. onload = onload || function() {
  2554. };
  2555. onerror = onerror || function() {
  2556. };
  2557. var indexedDB = FS.indexedDB();
  2558. try {
  2559. var openRequest = indexedDB.open(FS.DB_NAME(), FS.DB_VERSION);
  2560. } catch (e) {
  2561. return onerror(e);
  2562. }
  2563. openRequest.onupgradeneeded = function openRequest_onupgradeneeded() {
  2564. out("creating db");
  2565. var db = openRequest.result;
  2566. db.createObjectStore(FS.DB_STORE_NAME);
  2567. };
  2568. openRequest.onsuccess = function openRequest_onsuccess() {
  2569. var db = openRequest.result;
  2570. var transaction = db.transaction([FS.DB_STORE_NAME], "readwrite");
  2571. var files = transaction.objectStore(FS.DB_STORE_NAME);
  2572. var ok = 0, fail = 0, total = paths.length;
  2573. function finish() {
  2574. if (fail == 0)
  2575. onload();
  2576. else
  2577. onerror();
  2578. }
  2579. paths.forEach(function(path) {
  2580. var putRequest = files.put(FS.analyzePath(path).object.contents, path);
  2581. putRequest.onsuccess = function putRequest_onsuccess() {
  2582. ok++;
  2583. if (ok + fail == total)
  2584. finish();
  2585. };
  2586. putRequest.onerror = function putRequest_onerror() {
  2587. fail++;
  2588. if (ok + fail == total)
  2589. finish();
  2590. };
  2591. });
  2592. transaction.onerror = onerror;
  2593. };
  2594. openRequest.onerror = onerror;
  2595. }, loadFilesFromDB: function(paths, onload, onerror) {
  2596. onload = onload || function() {
  2597. };
  2598. onerror = onerror || function() {
  2599. };
  2600. var indexedDB = FS.indexedDB();
  2601. try {
  2602. var openRequest = indexedDB.open(FS.DB_NAME(), FS.DB_VERSION);
  2603. } catch (e) {
  2604. return onerror(e);
  2605. }
  2606. openRequest.onupgradeneeded = onerror;
  2607. openRequest.onsuccess = function openRequest_onsuccess() {
  2608. var db = openRequest.result;
  2609. try {
  2610. var transaction = db.transaction([FS.DB_STORE_NAME], "readonly");
  2611. } catch (e) {
  2612. onerror(e);
  2613. return;
  2614. }
  2615. var files = transaction.objectStore(FS.DB_STORE_NAME);
  2616. var ok = 0, fail = 0, total = paths.length;
  2617. function finish() {
  2618. if (fail == 0)
  2619. onload();
  2620. else
  2621. onerror();
  2622. }
  2623. paths.forEach(function(path) {
  2624. var getRequest = files.get(path);
  2625. getRequest.onsuccess = function getRequest_onsuccess() {
  2626. if (FS.analyzePath(path).exists) {
  2627. FS.unlink(path);
  2628. }
  2629. FS.createDataFile(PATH.dirname(path), PATH.basename(path), getRequest.result, true, true, true);
  2630. ok++;
  2631. if (ok + fail == total)
  2632. finish();
  2633. };
  2634. getRequest.onerror = function getRequest_onerror() {
  2635. fail++;
  2636. if (ok + fail == total)
  2637. finish();
  2638. };
  2639. });
  2640. transaction.onerror = onerror;
  2641. };
  2642. openRequest.onerror = onerror;
  2643. } };
  2644. var SYSCALLS = { mappings: {}, DEFAULT_POLLMASK: 5, umask: 511, calculateAt: function(dirfd, path) {
  2645. if (path[0] !== "/") {
  2646. var dir;
  2647. if (dirfd === -100) {
  2648. dir = FS.cwd();
  2649. } else {
  2650. var dirstream = FS.getStream(dirfd);
  2651. if (!dirstream)
  2652. throw new FS.ErrnoError(8);
  2653. dir = dirstream.path;
  2654. }
  2655. path = PATH.join2(dir, path);
  2656. }
  2657. return path;
  2658. }, doStat: function(func, path, buf) {
  2659. try {
  2660. var stat = func(path);
  2661. } catch (e) {
  2662. if (e && e.node && PATH.normalize(path) !== PATH.normalize(FS.getPath(e.node))) {
  2663. return -54;
  2664. }
  2665. throw e;
  2666. }
  2667. HEAP32[buf >>> 2] = stat.dev;
  2668. HEAP32[buf + 4 >>> 2] = 0;
  2669. HEAP32[buf + 8 >>> 2] = stat.ino;
  2670. HEAP32[buf + 12 >>> 2] = stat.mode;
  2671. HEAP32[buf + 16 >>> 2] = stat.nlink;
  2672. HEAP32[buf + 20 >>> 2] = stat.uid;
  2673. HEAP32[buf + 24 >>> 2] = stat.gid;
  2674. HEAP32[buf + 28 >>> 2] = stat.rdev;
  2675. HEAP32[buf + 32 >>> 2] = 0;
  2676. tempI64 = [stat.size >>> 0, (tempDouble = stat.size, +Math.abs(tempDouble) >= 1 ? tempDouble > 0 ? (Math.min(+Math.floor(tempDouble / 4294967296), 4294967295) | 0) >>> 0 : ~~+Math.ceil((tempDouble - +(~~tempDouble >>> 0)) / 4294967296) >>> 0 : 0)], HEAP32[buf + 40 >>> 2] = tempI64[0], HEAP32[buf + 44 >>> 2] = tempI64[1];
  2677. HEAP32[buf + 48 >>> 2] = 4096;
  2678. HEAP32[buf + 52 >>> 2] = stat.blocks;
  2679. HEAP32[buf + 56 >>> 2] = stat.atime.getTime() / 1e3 | 0;
  2680. HEAP32[buf + 60 >>> 2] = 0;
  2681. HEAP32[buf + 64 >>> 2] = stat.mtime.getTime() / 1e3 | 0;
  2682. HEAP32[buf + 68 >>> 2] = 0;
  2683. HEAP32[buf + 72 >>> 2] = stat.ctime.getTime() / 1e3 | 0;
  2684. HEAP32[buf + 76 >>> 2] = 0;
  2685. tempI64 = [stat.ino >>> 0, (tempDouble = stat.ino, +Math.abs(tempDouble) >= 1 ? tempDouble > 0 ? (Math.min(+Math.floor(tempDouble / 4294967296), 4294967295) | 0) >>> 0 : ~~+Math.ceil((tempDouble - +(~~tempDouble >>> 0)) / 4294967296) >>> 0 : 0)], HEAP32[buf + 80 >>> 2] = tempI64[0], HEAP32[buf + 84 >>> 2] = tempI64[1];
  2686. return 0;
  2687. }, doMsync: function(addr, stream, len, flags, offset) {
  2688. var buffer2 = HEAPU8.slice(addr, addr + len);
  2689. FS.msync(stream, buffer2, offset, len, flags);
  2690. }, doMkdir: function(path, mode) {
  2691. path = PATH.normalize(path);
  2692. if (path[path.length - 1] === "/")
  2693. path = path.substr(0, path.length - 1);
  2694. FS.mkdir(path, mode, 0);
  2695. return 0;
  2696. }, doMknod: function(path, mode, dev) {
  2697. switch (mode & 61440) {
  2698. case 32768:
  2699. case 8192:
  2700. case 24576:
  2701. case 4096:
  2702. case 49152:
  2703. break;
  2704. default:
  2705. return -28;
  2706. }
  2707. FS.mknod(path, mode, dev);
  2708. return 0;
  2709. }, doReadlink: function(path, buf, bufsize) {
  2710. if (bufsize <= 0)
  2711. return -28;
  2712. var ret = FS.readlink(path);
  2713. var len = Math.min(bufsize, lengthBytesUTF8(ret));
  2714. var endChar = HEAP8[buf + len >>> 0];
  2715. stringToUTF8(ret, buf, bufsize + 1);
  2716. HEAP8[buf + len >>> 0] = endChar;
  2717. return len;
  2718. }, doAccess: function(path, amode) {
  2719. if (amode & ~7) {
  2720. return -28;
  2721. }
  2722. var node;
  2723. var lookup = FS.lookupPath(path, { follow: true });
  2724. node = lookup.node;
  2725. if (!node) {
  2726. return -44;
  2727. }
  2728. var perms = "";
  2729. if (amode & 4)
  2730. perms += "r";
  2731. if (amode & 2)
  2732. perms += "w";
  2733. if (amode & 1)
  2734. perms += "x";
  2735. if (perms && FS.nodePermissions(node, perms)) {
  2736. return -2;
  2737. }
  2738. return 0;
  2739. }, doDup: function(path, flags, suggestFD) {
  2740. var suggest = FS.getStream(suggestFD);
  2741. if (suggest)
  2742. FS.close(suggest);
  2743. return FS.open(path, flags, 0, suggestFD, suggestFD).fd;
  2744. }, doReadv: function(stream, iov, iovcnt, offset) {
  2745. var ret = 0;
  2746. for (var i = 0; i < iovcnt; i++) {
  2747. var ptr = HEAP32[iov + i * 8 >>> 2];
  2748. var len = HEAP32[iov + (i * 8 + 4) >>> 2];
  2749. var curr = FS.read(stream, HEAP8, ptr, len, offset);
  2750. if (curr < 0)
  2751. return -1;
  2752. ret += curr;
  2753. if (curr < len)
  2754. break;
  2755. }
  2756. return ret;
  2757. }, doWritev: function(stream, iov, iovcnt, offset) {
  2758. var ret = 0;
  2759. for (var i = 0; i < iovcnt; i++) {
  2760. var ptr = HEAP32[iov + i * 8 >>> 2];
  2761. var len = HEAP32[iov + (i * 8 + 4) >>> 2];
  2762. var curr = FS.write(stream, HEAP8, ptr, len, offset);
  2763. if (curr < 0)
  2764. return -1;
  2765. ret += curr;
  2766. }
  2767. return ret;
  2768. }, varargs: void 0, get: function() {
  2769. SYSCALLS.varargs += 4;
  2770. var ret = HEAP32[SYSCALLS.varargs - 4 >>> 2];
  2771. return ret;
  2772. }, getStr: function(ptr) {
  2773. var ret = UTF8ToString(ptr);
  2774. return ret;
  2775. }, getStreamFromFD: function(fd) {
  2776. var stream = FS.getStream(fd);
  2777. if (!stream)
  2778. throw new FS.ErrnoError(8);
  2779. return stream;
  2780. }, get64: function(low, high) {
  2781. return low;
  2782. } };
  2783. function ___sys_fcntl64(fd, cmd, varargs) {
  2784. SYSCALLS.varargs = varargs;
  2785. try {
  2786. var stream = SYSCALLS.getStreamFromFD(fd);
  2787. switch (cmd) {
  2788. case 0: {
  2789. var arg = SYSCALLS.get();
  2790. if (arg < 0) {
  2791. return -28;
  2792. }
  2793. var newStream;
  2794. newStream = FS.open(stream.path, stream.flags, 0, arg);
  2795. return newStream.fd;
  2796. }
  2797. case 1:
  2798. case 2:
  2799. return 0;
  2800. case 3:
  2801. return stream.flags;
  2802. case 4: {
  2803. var arg = SYSCALLS.get();
  2804. stream.flags |= arg;
  2805. return 0;
  2806. }
  2807. case 12: {
  2808. var arg = SYSCALLS.get();
  2809. var offset = 0;
  2810. HEAP16[arg + offset >>> 1] = 2;
  2811. return 0;
  2812. }
  2813. case 13:
  2814. case 14:
  2815. return 0;
  2816. case 16:
  2817. case 8:
  2818. return -28;
  2819. case 9:
  2820. setErrNo(28);
  2821. return -1;
  2822. default: {
  2823. return -28;
  2824. }
  2825. }
  2826. } catch (e) {
  2827. if (typeof FS === "undefined" || !(e instanceof FS.ErrnoError))
  2828. abort(e);
  2829. return -e.errno;
  2830. }
  2831. }
  2832. function ___sys_ioctl(fd, op, varargs) {
  2833. SYSCALLS.varargs = varargs;
  2834. try {
  2835. var stream = SYSCALLS.getStreamFromFD(fd);
  2836. switch (op) {
  2837. case 21509:
  2838. case 21505: {
  2839. if (!stream.tty)
  2840. return -59;
  2841. return 0;
  2842. }
  2843. case 21510:
  2844. case 21511:
  2845. case 21512:
  2846. case 21506:
  2847. case 21507:
  2848. case 21508: {
  2849. if (!stream.tty)
  2850. return -59;
  2851. return 0;
  2852. }
  2853. case 21519: {
  2854. if (!stream.tty)
  2855. return -59;
  2856. var argp = SYSCALLS.get();
  2857. HEAP32[argp >>> 2] = 0;
  2858. return 0;
  2859. }
  2860. case 21520: {
  2861. if (!stream.tty)
  2862. return -59;
  2863. return -28;
  2864. }
  2865. case 21531: {
  2866. var argp = SYSCALLS.get();
  2867. return FS.ioctl(stream, op, argp);
  2868. }
  2869. case 21523: {
  2870. if (!stream.tty)
  2871. return -59;
  2872. return 0;
  2873. }
  2874. case 21524: {
  2875. if (!stream.tty)
  2876. return -59;
  2877. return 0;
  2878. }
  2879. default:
  2880. abort("bad ioctl syscall " + op);
  2881. }
  2882. } catch (e) {
  2883. if (typeof FS === "undefined" || !(e instanceof FS.ErrnoError))
  2884. abort(e);
  2885. return -e.errno;
  2886. }
  2887. }
  2888. function ___sys_open(path, flags, varargs) {
  2889. SYSCALLS.varargs = varargs;
  2890. try {
  2891. var pathname = SYSCALLS.getStr(path);
  2892. var mode = SYSCALLS.get();
  2893. var stream = FS.open(pathname, flags, mode);
  2894. return stream.fd;
  2895. } catch (e) {
  2896. if (typeof FS === "undefined" || !(e instanceof FS.ErrnoError))
  2897. abort(e);
  2898. return -e.errno;
  2899. }
  2900. }
  2901. var tupleRegistrations = {};
  2902. function runDestructors(destructors) {
  2903. while (destructors.length) {
  2904. var ptr = destructors.pop();
  2905. var del = destructors.pop();
  2906. del(ptr);
  2907. }
  2908. }
  2909. function simpleReadValueFromPointer(pointer) {
  2910. return this["fromWireType"](HEAPU32[pointer >>> 2]);
  2911. }
  2912. var awaitingDependencies = {};
  2913. var registeredTypes = {};
  2914. var typeDependencies = {};
  2915. var char_0 = 48;
  2916. var char_9 = 57;
  2917. function makeLegalFunctionName(name2) {
  2918. if (name2 === void 0) {
  2919. return "_unknown";
  2920. }
  2921. name2 = name2.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9_]/g, "$");
  2922. var f = name2.charCodeAt(0);
  2923. if (f >= char_0 && f <= char_9) {
  2924. return "_" + name2;
  2925. } else {
  2926. return name2;
  2927. }
  2928. }
  2929. function createNamedFunction(name2, body) {
  2930. name2 = makeLegalFunctionName(name2);
  2931. return new Function("body", "return function " + name2 + '() {\n "use strict"; return body.apply(this, arguments);\n};\n')(body);
  2932. }
  2933. function extendError(baseErrorType, errorName) {
  2934. var errorClass = createNamedFunction(errorName, function(message) {
  2935. this.name = errorName;
  2936. this.message = message;
  2937. var stack = new Error(message).stack;
  2938. if (stack !== void 0) {
  2939. this.stack = this.toString() + "\n" + stack.replace(/^Error(:[^\n]*)?\n/, "");
  2940. }
  2941. });
  2942. errorClass.prototype = Object.create(baseErrorType.prototype);
  2943. errorClass.prototype.constructor = errorClass;
  2944. errorClass.prototype.toString = function() {
  2945. if (this.message === void 0) {
  2946. return this.name;
  2947. } else {
  2948. return this.name + ": " + this.message;
  2949. }
  2950. };
  2951. return errorClass;
  2952. }
  2953. var InternalError = void 0;
  2954. function throwInternalError(message) {
  2955. throw new InternalError(message);
  2956. }
  2957. function whenDependentTypesAreResolved(myTypes, dependentTypes, getTypeConverters) {
  2958. myTypes.forEach(function(type) {
  2959. typeDependencies[type] = dependentTypes;
  2960. });
  2961. function onComplete(typeConverters2) {
  2962. var myTypeConverters = getTypeConverters(typeConverters2);
  2963. if (myTypeConverters.length !== myTypes.length) {
  2964. throwInternalError("Mismatched type converter count");
  2965. }
  2966. for (var i = 0; i < myTypes.length; ++i) {
  2967. registerType(myTypes[i], myTypeConverters[i]);
  2968. }
  2969. }
  2970. var typeConverters = new Array(dependentTypes.length);
  2971. var unregisteredTypes = [];
  2972. var registered = 0;
  2973. dependentTypes.forEach(function(dt, i) {
  2974. if (registeredTypes.hasOwnProperty(dt)) {
  2975. typeConverters[i] = registeredTypes[dt];
  2976. } else {
  2977. unregisteredTypes.push(dt);
  2978. if (!awaitingDependencies.hasOwnProperty(dt)) {
  2979. awaitingDependencies[dt] = [];
  2980. }
  2981. awaitingDependencies[dt].push(function() {
  2982. typeConverters[i] = registeredTypes[dt];
  2983. ++registered;
  2984. if (registered === unregisteredTypes.length) {
  2985. onComplete(typeConverters);
  2986. }
  2987. });
  2988. }
  2989. });
  2990. if (unregisteredTypes.length === 0) {
  2991. onComplete(typeConverters);
  2992. }
  2993. }
  2994. function __embind_finalize_value_array(rawTupleType) {
  2995. var reg = tupleRegistrations[rawTupleType];
  2996. delete tupleRegistrations[rawTupleType];
  2997. var elements = reg.elements;
  2998. var elementsLength = elements.length;
  2999. var elementTypes = elements.map(function(elt) {
  3000. return elt.getterReturnType;
  3001. }).concat(elements.map(function(elt) {
  3002. return elt.setterArgumentType;
  3003. }));
  3004. var rawConstructor = reg.rawConstructor;
  3005. var rawDestructor = reg.rawDestructor;
  3006. whenDependentTypesAreResolved([rawTupleType], elementTypes, function(elementTypes2) {
  3007. elements.forEach(function(elt, i) {
  3008. var getterReturnType = elementTypes2[i];
  3009. var getter = elt.getter;
  3010. var getterContext = elt.getterContext;
  3011. var setterArgumentType = elementTypes2[i + elementsLength];
  3012. var setter = elt.setter;
  3013. var setterContext = elt.setterContext;
  3014. elt.read = function(ptr) {
  3015. return getterReturnType["fromWireType"](getter(getterContext, ptr));
  3016. };
  3017. elt.write = function(ptr, o) {
  3018. var destructors = [];
  3019. setter(setterContext, ptr, setterArgumentType["toWireType"](destructors, o));
  3020. runDestructors(destructors);
  3021. };
  3022. });
  3023. return [{ name: reg.name, "fromWireType": function(ptr) {
  3024. var rv = new Array(elementsLength);
  3025. for (var i = 0; i < elementsLength; ++i) {
  3026. rv[i] = elements[i].read(ptr);
  3027. }
  3028. rawDestructor(ptr);
  3029. return rv;
  3030. }, "toWireType": function(destructors, o) {
  3031. if (elementsLength !== o.length) {
  3032. throw new TypeError("Incorrect number of tuple elements for " + reg.name + ": expected=" + elementsLength + ", actual=" + o.length);
  3033. }
  3034. var ptr = rawConstructor();
  3035. for (var i = 0; i < elementsLength; ++i) {
  3036. elements[i].write(ptr, o[i]);
  3037. }
  3038. if (destructors !== null) {
  3039. destructors.push(rawDestructor, ptr);
  3040. }
  3041. return ptr;
  3042. }, "argPackAdvance": 8, "readValueFromPointer": simpleReadValueFromPointer, destructorFunction: rawDestructor }];
  3043. });
  3044. }
  3045. var structRegistrations = {};
  3046. function __embind_finalize_value_object(structType) {
  3047. var reg = structRegistrations[structType];
  3048. delete structRegistrations[structType];
  3049. var rawConstructor = reg.rawConstructor;
  3050. var rawDestructor = reg.rawDestructor;
  3051. var fieldRecords = reg.fields;
  3052. var fieldTypes = fieldRecords.map(function(field) {
  3053. return field.getterReturnType;
  3054. }).concat(fieldRecords.map(function(field) {
  3055. return field.setterArgumentType;
  3056. }));
  3057. whenDependentTypesAreResolved([structType], fieldTypes, function(fieldTypes2) {
  3058. var fields = {};
  3059. fieldRecords.forEach(function(field, i) {
  3060. var fieldName = field.fieldName;
  3061. var getterReturnType = fieldTypes2[i];
  3062. var getter = field.getter;
  3063. var getterContext = field.getterContext;
  3064. var setterArgumentType = fieldTypes2[i + fieldRecords.length];
  3065. var setter = field.setter;
  3066. var setterContext = field.setterContext;
  3067. fields[fieldName] = { read: function(ptr) {
  3068. return getterReturnType["fromWireType"](getter(getterContext, ptr));
  3069. }, write: function(ptr, o) {
  3070. var destructors = [];
  3071. setter(setterContext, ptr, setterArgumentType["toWireType"](destructors, o));
  3072. runDestructors(destructors);
  3073. } };
  3074. });
  3075. return [{ name: reg.name, "fromWireType": function(ptr) {
  3076. var rv = {};
  3077. for (var i in fields) {
  3078. rv[i] = fields[i].read(ptr);
  3079. }
  3080. rawDestructor(ptr);
  3081. return rv;
  3082. }, "toWireType": function(destructors, o) {
  3083. for (var fieldName in fields) {
  3084. if (!(fieldName in o)) {
  3085. throw new TypeError('Missing field: "' + fieldName + '"');
  3086. }
  3087. }
  3088. var ptr = rawConstructor();
  3089. for (fieldName in fields) {
  3090. fields[fieldName].write(ptr, o[fieldName]);
  3091. }
  3092. if (destructors !== null) {
  3093. destructors.push(rawDestructor, ptr);
  3094. }
  3095. return ptr;
  3096. }, "argPackAdvance": 8, "readValueFromPointer": simpleReadValueFromPointer, destructorFunction: rawDestructor }];
  3097. });
  3098. }
  3099. function getShiftFromSize(size) {
  3100. switch (size) {
  3101. case 1:
  3102. return 0;
  3103. case 2:
  3104. return 1;
  3105. case 4:
  3106. return 2;
  3107. case 8:
  3108. return 3;
  3109. default:
  3110. throw new TypeError("Unknown type size: " + size);
  3111. }
  3112. }
  3113. function embind_init_charCodes() {
  3114. var codes = new Array(256);
  3115. for (var i = 0; i < 256; ++i) {
  3116. codes[i] = String.fromCharCode(i);
  3117. }
  3118. embind_charCodes = codes;
  3119. }
  3120. var embind_charCodes = void 0;
  3121. function readLatin1String(ptr) {
  3122. var ret = "";
  3123. var c = ptr;
  3124. while (HEAPU8[c >>> 0]) {
  3125. ret += embind_charCodes[HEAPU8[c++ >>> 0]];
  3126. }
  3127. return ret;
  3128. }
  3129. var BindingError = void 0;
  3130. function throwBindingError(message) {
  3131. throw new BindingError(message);
  3132. }
  3133. function registerType(rawType, registeredInstance, options) {
  3134. options = options || {};
  3135. if (!("argPackAdvance" in registeredInstance)) {
  3136. throw new TypeError("registerType registeredInstance requires argPackAdvance");
  3137. }
  3138. var name2 = registeredInstance.name;
  3139. if (!rawType) {
  3140. throwBindingError('type "' + name2 + '" must have a positive integer typeid pointer');
  3141. }
  3142. if (registeredTypes.hasOwnProperty(rawType)) {
  3143. if (options.ignoreDuplicateRegistrations) {
  3144. return;
  3145. } else {
  3146. throwBindingError("Cannot register type '" + name2 + "' twice");
  3147. }
  3148. }
  3149. registeredTypes[rawType] = registeredInstance;
  3150. delete typeDependencies[rawType];
  3151. if (awaitingDependencies.hasOwnProperty(rawType)) {
  3152. var callbacks = awaitingDependencies[rawType];
  3153. delete awaitingDependencies[rawType];
  3154. callbacks.forEach(function(cb) {
  3155. cb();
  3156. });
  3157. }
  3158. }
  3159. function __embind_register_bool(rawType, name2, size, trueValue, falseValue) {
  3160. var shift = getShiftFromSize(size);
  3161. name2 = readLatin1String(name2);
  3162. registerType(rawType, { name: name2, "fromWireType": function(wt) {
  3163. return !!wt;
  3164. }, "toWireType": function(destructors, o) {
  3165. return o ? trueValue : falseValue;
  3166. }, "argPackAdvance": 8, "readValueFromPointer": function(pointer) {
  3167. var heap;
  3168. if (size === 1) {
  3169. heap = HEAP8;
  3170. } else if (size === 2) {
  3171. heap = HEAP16;
  3172. } else if (size === 4) {
  3173. heap = HEAP32;
  3174. } else {
  3175. throw new TypeError("Unknown boolean type size: " + name2);
  3176. }
  3177. return this["fromWireType"](heap[pointer >>> shift]);
  3178. }, destructorFunction: null });
  3179. }
  3180. function ClassHandle_isAliasOf(other) {
  3181. if (!(this instanceof ClassHandle)) {
  3182. return false;
  3183. }
  3184. if (!(other instanceof ClassHandle)) {
  3185. return false;
  3186. }
  3187. var leftClass = this.$$.ptrType.registeredClass;
  3188. var left = this.$$.ptr;
  3189. var rightClass = other.$$.ptrType.registeredClass;
  3190. var right = other.$$.ptr;
  3191. while (leftClass.baseClass) {
  3192. left = leftClass.upcast(left);
  3193. leftClass = leftClass.baseClass;
  3194. }
  3195. while (rightClass.baseClass) {
  3196. right = rightClass.upcast(right);
  3197. rightClass = rightClass.baseClass;
  3198. }
  3199. return leftClass === rightClass && left === right;
  3200. }
  3201. function shallowCopyInternalPointer(o) {
  3202. return { count: o.count, deleteScheduled: o.deleteScheduled, preservePointerOnDelete: o.preservePointerOnDelete, ptr: o.ptr, ptrType: o.ptrType, smartPtr: o.smartPtr, smartPtrType: o.smartPtrType };
  3203. }
  3204. function throwInstanceAlreadyDeleted(obj) {
  3205. function getInstanceTypeName(handle) {
  3206. return handle.$$.ptrType.registeredClass.name;
  3207. }
  3208. throwBindingError(getInstanceTypeName(obj) + " instance already deleted");
  3209. }
  3210. var finalizationGroup = false;
  3211. function detachFinalizer(handle) {
  3212. }
  3213. function runDestructor($$) {
  3214. if ($$.smartPtr) {
  3215. $$.smartPtrType.rawDestructor($$.smartPtr);
  3216. } else {
  3217. $$.ptrType.registeredClass.rawDestructor($$.ptr);
  3218. }
  3219. }
  3220. function releaseClassHandle($$) {
  3221. $$.count.value -= 1;
  3222. var toDelete = $$.count.value === 0;
  3223. if (toDelete) {
  3224. runDestructor($$);
  3225. }
  3226. }
  3227. function attachFinalizer(handle) {
  3228. if (typeof FinalizationGroup === "undefined") {
  3229. attachFinalizer = function(handle2) {
  3230. return handle2;
  3231. };
  3232. return handle;
  3233. }
  3234. finalizationGroup = new FinalizationGroup(function(iter) {
  3235. for (var result = iter.next(); !result.done; result = iter.next()) {
  3236. var $$ = result.value;
  3237. if (!$$.ptr) {
  3238. console.warn("object already deleted: " + $$.ptr);
  3239. } else {
  3240. releaseClassHandle($$);
  3241. }
  3242. }
  3243. });
  3244. attachFinalizer = function(handle2) {
  3245. finalizationGroup.register(handle2, handle2.$$, handle2.$$);
  3246. return handle2;
  3247. };
  3248. detachFinalizer = function(handle2) {
  3249. finalizationGroup.unregister(handle2.$$);
  3250. };
  3251. return attachFinalizer(handle);
  3252. }
  3253. function ClassHandle_clone() {
  3254. if (!this.$$.ptr) {
  3255. throwInstanceAlreadyDeleted(this);
  3256. }
  3257. if (this.$$.preservePointerOnDelete) {
  3258. this.$$.count.value += 1;
  3259. return this;
  3260. } else {
  3261. var clone = attachFinalizer(Object.create(Object.getPrototypeOf(this), { $$: { value: shallowCopyInternalPointer(this.$$) } }));
  3262. clone.$$.count.value += 1;
  3263. clone.$$.deleteScheduled = false;
  3264. return clone;
  3265. }
  3266. }
  3267. function ClassHandle_delete() {
  3268. if (!this.$$.ptr) {
  3269. throwInstanceAlreadyDeleted(this);
  3270. }
  3271. if (this.$$.deleteScheduled && !this.$$.preservePointerOnDelete) {
  3272. throwBindingError("Object already scheduled for deletion");
  3273. }
  3274. detachFinalizer(this);
  3275. releaseClassHandle(this.$$);
  3276. if (!this.$$.preservePointerOnDelete) {
  3277. this.$$.smartPtr = void 0;
  3278. this.$$.ptr = void 0;
  3279. }
  3280. }
  3281. function ClassHandle_isDeleted() {
  3282. return !this.$$.ptr;
  3283. }
  3284. var delayFunction = void 0;
  3285. var deletionQueue = [];
  3286. function flushPendingDeletes() {
  3287. while (deletionQueue.length) {
  3288. var obj = deletionQueue.pop();
  3289. obj.$$.deleteScheduled = false;
  3290. obj["delete"]();
  3291. }
  3292. }
  3293. function ClassHandle_deleteLater() {
  3294. if (!this.$$.ptr) {
  3295. throwInstanceAlreadyDeleted(this);
  3296. }
  3297. if (this.$$.deleteScheduled && !this.$$.preservePointerOnDelete) {
  3298. throwBindingError("Object already scheduled for deletion");
  3299. }
  3300. deletionQueue.push(this);
  3301. if (deletionQueue.length === 1 && delayFunction) {
  3302. delayFunction(flushPendingDeletes);
  3303. }
  3304. this.$$.deleteScheduled = true;
  3305. return this;
  3306. }
  3307. function init_ClassHandle() {
  3308. ClassHandle.prototype["isAliasOf"] = ClassHandle_isAliasOf;
  3309. ClassHandle.prototype["clone"] = ClassHandle_clone;
  3310. ClassHandle.prototype["delete"] = ClassHandle_delete;
  3311. ClassHandle.prototype["isDeleted"] = ClassHandle_isDeleted;
  3312. ClassHandle.prototype["deleteLater"] = ClassHandle_deleteLater;
  3313. }
  3314. function ClassHandle() {
  3315. }
  3316. var registeredPointers = {};
  3317. function ensureOverloadTable(proto, methodName, humanName) {
  3318. if (proto[methodName].overloadTable === void 0) {
  3319. var prevFunc = proto[methodName];
  3320. proto[methodName] = function() {
  3321. if (!proto[methodName].overloadTable.hasOwnProperty(arguments.length)) {
  3322. throwBindingError("Function '" + humanName + "' called with an invalid number of arguments (" + arguments.length + ") - expects one of (" + proto[methodName].overloadTable + ")!");
  3323. }
  3324. return proto[methodName].overloadTable[arguments.length].apply(this, arguments);
  3325. };
  3326. proto[methodName].overloadTable = [];
  3327. proto[methodName].overloadTable[prevFunc.argCount] = prevFunc;
  3328. }
  3329. }
  3330. function exposePublicSymbol(name2, value, numArguments) {
  3331. if (Module.hasOwnProperty(name2)) {
  3332. if (numArguments === void 0 || Module[name2].overloadTable !== void 0 && Module[name2].overloadTable[numArguments] !== void 0) {
  3333. throwBindingError("Cannot register public name '" + name2 + "' twice");
  3334. }
  3335. ensureOverloadTable(Module, name2, name2);
  3336. if (Module.hasOwnProperty(numArguments)) {
  3337. throwBindingError("Cannot register multiple overloads of a function with the same number of arguments (" + numArguments + ")!");
  3338. }
  3339. Module[name2].overloadTable[numArguments] = value;
  3340. } else {
  3341. Module[name2] = value;
  3342. if (numArguments !== void 0) {
  3343. Module[name2].numArguments = numArguments;
  3344. }
  3345. }
  3346. }
  3347. function RegisteredClass(name2, constructor, instancePrototype, rawDestructor, baseClass, getActualType, upcast, downcast) {
  3348. this.name = name2;
  3349. this.constructor = constructor;
  3350. this.instancePrototype = instancePrototype;
  3351. this.rawDestructor = rawDestructor;
  3352. this.baseClass = baseClass;
  3353. this.getActualType = getActualType;
  3354. this.upcast = upcast;
  3355. this.downcast = downcast;
  3356. this.pureVirtualFunctions = [];
  3357. }
  3358. function upcastPointer(ptr, ptrClass, desiredClass) {
  3359. while (ptrClass !== desiredClass) {
  3360. if (!ptrClass.upcast) {
  3361. throwBindingError("Expected null or instance of " + desiredClass.name + ", got an instance of " + ptrClass.name);
  3362. }
  3363. ptr = ptrClass.upcast(ptr);
  3364. ptrClass = ptrClass.baseClass;
  3365. }
  3366. return ptr;
  3367. }
  3368. function constNoSmartPtrRawPointerToWireType(destructors, handle) {
  3369. if (handle === null) {
  3370. if (this.isReference) {
  3371. throwBindingError("null is not a valid " + this.name);
  3372. }
  3373. return 0;
  3374. }
  3375. if (!handle.$$) {
  3376. throwBindingError('Cannot pass "' + _embind_repr(handle) + '" as a ' + this.name);
  3377. }
  3378. if (!handle.$$.ptr) {
  3379. throwBindingError("Cannot pass deleted object as a pointer of type " + this.name);
  3380. }
  3381. var handleClass = handle.$$.ptrType.registeredClass;
  3382. var ptr = upcastPointer(handle.$$.ptr, handleClass, this.registeredClass);
  3383. return ptr;
  3384. }
  3385. function genericPointerToWireType(destructors, handle) {
  3386. var ptr;
  3387. if (handle === null) {
  3388. if (this.isReference) {
  3389. throwBindingError("null is not a valid " + this.name);
  3390. }
  3391. if (this.isSmartPointer) {
  3392. ptr = this.rawConstructor();
  3393. if (destructors !== null) {
  3394. destructors.push(this.rawDestructor, ptr);
  3395. }
  3396. return ptr;
  3397. } else {
  3398. return 0;
  3399. }
  3400. }
  3401. if (!handle.$$) {
  3402. throwBindingError('Cannot pass "' + _embind_repr(handle) + '" as a ' + this.name);
  3403. }
  3404. if (!handle.$$.ptr) {
  3405. throwBindingError("Cannot pass deleted object as a pointer of type " + this.name);
  3406. }
  3407. if (!this.isConst && handle.$$.ptrType.isConst) {
  3408. throwBindingError("Cannot convert argument of type " + (handle.$$.smartPtrType ? handle.$$.smartPtrType.name : handle.$$.ptrType.name) + " to parameter type " + this.name);
  3409. }
  3410. var handleClass = handle.$$.ptrType.registeredClass;
  3411. ptr = upcastPointer(handle.$$.ptr, handleClass, this.registeredClass);
  3412. if (this.isSmartPointer) {
  3413. if (handle.$$.smartPtr === void 0) {
  3414. throwBindingError("Passing raw pointer to smart pointer is illegal");
  3415. }
  3416. switch (this.sharingPolicy) {
  3417. case 0:
  3418. if (handle.$$.smartPtrType === this) {
  3419. ptr = handle.$$.smartPtr;
  3420. } else {
  3421. throwBindingError("Cannot convert argument of type " + (handle.$$.smartPtrType ? handle.$$.smartPtrType.name : handle.$$.ptrType.name) + " to parameter type " + this.name);
  3422. }
  3423. break;
  3424. case 1:
  3425. ptr = handle.$$.smartPtr;
  3426. break;
  3427. case 2:
  3428. if (handle.$$.smartPtrType === this) {
  3429. ptr = handle.$$.smartPtr;
  3430. } else {
  3431. var clonedHandle = handle["clone"]();
  3432. ptr = this.rawShare(ptr, __emval_register(function() {
  3433. clonedHandle["delete"]();
  3434. }));
  3435. if (destructors !== null) {
  3436. destructors.push(this.rawDestructor, ptr);
  3437. }
  3438. }
  3439. break;
  3440. default:
  3441. throwBindingError("Unsupporting sharing policy");
  3442. }
  3443. }
  3444. return ptr;
  3445. }
  3446. function nonConstNoSmartPtrRawPointerToWireType(destructors, handle) {
  3447. if (handle === null) {
  3448. if (this.isReference) {
  3449. throwBindingError("null is not a valid " + this.name);
  3450. }
  3451. return 0;
  3452. }
  3453. if (!handle.$$) {
  3454. throwBindingError('Cannot pass "' + _embind_repr(handle) + '" as a ' + this.name);
  3455. }
  3456. if (!handle.$$.ptr) {
  3457. throwBindingError("Cannot pass deleted object as a pointer of type " + this.name);
  3458. }
  3459. if (handle.$$.ptrType.isConst) {
  3460. throwBindingError("Cannot convert argument of type " + handle.$$.ptrType.name + " to parameter type " + this.name);
  3461. }
  3462. var handleClass = handle.$$.ptrType.registeredClass;
  3463. var ptr = upcastPointer(handle.$$.ptr, handleClass, this.registeredClass);
  3464. return ptr;
  3465. }
  3466. function RegisteredPointer_getPointee(ptr) {
  3467. if (this.rawGetPointee) {
  3468. ptr = this.rawGetPointee(ptr);
  3469. }
  3470. return ptr;
  3471. }
  3472. function RegisteredPointer_destructor(ptr) {
  3473. if (this.rawDestructor) {
  3474. this.rawDestructor(ptr);
  3475. }
  3476. }
  3477. function RegisteredPointer_deleteObject(handle) {
  3478. if (handle !== null) {
  3479. handle["delete"]();
  3480. }
  3481. }
  3482. function downcastPointer(ptr, ptrClass, desiredClass) {
  3483. if (ptrClass === desiredClass) {
  3484. return ptr;
  3485. }
  3486. if (desiredClass.baseClass === void 0) {
  3487. return null;
  3488. }
  3489. var rv = downcastPointer(ptr, ptrClass, desiredClass.baseClass);
  3490. if (rv === null) {
  3491. return null;
  3492. }
  3493. return desiredClass.downcast(rv);
  3494. }
  3495. function getInheritedInstanceCount() {
  3496. return Object.keys(registeredInstances).length;
  3497. }
  3498. function getLiveInheritedInstances() {
  3499. var rv = [];
  3500. for (var k in registeredInstances) {
  3501. if (registeredInstances.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
  3502. rv.push(registeredInstances[k]);
  3503. }
  3504. }
  3505. return rv;
  3506. }
  3507. function setDelayFunction(fn) {
  3508. delayFunction = fn;
  3509. if (deletionQueue.length && delayFunction) {
  3510. delayFunction(flushPendingDeletes);
  3511. }
  3512. }
  3513. function init_embind() {
  3514. Module["getInheritedInstanceCount"] = getInheritedInstanceCount;
  3515. Module["getLiveInheritedInstances"] = getLiveInheritedInstances;
  3516. Module["flushPendingDeletes"] = flushPendingDeletes;
  3517. Module["setDelayFunction"] = setDelayFunction;
  3518. }
  3519. var registeredInstances = {};
  3520. function getBasestPointer(class_, ptr) {
  3521. if (ptr === void 0) {
  3522. throwBindingError("ptr should not be undefined");
  3523. }
  3524. while (class_.baseClass) {
  3525. ptr = class_.upcast(ptr);
  3526. class_ = class_.baseClass;
  3527. }
  3528. return ptr;
  3529. }
  3530. function getInheritedInstance(class_, ptr) {
  3531. ptr = getBasestPointer(class_, ptr);
  3532. return registeredInstances[ptr];
  3533. }
  3534. function makeClassHandle(prototype, record) {
  3535. if (!record.ptrType || !record.ptr) {
  3536. throwInternalError("makeClassHandle requires ptr and ptrType");
  3537. }
  3538. var hasSmartPtrType = !!record.smartPtrType;
  3539. var hasSmartPtr = !!record.smartPtr;
  3540. if (hasSmartPtrType !== hasSmartPtr) {
  3541. throwInternalError("Both smartPtrType and smartPtr must be specified");
  3542. }
  3543. record.count = { value: 1 };
  3544. return attachFinalizer(Object.create(prototype, { $$: { value: record } }));
  3545. }
  3546. function RegisteredPointer_fromWireType(ptr) {
  3547. var rawPointer = this.getPointee(ptr);
  3548. if (!rawPointer) {
  3549. this.destructor(ptr);
  3550. return null;
  3551. }
  3552. var registeredInstance = getInheritedInstance(this.registeredClass, rawPointer);
  3553. if (registeredInstance !== void 0) {
  3554. if (registeredInstance.$$.count.value === 0) {
  3555. registeredInstance.$$.ptr = rawPointer;
  3556. registeredInstance.$$.smartPtr = ptr;
  3557. return registeredInstance["clone"]();
  3558. } else {
  3559. var rv = registeredInstance["clone"]();
  3560. this.destructor(ptr);
  3561. return rv;
  3562. }
  3563. }
  3564. function makeDefaultHandle() {
  3565. if (this.isSmartPointer) {
  3566. return makeClassHandle(this.registeredClass.instancePrototype, { ptrType: this.pointeeType, ptr: rawPointer, smartPtrType: this, smartPtr: ptr });
  3567. } else {
  3568. return makeClassHandle(this.registeredClass.instancePrototype, { ptrType: this, ptr });
  3569. }
  3570. }
  3571. var actualType = this.registeredClass.getActualType(rawPointer);
  3572. var registeredPointerRecord = registeredPointers[actualType];
  3573. if (!registeredPointerRecord) {
  3574. return makeDefaultHandle.call(this);
  3575. }
  3576. var toType;
  3577. if (this.isConst) {
  3578. toType = registeredPointerRecord.constPointerType;
  3579. } else {
  3580. toType = registeredPointerRecord.pointerType;
  3581. }
  3582. var dp = downcastPointer(rawPointer, this.registeredClass, toType.registeredClass);
  3583. if (dp === null) {
  3584. return makeDefaultHandle.call(this);
  3585. }
  3586. if (this.isSmartPointer) {
  3587. return makeClassHandle(toType.registeredClass.instancePrototype, { ptrType: toType, ptr: dp, smartPtrType: this, smartPtr: ptr });
  3588. } else {
  3589. return makeClassHandle(toType.registeredClass.instancePrototype, { ptrType: toType, ptr: dp });
  3590. }
  3591. }
  3592. function init_RegisteredPointer() {
  3593. RegisteredPointer.prototype.getPointee = RegisteredPointer_getPointee;
  3594. RegisteredPointer.prototype.destructor = RegisteredPointer_destructor;
  3595. RegisteredPointer.prototype["argPackAdvance"] = 8;
  3596. RegisteredPointer.prototype["readValueFromPointer"] = simpleReadValueFromPointer;
  3597. RegisteredPointer.prototype["deleteObject"] = RegisteredPointer_deleteObject;
  3598. RegisteredPointer.prototype["fromWireType"] = RegisteredPointer_fromWireType;
  3599. }
  3600. function RegisteredPointer(name2, registeredClass, isReference, isConst, isSmartPointer, pointeeType, sharingPolicy, rawGetPointee, rawConstructor, rawShare, rawDestructor) {
  3601. this.name = name2;
  3602. this.registeredClass = registeredClass;
  3603. this.isReference = isReference;
  3604. this.isConst = isConst;
  3605. this.isSmartPointer = isSmartPointer;
  3606. this.pointeeType = pointeeType;
  3607. this.sharingPolicy = sharingPolicy;
  3608. this.rawGetPointee = rawGetPointee;
  3609. this.rawConstructor = rawConstructor;
  3610. this.rawShare = rawShare;
  3611. this.rawDestructor = rawDestructor;
  3612. if (!isSmartPointer && registeredClass.baseClass === void 0) {
  3613. if (isConst) {
  3614. this["toWireType"] = constNoSmartPtrRawPointerToWireType;
  3615. this.destructorFunction = null;
  3616. } else {
  3617. this["toWireType"] = nonConstNoSmartPtrRawPointerToWireType;
  3618. this.destructorFunction = null;
  3619. }
  3620. } else {
  3621. this["toWireType"] = genericPointerToWireType;
  3622. }
  3623. }
  3624. function replacePublicSymbol(name2, value, numArguments) {
  3625. if (!Module.hasOwnProperty(name2)) {
  3626. throwInternalError("Replacing nonexistant public symbol");
  3627. }
  3628. if (Module[name2].overloadTable !== void 0 && numArguments !== void 0) {
  3629. Module[name2].overloadTable[numArguments] = value;
  3630. } else {
  3631. Module[name2] = value;
  3632. Module[name2].argCount = numArguments;
  3633. }
  3634. }
  3635. function getDynCaller(sig, ptr) {
  3636. assert(sig.indexOf("j") >= 0, "getDynCaller should only be called with i64 sigs");
  3637. var argCache = [];
  3638. return function() {
  3639. argCache.length = arguments.length;
  3640. for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
  3641. argCache[i] = arguments[i];
  3642. }
  3643. return dynCall(sig, ptr, argCache);
  3644. };
  3645. }
  3646. function embind__requireFunction(signature, rawFunction) {
  3647. signature = readLatin1String(signature);
  3648. function makeDynCaller() {
  3649. if (signature.indexOf("j") != -1) {
  3650. return getDynCaller(signature, rawFunction);
  3651. }
  3652. return wasmTable.get(rawFunction);
  3653. }
  3654. var fp = makeDynCaller();
  3655. if (typeof fp !== "function") {
  3656. throwBindingError("unknown function pointer with signature " + signature + ": " + rawFunction);
  3657. }
  3658. return fp;
  3659. }
  3660. var UnboundTypeError = void 0;
  3661. function getTypeName(type) {
  3662. var ptr = ___getTypeName(type);
  3663. var rv = readLatin1String(ptr);
  3664. _free(ptr);
  3665. return rv;
  3666. }
  3667. function throwUnboundTypeError(message, types) {
  3668. var unboundTypes = [];
  3669. var seen = {};
  3670. function visit(type) {
  3671. if (seen[type]) {
  3672. return;
  3673. }
  3674. if (registeredTypes[type]) {
  3675. return;
  3676. }
  3677. if (typeDependencies[type]) {
  3678. typeDependencies[type].forEach(visit);
  3679. return;
  3680. }
  3681. unboundTypes.push(type);
  3682. seen[type] = true;
  3683. }
  3684. types.forEach(visit);
  3685. throw new UnboundTypeError(message + ": " + unboundTypes.map(getTypeName).join([", "]));
  3686. }
  3687. function __embind_register_class(rawType, rawPointerType, rawConstPointerType, baseClassRawType, getActualTypeSignature, getActualType, upcastSignature, upcast, downcastSignature, downcast, name2, destructorSignature, rawDestructor) {
  3688. name2 = readLatin1String(name2);
  3689. getActualType = embind__requireFunction(getActualTypeSignature, getActualType);
  3690. if (upcast) {
  3691. upcast = embind__requireFunction(upcastSignature, upcast);
  3692. }
  3693. if (downcast) {
  3694. downcast = embind__requireFunction(downcastSignature, downcast);
  3695. }
  3696. rawDestructor = embind__requireFunction(destructorSignature, rawDestructor);
  3697. var legalFunctionName = makeLegalFunctionName(name2);
  3698. exposePublicSymbol(legalFunctionName, function() {
  3699. throwUnboundTypeError("Cannot construct " + name2 + " due to unbound types", [baseClassRawType]);
  3700. });
  3701. whenDependentTypesAreResolved([rawType, rawPointerType, rawConstPointerType], baseClassRawType ? [baseClassRawType] : [], function(base) {
  3702. base = base[0];
  3703. var baseClass;
  3704. var basePrototype;
  3705. if (baseClassRawType) {
  3706. baseClass = base.registeredClass;
  3707. basePrototype = baseClass.instancePrototype;
  3708. } else {
  3709. basePrototype = ClassHandle.prototype;
  3710. }
  3711. var constructor = createNamedFunction(legalFunctionName, function() {
  3712. if (Object.getPrototypeOf(this) !== instancePrototype) {
  3713. throw new BindingError("Use 'new' to construct " + name2);
  3714. }
  3715. if (registeredClass.constructor_body === void 0) {
  3716. throw new BindingError(name2 + " has no accessible constructor");
  3717. }
  3718. var body = registeredClass.constructor_body[arguments.length];
  3719. if (body === void 0) {
  3720. throw new BindingError("Tried to invoke ctor of " + name2 + " with invalid number of parameters (" + arguments.length + ") - expected (" + Object.keys(registeredClass.constructor_body).toString() + ") parameters instead!");
  3721. }
  3722. return body.apply(this, arguments);
  3723. });
  3724. var instancePrototype = Object.create(basePrototype, { constructor: { value: constructor } });
  3725. constructor.prototype = instancePrototype;
  3726. var registeredClass = new RegisteredClass(name2, constructor, instancePrototype, rawDestructor, baseClass, getActualType, upcast, downcast);
  3727. var referenceConverter = new RegisteredPointer(name2, registeredClass, true, false, false);
  3728. var pointerConverter = new RegisteredPointer(name2 + "*", registeredClass, false, false, false);
  3729. var constPointerConverter = new RegisteredPointer(name2 + " const*", registeredClass, false, true, false);
  3730. registeredPointers[rawType] = { pointerType: pointerConverter, constPointerType: constPointerConverter };
  3731. replacePublicSymbol(legalFunctionName, constructor);
  3732. return [referenceConverter, pointerConverter, constPointerConverter];
  3733. });
  3734. }
  3735. function heap32VectorToArray(count, firstElement) {
  3736. var array = [];
  3737. for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
  3738. array.push(HEAP32[(firstElement >> 2) + i >>> 0]);
  3739. }
  3740. return array;
  3741. }
  3742. function __embind_register_class_constructor(rawClassType, argCount, rawArgTypesAddr, invokerSignature, invoker, rawConstructor) {
  3743. assert(argCount > 0);
  3744. var rawArgTypes = heap32VectorToArray(argCount, rawArgTypesAddr);
  3745. invoker = embind__requireFunction(invokerSignature, invoker);
  3746. var args = [rawConstructor];
  3747. var destructors = [];
  3748. whenDependentTypesAreResolved([], [rawClassType], function(classType) {
  3749. classType = classType[0];
  3750. var humanName = "constructor " + classType.name;
  3751. if (classType.registeredClass.constructor_body === void 0) {
  3752. classType.registeredClass.constructor_body = [];
  3753. }
  3754. if (classType.registeredClass.constructor_body[argCount - 1] !== void 0) {
  3755. throw new BindingError("Cannot register multiple constructors with identical number of parameters (" + (argCount - 1) + ") for class '" + classType.name + "'! Overload resolution is currently only performed using the parameter count, not actual type info!");
  3756. }
  3757. classType.registeredClass.constructor_body[argCount - 1] = function unboundTypeHandler() {
  3758. throwUnboundTypeError("Cannot construct " + classType.name + " due to unbound types", rawArgTypes);
  3759. };
  3760. whenDependentTypesAreResolved([], rawArgTypes, function(argTypes) {
  3761. classType.registeredClass.constructor_body[argCount - 1] = function constructor_body() {
  3762. if (arguments.length !== argCount - 1) {
  3763. throwBindingError(humanName + " called with " + arguments.length + " arguments, expected " + (argCount - 1));
  3764. }
  3765. destructors.length = 0;
  3766. args.length = argCount;
  3767. for (var i = 1; i < argCount; ++i) {
  3768. args[i] = argTypes[i]["toWireType"](destructors, arguments[i - 1]);
  3769. }
  3770. var ptr = invoker.apply(null, args);
  3771. runDestructors(destructors);
  3772. return argTypes[0]["fromWireType"](ptr);
  3773. };
  3774. return [];
  3775. });
  3776. return [];
  3777. });
  3778. }
  3779. function new_(constructor, argumentList) {
  3780. if (!(constructor instanceof Function)) {
  3781. throw new TypeError("new_ called with constructor type " + typeof constructor + " which is not a function");
  3782. }
  3783. var dummy = createNamedFunction(constructor.name || "unknownFunctionName", function() {
  3784. });
  3785. dummy.prototype = constructor.prototype;
  3786. var obj = new dummy();
  3787. var r = constructor.apply(obj, argumentList);
  3788. return r instanceof Object ? r : obj;
  3789. }
  3790. function craftInvokerFunction(humanName, argTypes, classType, cppInvokerFunc, cppTargetFunc) {
  3791. var argCount = argTypes.length;
  3792. if (argCount < 2) {
  3793. throwBindingError("argTypes array size mismatch! Must at least get return value and 'this' types!");
  3794. }
  3795. var isClassMethodFunc = argTypes[1] !== null && classType !== null;
  3796. var needsDestructorStack = false;
  3797. for (var i = 1; i < argTypes.length; ++i) {
  3798. if (argTypes[i] !== null && argTypes[i].destructorFunction === void 0) {
  3799. needsDestructorStack = true;
  3800. break;
  3801. }
  3802. }
  3803. var returns = argTypes[0].name !== "void";
  3804. var argsList = "";
  3805. var argsListWired = "";
  3806. for (var i = 0; i < argCount - 2; ++i) {
  3807. argsList += (i !== 0 ? ", " : "") + "arg" + i;
  3808. argsListWired += (i !== 0 ? ", " : "") + "arg" + i + "Wired";
  3809. }
  3810. var invokerFnBody = "return function " + makeLegalFunctionName(humanName) + "(" + argsList + ") {\nif (arguments.length !== " + (argCount - 2) + ") {\nthrowBindingError('function " + humanName + " called with ' + arguments.length + ' arguments, expected " + (argCount - 2) + " args!');\n}\n";
  3811. if (needsDestructorStack) {
  3812. invokerFnBody += "var destructors = [];\n";
  3813. }
  3814. var dtorStack = needsDestructorStack ? "destructors" : "null";
  3815. var args1 = ["throwBindingError", "invoker", "fn", "runDestructors", "retType", "classParam"];
  3816. var args2 = [throwBindingError, cppInvokerFunc, cppTargetFunc, runDestructors, argTypes[0], argTypes[1]];
  3817. if (isClassMethodFunc) {
  3818. invokerFnBody += "var thisWired = classParam.toWireType(" + dtorStack + ", this);\n";
  3819. }
  3820. for (var i = 0; i < argCount - 2; ++i) {
  3821. invokerFnBody += "var arg" + i + "Wired = argType" + i + ".toWireType(" + dtorStack + ", arg" + i + "); // " + argTypes[i + 2].name + "\n";
  3822. args1.push("argType" + i);
  3823. args2.push(argTypes[i + 2]);
  3824. }
  3825. if (isClassMethodFunc) {
  3826. argsListWired = "thisWired" + (argsListWired.length > 0 ? ", " : "") + argsListWired;
  3827. }
  3828. invokerFnBody += (returns ? "var rv = " : "") + "invoker(fn" + (argsListWired.length > 0 ? ", " : "") + argsListWired + ");\n";
  3829. if (needsDestructorStack) {
  3830. invokerFnBody += "runDestructors(destructors);\n";
  3831. } else {
  3832. for (var i = isClassMethodFunc ? 1 : 2; i < argTypes.length; ++i) {
  3833. var paramName = i === 1 ? "thisWired" : "arg" + (i - 2) + "Wired";
  3834. if (argTypes[i].destructorFunction !== null) {
  3835. invokerFnBody += paramName + "_dtor(" + paramName + "); // " + argTypes[i].name + "\n";
  3836. args1.push(paramName + "_dtor");
  3837. args2.push(argTypes[i].destructorFunction);
  3838. }
  3839. }
  3840. }
  3841. if (returns) {
  3842. invokerFnBody += "var ret = retType.fromWireType(rv);\nreturn ret;\n";
  3843. } else {
  3844. }
  3845. invokerFnBody += "}\n";
  3846. args1.push(invokerFnBody);
  3847. var invokerFunction = new_(Function, args1).apply(null, args2);
  3848. return invokerFunction;
  3849. }
  3850. function __embind_register_class_function(rawClassType, methodName, argCount, rawArgTypesAddr, invokerSignature, rawInvoker, context, isPureVirtual) {
  3851. var rawArgTypes = heap32VectorToArray(argCount, rawArgTypesAddr);
  3852. methodName = readLatin1String(methodName);
  3853. rawInvoker = embind__requireFunction(invokerSignature, rawInvoker);
  3854. whenDependentTypesAreResolved([], [rawClassType], function(classType) {
  3855. classType = classType[0];
  3856. var humanName = classType.name + "." + methodName;
  3857. if (isPureVirtual) {
  3858. classType.registeredClass.pureVirtualFunctions.push(methodName);
  3859. }
  3860. function unboundTypesHandler() {
  3861. throwUnboundTypeError("Cannot call " + humanName + " due to unbound types", rawArgTypes);
  3862. }
  3863. var proto = classType.registeredClass.instancePrototype;
  3864. var method = proto[methodName];
  3865. if (method === void 0 || method.overloadTable === void 0 && method.className !== classType.name && method.argCount === argCount - 2) {
  3866. unboundTypesHandler.argCount = argCount - 2;
  3867. unboundTypesHandler.className = classType.name;
  3868. proto[methodName] = unboundTypesHandler;
  3869. } else {
  3870. ensureOverloadTable(proto, methodName, humanName);
  3871. proto[methodName].overloadTable[argCount - 2] = unboundTypesHandler;
  3872. }
  3873. whenDependentTypesAreResolved([], rawArgTypes, function(argTypes) {
  3874. var memberFunction = craftInvokerFunction(humanName, argTypes, classType, rawInvoker, context);
  3875. if (proto[methodName].overloadTable === void 0) {
  3876. memberFunction.argCount = argCount - 2;
  3877. proto[methodName] = memberFunction;
  3878. } else {
  3879. proto[methodName].overloadTable[argCount - 2] = memberFunction;
  3880. }
  3881. return [];
  3882. });
  3883. return [];
  3884. });
  3885. }
  3886. var emval_free_list = [];
  3887. var emval_handle_array = [{}, { value: void 0 }, { value: null }, { value: true }, { value: false }];
  3888. function __emval_decref(handle) {
  3889. if (handle > 4 && --emval_handle_array[handle].refcount === 0) {
  3890. emval_handle_array[handle] = void 0;
  3891. emval_free_list.push(handle);
  3892. }
  3893. }
  3894. function count_emval_handles() {
  3895. var count = 0;
  3896. for (var i = 5; i < emval_handle_array.length; ++i) {
  3897. if (emval_handle_array[i] !== void 0) {
  3898. ++count;
  3899. }
  3900. }
  3901. return count;
  3902. }
  3903. function get_first_emval() {
  3904. for (var i = 5; i < emval_handle_array.length; ++i) {
  3905. if (emval_handle_array[i] !== void 0) {
  3906. return emval_handle_array[i];
  3907. }
  3908. }
  3909. return null;
  3910. }
  3911. function init_emval() {
  3912. Module["count_emval_handles"] = count_emval_handles;
  3913. Module["get_first_emval"] = get_first_emval;
  3914. }
  3915. function __emval_register(value) {
  3916. switch (value) {
  3917. case void 0: {
  3918. return 1;
  3919. }
  3920. case null: {
  3921. return 2;
  3922. }
  3923. case true: {
  3924. return 3;
  3925. }
  3926. case false: {
  3927. return 4;
  3928. }
  3929. default: {
  3930. var handle = emval_free_list.length ? emval_free_list.pop() : emval_handle_array.length;
  3931. emval_handle_array[handle] = { refcount: 1, value };
  3932. return handle;
  3933. }
  3934. }
  3935. }
  3936. function __embind_register_emval(rawType, name2) {
  3937. name2 = readLatin1String(name2);
  3938. registerType(rawType, { name: name2, "fromWireType": function(handle) {
  3939. var rv = emval_handle_array[handle].value;
  3940. __emval_decref(handle);
  3941. return rv;
  3942. }, "toWireType": function(destructors, value) {
  3943. return __emval_register(value);
  3944. }, "argPackAdvance": 8, "readValueFromPointer": simpleReadValueFromPointer, destructorFunction: null });
  3945. }
  3946. function _embind_repr(v) {
  3947. if (v === null) {
  3948. return "null";
  3949. }
  3950. var t = typeof v;
  3951. if (t === "object" || t === "array" || t === "function") {
  3952. return v.toString();
  3953. } else {
  3954. return "" + v;
  3955. }
  3956. }
  3957. function floatReadValueFromPointer(name2, shift) {
  3958. switch (shift) {
  3959. case 2:
  3960. return function(pointer) {
  3961. return this["fromWireType"](HEAPF32[pointer >>> 2]);
  3962. };
  3963. case 3:
  3964. return function(pointer) {
  3965. return this["fromWireType"](HEAPF64[pointer >>> 3]);
  3966. };
  3967. default:
  3968. throw new TypeError("Unknown float type: " + name2);
  3969. }
  3970. }
  3971. function __embind_register_float(rawType, name2, size) {
  3972. var shift = getShiftFromSize(size);
  3973. name2 = readLatin1String(name2);
  3974. registerType(rawType, { name: name2, "fromWireType": function(value) {
  3975. return value;
  3976. }, "toWireType": function(destructors, value) {
  3977. if (typeof value !== "number" && typeof value !== "boolean") {
  3978. throw new TypeError('Cannot convert "' + _embind_repr(value) + '" to ' + this.name);
  3979. }
  3980. return value;
  3981. }, "argPackAdvance": 8, "readValueFromPointer": floatReadValueFromPointer(name2, shift), destructorFunction: null });
  3982. }
  3983. function __embind_register_function(name2, argCount, rawArgTypesAddr, signature, rawInvoker, fn) {
  3984. var argTypes = heap32VectorToArray(argCount, rawArgTypesAddr);
  3985. name2 = readLatin1String(name2);
  3986. rawInvoker = embind__requireFunction(signature, rawInvoker);
  3987. exposePublicSymbol(name2, function() {
  3988. throwUnboundTypeError("Cannot call " + name2 + " due to unbound types", argTypes);
  3989. }, argCount - 1);
  3990. whenDependentTypesAreResolved([], argTypes, function(argTypes2) {
  3991. var invokerArgsArray = [argTypes2[0], null].concat(argTypes2.slice(1));
  3992. replacePublicSymbol(name2, craftInvokerFunction(name2, invokerArgsArray, null, rawInvoker, fn), argCount - 1);
  3993. return [];
  3994. });
  3995. }
  3996. function integerReadValueFromPointer(name2, shift, signed) {
  3997. switch (shift) {
  3998. case 0:
  3999. return signed ? function readS8FromPointer(pointer) {
  4000. return HEAP8[pointer >>> 0];
  4001. } : function readU8FromPointer(pointer) {
  4002. return HEAPU8[pointer >>> 0];
  4003. };
  4004. case 1:
  4005. return signed ? function readS16FromPointer(pointer) {
  4006. return HEAP16[pointer >>> 1];
  4007. } : function readU16FromPointer(pointer) {
  4008. return HEAPU16[pointer >>> 1];
  4009. };
  4010. case 2:
  4011. return signed ? function readS32FromPointer(pointer) {
  4012. return HEAP32[pointer >>> 2];
  4013. } : function readU32FromPointer(pointer) {
  4014. return HEAPU32[pointer >>> 2];
  4015. };
  4016. default:
  4017. throw new TypeError("Unknown integer type: " + name2);
  4018. }
  4019. }
  4020. function __embind_register_integer(primitiveType, name2, size, minRange, maxRange) {
  4021. name2 = readLatin1String(name2);
  4022. if (maxRange === -1) {
  4023. maxRange = 4294967295;
  4024. }
  4025. var shift = getShiftFromSize(size);
  4026. var fromWireType = function(value) {
  4027. return value;
  4028. };
  4029. if (minRange === 0) {
  4030. var bitshift = 32 - 8 * size;
  4031. fromWireType = function(value) {
  4032. return value << bitshift >>> bitshift;
  4033. };
  4034. }
  4035. var isUnsignedType = name2.indexOf("unsigned") != -1;
  4036. registerType(primitiveType, { name: name2, "fromWireType": fromWireType, "toWireType": function(destructors, value) {
  4037. if (typeof value !== "number" && typeof value !== "boolean") {
  4038. throw new TypeError('Cannot convert "' + _embind_repr(value) + '" to ' + this.name);
  4039. }
  4040. if (value < minRange || value > maxRange) {
  4041. throw new TypeError('Passing a number "' + _embind_repr(value) + '" from JS side to C/C++ side to an argument of type "' + name2 + '", which is outside the valid range [' + minRange + ", " + maxRange + "]!");
  4042. }
  4043. return isUnsignedType ? value >>> 0 : value | 0;
  4044. }, "argPackAdvance": 8, "readValueFromPointer": integerReadValueFromPointer(name2, shift, minRange !== 0), destructorFunction: null });
  4045. }
  4046. function __embind_register_memory_view(rawType, dataTypeIndex, name2) {
  4047. var typeMapping = [Int8Array, Uint8Array, Int16Array, Uint16Array, Int32Array, Uint32Array, Float32Array, Float64Array];
  4048. var TA = typeMapping[dataTypeIndex];
  4049. function decodeMemoryView(handle) {
  4050. handle = handle >> 2;
  4051. var heap = HEAPU32;
  4052. var size = heap[handle >>> 0];
  4053. var data = heap[handle + 1 >>> 0];
  4054. return new TA(buffer, data, size);
  4055. }
  4056. name2 = readLatin1String(name2);
  4057. registerType(rawType, { name: name2, "fromWireType": decodeMemoryView, "argPackAdvance": 8, "readValueFromPointer": decodeMemoryView }, { ignoreDuplicateRegistrations: true });
  4058. }
  4059. function __embind_register_std_string(rawType, name2) {
  4060. name2 = readLatin1String(name2);
  4061. var stdStringIsUTF8 = name2 === "std::string";
  4062. registerType(rawType, { name: name2, "fromWireType": function(value) {
  4063. var length = HEAPU32[value >>> 2];
  4064. var str;
  4065. if (stdStringIsUTF8) {
  4066. var decodeStartPtr = value + 4;
  4067. for (var i = 0; i <= length; ++i) {
  4068. var currentBytePtr = value + 4 + i;
  4069. if (i == length || HEAPU8[currentBytePtr >>> 0] == 0) {
  4070. var maxRead = currentBytePtr - decodeStartPtr;
  4071. var stringSegment = UTF8ToString(decodeStartPtr, maxRead);
  4072. if (str === void 0) {
  4073. str = stringSegment;
  4074. } else {
  4075. str += String.fromCharCode(0);
  4076. str += stringSegment;
  4077. }
  4078. decodeStartPtr = currentBytePtr + 1;
  4079. }
  4080. }
  4081. } else {
  4082. var a = new Array(length);
  4083. for (var i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
  4084. a[i] = String.fromCharCode(HEAPU8[value + 4 + i >>> 0]);
  4085. }
  4086. str = a.join("");
  4087. }
  4088. _free(value);
  4089. return str;
  4090. }, "toWireType": function(destructors, value) {
  4091. if (value instanceof ArrayBuffer) {
  4092. value = new Uint8Array(value);
  4093. }
  4094. var getLength;
  4095. var valueIsOfTypeString = typeof value === "string";
  4096. if (!(valueIsOfTypeString || value instanceof Uint8Array || value instanceof Uint8ClampedArray || value instanceof Int8Array)) {
  4097. throwBindingError("Cannot pass non-string to std::string");
  4098. }
  4099. if (stdStringIsUTF8 && valueIsOfTypeString) {
  4100. getLength = function() {
  4101. return lengthBytesUTF8(value);
  4102. };
  4103. } else {
  4104. getLength = function() {
  4105. return value.length;
  4106. };
  4107. }
  4108. var length = getLength();
  4109. var ptr = _malloc(4 + length + 1);
  4110. ptr >>>= 0;
  4111. HEAPU32[ptr >>> 2] = length;
  4112. if (stdStringIsUTF8 && valueIsOfTypeString) {
  4113. stringToUTF8(value, ptr + 4, length + 1);
  4114. } else {
  4115. if (valueIsOfTypeString) {
  4116. for (var i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
  4117. var charCode = value.charCodeAt(i);
  4118. if (charCode > 255) {
  4119. _free(ptr);
  4120. throwBindingError("String has UTF-16 code units that do not fit in 8 bits");
  4121. }
  4122. HEAPU8[ptr + 4 + i >>> 0] = charCode;
  4123. }
  4124. } else {
  4125. for (var i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
  4126. HEAPU8[ptr + 4 + i >>> 0] = value[i];
  4127. }
  4128. }
  4129. }
  4130. if (destructors !== null) {
  4131. destructors.push(_free, ptr);
  4132. }
  4133. return ptr;
  4134. }, "argPackAdvance": 8, "readValueFromPointer": simpleReadValueFromPointer, destructorFunction: function(ptr) {
  4135. _free(ptr);
  4136. } });
  4137. }
  4138. function __embind_register_std_wstring(rawType, charSize, name2) {
  4139. name2 = readLatin1String(name2);
  4140. var decodeString, encodeString, getHeap, lengthBytesUTF, shift;
  4141. if (charSize === 2) {
  4142. decodeString = UTF16ToString;
  4143. encodeString = stringToUTF16;
  4144. lengthBytesUTF = lengthBytesUTF16;
  4145. getHeap = function() {
  4146. return HEAPU16;
  4147. };
  4148. shift = 1;
  4149. } else if (charSize === 4) {
  4150. decodeString = UTF32ToString;
  4151. encodeString = stringToUTF32;
  4152. lengthBytesUTF = lengthBytesUTF32;
  4153. getHeap = function() {
  4154. return HEAPU32;
  4155. };
  4156. shift = 2;
  4157. }
  4158. registerType(rawType, { name: name2, "fromWireType": function(value) {
  4159. var length = HEAPU32[value >>> 2];
  4160. var HEAP = getHeap();
  4161. var str;
  4162. var decodeStartPtr = value + 4;
  4163. for (var i = 0; i <= length; ++i) {
  4164. var currentBytePtr = value + 4 + i * charSize;
  4165. if (i == length || HEAP[currentBytePtr >>> shift] == 0) {
  4166. var maxReadBytes = currentBytePtr - decodeStartPtr;
  4167. var stringSegment = decodeString(decodeStartPtr, maxReadBytes);
  4168. if (str === void 0) {
  4169. str = stringSegment;
  4170. } else {
  4171. str += String.fromCharCode(0);
  4172. str += stringSegment;
  4173. }
  4174. decodeStartPtr = currentBytePtr + charSize;
  4175. }
  4176. }
  4177. _free(value);
  4178. return str;
  4179. }, "toWireType": function(destructors, value) {
  4180. if (!(typeof value === "string")) {
  4181. throwBindingError("Cannot pass non-string to C++ string type " + name2);
  4182. }
  4183. var length = lengthBytesUTF(value);
  4184. var ptr = _malloc(4 + length + charSize);
  4185. ptr >>>= 0;
  4186. HEAPU32[ptr >>> 2] = length >> shift;
  4187. encodeString(value, ptr + 4, length + charSize);
  4188. if (destructors !== null) {
  4189. destructors.push(_free, ptr);
  4190. }
  4191. return ptr;
  4192. }, "argPackAdvance": 8, "readValueFromPointer": simpleReadValueFromPointer, destructorFunction: function(ptr) {
  4193. _free(ptr);
  4194. } });
  4195. }
  4196. function __embind_register_value_array(rawType, name2, constructorSignature, rawConstructor, destructorSignature, rawDestructor) {
  4197. tupleRegistrations[rawType] = { name: readLatin1String(name2), rawConstructor: embind__requireFunction(constructorSignature, rawConstructor), rawDestructor: embind__requireFunction(destructorSignature, rawDestructor), elements: [] };
  4198. }
  4199. function __embind_register_value_array_element(rawTupleType, getterReturnType, getterSignature, getter, getterContext, setterArgumentType, setterSignature, setter, setterContext) {
  4200. tupleRegistrations[rawTupleType].elements.push({ getterReturnType, getter: embind__requireFunction(getterSignature, getter), getterContext, setterArgumentType, setter: embind__requireFunction(setterSignature, setter), setterContext });
  4201. }
  4202. function __embind_register_value_object(rawType, name2, constructorSignature, rawConstructor, destructorSignature, rawDestructor) {
  4203. structRegistrations[rawType] = { name: readLatin1String(name2), rawConstructor: embind__requireFunction(constructorSignature, rawConstructor), rawDestructor: embind__requireFunction(destructorSignature, rawDestructor), fields: [] };
  4204. }
  4205. function __embind_register_value_object_field(structType, fieldName, getterReturnType, getterSignature, getter, getterContext, setterArgumentType, setterSignature, setter, setterContext) {
  4206. structRegistrations[structType].fields.push({ fieldName: readLatin1String(fieldName), getterReturnType, getter: embind__requireFunction(getterSignature, getter), getterContext, setterArgumentType, setter: embind__requireFunction(setterSignature, setter), setterContext });
  4207. }
  4208. function __embind_register_void(rawType, name2) {
  4209. name2 = readLatin1String(name2);
  4210. registerType(rawType, { isVoid: true, name: name2, "argPackAdvance": 0, "fromWireType": function() {
  4211. return void 0;
  4212. }, "toWireType": function(destructors, o) {
  4213. return void 0;
  4214. } });
  4215. }
  4216. function requireHandle(handle) {
  4217. if (!handle) {
  4218. throwBindingError("Cannot use deleted val. handle = " + handle);
  4219. }
  4220. return emval_handle_array[handle].value;
  4221. }
  4222. function requireRegisteredType(rawType, humanName) {
  4223. var impl = registeredTypes[rawType];
  4224. if (impl === void 0) {
  4225. throwBindingError(humanName + " has unknown type " + getTypeName(rawType));
  4226. }
  4227. return impl;
  4228. }
  4229. function __emval_as(handle, returnType, destructorsRef) {
  4230. handle = requireHandle(handle);
  4231. returnType = requireRegisteredType(returnType, "emval::as");
  4232. var destructors = [];
  4233. var rd = __emval_register(destructors);
  4234. HEAP32[destructorsRef >>> 2] = rd;
  4235. return returnType["toWireType"](destructors, handle);
  4236. }
  4237. function __emval_lookupTypes(argCount, argTypes) {
  4238. var a = new Array(argCount);
  4239. for (var i = 0; i < argCount; ++i) {
  4240. a[i] = requireRegisteredType(HEAP32[(argTypes >> 2) + i >>> 0], "parameter " + i);
  4241. }
  4242. return a;
  4243. }
  4244. function __emval_call(handle, argCount, argTypes, argv) {
  4245. handle = requireHandle(handle);
  4246. var types = __emval_lookupTypes(argCount, argTypes);
  4247. var args = new Array(argCount);
  4248. for (var i = 0; i < argCount; ++i) {
  4249. var type = types[i];
  4250. args[i] = type["readValueFromPointer"](argv);
  4251. argv += type["argPackAdvance"];
  4252. }
  4253. var rv = handle.apply(void 0, args);
  4254. return __emval_register(rv);
  4255. }
  4256. var emval_symbols = {};
  4257. function getStringOrSymbol(address) {
  4258. var symbol = emval_symbols[address];
  4259. if (symbol === void 0) {
  4260. return readLatin1String(address);
  4261. } else {
  4262. return symbol;
  4263. }
  4264. }
  4265. function emval_get_global() {
  4266. if (typeof globalThis === "object") {
  4267. return globalThis;
  4268. }
  4269. return function() {
  4270. return Function;
  4271. }()("return this")();
  4272. }
  4273. function __emval_get_global(name2) {
  4274. if (name2 === 0) {
  4275. return __emval_register(emval_get_global());
  4276. } else {
  4277. name2 = getStringOrSymbol(name2);
  4278. return __emval_register(emval_get_global()[name2]);
  4279. }
  4280. }
  4281. function __emval_get_property(handle, key2) {
  4282. handle = requireHandle(handle);
  4283. key2 = requireHandle(key2);
  4284. return __emval_register(handle[key2]);
  4285. }
  4286. function __emval_incref(handle) {
  4287. if (handle > 4) {
  4288. emval_handle_array[handle].refcount += 1;
  4289. }
  4290. }
  4291. function __emval_instanceof(object, constructor) {
  4292. object = requireHandle(object);
  4293. constructor = requireHandle(constructor);
  4294. return object instanceof constructor;
  4295. }
  4296. function __emval_is_number(handle) {
  4297. handle = requireHandle(handle);
  4298. return typeof handle === "number";
  4299. }
  4300. function __emval_new_array() {
  4301. return __emval_register([]);
  4302. }
  4303. function __emval_new_cstring(v) {
  4304. return __emval_register(getStringOrSymbol(v));
  4305. }
  4306. function __emval_new_object() {
  4307. return __emval_register({});
  4308. }
  4309. function __emval_run_destructors(handle) {
  4310. var destructors = emval_handle_array[handle].value;
  4311. runDestructors(destructors);
  4312. __emval_decref(handle);
  4313. }
  4314. function __emval_set_property(handle, key2, value) {
  4315. handle = requireHandle(handle);
  4316. key2 = requireHandle(key2);
  4317. value = requireHandle(value);
  4318. handle[key2] = value;
  4319. }
  4320. function __emval_take_value(type, argv) {
  4321. type = requireRegisteredType(type, "_emval_take_value");
  4322. var v = type["readValueFromPointer"](argv);
  4323. return __emval_register(v);
  4324. }
  4325. function _abort() {
  4326. abort();
  4327. }
  4328. var _emscripten_get_now;
  4329. if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_NODE) {
  4330. _emscripten_get_now = function() {
  4331. var t = process["hrtime"]();
  4332. return t[0] * 1e3 + t[1] / 1e6;
  4333. };
  4334. } else if (typeof dateNow !== "undefined") {
  4335. _emscripten_get_now = dateNow;
  4336. } else
  4337. _emscripten_get_now = function() {
  4338. return performance.now();
  4339. };
  4340. var _emscripten_get_now_is_monotonic = true;
  4341. function _clock_gettime(clk_id, tp) {
  4342. var now;
  4343. if (clk_id === 0) {
  4344. now = Date.now();
  4345. } else if ((clk_id === 1 || clk_id === 4) && _emscripten_get_now_is_monotonic) {
  4346. now = _emscripten_get_now();
  4347. } else {
  4348. setErrNo(28);
  4349. return -1;
  4350. }
  4351. HEAP32[tp >>> 2] = now / 1e3 | 0;
  4352. HEAP32[tp + 4 >>> 2] = now % 1e3 * 1e3 * 1e3 | 0;
  4353. return 0;
  4354. }
  4355. function _emscripten_memcpy_big(dest, src, num) {
  4356. HEAPU8.copyWithin(dest >>> 0, src >>> 0, src + num >>> 0);
  4357. }
  4358. function _emscripten_get_heap_size() {
  4359. return HEAPU8.length;
  4360. }
  4361. function emscripten_realloc_buffer(size) {
  4362. try {
  4363. wasmMemory.grow(size - buffer.byteLength + 65535 >>> 16);
  4364. updateGlobalBufferAndViews(wasmMemory.buffer);
  4365. return 1;
  4366. } catch (e) {
  4367. }
  4368. }
  4369. function _emscripten_resize_heap(requestedSize) {
  4370. requestedSize = requestedSize >>> 0;
  4371. var oldSize = _emscripten_get_heap_size();
  4372. var maxHeapSize = 4294967296;
  4373. if (requestedSize > maxHeapSize) {
  4374. return false;
  4375. }
  4376. var minHeapSize = 16777216;
  4377. for (var cutDown = 1; cutDown <= 4; cutDown *= 2) {
  4378. var overGrownHeapSize = oldSize * (1 + 0.2 / cutDown);
  4379. overGrownHeapSize = Math.min(overGrownHeapSize, requestedSize + 100663296);
  4380. var newSize = Math.min(maxHeapSize, alignUp(Math.max(minHeapSize, requestedSize, overGrownHeapSize), 65536));
  4381. var replacement = emscripten_realloc_buffer(newSize);
  4382. if (replacement) {
  4383. return true;
  4384. }
  4385. }
  4386. return false;
  4387. }
  4388. var ENV = {};
  4389. function getExecutableName() {
  4390. return thisProgram || "./this.program";
  4391. }
  4392. function getEnvStrings() {
  4393. if (!getEnvStrings.strings) {
  4394. var lang = (typeof navigator === "object" && navigator.languages && navigator.languages[0] || "C").replace("-", "_") + ".UTF-8";
  4395. var env = { "USER": "web_user", "LOGNAME": "web_user", "PATH": "/", "PWD": "/", "HOME": "/home/web_user", "LANG": lang, "_": getExecutableName() };
  4396. for (var x in ENV) {
  4397. env[x] = ENV[x];
  4398. }
  4399. var strings = [];
  4400. for (var x in env) {
  4401. strings.push(x + "=" + env[x]);
  4402. }
  4403. getEnvStrings.strings = strings;
  4404. }
  4405. return getEnvStrings.strings;
  4406. }
  4407. function _environ_get(__environ, environ_buf) {
  4408. try {
  4409. var bufSize = 0;
  4410. getEnvStrings().forEach(function(string, i) {
  4411. var ptr = environ_buf + bufSize;
  4412. HEAP32[__environ + i * 4 >>> 2] = ptr;
  4413. writeAsciiToMemory(string, ptr);
  4414. bufSize += string.length + 1;
  4415. });
  4416. return 0;
  4417. } catch (e) {
  4418. if (typeof FS === "undefined" || !(e instanceof FS.ErrnoError))
  4419. abort(e);
  4420. return e.errno;
  4421. }
  4422. }
  4423. function _environ_sizes_get(penviron_count, penviron_buf_size) {
  4424. try {
  4425. var strings = getEnvStrings();
  4426. HEAP32[penviron_count >>> 2] = strings.length;
  4427. var bufSize = 0;
  4428. strings.forEach(function(string) {
  4429. bufSize += string.length + 1;
  4430. });
  4431. HEAP32[penviron_buf_size >>> 2] = bufSize;
  4432. return 0;
  4433. } catch (e) {
  4434. if (typeof FS === "undefined" || !(e instanceof FS.ErrnoError))
  4435. abort(e);
  4436. return e.errno;
  4437. }
  4438. }
  4439. function _fd_close(fd) {
  4440. try {
  4441. var stream = SYSCALLS.getStreamFromFD(fd);
  4442. FS.close(stream);
  4443. return 0;
  4444. } catch (e) {
  4445. if (typeof FS === "undefined" || !(e instanceof FS.ErrnoError))
  4446. abort(e);
  4447. return e.errno;
  4448. }
  4449. }
  4450. function _fd_read(fd, iov, iovcnt, pnum) {
  4451. try {
  4452. var stream = SYSCALLS.getStreamFromFD(fd);
  4453. var num = SYSCALLS.doReadv(stream, iov, iovcnt);
  4454. HEAP32[pnum >>> 2] = num;
  4455. return 0;
  4456. } catch (e) {
  4457. if (typeof FS === "undefined" || !(e instanceof FS.ErrnoError))
  4458. abort(e);
  4459. return e.errno;
  4460. }
  4461. }
  4462. function _fd_seek(fd, offset_low, offset_high, whence, newOffset) {
  4463. try {
  4464. var stream = SYSCALLS.getStreamFromFD(fd);
  4465. var HIGH_OFFSET = 4294967296;
  4466. var offset = offset_high * HIGH_OFFSET + (offset_low >>> 0);
  4467. var DOUBLE_LIMIT = 9007199254740992;
  4468. if (offset <= -DOUBLE_LIMIT || offset >= DOUBLE_LIMIT) {
  4469. return -61;
  4470. }
  4471. FS.llseek(stream, offset, whence);
  4472. tempI64 = [stream.position >>> 0, (tempDouble = stream.position, +Math.abs(tempDouble) >= 1 ? tempDouble > 0 ? (Math.min(+Math.floor(tempDouble / 4294967296), 4294967295) | 0) >>> 0 : ~~+Math.ceil((tempDouble - +(~~tempDouble >>> 0)) / 4294967296) >>> 0 : 0)], HEAP32[newOffset >>> 2] = tempI64[0], HEAP32[newOffset + 4 >>> 2] = tempI64[1];
  4473. if (stream.getdents && offset === 0 && whence === 0)
  4474. stream.getdents = null;
  4475. return 0;
  4476. } catch (e) {
  4477. if (typeof FS === "undefined" || !(e instanceof FS.ErrnoError))
  4478. abort(e);
  4479. return e.errno;
  4480. }
  4481. }
  4482. function _fd_write(fd, iov, iovcnt, pnum) {
  4483. try {
  4484. var stream = SYSCALLS.getStreamFromFD(fd);
  4485. var num = SYSCALLS.doWritev(stream, iov, iovcnt);
  4486. HEAP32[pnum >>> 2] = num;
  4487. return 0;
  4488. } catch (e) {
  4489. if (typeof FS === "undefined" || !(e instanceof FS.ErrnoError))
  4490. abort(e);
  4491. return e.errno;
  4492. }
  4493. }
  4494. function _setTempRet0($i) {
  4495. setTempRet0($i | 0);
  4496. }
  4497. function __isLeapYear(year) {
  4498. return year % 4 === 0 && (year % 100 !== 0 || year % 400 === 0);
  4499. }
  4500. function __arraySum(array, index) {
  4501. var sum = 0;
  4502. for (var i = 0; i <= index; sum += array[i++]) {
  4503. }
  4504. return sum;
  4505. }
  4506. var __MONTH_DAYS_LEAP = [31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31];
  4507. var __MONTH_DAYS_REGULAR = [31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31];
  4508. function __addDays(date, days) {
  4509. var newDate = new Date(date.getTime());
  4510. while (days > 0) {
  4511. var leap = __isLeapYear(newDate.getFullYear());
  4512. var currentMonth = newDate.getMonth();
  4513. var daysInCurrentMonth = (leap ? __MONTH_DAYS_LEAP : __MONTH_DAYS_REGULAR)[currentMonth];
  4514. if (days > daysInCurrentMonth - newDate.getDate()) {
  4515. days -= daysInCurrentMonth - newDate.getDate() + 1;
  4516. newDate.setDate(1);
  4517. if (currentMonth < 11) {
  4518. newDate.setMonth(currentMonth + 1);
  4519. } else {
  4520. newDate.setMonth(0);
  4521. newDate.setFullYear(newDate.getFullYear() + 1);
  4522. }
  4523. } else {
  4524. newDate.setDate(newDate.getDate() + days);
  4525. return newDate;
  4526. }
  4527. }
  4528. return newDate;
  4529. }
  4530. function _strftime(s, maxsize, format, tm) {
  4531. var tm_zone = HEAP32[tm + 40 >>> 2];
  4532. var date = { tm_sec: HEAP32[tm >>> 2], tm_min: HEAP32[tm + 4 >>> 2], tm_hour: HEAP32[tm + 8 >>> 2], tm_mday: HEAP32[tm + 12 >>> 2], tm_mon: HEAP32[tm + 16 >>> 2], tm_year: HEAP32[tm + 20 >>> 2], tm_wday: HEAP32[tm + 24 >>> 2], tm_yday: HEAP32[tm + 28 >>> 2], tm_isdst: HEAP32[tm + 32 >>> 2], tm_gmtoff: HEAP32[tm + 36 >>> 2], tm_zone: tm_zone ? UTF8ToString(tm_zone) : "" };
  4533. var pattern = UTF8ToString(format);
  4534. var EXPANSION_RULES_1 = { "%c": "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y", "%D": "%m/%d/%y", "%F": "%Y-%m-%d", "%h": "%b", "%r": "%I:%M:%S %p", "%R": "%H:%M", "%T": "%H:%M:%S", "%x": "%m/%d/%y", "%X": "%H:%M:%S", "%Ec": "%c", "%EC": "%C", "%Ex": "%m/%d/%y", "%EX": "%H:%M:%S", "%Ey": "%y", "%EY": "%Y", "%Od": "%d", "%Oe": "%e", "%OH": "%H", "%OI": "%I", "%Om": "%m", "%OM": "%M", "%OS": "%S", "%Ou": "%u", "%OU": "%U", "%OV": "%V", "%Ow": "%w", "%OW": "%W", "%Oy": "%y" };
  4535. for (var rule in EXPANSION_RULES_1) {
  4536. pattern = pattern.replace(new RegExp(rule, "g"), EXPANSION_RULES_1[rule]);
  4537. }
  4538. var WEEKDAYS = ["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"];
  4539. var MONTHS = ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"];
  4540. function leadingSomething(value, digits, character) {
  4541. var str = typeof value === "number" ? value.toString() : value || "";
  4542. while (str.length < digits) {
  4543. str = character[0] + str;
  4544. }
  4545. return str;
  4546. }
  4547. function leadingNulls(value, digits) {
  4548. return leadingSomething(value, digits, "0");
  4549. }
  4550. function compareByDay(date1, date2) {
  4551. function sgn(value) {
  4552. return value < 0 ? -1 : value > 0 ? 1 : 0;
  4553. }
  4554. var compare;
  4555. if ((compare = sgn(date1.getFullYear() - date2.getFullYear())) === 0) {
  4556. if ((compare = sgn(date1.getMonth() - date2.getMonth())) === 0) {
  4557. compare = sgn(date1.getDate() - date2.getDate());
  4558. }
  4559. }
  4560. return compare;
  4561. }
  4562. function getFirstWeekStartDate(janFourth) {
  4563. switch (janFourth.getDay()) {
  4564. case 0:
  4565. return new Date(janFourth.getFullYear() - 1, 11, 29);
  4566. case 1:
  4567. return janFourth;
  4568. case 2:
  4569. return new Date(janFourth.getFullYear(), 0, 3);
  4570. case 3:
  4571. return new Date(janFourth.getFullYear(), 0, 2);
  4572. case 4:
  4573. return new Date(janFourth.getFullYear(), 0, 1);
  4574. case 5:
  4575. return new Date(janFourth.getFullYear() - 1, 11, 31);
  4576. case 6:
  4577. return new Date(janFourth.getFullYear() - 1, 11, 30);
  4578. }
  4579. }
  4580. function getWeekBasedYear(date2) {
  4581. var thisDate = __addDays(new Date(date2.tm_year + 1900, 0, 1), date2.tm_yday);
  4582. var janFourthThisYear = new Date(thisDate.getFullYear(), 0, 4);
  4583. var janFourthNextYear = new Date(thisDate.getFullYear() + 1, 0, 4);
  4584. var firstWeekStartThisYear = getFirstWeekStartDate(janFourthThisYear);
  4585. var firstWeekStartNextYear = getFirstWeekStartDate(janFourthNextYear);
  4586. if (compareByDay(firstWeekStartThisYear, thisDate) <= 0) {
  4587. if (compareByDay(firstWeekStartNextYear, thisDate) <= 0) {
  4588. return thisDate.getFullYear() + 1;
  4589. } else {
  4590. return thisDate.getFullYear();
  4591. }
  4592. } else {
  4593. return thisDate.getFullYear() - 1;
  4594. }
  4595. }
  4596. var EXPANSION_RULES_2 = { "%a": function(date2) {
  4597. return WEEKDAYS[date2.tm_wday].substring(0, 3);
  4598. }, "%A": function(date2) {
  4599. return WEEKDAYS[date2.tm_wday];
  4600. }, "%b": function(date2) {
  4601. return MONTHS[date2.tm_mon].substring(0, 3);
  4602. }, "%B": function(date2) {
  4603. return MONTHS[date2.tm_mon];
  4604. }, "%C": function(date2) {
  4605. var year = date2.tm_year + 1900;
  4606. return leadingNulls(year / 100 | 0, 2);
  4607. }, "%d": function(date2) {
  4608. return leadingNulls(date2.tm_mday, 2);
  4609. }, "%e": function(date2) {
  4610. return leadingSomething(date2.tm_mday, 2, " ");
  4611. }, "%g": function(date2) {
  4612. return getWeekBasedYear(date2).toString().substring(2);
  4613. }, "%G": function(date2) {
  4614. return getWeekBasedYear(date2);
  4615. }, "%H": function(date2) {
  4616. return leadingNulls(date2.tm_hour, 2);
  4617. }, "%I": function(date2) {
  4618. var twelveHour = date2.tm_hour;
  4619. if (twelveHour == 0)
  4620. twelveHour = 12;
  4621. else if (twelveHour > 12)
  4622. twelveHour -= 12;
  4623. return leadingNulls(twelveHour, 2);
  4624. }, "%j": function(date2) {
  4625. return leadingNulls(date2.tm_mday + __arraySum(__isLeapYear(date2.tm_year + 1900) ? __MONTH_DAYS_LEAP : __MONTH_DAYS_REGULAR, date2.tm_mon - 1), 3);
  4626. }, "%m": function(date2) {
  4627. return leadingNulls(date2.tm_mon + 1, 2);
  4628. }, "%M": function(date2) {
  4629. return leadingNulls(date2.tm_min, 2);
  4630. }, "%n": function() {
  4631. return "\n";
  4632. }, "%p": function(date2) {
  4633. if (date2.tm_hour >= 0 && date2.tm_hour < 12) {
  4634. return "AM";
  4635. } else {
  4636. return "PM";
  4637. }
  4638. }, "%S": function(date2) {
  4639. return leadingNulls(date2.tm_sec, 2);
  4640. }, "%t": function() {
  4641. return " ";
  4642. }, "%u": function(date2) {
  4643. return date2.tm_wday || 7;
  4644. }, "%U": function(date2) {
  4645. var janFirst = new Date(date2.tm_year + 1900, 0, 1);
  4646. var firstSunday = janFirst.getDay() === 0 ? janFirst : __addDays(janFirst, 7 - janFirst.getDay());
  4647. var endDate = new Date(date2.tm_year + 1900, date2.tm_mon, date2.tm_mday);
  4648. if (compareByDay(firstSunday, endDate) < 0) {
  4649. var februaryFirstUntilEndMonth = __arraySum(__isLeapYear(endDate.getFullYear()) ? __MONTH_DAYS_LEAP : __MONTH_DAYS_REGULAR, endDate.getMonth() - 1) - 31;
  4650. var firstSundayUntilEndJanuary = 31 - firstSunday.getDate();
  4651. var days = firstSundayUntilEndJanuary + februaryFirstUntilEndMonth + endDate.getDate();
  4652. return leadingNulls(Math.ceil(days / 7), 2);
  4653. }
  4654. return compareByDay(firstSunday, janFirst) === 0 ? "01" : "00";
  4655. }, "%V": function(date2) {
  4656. var janFourthThisYear = new Date(date2.tm_year + 1900, 0, 4);
  4657. var janFourthNextYear = new Date(date2.tm_year + 1901, 0, 4);
  4658. var firstWeekStartThisYear = getFirstWeekStartDate(janFourthThisYear);
  4659. var firstWeekStartNextYear = getFirstWeekStartDate(janFourthNextYear);
  4660. var endDate = __addDays(new Date(date2.tm_year + 1900, 0, 1), date2.tm_yday);
  4661. if (compareByDay(endDate, firstWeekStartThisYear) < 0) {
  4662. return "53";
  4663. }
  4664. if (compareByDay(firstWeekStartNextYear, endDate) <= 0) {
  4665. return "01";
  4666. }
  4667. var daysDifference;
  4668. if (firstWeekStartThisYear.getFullYear() < date2.tm_year + 1900) {
  4669. daysDifference = date2.tm_yday + 32 - firstWeekStartThisYear.getDate();
  4670. } else {
  4671. daysDifference = date2.tm_yday + 1 - firstWeekStartThisYear.getDate();
  4672. }
  4673. return leadingNulls(Math.ceil(daysDifference / 7), 2);
  4674. }, "%w": function(date2) {
  4675. return date2.tm_wday;
  4676. }, "%W": function(date2) {
  4677. var janFirst = new Date(date2.tm_year, 0, 1);
  4678. var firstMonday = janFirst.getDay() === 1 ? janFirst : __addDays(janFirst, janFirst.getDay() === 0 ? 1 : 7 - janFirst.getDay() + 1);
  4679. var endDate = new Date(date2.tm_year + 1900, date2.tm_mon, date2.tm_mday);
  4680. if (compareByDay(firstMonday, endDate) < 0) {
  4681. var februaryFirstUntilEndMonth = __arraySum(__isLeapYear(endDate.getFullYear()) ? __MONTH_DAYS_LEAP : __MONTH_DAYS_REGULAR, endDate.getMonth() - 1) - 31;
  4682. var firstMondayUntilEndJanuary = 31 - firstMonday.getDate();
  4683. var days = firstMondayUntilEndJanuary + februaryFirstUntilEndMonth + endDate.getDate();
  4684. return leadingNulls(Math.ceil(days / 7), 2);
  4685. }
  4686. return compareByDay(firstMonday, janFirst) === 0 ? "01" : "00";
  4687. }, "%y": function(date2) {
  4688. return (date2.tm_year + 1900).toString().substring(2);
  4689. }, "%Y": function(date2) {
  4690. return date2.tm_year + 1900;
  4691. }, "%z": function(date2) {
  4692. var off = date2.tm_gmtoff;
  4693. var ahead = off >= 0;
  4694. off = Math.abs(off) / 60;
  4695. off = off / 60 * 100 + off % 60;
  4696. return (ahead ? "+" : "-") + String("0000" + off).slice(-4);
  4697. }, "%Z": function(date2) {
  4698. return date2.tm_zone;
  4699. }, "%%": function() {
  4700. return "%";
  4701. } };
  4702. for (var rule in EXPANSION_RULES_2) {
  4703. if (pattern.indexOf(rule) >= 0) {
  4704. pattern = pattern.replace(new RegExp(rule, "g"), EXPANSION_RULES_2[rule](date));
  4705. }
  4706. }
  4707. var bytes = intArrayFromString(pattern, false);
  4708. if (bytes.length > maxsize) {
  4709. return 0;
  4710. }
  4711. writeArrayToMemory(bytes, s);
  4712. return bytes.length - 1;
  4713. }
  4714. function _strftime_l(s, maxsize, format, tm) {
  4715. return _strftime(s, maxsize, format, tm);
  4716. }
  4717. var FSNode = function(parent, name2, mode, rdev) {
  4718. if (!parent) {
  4719. parent = this;
  4720. }
  4721. this.parent = parent;
  4722. this.mount = parent.mount;
  4723. this.mounted = null;
  4724. this.id = FS.nextInode++;
  4725. this.name = name2;
  4726. this.mode = mode;
  4727. this.node_ops = {};
  4728. this.stream_ops = {};
  4729. this.rdev = rdev;
  4730. };
  4731. var readMode = 292 | 73;
  4732. var writeMode = 146;
  4733. Object.defineProperties(FSNode.prototype, { read: { get: function() {
  4734. return (this.mode & readMode) === readMode;
  4735. }, set: function(val) {
  4736. val ? this.mode |= readMode : this.mode &= ~readMode;
  4737. } }, write: { get: function() {
  4738. return (this.mode & writeMode) === writeMode;
  4739. }, set: function(val) {
  4740. val ? this.mode |= writeMode : this.mode &= ~writeMode;
  4741. } }, isFolder: { get: function() {
  4742. return FS.isDir(this.mode);
  4743. } }, isDevice: { get: function() {
  4744. return FS.isChrdev(this.mode);
  4745. } } });
  4746. FS.FSNode = FSNode;
  4747. FS.staticInit();
  4748. Module["FS_createPath"] = FS.createPath;
  4749. Module["FS_createDataFile"] = FS.createDataFile;
  4750. Module["FS_createPreloadedFile"] = FS.createPreloadedFile;
  4751. Module["FS_createLazyFile"] = FS.createLazyFile;
  4752. Module["FS_createDevice"] = FS.createDevice;
  4753. Module["FS_unlink"] = FS.unlink;
  4754. InternalError = Module["InternalError"] = extendError(Error, "InternalError");
  4755. embind_init_charCodes();
  4756. BindingError = Module["BindingError"] = extendError(Error, "BindingError");
  4757. init_ClassHandle();
  4758. init_RegisteredPointer();
  4759. init_embind();
  4760. UnboundTypeError = Module["UnboundTypeError"] = extendError(Error, "UnboundTypeError");
  4761. init_emval();
  4762. function intArrayFromString(stringy, dontAddNull, length) {
  4763. var len = length > 0 ? length : lengthBytesUTF8(stringy) + 1;
  4764. var u8array = new Array(len);
  4765. var numBytesWritten = stringToUTF8Array(stringy, u8array, 0, u8array.length);
  4766. if (dontAddNull)
  4767. u8array.length = numBytesWritten;
  4768. return u8array;
  4769. }
  4770. __ATINIT__.push({ func: function() {
  4771. ___wasm_call_ctors();
  4772. } });
  4773. var asmLibraryArg = { "x": ___assert_fail, "A": ___sys_fcntl64, "P": ___sys_ioctl, "Q": ___sys_open, "U": __embind_finalize_value_array, "s": __embind_finalize_value_object, "S": __embind_register_bool, "v": __embind_register_class, "u": __embind_register_class_constructor, "d": __embind_register_class_function, "R": __embind_register_emval, "C": __embind_register_float, "h": __embind_register_function, "m": __embind_register_integer, "k": __embind_register_memory_view, "D": __embind_register_std_string, "w": __embind_register_std_wstring, "V": __embind_register_value_array, "g": __embind_register_value_array_element, "t": __embind_register_value_object, "j": __embind_register_value_object_field, "T": __embind_register_void, "q": __emval_as, "W": __emval_call, "b": __emval_decref, "F": __emval_get_global, "n": __emval_get_property, "l": __emval_incref, "N": __emval_instanceof, "E": __emval_is_number, "y": __emval_new_array, "f": __emval_new_cstring, "r": __emval_new_object, "p": __emval_run_destructors, "i": __emval_set_property, "e": __emval_take_value, "c": _abort, "M": _clock_gettime, "I": _emscripten_memcpy_big, "o": _emscripten_resize_heap, "K": _environ_get, "L": _environ_sizes_get, "B": _fd_close, "O": _fd_read, "G": _fd_seek, "z": _fd_write, "a": wasmMemory, "H": _setTempRet0, "J": _strftime_l };
  4774. var asm = createWasm();
  4775. var ___wasm_call_ctors = Module["___wasm_call_ctors"] = function() {
  4776. return (___wasm_call_ctors = Module["___wasm_call_ctors"] = Module["asm"]["Y"]).apply(null, arguments);
  4777. };
  4778. var _main = Module["_main"] = function() {
  4779. return (_main = Module["_main"] = Module["asm"]["Z"]).apply(null, arguments);
  4780. };
  4781. var _malloc = Module["_malloc"] = function() {
  4782. return (_malloc = Module["_malloc"] = Module["asm"]["_"]).apply(null, arguments);
  4783. };
  4784. var ___getTypeName = Module["___getTypeName"] = function() {
  4785. return (___getTypeName = Module["___getTypeName"] = Module["asm"]["$"]).apply(null, arguments);
  4786. };
  4787. var ___embind_register_native_and_builtin_types = Module["___embind_register_native_and_builtin_types"] = function() {
  4788. return (___embind_register_native_and_builtin_types = Module["___embind_register_native_and_builtin_types"] = Module["asm"]["aa"]).apply(null, arguments);
  4789. };
  4790. var ___errno_location = Module["___errno_location"] = function() {
  4791. return (___errno_location = Module["___errno_location"] = Module["asm"]["ba"]).apply(null, arguments);
  4792. };
  4793. var _free = Module["_free"] = function() {
  4794. return (_free = Module["_free"] = Module["asm"]["ca"]).apply(null, arguments);
  4795. };
  4796. var dynCall_jiji = Module["dynCall_jiji"] = function() {
  4797. return (dynCall_jiji = Module["dynCall_jiji"] = Module["asm"]["da"]).apply(null, arguments);
  4798. };
  4799. var dynCall_viijii = Module["dynCall_viijii"] = function() {
  4800. return (dynCall_viijii = Module["dynCall_viijii"] = Module["asm"]["ea"]).apply(null, arguments);
  4801. };
  4802. var dynCall_iiiiiijj = Module["dynCall_iiiiiijj"] = function() {
  4803. return (dynCall_iiiiiijj = Module["dynCall_iiiiiijj"] = Module["asm"]["fa"]).apply(null, arguments);
  4804. };
  4805. var dynCall_iiiiij = Module["dynCall_iiiiij"] = function() {
  4806. return (dynCall_iiiiij = Module["dynCall_iiiiij"] = Module["asm"]["ga"]).apply(null, arguments);
  4807. };
  4808. var dynCall_iiiiijj = Module["dynCall_iiiiijj"] = function() {
  4809. return (dynCall_iiiiijj = Module["dynCall_iiiiijj"] = Module["asm"]["ha"]).apply(null, arguments);
  4810. };
  4811. Module["addRunDependency"] = addRunDependency;
  4812. Module["removeRunDependency"] = removeRunDependency;
  4813. Module["FS_createPath"] = FS.createPath;
  4814. Module["FS_createDataFile"] = FS.createDataFile;
  4815. Module["FS_createPreloadedFile"] = FS.createPreloadedFile;
  4816. Module["FS_createLazyFile"] = FS.createLazyFile;
  4817. Module["FS_createDevice"] = FS.createDevice;
  4818. Module["FS_unlink"] = FS.unlink;
  4819. Module["FS"] = FS;
  4820. var calledRun;
  4821. function ExitStatus(status) {
  4822. this.name = "ExitStatus";
  4823. this.message = "Program terminated with exit(" + status + ")";
  4824. this.status = status;
  4825. }
  4826. var calledMain = false;
  4827. dependenciesFulfilled = function runCaller() {
  4828. if (!calledRun)
  4829. run();
  4830. if (!calledRun)
  4831. dependenciesFulfilled = runCaller;
  4832. };
  4833. function callMain(args) {
  4834. var entryFunction = Module["_main"];
  4835. var argc = 0;
  4836. var argv = 0;
  4837. try {
  4838. var ret = entryFunction(argc, argv);
  4839. exit(ret, true);
  4840. } catch (e) {
  4841. if (e instanceof ExitStatus) {
  4842. return;
  4843. } else if (e == "unwind") {
  4844. noExitRuntime = true;
  4845. return;
  4846. } else {
  4847. var toLog = e;
  4848. if (e && typeof e === "object" && e.stack) {
  4849. toLog = [e, e.stack];
  4850. }
  4851. err("exception thrown: " + toLog);
  4852. quit_(1, e);
  4853. }
  4854. } finally {
  4855. calledMain = true;
  4856. }
  4857. }
  4858. function run(args) {
  4859. args = args || arguments_;
  4860. if (runDependencies > 0) {
  4861. return;
  4862. }
  4863. preRun();
  4864. if (runDependencies > 0)
  4865. return;
  4866. function doRun() {
  4867. if (calledRun)
  4868. return;
  4869. calledRun = true;
  4870. Module["calledRun"] = true;
  4871. if (ABORT)
  4872. return;
  4873. initRuntime();
  4874. preMain();
  4875. readyPromiseResolve(Module);
  4876. if (Module["onRuntimeInitialized"])
  4877. Module["onRuntimeInitialized"]();
  4878. if (shouldRunNow)
  4879. callMain(args);
  4880. postRun();
  4881. }
  4882. if (Module["setStatus"]) {
  4883. Module["setStatus"]("Running...");
  4884. setTimeout(function() {
  4885. setTimeout(function() {
  4886. Module["setStatus"]("");
  4887. }, 1);
  4888. doRun();
  4889. }, 1);
  4890. } else {
  4891. doRun();
  4892. }
  4893. }
  4894. Module["run"] = run;
  4895. function exit(status, implicit) {
  4896. if (implicit && noExitRuntime && status === 0) {
  4897. return;
  4898. }
  4899. if (noExitRuntime) {
  4900. } else {
  4901. EXITSTATUS = status;
  4902. exitRuntime();
  4903. if (Module["onExit"])
  4904. Module["onExit"](status);
  4905. ABORT = true;
  4906. }
  4907. quit_(status, new ExitStatus(status));
  4908. }
  4909. if (Module["preInit"]) {
  4910. if (typeof Module["preInit"] == "function")
  4911. Module["preInit"] = [Module["preInit"]];
  4912. while (Module["preInit"].length > 0) {
  4913. Module["preInit"].pop()();
  4914. }
  4915. }
  4916. var shouldRunNow = true;
  4917. if (Module["noInitialRun"])
  4918. shouldRunNow = false;
  4919. noExitRuntime = true;
  4920. run();
  4921. return WebIFCWasm3.ready;
  4922. };
  4923. }();
  4924. if (typeof exports === "object" && typeof module === "object")
  4925. module.exports = WebIFCWasm2;
  4926. else if (typeof define === "function" && define["amd"])
  4927. define([], function() {
  4928. return WebIFCWasm2;
  4929. });
  4930. else if (typeof exports === "object")
  4931. exports["WebIFCWasm"] = WebIFCWasm2;
  4932. }
  4933. });
  4934. // dist/ifc2x4.ts
  4935. var IFCACTIONREQUEST = 3821786052;
  4936. var IFCACTOR = 2296667514;
  4937. var IFCACTORROLE = 3630933823;
  4938. var IFCACTUATOR = 4288193352;
  4939. var IFCACTUATORTYPE = 2874132201;
  4940. var IFCADDRESS = 618182010;
  4941. var IFCADVANCEDBREP = 1635779807;
  4942. var IFCADVANCEDBREPWITHVOIDS = 2603310189;
  4943. var IFCADVANCEDFACE = 3406155212;
  4944. var IFCAIRTERMINAL = 1634111441;
  4945. var IFCAIRTERMINALBOX = 177149247;
  4946. var IFCAIRTERMINALBOXTYPE = 1411407467;
  4947. var IFCAIRTERMINALTYPE = 3352864051;
  4948. var IFCAIRTOAIRHEATRECOVERY = 2056796094;
  4950. var IFCALARM = 3087945054;
  4951. var IFCALARMTYPE = 3001207471;
  4952. var IFCALIGNMENT = 325726236;
  4953. var IFCALIGNMENT2DHORIZONTAL = 749761778;
  4955. var IFCALIGNMENT2DSEGMENT = 2483840362;
  4957. var IFCALIGNMENT2DVERSEGLINE = 3239324667;
  4959. var IFCALIGNMENT2DVERTICAL = 53199957;
  4961. var IFCALIGNMENTCURVE = 3512275521;
  4962. var IFCANNOTATION = 1674181508;
  4963. var IFCANNOTATIONFILLAREA = 669184980;
  4964. var IFCAPPLICATION = 639542469;
  4965. var IFCAPPLIEDVALUE = 411424972;
  4966. var IFCAPPROVAL = 130549933;
  4967. var IFCAPPROVALRELATIONSHIP = 3869604511;
  4969. var IFCARBITRARYOPENPROFILEDEF = 1310608509;
  4971. var IFCASSET = 3460190687;
  4973. var IFCAUDIOVISUALAPPLIANCE = 277319702;
  4975. var IFCAXIS1PLACEMENT = 4261334040;
  4976. var IFCAXIS2PLACEMENT2D = 3125803723;
  4977. var IFCAXIS2PLACEMENT3D = 2740243338;
  4978. var IFCBSPLINECURVE = 1967976161;
  4979. var IFCBSPLINECURVEWITHKNOTS = 2461110595;
  4980. var IFCBSPLINESURFACE = 2887950389;
  4982. var IFCBEAM = 753842376;
  4983. var IFCBEAMSTANDARDCASE = 2906023776;
  4984. var IFCBEAMTYPE = 819618141;
  4985. var IFCBEARING = 4196446775;
  4986. var IFCBEARINGTYPE = 3649138523;
  4987. var IFCBLOBTEXTURE = 616511568;
  4988. var IFCBLOCK = 1334484129;
  4989. var IFCBOILER = 32344328;
  4990. var IFCBOILERTYPE = 231477066;
  4991. var IFCBOOLEANCLIPPINGRESULT = 3649129432;
  4992. var IFCBOOLEANRESULT = 2736907675;
  4993. var IFCBOUNDARYCONDITION = 4037036970;
  4994. var IFCBOUNDARYCURVE = 1136057603;
  4995. var IFCBOUNDARYEDGECONDITION = 1560379544;
  4996. var IFCBOUNDARYFACECONDITION = 3367102660;
  4997. var IFCBOUNDARYNODECONDITION = 1387855156;
  4999. var IFCBOUNDEDCURVE = 1260505505;
  5000. var IFCBOUNDEDSURFACE = 4182860854;
  5001. var IFCBOUNDINGBOX = 2581212453;
  5002. var IFCBOXEDHALFSPACE = 2713105998;
  5003. var IFCBRIDGE = 644574406;
  5004. var IFCBRIDGEPART = 963979645;
  5005. var IFCBUILDING = 4031249490;
  5006. var IFCBUILDINGELEMENT = 3299480353;
  5007. var IFCBUILDINGELEMENTPART = 2979338954;
  5009. var IFCBUILDINGELEMENTPROXY = 1095909175;
  5011. var IFCBUILDINGELEMENTTYPE = 1950629157;
  5012. var IFCBUILDINGSTOREY = 3124254112;
  5013. var IFCBUILDINGSYSTEM = 1177604601;
  5014. var IFCBURNER = 2938176219;
  5015. var IFCBURNERTYPE = 2188180465;
  5016. var IFCCSHAPEPROFILEDEF = 2898889636;
  5017. var IFCCABLECARRIERFITTING = 635142910;
  5019. var IFCCABLECARRIERSEGMENT = 3758799889;
  5020. var IFCCABLECARRIERSEGMENTTYPE = 3293546465;
  5021. var IFCCABLEFITTING = 1051757585;
  5022. var IFCCABLEFITTINGTYPE = 2674252688;
  5023. var IFCCABLESEGMENT = 4217484030;
  5024. var IFCCABLESEGMENTTYPE = 1285652485;
  5025. var IFCCAISSONFOUNDATION = 3999819293;
  5026. var IFCCAISSONFOUNDATIONTYPE = 3203706013;
  5027. var IFCCARTESIANPOINT = 1123145078;
  5028. var IFCCARTESIANPOINTLIST = 574549367;
  5029. var IFCCARTESIANPOINTLIST2D = 1675464909;
  5030. var IFCCARTESIANPOINTLIST3D = 2059837836;
  5036. var IFCCENTERLINEPROFILEDEF = 3150382593;
  5037. var IFCCHILLER = 3902619387;
  5038. var IFCCHILLERTYPE = 2951183804;
  5039. var IFCCHIMNEY = 3296154744;
  5040. var IFCCHIMNEYTYPE = 2197970202;
  5041. var IFCCIRCLE = 2611217952;
  5042. var IFCCIRCLEHOLLOWPROFILEDEF = 2937912522;
  5043. var IFCCIRCLEPROFILEDEF = 1383045692;
  5044. var IFCCIRCULARARCSEGMENT2D = 1062206242;
  5045. var IFCCIVILELEMENT = 1677625105;
  5046. var IFCCIVILELEMENTTYPE = 3893394355;
  5047. var IFCCLASSIFICATION = 747523909;
  5049. var IFCCLOSEDSHELL = 2205249479;
  5050. var IFCCOIL = 639361253;
  5051. var IFCCOILTYPE = 2301859152;
  5052. var IFCCOLOURRGB = 776857604;
  5053. var IFCCOLOURRGBLIST = 3285139300;
  5054. var IFCCOLOURSPECIFICATION = 3264961684;
  5055. var IFCCOLUMN = 843113511;
  5056. var IFCCOLUMNSTANDARDCASE = 905975707;
  5057. var IFCCOLUMNTYPE = 300633059;
  5058. var IFCCOMMUNICATIONSAPPLIANCE = 3221913625;
  5060. var IFCCOMPLEXPROPERTY = 2542286263;
  5061. var IFCCOMPLEXPROPERTYTEMPLATE = 3875453745;
  5062. var IFCCOMPOSITECURVE = 3732776249;
  5064. var IFCCOMPOSITECURVESEGMENT = 2485617015;
  5065. var IFCCOMPOSITEPROFILEDEF = 1485152156;
  5066. var IFCCOMPRESSOR = 3571504051;
  5067. var IFCCOMPRESSORTYPE = 3850581409;
  5068. var IFCCONDENSER = 2272882330;
  5069. var IFCCONDENSERTYPE = 2816379211;
  5070. var IFCCONIC = 2510884976;
  5071. var IFCCONNECTEDFACESET = 370225590;
  5072. var IFCCONNECTIONCURVEGEOMETRY = 1981873012;
  5073. var IFCCONNECTIONGEOMETRY = 2859738748;
  5075. var IFCCONNECTIONPOINTGEOMETRY = 2614616156;
  5078. var IFCCONSTRAINT = 1959218052;
  5085. var IFCCONSTRUCTIONRESOURCE = 2559216714;
  5087. var IFCCONTEXT = 3419103109;
  5088. var IFCCONTEXTDEPENDENTUNIT = 3050246964;
  5089. var IFCCONTROL = 3293443760;
  5090. var IFCCONTROLLER = 25142252;
  5091. var IFCCONTROLLERTYPE = 578613899;
  5092. var IFCCONVERSIONBASEDUNIT = 2889183280;
  5094. var IFCCOOLEDBEAM = 4136498852;
  5095. var IFCCOOLEDBEAMTYPE = 335055490;
  5096. var IFCCOOLINGTOWER = 3640358203;
  5097. var IFCCOOLINGTOWERTYPE = 2954562838;
  5098. var IFCCOORDINATEOPERATION = 1785450214;
  5100. var IFCCOSTITEM = 3895139033;
  5101. var IFCCOSTSCHEDULE = 1419761937;
  5102. var IFCCOSTVALUE = 602808272;
  5103. var IFCCOVERING = 1973544240;
  5104. var IFCCOVERINGTYPE = 1916426348;
  5105. var IFCCREWRESOURCE = 3295246426;
  5106. var IFCCREWRESOURCETYPE = 1815067380;
  5107. var IFCCSGPRIMITIVE3D = 2506170314;
  5108. var IFCCSGSOLID = 2147822146;
  5109. var IFCCURRENCYRELATIONSHIP = 539742890;
  5110. var IFCCURTAINWALL = 3495092785;
  5111. var IFCCURTAINWALLTYPE = 1457835157;
  5112. var IFCCURVE = 2601014836;
  5113. var IFCCURVEBOUNDEDPLANE = 2827736869;
  5114. var IFCCURVEBOUNDEDSURFACE = 2629017746;
  5115. var IFCCURVESEGMENT2D = 1186437898;
  5116. var IFCCURVESTYLE = 3800577675;
  5117. var IFCCURVESTYLEFONT = 1105321065;
  5119. var IFCCURVESTYLEFONTPATTERN = 3510044353;
  5120. var IFCCYLINDRICALSURFACE = 1213902940;
  5121. var IFCDAMPER = 4074379575;
  5122. var IFCDAMPERTYPE = 3961806047;
  5123. var IFCDEEPFOUNDATION = 3426335179;
  5124. var IFCDEEPFOUNDATIONTYPE = 1306400036;
  5125. var IFCDERIVEDPROFILEDEF = 3632507154;
  5126. var IFCDERIVEDUNIT = 1765591967;
  5127. var IFCDERIVEDUNITELEMENT = 1045800335;
  5128. var IFCDIMENSIONALEXPONENTS = 2949456006;
  5129. var IFCDIRECTION = 32440307;
  5130. var IFCDISCRETEACCESSORY = 1335981549;
  5131. var IFCDISCRETEACCESSORYTYPE = 2635815018;
  5132. var IFCDISTANCEEXPRESSION = 1945343521;
  5135. var IFCDISTRIBUTIONCIRCUIT = 562808652;
  5138. var IFCDISTRIBUTIONELEMENT = 1945004755;
  5139. var IFCDISTRIBUTIONELEMENTTYPE = 3256556792;
  5140. var IFCDISTRIBUTIONFLOWELEMENT = 3040386961;
  5142. var IFCDISTRIBUTIONPORT = 3041715199;
  5143. var IFCDISTRIBUTIONSYSTEM = 3205830791;
  5144. var IFCDOCUMENTINFORMATION = 1154170062;
  5146. var IFCDOCUMENTREFERENCE = 3732053477;
  5147. var IFCDOOR = 395920057;
  5148. var IFCDOORLININGPROPERTIES = 2963535650;
  5149. var IFCDOORPANELPROPERTIES = 1714330368;
  5150. var IFCDOORSTANDARDCASE = 3242481149;
  5151. var IFCDOORSTYLE = 526551008;
  5152. var IFCDOORTYPE = 2323601079;
  5155. var IFCDUCTFITTING = 342316401;
  5156. var IFCDUCTFITTINGTYPE = 869906466;
  5157. var IFCDUCTSEGMENT = 3518393246;
  5158. var IFCDUCTSEGMENTTYPE = 3760055223;
  5159. var IFCDUCTSILENCER = 1360408905;
  5160. var IFCDUCTSILENCERTYPE = 2030761528;
  5161. var IFCEDGE = 3900360178;
  5162. var IFCEDGECURVE = 476780140;
  5163. var IFCEDGELOOP = 1472233963;
  5164. var IFCELECTRICAPPLIANCE = 1904799276;
  5165. var IFCELECTRICAPPLIANCETYPE = 663422040;
  5170. var IFCELECTRICGENERATOR = 264262732;
  5171. var IFCELECTRICGENERATORTYPE = 1534661035;
  5172. var IFCELECTRICMOTOR = 402227799;
  5173. var IFCELECTRICMOTORTYPE = 1217240411;
  5174. var IFCELECTRICTIMECONTROL = 1003880860;
  5176. var IFCELEMENT = 1758889154;
  5177. var IFCELEMENTASSEMBLY = 4123344466;
  5178. var IFCELEMENTASSEMBLYTYPE = 2397081782;
  5179. var IFCELEMENTCOMPONENT = 1623761950;
  5180. var IFCELEMENTCOMPONENTTYPE = 2590856083;
  5181. var IFCELEMENTQUANTITY = 1883228015;
  5182. var IFCELEMENTTYPE = 339256511;
  5183. var IFCELEMENTARYSURFACE = 2777663545;
  5184. var IFCELLIPSE = 1704287377;
  5185. var IFCELLIPSEPROFILEDEF = 2835456948;
  5186. var IFCENERGYCONVERSIONDEVICE = 1658829314;
  5188. var IFCENGINE = 2814081492;
  5189. var IFCENGINETYPE = 132023988;
  5190. var IFCEVAPORATIVECOOLER = 3747195512;
  5191. var IFCEVAPORATIVECOOLERTYPE = 3174744832;
  5192. var IFCEVAPORATOR = 484807127;
  5193. var IFCEVAPORATORTYPE = 3390157468;
  5194. var IFCEVENT = 4148101412;
  5195. var IFCEVENTTIME = 211053100;
  5196. var IFCEVENTTYPE = 4024345920;
  5197. var IFCEXTENDEDPROPERTIES = 297599258;
  5198. var IFCEXTERNALINFORMATION = 4294318154;
  5199. var IFCEXTERNALREFERENCE = 3200245327;
  5201. var IFCEXTERNALSPATIALELEMENT = 1209101575;
  5206. var IFCEXTRUDEDAREASOLID = 477187591;
  5208. var IFCFACE = 2556980723;
  5209. var IFCFACEBASEDSURFACEMODEL = 2047409740;
  5210. var IFCFACEBOUND = 1809719519;
  5211. var IFCFACEOUTERBOUND = 803316827;
  5212. var IFCFACESURFACE = 3008276851;
  5213. var IFCFACETEDBREP = 807026263;
  5214. var IFCFACETEDBREPWITHVOIDS = 3737207727;
  5215. var IFCFACILITY = 24185140;
  5216. var IFCFACILITYPART = 1310830890;
  5218. var IFCFAN = 3415622556;
  5219. var IFCFANTYPE = 346874300;
  5220. var IFCFASTENER = 647756555;
  5221. var IFCFASTENERTYPE = 2489546625;
  5222. var IFCFEATUREELEMENT = 2827207264;
  5223. var IFCFEATUREELEMENTADDITION = 2143335405;
  5225. var IFCFILLAREASTYLE = 738692330;
  5226. var IFCFILLAREASTYLEHATCHING = 374418227;
  5227. var IFCFILLAREASTYLETILES = 315944413;
  5228. var IFCFILTER = 819412036;
  5229. var IFCFILTERTYPE = 1810631287;
  5230. var IFCFIRESUPPRESSIONTERMINAL = 1426591983;
  5233. var IFCFLOWCONTROLLER = 2058353004;
  5234. var IFCFLOWCONTROLLERTYPE = 3907093117;
  5235. var IFCFLOWFITTING = 4278956645;
  5236. var IFCFLOWFITTINGTYPE = 3198132628;
  5237. var IFCFLOWINSTRUMENT = 182646315;
  5238. var IFCFLOWINSTRUMENTTYPE = 4037862832;
  5239. var IFCFLOWMETER = 2188021234;
  5240. var IFCFLOWMETERTYPE = 3815607619;
  5241. var IFCFLOWMOVINGDEVICE = 3132237377;
  5242. var IFCFLOWMOVINGDEVICETYPE = 1482959167;
  5243. var IFCFLOWSEGMENT = 987401354;
  5244. var IFCFLOWSEGMENTTYPE = 1834744321;
  5245. var IFCFLOWSTORAGEDEVICE = 707683696;
  5246. var IFCFLOWSTORAGEDEVICETYPE = 1339347760;
  5247. var IFCFLOWTERMINAL = 2223149337;
  5248. var IFCFLOWTERMINALTYPE = 2297155007;
  5249. var IFCFLOWTREATMENTDEVICE = 3508470533;
  5250. var IFCFLOWTREATMENTDEVICETYPE = 3009222698;
  5251. var IFCFOOTING = 900683007;
  5252. var IFCFOOTINGTYPE = 1893162501;
  5253. var IFCFURNISHINGELEMENT = 263784265;
  5254. var IFCFURNISHINGELEMENTTYPE = 4238390223;
  5255. var IFCFURNITURE = 1509553395;
  5256. var IFCFURNITURETYPE = 1268542332;
  5257. var IFCGEOGRAPHICELEMENT = 3493046030;
  5258. var IFCGEOGRAPHICELEMENTTYPE = 4095422895;
  5259. var IFCGEOMETRICCURVESET = 987898635;
  5263. var IFCGEOMETRICSET = 3590301190;
  5264. var IFCGRID = 3009204131;
  5265. var IFCGRIDAXIS = 852622518;
  5266. var IFCGRIDPLACEMENT = 178086475;
  5267. var IFCGROUP = 2706460486;
  5268. var IFCHALFSPACESOLID = 812098782;
  5269. var IFCHEATEXCHANGER = 3319311131;
  5270. var IFCHEATEXCHANGERTYPE = 1251058090;
  5271. var IFCHUMIDIFIER = 2068733104;
  5272. var IFCHUMIDIFIERTYPE = 1806887404;
  5273. var IFCISHAPEPROFILEDEF = 1484403080;
  5274. var IFCIMAGETEXTURE = 3905492369;
  5275. var IFCINDEXEDCOLOURMAP = 3570813810;
  5276. var IFCINDEXEDPOLYCURVE = 2571569899;
  5277. var IFCINDEXEDPOLYGONALFACE = 178912537;
  5279. var IFCINDEXEDTEXTUREMAP = 1437953363;
  5281. var IFCINTERCEPTOR = 4175244083;
  5282. var IFCINTERCEPTORTYPE = 3946677679;
  5283. var IFCINTERSECTIONCURVE = 3113134337;
  5284. var IFCINVENTORY = 2391368822;
  5285. var IFCIRREGULARTIMESERIES = 3741457305;
  5287. var IFCJUNCTIONBOX = 2176052936;
  5288. var IFCJUNCTIONBOXTYPE = 4288270099;
  5289. var IFCLSHAPEPROFILEDEF = 572779678;
  5290. var IFCLABORRESOURCE = 3827777499;
  5291. var IFCLABORRESOURCETYPE = 428585644;
  5292. var IFCLAGTIME = 1585845231;
  5293. var IFCLAMP = 76236018;
  5294. var IFCLAMPTYPE = 1051575348;
  5295. var IFCLIBRARYINFORMATION = 2655187982;
  5296. var IFCLIBRARYREFERENCE = 3452421091;
  5297. var IFCLIGHTDISTRIBUTIONDATA = 4162380809;
  5298. var IFCLIGHTFIXTURE = 629592764;
  5299. var IFCLIGHTFIXTURETYPE = 1161773419;
  5301. var IFCLIGHTSOURCE = 1402838566;
  5302. var IFCLIGHTSOURCEAMBIENT = 125510826;
  5303. var IFCLIGHTSOURCEDIRECTIONAL = 2604431987;
  5304. var IFCLIGHTSOURCEGONIOMETRIC = 4266656042;
  5305. var IFCLIGHTSOURCEPOSITIONAL = 1520743889;
  5306. var IFCLIGHTSOURCESPOT = 3422422726;
  5307. var IFCLINE = 1281925730;
  5308. var IFCLINESEGMENT2D = 3092502836;
  5309. var IFCLINEARPLACEMENT = 388784114;
  5311. var IFCLOCALPLACEMENT = 2624227202;
  5312. var IFCLOOP = 1008929658;
  5313. var IFCMANIFOLDSOLIDBREP = 1425443689;
  5314. var IFCMAPCONVERSION = 3057273783;
  5315. var IFCMAPPEDITEM = 2347385850;
  5316. var IFCMATERIAL = 1838606355;
  5318. var IFCMATERIALCONSTITUENT = 3708119e3;
  5319. var IFCMATERIALCONSTITUENTSET = 2852063980;
  5320. var IFCMATERIALDEFINITION = 760658860;
  5322. var IFCMATERIALLAYER = 248100487;
  5323. var IFCMATERIALLAYERSET = 3303938423;
  5324. var IFCMATERIALLAYERSETUSAGE = 1303795690;
  5326. var IFCMATERIALLIST = 2199411900;
  5327. var IFCMATERIALPROFILE = 2235152071;
  5328. var IFCMATERIALPROFILESET = 164193824;
  5329. var IFCMATERIALPROFILESETUSAGE = 3079605661;
  5332. var IFCMATERIALPROPERTIES = 3265635763;
  5333. var IFCMATERIALRELATIONSHIP = 853536259;
  5334. var IFCMATERIALUSAGEDEFINITION = 1507914824;
  5335. var IFCMEASUREWITHUNIT = 2597039031;
  5336. var IFCMECHANICALFASTENER = 377706215;
  5337. var IFCMECHANICALFASTENERTYPE = 2108223431;
  5338. var IFCMEDICALDEVICE = 1437502449;
  5339. var IFCMEDICALDEVICETYPE = 1114901282;
  5340. var IFCMEMBER = 1073191201;
  5341. var IFCMEMBERSTANDARDCASE = 1911478936;
  5342. var IFCMEMBERTYPE = 3181161470;
  5343. var IFCMETRIC = 3368373690;
  5344. var IFCMIRROREDPROFILEDEF = 2998442950;
  5345. var IFCMONETARYUNIT = 2706619895;
  5346. var IFCMOTORCONNECTION = 2474470126;
  5347. var IFCMOTORCONNECTIONTYPE = 977012517;
  5348. var IFCNAMEDUNIT = 1918398963;
  5349. var IFCOBJECT = 3888040117;
  5350. var IFCOBJECTDEFINITION = 219451334;
  5351. var IFCOBJECTPLACEMENT = 3701648758;
  5352. var IFCOBJECTIVE = 2251480897;
  5353. var IFCOCCUPANT = 4143007308;
  5354. var IFCOFFSETCURVE = 590820931;
  5355. var IFCOFFSETCURVE2D = 3388369263;
  5356. var IFCOFFSETCURVE3D = 3505215534;
  5357. var IFCOFFSETCURVEBYDISTANCES = 2485787929;
  5358. var IFCOPENSHELL = 2665983363;
  5359. var IFCOPENINGELEMENT = 3588315303;
  5360. var IFCOPENINGSTANDARDCASE = 3079942009;
  5361. var IFCORGANIZATION = 4251960020;
  5363. var IFCORIENTATIONEXPRESSION = 643959842;
  5364. var IFCORIENTEDEDGE = 1029017970;
  5365. var IFCOUTERBOUNDARYCURVE = 144952367;
  5366. var IFCOUTLET = 3694346114;
  5367. var IFCOUTLETTYPE = 2837617999;
  5368. var IFCOWNERHISTORY = 1207048766;
  5369. var IFCPARAMETERIZEDPROFILEDEF = 2529465313;
  5370. var IFCPATH = 2519244187;
  5371. var IFCPCURVE = 1682466193;
  5372. var IFCPERFORMANCEHISTORY = 2382730787;
  5374. var IFCPERMIT = 3327091369;
  5375. var IFCPERSON = 2077209135;
  5376. var IFCPERSONANDORGANIZATION = 101040310;
  5377. var IFCPHYSICALCOMPLEXQUANTITY = 3021840470;
  5378. var IFCPHYSICALQUANTITY = 2483315170;
  5379. var IFCPHYSICALSIMPLEQUANTITY = 2226359599;
  5380. var IFCPILE = 1687234759;
  5381. var IFCPILETYPE = 1158309216;
  5382. var IFCPIPEFITTING = 310824031;
  5383. var IFCPIPEFITTINGTYPE = 804291784;
  5384. var IFCPIPESEGMENT = 3612865200;
  5385. var IFCPIPESEGMENTTYPE = 4231323485;
  5386. var IFCPIXELTEXTURE = 597895409;
  5387. var IFCPLACEMENT = 2004835150;
  5388. var IFCPLANARBOX = 603570806;
  5389. var IFCPLANAREXTENT = 1663979128;
  5390. var IFCPLANE = 220341763;
  5391. var IFCPLATE = 3171933400;
  5392. var IFCPLATESTANDARDCASE = 1156407060;
  5393. var IFCPLATETYPE = 4017108033;
  5394. var IFCPOINT = 2067069095;
  5395. var IFCPOINTONCURVE = 4022376103;
  5396. var IFCPOINTONSURFACE = 1423911732;
  5397. var IFCPOLYLOOP = 2924175390;
  5399. var IFCPOLYGONALFACESET = 2839578677;
  5400. var IFCPOLYLINE = 3724593414;
  5401. var IFCPORT = 3740093272;
  5402. var IFCPOSITIONINGELEMENT = 1946335990;
  5403. var IFCPOSTALADDRESS = 3355820592;
  5404. var IFCPREDEFINEDCOLOUR = 759155922;
  5405. var IFCPREDEFINEDCURVEFONT = 2559016684;
  5406. var IFCPREDEFINEDITEM = 3727388367;
  5407. var IFCPREDEFINEDPROPERTIES = 3778827333;
  5408. var IFCPREDEFINEDPROPERTYSET = 3967405729;
  5409. var IFCPREDEFINEDTEXTFONT = 1775413392;
  5410. var IFCPRESENTATIONITEM = 677532197;
  5413. var IFCPRESENTATIONSTYLE = 3119450353;
  5415. var IFCPROCEDURE = 2744685151;
  5416. var IFCPROCEDURETYPE = 569719735;
  5417. var IFCPROCESS = 2945172077;
  5418. var IFCPRODUCT = 4208778838;
  5419. var IFCPRODUCTDEFINITIONSHAPE = 673634403;
  5420. var IFCPRODUCTREPRESENTATION = 2095639259;
  5421. var IFCPROFILEDEF = 3958567839;
  5422. var IFCPROFILEPROPERTIES = 2802850158;
  5423. var IFCPROJECT = 103090709;
  5424. var IFCPROJECTLIBRARY = 653396225;
  5425. var IFCPROJECTORDER = 2904328755;
  5426. var IFCPROJECTEDCRS = 3843373140;
  5427. var IFCPROJECTIONELEMENT = 3651124850;
  5428. var IFCPROPERTY = 2598011224;
  5429. var IFCPROPERTYABSTRACTION = 986844984;
  5430. var IFCPROPERTYBOUNDEDVALUE = 871118103;
  5431. var IFCPROPERTYDEFINITION = 1680319473;
  5433. var IFCPROPERTYENUMERATEDVALUE = 4166981789;
  5434. var IFCPROPERTYENUMERATION = 3710013099;
  5435. var IFCPROPERTYLISTVALUE = 2752243245;
  5436. var IFCPROPERTYREFERENCEVALUE = 941946838;
  5437. var IFCPROPERTYSET = 1451395588;
  5438. var IFCPROPERTYSETDEFINITION = 3357820518;
  5439. var IFCPROPERTYSETTEMPLATE = 492091185;
  5440. var IFCPROPERTYSINGLEVALUE = 3650150729;
  5441. var IFCPROPERTYTABLEVALUE = 110355661;
  5442. var IFCPROPERTYTEMPLATE = 3521284610;
  5444. var IFCPROTECTIVEDEVICE = 738039164;
  5447. var IFCPROTECTIVEDEVICETYPE = 1842657554;
  5448. var IFCPROXY = 3219374653;
  5449. var IFCPUMP = 90941305;
  5450. var IFCPUMPTYPE = 2250791053;
  5451. var IFCQUANTITYAREA = 2044713172;
  5452. var IFCQUANTITYCOUNT = 2093928680;
  5453. var IFCQUANTITYLENGTH = 931644368;
  5454. var IFCQUANTITYSET = 2090586900;
  5455. var IFCQUANTITYTIME = 3252649465;
  5456. var IFCQUANTITYVOLUME = 2405470396;
  5457. var IFCQUANTITYWEIGHT = 825690147;
  5458. var IFCRAILING = 2262370178;
  5459. var IFCRAILINGTYPE = 2893384427;
  5460. var IFCRAMP = 3024970846;
  5461. var IFCRAMPFLIGHT = 3283111854;
  5462. var IFCRAMPFLIGHTTYPE = 2324767716;
  5463. var IFCRAMPTYPE = 1469900589;
  5467. var IFCRECTANGLEPROFILEDEF = 3615266464;
  5468. var IFCRECTANGULARPYRAMID = 2798486643;
  5470. var IFCRECURRENCEPATTERN = 3915482550;
  5471. var IFCREFERENCE = 2433181523;
  5472. var IFCREFERENT = 4021432810;
  5473. var IFCREGULARTIMESERIES = 3413951693;
  5476. var IFCREINFORCINGBAR = 979691226;
  5477. var IFCREINFORCINGBARTYPE = 2572171363;
  5478. var IFCREINFORCINGELEMENT = 3027567501;
  5479. var IFCREINFORCINGELEMENTTYPE = 964333572;
  5480. var IFCREINFORCINGMESH = 2320036040;
  5481. var IFCREINFORCINGMESHTYPE = 2310774935;
  5482. var IFCRELAGGREGATES = 160246688;
  5483. var IFCRELASSIGNS = 3939117080;
  5484. var IFCRELASSIGNSTOACTOR = 1683148259;
  5485. var IFCRELASSIGNSTOCONTROL = 2495723537;
  5486. var IFCRELASSIGNSTOGROUP = 1307041759;
  5488. var IFCRELASSIGNSTOPROCESS = 4278684876;
  5489. var IFCRELASSIGNSTOPRODUCT = 2857406711;
  5490. var IFCRELASSIGNSTORESOURCE = 205026976;
  5491. var IFCRELASSOCIATES = 1865459582;
  5492. var IFCRELASSOCIATESAPPROVAL = 4095574036;
  5494. var IFCRELASSOCIATESCONSTRAINT = 2728634034;
  5495. var IFCRELASSOCIATESDOCUMENT = 982818633;
  5496. var IFCRELASSOCIATESLIBRARY = 3840914261;
  5497. var IFCRELASSOCIATESMATERIAL = 2655215786;
  5498. var IFCRELCONNECTS = 826625072;
  5499. var IFCRELCONNECTSELEMENTS = 1204542856;
  5500. var IFCRELCONNECTSPATHELEMENTS = 3945020480;
  5502. var IFCRELCONNECTSPORTS = 3190031847;
  5508. var IFCRELCOVERSBLDGELEMENTS = 886880790;
  5509. var IFCRELCOVERSSPACES = 2802773753;
  5510. var IFCRELDECLARES = 2565941209;
  5511. var IFCRELDECOMPOSES = 2551354335;
  5512. var IFCRELDEFINES = 693640335;
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  5514. var IFCRELDEFINESBYPROPERTIES = 4186316022;
  5515. var IFCRELDEFINESBYTEMPLATE = 307848117;
  5516. var IFCRELDEFINESBYTYPE = 781010003;
  5517. var IFCRELFILLSELEMENT = 3940055652;
  5518. var IFCRELFLOWCONTROLELEMENTS = 279856033;
  5519. var IFCRELINTERFERESELEMENTS = 427948657;
  5520. var IFCRELNESTS = 3268803585;
  5521. var IFCRELPOSITIONS = 1441486842;
  5522. var IFCRELPROJECTSELEMENT = 750771296;
  5524. var IFCRELSEQUENCE = 4122056220;
  5525. var IFCRELSERVICESBUILDINGS = 366585022;
  5526. var IFCRELSPACEBOUNDARY = 3451746338;
  5527. var IFCRELSPACEBOUNDARY1STLEVEL = 3523091289;
  5528. var IFCRELSPACEBOUNDARY2NDLEVEL = 1521410863;
  5529. var IFCRELVOIDSELEMENT = 1401173127;
  5530. var IFCRELATIONSHIP = 478536968;
  5532. var IFCREPRESENTATION = 1076942058;
  5533. var IFCREPRESENTATIONCONTEXT = 3377609919;
  5534. var IFCREPRESENTATIONITEM = 3008791417;
  5535. var IFCREPRESENTATIONMAP = 1660063152;
  5536. var IFCRESOURCE = 2914609552;
  5540. var IFCRESOURCETIME = 1042787934;
  5541. var IFCREVOLVEDAREASOLID = 1856042241;
  5543. var IFCRIGHTCIRCULARCONE = 4158566097;
  5544. var IFCRIGHTCIRCULARCYLINDER = 3626867408;
  5545. var IFCROOF = 2016517767;
  5546. var IFCROOFTYPE = 2781568857;
  5547. var IFCROOT = 2341007311;
  5549. var IFCSIUNIT = 448429030;
  5550. var IFCSANITARYTERMINAL = 3053780830;
  5551. var IFCSANITARYTERMINALTYPE = 1768891740;
  5552. var IFCSCHEDULINGTIME = 1054537805;
  5553. var IFCSEAMCURVE = 2157484638;
  5554. var IFCSECTIONPROPERTIES = 2042790032;
  5556. var IFCSECTIONEDSOLID = 1862484736;
  5558. var IFCSECTIONEDSPINE = 1509187699;
  5559. var IFCSENSOR = 4086658281;
  5560. var IFCSENSORTYPE = 1783015770;
  5561. var IFCSHADINGDEVICE = 1329646415;
  5562. var IFCSHADINGDEVICETYPE = 4074543187;
  5563. var IFCSHAPEASPECT = 867548509;
  5564. var IFCSHAPEMODEL = 3982875396;
  5565. var IFCSHAPEREPRESENTATION = 4240577450;
  5566. var IFCSHELLBASEDSURFACEMODEL = 4124623270;
  5567. var IFCSIMPLEPROPERTY = 3692461612;
  5568. var IFCSIMPLEPROPERTYTEMPLATE = 3663146110;
  5569. var IFCSITE = 4097777520;
  5570. var IFCSLAB = 1529196076;
  5571. var IFCSLABELEMENTEDCASE = 3127900445;
  5572. var IFCSLABSTANDARDCASE = 3027962421;
  5573. var IFCSLABTYPE = 2533589738;
  5575. var IFCSOLARDEVICE = 3420628829;
  5576. var IFCSOLARDEVICETYPE = 1072016465;
  5577. var IFCSOLIDMODEL = 723233188;
  5578. var IFCSPACE = 3856911033;
  5579. var IFCSPACEHEATER = 1999602285;
  5580. var IFCSPACEHEATERTYPE = 1305183839;
  5581. var IFCSPACETYPE = 3812236995;
  5582. var IFCSPATIALELEMENT = 1412071761;
  5583. var IFCSPATIALELEMENTTYPE = 710998568;
  5584. var IFCSPATIALSTRUCTUREELEMENT = 2706606064;
  5586. var IFCSPATIALZONE = 463610769;
  5587. var IFCSPATIALZONETYPE = 2481509218;
  5588. var IFCSPHERE = 451544542;
  5589. var IFCSPHERICALSURFACE = 4015995234;
  5590. var IFCSTACKTERMINAL = 1404847402;
  5591. var IFCSTACKTERMINALTYPE = 3112655638;
  5592. var IFCSTAIR = 331165859;
  5593. var IFCSTAIRFLIGHT = 4252922144;
  5594. var IFCSTAIRFLIGHTTYPE = 1039846685;
  5595. var IFCSTAIRTYPE = 338393293;
  5596. var IFCSTRUCTURALACTION = 682877961;
  5597. var IFCSTRUCTURALACTIVITY = 3544373492;
  5598. var IFCSTRUCTURALANALYSISMODEL = 2515109513;
  5599. var IFCSTRUCTURALCONNECTION = 1179482911;
  5601. var IFCSTRUCTURALCURVEACTION = 1004757350;
  5603. var IFCSTRUCTURALCURVEMEMBER = 214636428;
  5605. var IFCSTRUCTURALCURVEREACTION = 2757150158;
  5606. var IFCSTRUCTURALITEM = 3136571912;
  5607. var IFCSTRUCTURALLINEARACTION = 1807405624;
  5608. var IFCSTRUCTURALLOAD = 2162789131;
  5609. var IFCSTRUCTURALLOADCASE = 385403989;
  5611. var IFCSTRUCTURALLOADGROUP = 1252848954;
  5613. var IFCSTRUCTURALLOADORRESULT = 609421318;
  5619. var IFCSTRUCTURALLOADSTATIC = 2525727697;
  5621. var IFCSTRUCTURALMEMBER = 530289379;
  5622. var IFCSTRUCTURALPLANARACTION = 1621171031;
  5623. var IFCSTRUCTURALPOINTACTION = 2082059205;
  5625. var IFCSTRUCTURALPOINTREACTION = 1235345126;
  5626. var IFCSTRUCTURALREACTION = 3689010777;
  5627. var IFCSTRUCTURALRESULTGROUP = 2986769608;
  5628. var IFCSTRUCTURALSURFACEACTION = 3657597509;
  5630. var IFCSTRUCTURALSURFACEMEMBER = 3979015343;
  5633. var IFCSTYLEMODEL = 2830218821;
  5634. var IFCSTYLEDITEM = 3958052878;
  5635. var IFCSTYLEDREPRESENTATION = 3049322572;
  5636. var IFCSUBCONTRACTRESOURCE = 148013059;
  5637. var IFCSUBCONTRACTRESOURCETYPE = 4095615324;
  5638. var IFCSUBEDGE = 2233826070;
  5639. var IFCSURFACE = 2513912981;
  5640. var IFCSURFACECURVE = 699246055;
  5642. var IFCSURFACEFEATURE = 3101698114;
  5644. var IFCSURFACEOFREVOLUTION = 4124788165;
  5646. var IFCSURFACESTYLE = 1300840506;
  5647. var IFCSURFACESTYLELIGHTING = 3303107099;
  5648. var IFCSURFACESTYLEREFRACTION = 1607154358;
  5649. var IFCSURFACESTYLERENDERING = 1878645084;
  5650. var IFCSURFACESTYLESHADING = 846575682;
  5652. var IFCSURFACETEXTURE = 626085974;
  5653. var IFCSWEPTAREASOLID = 2247615214;
  5654. var IFCSWEPTDISKSOLID = 1260650574;
  5655. var IFCSWEPTDISKSOLIDPOLYGONAL = 1096409881;
  5656. var IFCSWEPTSURFACE = 230924584;
  5657. var IFCSWITCHINGDEVICE = 1162798199;
  5658. var IFCSWITCHINGDEVICETYPE = 2315554128;
  5659. var IFCSYSTEM = 2254336722;
  5660. var IFCSYSTEMFURNITUREELEMENT = 413509423;
  5662. var IFCTSHAPEPROFILEDEF = 3071757647;
  5663. var IFCTABLE = 985171141;
  5664. var IFCTABLECOLUMN = 2043862942;
  5665. var IFCTABLEROW = 531007025;
  5666. var IFCTANK = 812556717;
  5667. var IFCTANKTYPE = 5716631;
  5668. var IFCTASK = 3473067441;
  5669. var IFCTASKTIME = 1549132990;
  5670. var IFCTASKTIMERECURRING = 2771591690;
  5671. var IFCTASKTYPE = 3206491090;
  5672. var IFCTELECOMADDRESS = 912023232;
  5673. var IFCTENDON = 3824725483;
  5674. var IFCTENDONANCHOR = 2347447852;
  5675. var IFCTENDONANCHORTYPE = 3081323446;
  5676. var IFCTENDONCONDUIT = 3663046924;
  5677. var IFCTENDONCONDUITTYPE = 2281632017;
  5678. var IFCTENDONTYPE = 2415094496;
  5679. var IFCTESSELLATEDFACESET = 2387106220;
  5680. var IFCTESSELLATEDITEM = 901063453;
  5681. var IFCTEXTLITERAL = 4282788508;
  5682. var IFCTEXTLITERALWITHEXTENT = 3124975700;
  5683. var IFCTEXTSTYLE = 1447204868;
  5684. var IFCTEXTSTYLEFONTMODEL = 1983826977;
  5685. var IFCTEXTSTYLEFORDEFINEDFONT = 2636378356;
  5686. var IFCTEXTSTYLETEXTMODEL = 1640371178;
  5687. var IFCTEXTURECOORDINATE = 280115917;
  5689. var IFCTEXTUREMAP = 2552916305;
  5690. var IFCTEXTUREVERTEX = 1210645708;
  5691. var IFCTEXTUREVERTEXLIST = 3611470254;
  5692. var IFCTIMEPERIOD = 1199560280;
  5693. var IFCTIMESERIES = 3101149627;
  5694. var IFCTIMESERIESVALUE = 581633288;
  5696. var IFCTOPOLOGYREPRESENTATION = 1735638870;
  5697. var IFCTOROIDALSURFACE = 1935646853;
  5698. var IFCTRANSFORMER = 3825984169;
  5699. var IFCTRANSFORMERTYPE = 1692211062;
  5700. var IFCTRANSITIONCURVESEGMENT2D = 2595432518;
  5701. var IFCTRANSPORTELEMENT = 1620046519;
  5702. var IFCTRANSPORTELEMENTTYPE = 2097647324;
  5703. var IFCTRAPEZIUMPROFILEDEF = 2715220739;
  5704. var IFCTRIANGULATEDFACESET = 2916149573;
  5706. var IFCTRIMMEDCURVE = 3593883385;
  5707. var IFCTUBEBUNDLE = 3026737570;
  5708. var IFCTUBEBUNDLETYPE = 1600972822;
  5709. var IFCTYPEOBJECT = 1628702193;
  5710. var IFCTYPEPROCESS = 3736923433;
  5711. var IFCTYPEPRODUCT = 2347495698;
  5712. var IFCTYPERESOURCE = 3698973494;
  5713. var IFCUSHAPEPROFILEDEF = 427810014;
  5714. var IFCUNITASSIGNMENT = 180925521;
  5715. var IFCUNITARYCONTROLELEMENT = 630975310;
  5717. var IFCUNITARYEQUIPMENT = 4292641817;
  5718. var IFCUNITARYEQUIPMENTTYPE = 1911125066;
  5719. var IFCVALVE = 4207607924;
  5720. var IFCVALVETYPE = 728799441;
  5721. var IFCVECTOR = 1417489154;
  5722. var IFCVERTEX = 2799835756;
  5723. var IFCVERTEXLOOP = 2759199220;
  5724. var IFCVERTEXPOINT = 1907098498;
  5725. var IFCVIBRATIONDAMPER = 1530820697;
  5726. var IFCVIBRATIONDAMPERTYPE = 3956297820;
  5727. var IFCVIBRATIONISOLATOR = 2391383451;
  5728. var IFCVIBRATIONISOLATORTYPE = 3313531582;
  5729. var IFCVIRTUALELEMENT = 2769231204;
  5731. var IFCVOIDINGFEATURE = 926996030;
  5732. var IFCWALL = 2391406946;
  5733. var IFCWALLELEMENTEDCASE = 4156078855;
  5734. var IFCWALLSTANDARDCASE = 3512223829;
  5735. var IFCWALLTYPE = 1898987631;
  5736. var IFCWASTETERMINAL = 4237592921;
  5737. var IFCWASTETERMINALTYPE = 1133259667;
  5738. var IFCWINDOW = 3304561284;
  5739. var IFCWINDOWLININGPROPERTIES = 336235671;
  5740. var IFCWINDOWPANELPROPERTIES = 512836454;
  5741. var IFCWINDOWSTANDARDCASE = 486154966;
  5742. var IFCWINDOWSTYLE = 1299126871;
  5743. var IFCWINDOWTYPE = 4009809668;
  5744. var IFCWORKCALENDAR = 4088093105;
  5745. var IFCWORKCONTROL = 1028945134;
  5746. var IFCWORKPLAN = 4218914973;
  5747. var IFCWORKSCHEDULE = 3342526732;
  5748. var IFCWORKTIME = 1236880293;
  5749. var IFCZSHAPEPROFILEDEF = 2543172580;
  5750. var IFCZONE = 1033361043;
  5751. var IfcElements = [
  5752. 4288193352,
  5753. 1634111441,
  5754. 177149247,
  5755. 2056796094,
  5756. 3087945054,
  5757. 277319702,
  5758. 753842376,
  5759. 2906023776,
  5760. 32344328,
  5761. 2979338954,
  5762. 1095909175,
  5763. 2938176219,
  5764. 635142910,
  5765. 3758799889,
  5766. 1051757585,
  5767. 4217484030,
  5768. 3902619387,
  5769. 3296154744,
  5770. 1677625105,
  5771. 639361253,
  5772. 843113511,
  5773. 905975707,
  5774. 3221913625,
  5775. 3571504051,
  5776. 2272882330,
  5777. 25142252,
  5778. 4136498852,
  5779. 3640358203,
  5780. 1973544240,
  5781. 3495092785,
  5782. 4074379575,
  5783. 1335981549,
  5784. 1052013943,
  5785. 1062813311,
  5786. 1945004755,
  5787. 3040386961,
  5788. 395920057,
  5789. 3242481149,
  5790. 342316401,
  5791. 3518393246,
  5792. 1360408905,
  5793. 1904799276,
  5794. 862014818,
  5795. 3310460725,
  5796. 264262732,
  5797. 402227799,
  5798. 1003880860,
  5799. 4123344466,
  5800. 1658829314,
  5801. 2814081492,
  5802. 3747195512,
  5803. 484807127,
  5804. 3415622556,
  5805. 647756555,
  5806. 819412036,
  5807. 1426591983,
  5808. 2058353004,
  5809. 4278956645,
  5810. 182646315,
  5811. 2188021234,
  5812. 3132237377,
  5813. 987401354,
  5814. 707683696,
  5815. 2223149337,
  5816. 3508470533,
  5817. 900683007,
  5818. 263784265,
  5819. 1509553395,
  5820. 3493046030,
  5821. 3319311131,
  5822. 2068733104,
  5823. 4175244083,
  5824. 2176052936,
  5825. 76236018,
  5826. 629592764,
  5827. 377706215,
  5828. 1437502449,
  5829. 1073191201,
  5830. 1911478936,
  5831. 2474470126,
  5832. 3588315303,
  5833. 3079942009,
  5834. 3694346114,
  5835. 1687234759,
  5836. 310824031,
  5837. 3612865200,
  5838. 3171933400,
  5839. 1156407060,
  5840. 3651124850,
  5841. 738039164,
  5842. 2295281155,
  5843. 90941305,
  5844. 2262370178,
  5845. 3024970846,
  5846. 3283111854,
  5847. 979691226,
  5848. 2320036040,
  5849. 2016517767,
  5850. 3053780830,
  5851. 4086658281,
  5852. 1329646415,
  5853. 1529196076,
  5854. 3127900445,
  5855. 3027962421,
  5856. 3420628829,
  5857. 1999602285,
  5858. 1404847402,
  5859. 331165859,
  5860. 4252922144,
  5861. 3101698114,
  5862. 1162798199,
  5863. 413509423,
  5864. 812556717,
  5865. 3824725483,
  5866. 2347447852,
  5867. 3825984169,
  5868. 1620046519,
  5869. 3026737570,
  5870. 630975310,
  5871. 4292641817,
  5872. 4207607924,
  5873. 2391383451,
  5874. 2769231204,
  5875. 926996030,
  5876. 2391406946,
  5877. 4156078855,
  5878. 3512223829,
  5879. 4237592921,
  5880. 3304561284,
  5881. 486154966
  5882. ];
  5883. // dist/ifc2x4_helper.ts
  5884. var FromRawLineData = {};
  5885. FromRawLineData[IFCACTIONREQUEST] = (d) => {
  5886. return IfcActionRequest.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  5887. };
  5888. FromRawLineData[IFCACTOR] = (d) => {
  5889. return IfcActor.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  5890. };
  5891. FromRawLineData[IFCACTORROLE] = (d) => {
  5892. return IfcActorRole.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  5893. };
  5894. FromRawLineData[IFCACTUATOR] = (d) => {
  5895. return IfcActuator.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  5896. };
  5897. FromRawLineData[IFCACTUATORTYPE] = (d) => {
  5898. return IfcActuatorType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  5899. };
  5900. FromRawLineData[IFCADDRESS] = (d) => {
  5901. return IfcAddress.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  5902. };
  5903. FromRawLineData[IFCADVANCEDBREP] = (d) => {
  5904. return IfcAdvancedBrep.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  5905. };
  5906. FromRawLineData[IFCADVANCEDBREPWITHVOIDS] = (d) => {
  5907. return IfcAdvancedBrepWithVoids.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  5908. };
  5909. FromRawLineData[IFCADVANCEDFACE] = (d) => {
  5910. return IfcAdvancedFace.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  5911. };
  5912. FromRawLineData[IFCAIRTERMINAL] = (d) => {
  5913. return IfcAirTerminal.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  5914. };
  5915. FromRawLineData[IFCAIRTERMINALBOX] = (d) => {
  5916. return IfcAirTerminalBox.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  5917. };
  5918. FromRawLineData[IFCAIRTERMINALBOXTYPE] = (d) => {
  5919. return IfcAirTerminalBoxType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  5920. };
  5921. FromRawLineData[IFCAIRTERMINALTYPE] = (d) => {
  5922. return IfcAirTerminalType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  5923. };
  5924. FromRawLineData[IFCAIRTOAIRHEATRECOVERY] = (d) => {
  5925. return IfcAirToAirHeatRecovery.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  5926. };
  5927. FromRawLineData[IFCAIRTOAIRHEATRECOVERYTYPE] = (d) => {
  5928. return IfcAirToAirHeatRecoveryType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  5929. };
  5930. FromRawLineData[IFCALARM] = (d) => {
  5931. return IfcAlarm.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  5932. };
  5933. FromRawLineData[IFCALARMTYPE] = (d) => {
  5934. return IfcAlarmType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  5935. };
  5936. FromRawLineData[IFCALIGNMENT] = (d) => {
  5937. return IfcAlignment.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  5938. };
  5939. FromRawLineData[IFCALIGNMENT2DHORIZONTAL] = (d) => {
  5940. return IfcAlignment2DHorizontal.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  5941. };
  5943. return IfcAlignment2DHorizontalSegment.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  5944. };
  5945. FromRawLineData[IFCALIGNMENT2DSEGMENT] = (d) => {
  5946. return IfcAlignment2DSegment.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  5947. };
  5949. return IfcAlignment2DVerSegCircularArc.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  5950. };
  5951. FromRawLineData[IFCALIGNMENT2DVERSEGLINE] = (d) => {
  5952. return IfcAlignment2DVerSegLine.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  5953. };
  5955. return IfcAlignment2DVerSegParabolicArc.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  5956. };
  5957. FromRawLineData[IFCALIGNMENT2DVERTICAL] = (d) => {
  5958. return IfcAlignment2DVertical.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  5959. };
  5960. FromRawLineData[IFCALIGNMENT2DVERTICALSEGMENT] = (d) => {
  5961. return IfcAlignment2DVerticalSegment.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  5962. };
  5963. FromRawLineData[IFCALIGNMENTCURVE] = (d) => {
  5964. return IfcAlignmentCurve.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  5965. };
  5966. FromRawLineData[IFCANNOTATION] = (d) => {
  5967. return IfcAnnotation.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  5968. };
  5969. FromRawLineData[IFCANNOTATIONFILLAREA] = (d) => {
  5970. return IfcAnnotationFillArea.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  5971. };
  5972. FromRawLineData[IFCAPPLICATION] = (d) => {
  5973. return IfcApplication.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  5974. };
  5975. FromRawLineData[IFCAPPLIEDVALUE] = (d) => {
  5976. return IfcAppliedValue.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  5977. };
  5978. FromRawLineData[IFCAPPROVAL] = (d) => {
  5979. return IfcApproval.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  5980. };
  5981. FromRawLineData[IFCAPPROVALRELATIONSHIP] = (d) => {
  5982. return IfcApprovalRelationship.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  5983. };
  5984. FromRawLineData[IFCARBITRARYCLOSEDPROFILEDEF] = (d) => {
  5985. return IfcArbitraryClosedProfileDef.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  5986. };
  5987. FromRawLineData[IFCARBITRARYOPENPROFILEDEF] = (d) => {
  5988. return IfcArbitraryOpenProfileDef.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  5989. };
  5991. return IfcArbitraryProfileDefWithVoids.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  5992. };
  5993. FromRawLineData[IFCASSET] = (d) => {
  5994. return IfcAsset.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  5995. };
  5997. return IfcAsymmetricIShapeProfileDef.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  5998. };
  5999. FromRawLineData[IFCAUDIOVISUALAPPLIANCE] = (d) => {
  6000. return IfcAudioVisualAppliance.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6001. };
  6002. FromRawLineData[IFCAUDIOVISUALAPPLIANCETYPE] = (d) => {
  6003. return IfcAudioVisualApplianceType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6004. };
  6005. FromRawLineData[IFCAXIS1PLACEMENT] = (d) => {
  6006. return IfcAxis1Placement.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6007. };
  6008. FromRawLineData[IFCAXIS2PLACEMENT2D] = (d) => {
  6009. return IfcAxis2Placement2D.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6010. };
  6011. FromRawLineData[IFCAXIS2PLACEMENT3D] = (d) => {
  6012. return IfcAxis2Placement3D.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6013. };
  6014. FromRawLineData[IFCBSPLINECURVE] = (d) => {
  6015. return IfcBSplineCurve.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6016. };
  6017. FromRawLineData[IFCBSPLINECURVEWITHKNOTS] = (d) => {
  6018. return IfcBSplineCurveWithKnots.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6019. };
  6020. FromRawLineData[IFCBSPLINESURFACE] = (d) => {
  6021. return IfcBSplineSurface.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6022. };
  6023. FromRawLineData[IFCBSPLINESURFACEWITHKNOTS] = (d) => {
  6024. return IfcBSplineSurfaceWithKnots.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6025. };
  6026. FromRawLineData[IFCBEAM] = (d) => {
  6027. return IfcBeam.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6028. };
  6029. FromRawLineData[IFCBEAMSTANDARDCASE] = (d) => {
  6030. return IfcBeamStandardCase.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6031. };
  6032. FromRawLineData[IFCBEAMTYPE] = (d) => {
  6033. return IfcBeamType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6034. };
  6035. FromRawLineData[IFCBEARING] = (d) => {
  6036. return IfcBearing.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6037. };
  6038. FromRawLineData[IFCBEARINGTYPE] = (d) => {
  6039. return IfcBearingType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6040. };
  6041. FromRawLineData[IFCBLOBTEXTURE] = (d) => {
  6042. return IfcBlobTexture.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6043. };
  6044. FromRawLineData[IFCBLOCK] = (d) => {
  6045. return IfcBlock.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6046. };
  6047. FromRawLineData[IFCBOILER] = (d) => {
  6048. return IfcBoiler.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6049. };
  6050. FromRawLineData[IFCBOILERTYPE] = (d) => {
  6051. return IfcBoilerType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6052. };
  6053. FromRawLineData[IFCBOOLEANCLIPPINGRESULT] = (d) => {
  6054. return IfcBooleanClippingResult.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6055. };
  6056. FromRawLineData[IFCBOOLEANRESULT] = (d) => {
  6057. return IfcBooleanResult.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6058. };
  6059. FromRawLineData[IFCBOUNDARYCONDITION] = (d) => {
  6060. return IfcBoundaryCondition.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6061. };
  6062. FromRawLineData[IFCBOUNDARYCURVE] = (d) => {
  6063. return IfcBoundaryCurve.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6064. };
  6065. FromRawLineData[IFCBOUNDARYEDGECONDITION] = (d) => {
  6066. return IfcBoundaryEdgeCondition.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6067. };
  6068. FromRawLineData[IFCBOUNDARYFACECONDITION] = (d) => {
  6069. return IfcBoundaryFaceCondition.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6070. };
  6071. FromRawLineData[IFCBOUNDARYNODECONDITION] = (d) => {
  6072. return IfcBoundaryNodeCondition.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6073. };
  6075. return IfcBoundaryNodeConditionWarping.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6076. };
  6077. FromRawLineData[IFCBOUNDEDCURVE] = (d) => {
  6078. return IfcBoundedCurve.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6079. };
  6080. FromRawLineData[IFCBOUNDEDSURFACE] = (d) => {
  6081. return IfcBoundedSurface.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6082. };
  6083. FromRawLineData[IFCBOUNDINGBOX] = (d) => {
  6084. return IfcBoundingBox.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6085. };
  6086. FromRawLineData[IFCBOXEDHALFSPACE] = (d) => {
  6087. return IfcBoxedHalfSpace.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6088. };
  6089. FromRawLineData[IFCBRIDGE] = (d) => {
  6090. return IfcBridge.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6091. };
  6092. FromRawLineData[IFCBRIDGEPART] = (d) => {
  6093. return IfcBridgePart.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6094. };
  6095. FromRawLineData[IFCBUILDING] = (d) => {
  6096. return IfcBuilding.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6097. };
  6098. FromRawLineData[IFCBUILDINGELEMENT] = (d) => {
  6099. return IfcBuildingElement.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6100. };
  6101. FromRawLineData[IFCBUILDINGELEMENTPART] = (d) => {
  6102. return IfcBuildingElementPart.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6103. };
  6104. FromRawLineData[IFCBUILDINGELEMENTPARTTYPE] = (d) => {
  6105. return IfcBuildingElementPartType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6106. };
  6107. FromRawLineData[IFCBUILDINGELEMENTPROXY] = (d) => {
  6108. return IfcBuildingElementProxy.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6109. };
  6110. FromRawLineData[IFCBUILDINGELEMENTPROXYTYPE] = (d) => {
  6111. return IfcBuildingElementProxyType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6112. };
  6113. FromRawLineData[IFCBUILDINGELEMENTTYPE] = (d) => {
  6114. return IfcBuildingElementType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6115. };
  6116. FromRawLineData[IFCBUILDINGSTOREY] = (d) => {
  6117. return IfcBuildingStorey.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6118. };
  6119. FromRawLineData[IFCBUILDINGSYSTEM] = (d) => {
  6120. return IfcBuildingSystem.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6121. };
  6122. FromRawLineData[IFCBURNER] = (d) => {
  6123. return IfcBurner.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6124. };
  6125. FromRawLineData[IFCBURNERTYPE] = (d) => {
  6126. return IfcBurnerType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6127. };
  6128. FromRawLineData[IFCCSHAPEPROFILEDEF] = (d) => {
  6129. return IfcCShapeProfileDef.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6130. };
  6131. FromRawLineData[IFCCABLECARRIERFITTING] = (d) => {
  6132. return IfcCableCarrierFitting.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6133. };
  6134. FromRawLineData[IFCCABLECARRIERFITTINGTYPE] = (d) => {
  6135. return IfcCableCarrierFittingType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6136. };
  6137. FromRawLineData[IFCCABLECARRIERSEGMENT] = (d) => {
  6138. return IfcCableCarrierSegment.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6139. };
  6140. FromRawLineData[IFCCABLECARRIERSEGMENTTYPE] = (d) => {
  6141. return IfcCableCarrierSegmentType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6142. };
  6143. FromRawLineData[IFCCABLEFITTING] = (d) => {
  6144. return IfcCableFitting.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6145. };
  6146. FromRawLineData[IFCCABLEFITTINGTYPE] = (d) => {
  6147. return IfcCableFittingType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6148. };
  6149. FromRawLineData[IFCCABLESEGMENT] = (d) => {
  6150. return IfcCableSegment.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6151. };
  6152. FromRawLineData[IFCCABLESEGMENTTYPE] = (d) => {
  6153. return IfcCableSegmentType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6154. };
  6155. FromRawLineData[IFCCAISSONFOUNDATION] = (d) => {
  6156. return IfcCaissonFoundation.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6157. };
  6158. FromRawLineData[IFCCAISSONFOUNDATIONTYPE] = (d) => {
  6159. return IfcCaissonFoundationType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6160. };
  6161. FromRawLineData[IFCCARTESIANPOINT] = (d) => {
  6162. return IfcCartesianPoint.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6163. };
  6164. FromRawLineData[IFCCARTESIANPOINTLIST] = (d) => {
  6165. return IfcCartesianPointList.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6166. };
  6167. FromRawLineData[IFCCARTESIANPOINTLIST2D] = (d) => {
  6168. return IfcCartesianPointList2D.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6169. };
  6170. FromRawLineData[IFCCARTESIANPOINTLIST3D] = (d) => {
  6171. return IfcCartesianPointList3D.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6172. };
  6174. return IfcCartesianTransformationOperator.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6175. };
  6177. return IfcCartesianTransformationOperator2D.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6178. };
  6180. return IfcCartesianTransformationOperator2DnonUniform.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6181. };
  6183. return IfcCartesianTransformationOperator3D.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6184. };
  6186. return IfcCartesianTransformationOperator3DnonUniform.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6187. };
  6188. FromRawLineData[IFCCENTERLINEPROFILEDEF] = (d) => {
  6189. return IfcCenterLineProfileDef.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6190. };
  6191. FromRawLineData[IFCCHILLER] = (d) => {
  6192. return IfcChiller.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6193. };
  6194. FromRawLineData[IFCCHILLERTYPE] = (d) => {
  6195. return IfcChillerType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6196. };
  6197. FromRawLineData[IFCCHIMNEY] = (d) => {
  6198. return IfcChimney.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6199. };
  6200. FromRawLineData[IFCCHIMNEYTYPE] = (d) => {
  6201. return IfcChimneyType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6202. };
  6203. FromRawLineData[IFCCIRCLE] = (d) => {
  6204. return IfcCircle.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6205. };
  6206. FromRawLineData[IFCCIRCLEHOLLOWPROFILEDEF] = (d) => {
  6207. return IfcCircleHollowProfileDef.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6208. };
  6209. FromRawLineData[IFCCIRCLEPROFILEDEF] = (d) => {
  6210. return IfcCircleProfileDef.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6211. };
  6212. FromRawLineData[IFCCIRCULARARCSEGMENT2D] = (d) => {
  6213. return IfcCircularArcSegment2D.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6214. };
  6215. FromRawLineData[IFCCIVILELEMENT] = (d) => {
  6216. return IfcCivilElement.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6217. };
  6218. FromRawLineData[IFCCIVILELEMENTTYPE] = (d) => {
  6219. return IfcCivilElementType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6220. };
  6221. FromRawLineData[IFCCLASSIFICATION] = (d) => {
  6222. return IfcClassification.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6223. };
  6224. FromRawLineData[IFCCLASSIFICATIONREFERENCE] = (d) => {
  6225. return IfcClassificationReference.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6226. };
  6227. FromRawLineData[IFCCLOSEDSHELL] = (d) => {
  6228. return IfcClosedShell.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6229. };
  6230. FromRawLineData[IFCCOIL] = (d) => {
  6231. return IfcCoil.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6232. };
  6233. FromRawLineData[IFCCOILTYPE] = (d) => {
  6234. return IfcCoilType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6235. };
  6236. FromRawLineData[IFCCOLOURRGB] = (d) => {
  6237. return IfcColourRgb.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6238. };
  6239. FromRawLineData[IFCCOLOURRGBLIST] = (d) => {
  6240. return IfcColourRgbList.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6241. };
  6242. FromRawLineData[IFCCOLOURSPECIFICATION] = (d) => {
  6243. return IfcColourSpecification.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6244. };
  6245. FromRawLineData[IFCCOLUMN] = (d) => {
  6246. return IfcColumn.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6247. };
  6248. FromRawLineData[IFCCOLUMNSTANDARDCASE] = (d) => {
  6249. return IfcColumnStandardCase.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6250. };
  6251. FromRawLineData[IFCCOLUMNTYPE] = (d) => {
  6252. return IfcColumnType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6253. };
  6254. FromRawLineData[IFCCOMMUNICATIONSAPPLIANCE] = (d) => {
  6255. return IfcCommunicationsAppliance.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6256. };
  6258. return IfcCommunicationsApplianceType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6259. };
  6260. FromRawLineData[IFCCOMPLEXPROPERTY] = (d) => {
  6261. return IfcComplexProperty.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6262. };
  6263. FromRawLineData[IFCCOMPLEXPROPERTYTEMPLATE] = (d) => {
  6264. return IfcComplexPropertyTemplate.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6265. };
  6266. FromRawLineData[IFCCOMPOSITECURVE] = (d) => {
  6267. return IfcCompositeCurve.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6268. };
  6269. FromRawLineData[IFCCOMPOSITECURVEONSURFACE] = (d) => {
  6270. return IfcCompositeCurveOnSurface.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6271. };
  6272. FromRawLineData[IFCCOMPOSITECURVESEGMENT] = (d) => {
  6273. return IfcCompositeCurveSegment.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6274. };
  6275. FromRawLineData[IFCCOMPOSITEPROFILEDEF] = (d) => {
  6276. return IfcCompositeProfileDef.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6277. };
  6278. FromRawLineData[IFCCOMPRESSOR] = (d) => {
  6279. return IfcCompressor.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6280. };
  6281. FromRawLineData[IFCCOMPRESSORTYPE] = (d) => {
  6282. return IfcCompressorType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6283. };
  6284. FromRawLineData[IFCCONDENSER] = (d) => {
  6285. return IfcCondenser.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6286. };
  6287. FromRawLineData[IFCCONDENSERTYPE] = (d) => {
  6288. return IfcCondenserType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6289. };
  6290. FromRawLineData[IFCCONIC] = (d) => {
  6291. return IfcConic.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6292. };
  6293. FromRawLineData[IFCCONNECTEDFACESET] = (d) => {
  6294. return IfcConnectedFaceSet.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6295. };
  6296. FromRawLineData[IFCCONNECTIONCURVEGEOMETRY] = (d) => {
  6297. return IfcConnectionCurveGeometry.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6298. };
  6299. FromRawLineData[IFCCONNECTIONGEOMETRY] = (d) => {
  6300. return IfcConnectionGeometry.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6301. };
  6303. return IfcConnectionPointEccentricity.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6304. };
  6305. FromRawLineData[IFCCONNECTIONPOINTGEOMETRY] = (d) => {
  6306. return IfcConnectionPointGeometry.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6307. };
  6308. FromRawLineData[IFCCONNECTIONSURFACEGEOMETRY] = (d) => {
  6309. return IfcConnectionSurfaceGeometry.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6310. };
  6311. FromRawLineData[IFCCONNECTIONVOLUMEGEOMETRY] = (d) => {
  6312. return IfcConnectionVolumeGeometry.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6313. };
  6314. FromRawLineData[IFCCONSTRAINT] = (d) => {
  6315. return IfcConstraint.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6316. };
  6318. return IfcConstructionEquipmentResource.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6319. };
  6321. return IfcConstructionEquipmentResourceType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6322. };
  6324. return IfcConstructionMaterialResource.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6325. };
  6327. return IfcConstructionMaterialResourceType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6328. };
  6330. return IfcConstructionProductResource.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6331. };
  6333. return IfcConstructionProductResourceType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6334. };
  6335. FromRawLineData[IFCCONSTRUCTIONRESOURCE] = (d) => {
  6336. return IfcConstructionResource.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6337. };
  6338. FromRawLineData[IFCCONSTRUCTIONRESOURCETYPE] = (d) => {
  6339. return IfcConstructionResourceType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6340. };
  6341. FromRawLineData[IFCCONTEXT] = (d) => {
  6342. return IfcContext.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6343. };
  6344. FromRawLineData[IFCCONTEXTDEPENDENTUNIT] = (d) => {
  6345. return IfcContextDependentUnit.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6346. };
  6347. FromRawLineData[IFCCONTROL] = (d) => {
  6348. return IfcControl.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6349. };
  6350. FromRawLineData[IFCCONTROLLER] = (d) => {
  6351. return IfcController.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6352. };
  6353. FromRawLineData[IFCCONTROLLERTYPE] = (d) => {
  6354. return IfcControllerType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6355. };
  6356. FromRawLineData[IFCCONVERSIONBASEDUNIT] = (d) => {
  6357. return IfcConversionBasedUnit.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6358. };
  6360. return IfcConversionBasedUnitWithOffset.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6361. };
  6362. FromRawLineData[IFCCOOLEDBEAM] = (d) => {
  6363. return IfcCooledBeam.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6364. };
  6365. FromRawLineData[IFCCOOLEDBEAMTYPE] = (d) => {
  6366. return IfcCooledBeamType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6367. };
  6368. FromRawLineData[IFCCOOLINGTOWER] = (d) => {
  6369. return IfcCoolingTower.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6370. };
  6371. FromRawLineData[IFCCOOLINGTOWERTYPE] = (d) => {
  6372. return IfcCoolingTowerType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6373. };
  6374. FromRawLineData[IFCCOORDINATEOPERATION] = (d) => {
  6375. return IfcCoordinateOperation.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6376. };
  6377. FromRawLineData[IFCCOORDINATEREFERENCESYSTEM] = (d) => {
  6378. return IfcCoordinateReferenceSystem.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6379. };
  6380. FromRawLineData[IFCCOSTITEM] = (d) => {
  6381. return IfcCostItem.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6382. };
  6383. FromRawLineData[IFCCOSTSCHEDULE] = (d) => {
  6384. return IfcCostSchedule.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6385. };
  6386. FromRawLineData[IFCCOSTVALUE] = (d) => {
  6387. return IfcCostValue.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6388. };
  6389. FromRawLineData[IFCCOVERING] = (d) => {
  6390. return IfcCovering.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6391. };
  6392. FromRawLineData[IFCCOVERINGTYPE] = (d) => {
  6393. return IfcCoveringType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6394. };
  6395. FromRawLineData[IFCCREWRESOURCE] = (d) => {
  6396. return IfcCrewResource.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6397. };
  6398. FromRawLineData[IFCCREWRESOURCETYPE] = (d) => {
  6399. return IfcCrewResourceType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6400. };
  6401. FromRawLineData[IFCCSGPRIMITIVE3D] = (d) => {
  6402. return IfcCsgPrimitive3D.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6403. };
  6404. FromRawLineData[IFCCSGSOLID] = (d) => {
  6405. return IfcCsgSolid.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6406. };
  6407. FromRawLineData[IFCCURRENCYRELATIONSHIP] = (d) => {
  6408. return IfcCurrencyRelationship.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6409. };
  6410. FromRawLineData[IFCCURTAINWALL] = (d) => {
  6411. return IfcCurtainWall.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6412. };
  6413. FromRawLineData[IFCCURTAINWALLTYPE] = (d) => {
  6414. return IfcCurtainWallType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6415. };
  6416. FromRawLineData[IFCCURVE] = (d) => {
  6417. return IfcCurve.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6418. };
  6419. FromRawLineData[IFCCURVEBOUNDEDPLANE] = (d) => {
  6420. return IfcCurveBoundedPlane.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6421. };
  6422. FromRawLineData[IFCCURVEBOUNDEDSURFACE] = (d) => {
  6423. return IfcCurveBoundedSurface.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6424. };
  6425. FromRawLineData[IFCCURVESEGMENT2D] = (d) => {
  6426. return IfcCurveSegment2D.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6427. };
  6428. FromRawLineData[IFCCURVESTYLE] = (d) => {
  6429. return IfcCurveStyle.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6430. };
  6431. FromRawLineData[IFCCURVESTYLEFONT] = (d) => {
  6432. return IfcCurveStyleFont.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6433. };
  6434. FromRawLineData[IFCCURVESTYLEFONTANDSCALING] = (d) => {
  6435. return IfcCurveStyleFontAndScaling.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6436. };
  6437. FromRawLineData[IFCCURVESTYLEFONTPATTERN] = (d) => {
  6438. return IfcCurveStyleFontPattern.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6439. };
  6440. FromRawLineData[IFCCYLINDRICALSURFACE] = (d) => {
  6441. return IfcCylindricalSurface.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6442. };
  6443. FromRawLineData[IFCDAMPER] = (d) => {
  6444. return IfcDamper.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6445. };
  6446. FromRawLineData[IFCDAMPERTYPE] = (d) => {
  6447. return IfcDamperType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6448. };
  6449. FromRawLineData[IFCDEEPFOUNDATION] = (d) => {
  6450. return IfcDeepFoundation.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6451. };
  6452. FromRawLineData[IFCDEEPFOUNDATIONTYPE] = (d) => {
  6453. return IfcDeepFoundationType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6454. };
  6455. FromRawLineData[IFCDERIVEDPROFILEDEF] = (d) => {
  6456. return IfcDerivedProfileDef.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6457. };
  6458. FromRawLineData[IFCDERIVEDUNIT] = (d) => {
  6459. return IfcDerivedUnit.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6460. };
  6461. FromRawLineData[IFCDERIVEDUNITELEMENT] = (d) => {
  6462. return IfcDerivedUnitElement.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6463. };
  6464. FromRawLineData[IFCDIMENSIONALEXPONENTS] = (d) => {
  6465. return IfcDimensionalExponents.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6466. };
  6467. FromRawLineData[IFCDIRECTION] = (d) => {
  6468. return IfcDirection.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6469. };
  6470. FromRawLineData[IFCDISCRETEACCESSORY] = (d) => {
  6471. return IfcDiscreteAccessory.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6472. };
  6473. FromRawLineData[IFCDISCRETEACCESSORYTYPE] = (d) => {
  6474. return IfcDiscreteAccessoryType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6475. };
  6476. FromRawLineData[IFCDISTANCEEXPRESSION] = (d) => {
  6477. return IfcDistanceExpression.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6478. };
  6480. return IfcDistributionChamberElement.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6481. };
  6483. return IfcDistributionChamberElementType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6484. };
  6485. FromRawLineData[IFCDISTRIBUTIONCIRCUIT] = (d) => {
  6486. return IfcDistributionCircuit.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6487. };
  6489. return IfcDistributionControlElement.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6490. };
  6492. return IfcDistributionControlElementType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6493. };
  6494. FromRawLineData[IFCDISTRIBUTIONELEMENT] = (d) => {
  6495. return IfcDistributionElement.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6496. };
  6497. FromRawLineData[IFCDISTRIBUTIONELEMENTTYPE] = (d) => {
  6498. return IfcDistributionElementType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6499. };
  6500. FromRawLineData[IFCDISTRIBUTIONFLOWELEMENT] = (d) => {
  6501. return IfcDistributionFlowElement.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6502. };
  6504. return IfcDistributionFlowElementType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6505. };
  6506. FromRawLineData[IFCDISTRIBUTIONPORT] = (d) => {
  6507. return IfcDistributionPort.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6508. };
  6509. FromRawLineData[IFCDISTRIBUTIONSYSTEM] = (d) => {
  6510. return IfcDistributionSystem.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6511. };
  6512. FromRawLineData[IFCDOCUMENTINFORMATION] = (d) => {
  6513. return IfcDocumentInformation.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6514. };
  6516. return IfcDocumentInformationRelationship.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6517. };
  6518. FromRawLineData[IFCDOCUMENTREFERENCE] = (d) => {
  6519. return IfcDocumentReference.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6520. };
  6521. FromRawLineData[IFCDOOR] = (d) => {
  6522. return IfcDoor.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6523. };
  6524. FromRawLineData[IFCDOORLININGPROPERTIES] = (d) => {
  6525. return IfcDoorLiningProperties.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6526. };
  6527. FromRawLineData[IFCDOORPANELPROPERTIES] = (d) => {
  6528. return IfcDoorPanelProperties.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6529. };
  6530. FromRawLineData[IFCDOORSTANDARDCASE] = (d) => {
  6531. return IfcDoorStandardCase.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6532. };
  6533. FromRawLineData[IFCDOORSTYLE] = (d) => {
  6534. return IfcDoorStyle.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6535. };
  6536. FromRawLineData[IFCDOORTYPE] = (d) => {
  6537. return IfcDoorType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6538. };
  6540. return IfcDraughtingPreDefinedColour.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6541. };
  6543. return IfcDraughtingPreDefinedCurveFont.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6544. };
  6545. FromRawLineData[IFCDUCTFITTING] = (d) => {
  6546. return IfcDuctFitting.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6547. };
  6548. FromRawLineData[IFCDUCTFITTINGTYPE] = (d) => {
  6549. return IfcDuctFittingType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6550. };
  6551. FromRawLineData[IFCDUCTSEGMENT] = (d) => {
  6552. return IfcDuctSegment.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6553. };
  6554. FromRawLineData[IFCDUCTSEGMENTTYPE] = (d) => {
  6555. return IfcDuctSegmentType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6556. };
  6557. FromRawLineData[IFCDUCTSILENCER] = (d) => {
  6558. return IfcDuctSilencer.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6559. };
  6560. FromRawLineData[IFCDUCTSILENCERTYPE] = (d) => {
  6561. return IfcDuctSilencerType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6562. };
  6563. FromRawLineData[IFCEDGE] = (d) => {
  6564. return IfcEdge.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6565. };
  6566. FromRawLineData[IFCEDGECURVE] = (d) => {
  6567. return IfcEdgeCurve.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6568. };
  6569. FromRawLineData[IFCEDGELOOP] = (d) => {
  6570. return IfcEdgeLoop.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6571. };
  6572. FromRawLineData[IFCELECTRICAPPLIANCE] = (d) => {
  6573. return IfcElectricAppliance.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6574. };
  6575. FromRawLineData[IFCELECTRICAPPLIANCETYPE] = (d) => {
  6576. return IfcElectricApplianceType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6577. };
  6578. FromRawLineData[IFCELECTRICDISTRIBUTIONBOARD] = (d) => {
  6579. return IfcElectricDistributionBoard.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6580. };
  6582. return IfcElectricDistributionBoardType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6583. };
  6584. FromRawLineData[IFCELECTRICFLOWSTORAGEDEVICE] = (d) => {
  6585. return IfcElectricFlowStorageDevice.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6586. };
  6588. return IfcElectricFlowStorageDeviceType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6589. };
  6590. FromRawLineData[IFCELECTRICGENERATOR] = (d) => {
  6591. return IfcElectricGenerator.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6592. };
  6593. FromRawLineData[IFCELECTRICGENERATORTYPE] = (d) => {
  6594. return IfcElectricGeneratorType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6595. };
  6596. FromRawLineData[IFCELECTRICMOTOR] = (d) => {
  6597. return IfcElectricMotor.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6598. };
  6599. FromRawLineData[IFCELECTRICMOTORTYPE] = (d) => {
  6600. return IfcElectricMotorType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6601. };
  6602. FromRawLineData[IFCELECTRICTIMECONTROL] = (d) => {
  6603. return IfcElectricTimeControl.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6604. };
  6605. FromRawLineData[IFCELECTRICTIMECONTROLTYPE] = (d) => {
  6606. return IfcElectricTimeControlType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6607. };
  6608. FromRawLineData[IFCELEMENT] = (d) => {
  6609. return IfcElement.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6610. };
  6611. FromRawLineData[IFCELEMENTASSEMBLY] = (d) => {
  6612. return IfcElementAssembly.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6613. };
  6614. FromRawLineData[IFCELEMENTASSEMBLYTYPE] = (d) => {
  6615. return IfcElementAssemblyType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6616. };
  6617. FromRawLineData[IFCELEMENTCOMPONENT] = (d) => {
  6618. return IfcElementComponent.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6619. };
  6620. FromRawLineData[IFCELEMENTCOMPONENTTYPE] = (d) => {
  6621. return IfcElementComponentType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6622. };
  6623. FromRawLineData[IFCELEMENTQUANTITY] = (d) => {
  6624. return IfcElementQuantity.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6625. };
  6626. FromRawLineData[IFCELEMENTTYPE] = (d) => {
  6627. return IfcElementType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6628. };
  6629. FromRawLineData[IFCELEMENTARYSURFACE] = (d) => {
  6630. return IfcElementarySurface.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6631. };
  6632. FromRawLineData[IFCELLIPSE] = (d) => {
  6633. return IfcEllipse.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6634. };
  6635. FromRawLineData[IFCELLIPSEPROFILEDEF] = (d) => {
  6636. return IfcEllipseProfileDef.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6637. };
  6638. FromRawLineData[IFCENERGYCONVERSIONDEVICE] = (d) => {
  6639. return IfcEnergyConversionDevice.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6640. };
  6642. return IfcEnergyConversionDeviceType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6643. };
  6644. FromRawLineData[IFCENGINE] = (d) => {
  6645. return IfcEngine.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6646. };
  6647. FromRawLineData[IFCENGINETYPE] = (d) => {
  6648. return IfcEngineType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6649. };
  6650. FromRawLineData[IFCEVAPORATIVECOOLER] = (d) => {
  6651. return IfcEvaporativeCooler.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6652. };
  6653. FromRawLineData[IFCEVAPORATIVECOOLERTYPE] = (d) => {
  6654. return IfcEvaporativeCoolerType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6655. };
  6656. FromRawLineData[IFCEVAPORATOR] = (d) => {
  6657. return IfcEvaporator.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6658. };
  6659. FromRawLineData[IFCEVAPORATORTYPE] = (d) => {
  6660. return IfcEvaporatorType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6661. };
  6662. FromRawLineData[IFCEVENT] = (d) => {
  6663. return IfcEvent.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6664. };
  6665. FromRawLineData[IFCEVENTTIME] = (d) => {
  6666. return IfcEventTime.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6667. };
  6668. FromRawLineData[IFCEVENTTYPE] = (d) => {
  6669. return IfcEventType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6670. };
  6671. FromRawLineData[IFCEXTENDEDPROPERTIES] = (d) => {
  6672. return IfcExtendedProperties.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6673. };
  6674. FromRawLineData[IFCEXTERNALINFORMATION] = (d) => {
  6675. return IfcExternalInformation.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6676. };
  6677. FromRawLineData[IFCEXTERNALREFERENCE] = (d) => {
  6678. return IfcExternalReference.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6679. };
  6681. return IfcExternalReferenceRelationship.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6682. };
  6683. FromRawLineData[IFCEXTERNALSPATIALELEMENT] = (d) => {
  6684. return IfcExternalSpatialElement.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6685. };
  6687. return IfcExternalSpatialStructureElement.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6688. };
  6690. return IfcExternallyDefinedHatchStyle.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6691. };
  6693. return IfcExternallyDefinedSurfaceStyle.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6694. };
  6695. FromRawLineData[IFCEXTERNALLYDEFINEDTEXTFONT] = (d) => {
  6696. return IfcExternallyDefinedTextFont.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6697. };
  6698. FromRawLineData[IFCEXTRUDEDAREASOLID] = (d) => {
  6699. return IfcExtrudedAreaSolid.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6700. };
  6701. FromRawLineData[IFCEXTRUDEDAREASOLIDTAPERED] = (d) => {
  6702. return IfcExtrudedAreaSolidTapered.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6703. };
  6704. FromRawLineData[IFCFACE] = (d) => {
  6705. return IfcFace.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6706. };
  6707. FromRawLineData[IFCFACEBASEDSURFACEMODEL] = (d) => {
  6708. return IfcFaceBasedSurfaceModel.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6709. };
  6710. FromRawLineData[IFCFACEBOUND] = (d) => {
  6711. return IfcFaceBound.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6712. };
  6713. FromRawLineData[IFCFACEOUTERBOUND] = (d) => {
  6714. return IfcFaceOuterBound.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6715. };
  6716. FromRawLineData[IFCFACESURFACE] = (d) => {
  6717. return IfcFaceSurface.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6718. };
  6719. FromRawLineData[IFCFACETEDBREP] = (d) => {
  6720. return IfcFacetedBrep.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6721. };
  6722. FromRawLineData[IFCFACETEDBREPWITHVOIDS] = (d) => {
  6723. return IfcFacetedBrepWithVoids.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6724. };
  6725. FromRawLineData[IFCFACILITY] = (d) => {
  6726. return IfcFacility.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6727. };
  6728. FromRawLineData[IFCFACILITYPART] = (d) => {
  6729. return IfcFacilityPart.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6730. };
  6732. return IfcFailureConnectionCondition.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6733. };
  6734. FromRawLineData[IFCFAN] = (d) => {
  6735. return IfcFan.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6736. };
  6737. FromRawLineData[IFCFANTYPE] = (d) => {
  6738. return IfcFanType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6739. };
  6740. FromRawLineData[IFCFASTENER] = (d) => {
  6741. return IfcFastener.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6742. };
  6743. FromRawLineData[IFCFASTENERTYPE] = (d) => {
  6744. return IfcFastenerType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6745. };
  6746. FromRawLineData[IFCFEATUREELEMENT] = (d) => {
  6747. return IfcFeatureElement.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6748. };
  6749. FromRawLineData[IFCFEATUREELEMENTADDITION] = (d) => {
  6750. return IfcFeatureElementAddition.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6751. };
  6752. FromRawLineData[IFCFEATUREELEMENTSUBTRACTION] = (d) => {
  6753. return IfcFeatureElementSubtraction.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6754. };
  6755. FromRawLineData[IFCFILLAREASTYLE] = (d) => {
  6756. return IfcFillAreaStyle.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6757. };
  6758. FromRawLineData[IFCFILLAREASTYLEHATCHING] = (d) => {
  6759. return IfcFillAreaStyleHatching.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6760. };
  6761. FromRawLineData[IFCFILLAREASTYLETILES] = (d) => {
  6762. return IfcFillAreaStyleTiles.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6763. };
  6764. FromRawLineData[IFCFILTER] = (d) => {
  6765. return IfcFilter.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6766. };
  6767. FromRawLineData[IFCFILTERTYPE] = (d) => {
  6768. return IfcFilterType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6769. };
  6770. FromRawLineData[IFCFIRESUPPRESSIONTERMINAL] = (d) => {
  6771. return IfcFireSuppressionTerminal.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6772. };
  6774. return IfcFireSuppressionTerminalType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6775. };
  6777. return IfcFixedReferenceSweptAreaSolid.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6778. };
  6779. FromRawLineData[IFCFLOWCONTROLLER] = (d) => {
  6780. return IfcFlowController.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6781. };
  6782. FromRawLineData[IFCFLOWCONTROLLERTYPE] = (d) => {
  6783. return IfcFlowControllerType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6784. };
  6785. FromRawLineData[IFCFLOWFITTING] = (d) => {
  6786. return IfcFlowFitting.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6787. };
  6788. FromRawLineData[IFCFLOWFITTINGTYPE] = (d) => {
  6789. return IfcFlowFittingType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6790. };
  6791. FromRawLineData[IFCFLOWINSTRUMENT] = (d) => {
  6792. return IfcFlowInstrument.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6793. };
  6794. FromRawLineData[IFCFLOWINSTRUMENTTYPE] = (d) => {
  6795. return IfcFlowInstrumentType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6796. };
  6797. FromRawLineData[IFCFLOWMETER] = (d) => {
  6798. return IfcFlowMeter.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6799. };
  6800. FromRawLineData[IFCFLOWMETERTYPE] = (d) => {
  6801. return IfcFlowMeterType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6802. };
  6803. FromRawLineData[IFCFLOWMOVINGDEVICE] = (d) => {
  6804. return IfcFlowMovingDevice.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6805. };
  6806. FromRawLineData[IFCFLOWMOVINGDEVICETYPE] = (d) => {
  6807. return IfcFlowMovingDeviceType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6808. };
  6809. FromRawLineData[IFCFLOWSEGMENT] = (d) => {
  6810. return IfcFlowSegment.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6811. };
  6812. FromRawLineData[IFCFLOWSEGMENTTYPE] = (d) => {
  6813. return IfcFlowSegmentType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6814. };
  6815. FromRawLineData[IFCFLOWSTORAGEDEVICE] = (d) => {
  6816. return IfcFlowStorageDevice.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6817. };
  6818. FromRawLineData[IFCFLOWSTORAGEDEVICETYPE] = (d) => {
  6819. return IfcFlowStorageDeviceType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6820. };
  6821. FromRawLineData[IFCFLOWTERMINAL] = (d) => {
  6822. return IfcFlowTerminal.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6823. };
  6824. FromRawLineData[IFCFLOWTERMINALTYPE] = (d) => {
  6825. return IfcFlowTerminalType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6826. };
  6827. FromRawLineData[IFCFLOWTREATMENTDEVICE] = (d) => {
  6828. return IfcFlowTreatmentDevice.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6829. };
  6830. FromRawLineData[IFCFLOWTREATMENTDEVICETYPE] = (d) => {
  6831. return IfcFlowTreatmentDeviceType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6832. };
  6833. FromRawLineData[IFCFOOTING] = (d) => {
  6834. return IfcFooting.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6835. };
  6836. FromRawLineData[IFCFOOTINGTYPE] = (d) => {
  6837. return IfcFootingType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6838. };
  6839. FromRawLineData[IFCFURNISHINGELEMENT] = (d) => {
  6840. return IfcFurnishingElement.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6841. };
  6842. FromRawLineData[IFCFURNISHINGELEMENTTYPE] = (d) => {
  6843. return IfcFurnishingElementType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6844. };
  6845. FromRawLineData[IFCFURNITURE] = (d) => {
  6846. return IfcFurniture.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6847. };
  6848. FromRawLineData[IFCFURNITURETYPE] = (d) => {
  6849. return IfcFurnitureType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6850. };
  6851. FromRawLineData[IFCGEOGRAPHICELEMENT] = (d) => {
  6852. return IfcGeographicElement.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6853. };
  6854. FromRawLineData[IFCGEOGRAPHICELEMENTTYPE] = (d) => {
  6855. return IfcGeographicElementType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6856. };
  6857. FromRawLineData[IFCGEOMETRICCURVESET] = (d) => {
  6858. return IfcGeometricCurveSet.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6859. };
  6861. return IfcGeometricRepresentationContext.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6862. };
  6864. return IfcGeometricRepresentationItem.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6865. };
  6867. return IfcGeometricRepresentationSubContext.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6868. };
  6869. FromRawLineData[IFCGEOMETRICSET] = (d) => {
  6870. return IfcGeometricSet.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6871. };
  6872. FromRawLineData[IFCGRID] = (d) => {
  6873. return IfcGrid.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6874. };
  6875. FromRawLineData[IFCGRIDAXIS] = (d) => {
  6876. return IfcGridAxis.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6877. };
  6878. FromRawLineData[IFCGRIDPLACEMENT] = (d) => {
  6879. return IfcGridPlacement.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6880. };
  6881. FromRawLineData[IFCGROUP] = (d) => {
  6882. return IfcGroup.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6883. };
  6884. FromRawLineData[IFCHALFSPACESOLID] = (d) => {
  6885. return IfcHalfSpaceSolid.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6886. };
  6887. FromRawLineData[IFCHEATEXCHANGER] = (d) => {
  6888. return IfcHeatExchanger.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6889. };
  6890. FromRawLineData[IFCHEATEXCHANGERTYPE] = (d) => {
  6891. return IfcHeatExchangerType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6892. };
  6893. FromRawLineData[IFCHUMIDIFIER] = (d) => {
  6894. return IfcHumidifier.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6895. };
  6896. FromRawLineData[IFCHUMIDIFIERTYPE] = (d) => {
  6897. return IfcHumidifierType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6898. };
  6899. FromRawLineData[IFCISHAPEPROFILEDEF] = (d) => {
  6900. return IfcIShapeProfileDef.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6901. };
  6902. FromRawLineData[IFCIMAGETEXTURE] = (d) => {
  6903. return IfcImageTexture.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6904. };
  6905. FromRawLineData[IFCINDEXEDCOLOURMAP] = (d) => {
  6906. return IfcIndexedColourMap.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6907. };
  6908. FromRawLineData[IFCINDEXEDPOLYCURVE] = (d) => {
  6909. return IfcIndexedPolyCurve.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6910. };
  6911. FromRawLineData[IFCINDEXEDPOLYGONALFACE] = (d) => {
  6912. return IfcIndexedPolygonalFace.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6913. };
  6915. return IfcIndexedPolygonalFaceWithVoids.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6916. };
  6917. FromRawLineData[IFCINDEXEDTEXTUREMAP] = (d) => {
  6918. return IfcIndexedTextureMap.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6919. };
  6920. FromRawLineData[IFCINDEXEDTRIANGLETEXTUREMAP] = (d) => {
  6921. return IfcIndexedTriangleTextureMap.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6922. };
  6923. FromRawLineData[IFCINTERCEPTOR] = (d) => {
  6924. return IfcInterceptor.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6925. };
  6926. FromRawLineData[IFCINTERCEPTORTYPE] = (d) => {
  6927. return IfcInterceptorType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6928. };
  6929. FromRawLineData[IFCINTERSECTIONCURVE] = (d) => {
  6930. return IfcIntersectionCurve.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6931. };
  6932. FromRawLineData[IFCINVENTORY] = (d) => {
  6933. return IfcInventory.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6934. };
  6935. FromRawLineData[IFCIRREGULARTIMESERIES] = (d) => {
  6936. return IfcIrregularTimeSeries.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6937. };
  6938. FromRawLineData[IFCIRREGULARTIMESERIESVALUE] = (d) => {
  6939. return IfcIrregularTimeSeriesValue.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6940. };
  6941. FromRawLineData[IFCJUNCTIONBOX] = (d) => {
  6942. return IfcJunctionBox.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6943. };
  6944. FromRawLineData[IFCJUNCTIONBOXTYPE] = (d) => {
  6945. return IfcJunctionBoxType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6946. };
  6947. FromRawLineData[IFCLSHAPEPROFILEDEF] = (d) => {
  6948. return IfcLShapeProfileDef.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6949. };
  6950. FromRawLineData[IFCLABORRESOURCE] = (d) => {
  6951. return IfcLaborResource.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6952. };
  6953. FromRawLineData[IFCLABORRESOURCETYPE] = (d) => {
  6954. return IfcLaborResourceType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6955. };
  6956. FromRawLineData[IFCLAGTIME] = (d) => {
  6957. return IfcLagTime.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6958. };
  6959. FromRawLineData[IFCLAMP] = (d) => {
  6960. return IfcLamp.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6961. };
  6962. FromRawLineData[IFCLAMPTYPE] = (d) => {
  6963. return IfcLampType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6964. };
  6965. FromRawLineData[IFCLIBRARYINFORMATION] = (d) => {
  6966. return IfcLibraryInformation.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6967. };
  6968. FromRawLineData[IFCLIBRARYREFERENCE] = (d) => {
  6969. return IfcLibraryReference.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6970. };
  6971. FromRawLineData[IFCLIGHTDISTRIBUTIONDATA] = (d) => {
  6972. return IfcLightDistributionData.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6973. };
  6974. FromRawLineData[IFCLIGHTFIXTURE] = (d) => {
  6975. return IfcLightFixture.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6976. };
  6977. FromRawLineData[IFCLIGHTFIXTURETYPE] = (d) => {
  6978. return IfcLightFixtureType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6979. };
  6981. return IfcLightIntensityDistribution.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6982. };
  6983. FromRawLineData[IFCLIGHTSOURCE] = (d) => {
  6984. return IfcLightSource.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6985. };
  6986. FromRawLineData[IFCLIGHTSOURCEAMBIENT] = (d) => {
  6987. return IfcLightSourceAmbient.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6988. };
  6989. FromRawLineData[IFCLIGHTSOURCEDIRECTIONAL] = (d) => {
  6990. return IfcLightSourceDirectional.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6991. };
  6992. FromRawLineData[IFCLIGHTSOURCEGONIOMETRIC] = (d) => {
  6993. return IfcLightSourceGoniometric.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6994. };
  6995. FromRawLineData[IFCLIGHTSOURCEPOSITIONAL] = (d) => {
  6996. return IfcLightSourcePositional.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  6997. };
  6998. FromRawLineData[IFCLIGHTSOURCESPOT] = (d) => {
  6999. return IfcLightSourceSpot.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7000. };
  7001. FromRawLineData[IFCLINE] = (d) => {
  7002. return IfcLine.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7003. };
  7004. FromRawLineData[IFCLINESEGMENT2D] = (d) => {
  7005. return IfcLineSegment2D.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7006. };
  7007. FromRawLineData[IFCLINEARPLACEMENT] = (d) => {
  7008. return IfcLinearPlacement.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7009. };
  7010. FromRawLineData[IFCLINEARPOSITIONINGELEMENT] = (d) => {
  7011. return IfcLinearPositioningElement.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7012. };
  7013. FromRawLineData[IFCLOCALPLACEMENT] = (d) => {
  7014. return IfcLocalPlacement.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7015. };
  7016. FromRawLineData[IFCLOOP] = (d) => {
  7017. return IfcLoop.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7018. };
  7019. FromRawLineData[IFCMANIFOLDSOLIDBREP] = (d) => {
  7020. return IfcManifoldSolidBrep.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7021. };
  7022. FromRawLineData[IFCMAPCONVERSION] = (d) => {
  7023. return IfcMapConversion.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7024. };
  7025. FromRawLineData[IFCMAPPEDITEM] = (d) => {
  7026. return IfcMappedItem.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7027. };
  7028. FromRawLineData[IFCMATERIAL] = (d) => {
  7029. return IfcMaterial.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7030. };
  7032. return IfcMaterialClassificationRelationship.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7033. };
  7034. FromRawLineData[IFCMATERIALCONSTITUENT] = (d) => {
  7035. return IfcMaterialConstituent.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7036. };
  7037. FromRawLineData[IFCMATERIALCONSTITUENTSET] = (d) => {
  7038. return IfcMaterialConstituentSet.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7039. };
  7040. FromRawLineData[IFCMATERIALDEFINITION] = (d) => {
  7041. return IfcMaterialDefinition.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7042. };
  7044. return IfcMaterialDefinitionRepresentation.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7045. };
  7046. FromRawLineData[IFCMATERIALLAYER] = (d) => {
  7047. return IfcMaterialLayer.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7048. };
  7049. FromRawLineData[IFCMATERIALLAYERSET] = (d) => {
  7050. return IfcMaterialLayerSet.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7051. };
  7052. FromRawLineData[IFCMATERIALLAYERSETUSAGE] = (d) => {
  7053. return IfcMaterialLayerSetUsage.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7054. };
  7055. FromRawLineData[IFCMATERIALLAYERWITHOFFSETS] = (d) => {
  7056. return IfcMaterialLayerWithOffsets.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7057. };
  7058. FromRawLineData[IFCMATERIALLIST] = (d) => {
  7059. return IfcMaterialList.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7060. };
  7061. FromRawLineData[IFCMATERIALPROFILE] = (d) => {
  7062. return IfcMaterialProfile.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7063. };
  7064. FromRawLineData[IFCMATERIALPROFILESET] = (d) => {
  7065. return IfcMaterialProfileSet.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7066. };
  7067. FromRawLineData[IFCMATERIALPROFILESETUSAGE] = (d) => {
  7068. return IfcMaterialProfileSetUsage.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7069. };
  7071. return IfcMaterialProfileSetUsageTapering.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7072. };
  7074. return IfcMaterialProfileWithOffsets.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7075. };
  7076. FromRawLineData[IFCMATERIALPROPERTIES] = (d) => {
  7077. return IfcMaterialProperties.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7078. };
  7079. FromRawLineData[IFCMATERIALRELATIONSHIP] = (d) => {
  7080. return IfcMaterialRelationship.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7081. };
  7082. FromRawLineData[IFCMATERIALUSAGEDEFINITION] = (d) => {
  7083. return IfcMaterialUsageDefinition.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7084. };
  7085. FromRawLineData[IFCMEASUREWITHUNIT] = (d) => {
  7086. return IfcMeasureWithUnit.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7087. };
  7088. FromRawLineData[IFCMECHANICALFASTENER] = (d) => {
  7089. return IfcMechanicalFastener.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7090. };
  7091. FromRawLineData[IFCMECHANICALFASTENERTYPE] = (d) => {
  7092. return IfcMechanicalFastenerType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7093. };
  7094. FromRawLineData[IFCMEDICALDEVICE] = (d) => {
  7095. return IfcMedicalDevice.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7096. };
  7097. FromRawLineData[IFCMEDICALDEVICETYPE] = (d) => {
  7098. return IfcMedicalDeviceType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7099. };
  7100. FromRawLineData[IFCMEMBER] = (d) => {
  7101. return IfcMember.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7102. };
  7103. FromRawLineData[IFCMEMBERSTANDARDCASE] = (d) => {
  7104. return IfcMemberStandardCase.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7105. };
  7106. FromRawLineData[IFCMEMBERTYPE] = (d) => {
  7107. return IfcMemberType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7108. };
  7109. FromRawLineData[IFCMETRIC] = (d) => {
  7110. return IfcMetric.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7111. };
  7112. FromRawLineData[IFCMIRROREDPROFILEDEF] = (d) => {
  7113. return IfcMirroredProfileDef.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7114. };
  7115. FromRawLineData[IFCMONETARYUNIT] = (d) => {
  7116. return IfcMonetaryUnit.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7117. };
  7118. FromRawLineData[IFCMOTORCONNECTION] = (d) => {
  7119. return IfcMotorConnection.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7120. };
  7121. FromRawLineData[IFCMOTORCONNECTIONTYPE] = (d) => {
  7122. return IfcMotorConnectionType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7123. };
  7124. FromRawLineData[IFCNAMEDUNIT] = (d) => {
  7125. return IfcNamedUnit.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7126. };
  7127. FromRawLineData[IFCOBJECT] = (d) => {
  7128. return IfcObject.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7129. };
  7130. FromRawLineData[IFCOBJECTDEFINITION] = (d) => {
  7131. return IfcObjectDefinition.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7132. };
  7133. FromRawLineData[IFCOBJECTPLACEMENT] = (d) => {
  7134. return IfcObjectPlacement.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7135. };
  7136. FromRawLineData[IFCOBJECTIVE] = (d) => {
  7137. return IfcObjective.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7138. };
  7139. FromRawLineData[IFCOCCUPANT] = (d) => {
  7140. return IfcOccupant.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7141. };
  7142. FromRawLineData[IFCOFFSETCURVE] = (d) => {
  7143. return IfcOffsetCurve.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7144. };
  7145. FromRawLineData[IFCOFFSETCURVE2D] = (d) => {
  7146. return IfcOffsetCurve2D.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7147. };
  7148. FromRawLineData[IFCOFFSETCURVE3D] = (d) => {
  7149. return IfcOffsetCurve3D.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7150. };
  7151. FromRawLineData[IFCOFFSETCURVEBYDISTANCES] = (d) => {
  7152. return IfcOffsetCurveByDistances.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7153. };
  7154. FromRawLineData[IFCOPENSHELL] = (d) => {
  7155. return IfcOpenShell.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7156. };
  7157. FromRawLineData[IFCOPENINGELEMENT] = (d) => {
  7158. return IfcOpeningElement.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7159. };
  7160. FromRawLineData[IFCOPENINGSTANDARDCASE] = (d) => {
  7161. return IfcOpeningStandardCase.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7162. };
  7163. FromRawLineData[IFCORGANIZATION] = (d) => {
  7164. return IfcOrganization.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7165. };
  7166. FromRawLineData[IFCORGANIZATIONRELATIONSHIP] = (d) => {
  7167. return IfcOrganizationRelationship.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7168. };
  7169. FromRawLineData[IFCORIENTATIONEXPRESSION] = (d) => {
  7170. return IfcOrientationExpression.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7171. };
  7172. FromRawLineData[IFCORIENTEDEDGE] = (d) => {
  7173. return IfcOrientedEdge.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7174. };
  7175. FromRawLineData[IFCOUTERBOUNDARYCURVE] = (d) => {
  7176. return IfcOuterBoundaryCurve.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7177. };
  7178. FromRawLineData[IFCOUTLET] = (d) => {
  7179. return IfcOutlet.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7180. };
  7181. FromRawLineData[IFCOUTLETTYPE] = (d) => {
  7182. return IfcOutletType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7183. };
  7184. FromRawLineData[IFCOWNERHISTORY] = (d) => {
  7185. return IfcOwnerHistory.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7186. };
  7187. FromRawLineData[IFCPARAMETERIZEDPROFILEDEF] = (d) => {
  7188. return IfcParameterizedProfileDef.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7189. };
  7190. FromRawLineData[IFCPATH] = (d) => {
  7191. return IfcPath.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7192. };
  7193. FromRawLineData[IFCPCURVE] = (d) => {
  7194. return IfcPcurve.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7195. };
  7196. FromRawLineData[IFCPERFORMANCEHISTORY] = (d) => {
  7197. return IfcPerformanceHistory.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7198. };
  7200. return IfcPermeableCoveringProperties.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7201. };
  7202. FromRawLineData[IFCPERMIT] = (d) => {
  7203. return IfcPermit.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7204. };
  7205. FromRawLineData[IFCPERSON] = (d) => {
  7206. return IfcPerson.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7207. };
  7208. FromRawLineData[IFCPERSONANDORGANIZATION] = (d) => {
  7209. return IfcPersonAndOrganization.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7210. };
  7211. FromRawLineData[IFCPHYSICALCOMPLEXQUANTITY] = (d) => {
  7212. return IfcPhysicalComplexQuantity.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7213. };
  7214. FromRawLineData[IFCPHYSICALQUANTITY] = (d) => {
  7215. return IfcPhysicalQuantity.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7216. };
  7217. FromRawLineData[IFCPHYSICALSIMPLEQUANTITY] = (d) => {
  7218. return IfcPhysicalSimpleQuantity.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7219. };
  7220. FromRawLineData[IFCPILE] = (d) => {
  7221. return IfcPile.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7222. };
  7223. FromRawLineData[IFCPILETYPE] = (d) => {
  7224. return IfcPileType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7225. };
  7226. FromRawLineData[IFCPIPEFITTING] = (d) => {
  7227. return IfcPipeFitting.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7228. };
  7229. FromRawLineData[IFCPIPEFITTINGTYPE] = (d) => {
  7230. return IfcPipeFittingType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7231. };
  7232. FromRawLineData[IFCPIPESEGMENT] = (d) => {
  7233. return IfcPipeSegment.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7234. };
  7235. FromRawLineData[IFCPIPESEGMENTTYPE] = (d) => {
  7236. return IfcPipeSegmentType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7237. };
  7238. FromRawLineData[IFCPIXELTEXTURE] = (d) => {
  7239. return IfcPixelTexture.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7240. };
  7241. FromRawLineData[IFCPLACEMENT] = (d) => {
  7242. return IfcPlacement.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7243. };
  7244. FromRawLineData[IFCPLANARBOX] = (d) => {
  7245. return IfcPlanarBox.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7246. };
  7247. FromRawLineData[IFCPLANAREXTENT] = (d) => {
  7248. return IfcPlanarExtent.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7249. };
  7250. FromRawLineData[IFCPLANE] = (d) => {
  7251. return IfcPlane.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7252. };
  7253. FromRawLineData[IFCPLATE] = (d) => {
  7254. return IfcPlate.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7255. };
  7256. FromRawLineData[IFCPLATESTANDARDCASE] = (d) => {
  7257. return IfcPlateStandardCase.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7258. };
  7259. FromRawLineData[IFCPLATETYPE] = (d) => {
  7260. return IfcPlateType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7261. };
  7262. FromRawLineData[IFCPOINT] = (d) => {
  7263. return IfcPoint.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7264. };
  7265. FromRawLineData[IFCPOINTONCURVE] = (d) => {
  7266. return IfcPointOnCurve.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7267. };
  7268. FromRawLineData[IFCPOINTONSURFACE] = (d) => {
  7269. return IfcPointOnSurface.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7270. };
  7271. FromRawLineData[IFCPOLYLOOP] = (d) => {
  7272. return IfcPolyLoop.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7273. };
  7274. FromRawLineData[IFCPOLYGONALBOUNDEDHALFSPACE] = (d) => {
  7275. return IfcPolygonalBoundedHalfSpace.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7276. };
  7277. FromRawLineData[IFCPOLYGONALFACESET] = (d) => {
  7278. return IfcPolygonalFaceSet.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7279. };
  7280. FromRawLineData[IFCPOLYLINE] = (d) => {
  7281. return IfcPolyline.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7282. };
  7283. FromRawLineData[IFCPORT] = (d) => {
  7284. return IfcPort.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7285. };
  7286. FromRawLineData[IFCPOSITIONINGELEMENT] = (d) => {
  7287. return IfcPositioningElement.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7288. };
  7289. FromRawLineData[IFCPOSTALADDRESS] = (d) => {
  7290. return IfcPostalAddress.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7291. };
  7292. FromRawLineData[IFCPREDEFINEDCOLOUR] = (d) => {
  7293. return IfcPreDefinedColour.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7294. };
  7295. FromRawLineData[IFCPREDEFINEDCURVEFONT] = (d) => {
  7296. return IfcPreDefinedCurveFont.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7297. };
  7298. FromRawLineData[IFCPREDEFINEDITEM] = (d) => {
  7299. return IfcPreDefinedItem.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7300. };
  7301. FromRawLineData[IFCPREDEFINEDPROPERTIES] = (d) => {
  7302. return IfcPreDefinedProperties.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7303. };
  7304. FromRawLineData[IFCPREDEFINEDPROPERTYSET] = (d) => {
  7305. return IfcPreDefinedPropertySet.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7306. };
  7307. FromRawLineData[IFCPREDEFINEDTEXTFONT] = (d) => {
  7308. return IfcPreDefinedTextFont.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7309. };
  7310. FromRawLineData[IFCPRESENTATIONITEM] = (d) => {
  7311. return IfcPresentationItem.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7312. };
  7314. return IfcPresentationLayerAssignment.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7315. };
  7317. return IfcPresentationLayerWithStyle.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7318. };
  7319. FromRawLineData[IFCPRESENTATIONSTYLE] = (d) => {
  7320. return IfcPresentationStyle.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7321. };
  7323. return IfcPresentationStyleAssignment.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7324. };
  7325. FromRawLineData[IFCPROCEDURE] = (d) => {
  7326. return IfcProcedure.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7327. };
  7328. FromRawLineData[IFCPROCEDURETYPE] = (d) => {
  7329. return IfcProcedureType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7330. };
  7331. FromRawLineData[IFCPROCESS] = (d) => {
  7332. return IfcProcess.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7333. };
  7334. FromRawLineData[IFCPRODUCT] = (d) => {
  7335. return IfcProduct.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7336. };
  7337. FromRawLineData[IFCPRODUCTDEFINITIONSHAPE] = (d) => {
  7338. return IfcProductDefinitionShape.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7339. };
  7340. FromRawLineData[IFCPRODUCTREPRESENTATION] = (d) => {
  7341. return IfcProductRepresentation.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7342. };
  7343. FromRawLineData[IFCPROFILEDEF] = (d) => {
  7344. return IfcProfileDef.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7345. };
  7346. FromRawLineData[IFCPROFILEPROPERTIES] = (d) => {
  7347. return IfcProfileProperties.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7348. };
  7349. FromRawLineData[IFCPROJECT] = (d) => {
  7350. return IfcProject.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7351. };
  7352. FromRawLineData[IFCPROJECTLIBRARY] = (d) => {
  7353. return IfcProjectLibrary.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7354. };
  7355. FromRawLineData[IFCPROJECTORDER] = (d) => {
  7356. return IfcProjectOrder.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7357. };
  7358. FromRawLineData[IFCPROJECTEDCRS] = (d) => {
  7359. return IfcProjectedCRS.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7360. };
  7361. FromRawLineData[IFCPROJECTIONELEMENT] = (d) => {
  7362. return IfcProjectionElement.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7363. };
  7364. FromRawLineData[IFCPROPERTY] = (d) => {
  7365. return IfcProperty.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7366. };
  7367. FromRawLineData[IFCPROPERTYABSTRACTION] = (d) => {
  7368. return IfcPropertyAbstraction.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7369. };
  7370. FromRawLineData[IFCPROPERTYBOUNDEDVALUE] = (d) => {
  7371. return IfcPropertyBoundedValue.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7372. };
  7373. FromRawLineData[IFCPROPERTYDEFINITION] = (d) => {
  7374. return IfcPropertyDefinition.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7375. };
  7377. return IfcPropertyDependencyRelationship.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7378. };
  7379. FromRawLineData[IFCPROPERTYENUMERATEDVALUE] = (d) => {
  7380. return IfcPropertyEnumeratedValue.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7381. };
  7382. FromRawLineData[IFCPROPERTYENUMERATION] = (d) => {
  7383. return IfcPropertyEnumeration.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7384. };
  7385. FromRawLineData[IFCPROPERTYLISTVALUE] = (d) => {
  7386. return IfcPropertyListValue.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7387. };
  7388. FromRawLineData[IFCPROPERTYREFERENCEVALUE] = (d) => {
  7389. return IfcPropertyReferenceValue.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7390. };
  7391. FromRawLineData[IFCPROPERTYSET] = (d) => {
  7392. return IfcPropertySet.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7393. };
  7394. FromRawLineData[IFCPROPERTYSETDEFINITION] = (d) => {
  7395. return IfcPropertySetDefinition.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7396. };
  7397. FromRawLineData[IFCPROPERTYSETTEMPLATE] = (d) => {
  7398. return IfcPropertySetTemplate.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7399. };
  7400. FromRawLineData[IFCPROPERTYSINGLEVALUE] = (d) => {
  7401. return IfcPropertySingleValue.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7402. };
  7403. FromRawLineData[IFCPROPERTYTABLEVALUE] = (d) => {
  7404. return IfcPropertyTableValue.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7405. };
  7406. FromRawLineData[IFCPROPERTYTEMPLATE] = (d) => {
  7407. return IfcPropertyTemplate.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7408. };
  7410. return IfcPropertyTemplateDefinition.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7411. };
  7412. FromRawLineData[IFCPROTECTIVEDEVICE] = (d) => {
  7413. return IfcProtectiveDevice.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7414. };
  7416. return IfcProtectiveDeviceTrippingUnit.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7417. };
  7419. return IfcProtectiveDeviceTrippingUnitType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7420. };
  7421. FromRawLineData[IFCPROTECTIVEDEVICETYPE] = (d) => {
  7422. return IfcProtectiveDeviceType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7423. };
  7424. FromRawLineData[IFCPROXY] = (d) => {
  7425. return IfcProxy.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7426. };
  7427. FromRawLineData[IFCPUMP] = (d) => {
  7428. return IfcPump.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7429. };
  7430. FromRawLineData[IFCPUMPTYPE] = (d) => {
  7431. return IfcPumpType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7432. };
  7433. FromRawLineData[IFCQUANTITYAREA] = (d) => {
  7434. return IfcQuantityArea.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7435. };
  7436. FromRawLineData[IFCQUANTITYCOUNT] = (d) => {
  7437. return IfcQuantityCount.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7438. };
  7439. FromRawLineData[IFCQUANTITYLENGTH] = (d) => {
  7440. return IfcQuantityLength.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7441. };
  7442. FromRawLineData[IFCQUANTITYSET] = (d) => {
  7443. return IfcQuantitySet.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7444. };
  7445. FromRawLineData[IFCQUANTITYTIME] = (d) => {
  7446. return IfcQuantityTime.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7447. };
  7448. FromRawLineData[IFCQUANTITYVOLUME] = (d) => {
  7449. return IfcQuantityVolume.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7450. };
  7451. FromRawLineData[IFCQUANTITYWEIGHT] = (d) => {
  7452. return IfcQuantityWeight.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7453. };
  7454. FromRawLineData[IFCRAILING] = (d) => {
  7455. return IfcRailing.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7456. };
  7457. FromRawLineData[IFCRAILINGTYPE] = (d) => {
  7458. return IfcRailingType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7459. };
  7460. FromRawLineData[IFCRAMP] = (d) => {
  7461. return IfcRamp.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7462. };
  7463. FromRawLineData[IFCRAMPFLIGHT] = (d) => {
  7464. return IfcRampFlight.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7465. };
  7466. FromRawLineData[IFCRAMPFLIGHTTYPE] = (d) => {
  7467. return IfcRampFlightType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7468. };
  7469. FromRawLineData[IFCRAMPTYPE] = (d) => {
  7470. return IfcRampType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7471. };
  7473. return IfcRationalBSplineCurveWithKnots.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7474. };
  7476. return IfcRationalBSplineSurfaceWithKnots.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7477. };
  7478. FromRawLineData[IFCRECTANGLEHOLLOWPROFILEDEF] = (d) => {
  7479. return IfcRectangleHollowProfileDef.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7480. };
  7481. FromRawLineData[IFCRECTANGLEPROFILEDEF] = (d) => {
  7482. return IfcRectangleProfileDef.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7483. };
  7484. FromRawLineData[IFCRECTANGULARPYRAMID] = (d) => {
  7485. return IfcRectangularPyramid.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7486. };
  7487. FromRawLineData[IFCRECTANGULARTRIMMEDSURFACE] = (d) => {
  7488. return IfcRectangularTrimmedSurface.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7489. };
  7490. FromRawLineData[IFCRECURRENCEPATTERN] = (d) => {
  7491. return IfcRecurrencePattern.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7492. };
  7493. FromRawLineData[IFCREFERENCE] = (d) => {
  7494. return IfcReference.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7495. };
  7496. FromRawLineData[IFCREFERENT] = (d) => {
  7497. return IfcReferent.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7498. };
  7499. FromRawLineData[IFCREGULARTIMESERIES] = (d) => {
  7500. return IfcRegularTimeSeries.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7501. };
  7503. return IfcReinforcementBarProperties.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7504. };
  7506. return IfcReinforcementDefinitionProperties.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7507. };
  7508. FromRawLineData[IFCREINFORCINGBAR] = (d) => {
  7509. return IfcReinforcingBar.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7510. };
  7511. FromRawLineData[IFCREINFORCINGBARTYPE] = (d) => {
  7512. return IfcReinforcingBarType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7513. };
  7514. FromRawLineData[IFCREINFORCINGELEMENT] = (d) => {
  7515. return IfcReinforcingElement.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7516. };
  7517. FromRawLineData[IFCREINFORCINGELEMENTTYPE] = (d) => {
  7518. return IfcReinforcingElementType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7519. };
  7520. FromRawLineData[IFCREINFORCINGMESH] = (d) => {
  7521. return IfcReinforcingMesh.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7522. };
  7523. FromRawLineData[IFCREINFORCINGMESHTYPE] = (d) => {
  7524. return IfcReinforcingMeshType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7525. };
  7526. FromRawLineData[IFCRELAGGREGATES] = (d) => {
  7527. return IfcRelAggregates.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7528. };
  7529. FromRawLineData[IFCRELASSIGNS] = (d) => {
  7530. return IfcRelAssigns.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7531. };
  7532. FromRawLineData[IFCRELASSIGNSTOACTOR] = (d) => {
  7533. return IfcRelAssignsToActor.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7534. };
  7535. FromRawLineData[IFCRELASSIGNSTOCONTROL] = (d) => {
  7536. return IfcRelAssignsToControl.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7537. };
  7538. FromRawLineData[IFCRELASSIGNSTOGROUP] = (d) => {
  7539. return IfcRelAssignsToGroup.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7540. };
  7541. FromRawLineData[IFCRELASSIGNSTOGROUPBYFACTOR] = (d) => {
  7542. return IfcRelAssignsToGroupByFactor.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7543. };
  7544. FromRawLineData[IFCRELASSIGNSTOPROCESS] = (d) => {
  7545. return IfcRelAssignsToProcess.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7546. };
  7547. FromRawLineData[IFCRELASSIGNSTOPRODUCT] = (d) => {
  7548. return IfcRelAssignsToProduct.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7549. };
  7550. FromRawLineData[IFCRELASSIGNSTORESOURCE] = (d) => {
  7551. return IfcRelAssignsToResource.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7552. };
  7553. FromRawLineData[IFCRELASSOCIATES] = (d) => {
  7554. return IfcRelAssociates.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7555. };
  7556. FromRawLineData[IFCRELASSOCIATESAPPROVAL] = (d) => {
  7557. return IfcRelAssociatesApproval.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7558. };
  7560. return IfcRelAssociatesClassification.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7561. };
  7562. FromRawLineData[IFCRELASSOCIATESCONSTRAINT] = (d) => {
  7563. return IfcRelAssociatesConstraint.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7564. };
  7565. FromRawLineData[IFCRELASSOCIATESDOCUMENT] = (d) => {
  7566. return IfcRelAssociatesDocument.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7567. };
  7568. FromRawLineData[IFCRELASSOCIATESLIBRARY] = (d) => {
  7569. return IfcRelAssociatesLibrary.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7570. };
  7571. FromRawLineData[IFCRELASSOCIATESMATERIAL] = (d) => {
  7572. return IfcRelAssociatesMaterial.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7573. };
  7574. FromRawLineData[IFCRELCONNECTS] = (d) => {
  7575. return IfcRelConnects.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7576. };
  7577. FromRawLineData[IFCRELCONNECTSELEMENTS] = (d) => {
  7578. return IfcRelConnectsElements.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7579. };
  7580. FromRawLineData[IFCRELCONNECTSPATHELEMENTS] = (d) => {
  7581. return IfcRelConnectsPathElements.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7582. };
  7583. FromRawLineData[IFCRELCONNECTSPORTTOELEMENT] = (d) => {
  7584. return IfcRelConnectsPortToElement.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7585. };
  7586. FromRawLineData[IFCRELCONNECTSPORTS] = (d) => {
  7587. return IfcRelConnectsPorts.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7588. };
  7590. return IfcRelConnectsStructuralActivity.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7591. };
  7593. return IfcRelConnectsStructuralMember.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7594. };
  7596. return IfcRelConnectsWithEccentricity.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7597. };
  7599. return IfcRelConnectsWithRealizingElements.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7600. };
  7602. return IfcRelContainedInSpatialStructure.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7603. };
  7604. FromRawLineData[IFCRELCOVERSBLDGELEMENTS] = (d) => {
  7605. return IfcRelCoversBldgElements.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7606. };
  7607. FromRawLineData[IFCRELCOVERSSPACES] = (d) => {
  7608. return IfcRelCoversSpaces.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7609. };
  7610. FromRawLineData[IFCRELDECLARES] = (d) => {
  7611. return IfcRelDeclares.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7612. };
  7613. FromRawLineData[IFCRELDECOMPOSES] = (d) => {
  7614. return IfcRelDecomposes.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7615. };
  7616. FromRawLineData[IFCRELDEFINES] = (d) => {
  7617. return IfcRelDefines.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7618. };
  7619. FromRawLineData[IFCRELDEFINESBYOBJECT] = (d) => {
  7620. return IfcRelDefinesByObject.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7621. };
  7622. FromRawLineData[IFCRELDEFINESBYPROPERTIES] = (d) => {
  7623. return IfcRelDefinesByProperties.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7624. };
  7625. FromRawLineData[IFCRELDEFINESBYTEMPLATE] = (d) => {
  7626. return IfcRelDefinesByTemplate.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7627. };
  7628. FromRawLineData[IFCRELDEFINESBYTYPE] = (d) => {
  7629. return IfcRelDefinesByType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7630. };
  7631. FromRawLineData[IFCRELFILLSELEMENT] = (d) => {
  7632. return IfcRelFillsElement.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7633. };
  7634. FromRawLineData[IFCRELFLOWCONTROLELEMENTS] = (d) => {
  7635. return IfcRelFlowControlElements.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7636. };
  7637. FromRawLineData[IFCRELINTERFERESELEMENTS] = (d) => {
  7638. return IfcRelInterferesElements.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7639. };
  7640. FromRawLineData[IFCRELNESTS] = (d) => {
  7641. return IfcRelNests.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7642. };
  7643. FromRawLineData[IFCRELPOSITIONS] = (d) => {
  7644. return IfcRelPositions.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7645. };
  7646. FromRawLineData[IFCRELPROJECTSELEMENT] = (d) => {
  7647. return IfcRelProjectsElement.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7648. };
  7650. return IfcRelReferencedInSpatialStructure.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7651. };
  7652. FromRawLineData[IFCRELSEQUENCE] = (d) => {
  7653. return IfcRelSequence.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7654. };
  7655. FromRawLineData[IFCRELSERVICESBUILDINGS] = (d) => {
  7656. return IfcRelServicesBuildings.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7657. };
  7658. FromRawLineData[IFCRELSPACEBOUNDARY] = (d) => {
  7659. return IfcRelSpaceBoundary.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7660. };
  7661. FromRawLineData[IFCRELSPACEBOUNDARY1STLEVEL] = (d) => {
  7662. return IfcRelSpaceBoundary1stLevel.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7663. };
  7664. FromRawLineData[IFCRELSPACEBOUNDARY2NDLEVEL] = (d) => {
  7665. return IfcRelSpaceBoundary2ndLevel.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7666. };
  7667. FromRawLineData[IFCRELVOIDSELEMENT] = (d) => {
  7668. return IfcRelVoidsElement.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7669. };
  7670. FromRawLineData[IFCRELATIONSHIP] = (d) => {
  7671. return IfcRelationship.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7672. };
  7674. return IfcReparametrisedCompositeCurveSegment.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7675. };
  7676. FromRawLineData[IFCREPRESENTATION] = (d) => {
  7677. return IfcRepresentation.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7678. };
  7679. FromRawLineData[IFCREPRESENTATIONCONTEXT] = (d) => {
  7680. return IfcRepresentationContext.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7681. };
  7682. FromRawLineData[IFCREPRESENTATIONITEM] = (d) => {
  7683. return IfcRepresentationItem.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7684. };
  7685. FromRawLineData[IFCREPRESENTATIONMAP] = (d) => {
  7686. return IfcRepresentationMap.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7687. };
  7688. FromRawLineData[IFCRESOURCE] = (d) => {
  7689. return IfcResource.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7690. };
  7692. return IfcResourceApprovalRelationship.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7693. };
  7695. return IfcResourceConstraintRelationship.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7696. };
  7697. FromRawLineData[IFCRESOURCELEVELRELATIONSHIP] = (d) => {
  7698. return IfcResourceLevelRelationship.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7699. };
  7700. FromRawLineData[IFCRESOURCETIME] = (d) => {
  7701. return IfcResourceTime.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7702. };
  7703. FromRawLineData[IFCREVOLVEDAREASOLID] = (d) => {
  7704. return IfcRevolvedAreaSolid.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7705. };
  7706. FromRawLineData[IFCREVOLVEDAREASOLIDTAPERED] = (d) => {
  7707. return IfcRevolvedAreaSolidTapered.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7708. };
  7709. FromRawLineData[IFCRIGHTCIRCULARCONE] = (d) => {
  7710. return IfcRightCircularCone.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7711. };
  7712. FromRawLineData[IFCRIGHTCIRCULARCYLINDER] = (d) => {
  7713. return IfcRightCircularCylinder.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7714. };
  7715. FromRawLineData[IFCROOF] = (d) => {
  7716. return IfcRoof.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7717. };
  7718. FromRawLineData[IFCROOFTYPE] = (d) => {
  7719. return IfcRoofType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7720. };
  7721. FromRawLineData[IFCROOT] = (d) => {
  7722. return IfcRoot.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7723. };
  7725. return IfcRoundedRectangleProfileDef.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7726. };
  7727. FromRawLineData[IFCSIUNIT] = (d) => {
  7728. return IfcSIUnit.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7729. };
  7730. FromRawLineData[IFCSANITARYTERMINAL] = (d) => {
  7731. return IfcSanitaryTerminal.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7732. };
  7733. FromRawLineData[IFCSANITARYTERMINALTYPE] = (d) => {
  7734. return IfcSanitaryTerminalType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7735. };
  7736. FromRawLineData[IFCSCHEDULINGTIME] = (d) => {
  7737. return IfcSchedulingTime.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7738. };
  7739. FromRawLineData[IFCSEAMCURVE] = (d) => {
  7740. return IfcSeamCurve.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7741. };
  7742. FromRawLineData[IFCSECTIONPROPERTIES] = (d) => {
  7743. return IfcSectionProperties.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7744. };
  7746. return IfcSectionReinforcementProperties.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7747. };
  7748. FromRawLineData[IFCSECTIONEDSOLID] = (d) => {
  7749. return IfcSectionedSolid.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7750. };
  7751. FromRawLineData[IFCSECTIONEDSOLIDHORIZONTAL] = (d) => {
  7752. return IfcSectionedSolidHorizontal.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7753. };
  7754. FromRawLineData[IFCSECTIONEDSPINE] = (d) => {
  7755. return IfcSectionedSpine.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7756. };
  7757. FromRawLineData[IFCSENSOR] = (d) => {
  7758. return IfcSensor.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7759. };
  7760. FromRawLineData[IFCSENSORTYPE] = (d) => {
  7761. return IfcSensorType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7762. };
  7763. FromRawLineData[IFCSHADINGDEVICE] = (d) => {
  7764. return IfcShadingDevice.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7765. };
  7766. FromRawLineData[IFCSHADINGDEVICETYPE] = (d) => {
  7767. return IfcShadingDeviceType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7768. };
  7769. FromRawLineData[IFCSHAPEASPECT] = (d) => {
  7770. return IfcShapeAspect.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7771. };
  7772. FromRawLineData[IFCSHAPEMODEL] = (d) => {
  7773. return IfcShapeModel.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7774. };
  7775. FromRawLineData[IFCSHAPEREPRESENTATION] = (d) => {
  7776. return IfcShapeRepresentation.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7777. };
  7778. FromRawLineData[IFCSHELLBASEDSURFACEMODEL] = (d) => {
  7779. return IfcShellBasedSurfaceModel.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7780. };
  7781. FromRawLineData[IFCSIMPLEPROPERTY] = (d) => {
  7782. return IfcSimpleProperty.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7783. };
  7784. FromRawLineData[IFCSIMPLEPROPERTYTEMPLATE] = (d) => {
  7785. return IfcSimplePropertyTemplate.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7786. };
  7787. FromRawLineData[IFCSITE] = (d) => {
  7788. return IfcSite.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7789. };
  7790. FromRawLineData[IFCSLAB] = (d) => {
  7791. return IfcSlab.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7792. };
  7793. FromRawLineData[IFCSLABELEMENTEDCASE] = (d) => {
  7794. return IfcSlabElementedCase.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7795. };
  7796. FromRawLineData[IFCSLABSTANDARDCASE] = (d) => {
  7797. return IfcSlabStandardCase.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7798. };
  7799. FromRawLineData[IFCSLABTYPE] = (d) => {
  7800. return IfcSlabType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7801. };
  7803. return IfcSlippageConnectionCondition.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7804. };
  7805. FromRawLineData[IFCSOLARDEVICE] = (d) => {
  7806. return IfcSolarDevice.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7807. };
  7808. FromRawLineData[IFCSOLARDEVICETYPE] = (d) => {
  7809. return IfcSolarDeviceType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7810. };
  7811. FromRawLineData[IFCSOLIDMODEL] = (d) => {
  7812. return IfcSolidModel.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7813. };
  7814. FromRawLineData[IFCSPACE] = (d) => {
  7815. return IfcSpace.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7816. };
  7817. FromRawLineData[IFCSPACEHEATER] = (d) => {
  7818. return IfcSpaceHeater.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7819. };
  7820. FromRawLineData[IFCSPACEHEATERTYPE] = (d) => {
  7821. return IfcSpaceHeaterType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7822. };
  7823. FromRawLineData[IFCSPACETYPE] = (d) => {
  7824. return IfcSpaceType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7825. };
  7826. FromRawLineData[IFCSPATIALELEMENT] = (d) => {
  7827. return IfcSpatialElement.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7828. };
  7829. FromRawLineData[IFCSPATIALELEMENTTYPE] = (d) => {
  7830. return IfcSpatialElementType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7831. };
  7832. FromRawLineData[IFCSPATIALSTRUCTUREELEMENT] = (d) => {
  7833. return IfcSpatialStructureElement.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7834. };
  7836. return IfcSpatialStructureElementType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7837. };
  7838. FromRawLineData[IFCSPATIALZONE] = (d) => {
  7839. return IfcSpatialZone.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7840. };
  7841. FromRawLineData[IFCSPATIALZONETYPE] = (d) => {
  7842. return IfcSpatialZoneType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7843. };
  7844. FromRawLineData[IFCSPHERE] = (d) => {
  7845. return IfcSphere.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7846. };
  7847. FromRawLineData[IFCSPHERICALSURFACE] = (d) => {
  7848. return IfcSphericalSurface.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7849. };
  7850. FromRawLineData[IFCSTACKTERMINAL] = (d) => {
  7851. return IfcStackTerminal.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7852. };
  7853. FromRawLineData[IFCSTACKTERMINALTYPE] = (d) => {
  7854. return IfcStackTerminalType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7855. };
  7856. FromRawLineData[IFCSTAIR] = (d) => {
  7857. return IfcStair.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7858. };
  7859. FromRawLineData[IFCSTAIRFLIGHT] = (d) => {
  7860. return IfcStairFlight.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7861. };
  7862. FromRawLineData[IFCSTAIRFLIGHTTYPE] = (d) => {
  7863. return IfcStairFlightType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7864. };
  7865. FromRawLineData[IFCSTAIRTYPE] = (d) => {
  7866. return IfcStairType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7867. };
  7868. FromRawLineData[IFCSTRUCTURALACTION] = (d) => {
  7869. return IfcStructuralAction.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7870. };
  7871. FromRawLineData[IFCSTRUCTURALACTIVITY] = (d) => {
  7872. return IfcStructuralActivity.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7873. };
  7874. FromRawLineData[IFCSTRUCTURALANALYSISMODEL] = (d) => {
  7875. return IfcStructuralAnalysisModel.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7876. };
  7877. FromRawLineData[IFCSTRUCTURALCONNECTION] = (d) => {
  7878. return IfcStructuralConnection.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7879. };
  7881. return IfcStructuralConnectionCondition.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7882. };
  7883. FromRawLineData[IFCSTRUCTURALCURVEACTION] = (d) => {
  7884. return IfcStructuralCurveAction.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7885. };
  7886. FromRawLineData[IFCSTRUCTURALCURVECONNECTION] = (d) => {
  7887. return IfcStructuralCurveConnection.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7888. };
  7889. FromRawLineData[IFCSTRUCTURALCURVEMEMBER] = (d) => {
  7890. return IfcStructuralCurveMember.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7891. };
  7893. return IfcStructuralCurveMemberVarying.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7894. };
  7895. FromRawLineData[IFCSTRUCTURALCURVEREACTION] = (d) => {
  7896. return IfcStructuralCurveReaction.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7897. };
  7898. FromRawLineData[IFCSTRUCTURALITEM] = (d) => {
  7899. return IfcStructuralItem.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7900. };
  7901. FromRawLineData[IFCSTRUCTURALLINEARACTION] = (d) => {
  7902. return IfcStructuralLinearAction.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7903. };
  7904. FromRawLineData[IFCSTRUCTURALLOAD] = (d) => {
  7905. return IfcStructuralLoad.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7906. };
  7907. FromRawLineData[IFCSTRUCTURALLOADCASE] = (d) => {
  7908. return IfcStructuralLoadCase.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7909. };
  7911. return IfcStructuralLoadConfiguration.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7912. };
  7913. FromRawLineData[IFCSTRUCTURALLOADGROUP] = (d) => {
  7914. return IfcStructuralLoadGroup.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7915. };
  7916. FromRawLineData[IFCSTRUCTURALLOADLINEARFORCE] = (d) => {
  7917. return IfcStructuralLoadLinearForce.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7918. };
  7919. FromRawLineData[IFCSTRUCTURALLOADORRESULT] = (d) => {
  7920. return IfcStructuralLoadOrResult.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7921. };
  7922. FromRawLineData[IFCSTRUCTURALLOADPLANARFORCE] = (d) => {
  7923. return IfcStructuralLoadPlanarForce.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7924. };
  7926. return IfcStructuralLoadSingleDisplacement.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7927. };
  7929. return IfcStructuralLoadSingleDisplacementDistortion.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7930. };
  7931. FromRawLineData[IFCSTRUCTURALLOADSINGLEFORCE] = (d) => {
  7932. return IfcStructuralLoadSingleForce.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7933. };
  7935. return IfcStructuralLoadSingleForceWarping.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7936. };
  7937. FromRawLineData[IFCSTRUCTURALLOADSTATIC] = (d) => {
  7938. return IfcStructuralLoadStatic.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7939. };
  7940. FromRawLineData[IFCSTRUCTURALLOADTEMPERATURE] = (d) => {
  7941. return IfcStructuralLoadTemperature.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7942. };
  7943. FromRawLineData[IFCSTRUCTURALMEMBER] = (d) => {
  7944. return IfcStructuralMember.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7945. };
  7946. FromRawLineData[IFCSTRUCTURALPLANARACTION] = (d) => {
  7947. return IfcStructuralPlanarAction.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7948. };
  7949. FromRawLineData[IFCSTRUCTURALPOINTACTION] = (d) => {
  7950. return IfcStructuralPointAction.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7951. };
  7952. FromRawLineData[IFCSTRUCTURALPOINTCONNECTION] = (d) => {
  7953. return IfcStructuralPointConnection.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7954. };
  7955. FromRawLineData[IFCSTRUCTURALPOINTREACTION] = (d) => {
  7956. return IfcStructuralPointReaction.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7957. };
  7958. FromRawLineData[IFCSTRUCTURALREACTION] = (d) => {
  7959. return IfcStructuralReaction.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7960. };
  7961. FromRawLineData[IFCSTRUCTURALRESULTGROUP] = (d) => {
  7962. return IfcStructuralResultGroup.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7963. };
  7964. FromRawLineData[IFCSTRUCTURALSURFACEACTION] = (d) => {
  7965. return IfcStructuralSurfaceAction.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7966. };
  7968. return IfcStructuralSurfaceConnection.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7969. };
  7970. FromRawLineData[IFCSTRUCTURALSURFACEMEMBER] = (d) => {
  7971. return IfcStructuralSurfaceMember.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7972. };
  7974. return IfcStructuralSurfaceMemberVarying.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7975. };
  7976. FromRawLineData[IFCSTRUCTURALSURFACEREACTION] = (d) => {
  7977. return IfcStructuralSurfaceReaction.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7978. };
  7979. FromRawLineData[IFCSTYLEMODEL] = (d) => {
  7980. return IfcStyleModel.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7981. };
  7982. FromRawLineData[IFCSTYLEDITEM] = (d) => {
  7983. return IfcStyledItem.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7984. };
  7985. FromRawLineData[IFCSTYLEDREPRESENTATION] = (d) => {
  7986. return IfcStyledRepresentation.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7987. };
  7988. FromRawLineData[IFCSUBCONTRACTRESOURCE] = (d) => {
  7989. return IfcSubContractResource.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7990. };
  7991. FromRawLineData[IFCSUBCONTRACTRESOURCETYPE] = (d) => {
  7992. return IfcSubContractResourceType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7993. };
  7994. FromRawLineData[IFCSUBEDGE] = (d) => {
  7995. return IfcSubedge.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7996. };
  7997. FromRawLineData[IFCSURFACE] = (d) => {
  7998. return IfcSurface.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  7999. };
  8000. FromRawLineData[IFCSURFACECURVE] = (d) => {
  8001. return IfcSurfaceCurve.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  8002. };
  8004. return IfcSurfaceCurveSweptAreaSolid.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  8005. };
  8006. FromRawLineData[IFCSURFACEFEATURE] = (d) => {
  8007. return IfcSurfaceFeature.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  8008. };
  8009. FromRawLineData[IFCSURFACEOFLINEAREXTRUSION] = (d) => {
  8010. return IfcSurfaceOfLinearExtrusion.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  8011. };
  8012. FromRawLineData[IFCSURFACEOFREVOLUTION] = (d) => {
  8013. return IfcSurfaceOfRevolution.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  8014. };
  8015. FromRawLineData[IFCSURFACEREINFORCEMENTAREA] = (d) => {
  8016. return IfcSurfaceReinforcementArea.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  8017. };
  8018. FromRawLineData[IFCSURFACESTYLE] = (d) => {
  8019. return IfcSurfaceStyle.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  8020. };
  8021. FromRawLineData[IFCSURFACESTYLELIGHTING] = (d) => {
  8022. return IfcSurfaceStyleLighting.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  8023. };
  8024. FromRawLineData[IFCSURFACESTYLEREFRACTION] = (d) => {
  8025. return IfcSurfaceStyleRefraction.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  8026. };
  8027. FromRawLineData[IFCSURFACESTYLERENDERING] = (d) => {
  8028. return IfcSurfaceStyleRendering.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  8029. };
  8030. FromRawLineData[IFCSURFACESTYLESHADING] = (d) => {
  8031. return IfcSurfaceStyleShading.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  8032. };
  8033. FromRawLineData[IFCSURFACESTYLEWITHTEXTURES] = (d) => {
  8034. return IfcSurfaceStyleWithTextures.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  8035. };
  8036. FromRawLineData[IFCSURFACETEXTURE] = (d) => {
  8037. return IfcSurfaceTexture.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  8038. };
  8039. FromRawLineData[IFCSWEPTAREASOLID] = (d) => {
  8040. return IfcSweptAreaSolid.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  8041. };
  8042. FromRawLineData[IFCSWEPTDISKSOLID] = (d) => {
  8043. return IfcSweptDiskSolid.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  8044. };
  8045. FromRawLineData[IFCSWEPTDISKSOLIDPOLYGONAL] = (d) => {
  8046. return IfcSweptDiskSolidPolygonal.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  8047. };
  8048. FromRawLineData[IFCSWEPTSURFACE] = (d) => {
  8049. return IfcSweptSurface.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  8050. };
  8051. FromRawLineData[IFCSWITCHINGDEVICE] = (d) => {
  8052. return IfcSwitchingDevice.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  8053. };
  8054. FromRawLineData[IFCSWITCHINGDEVICETYPE] = (d) => {
  8055. return IfcSwitchingDeviceType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  8056. };
  8057. FromRawLineData[IFCSYSTEM] = (d) => {
  8058. return IfcSystem.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  8059. };
  8060. FromRawLineData[IFCSYSTEMFURNITUREELEMENT] = (d) => {
  8061. return IfcSystemFurnitureElement.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  8062. };
  8064. return IfcSystemFurnitureElementType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  8065. };
  8066. FromRawLineData[IFCTSHAPEPROFILEDEF] = (d) => {
  8067. return IfcTShapeProfileDef.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  8068. };
  8069. FromRawLineData[IFCTABLE] = (d) => {
  8070. return IfcTable.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  8071. };
  8072. FromRawLineData[IFCTABLECOLUMN] = (d) => {
  8073. return IfcTableColumn.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  8074. };
  8075. FromRawLineData[IFCTABLEROW] = (d) => {
  8076. return IfcTableRow.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  8077. };
  8078. FromRawLineData[IFCTANK] = (d) => {
  8079. return IfcTank.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  8080. };
  8081. FromRawLineData[IFCTANKTYPE] = (d) => {
  8082. return IfcTankType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  8083. };
  8084. FromRawLineData[IFCTASK] = (d) => {
  8085. return IfcTask.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  8086. };
  8087. FromRawLineData[IFCTASKTIME] = (d) => {
  8088. return IfcTaskTime.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  8089. };
  8090. FromRawLineData[IFCTASKTIMERECURRING] = (d) => {
  8091. return IfcTaskTimeRecurring.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  8092. };
  8093. FromRawLineData[IFCTASKTYPE] = (d) => {
  8094. return IfcTaskType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  8095. };
  8096. FromRawLineData[IFCTELECOMADDRESS] = (d) => {
  8097. return IfcTelecomAddress.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  8098. };
  8099. FromRawLineData[IFCTENDON] = (d) => {
  8100. return IfcTendon.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  8101. };
  8102. FromRawLineData[IFCTENDONANCHOR] = (d) => {
  8103. return IfcTendonAnchor.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  8104. };
  8105. FromRawLineData[IFCTENDONANCHORTYPE] = (d) => {
  8106. return IfcTendonAnchorType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  8107. };
  8108. FromRawLineData[IFCTENDONCONDUIT] = (d) => {
  8109. return IfcTendonConduit.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  8110. };
  8111. FromRawLineData[IFCTENDONCONDUITTYPE] = (d) => {
  8112. return IfcTendonConduitType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  8113. };
  8114. FromRawLineData[IFCTENDONTYPE] = (d) => {
  8115. return IfcTendonType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  8116. };
  8117. FromRawLineData[IFCTESSELLATEDFACESET] = (d) => {
  8118. return IfcTessellatedFaceSet.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  8119. };
  8120. FromRawLineData[IFCTESSELLATEDITEM] = (d) => {
  8121. return IfcTessellatedItem.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  8122. };
  8123. FromRawLineData[IFCTEXTLITERAL] = (d) => {
  8124. return IfcTextLiteral.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  8125. };
  8126. FromRawLineData[IFCTEXTLITERALWITHEXTENT] = (d) => {
  8127. return IfcTextLiteralWithExtent.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  8128. };
  8129. FromRawLineData[IFCTEXTSTYLE] = (d) => {
  8130. return IfcTextStyle.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  8131. };
  8132. FromRawLineData[IFCTEXTSTYLEFONTMODEL] = (d) => {
  8133. return IfcTextStyleFontModel.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  8134. };
  8135. FromRawLineData[IFCTEXTSTYLEFORDEFINEDFONT] = (d) => {
  8136. return IfcTextStyleForDefinedFont.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  8137. };
  8138. FromRawLineData[IFCTEXTSTYLETEXTMODEL] = (d) => {
  8139. return IfcTextStyleTextModel.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  8140. };
  8141. FromRawLineData[IFCTEXTURECOORDINATE] = (d) => {
  8142. return IfcTextureCoordinate.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  8143. };
  8145. return IfcTextureCoordinateGenerator.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  8146. };
  8147. FromRawLineData[IFCTEXTUREMAP] = (d) => {
  8148. return IfcTextureMap.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  8149. };
  8150. FromRawLineData[IFCTEXTUREVERTEX] = (d) => {
  8151. return IfcTextureVertex.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  8152. };
  8153. FromRawLineData[IFCTEXTUREVERTEXLIST] = (d) => {
  8154. return IfcTextureVertexList.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  8155. };
  8156. FromRawLineData[IFCTIMEPERIOD] = (d) => {
  8157. return IfcTimePeriod.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  8158. };
  8159. FromRawLineData[IFCTIMESERIES] = (d) => {
  8160. return IfcTimeSeries.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  8161. };
  8162. FromRawLineData[IFCTIMESERIESVALUE] = (d) => {
  8163. return IfcTimeSeriesValue.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  8164. };
  8166. return IfcTopologicalRepresentationItem.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  8167. };
  8168. FromRawLineData[IFCTOPOLOGYREPRESENTATION] = (d) => {
  8169. return IfcTopologyRepresentation.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  8170. };
  8171. FromRawLineData[IFCTOROIDALSURFACE] = (d) => {
  8172. return IfcToroidalSurface.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  8173. };
  8174. FromRawLineData[IFCTRANSFORMER] = (d) => {
  8175. return IfcTransformer.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  8176. };
  8177. FromRawLineData[IFCTRANSFORMERTYPE] = (d) => {
  8178. return IfcTransformerType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  8179. };
  8180. FromRawLineData[IFCTRANSITIONCURVESEGMENT2D] = (d) => {
  8181. return IfcTransitionCurveSegment2D.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  8182. };
  8183. FromRawLineData[IFCTRANSPORTELEMENT] = (d) => {
  8184. return IfcTransportElement.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  8185. };
  8186. FromRawLineData[IFCTRANSPORTELEMENTTYPE] = (d) => {
  8187. return IfcTransportElementType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  8188. };
  8189. FromRawLineData[IFCTRAPEZIUMPROFILEDEF] = (d) => {
  8190. return IfcTrapeziumProfileDef.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  8191. };
  8192. FromRawLineData[IFCTRIANGULATEDFACESET] = (d) => {
  8193. return IfcTriangulatedFaceSet.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  8194. };
  8196. return IfcTriangulatedIrregularNetwork.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  8197. };
  8198. FromRawLineData[IFCTRIMMEDCURVE] = (d) => {
  8199. return IfcTrimmedCurve.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  8200. };
  8201. FromRawLineData[IFCTUBEBUNDLE] = (d) => {
  8202. return IfcTubeBundle.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  8203. };
  8204. FromRawLineData[IFCTUBEBUNDLETYPE] = (d) => {
  8205. return IfcTubeBundleType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  8206. };
  8207. FromRawLineData[IFCTYPEOBJECT] = (d) => {
  8208. return IfcTypeObject.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  8209. };
  8210. FromRawLineData[IFCTYPEPROCESS] = (d) => {
  8211. return IfcTypeProcess.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  8212. };
  8213. FromRawLineData[IFCTYPEPRODUCT] = (d) => {
  8214. return IfcTypeProduct.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  8215. };
  8216. FromRawLineData[IFCTYPERESOURCE] = (d) => {
  8217. return IfcTypeResource.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  8218. };
  8219. FromRawLineData[IFCUSHAPEPROFILEDEF] = (d) => {
  8220. return IfcUShapeProfileDef.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  8221. };
  8222. FromRawLineData[IFCUNITASSIGNMENT] = (d) => {
  8223. return IfcUnitAssignment.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  8224. };
  8225. FromRawLineData[IFCUNITARYCONTROLELEMENT] = (d) => {
  8226. return IfcUnitaryControlElement.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  8227. };
  8228. FromRawLineData[IFCUNITARYCONTROLELEMENTTYPE] = (d) => {
  8229. return IfcUnitaryControlElementType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  8230. };
  8231. FromRawLineData[IFCUNITARYEQUIPMENT] = (d) => {
  8232. return IfcUnitaryEquipment.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  8233. };
  8234. FromRawLineData[IFCUNITARYEQUIPMENTTYPE] = (d) => {
  8235. return IfcUnitaryEquipmentType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  8236. };
  8237. FromRawLineData[IFCVALVE] = (d) => {
  8238. return IfcValve.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  8239. };
  8240. FromRawLineData[IFCVALVETYPE] = (d) => {
  8241. return IfcValveType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  8242. };
  8243. FromRawLineData[IFCVECTOR] = (d) => {
  8244. return IfcVector.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  8245. };
  8246. FromRawLineData[IFCVERTEX] = (d) => {
  8247. return IfcVertex.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  8248. };
  8249. FromRawLineData[IFCVERTEXLOOP] = (d) => {
  8250. return IfcVertexLoop.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  8251. };
  8252. FromRawLineData[IFCVERTEXPOINT] = (d) => {
  8253. return IfcVertexPoint.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  8254. };
  8255. FromRawLineData[IFCVIBRATIONDAMPER] = (d) => {
  8256. return IfcVibrationDamper.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  8257. };
  8258. FromRawLineData[IFCVIBRATIONDAMPERTYPE] = (d) => {
  8259. return IfcVibrationDamperType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  8260. };
  8261. FromRawLineData[IFCVIBRATIONISOLATOR] = (d) => {
  8262. return IfcVibrationIsolator.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  8263. };
  8264. FromRawLineData[IFCVIBRATIONISOLATORTYPE] = (d) => {
  8265. return IfcVibrationIsolatorType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  8266. };
  8267. FromRawLineData[IFCVIRTUALELEMENT] = (d) => {
  8268. return IfcVirtualElement.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  8269. };
  8270. FromRawLineData[IFCVIRTUALGRIDINTERSECTION] = (d) => {
  8271. return IfcVirtualGridIntersection.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  8272. };
  8273. FromRawLineData[IFCVOIDINGFEATURE] = (d) => {
  8274. return IfcVoidingFeature.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  8275. };
  8276. FromRawLineData[IFCWALL] = (d) => {
  8277. return IfcWall.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  8278. };
  8279. FromRawLineData[IFCWALLELEMENTEDCASE] = (d) => {
  8280. return IfcWallElementedCase.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  8281. };
  8282. FromRawLineData[IFCWALLSTANDARDCASE] = (d) => {
  8283. return IfcWallStandardCase.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  8284. };
  8285. FromRawLineData[IFCWALLTYPE] = (d) => {
  8286. return IfcWallType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  8287. };
  8288. FromRawLineData[IFCWASTETERMINAL] = (d) => {
  8289. return IfcWasteTerminal.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  8290. };
  8291. FromRawLineData[IFCWASTETERMINALTYPE] = (d) => {
  8292. return IfcWasteTerminalType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  8293. };
  8294. FromRawLineData[IFCWINDOW] = (d) => {
  8295. return IfcWindow.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  8296. };
  8297. FromRawLineData[IFCWINDOWLININGPROPERTIES] = (d) => {
  8298. return IfcWindowLiningProperties.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  8299. };
  8300. FromRawLineData[IFCWINDOWPANELPROPERTIES] = (d) => {
  8301. return IfcWindowPanelProperties.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  8302. };
  8303. FromRawLineData[IFCWINDOWSTANDARDCASE] = (d) => {
  8304. return IfcWindowStandardCase.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  8305. };
  8306. FromRawLineData[IFCWINDOWSTYLE] = (d) => {
  8307. return IfcWindowStyle.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  8308. };
  8309. FromRawLineData[IFCWINDOWTYPE] = (d) => {
  8310. return IfcWindowType.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  8311. };
  8312. FromRawLineData[IFCWORKCALENDAR] = (d) => {
  8313. return IfcWorkCalendar.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  8314. };
  8315. FromRawLineData[IFCWORKCONTROL] = (d) => {
  8316. return IfcWorkControl.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  8317. };
  8318. FromRawLineData[IFCWORKPLAN] = (d) => {
  8319. return IfcWorkPlan.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  8320. };
  8321. FromRawLineData[IFCWORKSCHEDULE] = (d) => {
  8322. return IfcWorkSchedule.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  8323. };
  8324. FromRawLineData[IFCWORKTIME] = (d) => {
  8325. return IfcWorkTime.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  8326. };
  8327. FromRawLineData[IFCZSHAPEPROFILEDEF] = (d) => {
  8328. return IfcZShapeProfileDef.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  8329. };
  8330. FromRawLineData[IFCZONE] = (d) => {
  8331. return IfcZone.FromTape(d.ID, d.type, d.arguments);
  8332. };
  8333. var Handle = class {
  8334. constructor(id) {
  8335. this.value = id;
  8336. }
  8337. toTape(args) {
  8338. args.push({ type: 5, value: this.value });
  8339. }
  8340. };
  8341. function Value(type, value) {
  8342. return { t: type, v: value };
  8343. }
  8344. var IfcAbsorbedDoseMeasure = class {
  8345. constructor(v) {
  8346. this.value = v;
  8347. }
  8348. };
  8349. var IfcAccelerationMeasure = class {
  8350. constructor(v) {
  8351. this.value = v;
  8352. }
  8353. };
  8354. var IfcAmountOfSubstanceMeasure = class {
  8355. constructor(v) {
  8356. this.value = v;
  8357. }
  8358. };
  8359. var IfcAngularVelocityMeasure = class {
  8360. constructor(v) {
  8361. this.value = v;
  8362. }
  8363. };
  8364. var IfcAreaDensityMeasure = class {
  8365. constructor(v) {
  8366. this.value = v;
  8367. }
  8368. };
  8369. var IfcAreaMeasure = class {
  8370. constructor(v) {
  8371. this.value = v;
  8372. }
  8373. };
  8374. var IfcBinary = class {
  8375. constructor(v) {
  8376. this.value = v;
  8377. }
  8378. };
  8379. var IfcBoolean = class {
  8380. constructor(v) {
  8381. this.value = v;
  8382. }
  8383. };
  8384. var IfcBoxAlignment = class {
  8385. constructor(v) {
  8386. this.value = v;
  8387. }
  8388. };
  8389. var IfcCardinalPointReference = class {
  8390. constructor(v) {
  8391. this.value = v;
  8392. }
  8393. };
  8394. var IfcContextDependentMeasure = class {
  8395. constructor(v) {
  8396. this.value = v;
  8397. }
  8398. };
  8399. var IfcCountMeasure = class {
  8400. constructor(v) {
  8401. this.value = v;
  8402. }
  8403. };
  8404. var IfcCurvatureMeasure = class {
  8405. constructor(v) {
  8406. this.value = v;
  8407. }
  8408. };
  8409. var IfcDate = class {
  8410. constructor(v) {
  8411. this.value = v;
  8412. }
  8413. };
  8414. var IfcDateTime = class {
  8415. constructor(v) {
  8416. this.value = v;
  8417. }
  8418. };
  8419. var IfcDayInMonthNumber = class {
  8420. constructor(v) {
  8421. this.value = v;
  8422. }
  8423. };
  8424. var IfcDayInWeekNumber = class {
  8425. constructor(v) {
  8426. this.value = v;
  8427. }
  8428. };
  8429. var IfcDescriptiveMeasure = class {
  8430. constructor(v) {
  8431. this.value = v;
  8432. }
  8433. };
  8434. var IfcDimensionCount = class {
  8435. constructor(v) {
  8436. this.value = v;
  8437. }
  8438. };
  8439. var IfcDoseEquivalentMeasure = class {
  8440. constructor(v) {
  8441. this.value = v;
  8442. }
  8443. };
  8444. var IfcDuration = class {
  8445. constructor(v) {
  8446. this.value = v;
  8447. }
  8448. };
  8449. var IfcDynamicViscosityMeasure = class {
  8450. constructor(v) {
  8451. this.value = v;
  8452. }
  8453. };
  8454. var IfcElectricCapacitanceMeasure = class {
  8455. constructor(v) {
  8456. this.value = v;
  8457. }
  8458. };
  8459. var IfcElectricChargeMeasure = class {
  8460. constructor(v) {
  8461. this.value = v;
  8462. }
  8463. };
  8464. var IfcElectricConductanceMeasure = class {
  8465. constructor(v) {
  8466. this.value = v;
  8467. }
  8468. };
  8469. var IfcElectricCurrentMeasure = class {
  8470. constructor(v) {
  8471. this.value = v;
  8472. }
  8473. };
  8474. var IfcElectricResistanceMeasure = class {
  8475. constructor(v) {
  8476. this.value = v;
  8477. }
  8478. };
  8479. var IfcElectricVoltageMeasure = class {
  8480. constructor(v) {
  8481. this.value = v;
  8482. }
  8483. };
  8484. var IfcEnergyMeasure = class {
  8485. constructor(v) {
  8486. this.value = v;
  8487. }
  8488. };
  8489. var IfcFontStyle = class {
  8490. constructor(v) {
  8491. this.value = v;
  8492. }
  8493. };
  8494. var IfcFontVariant = class {
  8495. constructor(v) {
  8496. this.value = v;
  8497. }
  8498. };
  8499. var IfcFontWeight = class {
  8500. constructor(v) {
  8501. this.value = v;
  8502. }
  8503. };
  8504. var IfcForceMeasure = class {
  8505. constructor(v) {
  8506. this.value = v;
  8507. }
  8508. };
  8509. var IfcFrequencyMeasure = class {
  8510. constructor(v) {
  8511. this.value = v;
  8512. }
  8513. };
  8514. var IfcGloballyUniqueId = class {
  8515. constructor(v) {
  8516. this.value = v;
  8517. }
  8518. };
  8519. var IfcHeatFluxDensityMeasure = class {
  8520. constructor(v) {
  8521. this.value = v;
  8522. }
  8523. };
  8524. var IfcHeatingValueMeasure = class {
  8525. constructor(v) {
  8526. this.value = v;
  8527. }
  8528. };
  8529. var IfcIdentifier = class {
  8530. constructor(v) {
  8531. this.value = v;
  8532. }
  8533. };
  8534. var IfcIlluminanceMeasure = class {
  8535. constructor(v) {
  8536. this.value = v;
  8537. }
  8538. };
  8539. var IfcInductanceMeasure = class {
  8540. constructor(v) {
  8541. this.value = v;
  8542. }
  8543. };
  8544. var IfcInteger = class {
  8545. constructor(v) {
  8546. this.value = v;
  8547. }
  8548. };
  8549. var IfcIntegerCountRateMeasure = class {
  8550. constructor(v) {
  8551. this.value = v;
  8552. }
  8553. };
  8554. var IfcIonConcentrationMeasure = class {
  8555. constructor(v) {
  8556. this.value = v;
  8557. }
  8558. };
  8559. var IfcIsothermalMoistureCapacityMeasure = class {
  8560. constructor(v) {
  8561. this.value = v;
  8562. }
  8563. };
  8564. var IfcKinematicViscosityMeasure = class {
  8565. constructor(v) {
  8566. this.value = v;
  8567. }
  8568. };
  8569. var IfcLabel = class {
  8570. constructor(v) {
  8571. this.value = v;
  8572. }
  8573. };
  8574. var IfcLanguageId = class {
  8575. constructor(v) {
  8576. this.value = v;
  8577. }
  8578. };
  8579. var IfcLengthMeasure = class {
  8580. constructor(v) {
  8581. this.value = v;
  8582. }
  8583. };
  8584. var IfcLinearForceMeasure = class {
  8585. constructor(v) {
  8586. this.value = v;
  8587. }
  8588. };
  8589. var IfcLinearMomentMeasure = class {
  8590. constructor(v) {
  8591. this.value = v;
  8592. }
  8593. };
  8594. var IfcLinearStiffnessMeasure = class {
  8595. constructor(v) {
  8596. this.value = v;
  8597. }
  8598. };
  8599. var IfcLinearVelocityMeasure = class {
  8600. constructor(v) {
  8601. this.value = v;
  8602. }
  8603. };
  8604. var IfcLogical = class {
  8605. constructor(v) {
  8606. this.value = v;
  8607. }
  8608. };
  8609. var IfcLuminousFluxMeasure = class {
  8610. constructor(v) {
  8611. this.value = v;
  8612. }
  8613. };
  8614. var IfcLuminousIntensityDistributionMeasure = class {
  8615. constructor(v) {
  8616. this.value = v;
  8617. }
  8618. };
  8619. var IfcLuminousIntensityMeasure = class {
  8620. constructor(v) {
  8621. this.value = v;
  8622. }
  8623. };
  8624. var IfcMagneticFluxDensityMeasure = class {
  8625. constructor(v) {
  8626. this.value = v;
  8627. }
  8628. };
  8629. var IfcMagneticFluxMeasure = class {
  8630. constructor(v) {
  8631. this.value = v;
  8632. }
  8633. };
  8634. var IfcMassDensityMeasure = class {
  8635. constructor(v) {
  8636. this.value = v;
  8637. }
  8638. };
  8639. var IfcMassFlowRateMeasure = class {
  8640. constructor(v) {
  8641. this.value = v;
  8642. }
  8643. };
  8644. var IfcMassMeasure = class {
  8645. constructor(v) {
  8646. this.value = v;
  8647. }
  8648. };
  8649. var IfcMassPerLengthMeasure = class {
  8650. constructor(v) {
  8651. this.value = v;
  8652. }
  8653. };
  8654. var IfcModulusOfElasticityMeasure = class {
  8655. constructor(v) {
  8656. this.value = v;
  8657. }
  8658. };
  8659. var IfcModulusOfLinearSubgradeReactionMeasure = class {
  8660. constructor(v) {
  8661. this.value = v;
  8662. }
  8663. };
  8664. var IfcModulusOfRotationalSubgradeReactionMeasure = class {
  8665. constructor(v) {
  8666. this.value = v;
  8667. }
  8668. };
  8669. var IfcModulusOfSubgradeReactionMeasure = class {
  8670. constructor(v) {
  8671. this.value = v;
  8672. }
  8673. };
  8674. var IfcMoistureDiffusivityMeasure = class {
  8675. constructor(v) {
  8676. this.value = v;
  8677. }
  8678. };
  8679. var IfcMolecularWeightMeasure = class {
  8680. constructor(v) {
  8681. this.value = v;
  8682. }
  8683. };
  8684. var IfcMomentOfInertiaMeasure = class {
  8685. constructor(v) {
  8686. this.value = v;
  8687. }
  8688. };
  8689. var IfcMonetaryMeasure = class {
  8690. constructor(v) {
  8691. this.value = v;
  8692. }
  8693. };
  8694. var IfcMonthInYearNumber = class {
  8695. constructor(v) {
  8696. this.value = v;
  8697. }
  8698. };
  8699. var IfcNonNegativeLengthMeasure = class {
  8700. constructor(v) {
  8701. this.value = v;
  8702. }
  8703. };
  8704. var IfcNormalisedRatioMeasure = class {
  8705. constructor(v) {
  8706. this.value = v;
  8707. }
  8708. };
  8709. var IfcNumericMeasure = class {
  8710. constructor(v) {
  8711. this.value = v;
  8712. }
  8713. };
  8714. var IfcPHMeasure = class {
  8715. constructor(v) {
  8716. this.value = v;
  8717. }
  8718. };
  8719. var IfcParameterValue = class {
  8720. constructor(v) {
  8721. this.value = v;
  8722. }
  8723. };
  8724. var IfcPlanarForceMeasure = class {
  8725. constructor(v) {
  8726. this.value = v;
  8727. }
  8728. };
  8729. var IfcPlaneAngleMeasure = class {
  8730. constructor(v) {
  8731. this.value = v;
  8732. }
  8733. };
  8734. var IfcPositiveInteger = class {
  8735. constructor(v) {
  8736. this.value = v;
  8737. }
  8738. };
  8739. var IfcPositiveLengthMeasure = class {
  8740. constructor(v) {
  8741. this.value = v;
  8742. }
  8743. };
  8744. var IfcPositivePlaneAngleMeasure = class {
  8745. constructor(v) {
  8746. this.value = v;
  8747. }
  8748. };
  8749. var IfcPositiveRatioMeasure = class {
  8750. constructor(v) {
  8751. this.value = v;
  8752. }
  8753. };
  8754. var IfcPowerMeasure = class {
  8755. constructor(v) {
  8756. this.value = v;
  8757. }
  8758. };
  8759. var IfcPresentableText = class {
  8760. constructor(v) {
  8761. this.value = v;
  8762. }
  8763. };
  8764. var IfcPressureMeasure = class {
  8765. constructor(v) {
  8766. this.value = v;
  8767. }
  8768. };
  8769. var IfcRadioActivityMeasure = class {
  8770. constructor(v) {
  8771. this.value = v;
  8772. }
  8773. };
  8774. var IfcRatioMeasure = class {
  8775. constructor(v) {
  8776. this.value = v;
  8777. }
  8778. };
  8779. var IfcReal = class {
  8780. constructor(v) {
  8781. this.value = v;
  8782. }
  8783. };
  8784. var IfcRotationalFrequencyMeasure = class {
  8785. constructor(v) {
  8786. this.value = v;
  8787. }
  8788. };
  8789. var IfcRotationalMassMeasure = class {
  8790. constructor(v) {
  8791. this.value = v;
  8792. }
  8793. };
  8794. var IfcRotationalStiffnessMeasure = class {
  8795. constructor(v) {
  8796. this.value = v;
  8797. }
  8798. };
  8799. var IfcSectionModulusMeasure = class {
  8800. constructor(v) {
  8801. this.value = v;
  8802. }
  8803. };
  8804. var IfcSectionalAreaIntegralMeasure = class {
  8805. constructor(v) {
  8806. this.value = v;
  8807. }
  8808. };
  8809. var IfcShearModulusMeasure = class {
  8810. constructor(v) {
  8811. this.value = v;
  8812. }
  8813. };
  8814. var IfcSolidAngleMeasure = class {
  8815. constructor(v) {
  8816. this.value = v;
  8817. }
  8818. };
  8819. var IfcSoundPowerLevelMeasure = class {
  8820. constructor(v) {
  8821. this.value = v;
  8822. }
  8823. };
  8824. var IfcSoundPowerMeasure = class {
  8825. constructor(v) {
  8826. this.value = v;
  8827. }
  8828. };
  8829. var IfcSoundPressureLevelMeasure = class {
  8830. constructor(v) {
  8831. this.value = v;
  8832. }
  8833. };
  8834. var IfcSoundPressureMeasure = class {
  8835. constructor(v) {
  8836. this.value = v;
  8837. }
  8838. };
  8839. var IfcSpecificHeatCapacityMeasure = class {
  8840. constructor(v) {
  8841. this.value = v;
  8842. }
  8843. };
  8844. var IfcSpecularExponent = class {
  8845. constructor(v) {
  8846. this.value = v;
  8847. }
  8848. };
  8849. var IfcSpecularRoughness = class {
  8850. constructor(v) {
  8851. this.value = v;
  8852. }
  8853. };
  8854. var IfcTemperatureGradientMeasure = class {
  8855. constructor(v) {
  8856. this.value = v;
  8857. }
  8858. };
  8859. var IfcTemperatureRateOfChangeMeasure = class {
  8860. constructor(v) {
  8861. this.value = v;
  8862. }
  8863. };
  8864. var IfcText = class {
  8865. constructor(v) {
  8866. this.value = v;
  8867. }
  8868. };
  8869. var IfcTextAlignment = class {
  8870. constructor(v) {
  8871. this.value = v;
  8872. }
  8873. };
  8874. var IfcTextDecoration = class {
  8875. constructor(v) {
  8876. this.value = v;
  8877. }
  8878. };
  8879. var IfcTextFontName = class {
  8880. constructor(v) {
  8881. this.value = v;
  8882. }
  8883. };
  8884. var IfcTextTransformation = class {
  8885. constructor(v) {
  8886. this.value = v;
  8887. }
  8888. };
  8889. var IfcThermalAdmittanceMeasure = class {
  8890. constructor(v) {
  8891. this.value = v;
  8892. }
  8893. };
  8894. var IfcThermalConductivityMeasure = class {
  8895. constructor(v) {
  8896. this.value = v;
  8897. }
  8898. };
  8899. var IfcThermalExpansionCoefficientMeasure = class {
  8900. constructor(v) {
  8901. this.value = v;
  8902. }
  8903. };
  8904. var IfcThermalResistanceMeasure = class {
  8905. constructor(v) {
  8906. this.value = v;
  8907. }
  8908. };
  8909. var IfcThermalTransmittanceMeasure = class {
  8910. constructor(v) {
  8911. this.value = v;
  8912. }
  8913. };
  8914. var IfcThermodynamicTemperatureMeasure = class {
  8915. constructor(v) {
  8916. this.value = v;
  8917. }
  8918. };
  8919. var IfcTime = class {
  8920. constructor(v) {
  8921. this.value = v;
  8922. }
  8923. };
  8924. var IfcTimeMeasure = class {
  8925. constructor(v) {
  8926. this.value = v;
  8927. }
  8928. };
  8929. var IfcTimeStamp = class {
  8930. constructor(v) {
  8931. this.value = v;
  8932. }
  8933. };
  8934. var IfcTorqueMeasure = class {
  8935. constructor(v) {
  8936. this.value = v;
  8937. }
  8938. };
  8939. var IfcURIReference = class {
  8940. constructor(v) {
  8941. this.value = v;
  8942. }
  8943. };
  8944. var IfcVaporPermeabilityMeasure = class {
  8945. constructor(v) {
  8946. this.value = v;
  8947. }
  8948. };
  8949. var IfcVolumeMeasure = class {
  8950. constructor(v) {
  8951. this.value = v;
  8952. }
  8953. };
  8954. var IfcVolumetricFlowRateMeasure = class {
  8955. constructor(v) {
  8956. this.value = v;
  8957. }
  8958. };
  8959. var IfcWarpingConstantMeasure = class {
  8960. constructor(v) {
  8961. this.value = v;
  8962. }
  8963. };
  8964. var IfcWarpingMomentMeasure = class {
  8965. constructor(v) {
  8966. this.value = v;
  8967. }
  8968. };
  8969. var IfcActionRequestTypeEnum = class {
  8970. constructor(v) {
  8971. this.value = v;
  8972. }
  8973. };
  8974. IfcActionRequestTypeEnum.EMAIL = "EMAIL";
  8975. IfcActionRequestTypeEnum.FAX = "FAX";
  8976. IfcActionRequestTypeEnum.PHONE = "PHONE";
  8977. IfcActionRequestTypeEnum.POST = "POST";
  8978. IfcActionRequestTypeEnum.VERBAL = "VERBAL";
  8979. IfcActionRequestTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  8980. IfcActionRequestTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  8981. var IfcActionSourceTypeEnum = class {
  8982. constructor(v) {
  8983. this.value = v;
  8984. }
  8985. };
  8986. IfcActionSourceTypeEnum.DEAD_LOAD_G = "DEAD_LOAD_G";
  8987. IfcActionSourceTypeEnum.COMPLETION_G1 = "COMPLETION_G1";
  8988. IfcActionSourceTypeEnum.LIVE_LOAD_Q = "LIVE_LOAD_Q";
  8989. IfcActionSourceTypeEnum.SNOW_S = "SNOW_S";
  8990. IfcActionSourceTypeEnum.WIND_W = "WIND_W";
  8991. IfcActionSourceTypeEnum.PRESTRESSING_P = "PRESTRESSING_P";
  8992. IfcActionSourceTypeEnum.SETTLEMENT_U = "SETTLEMENT_U";
  8993. IfcActionSourceTypeEnum.TEMPERATURE_T = "TEMPERATURE_T";
  8994. IfcActionSourceTypeEnum.EARTHQUAKE_E = "EARTHQUAKE_E";
  8995. IfcActionSourceTypeEnum.FIRE = "FIRE";
  8996. IfcActionSourceTypeEnum.IMPULSE = "IMPULSE";
  8997. IfcActionSourceTypeEnum.IMPACT = "IMPACT";
  8998. IfcActionSourceTypeEnum.TRANSPORT = "TRANSPORT";
  8999. IfcActionSourceTypeEnum.ERECTION = "ERECTION";
  9000. IfcActionSourceTypeEnum.PROPPING = "PROPPING";
  9002. IfcActionSourceTypeEnum.SHRINKAGE = "SHRINKAGE";
  9003. IfcActionSourceTypeEnum.CREEP = "CREEP";
  9004. IfcActionSourceTypeEnum.LACK_OF_FIT = "LACK_OF_FIT";
  9005. IfcActionSourceTypeEnum.BUOYANCY = "BUOYANCY";
  9006. IfcActionSourceTypeEnum.ICE = "ICE";
  9007. IfcActionSourceTypeEnum.CURRENT = "CURRENT";
  9008. IfcActionSourceTypeEnum.WAVE = "WAVE";
  9009. IfcActionSourceTypeEnum.RAIN = "RAIN";
  9010. IfcActionSourceTypeEnum.BRAKES = "BRAKES";
  9011. IfcActionSourceTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  9012. IfcActionSourceTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  9013. var IfcActionTypeEnum = class {
  9014. constructor(v) {
  9015. this.value = v;
  9016. }
  9017. };
  9018. IfcActionTypeEnum.PERMANENT_G = "PERMANENT_G";
  9019. IfcActionTypeEnum.VARIABLE_Q = "VARIABLE_Q";
  9021. IfcActionTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  9022. IfcActionTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  9023. var IfcActuatorTypeEnum = class {
  9024. constructor(v) {
  9025. this.value = v;
  9026. }
  9027. };
  9033. IfcActuatorTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  9034. IfcActuatorTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  9035. var IfcAddressTypeEnum = class {
  9036. constructor(v) {
  9037. this.value = v;
  9038. }
  9039. };
  9040. IfcAddressTypeEnum.OFFICE = "OFFICE";
  9041. IfcAddressTypeEnum.SITE = "SITE";
  9042. IfcAddressTypeEnum.HOME = "HOME";
  9044. IfcAddressTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  9045. var IfcAirTerminalBoxTypeEnum = class {
  9046. constructor(v) {
  9047. this.value = v;
  9048. }
  9049. };
  9050. IfcAirTerminalBoxTypeEnum.CONSTANTFLOW = "CONSTANTFLOW";
  9053. IfcAirTerminalBoxTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  9054. IfcAirTerminalBoxTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  9055. var IfcAirTerminalTypeEnum = class {
  9056. constructor(v) {
  9057. this.value = v;
  9058. }
  9059. };
  9060. IfcAirTerminalTypeEnum.DIFFUSER = "DIFFUSER";
  9061. IfcAirTerminalTypeEnum.GRILLE = "GRILLE";
  9062. IfcAirTerminalTypeEnum.LOUVRE = "LOUVRE";
  9063. IfcAirTerminalTypeEnum.REGISTER = "REGISTER";
  9064. IfcAirTerminalTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  9065. IfcAirTerminalTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  9066. var IfcAirToAirHeatRecoveryTypeEnum = class {
  9067. constructor(v) {
  9068. this.value = v;
  9069. }
  9070. };
  9074. IfcAirToAirHeatRecoveryTypeEnum.ROTARYWHEEL = "ROTARYWHEEL";
  9076. IfcAirToAirHeatRecoveryTypeEnum.HEATPIPE = "HEATPIPE";
  9080. IfcAirToAirHeatRecoveryTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  9081. IfcAirToAirHeatRecoveryTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  9082. var IfcAlarmTypeEnum = class {
  9083. constructor(v) {
  9084. this.value = v;
  9085. }
  9086. };
  9087. IfcAlarmTypeEnum.BELL = "BELL";
  9089. IfcAlarmTypeEnum.LIGHT = "LIGHT";
  9091. IfcAlarmTypeEnum.SIREN = "SIREN";
  9092. IfcAlarmTypeEnum.WHISTLE = "WHISTLE";
  9093. IfcAlarmTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  9094. IfcAlarmTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  9095. var IfcAlignmentTypeEnum = class {
  9096. constructor(v) {
  9097. this.value = v;
  9098. }
  9099. };
  9100. IfcAlignmentTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  9101. IfcAlignmentTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  9102. var IfcAnalysisModelTypeEnum = class {
  9103. constructor(v) {
  9104. this.value = v;
  9105. }
  9106. };
  9107. IfcAnalysisModelTypeEnum.IN_PLANE_LOADING_2D = "IN_PLANE_LOADING_2D";
  9108. IfcAnalysisModelTypeEnum.OUT_PLANE_LOADING_2D = "OUT_PLANE_LOADING_2D";
  9109. IfcAnalysisModelTypeEnum.LOADING_3D = "LOADING_3D";
  9110. IfcAnalysisModelTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  9111. IfcAnalysisModelTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  9112. var IfcAnalysisTheoryTypeEnum = class {
  9113. constructor(v) {
  9114. this.value = v;
  9115. }
  9116. };
  9117. IfcAnalysisTheoryTypeEnum.FIRST_ORDER_THEORY = "FIRST_ORDER_THEORY";
  9118. IfcAnalysisTheoryTypeEnum.SECOND_ORDER_THEORY = "SECOND_ORDER_THEORY";
  9119. IfcAnalysisTheoryTypeEnum.THIRD_ORDER_THEORY = "THIRD_ORDER_THEORY";
  9121. IfcAnalysisTheoryTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  9122. IfcAnalysisTheoryTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  9123. var IfcArithmeticOperatorEnum = class {
  9124. constructor(v) {
  9125. this.value = v;
  9126. }
  9127. };
  9128. IfcArithmeticOperatorEnum.ADD = "ADD";
  9129. IfcArithmeticOperatorEnum.DIVIDE = "DIVIDE";
  9130. IfcArithmeticOperatorEnum.MULTIPLY = "MULTIPLY";
  9131. IfcArithmeticOperatorEnum.SUBTRACT = "SUBTRACT";
  9132. var IfcAssemblyPlaceEnum = class {
  9133. constructor(v) {
  9134. this.value = v;
  9135. }
  9136. };
  9137. IfcAssemblyPlaceEnum.SITE = "SITE";
  9138. IfcAssemblyPlaceEnum.FACTORY = "FACTORY";
  9139. IfcAssemblyPlaceEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  9140. var IfcAudioVisualApplianceTypeEnum = class {
  9141. constructor(v) {
  9142. this.value = v;
  9143. }
  9144. };
  9145. IfcAudioVisualApplianceTypeEnum.AMPLIFIER = "AMPLIFIER";
  9146. IfcAudioVisualApplianceTypeEnum.CAMERA = "CAMERA";
  9147. IfcAudioVisualApplianceTypeEnum.DISPLAY = "DISPLAY";
  9148. IfcAudioVisualApplianceTypeEnum.MICROPHONE = "MICROPHONE";
  9149. IfcAudioVisualApplianceTypeEnum.PLAYER = "PLAYER";
  9150. IfcAudioVisualApplianceTypeEnum.PROJECTOR = "PROJECTOR";
  9151. IfcAudioVisualApplianceTypeEnum.RECEIVER = "RECEIVER";
  9152. IfcAudioVisualApplianceTypeEnum.SPEAKER = "SPEAKER";
  9153. IfcAudioVisualApplianceTypeEnum.SWITCHER = "SWITCHER";
  9154. IfcAudioVisualApplianceTypeEnum.TELEPHONE = "TELEPHONE";
  9155. IfcAudioVisualApplianceTypeEnum.TUNER = "TUNER";
  9156. IfcAudioVisualApplianceTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  9157. IfcAudioVisualApplianceTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  9158. var IfcBSplineCurveForm = class {
  9159. constructor(v) {
  9160. this.value = v;
  9161. }
  9162. };
  9163. IfcBSplineCurveForm.POLYLINE_FORM = "POLYLINE_FORM";
  9164. IfcBSplineCurveForm.CIRCULAR_ARC = "CIRCULAR_ARC";
  9165. IfcBSplineCurveForm.ELLIPTIC_ARC = "ELLIPTIC_ARC";
  9166. IfcBSplineCurveForm.PARABOLIC_ARC = "PARABOLIC_ARC";
  9167. IfcBSplineCurveForm.HYPERBOLIC_ARC = "HYPERBOLIC_ARC";
  9168. IfcBSplineCurveForm.UNSPECIFIED = "UNSPECIFIED";
  9169. var IfcBSplineSurfaceForm = class {
  9170. constructor(v) {
  9171. this.value = v;
  9172. }
  9173. };
  9174. IfcBSplineSurfaceForm.PLANE_SURF = "PLANE_SURF";
  9176. IfcBSplineSurfaceForm.CONICAL_SURF = "CONICAL_SURF";
  9177. IfcBSplineSurfaceForm.SPHERICAL_SURF = "SPHERICAL_SURF";
  9178. IfcBSplineSurfaceForm.TOROIDAL_SURF = "TOROIDAL_SURF";
  9180. IfcBSplineSurfaceForm.RULED_SURF = "RULED_SURF";
  9182. IfcBSplineSurfaceForm.QUADRIC_SURF = "QUADRIC_SURF";
  9184. IfcBSplineSurfaceForm.UNSPECIFIED = "UNSPECIFIED";
  9185. var IfcBeamTypeEnum = class {
  9186. constructor(v) {
  9187. this.value = v;
  9188. }
  9189. };
  9190. IfcBeamTypeEnum.BEAM = "BEAM";
  9191. IfcBeamTypeEnum.JOIST = "JOIST";
  9192. IfcBeamTypeEnum.HOLLOWCORE = "HOLLOWCORE";
  9193. IfcBeamTypeEnum.LINTEL = "LINTEL";
  9194. IfcBeamTypeEnum.SPANDREL = "SPANDREL";
  9195. IfcBeamTypeEnum.T_BEAM = "T_BEAM";
  9197. IfcBeamTypeEnum.DIAPHRAGM = "DIAPHRAGM";
  9198. IfcBeamTypeEnum.PIERCAP = "PIERCAP";
  9199. IfcBeamTypeEnum.HATSTONE = "HATSTONE";
  9200. IfcBeamTypeEnum.CORNICE = "CORNICE";
  9201. IfcBeamTypeEnum.EDGEBEAM = "EDGEBEAM";
  9202. IfcBeamTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  9203. IfcBeamTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  9204. var IfcBearingTypeDisplacementEnum = class {
  9205. constructor(v) {
  9206. this.value = v;
  9207. }
  9208. };
  9209. IfcBearingTypeDisplacementEnum.FIXED_MOVEMENT = "FIXED_MOVEMENT";
  9210. IfcBearingTypeDisplacementEnum.GUIDED_LONGITUDINAL = "GUIDED_LONGITUDINAL";
  9211. IfcBearingTypeDisplacementEnum.GUIDED_TRANSVERSAL = "GUIDED_TRANSVERSAL";
  9212. IfcBearingTypeDisplacementEnum.FREE_MOVEMENT = "FREE_MOVEMENT";
  9213. IfcBearingTypeDisplacementEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  9214. var IfcBearingTypeEnum = class {
  9215. constructor(v) {
  9216. this.value = v;
  9217. }
  9218. };
  9219. IfcBearingTypeEnum.CYLINDRICAL = "CYLINDRICAL";
  9220. IfcBearingTypeEnum.SPHERICAL = "SPHERICAL";
  9221. IfcBearingTypeEnum.ELASTOMERIC = "ELASTOMERIC";
  9222. IfcBearingTypeEnum.POT = "POT";
  9223. IfcBearingTypeEnum.GUIDE = "GUIDE";
  9224. IfcBearingTypeEnum.ROCKER = "ROCKER";
  9225. IfcBearingTypeEnum.ROLLER = "ROLLER";
  9226. IfcBearingTypeEnum.DISK = "DISK";
  9227. IfcBearingTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  9228. IfcBearingTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  9229. var IfcBenchmarkEnum = class {
  9230. constructor(v) {
  9231. this.value = v;
  9232. }
  9233. };
  9234. IfcBenchmarkEnum.GREATERTHAN = "GREATERTHAN";
  9236. IfcBenchmarkEnum.LESSTHAN = "LESSTHAN";
  9238. IfcBenchmarkEnum.EQUALTO = "EQUALTO";
  9239. IfcBenchmarkEnum.NOTEQUALTO = "NOTEQUALTO";
  9240. IfcBenchmarkEnum.INCLUDES = "INCLUDES";
  9241. IfcBenchmarkEnum.NOTINCLUDES = "NOTINCLUDES";
  9242. IfcBenchmarkEnum.INCLUDEDIN = "INCLUDEDIN";
  9244. var IfcBoilerTypeEnum = class {
  9245. constructor(v) {
  9246. this.value = v;
  9247. }
  9248. };
  9249. IfcBoilerTypeEnum.WATER = "WATER";
  9250. IfcBoilerTypeEnum.STEAM = "STEAM";
  9251. IfcBoilerTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  9252. IfcBoilerTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  9253. var IfcBooleanOperator = class {
  9254. constructor(v) {
  9255. this.value = v;
  9256. }
  9257. };
  9258. IfcBooleanOperator.UNION = "UNION";
  9259. IfcBooleanOperator.INTERSECTION = "INTERSECTION";
  9260. IfcBooleanOperator.DIFFERENCE = "DIFFERENCE";
  9261. var IfcBridgePartTypeEnum = class {
  9262. constructor(v) {
  9263. this.value = v;
  9264. }
  9265. };
  9266. IfcBridgePartTypeEnum.ABUTMENT = "ABUTMENT";
  9267. IfcBridgePartTypeEnum.DECK = "DECK";
  9268. IfcBridgePartTypeEnum.DECK_SEGMENT = "DECK_SEGMENT";
  9269. IfcBridgePartTypeEnum.FOUNDATION = "FOUNDATION";
  9270. IfcBridgePartTypeEnum.PIER = "PIER";
  9271. IfcBridgePartTypeEnum.PIER_SEGMENT = "PIER_SEGMENT";
  9272. IfcBridgePartTypeEnum.PYLON = "PYLON";
  9273. IfcBridgePartTypeEnum.SUBSTRUCTURE = "SUBSTRUCTURE";
  9276. IfcBridgePartTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  9277. IfcBridgePartTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  9278. var IfcBridgeTypeEnum = class {
  9279. constructor(v) {
  9280. this.value = v;
  9281. }
  9282. };
  9283. IfcBridgeTypeEnum.ARCHED = "ARCHED";
  9284. IfcBridgeTypeEnum.CABLE_STAYED = "CABLE_STAYED";
  9285. IfcBridgeTypeEnum.CANTILEVER = "CANTILEVER";
  9286. IfcBridgeTypeEnum.CULVERT = "CULVERT";
  9287. IfcBridgeTypeEnum.FRAMEWORK = "FRAMEWORK";
  9288. IfcBridgeTypeEnum.GIRDER = "GIRDER";
  9289. IfcBridgeTypeEnum.SUSPENSION = "SUSPENSION";
  9290. IfcBridgeTypeEnum.TRUSS = "TRUSS";
  9291. IfcBridgeTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  9292. IfcBridgeTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  9293. var IfcBuildingElementPartTypeEnum = class {
  9294. constructor(v) {
  9295. this.value = v;
  9296. }
  9297. };
  9298. IfcBuildingElementPartTypeEnum.INSULATION = "INSULATION";
  9299. IfcBuildingElementPartTypeEnum.PRECASTPANEL = "PRECASTPANEL";
  9300. IfcBuildingElementPartTypeEnum.APRON = "APRON";
  9301. IfcBuildingElementPartTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  9302. IfcBuildingElementPartTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  9303. var IfcBuildingElementProxyTypeEnum = class {
  9304. constructor(v) {
  9305. this.value = v;
  9306. }
  9307. };
  9308. IfcBuildingElementProxyTypeEnum.COMPLEX = "COMPLEX";
  9309. IfcBuildingElementProxyTypeEnum.ELEMENT = "ELEMENT";
  9310. IfcBuildingElementProxyTypeEnum.PARTIAL = "PARTIAL";
  9311. IfcBuildingElementProxyTypeEnum.PROVISIONFORVOID = "PROVISIONFORVOID";
  9312. IfcBuildingElementProxyTypeEnum.PROVISIONFORSPACE = "PROVISIONFORSPACE";
  9313. IfcBuildingElementProxyTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  9314. IfcBuildingElementProxyTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  9315. var IfcBuildingSystemTypeEnum = class {
  9316. constructor(v) {
  9317. this.value = v;
  9318. }
  9319. };
  9320. IfcBuildingSystemTypeEnum.FENESTRATION = "FENESTRATION";
  9321. IfcBuildingSystemTypeEnum.FOUNDATION = "FOUNDATION";
  9322. IfcBuildingSystemTypeEnum.LOADBEARING = "LOADBEARING";
  9323. IfcBuildingSystemTypeEnum.OUTERSHELL = "OUTERSHELL";
  9324. IfcBuildingSystemTypeEnum.SHADING = "SHADING";
  9325. IfcBuildingSystemTypeEnum.TRANSPORT = "TRANSPORT";
  9326. IfcBuildingSystemTypeEnum.REINFORCING = "REINFORCING";
  9327. IfcBuildingSystemTypeEnum.PRESTRESSING = "PRESTRESSING";
  9328. IfcBuildingSystemTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  9329. IfcBuildingSystemTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  9330. var IfcBurnerTypeEnum = class {
  9331. constructor(v) {
  9332. this.value = v;
  9333. }
  9334. };
  9335. IfcBurnerTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  9336. IfcBurnerTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  9337. var IfcCableCarrierFittingTypeEnum = class {
  9338. constructor(v) {
  9339. this.value = v;
  9340. }
  9341. };
  9342. IfcCableCarrierFittingTypeEnum.BEND = "BEND";
  9343. IfcCableCarrierFittingTypeEnum.CROSS = "CROSS";
  9344. IfcCableCarrierFittingTypeEnum.REDUCER = "REDUCER";
  9345. IfcCableCarrierFittingTypeEnum.TEE = "TEE";
  9346. IfcCableCarrierFittingTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  9347. IfcCableCarrierFittingTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  9348. var IfcCableCarrierSegmentTypeEnum = class {
  9349. constructor(v) {
  9350. this.value = v;
  9351. }
  9352. };
  9354. IfcCableCarrierSegmentTypeEnum.CABLETRAYSEGMENT = "CABLETRAYSEGMENT";
  9356. IfcCableCarrierSegmentTypeEnum.CONDUITSEGMENT = "CONDUITSEGMENT";
  9357. IfcCableCarrierSegmentTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  9358. IfcCableCarrierSegmentTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  9359. var IfcCableFittingTypeEnum = class {
  9360. constructor(v) {
  9361. this.value = v;
  9362. }
  9363. };
  9364. IfcCableFittingTypeEnum.CONNECTOR = "CONNECTOR";
  9365. IfcCableFittingTypeEnum.ENTRY = "ENTRY";
  9366. IfcCableFittingTypeEnum.EXIT = "EXIT";
  9367. IfcCableFittingTypeEnum.JUNCTION = "JUNCTION";
  9368. IfcCableFittingTypeEnum.TRANSITION = "TRANSITION";
  9369. IfcCableFittingTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  9370. IfcCableFittingTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  9371. var IfcCableSegmentTypeEnum = class {
  9372. constructor(v) {
  9373. this.value = v;
  9374. }
  9375. };
  9376. IfcCableSegmentTypeEnum.BUSBARSEGMENT = "BUSBARSEGMENT";
  9377. IfcCableSegmentTypeEnum.CABLESEGMENT = "CABLESEGMENT";
  9379. IfcCableSegmentTypeEnum.CORESEGMENT = "CORESEGMENT";
  9380. IfcCableSegmentTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  9381. IfcCableSegmentTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  9382. var IfcCaissonFoundationTypeEnum = class {
  9383. constructor(v) {
  9384. this.value = v;
  9385. }
  9386. };
  9387. IfcCaissonFoundationTypeEnum.WELL = "WELL";
  9388. IfcCaissonFoundationTypeEnum.CAISSON = "CAISSON";
  9389. IfcCaissonFoundationTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  9390. IfcCaissonFoundationTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  9391. var IfcChangeActionEnum = class {
  9392. constructor(v) {
  9393. this.value = v;
  9394. }
  9395. };
  9396. IfcChangeActionEnum.NOCHANGE = "NOCHANGE";
  9397. IfcChangeActionEnum.MODIFIED = "MODIFIED";
  9398. IfcChangeActionEnum.ADDED = "ADDED";
  9399. IfcChangeActionEnum.DELETED = "DELETED";
  9400. IfcChangeActionEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  9401. var IfcChillerTypeEnum = class {
  9402. constructor(v) {
  9403. this.value = v;
  9404. }
  9405. };
  9406. IfcChillerTypeEnum.AIRCOOLED = "AIRCOOLED";
  9407. IfcChillerTypeEnum.WATERCOOLED = "WATERCOOLED";
  9408. IfcChillerTypeEnum.HEATRECOVERY = "HEATRECOVERY";
  9409. IfcChillerTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  9410. IfcChillerTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  9411. var IfcChimneyTypeEnum = class {
  9412. constructor(v) {
  9413. this.value = v;
  9414. }
  9415. };
  9416. IfcChimneyTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  9417. IfcChimneyTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  9418. var IfcCoilTypeEnum = class {
  9419. constructor(v) {
  9420. this.value = v;
  9421. }
  9422. };
  9430. IfcCoilTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  9431. IfcCoilTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  9432. var IfcColumnTypeEnum = class {
  9433. constructor(v) {
  9434. this.value = v;
  9435. }
  9436. };
  9437. IfcColumnTypeEnum.COLUMN = "COLUMN";
  9438. IfcColumnTypeEnum.PILASTER = "PILASTER";
  9439. IfcColumnTypeEnum.PIERSTEM = "PIERSTEM";
  9441. IfcColumnTypeEnum.STANDCOLUMN = "STANDCOLUMN";
  9442. IfcColumnTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  9443. IfcColumnTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  9444. var IfcCommunicationsApplianceTypeEnum = class {
  9445. constructor(v) {
  9446. this.value = v;
  9447. }
  9448. };
  9449. IfcCommunicationsApplianceTypeEnum.ANTENNA = "ANTENNA";
  9450. IfcCommunicationsApplianceTypeEnum.COMPUTER = "COMPUTER";
  9451. IfcCommunicationsApplianceTypeEnum.FAX = "FAX";
  9452. IfcCommunicationsApplianceTypeEnum.GATEWAY = "GATEWAY";
  9453. IfcCommunicationsApplianceTypeEnum.MODEM = "MODEM";
  9454. IfcCommunicationsApplianceTypeEnum.NETWORKAPPLIANCE = "NETWORKAPPLIANCE";
  9455. IfcCommunicationsApplianceTypeEnum.NETWORKBRIDGE = "NETWORKBRIDGE";
  9456. IfcCommunicationsApplianceTypeEnum.NETWORKHUB = "NETWORKHUB";
  9457. IfcCommunicationsApplianceTypeEnum.PRINTER = "PRINTER";
  9458. IfcCommunicationsApplianceTypeEnum.REPEATER = "REPEATER";
  9459. IfcCommunicationsApplianceTypeEnum.ROUTER = "ROUTER";
  9460. IfcCommunicationsApplianceTypeEnum.SCANNER = "SCANNER";
  9461. IfcCommunicationsApplianceTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  9462. IfcCommunicationsApplianceTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  9463. var IfcComplexPropertyTemplateTypeEnum = class {
  9464. constructor(v) {
  9465. this.value = v;
  9466. }
  9467. };
  9468. IfcComplexPropertyTemplateTypeEnum.P_COMPLEX = "P_COMPLEX";
  9469. IfcComplexPropertyTemplateTypeEnum.Q_COMPLEX = "Q_COMPLEX";
  9470. var IfcCompressorTypeEnum = class {
  9471. constructor(v) {
  9472. this.value = v;
  9473. }
  9474. };
  9475. IfcCompressorTypeEnum.DYNAMIC = "DYNAMIC";
  9476. IfcCompressorTypeEnum.RECIPROCATING = "RECIPROCATING";
  9477. IfcCompressorTypeEnum.ROTARY = "ROTARY";
  9478. IfcCompressorTypeEnum.SCROLL = "SCROLL";
  9479. IfcCompressorTypeEnum.TROCHOIDAL = "TROCHOIDAL";
  9480. IfcCompressorTypeEnum.SINGLESTAGE = "SINGLESTAGE";
  9481. IfcCompressorTypeEnum.BOOSTER = "BOOSTER";
  9482. IfcCompressorTypeEnum.OPENTYPE = "OPENTYPE";
  9483. IfcCompressorTypeEnum.HERMETIC = "HERMETIC";
  9484. IfcCompressorTypeEnum.SEMIHERMETIC = "SEMIHERMETIC";
  9486. IfcCompressorTypeEnum.ROLLINGPISTON = "ROLLINGPISTON";
  9487. IfcCompressorTypeEnum.ROTARYVANE = "ROTARYVANE";
  9488. IfcCompressorTypeEnum.SINGLESCREW = "SINGLESCREW";
  9489. IfcCompressorTypeEnum.TWINSCREW = "TWINSCREW";
  9490. IfcCompressorTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  9491. IfcCompressorTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  9492. var IfcCondenserTypeEnum = class {
  9493. constructor(v) {
  9494. this.value = v;
  9495. }
  9496. };
  9497. IfcCondenserTypeEnum.AIRCOOLED = "AIRCOOLED";
  9499. IfcCondenserTypeEnum.WATERCOOLED = "WATERCOOLED";
  9504. IfcCondenserTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  9505. IfcCondenserTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  9506. var IfcConnectionTypeEnum = class {
  9507. constructor(v) {
  9508. this.value = v;
  9509. }
  9510. };
  9511. IfcConnectionTypeEnum.ATPATH = "ATPATH";
  9512. IfcConnectionTypeEnum.ATSTART = "ATSTART";
  9513. IfcConnectionTypeEnum.ATEND = "ATEND";
  9514. IfcConnectionTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  9515. var IfcConstraintEnum = class {
  9516. constructor(v) {
  9517. this.value = v;
  9518. }
  9519. };
  9520. IfcConstraintEnum.HARD = "HARD";
  9521. IfcConstraintEnum.SOFT = "SOFT";
  9522. IfcConstraintEnum.ADVISORY = "ADVISORY";
  9523. IfcConstraintEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  9524. IfcConstraintEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  9525. var IfcConstructionEquipmentResourceTypeEnum = class {
  9526. constructor(v) {
  9527. this.value = v;
  9528. }
  9529. };
  9530. IfcConstructionEquipmentResourceTypeEnum.DEMOLISHING = "DEMOLISHING";
  9531. IfcConstructionEquipmentResourceTypeEnum.EARTHMOVING = "EARTHMOVING";
  9532. IfcConstructionEquipmentResourceTypeEnum.ERECTING = "ERECTING";
  9533. IfcConstructionEquipmentResourceTypeEnum.HEATING = "HEATING";
  9534. IfcConstructionEquipmentResourceTypeEnum.LIGHTING = "LIGHTING";
  9535. IfcConstructionEquipmentResourceTypeEnum.PAVING = "PAVING";
  9536. IfcConstructionEquipmentResourceTypeEnum.PUMPING = "PUMPING";
  9537. IfcConstructionEquipmentResourceTypeEnum.TRANSPORTING = "TRANSPORTING";
  9538. IfcConstructionEquipmentResourceTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  9539. IfcConstructionEquipmentResourceTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  9540. var IfcConstructionMaterialResourceTypeEnum = class {
  9541. constructor(v) {
  9542. this.value = v;
  9543. }
  9544. };
  9545. IfcConstructionMaterialResourceTypeEnum.AGGREGATES = "AGGREGATES";
  9546. IfcConstructionMaterialResourceTypeEnum.CONCRETE = "CONCRETE";
  9547. IfcConstructionMaterialResourceTypeEnum.DRYWALL = "DRYWALL";
  9548. IfcConstructionMaterialResourceTypeEnum.FUEL = "FUEL";
  9549. IfcConstructionMaterialResourceTypeEnum.GYPSUM = "GYPSUM";
  9550. IfcConstructionMaterialResourceTypeEnum.MASONRY = "MASONRY";
  9551. IfcConstructionMaterialResourceTypeEnum.METAL = "METAL";
  9552. IfcConstructionMaterialResourceTypeEnum.PLASTIC = "PLASTIC";
  9553. IfcConstructionMaterialResourceTypeEnum.WOOD = "WOOD";
  9554. IfcConstructionMaterialResourceTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  9555. IfcConstructionMaterialResourceTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  9556. var IfcConstructionProductResourceTypeEnum = class {
  9557. constructor(v) {
  9558. this.value = v;
  9559. }
  9560. };
  9561. IfcConstructionProductResourceTypeEnum.ASSEMBLY = "ASSEMBLY";
  9562. IfcConstructionProductResourceTypeEnum.FORMWORK = "FORMWORK";
  9563. IfcConstructionProductResourceTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  9564. IfcConstructionProductResourceTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  9565. var IfcControllerTypeEnum = class {
  9566. constructor(v) {
  9567. this.value = v;
  9568. }
  9569. };
  9570. IfcControllerTypeEnum.FLOATING = "FLOATING";
  9571. IfcControllerTypeEnum.PROGRAMMABLE = "PROGRAMMABLE";
  9572. IfcControllerTypeEnum.PROPORTIONAL = "PROPORTIONAL";
  9573. IfcControllerTypeEnum.MULTIPOSITION = "MULTIPOSITION";
  9574. IfcControllerTypeEnum.TWOPOSITION = "TWOPOSITION";
  9575. IfcControllerTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  9576. IfcControllerTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  9577. var IfcCooledBeamTypeEnum = class {
  9578. constructor(v) {
  9579. this.value = v;
  9580. }
  9581. };
  9582. IfcCooledBeamTypeEnum.ACTIVE = "ACTIVE";
  9583. IfcCooledBeamTypeEnum.PASSIVE = "PASSIVE";
  9584. IfcCooledBeamTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  9585. IfcCooledBeamTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  9586. var IfcCoolingTowerTypeEnum = class {
  9587. constructor(v) {
  9588. this.value = v;
  9589. }
  9590. };
  9591. IfcCoolingTowerTypeEnum.NATURALDRAFT = "NATURALDRAFT";
  9594. IfcCoolingTowerTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  9595. IfcCoolingTowerTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  9596. var IfcCostItemTypeEnum = class {
  9597. constructor(v) {
  9598. this.value = v;
  9599. }
  9600. };
  9601. IfcCostItemTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  9602. IfcCostItemTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  9603. var IfcCostScheduleTypeEnum = class {
  9604. constructor(v) {
  9605. this.value = v;
  9606. }
  9607. };
  9608. IfcCostScheduleTypeEnum.BUDGET = "BUDGET";
  9609. IfcCostScheduleTypeEnum.COSTPLAN = "COSTPLAN";
  9610. IfcCostScheduleTypeEnum.ESTIMATE = "ESTIMATE";
  9611. IfcCostScheduleTypeEnum.TENDER = "TENDER";
  9615. IfcCostScheduleTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  9616. IfcCostScheduleTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  9617. var IfcCoveringTypeEnum = class {
  9618. constructor(v) {
  9619. this.value = v;
  9620. }
  9621. };
  9622. IfcCoveringTypeEnum.CEILING = "CEILING";
  9623. IfcCoveringTypeEnum.FLOORING = "FLOORING";
  9624. IfcCoveringTypeEnum.CLADDING = "CLADDING";
  9625. IfcCoveringTypeEnum.ROOFING = "ROOFING";
  9626. IfcCoveringTypeEnum.MOLDING = "MOLDING";
  9627. IfcCoveringTypeEnum.SKIRTINGBOARD = "SKIRTINGBOARD";
  9628. IfcCoveringTypeEnum.INSULATION = "INSULATION";
  9629. IfcCoveringTypeEnum.MEMBRANE = "MEMBRANE";
  9630. IfcCoveringTypeEnum.SLEEVING = "SLEEVING";
  9631. IfcCoveringTypeEnum.WRAPPING = "WRAPPING";
  9632. IfcCoveringTypeEnum.COPING = "COPING";
  9633. IfcCoveringTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  9634. IfcCoveringTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  9635. var IfcCrewResourceTypeEnum = class {
  9636. constructor(v) {
  9637. this.value = v;
  9638. }
  9639. };
  9640. IfcCrewResourceTypeEnum.OFFICE = "OFFICE";
  9641. IfcCrewResourceTypeEnum.SITE = "SITE";
  9642. IfcCrewResourceTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  9643. IfcCrewResourceTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  9644. var IfcCurtainWallTypeEnum = class {
  9645. constructor(v) {
  9646. this.value = v;
  9647. }
  9648. };
  9649. IfcCurtainWallTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  9650. IfcCurtainWallTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  9651. var IfcCurveInterpolationEnum = class {
  9652. constructor(v) {
  9653. this.value = v;
  9654. }
  9655. };
  9656. IfcCurveInterpolationEnum.LINEAR = "LINEAR";
  9657. IfcCurveInterpolationEnum.LOG_LINEAR = "LOG_LINEAR";
  9658. IfcCurveInterpolationEnum.LOG_LOG = "LOG_LOG";
  9659. IfcCurveInterpolationEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  9660. var IfcDamperTypeEnum = class {
  9661. constructor(v) {
  9662. this.value = v;
  9663. }
  9664. };
  9667. IfcDamperTypeEnum.BLASTDAMPER = "BLASTDAMPER";
  9669. IfcDamperTypeEnum.FIREDAMPER = "FIREDAMPER";
  9674. IfcDamperTypeEnum.RELIEFDAMPER = "RELIEFDAMPER";
  9675. IfcDamperTypeEnum.SMOKEDAMPER = "SMOKEDAMPER";
  9676. IfcDamperTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  9677. IfcDamperTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  9678. var IfcDataOriginEnum = class {
  9679. constructor(v) {
  9680. this.value = v;
  9681. }
  9682. };
  9683. IfcDataOriginEnum.MEASURED = "MEASURED";
  9684. IfcDataOriginEnum.PREDICTED = "PREDICTED";
  9685. IfcDataOriginEnum.SIMULATED = "SIMULATED";
  9686. IfcDataOriginEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  9687. IfcDataOriginEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  9688. var IfcDerivedUnitEnum = class {
  9689. constructor(v) {
  9690. this.value = v;
  9691. }
  9692. };
  9714. IfcDerivedUnitEnum.TORQUEUNIT = "TORQUEUNIT";
  9732. IfcDerivedUnitEnum.PHUNIT = "PHUNIT";
  9745. IfcDerivedUnitEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  9746. var IfcDirectionSenseEnum = class {
  9747. constructor(v) {
  9748. this.value = v;
  9749. }
  9750. };
  9751. IfcDirectionSenseEnum.POSITIVE = "POSITIVE";
  9752. IfcDirectionSenseEnum.NEGATIVE = "NEGATIVE";
  9753. var IfcDiscreteAccessoryTypeEnum = class {
  9754. constructor(v) {
  9755. this.value = v;
  9756. }
  9757. };
  9758. IfcDiscreteAccessoryTypeEnum.ANCHORPLATE = "ANCHORPLATE";
  9759. IfcDiscreteAccessoryTypeEnum.BRACKET = "BRACKET";
  9760. IfcDiscreteAccessoryTypeEnum.SHOE = "SHOE";
  9762. IfcDiscreteAccessoryTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  9763. IfcDiscreteAccessoryTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  9764. var IfcDistributionChamberElementTypeEnum = class {
  9765. constructor(v) {
  9766. this.value = v;
  9767. }
  9768. };
  9769. IfcDistributionChamberElementTypeEnum.FORMEDDUCT = "FORMEDDUCT";
  9770. IfcDistributionChamberElementTypeEnum.INSPECTIONCHAMBER = "INSPECTIONCHAMBER";
  9771. IfcDistributionChamberElementTypeEnum.INSPECTIONPIT = "INSPECTIONPIT";
  9772. IfcDistributionChamberElementTypeEnum.MANHOLE = "MANHOLE";
  9773. IfcDistributionChamberElementTypeEnum.METERCHAMBER = "METERCHAMBER";
  9774. IfcDistributionChamberElementTypeEnum.SUMP = "SUMP";
  9775. IfcDistributionChamberElementTypeEnum.TRENCH = "TRENCH";
  9776. IfcDistributionChamberElementTypeEnum.VALVECHAMBER = "VALVECHAMBER";
  9777. IfcDistributionChamberElementTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  9778. IfcDistributionChamberElementTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  9779. var IfcDistributionPortTypeEnum = class {
  9780. constructor(v) {
  9781. this.value = v;
  9782. }
  9783. };
  9784. IfcDistributionPortTypeEnum.CABLE = "CABLE";
  9785. IfcDistributionPortTypeEnum.CABLECARRIER = "CABLECARRIER";
  9786. IfcDistributionPortTypeEnum.DUCT = "DUCT";
  9787. IfcDistributionPortTypeEnum.PIPE = "PIPE";
  9788. IfcDistributionPortTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  9789. IfcDistributionPortTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  9790. var IfcDistributionSystemEnum = class {
  9791. constructor(v) {
  9792. this.value = v;
  9793. }
  9794. };
  9795. IfcDistributionSystemEnum.AIRCONDITIONING = "AIRCONDITIONING";
  9796. IfcDistributionSystemEnum.AUDIOVISUAL = "AUDIOVISUAL";
  9797. IfcDistributionSystemEnum.CHEMICAL = "CHEMICAL";
  9798. IfcDistributionSystemEnum.CHILLEDWATER = "CHILLEDWATER";
  9799. IfcDistributionSystemEnum.COMMUNICATION = "COMMUNICATION";
  9800. IfcDistributionSystemEnum.COMPRESSEDAIR = "COMPRESSEDAIR";
  9801. IfcDistributionSystemEnum.CONDENSERWATER = "CONDENSERWATER";
  9802. IfcDistributionSystemEnum.CONTROL = "CONTROL";
  9803. IfcDistributionSystemEnum.CONVEYING = "CONVEYING";
  9804. IfcDistributionSystemEnum.DATA = "DATA";
  9805. IfcDistributionSystemEnum.DISPOSAL = "DISPOSAL";
  9807. IfcDistributionSystemEnum.DOMESTICHOTWATER = "DOMESTICHOTWATER";
  9808. IfcDistributionSystemEnum.DRAINAGE = "DRAINAGE";
  9809. IfcDistributionSystemEnum.EARTHING = "EARTHING";
  9810. IfcDistributionSystemEnum.ELECTRICAL = "ELECTRICAL";
  9811. IfcDistributionSystemEnum.ELECTROACOUSTIC = "ELECTROACOUSTIC";
  9812. IfcDistributionSystemEnum.EXHAUST = "EXHAUST";
  9813. IfcDistributionSystemEnum.FIREPROTECTION = "FIREPROTECTION";
  9814. IfcDistributionSystemEnum.FUEL = "FUEL";
  9815. IfcDistributionSystemEnum.GAS = "GAS";
  9816. IfcDistributionSystemEnum.HAZARDOUS = "HAZARDOUS";
  9817. IfcDistributionSystemEnum.HEATING = "HEATING";
  9818. IfcDistributionSystemEnum.LIGHTING = "LIGHTING";
  9821. IfcDistributionSystemEnum.OIL = "OIL";
  9822. IfcDistributionSystemEnum.OPERATIONAL = "OPERATIONAL";
  9823. IfcDistributionSystemEnum.POWERGENERATION = "POWERGENERATION";
  9824. IfcDistributionSystemEnum.RAINWATER = "RAINWATER";
  9825. IfcDistributionSystemEnum.REFRIGERATION = "REFRIGERATION";
  9826. IfcDistributionSystemEnum.SECURITY = "SECURITY";
  9827. IfcDistributionSystemEnum.SEWAGE = "SEWAGE";
  9828. IfcDistributionSystemEnum.SIGNAL = "SIGNAL";
  9829. IfcDistributionSystemEnum.STORMWATER = "STORMWATER";
  9830. IfcDistributionSystemEnum.TELEPHONE = "TELEPHONE";
  9831. IfcDistributionSystemEnum.TV = "TV";
  9832. IfcDistributionSystemEnum.VACUUM = "VACUUM";
  9833. IfcDistributionSystemEnum.VENT = "VENT";
  9834. IfcDistributionSystemEnum.VENTILATION = "VENTILATION";
  9835. IfcDistributionSystemEnum.WASTEWATER = "WASTEWATER";
  9836. IfcDistributionSystemEnum.WATERSUPPLY = "WATERSUPPLY";
  9837. IfcDistributionSystemEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  9838. IfcDistributionSystemEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  9839. var IfcDocumentConfidentialityEnum = class {
  9840. constructor(v) {
  9841. this.value = v;
  9842. }
  9843. };
  9844. IfcDocumentConfidentialityEnum.PUBLIC = "PUBLIC";
  9845. IfcDocumentConfidentialityEnum.RESTRICTED = "RESTRICTED";
  9846. IfcDocumentConfidentialityEnum.CONFIDENTIAL = "CONFIDENTIAL";
  9847. IfcDocumentConfidentialityEnum.PERSONAL = "PERSONAL";
  9848. IfcDocumentConfidentialityEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  9849. IfcDocumentConfidentialityEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  9850. var IfcDocumentStatusEnum = class {
  9851. constructor(v) {
  9852. this.value = v;
  9853. }
  9854. };
  9855. IfcDocumentStatusEnum.DRAFT = "DRAFT";
  9856. IfcDocumentStatusEnum.FINALDRAFT = "FINALDRAFT";
  9857. IfcDocumentStatusEnum.FINAL = "FINAL";
  9858. IfcDocumentStatusEnum.REVISION = "REVISION";
  9859. IfcDocumentStatusEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  9860. var IfcDoorPanelOperationEnum = class {
  9861. constructor(v) {
  9862. this.value = v;
  9863. }
  9864. };
  9865. IfcDoorPanelOperationEnum.SWINGING = "SWINGING";
  9866. IfcDoorPanelOperationEnum.DOUBLE_ACTING = "DOUBLE_ACTING";
  9867. IfcDoorPanelOperationEnum.SLIDING = "SLIDING";
  9868. IfcDoorPanelOperationEnum.FOLDING = "FOLDING";
  9869. IfcDoorPanelOperationEnum.REVOLVING = "REVOLVING";
  9870. IfcDoorPanelOperationEnum.ROLLINGUP = "ROLLINGUP";
  9871. IfcDoorPanelOperationEnum.FIXEDPANEL = "FIXEDPANEL";
  9872. IfcDoorPanelOperationEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  9873. IfcDoorPanelOperationEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  9874. var IfcDoorPanelPositionEnum = class {
  9875. constructor(v) {
  9876. this.value = v;
  9877. }
  9878. };
  9879. IfcDoorPanelPositionEnum.LEFT = "LEFT";
  9880. IfcDoorPanelPositionEnum.MIDDLE = "MIDDLE";
  9881. IfcDoorPanelPositionEnum.RIGHT = "RIGHT";
  9882. IfcDoorPanelPositionEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  9883. var IfcDoorStyleConstructionEnum = class {
  9884. constructor(v) {
  9885. this.value = v;
  9886. }
  9887. };
  9888. IfcDoorStyleConstructionEnum.ALUMINIUM = "ALUMINIUM";
  9889. IfcDoorStyleConstructionEnum.HIGH_GRADE_STEEL = "HIGH_GRADE_STEEL";
  9890. IfcDoorStyleConstructionEnum.STEEL = "STEEL";
  9891. IfcDoorStyleConstructionEnum.WOOD = "WOOD";
  9892. IfcDoorStyleConstructionEnum.ALUMINIUM_WOOD = "ALUMINIUM_WOOD";
  9893. IfcDoorStyleConstructionEnum.ALUMINIUM_PLASTIC = "ALUMINIUM_PLASTIC";
  9894. IfcDoorStyleConstructionEnum.PLASTIC = "PLASTIC";
  9895. IfcDoorStyleConstructionEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  9896. IfcDoorStyleConstructionEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  9897. var IfcDoorStyleOperationEnum = class {
  9898. constructor(v) {
  9899. this.value = v;
  9900. }
  9901. };
  9902. IfcDoorStyleOperationEnum.SINGLE_SWING_LEFT = "SINGLE_SWING_LEFT";
  9903. IfcDoorStyleOperationEnum.SINGLE_SWING_RIGHT = "SINGLE_SWING_RIGHT";
  9907. IfcDoorStyleOperationEnum.DOUBLE_SWING_LEFT = "DOUBLE_SWING_LEFT";
  9908. IfcDoorStyleOperationEnum.DOUBLE_SWING_RIGHT = "DOUBLE_SWING_RIGHT";
  9910. IfcDoorStyleOperationEnum.SLIDING_TO_LEFT = "SLIDING_TO_LEFT";
  9911. IfcDoorStyleOperationEnum.SLIDING_TO_RIGHT = "SLIDING_TO_RIGHT";
  9912. IfcDoorStyleOperationEnum.DOUBLE_DOOR_SLIDING = "DOUBLE_DOOR_SLIDING";
  9913. IfcDoorStyleOperationEnum.FOLDING_TO_LEFT = "FOLDING_TO_LEFT";
  9914. IfcDoorStyleOperationEnum.FOLDING_TO_RIGHT = "FOLDING_TO_RIGHT";
  9915. IfcDoorStyleOperationEnum.DOUBLE_DOOR_FOLDING = "DOUBLE_DOOR_FOLDING";
  9916. IfcDoorStyleOperationEnum.REVOLVING = "REVOLVING";
  9917. IfcDoorStyleOperationEnum.ROLLINGUP = "ROLLINGUP";
  9918. IfcDoorStyleOperationEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  9919. IfcDoorStyleOperationEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  9920. var IfcDoorTypeEnum = class {
  9921. constructor(v) {
  9922. this.value = v;
  9923. }
  9924. };
  9925. IfcDoorTypeEnum.DOOR = "DOOR";
  9926. IfcDoorTypeEnum.GATE = "GATE";
  9927. IfcDoorTypeEnum.TRAPDOOR = "TRAPDOOR";
  9928. IfcDoorTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  9929. IfcDoorTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  9930. var IfcDoorTypeOperationEnum = class {
  9931. constructor(v) {
  9932. this.value = v;
  9933. }
  9934. };
  9935. IfcDoorTypeOperationEnum.SINGLE_SWING_LEFT = "SINGLE_SWING_LEFT";
  9936. IfcDoorTypeOperationEnum.SINGLE_SWING_RIGHT = "SINGLE_SWING_RIGHT";
  9940. IfcDoorTypeOperationEnum.DOUBLE_SWING_LEFT = "DOUBLE_SWING_LEFT";
  9941. IfcDoorTypeOperationEnum.DOUBLE_SWING_RIGHT = "DOUBLE_SWING_RIGHT";
  9943. IfcDoorTypeOperationEnum.SLIDING_TO_LEFT = "SLIDING_TO_LEFT";
  9944. IfcDoorTypeOperationEnum.SLIDING_TO_RIGHT = "SLIDING_TO_RIGHT";
  9946. IfcDoorTypeOperationEnum.FOLDING_TO_LEFT = "FOLDING_TO_LEFT";
  9947. IfcDoorTypeOperationEnum.FOLDING_TO_RIGHT = "FOLDING_TO_RIGHT";
  9949. IfcDoorTypeOperationEnum.REVOLVING = "REVOLVING";
  9950. IfcDoorTypeOperationEnum.ROLLINGUP = "ROLLINGUP";
  9951. IfcDoorTypeOperationEnum.SWING_FIXED_LEFT = "SWING_FIXED_LEFT";
  9952. IfcDoorTypeOperationEnum.SWING_FIXED_RIGHT = "SWING_FIXED_RIGHT";
  9953. IfcDoorTypeOperationEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  9954. IfcDoorTypeOperationEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  9955. var IfcDuctFittingTypeEnum = class {
  9956. constructor(v) {
  9957. this.value = v;
  9958. }
  9959. };
  9960. IfcDuctFittingTypeEnum.BEND = "BEND";
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  9967. IfcDuctFittingTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  9968. IfcDuctFittingTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  9969. var IfcDuctSegmentTypeEnum = class {
  9970. constructor(v) {
  9971. this.value = v;
  9972. }
  9973. };
  9974. IfcDuctSegmentTypeEnum.RIGIDSEGMENT = "RIGIDSEGMENT";
  9976. IfcDuctSegmentTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  9977. IfcDuctSegmentTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  9978. var IfcDuctSilencerTypeEnum = class {
  9979. constructor(v) {
  9980. this.value = v;
  9981. }
  9982. };
  9983. IfcDuctSilencerTypeEnum.FLATOVAL = "FLATOVAL";
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  9986. IfcDuctSilencerTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  9987. IfcDuctSilencerTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  9988. var IfcElectricApplianceTypeEnum = class {
  9989. constructor(v) {
  9990. this.value = v;
  9991. }
  9992. };
  9993. IfcElectricApplianceTypeEnum.DISHWASHER = "DISHWASHER";
  9994. IfcElectricApplianceTypeEnum.ELECTRICCOOKER = "ELECTRICCOOKER";
  9996. IfcElectricApplianceTypeEnum.FREESTANDINGFAN = "FREESTANDINGFAN";
  9999. IfcElectricApplianceTypeEnum.FREEZER = "FREEZER";
  10000. IfcElectricApplianceTypeEnum.FRIDGE_FREEZER = "FRIDGE_FREEZER";
  10001. IfcElectricApplianceTypeEnum.HANDDRYER = "HANDDRYER";
  10002. IfcElectricApplianceTypeEnum.KITCHENMACHINE = "KITCHENMACHINE";
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  10007. IfcElectricApplianceTypeEnum.VENDINGMACHINE = "VENDINGMACHINE";
  10008. IfcElectricApplianceTypeEnum.WASHINGMACHINE = "WASHINGMACHINE";
  10009. IfcElectricApplianceTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  10010. IfcElectricApplianceTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  10011. var IfcElectricDistributionBoardTypeEnum = class {
  10012. constructor(v) {
  10013. this.value = v;
  10014. }
  10015. };
  10016. IfcElectricDistributionBoardTypeEnum.CONSUMERUNIT = "CONSUMERUNIT";
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  10020. IfcElectricDistributionBoardTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  10021. IfcElectricDistributionBoardTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  10022. var IfcElectricFlowStorageDeviceTypeEnum = class {
  10023. constructor(v) {
  10024. this.value = v;
  10025. }
  10026. };
  10027. IfcElectricFlowStorageDeviceTypeEnum.BATTERY = "BATTERY";
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  10030. IfcElectricFlowStorageDeviceTypeEnum.INDUCTORBANK = "INDUCTORBANK";
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  10032. IfcElectricFlowStorageDeviceTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  10033. IfcElectricFlowStorageDeviceTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  10034. var IfcElectricGeneratorTypeEnum = class {
  10035. constructor(v) {
  10036. this.value = v;
  10037. }
  10038. };
  10039. IfcElectricGeneratorTypeEnum.CHP = "CHP";
  10040. IfcElectricGeneratorTypeEnum.ENGINEGENERATOR = "ENGINEGENERATOR";
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  10042. IfcElectricGeneratorTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  10043. IfcElectricGeneratorTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  10044. var IfcElectricMotorTypeEnum = class {
  10045. constructor(v) {
  10046. this.value = v;
  10047. }
  10048. };
  10049. IfcElectricMotorTypeEnum.DC = "DC";
  10050. IfcElectricMotorTypeEnum.INDUCTION = "INDUCTION";
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  10053. IfcElectricMotorTypeEnum.SYNCHRONOUS = "SYNCHRONOUS";
  10054. IfcElectricMotorTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  10055. IfcElectricMotorTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  10056. var IfcElectricTimeControlTypeEnum = class {
  10057. constructor(v) {
  10058. this.value = v;
  10059. }
  10060. };
  10061. IfcElectricTimeControlTypeEnum.TIMECLOCK = "TIMECLOCK";
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  10064. IfcElectricTimeControlTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  10065. IfcElectricTimeControlTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  10066. var IfcElementAssemblyTypeEnum = class {
  10067. constructor(v) {
  10068. this.value = v;
  10069. }
  10070. };
  10071. IfcElementAssemblyTypeEnum.ACCESSORY_ASSEMBLY = "ACCESSORY_ASSEMBLY";
  10072. IfcElementAssemblyTypeEnum.ARCH = "ARCH";
  10073. IfcElementAssemblyTypeEnum.BEAM_GRID = "BEAM_GRID";
  10074. IfcElementAssemblyTypeEnum.BRACED_FRAME = "BRACED_FRAME";
  10075. IfcElementAssemblyTypeEnum.GIRDER = "GIRDER";
  10076. IfcElementAssemblyTypeEnum.REINFORCEMENT_UNIT = "REINFORCEMENT_UNIT";
  10077. IfcElementAssemblyTypeEnum.RIGID_FRAME = "RIGID_FRAME";
  10078. IfcElementAssemblyTypeEnum.SLAB_FIELD = "SLAB_FIELD";
  10079. IfcElementAssemblyTypeEnum.TRUSS = "TRUSS";
  10080. IfcElementAssemblyTypeEnum.ABUTMENT = "ABUTMENT";
  10081. IfcElementAssemblyTypeEnum.PIER = "PIER";
  10082. IfcElementAssemblyTypeEnum.PYLON = "PYLON";
  10083. IfcElementAssemblyTypeEnum.CROSS_BRACING = "CROSS_BRACING";
  10084. IfcElementAssemblyTypeEnum.DECK = "DECK";
  10085. IfcElementAssemblyTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  10086. IfcElementAssemblyTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  10087. var IfcElementCompositionEnum = class {
  10088. constructor(v) {
  10089. this.value = v;
  10090. }
  10091. };
  10092. IfcElementCompositionEnum.COMPLEX = "COMPLEX";
  10093. IfcElementCompositionEnum.ELEMENT = "ELEMENT";
  10094. IfcElementCompositionEnum.PARTIAL = "PARTIAL";
  10095. var IfcEngineTypeEnum = class {
  10096. constructor(v) {
  10097. this.value = v;
  10098. }
  10099. };
  10102. IfcEngineTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  10103. IfcEngineTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  10104. var IfcEvaporativeCoolerTypeEnum = class {
  10105. constructor(v) {
  10106. this.value = v;
  10107. }
  10108. };
  10118. IfcEvaporativeCoolerTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  10119. IfcEvaporativeCoolerTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  10120. var IfcEvaporatorTypeEnum = class {
  10121. constructor(v) {
  10122. this.value = v;
  10123. }
  10124. };
  10130. IfcEvaporatorTypeEnum.SHELLANDCOIL = "SHELLANDCOIL";
  10131. IfcEvaporatorTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  10132. IfcEvaporatorTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  10133. var IfcEventTriggerTypeEnum = class {
  10134. constructor(v) {
  10135. this.value = v;
  10136. }
  10137. };
  10138. IfcEventTriggerTypeEnum.EVENTRULE = "EVENTRULE";
  10139. IfcEventTriggerTypeEnum.EVENTMESSAGE = "EVENTMESSAGE";
  10140. IfcEventTriggerTypeEnum.EVENTTIME = "EVENTTIME";
  10141. IfcEventTriggerTypeEnum.EVENTCOMPLEX = "EVENTCOMPLEX";
  10142. IfcEventTriggerTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  10143. IfcEventTriggerTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  10144. var IfcEventTypeEnum = class {
  10145. constructor(v) {
  10146. this.value = v;
  10147. }
  10148. };
  10149. IfcEventTypeEnum.STARTEVENT = "STARTEVENT";
  10150. IfcEventTypeEnum.ENDEVENT = "ENDEVENT";
  10152. IfcEventTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  10153. IfcEventTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  10154. var IfcExternalSpatialElementTypeEnum = class {
  10155. constructor(v) {
  10156. this.value = v;
  10157. }
  10158. };
  10159. IfcExternalSpatialElementTypeEnum.EXTERNAL = "EXTERNAL";
  10160. IfcExternalSpatialElementTypeEnum.EXTERNAL_EARTH = "EXTERNAL_EARTH";
  10161. IfcExternalSpatialElementTypeEnum.EXTERNAL_WATER = "EXTERNAL_WATER";
  10162. IfcExternalSpatialElementTypeEnum.EXTERNAL_FIRE = "EXTERNAL_FIRE";
  10163. IfcExternalSpatialElementTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  10164. IfcExternalSpatialElementTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  10165. var IfcFanTypeEnum = class {
  10166. constructor(v) {
  10167. this.value = v;
  10168. }
  10169. };
  10174. IfcFanTypeEnum.TUBEAXIAL = "TUBEAXIAL";
  10175. IfcFanTypeEnum.VANEAXIAL = "VANEAXIAL";
  10177. IfcFanTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  10178. IfcFanTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  10179. var IfcFastenerTypeEnum = class {
  10180. constructor(v) {
  10181. this.value = v;
  10182. }
  10183. };
  10184. IfcFastenerTypeEnum.GLUE = "GLUE";
  10185. IfcFastenerTypeEnum.MORTAR = "MORTAR";
  10186. IfcFastenerTypeEnum.WELD = "WELD";
  10187. IfcFastenerTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  10188. IfcFastenerTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  10189. var IfcFilterTypeEnum = class {
  10190. constructor(v) {
  10191. this.value = v;
  10192. }
  10193. };
  10196. IfcFilterTypeEnum.ODORFILTER = "ODORFILTER";
  10197. IfcFilterTypeEnum.OILFILTER = "OILFILTER";
  10198. IfcFilterTypeEnum.STRAINER = "STRAINER";
  10199. IfcFilterTypeEnum.WATERFILTER = "WATERFILTER";
  10200. IfcFilterTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  10201. IfcFilterTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  10202. var IfcFireSuppressionTerminalTypeEnum = class {
  10203. constructor(v) {
  10204. this.value = v;
  10205. }
  10206. };
  10207. IfcFireSuppressionTerminalTypeEnum.BREECHINGINLET = "BREECHINGINLET";
  10208. IfcFireSuppressionTerminalTypeEnum.FIREHYDRANT = "FIREHYDRANT";
  10209. IfcFireSuppressionTerminalTypeEnum.HOSEREEL = "HOSEREEL";
  10210. IfcFireSuppressionTerminalTypeEnum.SPRINKLER = "SPRINKLER";
  10211. IfcFireSuppressionTerminalTypeEnum.SPRINKLERDEFLECTOR = "SPRINKLERDEFLECTOR";
  10212. IfcFireSuppressionTerminalTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  10213. IfcFireSuppressionTerminalTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  10214. var IfcFlowDirectionEnum = class {
  10215. constructor(v) {
  10216. this.value = v;
  10217. }
  10218. };
  10219. IfcFlowDirectionEnum.SOURCE = "SOURCE";
  10220. IfcFlowDirectionEnum.SINK = "SINK";
  10221. IfcFlowDirectionEnum.SOURCEANDSINK = "SOURCEANDSINK";
  10222. IfcFlowDirectionEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  10223. var IfcFlowInstrumentTypeEnum = class {
  10224. constructor(v) {
  10225. this.value = v;
  10226. }
  10227. };
  10228. IfcFlowInstrumentTypeEnum.PRESSUREGAUGE = "PRESSUREGAUGE";
  10229. IfcFlowInstrumentTypeEnum.THERMOMETER = "THERMOMETER";
  10230. IfcFlowInstrumentTypeEnum.AMMETER = "AMMETER";
  10231. IfcFlowInstrumentTypeEnum.FREQUENCYMETER = "FREQUENCYMETER";
  10233. IfcFlowInstrumentTypeEnum.PHASEANGLEMETER = "PHASEANGLEMETER";
  10234. IfcFlowInstrumentTypeEnum.VOLTMETER_PEAK = "VOLTMETER_PEAK";
  10235. IfcFlowInstrumentTypeEnum.VOLTMETER_RMS = "VOLTMETER_RMS";
  10236. IfcFlowInstrumentTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  10237. IfcFlowInstrumentTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  10238. var IfcFlowMeterTypeEnum = class {
  10239. constructor(v) {
  10240. this.value = v;
  10241. }
  10242. };
  10243. IfcFlowMeterTypeEnum.ENERGYMETER = "ENERGYMETER";
  10244. IfcFlowMeterTypeEnum.GASMETER = "GASMETER";
  10245. IfcFlowMeterTypeEnum.OILMETER = "OILMETER";
  10246. IfcFlowMeterTypeEnum.WATERMETER = "WATERMETER";
  10247. IfcFlowMeterTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  10248. IfcFlowMeterTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  10249. var IfcFootingTypeEnum = class {
  10250. constructor(v) {
  10251. this.value = v;
  10252. }
  10253. };
  10255. IfcFootingTypeEnum.FOOTING_BEAM = "FOOTING_BEAM";
  10256. IfcFootingTypeEnum.PAD_FOOTING = "PAD_FOOTING";
  10257. IfcFootingTypeEnum.PILE_CAP = "PILE_CAP";
  10258. IfcFootingTypeEnum.STRIP_FOOTING = "STRIP_FOOTING";
  10259. IfcFootingTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  10260. IfcFootingTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  10261. var IfcFurnitureTypeEnum = class {
  10262. constructor(v) {
  10263. this.value = v;
  10264. }
  10265. };
  10266. IfcFurnitureTypeEnum.CHAIR = "CHAIR";
  10267. IfcFurnitureTypeEnum.TABLE = "TABLE";
  10268. IfcFurnitureTypeEnum.DESK = "DESK";
  10269. IfcFurnitureTypeEnum.BED = "BED";
  10270. IfcFurnitureTypeEnum.FILECABINET = "FILECABINET";
  10271. IfcFurnitureTypeEnum.SHELF = "SHELF";
  10272. IfcFurnitureTypeEnum.SOFA = "SOFA";
  10273. IfcFurnitureTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  10274. IfcFurnitureTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  10275. var IfcGeographicElementTypeEnum = class {
  10276. constructor(v) {
  10277. this.value = v;
  10278. }
  10279. };
  10280. IfcGeographicElementTypeEnum.TERRAIN = "TERRAIN";
  10281. IfcGeographicElementTypeEnum.SOIL_BORING_POINT = "SOIL_BORING_POINT";
  10282. IfcGeographicElementTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  10283. IfcGeographicElementTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  10284. var IfcGeometricProjectionEnum = class {
  10285. constructor(v) {
  10286. this.value = v;
  10287. }
  10288. };
  10289. IfcGeometricProjectionEnum.GRAPH_VIEW = "GRAPH_VIEW";
  10290. IfcGeometricProjectionEnum.SKETCH_VIEW = "SKETCH_VIEW";
  10291. IfcGeometricProjectionEnum.MODEL_VIEW = "MODEL_VIEW";
  10292. IfcGeometricProjectionEnum.PLAN_VIEW = "PLAN_VIEW";
  10293. IfcGeometricProjectionEnum.REFLECTED_PLAN_VIEW = "REFLECTED_PLAN_VIEW";
  10294. IfcGeometricProjectionEnum.SECTION_VIEW = "SECTION_VIEW";
  10295. IfcGeometricProjectionEnum.ELEVATION_VIEW = "ELEVATION_VIEW";
  10296. IfcGeometricProjectionEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  10297. IfcGeometricProjectionEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  10298. var IfcGlobalOrLocalEnum = class {
  10299. constructor(v) {
  10300. this.value = v;
  10301. }
  10302. };
  10303. IfcGlobalOrLocalEnum.GLOBAL_COORDS = "GLOBAL_COORDS";
  10304. IfcGlobalOrLocalEnum.LOCAL_COORDS = "LOCAL_COORDS";
  10305. var IfcGridTypeEnum = class {
  10306. constructor(v) {
  10307. this.value = v;
  10308. }
  10309. };
  10310. IfcGridTypeEnum.RECTANGULAR = "RECTANGULAR";
  10311. IfcGridTypeEnum.RADIAL = "RADIAL";
  10312. IfcGridTypeEnum.TRIANGULAR = "TRIANGULAR";
  10313. IfcGridTypeEnum.IRREGULAR = "IRREGULAR";
  10314. IfcGridTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  10315. IfcGridTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  10316. var IfcHeatExchangerTypeEnum = class {
  10317. constructor(v) {
  10318. this.value = v;
  10319. }
  10320. };
  10321. IfcHeatExchangerTypeEnum.PLATE = "PLATE";
  10322. IfcHeatExchangerTypeEnum.SHELLANDTUBE = "SHELLANDTUBE";
  10323. IfcHeatExchangerTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  10324. IfcHeatExchangerTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  10325. var IfcHumidifierTypeEnum = class {
  10326. constructor(v) {
  10327. this.value = v;
  10328. }
  10329. };
  10330. IfcHumidifierTypeEnum.STEAMINJECTION = "STEAMINJECTION";
  10332. IfcHumidifierTypeEnum.ADIABATICPAN = "ADIABATICPAN";
  10341. IfcHumidifierTypeEnum.ASSISTEDBUTANE = "ASSISTEDBUTANE";
  10342. IfcHumidifierTypeEnum.ASSISTEDSTEAM = "ASSISTEDSTEAM";
  10343. IfcHumidifierTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  10344. IfcHumidifierTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  10345. var IfcInterceptorTypeEnum = class {
  10346. constructor(v) {
  10347. this.value = v;
  10348. }
  10349. };
  10350. IfcInterceptorTypeEnum.CYCLONIC = "CYCLONIC";
  10351. IfcInterceptorTypeEnum.GREASE = "GREASE";
  10352. IfcInterceptorTypeEnum.OIL = "OIL";
  10353. IfcInterceptorTypeEnum.PETROL = "PETROL";
  10354. IfcInterceptorTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  10355. IfcInterceptorTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  10356. var IfcInternalOrExternalEnum = class {
  10357. constructor(v) {
  10358. this.value = v;
  10359. }
  10360. };
  10361. IfcInternalOrExternalEnum.INTERNAL = "INTERNAL";
  10362. IfcInternalOrExternalEnum.EXTERNAL = "EXTERNAL";
  10363. IfcInternalOrExternalEnum.EXTERNAL_EARTH = "EXTERNAL_EARTH";
  10364. IfcInternalOrExternalEnum.EXTERNAL_WATER = "EXTERNAL_WATER";
  10365. IfcInternalOrExternalEnum.EXTERNAL_FIRE = "EXTERNAL_FIRE";
  10366. IfcInternalOrExternalEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  10367. var IfcInventoryTypeEnum = class {
  10368. constructor(v) {
  10369. this.value = v;
  10370. }
  10371. };
  10372. IfcInventoryTypeEnum.ASSETINVENTORY = "ASSETINVENTORY";
  10373. IfcInventoryTypeEnum.SPACEINVENTORY = "SPACEINVENTORY";
  10375. IfcInventoryTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  10376. IfcInventoryTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  10377. var IfcJunctionBoxTypeEnum = class {
  10378. constructor(v) {
  10379. this.value = v;
  10380. }
  10381. };
  10382. IfcJunctionBoxTypeEnum.DATA = "DATA";
  10383. IfcJunctionBoxTypeEnum.POWER = "POWER";
  10384. IfcJunctionBoxTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  10385. IfcJunctionBoxTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  10386. var IfcKnotType = class {
  10387. constructor(v) {
  10388. this.value = v;
  10389. }
  10390. };
  10395. var IfcLaborResourceTypeEnum = class {
  10396. constructor(v) {
  10397. this.value = v;
  10398. }
  10399. };
  10400. IfcLaborResourceTypeEnum.ADMINISTRATION = "ADMINISTRATION";
  10401. IfcLaborResourceTypeEnum.CARPENTRY = "CARPENTRY";
  10402. IfcLaborResourceTypeEnum.CLEANING = "CLEANING";
  10403. IfcLaborResourceTypeEnum.CONCRETE = "CONCRETE";
  10404. IfcLaborResourceTypeEnum.DRYWALL = "DRYWALL";
  10405. IfcLaborResourceTypeEnum.ELECTRIC = "ELECTRIC";
  10406. IfcLaborResourceTypeEnum.FINISHING = "FINISHING";
  10407. IfcLaborResourceTypeEnum.FLOORING = "FLOORING";
  10408. IfcLaborResourceTypeEnum.GENERAL = "GENERAL";
  10409. IfcLaborResourceTypeEnum.HVAC = "HVAC";
  10410. IfcLaborResourceTypeEnum.LANDSCAPING = "LANDSCAPING";
  10411. IfcLaborResourceTypeEnum.MASONRY = "MASONRY";
  10412. IfcLaborResourceTypeEnum.PAINTING = "PAINTING";
  10413. IfcLaborResourceTypeEnum.PAVING = "PAVING";
  10414. IfcLaborResourceTypeEnum.PLUMBING = "PLUMBING";
  10415. IfcLaborResourceTypeEnum.ROOFING = "ROOFING";
  10416. IfcLaborResourceTypeEnum.SITEGRADING = "SITEGRADING";
  10417. IfcLaborResourceTypeEnum.STEELWORK = "STEELWORK";
  10418. IfcLaborResourceTypeEnum.SURVEYING = "SURVEYING";
  10419. IfcLaborResourceTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  10420. IfcLaborResourceTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  10421. var IfcLampTypeEnum = class {
  10422. constructor(v) {
  10423. this.value = v;
  10424. }
  10425. };
  10427. IfcLampTypeEnum.FLUORESCENT = "FLUORESCENT";
  10428. IfcLampTypeEnum.HALOGEN = "HALOGEN";
  10431. IfcLampTypeEnum.LED = "LED";
  10432. IfcLampTypeEnum.METALHALIDE = "METALHALIDE";
  10433. IfcLampTypeEnum.OLED = "OLED";
  10435. IfcLampTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  10436. IfcLampTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  10437. var IfcLayerSetDirectionEnum = class {
  10438. constructor(v) {
  10439. this.value = v;
  10440. }
  10441. };
  10442. IfcLayerSetDirectionEnum.AXIS1 = "AXIS1";
  10443. IfcLayerSetDirectionEnum.AXIS2 = "AXIS2";
  10444. IfcLayerSetDirectionEnum.AXIS3 = "AXIS3";
  10445. var IfcLightDistributionCurveEnum = class {
  10446. constructor(v) {
  10447. this.value = v;
  10448. }
  10449. };
  10450. IfcLightDistributionCurveEnum.TYPE_A = "TYPE_A";
  10451. IfcLightDistributionCurveEnum.TYPE_B = "TYPE_B";
  10452. IfcLightDistributionCurveEnum.TYPE_C = "TYPE_C";
  10453. IfcLightDistributionCurveEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  10454. var IfcLightEmissionSourceEnum = class {
  10455. constructor(v) {
  10456. this.value = v;
  10457. }
  10458. };
  10460. IfcLightEmissionSourceEnum.FLUORESCENT = "FLUORESCENT";
  10467. IfcLightEmissionSourceEnum.METALHALIDE = "METALHALIDE";
  10468. IfcLightEmissionSourceEnum.TUNGSTENFILAMENT = "TUNGSTENFILAMENT";
  10469. IfcLightEmissionSourceEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  10470. var IfcLightFixtureTypeEnum = class {
  10471. constructor(v) {
  10472. this.value = v;
  10473. }
  10474. };
  10475. IfcLightFixtureTypeEnum.POINTSOURCE = "POINTSOURCE";
  10478. IfcLightFixtureTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  10479. IfcLightFixtureTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  10480. var IfcLoadGroupTypeEnum = class {
  10481. constructor(v) {
  10482. this.value = v;
  10483. }
  10484. };
  10485. IfcLoadGroupTypeEnum.LOAD_GROUP = "LOAD_GROUP";
  10486. IfcLoadGroupTypeEnum.LOAD_CASE = "LOAD_CASE";
  10488. IfcLoadGroupTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  10489. IfcLoadGroupTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  10490. var IfcLogicalOperatorEnum = class {
  10491. constructor(v) {
  10492. this.value = v;
  10493. }
  10494. };
  10495. IfcLogicalOperatorEnum.LOGICALAND = "LOGICALAND";
  10496. IfcLogicalOperatorEnum.LOGICALOR = "LOGICALOR";
  10497. IfcLogicalOperatorEnum.LOGICALXOR = "LOGICALXOR";
  10498. IfcLogicalOperatorEnum.LOGICALNOTAND = "LOGICALNOTAND";
  10499. IfcLogicalOperatorEnum.LOGICALNOTOR = "LOGICALNOTOR";
  10500. var IfcMechanicalFastenerTypeEnum = class {
  10501. constructor(v) {
  10502. this.value = v;
  10503. }
  10504. };
  10505. IfcMechanicalFastenerTypeEnum.ANCHORBOLT = "ANCHORBOLT";
  10506. IfcMechanicalFastenerTypeEnum.BOLT = "BOLT";
  10507. IfcMechanicalFastenerTypeEnum.DOWEL = "DOWEL";
  10508. IfcMechanicalFastenerTypeEnum.NAIL = "NAIL";
  10509. IfcMechanicalFastenerTypeEnum.NAILPLATE = "NAILPLATE";
  10510. IfcMechanicalFastenerTypeEnum.RIVET = "RIVET";
  10511. IfcMechanicalFastenerTypeEnum.SCREW = "SCREW";
  10512. IfcMechanicalFastenerTypeEnum.SHEARCONNECTOR = "SHEARCONNECTOR";
  10513. IfcMechanicalFastenerTypeEnum.STAPLE = "STAPLE";
  10515. IfcMechanicalFastenerTypeEnum.COUPLER = "COUPLER";
  10516. IfcMechanicalFastenerTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  10517. IfcMechanicalFastenerTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  10518. var IfcMedicalDeviceTypeEnum = class {
  10519. constructor(v) {
  10520. this.value = v;
  10521. }
  10522. };
  10523. IfcMedicalDeviceTypeEnum.AIRSTATION = "AIRSTATION";
  10524. IfcMedicalDeviceTypeEnum.FEEDAIRUNIT = "FEEDAIRUNIT";
  10525. IfcMedicalDeviceTypeEnum.OXYGENGENERATOR = "OXYGENGENERATOR";
  10526. IfcMedicalDeviceTypeEnum.OXYGENPLANT = "OXYGENPLANT";
  10527. IfcMedicalDeviceTypeEnum.VACUUMSTATION = "VACUUMSTATION";
  10528. IfcMedicalDeviceTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  10529. IfcMedicalDeviceTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  10530. var IfcMemberTypeEnum = class {
  10531. constructor(v) {
  10532. this.value = v;
  10533. }
  10534. };
  10535. IfcMemberTypeEnum.BRACE = "BRACE";
  10536. IfcMemberTypeEnum.CHORD = "CHORD";
  10537. IfcMemberTypeEnum.COLLAR = "COLLAR";
  10538. IfcMemberTypeEnum.MEMBER = "MEMBER";
  10539. IfcMemberTypeEnum.MULLION = "MULLION";
  10540. IfcMemberTypeEnum.PLATE = "PLATE";
  10541. IfcMemberTypeEnum.POST = "POST";
  10542. IfcMemberTypeEnum.PURLIN = "PURLIN";
  10543. IfcMemberTypeEnum.RAFTER = "RAFTER";
  10544. IfcMemberTypeEnum.STRINGER = "STRINGER";
  10545. IfcMemberTypeEnum.STRUT = "STRUT";
  10546. IfcMemberTypeEnum.STUD = "STUD";
  10547. IfcMemberTypeEnum.STIFFENING_RIB = "STIFFENING_RIB";
  10548. IfcMemberTypeEnum.ARCH_SEGMENT = "ARCH_SEGMENT";
  10550. IfcMemberTypeEnum.SUSPENDER = "SUSPENDER";
  10551. IfcMemberTypeEnum.STAY_CABLE = "STAY_CABLE";
  10552. IfcMemberTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  10553. IfcMemberTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  10554. var IfcMotorConnectionTypeEnum = class {
  10555. constructor(v) {
  10556. this.value = v;
  10557. }
  10558. };
  10559. IfcMotorConnectionTypeEnum.BELTDRIVE = "BELTDRIVE";
  10560. IfcMotorConnectionTypeEnum.COUPLING = "COUPLING";
  10561. IfcMotorConnectionTypeEnum.DIRECTDRIVE = "DIRECTDRIVE";
  10562. IfcMotorConnectionTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  10563. IfcMotorConnectionTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  10564. var IfcNullStyle = class {
  10565. constructor(v) {
  10566. this.value = v;
  10567. }
  10568. };
  10569. IfcNullStyle.NULL = "NULL";
  10570. var IfcObjectTypeEnum = class {
  10571. constructor(v) {
  10572. this.value = v;
  10573. }
  10574. };
  10575. IfcObjectTypeEnum.PRODUCT = "PRODUCT";
  10576. IfcObjectTypeEnum.PROCESS = "PROCESS";
  10577. IfcObjectTypeEnum.CONTROL = "CONTROL";
  10578. IfcObjectTypeEnum.RESOURCE = "RESOURCE";
  10579. IfcObjectTypeEnum.ACTOR = "ACTOR";
  10580. IfcObjectTypeEnum.GROUP = "GROUP";
  10581. IfcObjectTypeEnum.PROJECT = "PROJECT";
  10582. IfcObjectTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  10583. var IfcObjectiveEnum = class {
  10584. constructor(v) {
  10585. this.value = v;
  10586. }
  10587. };
  10589. IfcObjectiveEnum.CODEWAIVER = "CODEWAIVER";
  10590. IfcObjectiveEnum.DESIGNINTENT = "DESIGNINTENT";
  10591. IfcObjectiveEnum.EXTERNAL = "EXTERNAL";
  10593. IfcObjectiveEnum.MERGECONFLICT = "MERGECONFLICT";
  10594. IfcObjectiveEnum.MODELVIEW = "MODELVIEW";
  10595. IfcObjectiveEnum.PARAMETER = "PARAMETER";
  10596. IfcObjectiveEnum.REQUIREMENT = "REQUIREMENT";
  10597. IfcObjectiveEnum.SPECIFICATION = "SPECIFICATION";
  10599. IfcObjectiveEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  10600. IfcObjectiveEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  10601. var IfcOccupantTypeEnum = class {
  10602. constructor(v) {
  10603. this.value = v;
  10604. }
  10605. };
  10606. IfcOccupantTypeEnum.ASSIGNEE = "ASSIGNEE";
  10607. IfcOccupantTypeEnum.ASSIGNOR = "ASSIGNOR";
  10608. IfcOccupantTypeEnum.LESSEE = "LESSEE";
  10609. IfcOccupantTypeEnum.LESSOR = "LESSOR";
  10610. IfcOccupantTypeEnum.LETTINGAGENT = "LETTINGAGENT";
  10611. IfcOccupantTypeEnum.OWNER = "OWNER";
  10612. IfcOccupantTypeEnum.TENANT = "TENANT";
  10613. IfcOccupantTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  10614. IfcOccupantTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  10615. var IfcOpeningElementTypeEnum = class {
  10616. constructor(v) {
  10617. this.value = v;
  10618. }
  10619. };
  10620. IfcOpeningElementTypeEnum.OPENING = "OPENING";
  10621. IfcOpeningElementTypeEnum.RECESS = "RECESS";
  10622. IfcOpeningElementTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  10623. IfcOpeningElementTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  10624. var IfcOutletTypeEnum = class {
  10625. constructor(v) {
  10626. this.value = v;
  10627. }
  10628. };
  10631. IfcOutletTypeEnum.POWEROUTLET = "POWEROUTLET";
  10632. IfcOutletTypeEnum.DATAOUTLET = "DATAOUTLET";
  10634. IfcOutletTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  10635. IfcOutletTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  10636. var IfcPerformanceHistoryTypeEnum = class {
  10637. constructor(v) {
  10638. this.value = v;
  10639. }
  10640. };
  10641. IfcPerformanceHistoryTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  10642. IfcPerformanceHistoryTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  10643. var IfcPermeableCoveringOperationEnum = class {
  10644. constructor(v) {
  10645. this.value = v;
  10646. }
  10647. };
  10648. IfcPermeableCoveringOperationEnum.GRILL = "GRILL";
  10649. IfcPermeableCoveringOperationEnum.LOUVER = "LOUVER";
  10650. IfcPermeableCoveringOperationEnum.SCREEN = "SCREEN";
  10651. IfcPermeableCoveringOperationEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  10652. IfcPermeableCoveringOperationEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  10653. var IfcPermitTypeEnum = class {
  10654. constructor(v) {
  10655. this.value = v;
  10656. }
  10657. };
  10658. IfcPermitTypeEnum.ACCESS = "ACCESS";
  10659. IfcPermitTypeEnum.BUILDING = "BUILDING";
  10660. IfcPermitTypeEnum.WORK = "WORK";
  10661. IfcPermitTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  10662. IfcPermitTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  10663. var IfcPhysicalOrVirtualEnum = class {
  10664. constructor(v) {
  10665. this.value = v;
  10666. }
  10667. };
  10668. IfcPhysicalOrVirtualEnum.PHYSICAL = "PHYSICAL";
  10669. IfcPhysicalOrVirtualEnum.VIRTUAL = "VIRTUAL";
  10670. IfcPhysicalOrVirtualEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  10671. var IfcPileConstructionEnum = class {
  10672. constructor(v) {
  10673. this.value = v;
  10674. }
  10675. };
  10676. IfcPileConstructionEnum.CAST_IN_PLACE = "CAST_IN_PLACE";
  10677. IfcPileConstructionEnum.COMPOSITE = "COMPOSITE";
  10678. IfcPileConstructionEnum.PRECAST_CONCRETE = "PRECAST_CONCRETE";
  10679. IfcPileConstructionEnum.PREFAB_STEEL = "PREFAB_STEEL";
  10680. IfcPileConstructionEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  10681. IfcPileConstructionEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  10682. var IfcPileTypeEnum = class {
  10683. constructor(v) {
  10684. this.value = v;
  10685. }
  10686. };
  10687. IfcPileTypeEnum.BORED = "BORED";
  10688. IfcPileTypeEnum.DRIVEN = "DRIVEN";
  10689. IfcPileTypeEnum.JETGROUTING = "JETGROUTING";
  10690. IfcPileTypeEnum.COHESION = "COHESION";
  10691. IfcPileTypeEnum.FRICTION = "FRICTION";
  10692. IfcPileTypeEnum.SUPPORT = "SUPPORT";
  10693. IfcPileTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  10694. IfcPileTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  10695. var IfcPipeFittingTypeEnum = class {
  10696. constructor(v) {
  10697. this.value = v;
  10698. }
  10699. };
  10700. IfcPipeFittingTypeEnum.BEND = "BEND";
  10701. IfcPipeFittingTypeEnum.CONNECTOR = "CONNECTOR";
  10702. IfcPipeFittingTypeEnum.ENTRY = "ENTRY";
  10703. IfcPipeFittingTypeEnum.EXIT = "EXIT";
  10704. IfcPipeFittingTypeEnum.JUNCTION = "JUNCTION";
  10705. IfcPipeFittingTypeEnum.OBSTRUCTION = "OBSTRUCTION";
  10706. IfcPipeFittingTypeEnum.TRANSITION = "TRANSITION";
  10707. IfcPipeFittingTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  10708. IfcPipeFittingTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  10709. var IfcPipeSegmentTypeEnum = class {
  10710. constructor(v) {
  10711. this.value = v;
  10712. }
  10713. };
  10714. IfcPipeSegmentTypeEnum.CULVERT = "CULVERT";
  10716. IfcPipeSegmentTypeEnum.RIGIDSEGMENT = "RIGIDSEGMENT";
  10717. IfcPipeSegmentTypeEnum.GUTTER = "GUTTER";
  10718. IfcPipeSegmentTypeEnum.SPOOL = "SPOOL";
  10719. IfcPipeSegmentTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  10720. IfcPipeSegmentTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  10721. var IfcPlateTypeEnum = class {
  10722. constructor(v) {
  10723. this.value = v;
  10724. }
  10725. };
  10726. IfcPlateTypeEnum.CURTAIN_PANEL = "CURTAIN_PANEL";
  10727. IfcPlateTypeEnum.SHEET = "SHEET";
  10728. IfcPlateTypeEnum.FLANGE_PLATE = "FLANGE_PLATE";
  10729. IfcPlateTypeEnum.WEB_PLATE = "WEB_PLATE";
  10731. IfcPlateTypeEnum.GUSSET_PLATE = "GUSSET_PLATE";
  10732. IfcPlateTypeEnum.COVER_PLATE = "COVER_PLATE";
  10733. IfcPlateTypeEnum.SPLICE_PLATE = "SPLICE_PLATE";
  10734. IfcPlateTypeEnum.BASE_PLATE = "BASE_PLATE";
  10735. IfcPlateTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  10736. IfcPlateTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  10737. var IfcPreferredSurfaceCurveRepresentation = class {
  10738. constructor(v) {
  10739. this.value = v;
  10740. }
  10741. };
  10742. IfcPreferredSurfaceCurveRepresentation.CURVE3D = "CURVE3D";
  10743. IfcPreferredSurfaceCurveRepresentation.PCURVE_S1 = "PCURVE_S1";
  10744. IfcPreferredSurfaceCurveRepresentation.PCURVE_S2 = "PCURVE_S2";
  10745. var IfcProcedureTypeEnum = class {
  10746. constructor(v) {
  10747. this.value = v;
  10748. }
  10749. };
  10750. IfcProcedureTypeEnum.ADVICE_CAUTION = "ADVICE_CAUTION";
  10751. IfcProcedureTypeEnum.ADVICE_NOTE = "ADVICE_NOTE";
  10752. IfcProcedureTypeEnum.ADVICE_WARNING = "ADVICE_WARNING";
  10753. IfcProcedureTypeEnum.CALIBRATION = "CALIBRATION";
  10754. IfcProcedureTypeEnum.DIAGNOSTIC = "DIAGNOSTIC";
  10755. IfcProcedureTypeEnum.SHUTDOWN = "SHUTDOWN";
  10756. IfcProcedureTypeEnum.STARTUP = "STARTUP";
  10757. IfcProcedureTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  10758. IfcProcedureTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  10759. var IfcProfileTypeEnum = class {
  10760. constructor(v) {
  10761. this.value = v;
  10762. }
  10763. };
  10764. IfcProfileTypeEnum.CURVE = "CURVE";
  10765. IfcProfileTypeEnum.AREA = "AREA";
  10766. var IfcProjectOrderTypeEnum = class {
  10767. constructor(v) {
  10768. this.value = v;
  10769. }
  10770. };
  10771. IfcProjectOrderTypeEnum.CHANGEORDER = "CHANGEORDER";
  10773. IfcProjectOrderTypeEnum.MOVEORDER = "MOVEORDER";
  10774. IfcProjectOrderTypeEnum.PURCHASEORDER = "PURCHASEORDER";
  10775. IfcProjectOrderTypeEnum.WORKORDER = "WORKORDER";
  10776. IfcProjectOrderTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  10777. IfcProjectOrderTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  10778. var IfcProjectedOrTrueLengthEnum = class {
  10779. constructor(v) {
  10780. this.value = v;
  10781. }
  10782. };
  10783. IfcProjectedOrTrueLengthEnum.PROJECTED_LENGTH = "PROJECTED_LENGTH";
  10784. IfcProjectedOrTrueLengthEnum.TRUE_LENGTH = "TRUE_LENGTH";
  10785. var IfcProjectionElementTypeEnum = class {
  10786. constructor(v) {
  10787. this.value = v;
  10788. }
  10789. };
  10790. IfcProjectionElementTypeEnum.BLISTER = "BLISTER";
  10791. IfcProjectionElementTypeEnum.DEVIATOR = "DEVIATOR";
  10792. IfcProjectionElementTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  10793. IfcProjectionElementTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  10794. var IfcPropertySetTemplateTypeEnum = class {
  10795. constructor(v) {
  10796. this.value = v;
  10797. }
  10798. };
  10799. IfcPropertySetTemplateTypeEnum.PSET_TYPEDRIVENONLY = "PSET_TYPEDRIVENONLY";
  10803. IfcPropertySetTemplateTypeEnum.QTO_TYPEDRIVENONLY = "QTO_TYPEDRIVENONLY";
  10806. IfcPropertySetTemplateTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  10807. var IfcProtectiveDeviceTrippingUnitTypeEnum = class {
  10808. constructor(v) {
  10809. this.value = v;
  10810. }
  10811. };
  10812. IfcProtectiveDeviceTrippingUnitTypeEnum.ELECTRONIC = "ELECTRONIC";
  10813. IfcProtectiveDeviceTrippingUnitTypeEnum.ELECTROMAGNETIC = "ELECTROMAGNETIC";
  10814. IfcProtectiveDeviceTrippingUnitTypeEnum.RESIDUALCURRENT = "RESIDUALCURRENT";
  10815. IfcProtectiveDeviceTrippingUnitTypeEnum.THERMAL = "THERMAL";
  10816. IfcProtectiveDeviceTrippingUnitTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  10817. IfcProtectiveDeviceTrippingUnitTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  10818. var IfcProtectiveDeviceTypeEnum = class {
  10819. constructor(v) {
  10820. this.value = v;
  10821. }
  10822. };
  10823. IfcProtectiveDeviceTypeEnum.CIRCUITBREAKER = "CIRCUITBREAKER";
  10825. IfcProtectiveDeviceTypeEnum.EARTHINGSWITCH = "EARTHINGSWITCH";
  10826. IfcProtectiveDeviceTypeEnum.FUSEDISCONNECTOR = "FUSEDISCONNECTOR";
  10829. IfcProtectiveDeviceTypeEnum.VARISTOR = "VARISTOR";
  10830. IfcProtectiveDeviceTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  10831. IfcProtectiveDeviceTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  10832. var IfcPumpTypeEnum = class {
  10833. constructor(v) {
  10834. this.value = v;
  10835. }
  10836. };
  10837. IfcPumpTypeEnum.CIRCULATOR = "CIRCULATOR";
  10838. IfcPumpTypeEnum.ENDSUCTION = "ENDSUCTION";
  10839. IfcPumpTypeEnum.SPLITCASE = "SPLITCASE";
  10841. IfcPumpTypeEnum.SUMPPUMP = "SUMPPUMP";
  10844. IfcPumpTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  10845. IfcPumpTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  10846. var IfcRailingTypeEnum = class {
  10847. constructor(v) {
  10848. this.value = v;
  10849. }
  10850. };
  10851. IfcRailingTypeEnum.HANDRAIL = "HANDRAIL";
  10852. IfcRailingTypeEnum.GUARDRAIL = "GUARDRAIL";
  10853. IfcRailingTypeEnum.BALUSTRADE = "BALUSTRADE";
  10854. IfcRailingTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  10855. IfcRailingTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  10856. var IfcRampFlightTypeEnum = class {
  10857. constructor(v) {
  10858. this.value = v;
  10859. }
  10860. };
  10861. IfcRampFlightTypeEnum.STRAIGHT = "STRAIGHT";
  10862. IfcRampFlightTypeEnum.SPIRAL = "SPIRAL";
  10863. IfcRampFlightTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  10864. IfcRampFlightTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  10865. var IfcRampTypeEnum = class {
  10866. constructor(v) {
  10867. this.value = v;
  10868. }
  10869. };
  10874. IfcRampTypeEnum.HALF_TURN_RAMP = "HALF_TURN_RAMP";
  10875. IfcRampTypeEnum.SPIRAL_RAMP = "SPIRAL_RAMP";
  10876. IfcRampTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  10877. IfcRampTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  10878. var IfcRecurrenceTypeEnum = class {
  10879. constructor(v) {
  10880. this.value = v;
  10881. }
  10882. };
  10883. IfcRecurrenceTypeEnum.DAILY = "DAILY";
  10884. IfcRecurrenceTypeEnum.WEEKLY = "WEEKLY";
  10887. IfcRecurrenceTypeEnum.BY_DAY_COUNT = "BY_DAY_COUNT";
  10888. IfcRecurrenceTypeEnum.BY_WEEKDAY_COUNT = "BY_WEEKDAY_COUNT";
  10889. IfcRecurrenceTypeEnum.YEARLY_BY_DAY_OF_MONTH = "YEARLY_BY_DAY_OF_MONTH";
  10890. IfcRecurrenceTypeEnum.YEARLY_BY_POSITION = "YEARLY_BY_POSITION";
  10891. var IfcReferentTypeEnum = class {
  10892. constructor(v) {
  10893. this.value = v;
  10894. }
  10895. };
  10896. IfcReferentTypeEnum.KILOPOINT = "KILOPOINT";
  10897. IfcReferentTypeEnum.MILEPOINT = "MILEPOINT";
  10898. IfcReferentTypeEnum.STATION = "STATION";
  10899. IfcReferentTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  10900. IfcReferentTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  10901. var IfcReflectanceMethodEnum = class {
  10902. constructor(v) {
  10903. this.value = v;
  10904. }
  10905. };
  10906. IfcReflectanceMethodEnum.BLINN = "BLINN";
  10907. IfcReflectanceMethodEnum.FLAT = "FLAT";
  10908. IfcReflectanceMethodEnum.GLASS = "GLASS";
  10909. IfcReflectanceMethodEnum.MATT = "MATT";
  10910. IfcReflectanceMethodEnum.METAL = "METAL";
  10911. IfcReflectanceMethodEnum.MIRROR = "MIRROR";
  10912. IfcReflectanceMethodEnum.PHONG = "PHONG";
  10913. IfcReflectanceMethodEnum.PLASTIC = "PLASTIC";
  10914. IfcReflectanceMethodEnum.STRAUSS = "STRAUSS";
  10915. IfcReflectanceMethodEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  10916. var IfcReinforcingBarRoleEnum = class {
  10917. constructor(v) {
  10918. this.value = v;
  10919. }
  10920. };
  10921. IfcReinforcingBarRoleEnum.MAIN = "MAIN";
  10922. IfcReinforcingBarRoleEnum.SHEAR = "SHEAR";
  10923. IfcReinforcingBarRoleEnum.LIGATURE = "LIGATURE";
  10924. IfcReinforcingBarRoleEnum.STUD = "STUD";
  10925. IfcReinforcingBarRoleEnum.PUNCHING = "PUNCHING";
  10926. IfcReinforcingBarRoleEnum.EDGE = "EDGE";
  10927. IfcReinforcingBarRoleEnum.RING = "RING";
  10928. IfcReinforcingBarRoleEnum.ANCHORING = "ANCHORING";
  10929. IfcReinforcingBarRoleEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  10930. IfcReinforcingBarRoleEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  10931. var IfcReinforcingBarSurfaceEnum = class {
  10932. constructor(v) {
  10933. this.value = v;
  10934. }
  10935. };
  10936. IfcReinforcingBarSurfaceEnum.PLAIN = "PLAIN";
  10937. IfcReinforcingBarSurfaceEnum.TEXTURED = "TEXTURED";
  10938. var IfcReinforcingBarTypeEnum = class {
  10939. constructor(v) {
  10940. this.value = v;
  10941. }
  10942. };
  10943. IfcReinforcingBarTypeEnum.ANCHORING = "ANCHORING";
  10944. IfcReinforcingBarTypeEnum.EDGE = "EDGE";
  10945. IfcReinforcingBarTypeEnum.LIGATURE = "LIGATURE";
  10946. IfcReinforcingBarTypeEnum.MAIN = "MAIN";
  10947. IfcReinforcingBarTypeEnum.PUNCHING = "PUNCHING";
  10948. IfcReinforcingBarTypeEnum.RING = "RING";
  10949. IfcReinforcingBarTypeEnum.SHEAR = "SHEAR";
  10950. IfcReinforcingBarTypeEnum.STUD = "STUD";
  10951. IfcReinforcingBarTypeEnum.SPACEBAR = "SPACEBAR";
  10952. IfcReinforcingBarTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  10953. IfcReinforcingBarTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  10954. var IfcReinforcingMeshTypeEnum = class {
  10955. constructor(v) {
  10956. this.value = v;
  10957. }
  10958. };
  10959. IfcReinforcingMeshTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  10960. IfcReinforcingMeshTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  10961. var IfcRoleEnum = class {
  10962. constructor(v) {
  10963. this.value = v;
  10964. }
  10965. };
  10966. IfcRoleEnum.SUPPLIER = "SUPPLIER";
  10968. IfcRoleEnum.CONTRACTOR = "CONTRACTOR";
  10970. IfcRoleEnum.ARCHITECT = "ARCHITECT";
  10973. IfcRoleEnum.CLIENT = "CLIENT";
  10982. IfcRoleEnum.ENGINEER = "ENGINEER";
  10983. IfcRoleEnum.OWNER = "OWNER";
  10984. IfcRoleEnum.CONSULTANT = "CONSULTANT";
  10987. IfcRoleEnum.RESELLER = "RESELLER";
  10989. var IfcRoofTypeEnum = class {
  10990. constructor(v) {
  10991. this.value = v;
  10992. }
  10993. };
  10994. IfcRoofTypeEnum.FLAT_ROOF = "FLAT_ROOF";
  10995. IfcRoofTypeEnum.SHED_ROOF = "SHED_ROOF";
  10996. IfcRoofTypeEnum.GABLE_ROOF = "GABLE_ROOF";
  10997. IfcRoofTypeEnum.HIP_ROOF = "HIP_ROOF";
  10999. IfcRoofTypeEnum.GAMBREL_ROOF = "GAMBREL_ROOF";
  11000. IfcRoofTypeEnum.MANSARD_ROOF = "MANSARD_ROOF";
  11001. IfcRoofTypeEnum.BARREL_ROOF = "BARREL_ROOF";
  11002. IfcRoofTypeEnum.RAINBOW_ROOF = "RAINBOW_ROOF";
  11004. IfcRoofTypeEnum.PAVILION_ROOF = "PAVILION_ROOF";
  11005. IfcRoofTypeEnum.DOME_ROOF = "DOME_ROOF";
  11006. IfcRoofTypeEnum.FREEFORM = "FREEFORM";
  11007. IfcRoofTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  11008. IfcRoofTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  11009. var IfcSIPrefix = class {
  11010. constructor(v) {
  11011. this.value = v;
  11012. }
  11013. };
  11014. IfcSIPrefix.EXA = "EXA";
  11015. IfcSIPrefix.PETA = "PETA";
  11016. IfcSIPrefix.TERA = "TERA";
  11017. IfcSIPrefix.GIGA = "GIGA";
  11018. IfcSIPrefix.MEGA = "MEGA";
  11019. IfcSIPrefix.KILO = "KILO";
  11020. IfcSIPrefix.HECTO = "HECTO";
  11021. IfcSIPrefix.DECA = "DECA";
  11022. IfcSIPrefix.DECI = "DECI";
  11023. IfcSIPrefix.CENTI = "CENTI";
  11024. IfcSIPrefix.MILLI = "MILLI";
  11025. IfcSIPrefix.MICRO = "MICRO";
  11026. IfcSIPrefix.NANO = "NANO";
  11027. IfcSIPrefix.PICO = "PICO";
  11028. IfcSIPrefix.FEMTO = "FEMTO";
  11029. IfcSIPrefix.ATTO = "ATTO";
  11030. var IfcSIUnitName = class {
  11031. constructor(v) {
  11032. this.value = v;
  11033. }
  11034. };
  11035. IfcSIUnitName.AMPERE = "AMPERE";
  11036. IfcSIUnitName.BECQUEREL = "BECQUEREL";
  11037. IfcSIUnitName.CANDELA = "CANDELA";
  11038. IfcSIUnitName.COULOMB = "COULOMB";
  11039. IfcSIUnitName.CUBIC_METRE = "CUBIC_METRE";
  11041. IfcSIUnitName.FARAD = "FARAD";
  11042. IfcSIUnitName.GRAM = "GRAM";
  11043. IfcSIUnitName.GRAY = "GRAY";
  11044. IfcSIUnitName.HENRY = "HENRY";
  11045. IfcSIUnitName.HERTZ = "HERTZ";
  11046. IfcSIUnitName.JOULE = "JOULE";
  11047. IfcSIUnitName.KELVIN = "KELVIN";
  11048. IfcSIUnitName.LUMEN = "LUMEN";
  11049. IfcSIUnitName.LUX = "LUX";
  11050. IfcSIUnitName.METRE = "METRE";
  11051. IfcSIUnitName.MOLE = "MOLE";
  11052. IfcSIUnitName.NEWTON = "NEWTON";
  11053. IfcSIUnitName.OHM = "OHM";
  11054. IfcSIUnitName.PASCAL = "PASCAL";
  11055. IfcSIUnitName.RADIAN = "RADIAN";
  11056. IfcSIUnitName.SECOND = "SECOND";
  11057. IfcSIUnitName.SIEMENS = "SIEMENS";
  11058. IfcSIUnitName.SIEVERT = "SIEVERT";
  11060. IfcSIUnitName.STERADIAN = "STERADIAN";
  11061. IfcSIUnitName.TESLA = "TESLA";
  11062. IfcSIUnitName.VOLT = "VOLT";
  11063. IfcSIUnitName.WATT = "WATT";
  11064. IfcSIUnitName.WEBER = "WEBER";
  11065. var IfcSanitaryTerminalTypeEnum = class {
  11066. constructor(v) {
  11067. this.value = v;
  11068. }
  11069. };
  11070. IfcSanitaryTerminalTypeEnum.BATH = "BATH";
  11071. IfcSanitaryTerminalTypeEnum.BIDET = "BIDET";
  11072. IfcSanitaryTerminalTypeEnum.CISTERN = "CISTERN";
  11073. IfcSanitaryTerminalTypeEnum.SHOWER = "SHOWER";
  11074. IfcSanitaryTerminalTypeEnum.SINK = "SINK";
  11075. IfcSanitaryTerminalTypeEnum.SANITARYFOUNTAIN = "SANITARYFOUNTAIN";
  11076. IfcSanitaryTerminalTypeEnum.TOILETPAN = "TOILETPAN";
  11077. IfcSanitaryTerminalTypeEnum.URINAL = "URINAL";
  11078. IfcSanitaryTerminalTypeEnum.WASHHANDBASIN = "WASHHANDBASIN";
  11079. IfcSanitaryTerminalTypeEnum.WCSEAT = "WCSEAT";
  11080. IfcSanitaryTerminalTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  11081. IfcSanitaryTerminalTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  11082. var IfcSectionTypeEnum = class {
  11083. constructor(v) {
  11084. this.value = v;
  11085. }
  11086. };
  11087. IfcSectionTypeEnum.UNIFORM = "UNIFORM";
  11088. IfcSectionTypeEnum.TAPERED = "TAPERED";
  11089. var IfcSensorTypeEnum = class {
  11090. constructor(v) {
  11091. this.value = v;
  11092. }
  11093. };
  11094. IfcSensorTypeEnum.COSENSOR = "COSENSOR";
  11095. IfcSensorTypeEnum.CO2SENSOR = "CO2SENSOR";
  11098. IfcSensorTypeEnum.FIRESENSOR = "FIRESENSOR";
  11099. IfcSensorTypeEnum.FLOWSENSOR = "FLOWSENSOR";
  11100. IfcSensorTypeEnum.FROSTSENSOR = "FROSTSENSOR";
  11101. IfcSensorTypeEnum.GASSENSOR = "GASSENSOR";
  11102. IfcSensorTypeEnum.HEATSENSOR = "HEATSENSOR";
  11106. IfcSensorTypeEnum.LEVELSENSOR = "LEVELSENSOR";
  11107. IfcSensorTypeEnum.LIGHTSENSOR = "LIGHTSENSOR";
  11110. IfcSensorTypeEnum.PHSENSOR = "PHSENSOR";
  11114. IfcSensorTypeEnum.SMOKESENSOR = "SMOKESENSOR";
  11115. IfcSensorTypeEnum.SOUNDSENSOR = "SOUNDSENSOR";
  11117. IfcSensorTypeEnum.WINDSENSOR = "WINDSENSOR";
  11118. IfcSensorTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  11119. IfcSensorTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  11120. var IfcSequenceEnum = class {
  11121. constructor(v) {
  11122. this.value = v;
  11123. }
  11124. };
  11125. IfcSequenceEnum.START_START = "START_START";
  11126. IfcSequenceEnum.START_FINISH = "START_FINISH";
  11127. IfcSequenceEnum.FINISH_START = "FINISH_START";
  11128. IfcSequenceEnum.FINISH_FINISH = "FINISH_FINISH";
  11129. IfcSequenceEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  11130. IfcSequenceEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  11131. var IfcShadingDeviceTypeEnum = class {
  11132. constructor(v) {
  11133. this.value = v;
  11134. }
  11135. };
  11136. IfcShadingDeviceTypeEnum.JALOUSIE = "JALOUSIE";
  11137. IfcShadingDeviceTypeEnum.SHUTTER = "SHUTTER";
  11138. IfcShadingDeviceTypeEnum.AWNING = "AWNING";
  11139. IfcShadingDeviceTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  11140. IfcShadingDeviceTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  11141. var IfcSimplePropertyTemplateTypeEnum = class {
  11142. constructor(v) {
  11143. this.value = v;
  11144. }
  11145. };
  11146. IfcSimplePropertyTemplateTypeEnum.P_SINGLEVALUE = "P_SINGLEVALUE";
  11147. IfcSimplePropertyTemplateTypeEnum.P_ENUMERATEDVALUE = "P_ENUMERATEDVALUE";
  11148. IfcSimplePropertyTemplateTypeEnum.P_BOUNDEDVALUE = "P_BOUNDEDVALUE";
  11149. IfcSimplePropertyTemplateTypeEnum.P_LISTVALUE = "P_LISTVALUE";
  11150. IfcSimplePropertyTemplateTypeEnum.P_TABLEVALUE = "P_TABLEVALUE";
  11151. IfcSimplePropertyTemplateTypeEnum.P_REFERENCEVALUE = "P_REFERENCEVALUE";
  11152. IfcSimplePropertyTemplateTypeEnum.Q_LENGTH = "Q_LENGTH";
  11153. IfcSimplePropertyTemplateTypeEnum.Q_AREA = "Q_AREA";
  11154. IfcSimplePropertyTemplateTypeEnum.Q_VOLUME = "Q_VOLUME";
  11155. IfcSimplePropertyTemplateTypeEnum.Q_COUNT = "Q_COUNT";
  11156. IfcSimplePropertyTemplateTypeEnum.Q_WEIGHT = "Q_WEIGHT";
  11157. IfcSimplePropertyTemplateTypeEnum.Q_TIME = "Q_TIME";
  11158. var IfcSlabTypeEnum = class {
  11159. constructor(v) {
  11160. this.value = v;
  11161. }
  11162. };
  11163. IfcSlabTypeEnum.FLOOR = "FLOOR";
  11164. IfcSlabTypeEnum.ROOF = "ROOF";
  11165. IfcSlabTypeEnum.LANDING = "LANDING";
  11166. IfcSlabTypeEnum.BASESLAB = "BASESLAB";
  11167. IfcSlabTypeEnum.APPROACH_SLAB = "APPROACH_SLAB";
  11168. IfcSlabTypeEnum.PAVING = "PAVING";
  11169. IfcSlabTypeEnum.WEARING = "WEARING";
  11170. IfcSlabTypeEnum.SIDEWALK = "SIDEWALK";
  11171. IfcSlabTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  11172. IfcSlabTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  11173. var IfcSolarDeviceTypeEnum = class {
  11174. constructor(v) {
  11175. this.value = v;
  11176. }
  11177. };
  11178. IfcSolarDeviceTypeEnum.SOLARCOLLECTOR = "SOLARCOLLECTOR";
  11179. IfcSolarDeviceTypeEnum.SOLARPANEL = "SOLARPANEL";
  11180. IfcSolarDeviceTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  11181. IfcSolarDeviceTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  11182. var IfcSpaceHeaterTypeEnum = class {
  11183. constructor(v) {
  11184. this.value = v;
  11185. }
  11186. };
  11187. IfcSpaceHeaterTypeEnum.CONVECTOR = "CONVECTOR";
  11188. IfcSpaceHeaterTypeEnum.RADIATOR = "RADIATOR";
  11189. IfcSpaceHeaterTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  11190. IfcSpaceHeaterTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  11191. var IfcSpaceTypeEnum = class {
  11192. constructor(v) {
  11193. this.value = v;
  11194. }
  11195. };
  11196. IfcSpaceTypeEnum.SPACE = "SPACE";
  11197. IfcSpaceTypeEnum.PARKING = "PARKING";
  11198. IfcSpaceTypeEnum.GFA = "GFA";
  11199. IfcSpaceTypeEnum.INTERNAL = "INTERNAL";
  11200. IfcSpaceTypeEnum.EXTERNAL = "EXTERNAL";
  11201. IfcSpaceTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  11202. IfcSpaceTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  11203. var IfcSpatialZoneTypeEnum = class {
  11204. constructor(v) {
  11205. this.value = v;
  11206. }
  11207. };
  11208. IfcSpatialZoneTypeEnum.CONSTRUCTION = "CONSTRUCTION";
  11209. IfcSpatialZoneTypeEnum.FIRESAFETY = "FIRESAFETY";
  11210. IfcSpatialZoneTypeEnum.LIGHTING = "LIGHTING";
  11211. IfcSpatialZoneTypeEnum.OCCUPANCY = "OCCUPANCY";
  11212. IfcSpatialZoneTypeEnum.SECURITY = "SECURITY";
  11213. IfcSpatialZoneTypeEnum.THERMAL = "THERMAL";
  11214. IfcSpatialZoneTypeEnum.TRANSPORT = "TRANSPORT";
  11215. IfcSpatialZoneTypeEnum.VENTILATION = "VENTILATION";
  11216. IfcSpatialZoneTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  11217. IfcSpatialZoneTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  11218. var IfcStackTerminalTypeEnum = class {
  11219. constructor(v) {
  11220. this.value = v;
  11221. }
  11222. };
  11223. IfcStackTerminalTypeEnum.BIRDCAGE = "BIRDCAGE";
  11224. IfcStackTerminalTypeEnum.COWL = "COWL";
  11225. IfcStackTerminalTypeEnum.RAINWATERHOPPER = "RAINWATERHOPPER";
  11226. IfcStackTerminalTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  11227. IfcStackTerminalTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  11228. var IfcStairFlightTypeEnum = class {
  11229. constructor(v) {
  11230. this.value = v;
  11231. }
  11232. };
  11233. IfcStairFlightTypeEnum.STRAIGHT = "STRAIGHT";
  11234. IfcStairFlightTypeEnum.WINDER = "WINDER";
  11235. IfcStairFlightTypeEnum.SPIRAL = "SPIRAL";
  11236. IfcStairFlightTypeEnum.CURVED = "CURVED";
  11237. IfcStairFlightTypeEnum.FREEFORM = "FREEFORM";
  11238. IfcStairFlightTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  11239. IfcStairFlightTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  11240. var IfcStairTypeEnum = class {
  11241. constructor(v) {
  11242. this.value = v;
  11243. }
  11244. };
  11250. IfcStairTypeEnum.HALF_TURN_STAIR = "HALF_TURN_STAIR";
  11255. IfcStairTypeEnum.SPIRAL_STAIR = "SPIRAL_STAIR";
  11257. IfcStairTypeEnum.CURVED_RUN_STAIR = "CURVED_RUN_STAIR";
  11259. IfcStairTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  11260. IfcStairTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  11261. var IfcStateEnum = class {
  11262. constructor(v) {
  11263. this.value = v;
  11264. }
  11265. };
  11266. IfcStateEnum.READWRITE = "READWRITE";
  11267. IfcStateEnum.READONLY = "READONLY";
  11268. IfcStateEnum.LOCKED = "LOCKED";
  11271. var IfcStructuralCurveActivityTypeEnum = class {
  11272. constructor(v) {
  11273. this.value = v;
  11274. }
  11275. };
  11276. IfcStructuralCurveActivityTypeEnum.CONST = "CONST";
  11277. IfcStructuralCurveActivityTypeEnum.LINEAR = "LINEAR";
  11278. IfcStructuralCurveActivityTypeEnum.POLYGONAL = "POLYGONAL";
  11279. IfcStructuralCurveActivityTypeEnum.EQUIDISTANT = "EQUIDISTANT";
  11280. IfcStructuralCurveActivityTypeEnum.SINUS = "SINUS";
  11281. IfcStructuralCurveActivityTypeEnum.PARABOLA = "PARABOLA";
  11282. IfcStructuralCurveActivityTypeEnum.DISCRETE = "DISCRETE";
  11283. IfcStructuralCurveActivityTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  11284. IfcStructuralCurveActivityTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  11285. var IfcStructuralCurveMemberTypeEnum = class {
  11286. constructor(v) {
  11287. this.value = v;
  11288. }
  11289. };
  11290. IfcStructuralCurveMemberTypeEnum.RIGID_JOINED_MEMBER = "RIGID_JOINED_MEMBER";
  11291. IfcStructuralCurveMemberTypeEnum.PIN_JOINED_MEMBER = "PIN_JOINED_MEMBER";
  11292. IfcStructuralCurveMemberTypeEnum.CABLE = "CABLE";
  11293. IfcStructuralCurveMemberTypeEnum.TENSION_MEMBER = "TENSION_MEMBER";
  11294. IfcStructuralCurveMemberTypeEnum.COMPRESSION_MEMBER = "COMPRESSION_MEMBER";
  11295. IfcStructuralCurveMemberTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  11296. IfcStructuralCurveMemberTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  11297. var IfcStructuralSurfaceActivityTypeEnum = class {
  11298. constructor(v) {
  11299. this.value = v;
  11300. }
  11301. };
  11302. IfcStructuralSurfaceActivityTypeEnum.CONST = "CONST";
  11303. IfcStructuralSurfaceActivityTypeEnum.BILINEAR = "BILINEAR";
  11304. IfcStructuralSurfaceActivityTypeEnum.DISCRETE = "DISCRETE";
  11305. IfcStructuralSurfaceActivityTypeEnum.ISOCONTOUR = "ISOCONTOUR";
  11306. IfcStructuralSurfaceActivityTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  11307. IfcStructuralSurfaceActivityTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  11308. var IfcStructuralSurfaceMemberTypeEnum = class {
  11309. constructor(v) {
  11310. this.value = v;
  11311. }
  11312. };
  11313. IfcStructuralSurfaceMemberTypeEnum.BENDING_ELEMENT = "BENDING_ELEMENT";
  11314. IfcStructuralSurfaceMemberTypeEnum.MEMBRANE_ELEMENT = "MEMBRANE_ELEMENT";
  11315. IfcStructuralSurfaceMemberTypeEnum.SHELL = "SHELL";
  11316. IfcStructuralSurfaceMemberTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  11317. IfcStructuralSurfaceMemberTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  11318. var IfcSubContractResourceTypeEnum = class {
  11319. constructor(v) {
  11320. this.value = v;
  11321. }
  11322. };
  11323. IfcSubContractResourceTypeEnum.PURCHASE = "PURCHASE";
  11324. IfcSubContractResourceTypeEnum.WORK = "WORK";
  11325. IfcSubContractResourceTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  11326. IfcSubContractResourceTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  11327. var IfcSurfaceFeatureTypeEnum = class {
  11328. constructor(v) {
  11329. this.value = v;
  11330. }
  11331. };
  11332. IfcSurfaceFeatureTypeEnum.MARK = "MARK";
  11333. IfcSurfaceFeatureTypeEnum.TAG = "TAG";
  11334. IfcSurfaceFeatureTypeEnum.TREATMENT = "TREATMENT";
  11335. IfcSurfaceFeatureTypeEnum.DEFECT = "DEFECT";
  11336. IfcSurfaceFeatureTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  11337. IfcSurfaceFeatureTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  11338. var IfcSurfaceSide = class {
  11339. constructor(v) {
  11340. this.value = v;
  11341. }
  11342. };
  11343. IfcSurfaceSide.POSITIVE = "POSITIVE";
  11344. IfcSurfaceSide.NEGATIVE = "NEGATIVE";
  11345. IfcSurfaceSide.BOTH = "BOTH";
  11346. var IfcSwitchingDeviceTypeEnum = class {
  11347. constructor(v) {
  11348. this.value = v;
  11349. }
  11350. };
  11351. IfcSwitchingDeviceTypeEnum.CONTACTOR = "CONTACTOR";
  11352. IfcSwitchingDeviceTypeEnum.DIMMERSWITCH = "DIMMERSWITCH";
  11353. IfcSwitchingDeviceTypeEnum.EMERGENCYSTOP = "EMERGENCYSTOP";
  11354. IfcSwitchingDeviceTypeEnum.KEYPAD = "KEYPAD";
  11355. IfcSwitchingDeviceTypeEnum.MOMENTARYSWITCH = "MOMENTARYSWITCH";
  11356. IfcSwitchingDeviceTypeEnum.SELECTORSWITCH = "SELECTORSWITCH";
  11357. IfcSwitchingDeviceTypeEnum.STARTER = "STARTER";
  11359. IfcSwitchingDeviceTypeEnum.TOGGLESWITCH = "TOGGLESWITCH";
  11360. IfcSwitchingDeviceTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  11361. IfcSwitchingDeviceTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  11362. var IfcSystemFurnitureElementTypeEnum = class {
  11363. constructor(v) {
  11364. this.value = v;
  11365. }
  11366. };
  11367. IfcSystemFurnitureElementTypeEnum.PANEL = "PANEL";
  11368. IfcSystemFurnitureElementTypeEnum.WORKSURFACE = "WORKSURFACE";
  11369. IfcSystemFurnitureElementTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  11370. IfcSystemFurnitureElementTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  11371. var IfcTankTypeEnum = class {
  11372. constructor(v) {
  11373. this.value = v;
  11374. }
  11375. };
  11376. IfcTankTypeEnum.BASIN = "BASIN";
  11378. IfcTankTypeEnum.EXPANSION = "EXPANSION";
  11381. IfcTankTypeEnum.STORAGE = "STORAGE";
  11382. IfcTankTypeEnum.VESSEL = "VESSEL";
  11383. IfcTankTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  11384. IfcTankTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  11385. var IfcTaskDurationEnum = class {
  11386. constructor(v) {
  11387. this.value = v;
  11388. }
  11389. };
  11390. IfcTaskDurationEnum.ELAPSEDTIME = "ELAPSEDTIME";
  11391. IfcTaskDurationEnum.WORKTIME = "WORKTIME";
  11392. IfcTaskDurationEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  11393. var IfcTaskTypeEnum = class {
  11394. constructor(v) {
  11395. this.value = v;
  11396. }
  11397. };
  11398. IfcTaskTypeEnum.ATTENDANCE = "ATTENDANCE";
  11400. IfcTaskTypeEnum.DEMOLITION = "DEMOLITION";
  11401. IfcTaskTypeEnum.DISMANTLE = "DISMANTLE";
  11402. IfcTaskTypeEnum.DISPOSAL = "DISPOSAL";
  11404. IfcTaskTypeEnum.LOGISTIC = "LOGISTIC";
  11405. IfcTaskTypeEnum.MAINTENANCE = "MAINTENANCE";
  11406. IfcTaskTypeEnum.MOVE = "MOVE";
  11407. IfcTaskTypeEnum.OPERATION = "OPERATION";
  11408. IfcTaskTypeEnum.REMOVAL = "REMOVAL";
  11409. IfcTaskTypeEnum.RENOVATION = "RENOVATION";
  11410. IfcTaskTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  11411. IfcTaskTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  11412. var IfcTendonAnchorTypeEnum = class {
  11413. constructor(v) {
  11414. this.value = v;
  11415. }
  11416. };
  11417. IfcTendonAnchorTypeEnum.COUPLER = "COUPLER";
  11418. IfcTendonAnchorTypeEnum.FIXED_END = "FIXED_END";
  11419. IfcTendonAnchorTypeEnum.TENSIONING_END = "TENSIONING_END";
  11420. IfcTendonAnchorTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  11421. IfcTendonAnchorTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  11422. var IfcTendonConduitTypeEnum = class {
  11423. constructor(v) {
  11424. this.value = v;
  11425. }
  11426. };
  11427. IfcTendonConduitTypeEnum.DUCT = "DUCT";
  11428. IfcTendonConduitTypeEnum.COUPLER = "COUPLER";
  11429. IfcTendonConduitTypeEnum.GROUTING_DUCT = "GROUTING_DUCT";
  11430. IfcTendonConduitTypeEnum.TRUMPET = "TRUMPET";
  11431. IfcTendonConduitTypeEnum.DIABOLO = "DIABOLO";
  11432. IfcTendonConduitTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  11433. IfcTendonConduitTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  11434. var IfcTendonTypeEnum = class {
  11435. constructor(v) {
  11436. this.value = v;
  11437. }
  11438. };
  11439. IfcTendonTypeEnum.BAR = "BAR";
  11440. IfcTendonTypeEnum.COATED = "COATED";
  11441. IfcTendonTypeEnum.STRAND = "STRAND";
  11442. IfcTendonTypeEnum.WIRE = "WIRE";
  11443. IfcTendonTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  11444. IfcTendonTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  11445. var IfcTextPath = class {
  11446. constructor(v) {
  11447. this.value = v;
  11448. }
  11449. };
  11450. IfcTextPath.LEFT = "LEFT";
  11451. IfcTextPath.RIGHT = "RIGHT";
  11452. IfcTextPath.UP = "UP";
  11453. IfcTextPath.DOWN = "DOWN";
  11454. var IfcTimeSeriesDataTypeEnum = class {
  11455. constructor(v) {
  11456. this.value = v;
  11457. }
  11458. };
  11459. IfcTimeSeriesDataTypeEnum.CONTINUOUS = "CONTINUOUS";
  11460. IfcTimeSeriesDataTypeEnum.DISCRETE = "DISCRETE";
  11461. IfcTimeSeriesDataTypeEnum.DISCRETEBINARY = "DISCRETEBINARY";
  11465. IfcTimeSeriesDataTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  11466. var IfcTransformerTypeEnum = class {
  11467. constructor(v) {
  11468. this.value = v;
  11469. }
  11470. };
  11471. IfcTransformerTypeEnum.CURRENT = "CURRENT";
  11472. IfcTransformerTypeEnum.FREQUENCY = "FREQUENCY";
  11473. IfcTransformerTypeEnum.INVERTER = "INVERTER";
  11474. IfcTransformerTypeEnum.RECTIFIER = "RECTIFIER";
  11475. IfcTransformerTypeEnum.VOLTAGE = "VOLTAGE";
  11476. IfcTransformerTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  11477. IfcTransformerTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  11478. var IfcTransitionCode = class {
  11479. constructor(v) {
  11480. this.value = v;
  11481. }
  11482. };
  11483. IfcTransitionCode.DISCONTINUOUS = "DISCONTINUOUS";
  11484. IfcTransitionCode.CONTINUOUS = "CONTINUOUS";
  11487. var IfcTransitionCurveType = class {
  11488. constructor(v) {
  11489. this.value = v;
  11490. }
  11491. };
  11493. IfcTransitionCurveType.BLOSSCURVE = "BLOSSCURVE";
  11494. IfcTransitionCurveType.CLOTHOIDCURVE = "CLOTHOIDCURVE";
  11495. IfcTransitionCurveType.COSINECURVE = "COSINECURVE";
  11496. IfcTransitionCurveType.CUBICPARABOLA = "CUBICPARABOLA";
  11497. IfcTransitionCurveType.SINECURVE = "SINECURVE";
  11498. var IfcTransportElementTypeEnum = class {
  11499. constructor(v) {
  11500. this.value = v;
  11501. }
  11502. };
  11503. IfcTransportElementTypeEnum.ELEVATOR = "ELEVATOR";
  11504. IfcTransportElementTypeEnum.ESCALATOR = "ESCALATOR";
  11505. IfcTransportElementTypeEnum.MOVINGWALKWAY = "MOVINGWALKWAY";
  11506. IfcTransportElementTypeEnum.CRANEWAY = "CRANEWAY";
  11507. IfcTransportElementTypeEnum.LIFTINGGEAR = "LIFTINGGEAR";
  11508. IfcTransportElementTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  11509. IfcTransportElementTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  11510. var IfcTrimmingPreference = class {
  11511. constructor(v) {
  11512. this.value = v;
  11513. }
  11514. };
  11515. IfcTrimmingPreference.CARTESIAN = "CARTESIAN";
  11516. IfcTrimmingPreference.PARAMETER = "PARAMETER";
  11517. IfcTrimmingPreference.UNSPECIFIED = "UNSPECIFIED";
  11518. var IfcTubeBundleTypeEnum = class {
  11519. constructor(v) {
  11520. this.value = v;
  11521. }
  11522. };
  11523. IfcTubeBundleTypeEnum.FINNED = "FINNED";
  11524. IfcTubeBundleTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  11525. IfcTubeBundleTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  11526. var IfcUnitEnum = class {
  11527. constructor(v) {
  11528. this.value = v;
  11529. }
  11530. };
  11533. IfcUnitEnum.AREAUNIT = "AREAUNIT";
  11541. IfcUnitEnum.ENERGYUNIT = "ENERGYUNIT";
  11542. IfcUnitEnum.FORCEUNIT = "FORCEUNIT";
  11546. IfcUnitEnum.LENGTHUNIT = "LENGTHUNIT";
  11551. IfcUnitEnum.MASSUNIT = "MASSUNIT";
  11553. IfcUnitEnum.POWERUNIT = "POWERUNIT";
  11558. IfcUnitEnum.TIMEUNIT = "TIMEUNIT";
  11559. IfcUnitEnum.VOLUMEUNIT = "VOLUMEUNIT";
  11561. var IfcUnitaryControlElementTypeEnum = class {
  11562. constructor(v) {
  11563. this.value = v;
  11564. }
  11565. };
  11566. IfcUnitaryControlElementTypeEnum.ALARMPANEL = "ALARMPANEL";
  11567. IfcUnitaryControlElementTypeEnum.CONTROLPANEL = "CONTROLPANEL";
  11568. IfcUnitaryControlElementTypeEnum.GASDETECTIONPANEL = "GASDETECTIONPANEL";
  11569. IfcUnitaryControlElementTypeEnum.INDICATORPANEL = "INDICATORPANEL";
  11570. IfcUnitaryControlElementTypeEnum.MIMICPANEL = "MIMICPANEL";
  11571. IfcUnitaryControlElementTypeEnum.HUMIDISTAT = "HUMIDISTAT";
  11572. IfcUnitaryControlElementTypeEnum.THERMOSTAT = "THERMOSTAT";
  11573. IfcUnitaryControlElementTypeEnum.WEATHERSTATION = "WEATHERSTATION";
  11574. IfcUnitaryControlElementTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  11575. IfcUnitaryControlElementTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  11576. var IfcUnitaryEquipmentTypeEnum = class {
  11577. constructor(v) {
  11578. this.value = v;
  11579. }
  11580. };
  11581. IfcUnitaryEquipmentTypeEnum.AIRHANDLER = "AIRHANDLER";
  11583. IfcUnitaryEquipmentTypeEnum.DEHUMIDIFIER = "DEHUMIDIFIER";
  11584. IfcUnitaryEquipmentTypeEnum.SPLITSYSTEM = "SPLITSYSTEM";
  11585. IfcUnitaryEquipmentTypeEnum.ROOFTOPUNIT = "ROOFTOPUNIT";
  11586. IfcUnitaryEquipmentTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  11587. IfcUnitaryEquipmentTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  11588. var IfcValveTypeEnum = class {
  11589. constructor(v) {
  11590. this.value = v;
  11591. }
  11592. };
  11593. IfcValveTypeEnum.AIRRELEASE = "AIRRELEASE";
  11594. IfcValveTypeEnum.ANTIVACUUM = "ANTIVACUUM";
  11595. IfcValveTypeEnum.CHANGEOVER = "CHANGEOVER";
  11596. IfcValveTypeEnum.CHECK = "CHECK";
  11598. IfcValveTypeEnum.DIVERTING = "DIVERTING";
  11599. IfcValveTypeEnum.DRAWOFFCOCK = "DRAWOFFCOCK";
  11600. IfcValveTypeEnum.DOUBLECHECK = "DOUBLECHECK";
  11602. IfcValveTypeEnum.FAUCET = "FAUCET";
  11603. IfcValveTypeEnum.FLUSHING = "FLUSHING";
  11604. IfcValveTypeEnum.GASCOCK = "GASCOCK";
  11605. IfcValveTypeEnum.GASTAP = "GASTAP";
  11606. IfcValveTypeEnum.ISOLATING = "ISOLATING";
  11607. IfcValveTypeEnum.MIXING = "MIXING";
  11610. IfcValveTypeEnum.REGULATING = "REGULATING";
  11611. IfcValveTypeEnum.SAFETYCUTOFF = "SAFETYCUTOFF";
  11612. IfcValveTypeEnum.STEAMTRAP = "STEAMTRAP";
  11613. IfcValveTypeEnum.STOPCOCK = "STOPCOCK";
  11614. IfcValveTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  11615. IfcValveTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  11616. var IfcVibrationDamperTypeEnum = class {
  11617. constructor(v) {
  11618. this.value = v;
  11619. }
  11620. };
  11621. IfcVibrationDamperTypeEnum.BENDING_YIELD = "BENDING_YIELD";
  11622. IfcVibrationDamperTypeEnum.SHEAR_YIELD = "SHEAR_YIELD";
  11623. IfcVibrationDamperTypeEnum.AXIAL_YIELD = "AXIAL_YIELD";
  11624. IfcVibrationDamperTypeEnum.FRICTION = "FRICTION";
  11625. IfcVibrationDamperTypeEnum.VISCOUS = "VISCOUS";
  11626. IfcVibrationDamperTypeEnum.RUBBER = "RUBBER";
  11627. IfcVibrationDamperTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  11628. IfcVibrationDamperTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  11629. var IfcVibrationIsolatorTypeEnum = class {
  11630. constructor(v) {
  11631. this.value = v;
  11632. }
  11633. };
  11634. IfcVibrationIsolatorTypeEnum.COMPRESSION = "COMPRESSION";
  11635. IfcVibrationIsolatorTypeEnum.SPRING = "SPRING";
  11636. IfcVibrationIsolatorTypeEnum.BASE = "BASE";
  11637. IfcVibrationIsolatorTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  11638. IfcVibrationIsolatorTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  11639. var IfcVoidingFeatureTypeEnum = class {
  11640. constructor(v) {
  11641. this.value = v;
  11642. }
  11643. };
  11644. IfcVoidingFeatureTypeEnum.CUTOUT = "CUTOUT";
  11645. IfcVoidingFeatureTypeEnum.NOTCH = "NOTCH";
  11646. IfcVoidingFeatureTypeEnum.HOLE = "HOLE";
  11647. IfcVoidingFeatureTypeEnum.MITER = "MITER";
  11648. IfcVoidingFeatureTypeEnum.CHAMFER = "CHAMFER";
  11649. IfcVoidingFeatureTypeEnum.EDGE = "EDGE";
  11650. IfcVoidingFeatureTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  11651. IfcVoidingFeatureTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  11652. var IfcWallTypeEnum = class {
  11653. constructor(v) {
  11654. this.value = v;
  11655. }
  11656. };
  11657. IfcWallTypeEnum.MOVABLE = "MOVABLE";
  11658. IfcWallTypeEnum.PARAPET = "PARAPET";
  11661. IfcWallTypeEnum.SHEAR = "SHEAR";
  11662. IfcWallTypeEnum.SOLIDWALL = "SOLIDWALL";
  11663. IfcWallTypeEnum.STANDARD = "STANDARD";
  11664. IfcWallTypeEnum.POLYGONAL = "POLYGONAL";
  11667. IfcWallTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  11668. IfcWallTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  11669. var IfcWasteTerminalTypeEnum = class {
  11670. constructor(v) {
  11671. this.value = v;
  11672. }
  11673. };
  11674. IfcWasteTerminalTypeEnum.FLOORTRAP = "FLOORTRAP";
  11675. IfcWasteTerminalTypeEnum.FLOORWASTE = "FLOORWASTE";
  11676. IfcWasteTerminalTypeEnum.GULLYSUMP = "GULLYSUMP";
  11677. IfcWasteTerminalTypeEnum.GULLYTRAP = "GULLYTRAP";
  11678. IfcWasteTerminalTypeEnum.ROOFDRAIN = "ROOFDRAIN";
  11680. IfcWasteTerminalTypeEnum.WASTETRAP = "WASTETRAP";
  11681. IfcWasteTerminalTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  11682. IfcWasteTerminalTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  11683. var IfcWindowPanelOperationEnum = class {
  11684. constructor(v) {
  11685. this.value = v;
  11686. }
  11687. };
  11689. IfcWindowPanelOperationEnum.SIDEHUNGLEFTHAND = "SIDEHUNGLEFTHAND";
  11692. IfcWindowPanelOperationEnum.TOPHUNG = "TOPHUNG";
  11693. IfcWindowPanelOperationEnum.BOTTOMHUNG = "BOTTOMHUNG";
  11694. IfcWindowPanelOperationEnum.PIVOTHORIZONTAL = "PIVOTHORIZONTAL";
  11695. IfcWindowPanelOperationEnum.PIVOTVERTICAL = "PIVOTVERTICAL";
  11697. IfcWindowPanelOperationEnum.SLIDINGVERTICAL = "SLIDINGVERTICAL";
  11699. IfcWindowPanelOperationEnum.FIXEDCASEMENT = "FIXEDCASEMENT";
  11700. IfcWindowPanelOperationEnum.OTHEROPERATION = "OTHEROPERATION";
  11701. IfcWindowPanelOperationEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  11702. var IfcWindowPanelPositionEnum = class {
  11703. constructor(v) {
  11704. this.value = v;
  11705. }
  11706. };
  11707. IfcWindowPanelPositionEnum.LEFT = "LEFT";
  11708. IfcWindowPanelPositionEnum.MIDDLE = "MIDDLE";
  11709. IfcWindowPanelPositionEnum.RIGHT = "RIGHT";
  11710. IfcWindowPanelPositionEnum.BOTTOM = "BOTTOM";
  11711. IfcWindowPanelPositionEnum.TOP = "TOP";
  11712. IfcWindowPanelPositionEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  11713. var IfcWindowStyleConstructionEnum = class {
  11714. constructor(v) {
  11715. this.value = v;
  11716. }
  11717. };
  11718. IfcWindowStyleConstructionEnum.ALUMINIUM = "ALUMINIUM";
  11719. IfcWindowStyleConstructionEnum.HIGH_GRADE_STEEL = "HIGH_GRADE_STEEL";
  11720. IfcWindowStyleConstructionEnum.STEEL = "STEEL";
  11721. IfcWindowStyleConstructionEnum.WOOD = "WOOD";
  11722. IfcWindowStyleConstructionEnum.ALUMINIUM_WOOD = "ALUMINIUM_WOOD";
  11723. IfcWindowStyleConstructionEnum.PLASTIC = "PLASTIC";
  11724. IfcWindowStyleConstructionEnum.OTHER_CONSTRUCTION = "OTHER_CONSTRUCTION";
  11725. IfcWindowStyleConstructionEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  11726. var IfcWindowStyleOperationEnum = class {
  11727. constructor(v) {
  11728. this.value = v;
  11729. }
  11730. };
  11731. IfcWindowStyleOperationEnum.SINGLE_PANEL = "SINGLE_PANEL";
  11735. IfcWindowStyleOperationEnum.TRIPLE_PANEL_BOTTOM = "TRIPLE_PANEL_BOTTOM";
  11736. IfcWindowStyleOperationEnum.TRIPLE_PANEL_TOP = "TRIPLE_PANEL_TOP";
  11737. IfcWindowStyleOperationEnum.TRIPLE_PANEL_LEFT = "TRIPLE_PANEL_LEFT";
  11738. IfcWindowStyleOperationEnum.TRIPLE_PANEL_RIGHT = "TRIPLE_PANEL_RIGHT";
  11740. IfcWindowStyleOperationEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  11741. IfcWindowStyleOperationEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  11742. var IfcWindowTypeEnum = class {
  11743. constructor(v) {
  11744. this.value = v;
  11745. }
  11746. };
  11747. IfcWindowTypeEnum.WINDOW = "WINDOW";
  11748. IfcWindowTypeEnum.SKYLIGHT = "SKYLIGHT";
  11749. IfcWindowTypeEnum.LIGHTDOME = "LIGHTDOME";
  11750. IfcWindowTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  11751. IfcWindowTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  11752. var IfcWindowTypePartitioningEnum = class {
  11753. constructor(v) {
  11754. this.value = v;
  11755. }
  11756. };
  11757. IfcWindowTypePartitioningEnum.SINGLE_PANEL = "SINGLE_PANEL";
  11758. IfcWindowTypePartitioningEnum.DOUBLE_PANEL_VERTICAL = "DOUBLE_PANEL_VERTICAL";
  11760. IfcWindowTypePartitioningEnum.TRIPLE_PANEL_VERTICAL = "TRIPLE_PANEL_VERTICAL";
  11761. IfcWindowTypePartitioningEnum.TRIPLE_PANEL_BOTTOM = "TRIPLE_PANEL_BOTTOM";
  11762. IfcWindowTypePartitioningEnum.TRIPLE_PANEL_TOP = "TRIPLE_PANEL_TOP";
  11763. IfcWindowTypePartitioningEnum.TRIPLE_PANEL_LEFT = "TRIPLE_PANEL_LEFT";
  11764. IfcWindowTypePartitioningEnum.TRIPLE_PANEL_RIGHT = "TRIPLE_PANEL_RIGHT";
  11766. IfcWindowTypePartitioningEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  11767. IfcWindowTypePartitioningEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  11768. var IfcWorkCalendarTypeEnum = class {
  11769. constructor(v) {
  11770. this.value = v;
  11771. }
  11772. };
  11773. IfcWorkCalendarTypeEnum.FIRSTSHIFT = "FIRSTSHIFT";
  11774. IfcWorkCalendarTypeEnum.SECONDSHIFT = "SECONDSHIFT";
  11775. IfcWorkCalendarTypeEnum.THIRDSHIFT = "THIRDSHIFT";
  11776. IfcWorkCalendarTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  11777. IfcWorkCalendarTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  11778. var IfcWorkPlanTypeEnum = class {
  11779. constructor(v) {
  11780. this.value = v;
  11781. }
  11782. };
  11783. IfcWorkPlanTypeEnum.ACTUAL = "ACTUAL";
  11784. IfcWorkPlanTypeEnum.BASELINE = "BASELINE";
  11785. IfcWorkPlanTypeEnum.PLANNED = "PLANNED";
  11786. IfcWorkPlanTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  11787. IfcWorkPlanTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  11788. var IfcWorkScheduleTypeEnum = class {
  11789. constructor(v) {
  11790. this.value = v;
  11791. }
  11792. };
  11793. IfcWorkScheduleTypeEnum.ACTUAL = "ACTUAL";
  11794. IfcWorkScheduleTypeEnum.BASELINE = "BASELINE";
  11795. IfcWorkScheduleTypeEnum.PLANNED = "PLANNED";
  11796. IfcWorkScheduleTypeEnum.USERDEFINED = "USERDEFINED";
  11797. IfcWorkScheduleTypeEnum.NOTDEFINED = "NOTDEFINED";
  11798. var IfcActionRequest = class {
  11799. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, Identification, PredefinedType, Status, LongDescription) {
  11800. this.expressID = expressID;
  11801. this.type = type;
  11802. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  11803. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  11804. this.Name = Name;
  11805. this.Description = Description;
  11806. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  11807. this.Identification = Identification;
  11808. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  11809. this.Status = Status;
  11810. this.LongDescription = LongDescription;
  11811. }
  11812. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  11813. let ptr = 0;
  11814. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  11815. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  11816. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  11817. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  11818. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  11819. let Identification = tape[ptr++];
  11820. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  11821. let Status = tape[ptr++];
  11822. let LongDescription = tape[ptr++];
  11823. return new IfcActionRequest(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, Identification, PredefinedType, Status, LongDescription);
  11824. }
  11825. ToTape() {
  11826. let args = [];
  11827. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  11828. ;
  11829. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  11830. ;
  11831. args.push(this.Name);
  11832. ;
  11833. args.push(this.Description);
  11834. ;
  11835. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  11836. ;
  11837. args.push(this.Identification);
  11838. ;
  11839. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  11840. ;
  11841. args.push(this.Status);
  11842. ;
  11843. args.push(this.LongDescription);
  11844. ;
  11845. return args;
  11846. }
  11847. };
  11848. var IfcActor = class {
  11849. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, TheActor) {
  11850. this.expressID = expressID;
  11851. this.type = type;
  11852. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  11853. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  11854. this.Name = Name;
  11855. this.Description = Description;
  11856. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  11857. this.TheActor = TheActor;
  11858. }
  11859. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  11860. let ptr = 0;
  11861. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  11862. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  11863. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  11864. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  11865. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  11866. let TheActor = tape[ptr++];
  11867. return new IfcActor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, TheActor);
  11868. }
  11869. ToTape() {
  11870. let args = [];
  11871. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  11872. ;
  11873. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  11874. ;
  11875. args.push(this.Name);
  11876. ;
  11877. args.push(this.Description);
  11878. ;
  11879. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  11880. ;
  11881. args.push(this.TheActor);
  11882. ;
  11883. return args;
  11884. }
  11885. };
  11886. var IfcActorRole = class {
  11887. constructor(expressID, type, Role, UserDefinedRole, Description) {
  11888. this.expressID = expressID;
  11889. this.type = type;
  11890. this.Role = Role;
  11891. this.UserDefinedRole = UserDefinedRole;
  11892. this.Description = Description;
  11893. }
  11894. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  11895. let ptr = 0;
  11896. let Role = tape[ptr++];
  11897. let UserDefinedRole = tape[ptr++];
  11898. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  11899. return new IfcActorRole(expressID, type, Role, UserDefinedRole, Description);
  11900. }
  11901. ToTape() {
  11902. let args = [];
  11903. args.push(this.Role);
  11904. ;
  11905. args.push(this.UserDefinedRole);
  11906. ;
  11907. args.push(this.Description);
  11908. ;
  11909. return args;
  11910. }
  11911. };
  11912. var IfcActuator = class {
  11913. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType) {
  11914. this.expressID = expressID;
  11915. this.type = type;
  11916. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  11917. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  11918. this.Name = Name;
  11919. this.Description = Description;
  11920. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  11921. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  11922. this.Representation = Representation;
  11923. this.Tag = Tag;
  11924. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  11925. }
  11926. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  11927. let ptr = 0;
  11928. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  11929. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  11930. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  11931. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  11932. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  11933. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  11934. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  11935. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  11936. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  11937. return new IfcActuator(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType);
  11938. }
  11939. ToTape() {
  11940. let args = [];
  11941. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  11942. ;
  11943. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  11944. ;
  11945. args.push(this.Name);
  11946. ;
  11947. args.push(this.Description);
  11948. ;
  11949. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  11950. ;
  11951. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  11952. ;
  11953. args.push(this.Representation);
  11954. ;
  11955. args.push(this.Tag);
  11956. ;
  11957. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  11958. ;
  11959. return args;
  11960. }
  11961. };
  11962. var IfcActuatorType = class {
  11963. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType) {
  11964. this.expressID = expressID;
  11965. this.type = type;
  11966. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  11967. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  11968. this.Name = Name;
  11969. this.Description = Description;
  11970. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  11971. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  11972. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  11973. this.Tag = Tag;
  11974. this.ElementType = ElementType;
  11975. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  11976. }
  11977. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  11978. let ptr = 0;
  11979. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  11980. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  11981. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  11982. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  11983. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  11984. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  11985. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  11986. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  11987. let ElementType = tape[ptr++];
  11988. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  11989. return new IfcActuatorType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType);
  11990. }
  11991. ToTape() {
  11992. let args = [];
  11993. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  11994. ;
  11995. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  11996. ;
  11997. args.push(this.Name);
  11998. ;
  11999. args.push(this.Description);
  12000. ;
  12001. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  12002. ;
  12003. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  12004. ;
  12005. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  12006. ;
  12007. args.push(this.Tag);
  12008. ;
  12009. args.push(this.ElementType);
  12010. ;
  12011. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  12012. ;
  12013. return args;
  12014. }
  12015. };
  12016. var IfcAddress = class {
  12017. constructor(expressID, type, Purpose, Description, UserDefinedPurpose) {
  12018. this.expressID = expressID;
  12019. this.type = type;
  12020. this.Purpose = Purpose;
  12021. this.Description = Description;
  12022. this.UserDefinedPurpose = UserDefinedPurpose;
  12023. }
  12024. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  12025. let ptr = 0;
  12026. let Purpose = tape[ptr++];
  12027. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  12028. let UserDefinedPurpose = tape[ptr++];
  12029. return new IfcAddress(expressID, type, Purpose, Description, UserDefinedPurpose);
  12030. }
  12031. ToTape() {
  12032. let args = [];
  12033. args.push(this.Purpose);
  12034. ;
  12035. args.push(this.Description);
  12036. ;
  12037. args.push(this.UserDefinedPurpose);
  12038. ;
  12039. return args;
  12040. }
  12041. };
  12042. var IfcAdvancedBrep = class {
  12043. constructor(expressID, type, Outer) {
  12044. this.expressID = expressID;
  12045. this.type = type;
  12046. this.Outer = Outer;
  12047. }
  12048. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  12049. let ptr = 0;
  12050. let Outer = tape[ptr++];
  12051. return new IfcAdvancedBrep(expressID, type, Outer);
  12052. }
  12053. ToTape() {
  12054. let args = [];
  12055. args.push(this.Outer);
  12056. ;
  12057. return args;
  12058. }
  12059. };
  12060. var IfcAdvancedBrepWithVoids = class {
  12061. constructor(expressID, type, Outer, Voids) {
  12062. this.expressID = expressID;
  12063. this.type = type;
  12064. this.Outer = Outer;
  12065. this.Voids = Voids;
  12066. }
  12067. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  12068. let ptr = 0;
  12069. let Outer = tape[ptr++];
  12070. let Voids = tape[ptr++];
  12071. return new IfcAdvancedBrepWithVoids(expressID, type, Outer, Voids);
  12072. }
  12073. ToTape() {
  12074. let args = [];
  12075. args.push(this.Outer);
  12076. ;
  12077. args.push(this.Voids);
  12078. ;
  12079. return args;
  12080. }
  12081. };
  12082. var IfcAdvancedFace = class {
  12083. constructor(expressID, type, Bounds, FaceSurface, SameSense) {
  12084. this.expressID = expressID;
  12085. this.type = type;
  12086. this.Bounds = Bounds;
  12087. this.FaceSurface = FaceSurface;
  12088. this.SameSense = SameSense;
  12089. }
  12090. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  12091. let ptr = 0;
  12092. let Bounds = tape[ptr++];
  12093. let FaceSurface = tape[ptr++];
  12094. let SameSense = tape[ptr++];
  12095. return new IfcAdvancedFace(expressID, type, Bounds, FaceSurface, SameSense);
  12096. }
  12097. ToTape() {
  12098. let args = [];
  12099. args.push(this.Bounds);
  12100. ;
  12101. args.push(this.FaceSurface);
  12102. ;
  12103. args.push(this.SameSense);
  12104. ;
  12105. return args;
  12106. }
  12107. };
  12108. var IfcAirTerminal = class {
  12109. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType) {
  12110. this.expressID = expressID;
  12111. this.type = type;
  12112. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  12113. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  12114. this.Name = Name;
  12115. this.Description = Description;
  12116. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  12117. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  12118. this.Representation = Representation;
  12119. this.Tag = Tag;
  12120. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  12121. }
  12122. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  12123. let ptr = 0;
  12124. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  12125. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  12126. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  12127. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  12128. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  12129. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  12130. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  12131. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  12132. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  12133. return new IfcAirTerminal(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType);
  12134. }
  12135. ToTape() {
  12136. let args = [];
  12137. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  12138. ;
  12139. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  12140. ;
  12141. args.push(this.Name);
  12142. ;
  12143. args.push(this.Description);
  12144. ;
  12145. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  12146. ;
  12147. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  12148. ;
  12149. args.push(this.Representation);
  12150. ;
  12151. args.push(this.Tag);
  12152. ;
  12153. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  12154. ;
  12155. return args;
  12156. }
  12157. };
  12158. var IfcAirTerminalBox = class {
  12159. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType) {
  12160. this.expressID = expressID;
  12161. this.type = type;
  12162. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  12163. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  12164. this.Name = Name;
  12165. this.Description = Description;
  12166. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  12167. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  12168. this.Representation = Representation;
  12169. this.Tag = Tag;
  12170. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  12171. }
  12172. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  12173. let ptr = 0;
  12174. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  12175. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  12176. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  12177. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  12178. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  12179. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  12180. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  12181. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  12182. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  12183. return new IfcAirTerminalBox(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType);
  12184. }
  12185. ToTape() {
  12186. let args = [];
  12187. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  12188. ;
  12189. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  12190. ;
  12191. args.push(this.Name);
  12192. ;
  12193. args.push(this.Description);
  12194. ;
  12195. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  12196. ;
  12197. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  12198. ;
  12199. args.push(this.Representation);
  12200. ;
  12201. args.push(this.Tag);
  12202. ;
  12203. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  12204. ;
  12205. return args;
  12206. }
  12207. };
  12208. var IfcAirTerminalBoxType = class {
  12209. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType) {
  12210. this.expressID = expressID;
  12211. this.type = type;
  12212. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  12213. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  12214. this.Name = Name;
  12215. this.Description = Description;
  12216. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  12217. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  12218. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  12219. this.Tag = Tag;
  12220. this.ElementType = ElementType;
  12221. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  12222. }
  12223. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  12224. let ptr = 0;
  12225. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  12226. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  12227. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  12228. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  12229. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  12230. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  12231. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  12232. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  12233. let ElementType = tape[ptr++];
  12234. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  12235. return new IfcAirTerminalBoxType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType);
  12236. }
  12237. ToTape() {
  12238. let args = [];
  12239. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  12240. ;
  12241. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  12242. ;
  12243. args.push(this.Name);
  12244. ;
  12245. args.push(this.Description);
  12246. ;
  12247. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  12248. ;
  12249. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  12250. ;
  12251. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  12252. ;
  12253. args.push(this.Tag);
  12254. ;
  12255. args.push(this.ElementType);
  12256. ;
  12257. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  12258. ;
  12259. return args;
  12260. }
  12261. };
  12262. var IfcAirTerminalType = class {
  12263. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType) {
  12264. this.expressID = expressID;
  12265. this.type = type;
  12266. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  12267. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  12268. this.Name = Name;
  12269. this.Description = Description;
  12270. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  12271. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  12272. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  12273. this.Tag = Tag;
  12274. this.ElementType = ElementType;
  12275. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  12276. }
  12277. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  12278. let ptr = 0;
  12279. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  12280. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  12281. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  12282. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  12283. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  12284. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  12285. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  12286. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  12287. let ElementType = tape[ptr++];
  12288. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  12289. return new IfcAirTerminalType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType);
  12290. }
  12291. ToTape() {
  12292. let args = [];
  12293. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  12294. ;
  12295. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  12296. ;
  12297. args.push(this.Name);
  12298. ;
  12299. args.push(this.Description);
  12300. ;
  12301. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  12302. ;
  12303. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  12304. ;
  12305. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  12306. ;
  12307. args.push(this.Tag);
  12308. ;
  12309. args.push(this.ElementType);
  12310. ;
  12311. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  12312. ;
  12313. return args;
  12314. }
  12315. };
  12316. var IfcAirToAirHeatRecovery = class {
  12317. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType) {
  12318. this.expressID = expressID;
  12319. this.type = type;
  12320. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  12321. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  12322. this.Name = Name;
  12323. this.Description = Description;
  12324. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  12325. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  12326. this.Representation = Representation;
  12327. this.Tag = Tag;
  12328. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  12329. }
  12330. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  12331. let ptr = 0;
  12332. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  12333. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  12334. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  12335. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  12336. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  12337. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  12338. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  12339. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  12340. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  12341. return new IfcAirToAirHeatRecovery(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType);
  12342. }
  12343. ToTape() {
  12344. let args = [];
  12345. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  12346. ;
  12347. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  12348. ;
  12349. args.push(this.Name);
  12350. ;
  12351. args.push(this.Description);
  12352. ;
  12353. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  12354. ;
  12355. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  12356. ;
  12357. args.push(this.Representation);
  12358. ;
  12359. args.push(this.Tag);
  12360. ;
  12361. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  12362. ;
  12363. return args;
  12364. }
  12365. };
  12366. var IfcAirToAirHeatRecoveryType = class {
  12367. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType) {
  12368. this.expressID = expressID;
  12369. this.type = type;
  12370. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  12371. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  12372. this.Name = Name;
  12373. this.Description = Description;
  12374. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  12375. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  12376. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  12377. this.Tag = Tag;
  12378. this.ElementType = ElementType;
  12379. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  12380. }
  12381. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  12382. let ptr = 0;
  12383. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  12384. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  12385. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  12386. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  12387. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  12388. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  12389. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  12390. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  12391. let ElementType = tape[ptr++];
  12392. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  12393. return new IfcAirToAirHeatRecoveryType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType);
  12394. }
  12395. ToTape() {
  12396. let args = [];
  12397. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  12398. ;
  12399. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  12400. ;
  12401. args.push(this.Name);
  12402. ;
  12403. args.push(this.Description);
  12404. ;
  12405. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  12406. ;
  12407. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  12408. ;
  12409. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  12410. ;
  12411. args.push(this.Tag);
  12412. ;
  12413. args.push(this.ElementType);
  12414. ;
  12415. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  12416. ;
  12417. return args;
  12418. }
  12419. };
  12420. var IfcAlarm = class {
  12421. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType) {
  12422. this.expressID = expressID;
  12423. this.type = type;
  12424. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  12425. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  12426. this.Name = Name;
  12427. this.Description = Description;
  12428. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  12429. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  12430. this.Representation = Representation;
  12431. this.Tag = Tag;
  12432. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  12433. }
  12434. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  12435. let ptr = 0;
  12436. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  12437. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  12438. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  12439. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  12440. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  12441. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  12442. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  12443. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  12444. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  12445. return new IfcAlarm(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType);
  12446. }
  12447. ToTape() {
  12448. let args = [];
  12449. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  12450. ;
  12451. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  12452. ;
  12453. args.push(this.Name);
  12454. ;
  12455. args.push(this.Description);
  12456. ;
  12457. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  12458. ;
  12459. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  12460. ;
  12461. args.push(this.Representation);
  12462. ;
  12463. args.push(this.Tag);
  12464. ;
  12465. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  12466. ;
  12467. return args;
  12468. }
  12469. };
  12470. var IfcAlarmType = class {
  12471. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType) {
  12472. this.expressID = expressID;
  12473. this.type = type;
  12474. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  12475. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  12476. this.Name = Name;
  12477. this.Description = Description;
  12478. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  12479. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  12480. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  12481. this.Tag = Tag;
  12482. this.ElementType = ElementType;
  12483. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  12484. }
  12485. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  12486. let ptr = 0;
  12487. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  12488. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  12489. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  12490. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  12491. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  12492. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  12493. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  12494. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  12495. let ElementType = tape[ptr++];
  12496. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  12497. return new IfcAlarmType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType);
  12498. }
  12499. ToTape() {
  12500. let args = [];
  12501. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  12502. ;
  12503. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  12504. ;
  12505. args.push(this.Name);
  12506. ;
  12507. args.push(this.Description);
  12508. ;
  12509. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  12510. ;
  12511. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  12512. ;
  12513. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  12514. ;
  12515. args.push(this.Tag);
  12516. ;
  12517. args.push(this.ElementType);
  12518. ;
  12519. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  12520. ;
  12521. return args;
  12522. }
  12523. };
  12524. var IfcAlignment = class {
  12525. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Axis, PredefinedType) {
  12526. this.expressID = expressID;
  12527. this.type = type;
  12528. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  12529. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  12530. this.Name = Name;
  12531. this.Description = Description;
  12532. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  12533. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  12534. this.Representation = Representation;
  12535. this.Axis = Axis;
  12536. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  12537. }
  12538. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  12539. let ptr = 0;
  12540. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  12541. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  12542. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  12543. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  12544. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  12545. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  12546. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  12547. let Axis = tape[ptr++];
  12548. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  12549. return new IfcAlignment(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Axis, PredefinedType);
  12550. }
  12551. ToTape() {
  12552. let args = [];
  12553. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  12554. ;
  12555. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  12556. ;
  12557. args.push(this.Name);
  12558. ;
  12559. args.push(this.Description);
  12560. ;
  12561. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  12562. ;
  12563. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  12564. ;
  12565. args.push(this.Representation);
  12566. ;
  12567. args.push(this.Axis);
  12568. ;
  12569. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  12570. ;
  12571. return args;
  12572. }
  12573. };
  12574. var IfcAlignment2DHorizontal = class {
  12575. constructor(expressID, type, StartDistAlong, Segments) {
  12576. this.expressID = expressID;
  12577. this.type = type;
  12578. this.StartDistAlong = StartDistAlong;
  12579. this.Segments = Segments;
  12580. }
  12581. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  12582. let ptr = 0;
  12583. let StartDistAlong = tape[ptr++];
  12584. let Segments = tape[ptr++];
  12585. return new IfcAlignment2DHorizontal(expressID, type, StartDistAlong, Segments);
  12586. }
  12587. ToTape() {
  12588. let args = [];
  12589. args.push(this.StartDistAlong);
  12590. ;
  12591. args.push(this.Segments);
  12592. ;
  12593. return args;
  12594. }
  12595. };
  12596. var IfcAlignment2DHorizontalSegment = class {
  12597. constructor(expressID, type, TangentialContinuity, StartTag, EndTag, CurveGeometry) {
  12598. this.expressID = expressID;
  12599. this.type = type;
  12600. this.TangentialContinuity = TangentialContinuity;
  12601. this.StartTag = StartTag;
  12602. this.EndTag = EndTag;
  12603. this.CurveGeometry = CurveGeometry;
  12604. }
  12605. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  12606. let ptr = 0;
  12607. let TangentialContinuity = tape[ptr++];
  12608. let StartTag = tape[ptr++];
  12609. let EndTag = tape[ptr++];
  12610. let CurveGeometry = tape[ptr++];
  12611. return new IfcAlignment2DHorizontalSegment(expressID, type, TangentialContinuity, StartTag, EndTag, CurveGeometry);
  12612. }
  12613. ToTape() {
  12614. let args = [];
  12615. args.push(this.TangentialContinuity);
  12616. ;
  12617. args.push(this.StartTag);
  12618. ;
  12619. args.push(this.EndTag);
  12620. ;
  12621. args.push(this.CurveGeometry);
  12622. ;
  12623. return args;
  12624. }
  12625. };
  12626. var IfcAlignment2DSegment = class {
  12627. constructor(expressID, type, TangentialContinuity, StartTag, EndTag) {
  12628. this.expressID = expressID;
  12629. this.type = type;
  12630. this.TangentialContinuity = TangentialContinuity;
  12631. this.StartTag = StartTag;
  12632. this.EndTag = EndTag;
  12633. }
  12634. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  12635. let ptr = 0;
  12636. let TangentialContinuity = tape[ptr++];
  12637. let StartTag = tape[ptr++];
  12638. let EndTag = tape[ptr++];
  12639. return new IfcAlignment2DSegment(expressID, type, TangentialContinuity, StartTag, EndTag);
  12640. }
  12641. ToTape() {
  12642. let args = [];
  12643. args.push(this.TangentialContinuity);
  12644. ;
  12645. args.push(this.StartTag);
  12646. ;
  12647. args.push(this.EndTag);
  12648. ;
  12649. return args;
  12650. }
  12651. };
  12652. var IfcAlignment2DVerSegCircularArc = class {
  12653. constructor(expressID, type, TangentialContinuity, StartTag, EndTag, StartDistAlong, HorizontalLength, StartHeight, StartGradient, Radius, IsConvex) {
  12654. this.expressID = expressID;
  12655. this.type = type;
  12656. this.TangentialContinuity = TangentialContinuity;
  12657. this.StartTag = StartTag;
  12658. this.EndTag = EndTag;
  12659. this.StartDistAlong = StartDistAlong;
  12660. this.HorizontalLength = HorizontalLength;
  12661. this.StartHeight = StartHeight;
  12662. this.StartGradient = StartGradient;
  12663. this.Radius = Radius;
  12664. this.IsConvex = IsConvex;
  12665. }
  12666. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  12667. let ptr = 0;
  12668. let TangentialContinuity = tape[ptr++];
  12669. let StartTag = tape[ptr++];
  12670. let EndTag = tape[ptr++];
  12671. let StartDistAlong = tape[ptr++];
  12672. let HorizontalLength = tape[ptr++];
  12673. let StartHeight = tape[ptr++];
  12674. let StartGradient = tape[ptr++];
  12675. let Radius = tape[ptr++];
  12676. let IsConvex = tape[ptr++];
  12677. return new IfcAlignment2DVerSegCircularArc(expressID, type, TangentialContinuity, StartTag, EndTag, StartDistAlong, HorizontalLength, StartHeight, StartGradient, Radius, IsConvex);
  12678. }
  12679. ToTape() {
  12680. let args = [];
  12681. args.push(this.TangentialContinuity);
  12682. ;
  12683. args.push(this.StartTag);
  12684. ;
  12685. args.push(this.EndTag);
  12686. ;
  12687. args.push(this.StartDistAlong);
  12688. ;
  12689. args.push(this.HorizontalLength);
  12690. ;
  12691. args.push(this.StartHeight);
  12692. ;
  12693. args.push(this.StartGradient);
  12694. ;
  12695. args.push(this.Radius);
  12696. ;
  12697. args.push(this.IsConvex);
  12698. ;
  12699. return args;
  12700. }
  12701. };
  12702. var IfcAlignment2DVerSegLine = class {
  12703. constructor(expressID, type, TangentialContinuity, StartTag, EndTag, StartDistAlong, HorizontalLength, StartHeight, StartGradient) {
  12704. this.expressID = expressID;
  12705. this.type = type;
  12706. this.TangentialContinuity = TangentialContinuity;
  12707. this.StartTag = StartTag;
  12708. this.EndTag = EndTag;
  12709. this.StartDistAlong = StartDistAlong;
  12710. this.HorizontalLength = HorizontalLength;
  12711. this.StartHeight = StartHeight;
  12712. this.StartGradient = StartGradient;
  12713. }
  12714. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  12715. let ptr = 0;
  12716. let TangentialContinuity = tape[ptr++];
  12717. let StartTag = tape[ptr++];
  12718. let EndTag = tape[ptr++];
  12719. let StartDistAlong = tape[ptr++];
  12720. let HorizontalLength = tape[ptr++];
  12721. let StartHeight = tape[ptr++];
  12722. let StartGradient = tape[ptr++];
  12723. return new IfcAlignment2DVerSegLine(expressID, type, TangentialContinuity, StartTag, EndTag, StartDistAlong, HorizontalLength, StartHeight, StartGradient);
  12724. }
  12725. ToTape() {
  12726. let args = [];
  12727. args.push(this.TangentialContinuity);
  12728. ;
  12729. args.push(this.StartTag);
  12730. ;
  12731. args.push(this.EndTag);
  12732. ;
  12733. args.push(this.StartDistAlong);
  12734. ;
  12735. args.push(this.HorizontalLength);
  12736. ;
  12737. args.push(this.StartHeight);
  12738. ;
  12739. args.push(this.StartGradient);
  12740. ;
  12741. return args;
  12742. }
  12743. };
  12744. var IfcAlignment2DVerSegParabolicArc = class {
  12745. constructor(expressID, type, TangentialContinuity, StartTag, EndTag, StartDistAlong, HorizontalLength, StartHeight, StartGradient, ParabolaConstant, IsConvex) {
  12746. this.expressID = expressID;
  12747. this.type = type;
  12748. this.TangentialContinuity = TangentialContinuity;
  12749. this.StartTag = StartTag;
  12750. this.EndTag = EndTag;
  12751. this.StartDistAlong = StartDistAlong;
  12752. this.HorizontalLength = HorizontalLength;
  12753. this.StartHeight = StartHeight;
  12754. this.StartGradient = StartGradient;
  12755. this.ParabolaConstant = ParabolaConstant;
  12756. this.IsConvex = IsConvex;
  12757. }
  12758. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  12759. let ptr = 0;
  12760. let TangentialContinuity = tape[ptr++];
  12761. let StartTag = tape[ptr++];
  12762. let EndTag = tape[ptr++];
  12763. let StartDistAlong = tape[ptr++];
  12764. let HorizontalLength = tape[ptr++];
  12765. let StartHeight = tape[ptr++];
  12766. let StartGradient = tape[ptr++];
  12767. let ParabolaConstant = tape[ptr++];
  12768. let IsConvex = tape[ptr++];
  12769. return new IfcAlignment2DVerSegParabolicArc(expressID, type, TangentialContinuity, StartTag, EndTag, StartDistAlong, HorizontalLength, StartHeight, StartGradient, ParabolaConstant, IsConvex);
  12770. }
  12771. ToTape() {
  12772. let args = [];
  12773. args.push(this.TangentialContinuity);
  12774. ;
  12775. args.push(this.StartTag);
  12776. ;
  12777. args.push(this.EndTag);
  12778. ;
  12779. args.push(this.StartDistAlong);
  12780. ;
  12781. args.push(this.HorizontalLength);
  12782. ;
  12783. args.push(this.StartHeight);
  12784. ;
  12785. args.push(this.StartGradient);
  12786. ;
  12787. args.push(this.ParabolaConstant);
  12788. ;
  12789. args.push(this.IsConvex);
  12790. ;
  12791. return args;
  12792. }
  12793. };
  12794. var IfcAlignment2DVertical = class {
  12795. constructor(expressID, type, Segments) {
  12796. this.expressID = expressID;
  12797. this.type = type;
  12798. this.Segments = Segments;
  12799. }
  12800. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  12801. let ptr = 0;
  12802. let Segments = tape[ptr++];
  12803. return new IfcAlignment2DVertical(expressID, type, Segments);
  12804. }
  12805. ToTape() {
  12806. let args = [];
  12807. args.push(this.Segments);
  12808. ;
  12809. return args;
  12810. }
  12811. };
  12812. var IfcAlignment2DVerticalSegment = class {
  12813. constructor(expressID, type, TangentialContinuity, StartTag, EndTag, StartDistAlong, HorizontalLength, StartHeight, StartGradient) {
  12814. this.expressID = expressID;
  12815. this.type = type;
  12816. this.TangentialContinuity = TangentialContinuity;
  12817. this.StartTag = StartTag;
  12818. this.EndTag = EndTag;
  12819. this.StartDistAlong = StartDistAlong;
  12820. this.HorizontalLength = HorizontalLength;
  12821. this.StartHeight = StartHeight;
  12822. this.StartGradient = StartGradient;
  12823. }
  12824. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  12825. let ptr = 0;
  12826. let TangentialContinuity = tape[ptr++];
  12827. let StartTag = tape[ptr++];
  12828. let EndTag = tape[ptr++];
  12829. let StartDistAlong = tape[ptr++];
  12830. let HorizontalLength = tape[ptr++];
  12831. let StartHeight = tape[ptr++];
  12832. let StartGradient = tape[ptr++];
  12833. return new IfcAlignment2DVerticalSegment(expressID, type, TangentialContinuity, StartTag, EndTag, StartDistAlong, HorizontalLength, StartHeight, StartGradient);
  12834. }
  12835. ToTape() {
  12836. let args = [];
  12837. args.push(this.TangentialContinuity);
  12838. ;
  12839. args.push(this.StartTag);
  12840. ;
  12841. args.push(this.EndTag);
  12842. ;
  12843. args.push(this.StartDistAlong);
  12844. ;
  12845. args.push(this.HorizontalLength);
  12846. ;
  12847. args.push(this.StartHeight);
  12848. ;
  12849. args.push(this.StartGradient);
  12850. ;
  12851. return args;
  12852. }
  12853. };
  12854. var IfcAlignmentCurve = class {
  12855. constructor(expressID, type, Horizontal, Vertical, Tag) {
  12856. this.expressID = expressID;
  12857. this.type = type;
  12858. this.Horizontal = Horizontal;
  12859. this.Vertical = Vertical;
  12860. this.Tag = Tag;
  12861. }
  12862. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  12863. let ptr = 0;
  12864. let Horizontal = tape[ptr++];
  12865. let Vertical = tape[ptr++];
  12866. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  12867. return new IfcAlignmentCurve(expressID, type, Horizontal, Vertical, Tag);
  12868. }
  12869. ToTape() {
  12870. let args = [];
  12871. args.push(this.Horizontal);
  12872. ;
  12873. args.push(this.Vertical);
  12874. ;
  12875. args.push(this.Tag);
  12876. ;
  12877. return args;
  12878. }
  12879. };
  12880. var IfcAnnotation = class {
  12881. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation) {
  12882. this.expressID = expressID;
  12883. this.type = type;
  12884. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  12885. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  12886. this.Name = Name;
  12887. this.Description = Description;
  12888. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  12889. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  12890. this.Representation = Representation;
  12891. }
  12892. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  12893. let ptr = 0;
  12894. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  12895. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  12896. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  12897. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  12898. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  12899. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  12900. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  12901. return new IfcAnnotation(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation);
  12902. }
  12903. ToTape() {
  12904. let args = [];
  12905. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  12906. ;
  12907. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  12908. ;
  12909. args.push(this.Name);
  12910. ;
  12911. args.push(this.Description);
  12912. ;
  12913. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  12914. ;
  12915. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  12916. ;
  12917. args.push(this.Representation);
  12918. ;
  12919. return args;
  12920. }
  12921. };
  12922. var IfcAnnotationFillArea = class {
  12923. constructor(expressID, type, OuterBoundary, InnerBoundaries) {
  12924. this.expressID = expressID;
  12925. this.type = type;
  12926. this.OuterBoundary = OuterBoundary;
  12927. this.InnerBoundaries = InnerBoundaries;
  12928. }
  12929. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  12930. let ptr = 0;
  12931. let OuterBoundary = tape[ptr++];
  12932. let InnerBoundaries = tape[ptr++];
  12933. return new IfcAnnotationFillArea(expressID, type, OuterBoundary, InnerBoundaries);
  12934. }
  12935. ToTape() {
  12936. let args = [];
  12937. args.push(this.OuterBoundary);
  12938. ;
  12939. args.push(this.InnerBoundaries);
  12940. ;
  12941. return args;
  12942. }
  12943. };
  12944. var IfcApplication = class {
  12945. constructor(expressID, type, ApplicationDeveloper, Version, ApplicationFullName, ApplicationIdentifier) {
  12946. this.expressID = expressID;
  12947. this.type = type;
  12948. this.ApplicationDeveloper = ApplicationDeveloper;
  12949. this.Version = Version;
  12950. this.ApplicationFullName = ApplicationFullName;
  12951. this.ApplicationIdentifier = ApplicationIdentifier;
  12952. }
  12953. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  12954. let ptr = 0;
  12955. let ApplicationDeveloper = tape[ptr++];
  12956. let Version = tape[ptr++];
  12957. let ApplicationFullName = tape[ptr++];
  12958. let ApplicationIdentifier = tape[ptr++];
  12959. return new IfcApplication(expressID, type, ApplicationDeveloper, Version, ApplicationFullName, ApplicationIdentifier);
  12960. }
  12961. ToTape() {
  12962. let args = [];
  12963. args.push(this.ApplicationDeveloper);
  12964. ;
  12965. args.push(this.Version);
  12966. ;
  12967. args.push(this.ApplicationFullName);
  12968. ;
  12969. args.push(this.ApplicationIdentifier);
  12970. ;
  12971. return args;
  12972. }
  12973. };
  12974. var IfcAppliedValue = class {
  12975. constructor(expressID, type, Name, Description, AppliedValue, UnitBasis, ApplicableDate, FixedUntilDate, Category, Condition, ArithmeticOperator, Components) {
  12976. this.expressID = expressID;
  12977. this.type = type;
  12978. this.Name = Name;
  12979. this.Description = Description;
  12980. this.AppliedValue = AppliedValue;
  12981. this.UnitBasis = UnitBasis;
  12982. this.ApplicableDate = ApplicableDate;
  12983. this.FixedUntilDate = FixedUntilDate;
  12984. this.Category = Category;
  12985. this.Condition = Condition;
  12986. this.ArithmeticOperator = ArithmeticOperator;
  12987. this.Components = Components;
  12988. }
  12989. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  12990. let ptr = 0;
  12991. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  12992. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  12993. let AppliedValue = tape[ptr++];
  12994. let UnitBasis = tape[ptr++];
  12995. let ApplicableDate = tape[ptr++];
  12996. let FixedUntilDate = tape[ptr++];
  12997. let Category = tape[ptr++];
  12998. let Condition = tape[ptr++];
  12999. let ArithmeticOperator = tape[ptr++];
  13000. let Components = tape[ptr++];
  13001. return new IfcAppliedValue(expressID, type, Name, Description, AppliedValue, UnitBasis, ApplicableDate, FixedUntilDate, Category, Condition, ArithmeticOperator, Components);
  13002. }
  13003. ToTape() {
  13004. let args = [];
  13005. args.push(this.Name);
  13006. ;
  13007. args.push(this.Description);
  13008. ;
  13009. args.push(this.AppliedValue);
  13010. ;
  13011. args.push(this.UnitBasis);
  13012. ;
  13013. args.push(this.ApplicableDate);
  13014. ;
  13015. args.push(this.FixedUntilDate);
  13016. ;
  13017. args.push(this.Category);
  13018. ;
  13019. args.push(this.Condition);
  13020. ;
  13021. args.push(this.ArithmeticOperator);
  13022. ;
  13023. args.push(this.Components);
  13024. ;
  13025. return args;
  13026. }
  13027. };
  13028. var IfcApproval = class {
  13029. constructor(expressID, type, Identifier, Name, Description, TimeOfApproval, Status, Level, Qualifier, RequestingApproval, GivingApproval) {
  13030. this.expressID = expressID;
  13031. this.type = type;
  13032. this.Identifier = Identifier;
  13033. this.Name = Name;
  13034. this.Description = Description;
  13035. this.TimeOfApproval = TimeOfApproval;
  13036. this.Status = Status;
  13037. this.Level = Level;
  13038. this.Qualifier = Qualifier;
  13039. this.RequestingApproval = RequestingApproval;
  13040. this.GivingApproval = GivingApproval;
  13041. }
  13042. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  13043. let ptr = 0;
  13044. let Identifier = tape[ptr++];
  13045. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  13046. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  13047. let TimeOfApproval = tape[ptr++];
  13048. let Status = tape[ptr++];
  13049. let Level = tape[ptr++];
  13050. let Qualifier = tape[ptr++];
  13051. let RequestingApproval = tape[ptr++];
  13052. let GivingApproval = tape[ptr++];
  13053. return new IfcApproval(expressID, type, Identifier, Name, Description, TimeOfApproval, Status, Level, Qualifier, RequestingApproval, GivingApproval);
  13054. }
  13055. ToTape() {
  13056. let args = [];
  13057. args.push(this.Identifier);
  13058. ;
  13059. args.push(this.Name);
  13060. ;
  13061. args.push(this.Description);
  13062. ;
  13063. args.push(this.TimeOfApproval);
  13064. ;
  13065. args.push(this.Status);
  13066. ;
  13067. args.push(this.Level);
  13068. ;
  13069. args.push(this.Qualifier);
  13070. ;
  13071. args.push(this.RequestingApproval);
  13072. ;
  13073. args.push(this.GivingApproval);
  13074. ;
  13075. return args;
  13076. }
  13077. };
  13078. var IfcApprovalRelationship = class {
  13079. constructor(expressID, type, Name, Description, RelatingApproval, RelatedApprovals) {
  13080. this.expressID = expressID;
  13081. this.type = type;
  13082. this.Name = Name;
  13083. this.Description = Description;
  13084. this.RelatingApproval = RelatingApproval;
  13085. this.RelatedApprovals = RelatedApprovals;
  13086. }
  13087. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  13088. let ptr = 0;
  13089. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  13090. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  13091. let RelatingApproval = tape[ptr++];
  13092. let RelatedApprovals = tape[ptr++];
  13093. return new IfcApprovalRelationship(expressID, type, Name, Description, RelatingApproval, RelatedApprovals);
  13094. }
  13095. ToTape() {
  13096. let args = [];
  13097. args.push(this.Name);
  13098. ;
  13099. args.push(this.Description);
  13100. ;
  13101. args.push(this.RelatingApproval);
  13102. ;
  13103. args.push(this.RelatedApprovals);
  13104. ;
  13105. return args;
  13106. }
  13107. };
  13108. var IfcArbitraryClosedProfileDef = class {
  13109. constructor(expressID, type, ProfileType, ProfileName, OuterCurve) {
  13110. this.expressID = expressID;
  13111. this.type = type;
  13112. this.ProfileType = ProfileType;
  13113. this.ProfileName = ProfileName;
  13114. this.OuterCurve = OuterCurve;
  13115. }
  13116. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  13117. let ptr = 0;
  13118. let ProfileType = tape[ptr++];
  13119. let ProfileName = tape[ptr++];
  13120. let OuterCurve = tape[ptr++];
  13121. return new IfcArbitraryClosedProfileDef(expressID, type, ProfileType, ProfileName, OuterCurve);
  13122. }
  13123. ToTape() {
  13124. let args = [];
  13125. args.push(this.ProfileType);
  13126. ;
  13127. args.push(this.ProfileName);
  13128. ;
  13129. args.push(this.OuterCurve);
  13130. ;
  13131. return args;
  13132. }
  13133. };
  13134. var IfcArbitraryOpenProfileDef = class {
  13135. constructor(expressID, type, ProfileType, ProfileName, Curve) {
  13136. this.expressID = expressID;
  13137. this.type = type;
  13138. this.ProfileType = ProfileType;
  13139. this.ProfileName = ProfileName;
  13140. this.Curve = Curve;
  13141. }
  13142. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  13143. let ptr = 0;
  13144. let ProfileType = tape[ptr++];
  13145. let ProfileName = tape[ptr++];
  13146. let Curve = tape[ptr++];
  13147. return new IfcArbitraryOpenProfileDef(expressID, type, ProfileType, ProfileName, Curve);
  13148. }
  13149. ToTape() {
  13150. let args = [];
  13151. args.push(this.ProfileType);
  13152. ;
  13153. args.push(this.ProfileName);
  13154. ;
  13155. args.push(this.Curve);
  13156. ;
  13157. return args;
  13158. }
  13159. };
  13160. var IfcArbitraryProfileDefWithVoids = class {
  13161. constructor(expressID, type, ProfileType, ProfileName, OuterCurve, InnerCurves) {
  13162. this.expressID = expressID;
  13163. this.type = type;
  13164. this.ProfileType = ProfileType;
  13165. this.ProfileName = ProfileName;
  13166. this.OuterCurve = OuterCurve;
  13167. this.InnerCurves = InnerCurves;
  13168. }
  13169. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  13170. let ptr = 0;
  13171. let ProfileType = tape[ptr++];
  13172. let ProfileName = tape[ptr++];
  13173. let OuterCurve = tape[ptr++];
  13174. let InnerCurves = tape[ptr++];
  13175. return new IfcArbitraryProfileDefWithVoids(expressID, type, ProfileType, ProfileName, OuterCurve, InnerCurves);
  13176. }
  13177. ToTape() {
  13178. let args = [];
  13179. args.push(this.ProfileType);
  13180. ;
  13181. args.push(this.ProfileName);
  13182. ;
  13183. args.push(this.OuterCurve);
  13184. ;
  13185. args.push(this.InnerCurves);
  13186. ;
  13187. return args;
  13188. }
  13189. };
  13190. var IfcAsset = class {
  13191. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, Identification, OriginalValue, CurrentValue, TotalReplacementCost, Owner, User, ResponsiblePerson, IncorporationDate, DepreciatedValue) {
  13192. this.expressID = expressID;
  13193. this.type = type;
  13194. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  13195. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  13196. this.Name = Name;
  13197. this.Description = Description;
  13198. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  13199. this.Identification = Identification;
  13200. this.OriginalValue = OriginalValue;
  13201. this.CurrentValue = CurrentValue;
  13202. this.TotalReplacementCost = TotalReplacementCost;
  13203. this.Owner = Owner;
  13204. this.User = User;
  13205. this.ResponsiblePerson = ResponsiblePerson;
  13206. this.IncorporationDate = IncorporationDate;
  13207. this.DepreciatedValue = DepreciatedValue;
  13208. }
  13209. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  13210. let ptr = 0;
  13211. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  13212. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  13213. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  13214. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  13215. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  13216. let Identification = tape[ptr++];
  13217. let OriginalValue = tape[ptr++];
  13218. let CurrentValue = tape[ptr++];
  13219. let TotalReplacementCost = tape[ptr++];
  13220. let Owner = tape[ptr++];
  13221. let User = tape[ptr++];
  13222. let ResponsiblePerson = tape[ptr++];
  13223. let IncorporationDate = tape[ptr++];
  13224. let DepreciatedValue = tape[ptr++];
  13225. return new IfcAsset(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, Identification, OriginalValue, CurrentValue, TotalReplacementCost, Owner, User, ResponsiblePerson, IncorporationDate, DepreciatedValue);
  13226. }
  13227. ToTape() {
  13228. let args = [];
  13229. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  13230. ;
  13231. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  13232. ;
  13233. args.push(this.Name);
  13234. ;
  13235. args.push(this.Description);
  13236. ;
  13237. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  13238. ;
  13239. args.push(this.Identification);
  13240. ;
  13241. args.push(this.OriginalValue);
  13242. ;
  13243. args.push(this.CurrentValue);
  13244. ;
  13245. args.push(this.TotalReplacementCost);
  13246. ;
  13247. args.push(this.Owner);
  13248. ;
  13249. args.push(this.User);
  13250. ;
  13251. args.push(this.ResponsiblePerson);
  13252. ;
  13253. args.push(this.IncorporationDate);
  13254. ;
  13255. args.push(this.DepreciatedValue);
  13256. ;
  13257. return args;
  13258. }
  13259. };
  13260. var IfcAsymmetricIShapeProfileDef = class {
  13261. constructor(expressID, type, ProfileType, ProfileName, Position, BottomFlangeWidth, OverallDepth, WebThickness, BottomFlangeThickness, BottomFlangeFilletRadius, TopFlangeWidth, TopFlangeThickness, TopFlangeFilletRadius, BottomFlangeEdgeRadius, BottomFlangeSlope, TopFlangeEdgeRadius, TopFlangeSlope) {
  13262. this.expressID = expressID;
  13263. this.type = type;
  13264. this.ProfileType = ProfileType;
  13265. this.ProfileName = ProfileName;
  13266. this.Position = Position;
  13267. this.BottomFlangeWidth = BottomFlangeWidth;
  13268. this.OverallDepth = OverallDepth;
  13269. this.WebThickness = WebThickness;
  13270. this.BottomFlangeThickness = BottomFlangeThickness;
  13271. this.BottomFlangeFilletRadius = BottomFlangeFilletRadius;
  13272. this.TopFlangeWidth = TopFlangeWidth;
  13273. this.TopFlangeThickness = TopFlangeThickness;
  13274. this.TopFlangeFilletRadius = TopFlangeFilletRadius;
  13275. this.BottomFlangeEdgeRadius = BottomFlangeEdgeRadius;
  13276. this.BottomFlangeSlope = BottomFlangeSlope;
  13277. this.TopFlangeEdgeRadius = TopFlangeEdgeRadius;
  13278. this.TopFlangeSlope = TopFlangeSlope;
  13279. }
  13280. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  13281. let ptr = 0;
  13282. let ProfileType = tape[ptr++];
  13283. let ProfileName = tape[ptr++];
  13284. let Position = tape[ptr++];
  13285. let BottomFlangeWidth = tape[ptr++];
  13286. let OverallDepth = tape[ptr++];
  13287. let WebThickness = tape[ptr++];
  13288. let BottomFlangeThickness = tape[ptr++];
  13289. let BottomFlangeFilletRadius = tape[ptr++];
  13290. let TopFlangeWidth = tape[ptr++];
  13291. let TopFlangeThickness = tape[ptr++];
  13292. let TopFlangeFilletRadius = tape[ptr++];
  13293. let BottomFlangeEdgeRadius = tape[ptr++];
  13294. let BottomFlangeSlope = tape[ptr++];
  13295. let TopFlangeEdgeRadius = tape[ptr++];
  13296. let TopFlangeSlope = tape[ptr++];
  13297. return new IfcAsymmetricIShapeProfileDef(expressID, type, ProfileType, ProfileName, Position, BottomFlangeWidth, OverallDepth, WebThickness, BottomFlangeThickness, BottomFlangeFilletRadius, TopFlangeWidth, TopFlangeThickness, TopFlangeFilletRadius, BottomFlangeEdgeRadius, BottomFlangeSlope, TopFlangeEdgeRadius, TopFlangeSlope);
  13298. }
  13299. ToTape() {
  13300. let args = [];
  13301. args.push(this.ProfileType);
  13302. ;
  13303. args.push(this.ProfileName);
  13304. ;
  13305. args.push(this.Position);
  13306. ;
  13307. args.push(this.BottomFlangeWidth);
  13308. ;
  13309. args.push(this.OverallDepth);
  13310. ;
  13311. args.push(this.WebThickness);
  13312. ;
  13313. args.push(this.BottomFlangeThickness);
  13314. ;
  13315. args.push(this.BottomFlangeFilletRadius);
  13316. ;
  13317. args.push(this.TopFlangeWidth);
  13318. ;
  13319. args.push(this.TopFlangeThickness);
  13320. ;
  13321. args.push(this.TopFlangeFilletRadius);
  13322. ;
  13323. args.push(this.BottomFlangeEdgeRadius);
  13324. ;
  13325. args.push(this.BottomFlangeSlope);
  13326. ;
  13327. args.push(this.TopFlangeEdgeRadius);
  13328. ;
  13329. args.push(this.TopFlangeSlope);
  13330. ;
  13331. return args;
  13332. }
  13333. };
  13334. var IfcAudioVisualAppliance = class {
  13335. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType) {
  13336. this.expressID = expressID;
  13337. this.type = type;
  13338. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  13339. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  13340. this.Name = Name;
  13341. this.Description = Description;
  13342. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  13343. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  13344. this.Representation = Representation;
  13345. this.Tag = Tag;
  13346. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  13347. }
  13348. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  13349. let ptr = 0;
  13350. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  13351. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  13352. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  13353. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  13354. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  13355. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  13356. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  13357. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  13358. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  13359. return new IfcAudioVisualAppliance(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType);
  13360. }
  13361. ToTape() {
  13362. let args = [];
  13363. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  13364. ;
  13365. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  13366. ;
  13367. args.push(this.Name);
  13368. ;
  13369. args.push(this.Description);
  13370. ;
  13371. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  13372. ;
  13373. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  13374. ;
  13375. args.push(this.Representation);
  13376. ;
  13377. args.push(this.Tag);
  13378. ;
  13379. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  13380. ;
  13381. return args;
  13382. }
  13383. };
  13384. var IfcAudioVisualApplianceType = class {
  13385. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType) {
  13386. this.expressID = expressID;
  13387. this.type = type;
  13388. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  13389. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  13390. this.Name = Name;
  13391. this.Description = Description;
  13392. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  13393. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  13394. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  13395. this.Tag = Tag;
  13396. this.ElementType = ElementType;
  13397. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  13398. }
  13399. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  13400. let ptr = 0;
  13401. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  13402. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  13403. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  13404. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  13405. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  13406. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  13407. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  13408. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  13409. let ElementType = tape[ptr++];
  13410. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  13411. return new IfcAudioVisualApplianceType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType);
  13412. }
  13413. ToTape() {
  13414. let args = [];
  13415. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  13416. ;
  13417. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  13418. ;
  13419. args.push(this.Name);
  13420. ;
  13421. args.push(this.Description);
  13422. ;
  13423. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  13424. ;
  13425. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  13426. ;
  13427. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  13428. ;
  13429. args.push(this.Tag);
  13430. ;
  13431. args.push(this.ElementType);
  13432. ;
  13433. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  13434. ;
  13435. return args;
  13436. }
  13437. };
  13438. var IfcAxis1Placement = class {
  13439. constructor(expressID, type, Location, Axis) {
  13440. this.expressID = expressID;
  13441. this.type = type;
  13442. this.Location = Location;
  13443. this.Axis = Axis;
  13444. }
  13445. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  13446. let ptr = 0;
  13447. let Location = tape[ptr++];
  13448. let Axis = tape[ptr++];
  13449. return new IfcAxis1Placement(expressID, type, Location, Axis);
  13450. }
  13451. ToTape() {
  13452. let args = [];
  13453. args.push(this.Location);
  13454. ;
  13455. args.push(this.Axis);
  13456. ;
  13457. return args;
  13458. }
  13459. };
  13460. var IfcAxis2Placement2D = class {
  13461. constructor(expressID, type, Location, RefDirection) {
  13462. this.expressID = expressID;
  13463. this.type = type;
  13464. this.Location = Location;
  13465. this.RefDirection = RefDirection;
  13466. }
  13467. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  13468. let ptr = 0;
  13469. let Location = tape[ptr++];
  13470. let RefDirection = tape[ptr++];
  13471. return new IfcAxis2Placement2D(expressID, type, Location, RefDirection);
  13472. }
  13473. ToTape() {
  13474. let args = [];
  13475. args.push(this.Location);
  13476. ;
  13477. args.push(this.RefDirection);
  13478. ;
  13479. return args;
  13480. }
  13481. };
  13482. var IfcAxis2Placement3D = class {
  13483. constructor(expressID, type, Location, Axis, RefDirection) {
  13484. this.expressID = expressID;
  13485. this.type = type;
  13486. this.Location = Location;
  13487. this.Axis = Axis;
  13488. this.RefDirection = RefDirection;
  13489. }
  13490. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  13491. let ptr = 0;
  13492. let Location = tape[ptr++];
  13493. let Axis = tape[ptr++];
  13494. let RefDirection = tape[ptr++];
  13495. return new IfcAxis2Placement3D(expressID, type, Location, Axis, RefDirection);
  13496. }
  13497. ToTape() {
  13498. let args = [];
  13499. args.push(this.Location);
  13500. ;
  13501. args.push(this.Axis);
  13502. ;
  13503. args.push(this.RefDirection);
  13504. ;
  13505. return args;
  13506. }
  13507. };
  13508. var IfcBSplineCurve = class {
  13509. constructor(expressID, type, Degree, ControlPointsList, CurveForm, ClosedCurve, SelfIntersect) {
  13510. this.expressID = expressID;
  13511. this.type = type;
  13512. this.Degree = Degree;
  13513. this.ControlPointsList = ControlPointsList;
  13514. this.CurveForm = CurveForm;
  13515. this.ClosedCurve = ClosedCurve;
  13516. this.SelfIntersect = SelfIntersect;
  13517. }
  13518. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  13519. let ptr = 0;
  13520. let Degree = tape[ptr++];
  13521. let ControlPointsList = tape[ptr++];
  13522. let CurveForm = tape[ptr++];
  13523. let ClosedCurve = tape[ptr++];
  13524. let SelfIntersect = tape[ptr++];
  13525. return new IfcBSplineCurve(expressID, type, Degree, ControlPointsList, CurveForm, ClosedCurve, SelfIntersect);
  13526. }
  13527. ToTape() {
  13528. let args = [];
  13529. args.push(this.Degree);
  13530. ;
  13531. args.push(this.ControlPointsList);
  13532. ;
  13533. args.push(this.CurveForm);
  13534. ;
  13535. args.push(this.ClosedCurve);
  13536. ;
  13537. args.push(this.SelfIntersect);
  13538. ;
  13539. return args;
  13540. }
  13541. };
  13542. var IfcBSplineCurveWithKnots = class {
  13543. constructor(expressID, type, Degree, ControlPointsList, CurveForm, ClosedCurve, SelfIntersect, KnotMultiplicities, Knots, KnotSpec) {
  13544. this.expressID = expressID;
  13545. this.type = type;
  13546. this.Degree = Degree;
  13547. this.ControlPointsList = ControlPointsList;
  13548. this.CurveForm = CurveForm;
  13549. this.ClosedCurve = ClosedCurve;
  13550. this.SelfIntersect = SelfIntersect;
  13551. this.KnotMultiplicities = KnotMultiplicities;
  13552. this.Knots = Knots;
  13553. this.KnotSpec = KnotSpec;
  13554. }
  13555. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  13556. let ptr = 0;
  13557. let Degree = tape[ptr++];
  13558. let ControlPointsList = tape[ptr++];
  13559. let CurveForm = tape[ptr++];
  13560. let ClosedCurve = tape[ptr++];
  13561. let SelfIntersect = tape[ptr++];
  13562. let KnotMultiplicities = tape[ptr++];
  13563. let Knots = tape[ptr++];
  13564. let KnotSpec = tape[ptr++];
  13565. return new IfcBSplineCurveWithKnots(expressID, type, Degree, ControlPointsList, CurveForm, ClosedCurve, SelfIntersect, KnotMultiplicities, Knots, KnotSpec);
  13566. }
  13567. ToTape() {
  13568. let args = [];
  13569. args.push(this.Degree);
  13570. ;
  13571. args.push(this.ControlPointsList);
  13572. ;
  13573. args.push(this.CurveForm);
  13574. ;
  13575. args.push(this.ClosedCurve);
  13576. ;
  13577. args.push(this.SelfIntersect);
  13578. ;
  13579. args.push(this.KnotMultiplicities);
  13580. ;
  13581. args.push(this.Knots);
  13582. ;
  13583. args.push(this.KnotSpec);
  13584. ;
  13585. return args;
  13586. }
  13587. };
  13588. var IfcBSplineSurface = class {
  13589. constructor(expressID, type, UDegree, VDegree, ControlPointsList, SurfaceForm, UClosed, VClosed, SelfIntersect) {
  13590. this.expressID = expressID;
  13591. this.type = type;
  13592. this.UDegree = UDegree;
  13593. this.VDegree = VDegree;
  13594. this.ControlPointsList = ControlPointsList;
  13595. this.SurfaceForm = SurfaceForm;
  13596. this.UClosed = UClosed;
  13597. this.VClosed = VClosed;
  13598. this.SelfIntersect = SelfIntersect;
  13599. }
  13600. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  13601. let ptr = 0;
  13602. let UDegree = tape[ptr++];
  13603. let VDegree = tape[ptr++];
  13604. let ControlPointsList = tape[ptr++];
  13605. let SurfaceForm = tape[ptr++];
  13606. let UClosed = tape[ptr++];
  13607. let VClosed = tape[ptr++];
  13608. let SelfIntersect = tape[ptr++];
  13609. return new IfcBSplineSurface(expressID, type, UDegree, VDegree, ControlPointsList, SurfaceForm, UClosed, VClosed, SelfIntersect);
  13610. }
  13611. ToTape() {
  13612. let args = [];
  13613. args.push(this.UDegree);
  13614. ;
  13615. args.push(this.VDegree);
  13616. ;
  13617. args.push(this.ControlPointsList);
  13618. ;
  13619. args.push(this.SurfaceForm);
  13620. ;
  13621. args.push(this.UClosed);
  13622. ;
  13623. args.push(this.VClosed);
  13624. ;
  13625. args.push(this.SelfIntersect);
  13626. ;
  13627. return args;
  13628. }
  13629. };
  13630. var IfcBSplineSurfaceWithKnots = class {
  13631. constructor(expressID, type, UDegree, VDegree, ControlPointsList, SurfaceForm, UClosed, VClosed, SelfIntersect, UMultiplicities, VMultiplicities, UKnots, VKnots, KnotSpec) {
  13632. this.expressID = expressID;
  13633. this.type = type;
  13634. this.UDegree = UDegree;
  13635. this.VDegree = VDegree;
  13636. this.ControlPointsList = ControlPointsList;
  13637. this.SurfaceForm = SurfaceForm;
  13638. this.UClosed = UClosed;
  13639. this.VClosed = VClosed;
  13640. this.SelfIntersect = SelfIntersect;
  13641. this.UMultiplicities = UMultiplicities;
  13642. this.VMultiplicities = VMultiplicities;
  13643. this.UKnots = UKnots;
  13644. this.VKnots = VKnots;
  13645. this.KnotSpec = KnotSpec;
  13646. }
  13647. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  13648. let ptr = 0;
  13649. let UDegree = tape[ptr++];
  13650. let VDegree = tape[ptr++];
  13651. let ControlPointsList = tape[ptr++];
  13652. let SurfaceForm = tape[ptr++];
  13653. let UClosed = tape[ptr++];
  13654. let VClosed = tape[ptr++];
  13655. let SelfIntersect = tape[ptr++];
  13656. let UMultiplicities = tape[ptr++];
  13657. let VMultiplicities = tape[ptr++];
  13658. let UKnots = tape[ptr++];
  13659. let VKnots = tape[ptr++];
  13660. let KnotSpec = tape[ptr++];
  13661. return new IfcBSplineSurfaceWithKnots(expressID, type, UDegree, VDegree, ControlPointsList, SurfaceForm, UClosed, VClosed, SelfIntersect, UMultiplicities, VMultiplicities, UKnots, VKnots, KnotSpec);
  13662. }
  13663. ToTape() {
  13664. let args = [];
  13665. args.push(this.UDegree);
  13666. ;
  13667. args.push(this.VDegree);
  13668. ;
  13669. args.push(this.ControlPointsList);
  13670. ;
  13671. args.push(this.SurfaceForm);
  13672. ;
  13673. args.push(this.UClosed);
  13674. ;
  13675. args.push(this.VClosed);
  13676. ;
  13677. args.push(this.SelfIntersect);
  13678. ;
  13679. args.push(this.UMultiplicities);
  13680. ;
  13681. args.push(this.VMultiplicities);
  13682. ;
  13683. args.push(this.UKnots);
  13684. ;
  13685. args.push(this.VKnots);
  13686. ;
  13687. args.push(this.KnotSpec);
  13688. ;
  13689. return args;
  13690. }
  13691. };
  13692. var IfcBeam = class {
  13693. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType) {
  13694. this.expressID = expressID;
  13695. this.type = type;
  13696. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  13697. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  13698. this.Name = Name;
  13699. this.Description = Description;
  13700. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  13701. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  13702. this.Representation = Representation;
  13703. this.Tag = Tag;
  13704. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  13705. }
  13706. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  13707. let ptr = 0;
  13708. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  13709. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  13710. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  13711. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  13712. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  13713. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  13714. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  13715. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  13716. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  13717. return new IfcBeam(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType);
  13718. }
  13719. ToTape() {
  13720. let args = [];
  13721. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  13722. ;
  13723. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  13724. ;
  13725. args.push(this.Name);
  13726. ;
  13727. args.push(this.Description);
  13728. ;
  13729. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  13730. ;
  13731. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  13732. ;
  13733. args.push(this.Representation);
  13734. ;
  13735. args.push(this.Tag);
  13736. ;
  13737. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  13738. ;
  13739. return args;
  13740. }
  13741. };
  13742. var IfcBeamStandardCase = class {
  13743. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType) {
  13744. this.expressID = expressID;
  13745. this.type = type;
  13746. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  13747. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  13748. this.Name = Name;
  13749. this.Description = Description;
  13750. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  13751. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  13752. this.Representation = Representation;
  13753. this.Tag = Tag;
  13754. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  13755. }
  13756. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  13757. let ptr = 0;
  13758. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  13759. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  13760. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  13761. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  13762. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  13763. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  13764. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  13765. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  13766. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  13767. return new IfcBeamStandardCase(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType);
  13768. }
  13769. ToTape() {
  13770. let args = [];
  13771. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  13772. ;
  13773. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  13774. ;
  13775. args.push(this.Name);
  13776. ;
  13777. args.push(this.Description);
  13778. ;
  13779. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  13780. ;
  13781. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  13782. ;
  13783. args.push(this.Representation);
  13784. ;
  13785. args.push(this.Tag);
  13786. ;
  13787. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  13788. ;
  13789. return args;
  13790. }
  13791. };
  13792. var IfcBeamType = class {
  13793. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType) {
  13794. this.expressID = expressID;
  13795. this.type = type;
  13796. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  13797. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  13798. this.Name = Name;
  13799. this.Description = Description;
  13800. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  13801. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  13802. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  13803. this.Tag = Tag;
  13804. this.ElementType = ElementType;
  13805. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  13806. }
  13807. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  13808. let ptr = 0;
  13809. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  13810. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  13811. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  13812. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  13813. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  13814. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  13815. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  13816. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  13817. let ElementType = tape[ptr++];
  13818. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  13819. return new IfcBeamType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType);
  13820. }
  13821. ToTape() {
  13822. let args = [];
  13823. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  13824. ;
  13825. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  13826. ;
  13827. args.push(this.Name);
  13828. ;
  13829. args.push(this.Description);
  13830. ;
  13831. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  13832. ;
  13833. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  13834. ;
  13835. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  13836. ;
  13837. args.push(this.Tag);
  13838. ;
  13839. args.push(this.ElementType);
  13840. ;
  13841. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  13842. ;
  13843. return args;
  13844. }
  13845. };
  13846. var IfcBearing = class {
  13847. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType) {
  13848. this.expressID = expressID;
  13849. this.type = type;
  13850. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  13851. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  13852. this.Name = Name;
  13853. this.Description = Description;
  13854. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  13855. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  13856. this.Representation = Representation;
  13857. this.Tag = Tag;
  13858. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  13859. }
  13860. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  13861. let ptr = 0;
  13862. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  13863. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  13864. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  13865. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  13866. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  13867. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  13868. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  13869. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  13870. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  13871. return new IfcBearing(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType);
  13872. }
  13873. ToTape() {
  13874. let args = [];
  13875. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  13876. ;
  13877. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  13878. ;
  13879. args.push(this.Name);
  13880. ;
  13881. args.push(this.Description);
  13882. ;
  13883. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  13884. ;
  13885. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  13886. ;
  13887. args.push(this.Representation);
  13888. ;
  13889. args.push(this.Tag);
  13890. ;
  13891. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  13892. ;
  13893. return args;
  13894. }
  13895. };
  13896. var IfcBearingType = class {
  13897. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType) {
  13898. this.expressID = expressID;
  13899. this.type = type;
  13900. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  13901. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  13902. this.Name = Name;
  13903. this.Description = Description;
  13904. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  13905. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  13906. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  13907. this.Tag = Tag;
  13908. this.ElementType = ElementType;
  13909. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  13910. }
  13911. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  13912. let ptr = 0;
  13913. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  13914. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  13915. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  13916. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  13917. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  13918. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  13919. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  13920. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  13921. let ElementType = tape[ptr++];
  13922. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  13923. return new IfcBearingType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType);
  13924. }
  13925. ToTape() {
  13926. let args = [];
  13927. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  13928. ;
  13929. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  13930. ;
  13931. args.push(this.Name);
  13932. ;
  13933. args.push(this.Description);
  13934. ;
  13935. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  13936. ;
  13937. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  13938. ;
  13939. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  13940. ;
  13941. args.push(this.Tag);
  13942. ;
  13943. args.push(this.ElementType);
  13944. ;
  13945. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  13946. ;
  13947. return args;
  13948. }
  13949. };
  13950. var IfcBlobTexture = class {
  13951. constructor(expressID, type, RepeatS, RepeatT, Mode, TextureTransform, Parameter, RasterFormat, RasterCode) {
  13952. this.expressID = expressID;
  13953. this.type = type;
  13954. this.RepeatS = RepeatS;
  13955. this.RepeatT = RepeatT;
  13956. this.Mode = Mode;
  13957. this.TextureTransform = TextureTransform;
  13958. this.Parameter = Parameter;
  13959. this.RasterFormat = RasterFormat;
  13960. this.RasterCode = RasterCode;
  13961. }
  13962. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  13963. let ptr = 0;
  13964. let RepeatS = tape[ptr++];
  13965. let RepeatT = tape[ptr++];
  13966. let Mode = tape[ptr++];
  13967. let TextureTransform = tape[ptr++];
  13968. let Parameter = tape[ptr++];
  13969. let RasterFormat = tape[ptr++];
  13970. let RasterCode = tape[ptr++];
  13971. return new IfcBlobTexture(expressID, type, RepeatS, RepeatT, Mode, TextureTransform, Parameter, RasterFormat, RasterCode);
  13972. }
  13973. ToTape() {
  13974. let args = [];
  13975. args.push(this.RepeatS);
  13976. ;
  13977. args.push(this.RepeatT);
  13978. ;
  13979. args.push(this.Mode);
  13980. ;
  13981. args.push(this.TextureTransform);
  13982. ;
  13983. args.push(this.Parameter);
  13984. ;
  13985. args.push(this.RasterFormat);
  13986. ;
  13987. args.push(this.RasterCode);
  13988. ;
  13989. return args;
  13990. }
  13991. };
  13992. var IfcBlock = class {
  13993. constructor(expressID, type, Position, XLength, YLength, ZLength) {
  13994. this.expressID = expressID;
  13995. this.type = type;
  13996. this.Position = Position;
  13997. this.XLength = XLength;
  13998. this.YLength = YLength;
  13999. this.ZLength = ZLength;
  14000. }
  14001. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  14002. let ptr = 0;
  14003. let Position = tape[ptr++];
  14004. let XLength = tape[ptr++];
  14005. let YLength = tape[ptr++];
  14006. let ZLength = tape[ptr++];
  14007. return new IfcBlock(expressID, type, Position, XLength, YLength, ZLength);
  14008. }
  14009. ToTape() {
  14010. let args = [];
  14011. args.push(this.Position);
  14012. ;
  14013. args.push(this.XLength);
  14014. ;
  14015. args.push(this.YLength);
  14016. ;
  14017. args.push(this.ZLength);
  14018. ;
  14019. return args;
  14020. }
  14021. };
  14022. var IfcBoiler = class {
  14023. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType) {
  14024. this.expressID = expressID;
  14025. this.type = type;
  14026. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  14027. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  14028. this.Name = Name;
  14029. this.Description = Description;
  14030. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  14031. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  14032. this.Representation = Representation;
  14033. this.Tag = Tag;
  14034. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  14035. }
  14036. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  14037. let ptr = 0;
  14038. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  14039. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  14040. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  14041. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  14042. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  14043. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  14044. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  14045. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  14046. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  14047. return new IfcBoiler(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType);
  14048. }
  14049. ToTape() {
  14050. let args = [];
  14051. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  14052. ;
  14053. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  14054. ;
  14055. args.push(this.Name);
  14056. ;
  14057. args.push(this.Description);
  14058. ;
  14059. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  14060. ;
  14061. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  14062. ;
  14063. args.push(this.Representation);
  14064. ;
  14065. args.push(this.Tag);
  14066. ;
  14067. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  14068. ;
  14069. return args;
  14070. }
  14071. };
  14072. var IfcBoilerType = class {
  14073. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType) {
  14074. this.expressID = expressID;
  14075. this.type = type;
  14076. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  14077. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  14078. this.Name = Name;
  14079. this.Description = Description;
  14080. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  14081. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  14082. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  14083. this.Tag = Tag;
  14084. this.ElementType = ElementType;
  14085. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  14086. }
  14087. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  14088. let ptr = 0;
  14089. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  14090. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  14091. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  14092. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  14093. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  14094. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  14095. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  14096. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  14097. let ElementType = tape[ptr++];
  14098. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  14099. return new IfcBoilerType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType);
  14100. }
  14101. ToTape() {
  14102. let args = [];
  14103. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  14104. ;
  14105. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  14106. ;
  14107. args.push(this.Name);
  14108. ;
  14109. args.push(this.Description);
  14110. ;
  14111. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  14112. ;
  14113. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  14114. ;
  14115. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  14116. ;
  14117. args.push(this.Tag);
  14118. ;
  14119. args.push(this.ElementType);
  14120. ;
  14121. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  14122. ;
  14123. return args;
  14124. }
  14125. };
  14126. var IfcBooleanClippingResult = class {
  14127. constructor(expressID, type, Operator, FirstOperand, SecondOperand) {
  14128. this.expressID = expressID;
  14129. this.type = type;
  14130. this.Operator = Operator;
  14131. this.FirstOperand = FirstOperand;
  14132. this.SecondOperand = SecondOperand;
  14133. }
  14134. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  14135. let ptr = 0;
  14136. let Operator = tape[ptr++];
  14137. let FirstOperand = tape[ptr++];
  14138. let SecondOperand = tape[ptr++];
  14139. return new IfcBooleanClippingResult(expressID, type, Operator, FirstOperand, SecondOperand);
  14140. }
  14141. ToTape() {
  14142. let args = [];
  14143. args.push(this.Operator);
  14144. ;
  14145. args.push(this.FirstOperand);
  14146. ;
  14147. args.push(this.SecondOperand);
  14148. ;
  14149. return args;
  14150. }
  14151. };
  14152. var IfcBooleanResult = class {
  14153. constructor(expressID, type, Operator, FirstOperand, SecondOperand) {
  14154. this.expressID = expressID;
  14155. this.type = type;
  14156. this.Operator = Operator;
  14157. this.FirstOperand = FirstOperand;
  14158. this.SecondOperand = SecondOperand;
  14159. }
  14160. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  14161. let ptr = 0;
  14162. let Operator = tape[ptr++];
  14163. let FirstOperand = tape[ptr++];
  14164. let SecondOperand = tape[ptr++];
  14165. return new IfcBooleanResult(expressID, type, Operator, FirstOperand, SecondOperand);
  14166. }
  14167. ToTape() {
  14168. let args = [];
  14169. args.push(this.Operator);
  14170. ;
  14171. args.push(this.FirstOperand);
  14172. ;
  14173. args.push(this.SecondOperand);
  14174. ;
  14175. return args;
  14176. }
  14177. };
  14178. var IfcBoundaryCondition = class {
  14179. constructor(expressID, type, Name) {
  14180. this.expressID = expressID;
  14181. this.type = type;
  14182. this.Name = Name;
  14183. }
  14184. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  14185. let ptr = 0;
  14186. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  14187. return new IfcBoundaryCondition(expressID, type, Name);
  14188. }
  14189. ToTape() {
  14190. let args = [];
  14191. args.push(this.Name);
  14192. ;
  14193. return args;
  14194. }
  14195. };
  14196. var IfcBoundaryCurve = class {
  14197. constructor(expressID, type, Segments, SelfIntersect) {
  14198. this.expressID = expressID;
  14199. this.type = type;
  14200. this.Segments = Segments;
  14201. this.SelfIntersect = SelfIntersect;
  14202. }
  14203. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  14204. let ptr = 0;
  14205. let Segments = tape[ptr++];
  14206. let SelfIntersect = tape[ptr++];
  14207. return new IfcBoundaryCurve(expressID, type, Segments, SelfIntersect);
  14208. }
  14209. ToTape() {
  14210. let args = [];
  14211. args.push(this.Segments);
  14212. ;
  14213. args.push(this.SelfIntersect);
  14214. ;
  14215. return args;
  14216. }
  14217. };
  14218. var IfcBoundaryEdgeCondition = class {
  14219. constructor(expressID, type, Name, TranslationalStiffnessByLengthX, TranslationalStiffnessByLengthY, TranslationalStiffnessByLengthZ, RotationalStiffnessByLengthX, RotationalStiffnessByLengthY, RotationalStiffnessByLengthZ) {
  14220. this.expressID = expressID;
  14221. this.type = type;
  14222. this.Name = Name;
  14223. this.TranslationalStiffnessByLengthX = TranslationalStiffnessByLengthX;
  14224. this.TranslationalStiffnessByLengthY = TranslationalStiffnessByLengthY;
  14225. this.TranslationalStiffnessByLengthZ = TranslationalStiffnessByLengthZ;
  14226. this.RotationalStiffnessByLengthX = RotationalStiffnessByLengthX;
  14227. this.RotationalStiffnessByLengthY = RotationalStiffnessByLengthY;
  14228. this.RotationalStiffnessByLengthZ = RotationalStiffnessByLengthZ;
  14229. }
  14230. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  14231. let ptr = 0;
  14232. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  14233. let TranslationalStiffnessByLengthX = tape[ptr++];
  14234. let TranslationalStiffnessByLengthY = tape[ptr++];
  14235. let TranslationalStiffnessByLengthZ = tape[ptr++];
  14236. let RotationalStiffnessByLengthX = tape[ptr++];
  14237. let RotationalStiffnessByLengthY = tape[ptr++];
  14238. let RotationalStiffnessByLengthZ = tape[ptr++];
  14239. return new IfcBoundaryEdgeCondition(expressID, type, Name, TranslationalStiffnessByLengthX, TranslationalStiffnessByLengthY, TranslationalStiffnessByLengthZ, RotationalStiffnessByLengthX, RotationalStiffnessByLengthY, RotationalStiffnessByLengthZ);
  14240. }
  14241. ToTape() {
  14242. let args = [];
  14243. args.push(this.Name);
  14244. ;
  14245. args.push(this.TranslationalStiffnessByLengthX);
  14246. ;
  14247. args.push(this.TranslationalStiffnessByLengthY);
  14248. ;
  14249. args.push(this.TranslationalStiffnessByLengthZ);
  14250. ;
  14251. args.push(this.RotationalStiffnessByLengthX);
  14252. ;
  14253. args.push(this.RotationalStiffnessByLengthY);
  14254. ;
  14255. args.push(this.RotationalStiffnessByLengthZ);
  14256. ;
  14257. return args;
  14258. }
  14259. };
  14260. var IfcBoundaryFaceCondition = class {
  14261. constructor(expressID, type, Name, TranslationalStiffnessByAreaX, TranslationalStiffnessByAreaY, TranslationalStiffnessByAreaZ) {
  14262. this.expressID = expressID;
  14263. this.type = type;
  14264. this.Name = Name;
  14265. this.TranslationalStiffnessByAreaX = TranslationalStiffnessByAreaX;
  14266. this.TranslationalStiffnessByAreaY = TranslationalStiffnessByAreaY;
  14267. this.TranslationalStiffnessByAreaZ = TranslationalStiffnessByAreaZ;
  14268. }
  14269. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  14270. let ptr = 0;
  14271. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  14272. let TranslationalStiffnessByAreaX = tape[ptr++];
  14273. let TranslationalStiffnessByAreaY = tape[ptr++];
  14274. let TranslationalStiffnessByAreaZ = tape[ptr++];
  14275. return new IfcBoundaryFaceCondition(expressID, type, Name, TranslationalStiffnessByAreaX, TranslationalStiffnessByAreaY, TranslationalStiffnessByAreaZ);
  14276. }
  14277. ToTape() {
  14278. let args = [];
  14279. args.push(this.Name);
  14280. ;
  14281. args.push(this.TranslationalStiffnessByAreaX);
  14282. ;
  14283. args.push(this.TranslationalStiffnessByAreaY);
  14284. ;
  14285. args.push(this.TranslationalStiffnessByAreaZ);
  14286. ;
  14287. return args;
  14288. }
  14289. };
  14290. var IfcBoundaryNodeCondition = class {
  14291. constructor(expressID, type, Name, TranslationalStiffnessX, TranslationalStiffnessY, TranslationalStiffnessZ, RotationalStiffnessX, RotationalStiffnessY, RotationalStiffnessZ) {
  14292. this.expressID = expressID;
  14293. this.type = type;
  14294. this.Name = Name;
  14295. this.TranslationalStiffnessX = TranslationalStiffnessX;
  14296. this.TranslationalStiffnessY = TranslationalStiffnessY;
  14297. this.TranslationalStiffnessZ = TranslationalStiffnessZ;
  14298. this.RotationalStiffnessX = RotationalStiffnessX;
  14299. this.RotationalStiffnessY = RotationalStiffnessY;
  14300. this.RotationalStiffnessZ = RotationalStiffnessZ;
  14301. }
  14302. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  14303. let ptr = 0;
  14304. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  14305. let TranslationalStiffnessX = tape[ptr++];
  14306. let TranslationalStiffnessY = tape[ptr++];
  14307. let TranslationalStiffnessZ = tape[ptr++];
  14308. let RotationalStiffnessX = tape[ptr++];
  14309. let RotationalStiffnessY = tape[ptr++];
  14310. let RotationalStiffnessZ = tape[ptr++];
  14311. return new IfcBoundaryNodeCondition(expressID, type, Name, TranslationalStiffnessX, TranslationalStiffnessY, TranslationalStiffnessZ, RotationalStiffnessX, RotationalStiffnessY, RotationalStiffnessZ);
  14312. }
  14313. ToTape() {
  14314. let args = [];
  14315. args.push(this.Name);
  14316. ;
  14317. args.push(this.TranslationalStiffnessX);
  14318. ;
  14319. args.push(this.TranslationalStiffnessY);
  14320. ;
  14321. args.push(this.TranslationalStiffnessZ);
  14322. ;
  14323. args.push(this.RotationalStiffnessX);
  14324. ;
  14325. args.push(this.RotationalStiffnessY);
  14326. ;
  14327. args.push(this.RotationalStiffnessZ);
  14328. ;
  14329. return args;
  14330. }
  14331. };
  14332. var IfcBoundaryNodeConditionWarping = class {
  14333. constructor(expressID, type, Name, TranslationalStiffnessX, TranslationalStiffnessY, TranslationalStiffnessZ, RotationalStiffnessX, RotationalStiffnessY, RotationalStiffnessZ, WarpingStiffness) {
  14334. this.expressID = expressID;
  14335. this.type = type;
  14336. this.Name = Name;
  14337. this.TranslationalStiffnessX = TranslationalStiffnessX;
  14338. this.TranslationalStiffnessY = TranslationalStiffnessY;
  14339. this.TranslationalStiffnessZ = TranslationalStiffnessZ;
  14340. this.RotationalStiffnessX = RotationalStiffnessX;
  14341. this.RotationalStiffnessY = RotationalStiffnessY;
  14342. this.RotationalStiffnessZ = RotationalStiffnessZ;
  14343. this.WarpingStiffness = WarpingStiffness;
  14344. }
  14345. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  14346. let ptr = 0;
  14347. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  14348. let TranslationalStiffnessX = tape[ptr++];
  14349. let TranslationalStiffnessY = tape[ptr++];
  14350. let TranslationalStiffnessZ = tape[ptr++];
  14351. let RotationalStiffnessX = tape[ptr++];
  14352. let RotationalStiffnessY = tape[ptr++];
  14353. let RotationalStiffnessZ = tape[ptr++];
  14354. let WarpingStiffness = tape[ptr++];
  14355. return new IfcBoundaryNodeConditionWarping(expressID, type, Name, TranslationalStiffnessX, TranslationalStiffnessY, TranslationalStiffnessZ, RotationalStiffnessX, RotationalStiffnessY, RotationalStiffnessZ, WarpingStiffness);
  14356. }
  14357. ToTape() {
  14358. let args = [];
  14359. args.push(this.Name);
  14360. ;
  14361. args.push(this.TranslationalStiffnessX);
  14362. ;
  14363. args.push(this.TranslationalStiffnessY);
  14364. ;
  14365. args.push(this.TranslationalStiffnessZ);
  14366. ;
  14367. args.push(this.RotationalStiffnessX);
  14368. ;
  14369. args.push(this.RotationalStiffnessY);
  14370. ;
  14371. args.push(this.RotationalStiffnessZ);
  14372. ;
  14373. args.push(this.WarpingStiffness);
  14374. ;
  14375. return args;
  14376. }
  14377. };
  14378. var IfcBoundedCurve = class {
  14379. constructor(expressID, type) {
  14380. this.expressID = expressID;
  14381. this.type = type;
  14382. }
  14383. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  14384. let ptr = 0;
  14385. return new IfcBoundedCurve(expressID, type);
  14386. }
  14387. ToTape() {
  14388. let args = [];
  14389. return args;
  14390. }
  14391. };
  14392. var IfcBoundedSurface = class {
  14393. constructor(expressID, type) {
  14394. this.expressID = expressID;
  14395. this.type = type;
  14396. }
  14397. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  14398. let ptr = 0;
  14399. return new IfcBoundedSurface(expressID, type);
  14400. }
  14401. ToTape() {
  14402. let args = [];
  14403. return args;
  14404. }
  14405. };
  14406. var IfcBoundingBox = class {
  14407. constructor(expressID, type, Corner, XDim, YDim, ZDim) {
  14408. this.expressID = expressID;
  14409. this.type = type;
  14410. this.Corner = Corner;
  14411. this.XDim = XDim;
  14412. this.YDim = YDim;
  14413. this.ZDim = ZDim;
  14414. }
  14415. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  14416. let ptr = 0;
  14417. let Corner = tape[ptr++];
  14418. let XDim = tape[ptr++];
  14419. let YDim = tape[ptr++];
  14420. let ZDim = tape[ptr++];
  14421. return new IfcBoundingBox(expressID, type, Corner, XDim, YDim, ZDim);
  14422. }
  14423. ToTape() {
  14424. let args = [];
  14425. args.push(this.Corner);
  14426. ;
  14427. args.push(this.XDim);
  14428. ;
  14429. args.push(this.YDim);
  14430. ;
  14431. args.push(this.ZDim);
  14432. ;
  14433. return args;
  14434. }
  14435. };
  14436. var IfcBoxedHalfSpace = class {
  14437. constructor(expressID, type, BaseSurface, AgreementFlag, Enclosure) {
  14438. this.expressID = expressID;
  14439. this.type = type;
  14440. this.BaseSurface = BaseSurface;
  14441. this.AgreementFlag = AgreementFlag;
  14442. this.Enclosure = Enclosure;
  14443. }
  14444. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  14445. let ptr = 0;
  14446. let BaseSurface = tape[ptr++];
  14447. let AgreementFlag = tape[ptr++];
  14448. let Enclosure = tape[ptr++];
  14449. return new IfcBoxedHalfSpace(expressID, type, BaseSurface, AgreementFlag, Enclosure);
  14450. }
  14451. ToTape() {
  14452. let args = [];
  14453. args.push(this.BaseSurface);
  14454. ;
  14455. args.push(this.AgreementFlag);
  14456. ;
  14457. args.push(this.Enclosure);
  14458. ;
  14459. return args;
  14460. }
  14461. };
  14462. var IfcBridge = class {
  14463. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, LongName, CompositionType, PredefinedType) {
  14464. this.expressID = expressID;
  14465. this.type = type;
  14466. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  14467. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  14468. this.Name = Name;
  14469. this.Description = Description;
  14470. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  14471. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  14472. this.Representation = Representation;
  14473. this.LongName = LongName;
  14474. this.CompositionType = CompositionType;
  14475. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  14476. }
  14477. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  14478. let ptr = 0;
  14479. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  14480. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  14481. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  14482. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  14483. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  14484. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  14485. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  14486. let LongName = tape[ptr++];
  14487. let CompositionType = tape[ptr++];
  14488. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  14489. return new IfcBridge(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, LongName, CompositionType, PredefinedType);
  14490. }
  14491. ToTape() {
  14492. let args = [];
  14493. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  14494. ;
  14495. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  14496. ;
  14497. args.push(this.Name);
  14498. ;
  14499. args.push(this.Description);
  14500. ;
  14501. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  14502. ;
  14503. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  14504. ;
  14505. args.push(this.Representation);
  14506. ;
  14507. args.push(this.LongName);
  14508. ;
  14509. args.push(this.CompositionType);
  14510. ;
  14511. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  14512. ;
  14513. return args;
  14514. }
  14515. };
  14516. var IfcBridgePart = class {
  14517. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, LongName, CompositionType, PredefinedType) {
  14518. this.expressID = expressID;
  14519. this.type = type;
  14520. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  14521. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  14522. this.Name = Name;
  14523. this.Description = Description;
  14524. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  14525. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  14526. this.Representation = Representation;
  14527. this.LongName = LongName;
  14528. this.CompositionType = CompositionType;
  14529. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  14530. }
  14531. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  14532. let ptr = 0;
  14533. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  14534. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  14535. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  14536. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  14537. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  14538. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  14539. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  14540. let LongName = tape[ptr++];
  14541. let CompositionType = tape[ptr++];
  14542. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  14543. return new IfcBridgePart(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, LongName, CompositionType, PredefinedType);
  14544. }
  14545. ToTape() {
  14546. let args = [];
  14547. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  14548. ;
  14549. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  14550. ;
  14551. args.push(this.Name);
  14552. ;
  14553. args.push(this.Description);
  14554. ;
  14555. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  14556. ;
  14557. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  14558. ;
  14559. args.push(this.Representation);
  14560. ;
  14561. args.push(this.LongName);
  14562. ;
  14563. args.push(this.CompositionType);
  14564. ;
  14565. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  14566. ;
  14567. return args;
  14568. }
  14569. };
  14570. var IfcBuilding = class {
  14571. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, LongName, CompositionType, ElevationOfRefHeight, ElevationOfTerrain, BuildingAddress) {
  14572. this.expressID = expressID;
  14573. this.type = type;
  14574. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  14575. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  14576. this.Name = Name;
  14577. this.Description = Description;
  14578. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  14579. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  14580. this.Representation = Representation;
  14581. this.LongName = LongName;
  14582. this.CompositionType = CompositionType;
  14583. this.ElevationOfRefHeight = ElevationOfRefHeight;
  14584. this.ElevationOfTerrain = ElevationOfTerrain;
  14585. this.BuildingAddress = BuildingAddress;
  14586. }
  14587. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  14588. let ptr = 0;
  14589. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  14590. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  14591. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  14592. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  14593. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  14594. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  14595. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  14596. let LongName = tape[ptr++];
  14597. let CompositionType = tape[ptr++];
  14598. let ElevationOfRefHeight = tape[ptr++];
  14599. let ElevationOfTerrain = tape[ptr++];
  14600. let BuildingAddress = tape[ptr++];
  14601. return new IfcBuilding(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, LongName, CompositionType, ElevationOfRefHeight, ElevationOfTerrain, BuildingAddress);
  14602. }
  14603. ToTape() {
  14604. let args = [];
  14605. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  14606. ;
  14607. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  14608. ;
  14609. args.push(this.Name);
  14610. ;
  14611. args.push(this.Description);
  14612. ;
  14613. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  14614. ;
  14615. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  14616. ;
  14617. args.push(this.Representation);
  14618. ;
  14619. args.push(this.LongName);
  14620. ;
  14621. args.push(this.CompositionType);
  14622. ;
  14623. args.push(this.ElevationOfRefHeight);
  14624. ;
  14625. args.push(this.ElevationOfTerrain);
  14626. ;
  14627. args.push(this.BuildingAddress);
  14628. ;
  14629. return args;
  14630. }
  14631. };
  14632. var IfcBuildingElement = class {
  14633. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag) {
  14634. this.expressID = expressID;
  14635. this.type = type;
  14636. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  14637. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  14638. this.Name = Name;
  14639. this.Description = Description;
  14640. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  14641. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  14642. this.Representation = Representation;
  14643. this.Tag = Tag;
  14644. }
  14645. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  14646. let ptr = 0;
  14647. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  14648. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  14649. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  14650. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  14651. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  14652. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  14653. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  14654. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  14655. return new IfcBuildingElement(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag);
  14656. }
  14657. ToTape() {
  14658. let args = [];
  14659. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  14660. ;
  14661. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  14662. ;
  14663. args.push(this.Name);
  14664. ;
  14665. args.push(this.Description);
  14666. ;
  14667. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  14668. ;
  14669. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  14670. ;
  14671. args.push(this.Representation);
  14672. ;
  14673. args.push(this.Tag);
  14674. ;
  14675. return args;
  14676. }
  14677. };
  14678. var IfcBuildingElementPart = class {
  14679. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType) {
  14680. this.expressID = expressID;
  14681. this.type = type;
  14682. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  14683. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  14684. this.Name = Name;
  14685. this.Description = Description;
  14686. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  14687. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  14688. this.Representation = Representation;
  14689. this.Tag = Tag;
  14690. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  14691. }
  14692. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  14693. let ptr = 0;
  14694. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  14695. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  14696. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  14697. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  14698. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  14699. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  14700. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  14701. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  14702. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  14703. return new IfcBuildingElementPart(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType);
  14704. }
  14705. ToTape() {
  14706. let args = [];
  14707. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  14708. ;
  14709. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  14710. ;
  14711. args.push(this.Name);
  14712. ;
  14713. args.push(this.Description);
  14714. ;
  14715. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  14716. ;
  14717. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  14718. ;
  14719. args.push(this.Representation);
  14720. ;
  14721. args.push(this.Tag);
  14722. ;
  14723. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  14724. ;
  14725. return args;
  14726. }
  14727. };
  14728. var IfcBuildingElementPartType = class {
  14729. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType) {
  14730. this.expressID = expressID;
  14731. this.type = type;
  14732. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  14733. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  14734. this.Name = Name;
  14735. this.Description = Description;
  14736. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  14737. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  14738. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  14739. this.Tag = Tag;
  14740. this.ElementType = ElementType;
  14741. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  14742. }
  14743. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  14744. let ptr = 0;
  14745. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  14746. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  14747. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  14748. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  14749. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  14750. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  14751. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  14752. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  14753. let ElementType = tape[ptr++];
  14754. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  14755. return new IfcBuildingElementPartType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType);
  14756. }
  14757. ToTape() {
  14758. let args = [];
  14759. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  14760. ;
  14761. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  14762. ;
  14763. args.push(this.Name);
  14764. ;
  14765. args.push(this.Description);
  14766. ;
  14767. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  14768. ;
  14769. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  14770. ;
  14771. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  14772. ;
  14773. args.push(this.Tag);
  14774. ;
  14775. args.push(this.ElementType);
  14776. ;
  14777. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  14778. ;
  14779. return args;
  14780. }
  14781. };
  14782. var IfcBuildingElementProxy = class {
  14783. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType) {
  14784. this.expressID = expressID;
  14785. this.type = type;
  14786. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  14787. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  14788. this.Name = Name;
  14789. this.Description = Description;
  14790. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  14791. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  14792. this.Representation = Representation;
  14793. this.Tag = Tag;
  14794. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  14795. }
  14796. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  14797. let ptr = 0;
  14798. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  14799. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  14800. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  14801. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  14802. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  14803. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  14804. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  14805. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  14806. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  14807. return new IfcBuildingElementProxy(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType);
  14808. }
  14809. ToTape() {
  14810. let args = [];
  14811. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  14812. ;
  14813. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  14814. ;
  14815. args.push(this.Name);
  14816. ;
  14817. args.push(this.Description);
  14818. ;
  14819. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  14820. ;
  14821. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  14822. ;
  14823. args.push(this.Representation);
  14824. ;
  14825. args.push(this.Tag);
  14826. ;
  14827. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  14828. ;
  14829. return args;
  14830. }
  14831. };
  14832. var IfcBuildingElementProxyType = class {
  14833. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType) {
  14834. this.expressID = expressID;
  14835. this.type = type;
  14836. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  14837. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  14838. this.Name = Name;
  14839. this.Description = Description;
  14840. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  14841. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  14842. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  14843. this.Tag = Tag;
  14844. this.ElementType = ElementType;
  14845. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  14846. }
  14847. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  14848. let ptr = 0;
  14849. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  14850. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  14851. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  14852. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  14853. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  14854. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  14855. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  14856. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  14857. let ElementType = tape[ptr++];
  14858. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  14859. return new IfcBuildingElementProxyType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType);
  14860. }
  14861. ToTape() {
  14862. let args = [];
  14863. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  14864. ;
  14865. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  14866. ;
  14867. args.push(this.Name);
  14868. ;
  14869. args.push(this.Description);
  14870. ;
  14871. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  14872. ;
  14873. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  14874. ;
  14875. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  14876. ;
  14877. args.push(this.Tag);
  14878. ;
  14879. args.push(this.ElementType);
  14880. ;
  14881. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  14882. ;
  14883. return args;
  14884. }
  14885. };
  14886. var IfcBuildingElementType = class {
  14887. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType) {
  14888. this.expressID = expressID;
  14889. this.type = type;
  14890. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  14891. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  14892. this.Name = Name;
  14893. this.Description = Description;
  14894. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  14895. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  14896. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  14897. this.Tag = Tag;
  14898. this.ElementType = ElementType;
  14899. }
  14900. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  14901. let ptr = 0;
  14902. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  14903. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  14904. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  14905. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  14906. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  14907. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  14908. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  14909. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  14910. let ElementType = tape[ptr++];
  14911. return new IfcBuildingElementType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType);
  14912. }
  14913. ToTape() {
  14914. let args = [];
  14915. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  14916. ;
  14917. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  14918. ;
  14919. args.push(this.Name);
  14920. ;
  14921. args.push(this.Description);
  14922. ;
  14923. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  14924. ;
  14925. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  14926. ;
  14927. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  14928. ;
  14929. args.push(this.Tag);
  14930. ;
  14931. args.push(this.ElementType);
  14932. ;
  14933. return args;
  14934. }
  14935. };
  14936. var IfcBuildingStorey = class {
  14937. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, LongName, CompositionType, Elevation) {
  14938. this.expressID = expressID;
  14939. this.type = type;
  14940. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  14941. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  14942. this.Name = Name;
  14943. this.Description = Description;
  14944. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  14945. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  14946. this.Representation = Representation;
  14947. this.LongName = LongName;
  14948. this.CompositionType = CompositionType;
  14949. this.Elevation = Elevation;
  14950. }
  14951. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  14952. let ptr = 0;
  14953. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  14954. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  14955. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  14956. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  14957. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  14958. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  14959. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  14960. let LongName = tape[ptr++];
  14961. let CompositionType = tape[ptr++];
  14962. let Elevation = tape[ptr++];
  14963. return new IfcBuildingStorey(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, LongName, CompositionType, Elevation);
  14964. }
  14965. ToTape() {
  14966. let args = [];
  14967. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  14968. ;
  14969. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  14970. ;
  14971. args.push(this.Name);
  14972. ;
  14973. args.push(this.Description);
  14974. ;
  14975. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  14976. ;
  14977. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  14978. ;
  14979. args.push(this.Representation);
  14980. ;
  14981. args.push(this.LongName);
  14982. ;
  14983. args.push(this.CompositionType);
  14984. ;
  14985. args.push(this.Elevation);
  14986. ;
  14987. return args;
  14988. }
  14989. };
  14990. var IfcBuildingSystem = class {
  14991. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, PredefinedType, LongName) {
  14992. this.expressID = expressID;
  14993. this.type = type;
  14994. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  14995. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  14996. this.Name = Name;
  14997. this.Description = Description;
  14998. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  14999. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  15000. this.LongName = LongName;
  15001. }
  15002. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  15003. let ptr = 0;
  15004. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  15005. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  15006. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  15007. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  15008. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  15009. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  15010. let LongName = tape[ptr++];
  15011. return new IfcBuildingSystem(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, PredefinedType, LongName);
  15012. }
  15013. ToTape() {
  15014. let args = [];
  15015. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  15016. ;
  15017. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  15018. ;
  15019. args.push(this.Name);
  15020. ;
  15021. args.push(this.Description);
  15022. ;
  15023. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  15024. ;
  15025. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  15026. ;
  15027. args.push(this.LongName);
  15028. ;
  15029. return args;
  15030. }
  15031. };
  15032. var IfcBurner = class {
  15033. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType) {
  15034. this.expressID = expressID;
  15035. this.type = type;
  15036. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  15037. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  15038. this.Name = Name;
  15039. this.Description = Description;
  15040. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  15041. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  15042. this.Representation = Representation;
  15043. this.Tag = Tag;
  15044. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  15045. }
  15046. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  15047. let ptr = 0;
  15048. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  15049. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  15050. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  15051. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  15052. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  15053. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  15054. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  15055. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  15056. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  15057. return new IfcBurner(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType);
  15058. }
  15059. ToTape() {
  15060. let args = [];
  15061. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  15062. ;
  15063. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  15064. ;
  15065. args.push(this.Name);
  15066. ;
  15067. args.push(this.Description);
  15068. ;
  15069. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  15070. ;
  15071. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  15072. ;
  15073. args.push(this.Representation);
  15074. ;
  15075. args.push(this.Tag);
  15076. ;
  15077. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  15078. ;
  15079. return args;
  15080. }
  15081. };
  15082. var IfcBurnerType = class {
  15083. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType) {
  15084. this.expressID = expressID;
  15085. this.type = type;
  15086. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  15087. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  15088. this.Name = Name;
  15089. this.Description = Description;
  15090. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  15091. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  15092. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  15093. this.Tag = Tag;
  15094. this.ElementType = ElementType;
  15095. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  15096. }
  15097. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  15098. let ptr = 0;
  15099. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  15100. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  15101. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  15102. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  15103. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  15104. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  15105. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  15106. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  15107. let ElementType = tape[ptr++];
  15108. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  15109. return new IfcBurnerType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType);
  15110. }
  15111. ToTape() {
  15112. let args = [];
  15113. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  15114. ;
  15115. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  15116. ;
  15117. args.push(this.Name);
  15118. ;
  15119. args.push(this.Description);
  15120. ;
  15121. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  15122. ;
  15123. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  15124. ;
  15125. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  15126. ;
  15127. args.push(this.Tag);
  15128. ;
  15129. args.push(this.ElementType);
  15130. ;
  15131. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  15132. ;
  15133. return args;
  15134. }
  15135. };
  15136. var IfcCShapeProfileDef = class {
  15137. constructor(expressID, type, ProfileType, ProfileName, Position, Depth, Width, WallThickness, Girth, InternalFilletRadius) {
  15138. this.expressID = expressID;
  15139. this.type = type;
  15140. this.ProfileType = ProfileType;
  15141. this.ProfileName = ProfileName;
  15142. this.Position = Position;
  15143. this.Depth = Depth;
  15144. this.Width = Width;
  15145. this.WallThickness = WallThickness;
  15146. this.Girth = Girth;
  15147. this.InternalFilletRadius = InternalFilletRadius;
  15148. }
  15149. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  15150. let ptr = 0;
  15151. let ProfileType = tape[ptr++];
  15152. let ProfileName = tape[ptr++];
  15153. let Position = tape[ptr++];
  15154. let Depth = tape[ptr++];
  15155. let Width = tape[ptr++];
  15156. let WallThickness = tape[ptr++];
  15157. let Girth = tape[ptr++];
  15158. let InternalFilletRadius = tape[ptr++];
  15159. return new IfcCShapeProfileDef(expressID, type, ProfileType, ProfileName, Position, Depth, Width, WallThickness, Girth, InternalFilletRadius);
  15160. }
  15161. ToTape() {
  15162. let args = [];
  15163. args.push(this.ProfileType);
  15164. ;
  15165. args.push(this.ProfileName);
  15166. ;
  15167. args.push(this.Position);
  15168. ;
  15169. args.push(this.Depth);
  15170. ;
  15171. args.push(this.Width);
  15172. ;
  15173. args.push(this.WallThickness);
  15174. ;
  15175. args.push(this.Girth);
  15176. ;
  15177. args.push(this.InternalFilletRadius);
  15178. ;
  15179. return args;
  15180. }
  15181. };
  15182. var IfcCableCarrierFitting = class {
  15183. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType) {
  15184. this.expressID = expressID;
  15185. this.type = type;
  15186. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  15187. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  15188. this.Name = Name;
  15189. this.Description = Description;
  15190. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  15191. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  15192. this.Representation = Representation;
  15193. this.Tag = Tag;
  15194. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  15195. }
  15196. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  15197. let ptr = 0;
  15198. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  15199. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  15200. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  15201. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  15202. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  15203. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  15204. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  15205. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  15206. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  15207. return new IfcCableCarrierFitting(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType);
  15208. }
  15209. ToTape() {
  15210. let args = [];
  15211. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  15212. ;
  15213. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  15214. ;
  15215. args.push(this.Name);
  15216. ;
  15217. args.push(this.Description);
  15218. ;
  15219. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  15220. ;
  15221. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  15222. ;
  15223. args.push(this.Representation);
  15224. ;
  15225. args.push(this.Tag);
  15226. ;
  15227. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  15228. ;
  15229. return args;
  15230. }
  15231. };
  15232. var IfcCableCarrierFittingType = class {
  15233. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType) {
  15234. this.expressID = expressID;
  15235. this.type = type;
  15236. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  15237. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  15238. this.Name = Name;
  15239. this.Description = Description;
  15240. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  15241. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  15242. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  15243. this.Tag = Tag;
  15244. this.ElementType = ElementType;
  15245. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  15246. }
  15247. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  15248. let ptr = 0;
  15249. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  15250. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  15251. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  15252. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  15253. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  15254. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  15255. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  15256. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  15257. let ElementType = tape[ptr++];
  15258. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  15259. return new IfcCableCarrierFittingType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType);
  15260. }
  15261. ToTape() {
  15262. let args = [];
  15263. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  15264. ;
  15265. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  15266. ;
  15267. args.push(this.Name);
  15268. ;
  15269. args.push(this.Description);
  15270. ;
  15271. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  15272. ;
  15273. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  15274. ;
  15275. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  15276. ;
  15277. args.push(this.Tag);
  15278. ;
  15279. args.push(this.ElementType);
  15280. ;
  15281. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  15282. ;
  15283. return args;
  15284. }
  15285. };
  15286. var IfcCableCarrierSegment = class {
  15287. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType) {
  15288. this.expressID = expressID;
  15289. this.type = type;
  15290. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  15291. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  15292. this.Name = Name;
  15293. this.Description = Description;
  15294. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  15295. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  15296. this.Representation = Representation;
  15297. this.Tag = Tag;
  15298. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  15299. }
  15300. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  15301. let ptr = 0;
  15302. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  15303. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  15304. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  15305. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  15306. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  15307. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  15308. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  15309. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  15310. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  15311. return new IfcCableCarrierSegment(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType);
  15312. }
  15313. ToTape() {
  15314. let args = [];
  15315. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  15316. ;
  15317. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  15318. ;
  15319. args.push(this.Name);
  15320. ;
  15321. args.push(this.Description);
  15322. ;
  15323. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  15324. ;
  15325. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  15326. ;
  15327. args.push(this.Representation);
  15328. ;
  15329. args.push(this.Tag);
  15330. ;
  15331. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  15332. ;
  15333. return args;
  15334. }
  15335. };
  15336. var IfcCableCarrierSegmentType = class {
  15337. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType) {
  15338. this.expressID = expressID;
  15339. this.type = type;
  15340. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  15341. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  15342. this.Name = Name;
  15343. this.Description = Description;
  15344. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  15345. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  15346. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  15347. this.Tag = Tag;
  15348. this.ElementType = ElementType;
  15349. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  15350. }
  15351. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  15352. let ptr = 0;
  15353. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  15354. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  15355. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  15356. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  15357. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  15358. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  15359. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  15360. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  15361. let ElementType = tape[ptr++];
  15362. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  15363. return new IfcCableCarrierSegmentType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType);
  15364. }
  15365. ToTape() {
  15366. let args = [];
  15367. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  15368. ;
  15369. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  15370. ;
  15371. args.push(this.Name);
  15372. ;
  15373. args.push(this.Description);
  15374. ;
  15375. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  15376. ;
  15377. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  15378. ;
  15379. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  15380. ;
  15381. args.push(this.Tag);
  15382. ;
  15383. args.push(this.ElementType);
  15384. ;
  15385. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  15386. ;
  15387. return args;
  15388. }
  15389. };
  15390. var IfcCableFitting = class {
  15391. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType) {
  15392. this.expressID = expressID;
  15393. this.type = type;
  15394. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  15395. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  15396. this.Name = Name;
  15397. this.Description = Description;
  15398. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  15399. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  15400. this.Representation = Representation;
  15401. this.Tag = Tag;
  15402. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  15403. }
  15404. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  15405. let ptr = 0;
  15406. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  15407. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  15408. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  15409. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  15410. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  15411. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  15412. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  15413. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  15414. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  15415. return new IfcCableFitting(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType);
  15416. }
  15417. ToTape() {
  15418. let args = [];
  15419. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  15420. ;
  15421. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  15422. ;
  15423. args.push(this.Name);
  15424. ;
  15425. args.push(this.Description);
  15426. ;
  15427. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  15428. ;
  15429. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  15430. ;
  15431. args.push(this.Representation);
  15432. ;
  15433. args.push(this.Tag);
  15434. ;
  15435. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  15436. ;
  15437. return args;
  15438. }
  15439. };
  15440. var IfcCableFittingType = class {
  15441. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType) {
  15442. this.expressID = expressID;
  15443. this.type = type;
  15444. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  15445. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  15446. this.Name = Name;
  15447. this.Description = Description;
  15448. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  15449. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  15450. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  15451. this.Tag = Tag;
  15452. this.ElementType = ElementType;
  15453. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  15454. }
  15455. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  15456. let ptr = 0;
  15457. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  15458. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  15459. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  15460. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  15461. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  15462. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  15463. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  15464. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  15465. let ElementType = tape[ptr++];
  15466. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  15467. return new IfcCableFittingType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType);
  15468. }
  15469. ToTape() {
  15470. let args = [];
  15471. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  15472. ;
  15473. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  15474. ;
  15475. args.push(this.Name);
  15476. ;
  15477. args.push(this.Description);
  15478. ;
  15479. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  15480. ;
  15481. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  15482. ;
  15483. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  15484. ;
  15485. args.push(this.Tag);
  15486. ;
  15487. args.push(this.ElementType);
  15488. ;
  15489. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  15490. ;
  15491. return args;
  15492. }
  15493. };
  15494. var IfcCableSegment = class {
  15495. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType) {
  15496. this.expressID = expressID;
  15497. this.type = type;
  15498. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  15499. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  15500. this.Name = Name;
  15501. this.Description = Description;
  15502. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  15503. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  15504. this.Representation = Representation;
  15505. this.Tag = Tag;
  15506. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  15507. }
  15508. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  15509. let ptr = 0;
  15510. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  15511. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  15512. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  15513. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  15514. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  15515. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  15516. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  15517. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  15518. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  15519. return new IfcCableSegment(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType);
  15520. }
  15521. ToTape() {
  15522. let args = [];
  15523. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  15524. ;
  15525. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  15526. ;
  15527. args.push(this.Name);
  15528. ;
  15529. args.push(this.Description);
  15530. ;
  15531. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  15532. ;
  15533. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  15534. ;
  15535. args.push(this.Representation);
  15536. ;
  15537. args.push(this.Tag);
  15538. ;
  15539. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  15540. ;
  15541. return args;
  15542. }
  15543. };
  15544. var IfcCableSegmentType = class {
  15545. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType) {
  15546. this.expressID = expressID;
  15547. this.type = type;
  15548. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  15549. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  15550. this.Name = Name;
  15551. this.Description = Description;
  15552. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  15553. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  15554. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  15555. this.Tag = Tag;
  15556. this.ElementType = ElementType;
  15557. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  15558. }
  15559. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  15560. let ptr = 0;
  15561. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  15562. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  15563. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  15564. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  15565. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  15566. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  15567. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  15568. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  15569. let ElementType = tape[ptr++];
  15570. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  15571. return new IfcCableSegmentType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType);
  15572. }
  15573. ToTape() {
  15574. let args = [];
  15575. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  15576. ;
  15577. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  15578. ;
  15579. args.push(this.Name);
  15580. ;
  15581. args.push(this.Description);
  15582. ;
  15583. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  15584. ;
  15585. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  15586. ;
  15587. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  15588. ;
  15589. args.push(this.Tag);
  15590. ;
  15591. args.push(this.ElementType);
  15592. ;
  15593. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  15594. ;
  15595. return args;
  15596. }
  15597. };
  15598. var IfcCaissonFoundation = class {
  15599. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType) {
  15600. this.expressID = expressID;
  15601. this.type = type;
  15602. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  15603. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  15604. this.Name = Name;
  15605. this.Description = Description;
  15606. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  15607. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  15608. this.Representation = Representation;
  15609. this.Tag = Tag;
  15610. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  15611. }
  15612. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  15613. let ptr = 0;
  15614. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  15615. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  15616. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  15617. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  15618. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  15619. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  15620. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  15621. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  15622. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  15623. return new IfcCaissonFoundation(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType);
  15624. }
  15625. ToTape() {
  15626. let args = [];
  15627. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  15628. ;
  15629. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  15630. ;
  15631. args.push(this.Name);
  15632. ;
  15633. args.push(this.Description);
  15634. ;
  15635. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  15636. ;
  15637. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  15638. ;
  15639. args.push(this.Representation);
  15640. ;
  15641. args.push(this.Tag);
  15642. ;
  15643. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  15644. ;
  15645. return args;
  15646. }
  15647. };
  15648. var IfcCaissonFoundationType = class {
  15649. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType) {
  15650. this.expressID = expressID;
  15651. this.type = type;
  15652. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  15653. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  15654. this.Name = Name;
  15655. this.Description = Description;
  15656. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  15657. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  15658. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  15659. this.Tag = Tag;
  15660. this.ElementType = ElementType;
  15661. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  15662. }
  15663. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  15664. let ptr = 0;
  15665. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  15666. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  15667. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  15668. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  15669. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  15670. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  15671. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  15672. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  15673. let ElementType = tape[ptr++];
  15674. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  15675. return new IfcCaissonFoundationType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType);
  15676. }
  15677. ToTape() {
  15678. let args = [];
  15679. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  15680. ;
  15681. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  15682. ;
  15683. args.push(this.Name);
  15684. ;
  15685. args.push(this.Description);
  15686. ;
  15687. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  15688. ;
  15689. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  15690. ;
  15691. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  15692. ;
  15693. args.push(this.Tag);
  15694. ;
  15695. args.push(this.ElementType);
  15696. ;
  15697. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  15698. ;
  15699. return args;
  15700. }
  15701. };
  15702. var IfcCartesianPoint = class {
  15703. constructor(expressID, type, Coordinates) {
  15704. this.expressID = expressID;
  15705. this.type = type;
  15706. this.Coordinates = Coordinates;
  15707. }
  15708. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  15709. let ptr = 0;
  15710. let Coordinates = tape[ptr++];
  15711. return new IfcCartesianPoint(expressID, type, Coordinates);
  15712. }
  15713. ToTape() {
  15714. let args = [];
  15715. args.push(this.Coordinates);
  15716. ;
  15717. return args;
  15718. }
  15719. };
  15720. var IfcCartesianPointList = class {
  15721. constructor(expressID, type) {
  15722. this.expressID = expressID;
  15723. this.type = type;
  15724. }
  15725. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  15726. let ptr = 0;
  15727. return new IfcCartesianPointList(expressID, type);
  15728. }
  15729. ToTape() {
  15730. let args = [];
  15731. return args;
  15732. }
  15733. };
  15734. var IfcCartesianPointList2D = class {
  15735. constructor(expressID, type, CoordList, TagList) {
  15736. this.expressID = expressID;
  15737. this.type = type;
  15738. this.CoordList = CoordList;
  15739. this.TagList = TagList;
  15740. }
  15741. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  15742. let ptr = 0;
  15743. let CoordList = tape[ptr++];
  15744. let TagList = tape[ptr++];
  15745. return new IfcCartesianPointList2D(expressID, type, CoordList, TagList);
  15746. }
  15747. ToTape() {
  15748. let args = [];
  15749. args.push(this.CoordList);
  15750. ;
  15751. args.push(this.TagList);
  15752. ;
  15753. return args;
  15754. }
  15755. };
  15756. var IfcCartesianPointList3D = class {
  15757. constructor(expressID, type, CoordList, TagList) {
  15758. this.expressID = expressID;
  15759. this.type = type;
  15760. this.CoordList = CoordList;
  15761. this.TagList = TagList;
  15762. }
  15763. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  15764. let ptr = 0;
  15765. let CoordList = tape[ptr++];
  15766. let TagList = tape[ptr++];
  15767. return new IfcCartesianPointList3D(expressID, type, CoordList, TagList);
  15768. }
  15769. ToTape() {
  15770. let args = [];
  15771. args.push(this.CoordList);
  15772. ;
  15773. args.push(this.TagList);
  15774. ;
  15775. return args;
  15776. }
  15777. };
  15778. var IfcCartesianTransformationOperator = class {
  15779. constructor(expressID, type, Axis1, Axis2, LocalOrigin, Scale) {
  15780. this.expressID = expressID;
  15781. this.type = type;
  15782. this.Axis1 = Axis1;
  15783. this.Axis2 = Axis2;
  15784. this.LocalOrigin = LocalOrigin;
  15785. this.Scale = Scale;
  15786. }
  15787. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  15788. let ptr = 0;
  15789. let Axis1 = tape[ptr++];
  15790. let Axis2 = tape[ptr++];
  15791. let LocalOrigin = tape[ptr++];
  15792. let Scale = tape[ptr++];
  15793. return new IfcCartesianTransformationOperator(expressID, type, Axis1, Axis2, LocalOrigin, Scale);
  15794. }
  15795. ToTape() {
  15796. let args = [];
  15797. args.push(this.Axis1);
  15798. ;
  15799. args.push(this.Axis2);
  15800. ;
  15801. args.push(this.LocalOrigin);
  15802. ;
  15803. args.push(this.Scale);
  15804. ;
  15805. return args;
  15806. }
  15807. };
  15808. var IfcCartesianTransformationOperator2D = class {
  15809. constructor(expressID, type, Axis1, Axis2, LocalOrigin, Scale) {
  15810. this.expressID = expressID;
  15811. this.type = type;
  15812. this.Axis1 = Axis1;
  15813. this.Axis2 = Axis2;
  15814. this.LocalOrigin = LocalOrigin;
  15815. this.Scale = Scale;
  15816. }
  15817. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  15818. let ptr = 0;
  15819. let Axis1 = tape[ptr++];
  15820. let Axis2 = tape[ptr++];
  15821. let LocalOrigin = tape[ptr++];
  15822. let Scale = tape[ptr++];
  15823. return new IfcCartesianTransformationOperator2D(expressID, type, Axis1, Axis2, LocalOrigin, Scale);
  15824. }
  15825. ToTape() {
  15826. let args = [];
  15827. args.push(this.Axis1);
  15828. ;
  15829. args.push(this.Axis2);
  15830. ;
  15831. args.push(this.LocalOrigin);
  15832. ;
  15833. args.push(this.Scale);
  15834. ;
  15835. return args;
  15836. }
  15837. };
  15838. var IfcCartesianTransformationOperator2DnonUniform = class {
  15839. constructor(expressID, type, Axis1, Axis2, LocalOrigin, Scale, Scale2) {
  15840. this.expressID = expressID;
  15841. this.type = type;
  15842. this.Axis1 = Axis1;
  15843. this.Axis2 = Axis2;
  15844. this.LocalOrigin = LocalOrigin;
  15845. this.Scale = Scale;
  15846. this.Scale2 = Scale2;
  15847. }
  15848. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  15849. let ptr = 0;
  15850. let Axis1 = tape[ptr++];
  15851. let Axis2 = tape[ptr++];
  15852. let LocalOrigin = tape[ptr++];
  15853. let Scale = tape[ptr++];
  15854. let Scale2 = tape[ptr++];
  15855. return new IfcCartesianTransformationOperator2DnonUniform(expressID, type, Axis1, Axis2, LocalOrigin, Scale, Scale2);
  15856. }
  15857. ToTape() {
  15858. let args = [];
  15859. args.push(this.Axis1);
  15860. ;
  15861. args.push(this.Axis2);
  15862. ;
  15863. args.push(this.LocalOrigin);
  15864. ;
  15865. args.push(this.Scale);
  15866. ;
  15867. args.push(this.Scale2);
  15868. ;
  15869. return args;
  15870. }
  15871. };
  15872. var IfcCartesianTransformationOperator3D = class {
  15873. constructor(expressID, type, Axis1, Axis2, LocalOrigin, Scale, Axis3) {
  15874. this.expressID = expressID;
  15875. this.type = type;
  15876. this.Axis1 = Axis1;
  15877. this.Axis2 = Axis2;
  15878. this.LocalOrigin = LocalOrigin;
  15879. this.Scale = Scale;
  15880. this.Axis3 = Axis3;
  15881. }
  15882. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  15883. let ptr = 0;
  15884. let Axis1 = tape[ptr++];
  15885. let Axis2 = tape[ptr++];
  15886. let LocalOrigin = tape[ptr++];
  15887. let Scale = tape[ptr++];
  15888. let Axis3 = tape[ptr++];
  15889. return new IfcCartesianTransformationOperator3D(expressID, type, Axis1, Axis2, LocalOrigin, Scale, Axis3);
  15890. }
  15891. ToTape() {
  15892. let args = [];
  15893. args.push(this.Axis1);
  15894. ;
  15895. args.push(this.Axis2);
  15896. ;
  15897. args.push(this.LocalOrigin);
  15898. ;
  15899. args.push(this.Scale);
  15900. ;
  15901. args.push(this.Axis3);
  15902. ;
  15903. return args;
  15904. }
  15905. };
  15906. var IfcCartesianTransformationOperator3DnonUniform = class {
  15907. constructor(expressID, type, Axis1, Axis2, LocalOrigin, Scale, Axis3, Scale2, Scale3) {
  15908. this.expressID = expressID;
  15909. this.type = type;
  15910. this.Axis1 = Axis1;
  15911. this.Axis2 = Axis2;
  15912. this.LocalOrigin = LocalOrigin;
  15913. this.Scale = Scale;
  15914. this.Axis3 = Axis3;
  15915. this.Scale2 = Scale2;
  15916. this.Scale3 = Scale3;
  15917. }
  15918. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  15919. let ptr = 0;
  15920. let Axis1 = tape[ptr++];
  15921. let Axis2 = tape[ptr++];
  15922. let LocalOrigin = tape[ptr++];
  15923. let Scale = tape[ptr++];
  15924. let Axis3 = tape[ptr++];
  15925. let Scale2 = tape[ptr++];
  15926. let Scale3 = tape[ptr++];
  15927. return new IfcCartesianTransformationOperator3DnonUniform(expressID, type, Axis1, Axis2, LocalOrigin, Scale, Axis3, Scale2, Scale3);
  15928. }
  15929. ToTape() {
  15930. let args = [];
  15931. args.push(this.Axis1);
  15932. ;
  15933. args.push(this.Axis2);
  15934. ;
  15935. args.push(this.LocalOrigin);
  15936. ;
  15937. args.push(this.Scale);
  15938. ;
  15939. args.push(this.Axis3);
  15940. ;
  15941. args.push(this.Scale2);
  15942. ;
  15943. args.push(this.Scale3);
  15944. ;
  15945. return args;
  15946. }
  15947. };
  15948. var IfcCenterLineProfileDef = class {
  15949. constructor(expressID, type, ProfileType, ProfileName, Curve, Thickness) {
  15950. this.expressID = expressID;
  15951. this.type = type;
  15952. this.ProfileType = ProfileType;
  15953. this.ProfileName = ProfileName;
  15954. this.Curve = Curve;
  15955. this.Thickness = Thickness;
  15956. }
  15957. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  15958. let ptr = 0;
  15959. let ProfileType = tape[ptr++];
  15960. let ProfileName = tape[ptr++];
  15961. let Curve = tape[ptr++];
  15962. let Thickness = tape[ptr++];
  15963. return new IfcCenterLineProfileDef(expressID, type, ProfileType, ProfileName, Curve, Thickness);
  15964. }
  15965. ToTape() {
  15966. let args = [];
  15967. args.push(this.ProfileType);
  15968. ;
  15969. args.push(this.ProfileName);
  15970. ;
  15971. args.push(this.Curve);
  15972. ;
  15973. args.push(this.Thickness);
  15974. ;
  15975. return args;
  15976. }
  15977. };
  15978. var IfcChiller = class {
  15979. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType) {
  15980. this.expressID = expressID;
  15981. this.type = type;
  15982. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  15983. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  15984. this.Name = Name;
  15985. this.Description = Description;
  15986. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  15987. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  15988. this.Representation = Representation;
  15989. this.Tag = Tag;
  15990. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  15991. }
  15992. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  15993. let ptr = 0;
  15994. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  15995. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  15996. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  15997. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  15998. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  15999. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  16000. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  16001. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  16002. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  16003. return new IfcChiller(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType);
  16004. }
  16005. ToTape() {
  16006. let args = [];
  16007. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  16008. ;
  16009. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  16010. ;
  16011. args.push(this.Name);
  16012. ;
  16013. args.push(this.Description);
  16014. ;
  16015. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  16016. ;
  16017. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  16018. ;
  16019. args.push(this.Representation);
  16020. ;
  16021. args.push(this.Tag);
  16022. ;
  16023. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  16024. ;
  16025. return args;
  16026. }
  16027. };
  16028. var IfcChillerType = class {
  16029. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType) {
  16030. this.expressID = expressID;
  16031. this.type = type;
  16032. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  16033. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  16034. this.Name = Name;
  16035. this.Description = Description;
  16036. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  16037. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  16038. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  16039. this.Tag = Tag;
  16040. this.ElementType = ElementType;
  16041. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  16042. }
  16043. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  16044. let ptr = 0;
  16045. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  16046. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  16047. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  16048. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  16049. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  16050. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  16051. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  16052. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  16053. let ElementType = tape[ptr++];
  16054. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  16055. return new IfcChillerType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType);
  16056. }
  16057. ToTape() {
  16058. let args = [];
  16059. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  16060. ;
  16061. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  16062. ;
  16063. args.push(this.Name);
  16064. ;
  16065. args.push(this.Description);
  16066. ;
  16067. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  16068. ;
  16069. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  16070. ;
  16071. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  16072. ;
  16073. args.push(this.Tag);
  16074. ;
  16075. args.push(this.ElementType);
  16076. ;
  16077. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  16078. ;
  16079. return args;
  16080. }
  16081. };
  16082. var IfcChimney = class {
  16083. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType) {
  16084. this.expressID = expressID;
  16085. this.type = type;
  16086. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  16087. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  16088. this.Name = Name;
  16089. this.Description = Description;
  16090. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  16091. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  16092. this.Representation = Representation;
  16093. this.Tag = Tag;
  16094. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  16095. }
  16096. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  16097. let ptr = 0;
  16098. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  16099. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  16100. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  16101. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  16102. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  16103. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  16104. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  16105. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  16106. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  16107. return new IfcChimney(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType);
  16108. }
  16109. ToTape() {
  16110. let args = [];
  16111. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  16112. ;
  16113. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  16114. ;
  16115. args.push(this.Name);
  16116. ;
  16117. args.push(this.Description);
  16118. ;
  16119. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  16120. ;
  16121. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  16122. ;
  16123. args.push(this.Representation);
  16124. ;
  16125. args.push(this.Tag);
  16126. ;
  16127. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  16128. ;
  16129. return args;
  16130. }
  16131. };
  16132. var IfcChimneyType = class {
  16133. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType) {
  16134. this.expressID = expressID;
  16135. this.type = type;
  16136. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  16137. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  16138. this.Name = Name;
  16139. this.Description = Description;
  16140. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  16141. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  16142. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  16143. this.Tag = Tag;
  16144. this.ElementType = ElementType;
  16145. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  16146. }
  16147. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  16148. let ptr = 0;
  16149. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  16150. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  16151. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  16152. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  16153. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  16154. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  16155. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  16156. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  16157. let ElementType = tape[ptr++];
  16158. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  16159. return new IfcChimneyType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType);
  16160. }
  16161. ToTape() {
  16162. let args = [];
  16163. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  16164. ;
  16165. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  16166. ;
  16167. args.push(this.Name);
  16168. ;
  16169. args.push(this.Description);
  16170. ;
  16171. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  16172. ;
  16173. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  16174. ;
  16175. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  16176. ;
  16177. args.push(this.Tag);
  16178. ;
  16179. args.push(this.ElementType);
  16180. ;
  16181. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  16182. ;
  16183. return args;
  16184. }
  16185. };
  16186. var IfcCircle = class {
  16187. constructor(expressID, type, Position, Radius) {
  16188. this.expressID = expressID;
  16189. this.type = type;
  16190. this.Position = Position;
  16191. this.Radius = Radius;
  16192. }
  16193. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  16194. let ptr = 0;
  16195. let Position = tape[ptr++];
  16196. let Radius = tape[ptr++];
  16197. return new IfcCircle(expressID, type, Position, Radius);
  16198. }
  16199. ToTape() {
  16200. let args = [];
  16201. args.push(this.Position);
  16202. ;
  16203. args.push(this.Radius);
  16204. ;
  16205. return args;
  16206. }
  16207. };
  16208. var IfcCircleHollowProfileDef = class {
  16209. constructor(expressID, type, ProfileType, ProfileName, Position, Radius, WallThickness) {
  16210. this.expressID = expressID;
  16211. this.type = type;
  16212. this.ProfileType = ProfileType;
  16213. this.ProfileName = ProfileName;
  16214. this.Position = Position;
  16215. this.Radius = Radius;
  16216. this.WallThickness = WallThickness;
  16217. }
  16218. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  16219. let ptr = 0;
  16220. let ProfileType = tape[ptr++];
  16221. let ProfileName = tape[ptr++];
  16222. let Position = tape[ptr++];
  16223. let Radius = tape[ptr++];
  16224. let WallThickness = tape[ptr++];
  16225. return new IfcCircleHollowProfileDef(expressID, type, ProfileType, ProfileName, Position, Radius, WallThickness);
  16226. }
  16227. ToTape() {
  16228. let args = [];
  16229. args.push(this.ProfileType);
  16230. ;
  16231. args.push(this.ProfileName);
  16232. ;
  16233. args.push(this.Position);
  16234. ;
  16235. args.push(this.Radius);
  16236. ;
  16237. args.push(this.WallThickness);
  16238. ;
  16239. return args;
  16240. }
  16241. };
  16242. var IfcCircleProfileDef = class {
  16243. constructor(expressID, type, ProfileType, ProfileName, Position, Radius) {
  16244. this.expressID = expressID;
  16245. this.type = type;
  16246. this.ProfileType = ProfileType;
  16247. this.ProfileName = ProfileName;
  16248. this.Position = Position;
  16249. this.Radius = Radius;
  16250. }
  16251. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  16252. let ptr = 0;
  16253. let ProfileType = tape[ptr++];
  16254. let ProfileName = tape[ptr++];
  16255. let Position = tape[ptr++];
  16256. let Radius = tape[ptr++];
  16257. return new IfcCircleProfileDef(expressID, type, ProfileType, ProfileName, Position, Radius);
  16258. }
  16259. ToTape() {
  16260. let args = [];
  16261. args.push(this.ProfileType);
  16262. ;
  16263. args.push(this.ProfileName);
  16264. ;
  16265. args.push(this.Position);
  16266. ;
  16267. args.push(this.Radius);
  16268. ;
  16269. return args;
  16270. }
  16271. };
  16272. var IfcCircularArcSegment2D = class {
  16273. constructor(expressID, type, StartPoint, StartDirection, SegmentLength, Radius, IsCCW) {
  16274. this.expressID = expressID;
  16275. this.type = type;
  16276. this.StartPoint = StartPoint;
  16277. this.StartDirection = StartDirection;
  16278. this.SegmentLength = SegmentLength;
  16279. this.Radius = Radius;
  16280. this.IsCCW = IsCCW;
  16281. }
  16282. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  16283. let ptr = 0;
  16284. let StartPoint = tape[ptr++];
  16285. let StartDirection = tape[ptr++];
  16286. let SegmentLength = tape[ptr++];
  16287. let Radius = tape[ptr++];
  16288. let IsCCW = tape[ptr++];
  16289. return new IfcCircularArcSegment2D(expressID, type, StartPoint, StartDirection, SegmentLength, Radius, IsCCW);
  16290. }
  16291. ToTape() {
  16292. let args = [];
  16293. args.push(this.StartPoint);
  16294. ;
  16295. args.push(this.StartDirection);
  16296. ;
  16297. args.push(this.SegmentLength);
  16298. ;
  16299. args.push(this.Radius);
  16300. ;
  16301. args.push(this.IsCCW);
  16302. ;
  16303. return args;
  16304. }
  16305. };
  16306. var IfcCivilElement = class {
  16307. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag) {
  16308. this.expressID = expressID;
  16309. this.type = type;
  16310. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  16311. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  16312. this.Name = Name;
  16313. this.Description = Description;
  16314. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  16315. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  16316. this.Representation = Representation;
  16317. this.Tag = Tag;
  16318. }
  16319. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  16320. let ptr = 0;
  16321. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  16322. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  16323. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  16324. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  16325. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  16326. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  16327. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  16328. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  16329. return new IfcCivilElement(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag);
  16330. }
  16331. ToTape() {
  16332. let args = [];
  16333. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  16334. ;
  16335. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  16336. ;
  16337. args.push(this.Name);
  16338. ;
  16339. args.push(this.Description);
  16340. ;
  16341. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  16342. ;
  16343. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  16344. ;
  16345. args.push(this.Representation);
  16346. ;
  16347. args.push(this.Tag);
  16348. ;
  16349. return args;
  16350. }
  16351. };
  16352. var IfcCivilElementType = class {
  16353. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType) {
  16354. this.expressID = expressID;
  16355. this.type = type;
  16356. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  16357. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  16358. this.Name = Name;
  16359. this.Description = Description;
  16360. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  16361. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  16362. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  16363. this.Tag = Tag;
  16364. this.ElementType = ElementType;
  16365. }
  16366. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  16367. let ptr = 0;
  16368. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  16369. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  16370. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  16371. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  16372. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  16373. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  16374. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  16375. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  16376. let ElementType = tape[ptr++];
  16377. return new IfcCivilElementType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType);
  16378. }
  16379. ToTape() {
  16380. let args = [];
  16381. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  16382. ;
  16383. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  16384. ;
  16385. args.push(this.Name);
  16386. ;
  16387. args.push(this.Description);
  16388. ;
  16389. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  16390. ;
  16391. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  16392. ;
  16393. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  16394. ;
  16395. args.push(this.Tag);
  16396. ;
  16397. args.push(this.ElementType);
  16398. ;
  16399. return args;
  16400. }
  16401. };
  16402. var IfcClassification = class {
  16403. constructor(expressID, type, Source, Edition, EditionDate, Name, Description, Location, ReferenceTokens) {
  16404. this.expressID = expressID;
  16405. this.type = type;
  16406. this.Source = Source;
  16407. this.Edition = Edition;
  16408. this.EditionDate = EditionDate;
  16409. this.Name = Name;
  16410. this.Description = Description;
  16411. this.Location = Location;
  16412. this.ReferenceTokens = ReferenceTokens;
  16413. }
  16414. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  16415. let ptr = 0;
  16416. let Source = tape[ptr++];
  16417. let Edition = tape[ptr++];
  16418. let EditionDate = tape[ptr++];
  16419. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  16420. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  16421. let Location = tape[ptr++];
  16422. let ReferenceTokens = tape[ptr++];
  16423. return new IfcClassification(expressID, type, Source, Edition, EditionDate, Name, Description, Location, ReferenceTokens);
  16424. }
  16425. ToTape() {
  16426. let args = [];
  16427. args.push(this.Source);
  16428. ;
  16429. args.push(this.Edition);
  16430. ;
  16431. args.push(this.EditionDate);
  16432. ;
  16433. args.push(this.Name);
  16434. ;
  16435. args.push(this.Description);
  16436. ;
  16437. args.push(this.Location);
  16438. ;
  16439. args.push(this.ReferenceTokens);
  16440. ;
  16441. return args;
  16442. }
  16443. };
  16444. var IfcClassificationReference = class {
  16445. constructor(expressID, type, Location, Identification, Name, ReferencedSource, Description, Sort) {
  16446. this.expressID = expressID;
  16447. this.type = type;
  16448. this.Location = Location;
  16449. this.Identification = Identification;
  16450. this.Name = Name;
  16451. this.ReferencedSource = ReferencedSource;
  16452. this.Description = Description;
  16453. this.Sort = Sort;
  16454. }
  16455. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  16456. let ptr = 0;
  16457. let Location = tape[ptr++];
  16458. let Identification = tape[ptr++];
  16459. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  16460. let ReferencedSource = tape[ptr++];
  16461. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  16462. let Sort = tape[ptr++];
  16463. return new IfcClassificationReference(expressID, type, Location, Identification, Name, ReferencedSource, Description, Sort);
  16464. }
  16465. ToTape() {
  16466. let args = [];
  16467. args.push(this.Location);
  16468. ;
  16469. args.push(this.Identification);
  16470. ;
  16471. args.push(this.Name);
  16472. ;
  16473. args.push(this.ReferencedSource);
  16474. ;
  16475. args.push(this.Description);
  16476. ;
  16477. args.push(this.Sort);
  16478. ;
  16479. return args;
  16480. }
  16481. };
  16482. var IfcClosedShell = class {
  16483. constructor(expressID, type, CfsFaces) {
  16484. this.expressID = expressID;
  16485. this.type = type;
  16486. this.CfsFaces = CfsFaces;
  16487. }
  16488. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  16489. let ptr = 0;
  16490. let CfsFaces = tape[ptr++];
  16491. return new IfcClosedShell(expressID, type, CfsFaces);
  16492. }
  16493. ToTape() {
  16494. let args = [];
  16495. args.push(this.CfsFaces);
  16496. ;
  16497. return args;
  16498. }
  16499. };
  16500. var IfcCoil = class {
  16501. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType) {
  16502. this.expressID = expressID;
  16503. this.type = type;
  16504. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  16505. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  16506. this.Name = Name;
  16507. this.Description = Description;
  16508. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  16509. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  16510. this.Representation = Representation;
  16511. this.Tag = Tag;
  16512. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  16513. }
  16514. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  16515. let ptr = 0;
  16516. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  16517. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  16518. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  16519. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  16520. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  16521. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  16522. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  16523. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  16524. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  16525. return new IfcCoil(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType);
  16526. }
  16527. ToTape() {
  16528. let args = [];
  16529. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  16530. ;
  16531. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  16532. ;
  16533. args.push(this.Name);
  16534. ;
  16535. args.push(this.Description);
  16536. ;
  16537. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  16538. ;
  16539. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  16540. ;
  16541. args.push(this.Representation);
  16542. ;
  16543. args.push(this.Tag);
  16544. ;
  16545. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  16546. ;
  16547. return args;
  16548. }
  16549. };
  16550. var IfcCoilType = class {
  16551. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType) {
  16552. this.expressID = expressID;
  16553. this.type = type;
  16554. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  16555. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  16556. this.Name = Name;
  16557. this.Description = Description;
  16558. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  16559. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  16560. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  16561. this.Tag = Tag;
  16562. this.ElementType = ElementType;
  16563. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  16564. }
  16565. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  16566. let ptr = 0;
  16567. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  16568. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  16569. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  16570. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  16571. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  16572. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  16573. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  16574. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  16575. let ElementType = tape[ptr++];
  16576. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  16577. return new IfcCoilType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType);
  16578. }
  16579. ToTape() {
  16580. let args = [];
  16581. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  16582. ;
  16583. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  16584. ;
  16585. args.push(this.Name);
  16586. ;
  16587. args.push(this.Description);
  16588. ;
  16589. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  16590. ;
  16591. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  16592. ;
  16593. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  16594. ;
  16595. args.push(this.Tag);
  16596. ;
  16597. args.push(this.ElementType);
  16598. ;
  16599. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  16600. ;
  16601. return args;
  16602. }
  16603. };
  16604. var IfcColourRgb = class {
  16605. constructor(expressID, type, Name, Red, Green, Blue) {
  16606. this.expressID = expressID;
  16607. this.type = type;
  16608. this.Name = Name;
  16609. this.Red = Red;
  16610. this.Green = Green;
  16611. this.Blue = Blue;
  16612. }
  16613. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  16614. let ptr = 0;
  16615. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  16616. let Red = tape[ptr++];
  16617. let Green = tape[ptr++];
  16618. let Blue = tape[ptr++];
  16619. return new IfcColourRgb(expressID, type, Name, Red, Green, Blue);
  16620. }
  16621. ToTape() {
  16622. let args = [];
  16623. args.push(this.Name);
  16624. ;
  16625. args.push(this.Red);
  16626. ;
  16627. args.push(this.Green);
  16628. ;
  16629. args.push(this.Blue);
  16630. ;
  16631. return args;
  16632. }
  16633. };
  16634. var IfcColourRgbList = class {
  16635. constructor(expressID, type, ColourList) {
  16636. this.expressID = expressID;
  16637. this.type = type;
  16638. this.ColourList = ColourList;
  16639. }
  16640. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  16641. let ptr = 0;
  16642. let ColourList = tape[ptr++];
  16643. return new IfcColourRgbList(expressID, type, ColourList);
  16644. }
  16645. ToTape() {
  16646. let args = [];
  16647. args.push(this.ColourList);
  16648. ;
  16649. return args;
  16650. }
  16651. };
  16652. var IfcColourSpecification = class {
  16653. constructor(expressID, type, Name) {
  16654. this.expressID = expressID;
  16655. this.type = type;
  16656. this.Name = Name;
  16657. }
  16658. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  16659. let ptr = 0;
  16660. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  16661. return new IfcColourSpecification(expressID, type, Name);
  16662. }
  16663. ToTape() {
  16664. let args = [];
  16665. args.push(this.Name);
  16666. ;
  16667. return args;
  16668. }
  16669. };
  16670. var IfcColumn = class {
  16671. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType) {
  16672. this.expressID = expressID;
  16673. this.type = type;
  16674. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  16675. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  16676. this.Name = Name;
  16677. this.Description = Description;
  16678. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  16679. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  16680. this.Representation = Representation;
  16681. this.Tag = Tag;
  16682. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  16683. }
  16684. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  16685. let ptr = 0;
  16686. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  16687. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  16688. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  16689. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  16690. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  16691. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  16692. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  16693. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  16694. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  16695. return new IfcColumn(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType);
  16696. }
  16697. ToTape() {
  16698. let args = [];
  16699. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  16700. ;
  16701. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  16702. ;
  16703. args.push(this.Name);
  16704. ;
  16705. args.push(this.Description);
  16706. ;
  16707. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  16708. ;
  16709. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  16710. ;
  16711. args.push(this.Representation);
  16712. ;
  16713. args.push(this.Tag);
  16714. ;
  16715. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  16716. ;
  16717. return args;
  16718. }
  16719. };
  16720. var IfcColumnStandardCase = class {
  16721. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType) {
  16722. this.expressID = expressID;
  16723. this.type = type;
  16724. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  16725. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  16726. this.Name = Name;
  16727. this.Description = Description;
  16728. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  16729. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  16730. this.Representation = Representation;
  16731. this.Tag = Tag;
  16732. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  16733. }
  16734. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  16735. let ptr = 0;
  16736. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  16737. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  16738. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  16739. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  16740. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  16741. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  16742. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  16743. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  16744. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  16745. return new IfcColumnStandardCase(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType);
  16746. }
  16747. ToTape() {
  16748. let args = [];
  16749. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  16750. ;
  16751. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  16752. ;
  16753. args.push(this.Name);
  16754. ;
  16755. args.push(this.Description);
  16756. ;
  16757. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  16758. ;
  16759. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  16760. ;
  16761. args.push(this.Representation);
  16762. ;
  16763. args.push(this.Tag);
  16764. ;
  16765. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  16766. ;
  16767. return args;
  16768. }
  16769. };
  16770. var IfcColumnType = class {
  16771. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType) {
  16772. this.expressID = expressID;
  16773. this.type = type;
  16774. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  16775. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  16776. this.Name = Name;
  16777. this.Description = Description;
  16778. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  16779. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  16780. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  16781. this.Tag = Tag;
  16782. this.ElementType = ElementType;
  16783. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  16784. }
  16785. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  16786. let ptr = 0;
  16787. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  16788. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  16789. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  16790. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  16791. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  16792. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  16793. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  16794. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  16795. let ElementType = tape[ptr++];
  16796. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  16797. return new IfcColumnType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType);
  16798. }
  16799. ToTape() {
  16800. let args = [];
  16801. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  16802. ;
  16803. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  16804. ;
  16805. args.push(this.Name);
  16806. ;
  16807. args.push(this.Description);
  16808. ;
  16809. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  16810. ;
  16811. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  16812. ;
  16813. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  16814. ;
  16815. args.push(this.Tag);
  16816. ;
  16817. args.push(this.ElementType);
  16818. ;
  16819. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  16820. ;
  16821. return args;
  16822. }
  16823. };
  16824. var IfcCommunicationsAppliance = class {
  16825. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType) {
  16826. this.expressID = expressID;
  16827. this.type = type;
  16828. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  16829. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  16830. this.Name = Name;
  16831. this.Description = Description;
  16832. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  16833. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  16834. this.Representation = Representation;
  16835. this.Tag = Tag;
  16836. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  16837. }
  16838. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  16839. let ptr = 0;
  16840. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  16841. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  16842. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  16843. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  16844. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  16845. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  16846. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  16847. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  16848. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  16849. return new IfcCommunicationsAppliance(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType);
  16850. }
  16851. ToTape() {
  16852. let args = [];
  16853. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  16854. ;
  16855. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  16856. ;
  16857. args.push(this.Name);
  16858. ;
  16859. args.push(this.Description);
  16860. ;
  16861. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  16862. ;
  16863. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  16864. ;
  16865. args.push(this.Representation);
  16866. ;
  16867. args.push(this.Tag);
  16868. ;
  16869. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  16870. ;
  16871. return args;
  16872. }
  16873. };
  16874. var IfcCommunicationsApplianceType = class {
  16875. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType) {
  16876. this.expressID = expressID;
  16877. this.type = type;
  16878. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  16879. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  16880. this.Name = Name;
  16881. this.Description = Description;
  16882. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  16883. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  16884. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  16885. this.Tag = Tag;
  16886. this.ElementType = ElementType;
  16887. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  16888. }
  16889. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  16890. let ptr = 0;
  16891. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  16892. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  16893. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  16894. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  16895. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  16896. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  16897. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  16898. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  16899. let ElementType = tape[ptr++];
  16900. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  16901. return new IfcCommunicationsApplianceType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType);
  16902. }
  16903. ToTape() {
  16904. let args = [];
  16905. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  16906. ;
  16907. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  16908. ;
  16909. args.push(this.Name);
  16910. ;
  16911. args.push(this.Description);
  16912. ;
  16913. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  16914. ;
  16915. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  16916. ;
  16917. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  16918. ;
  16919. args.push(this.Tag);
  16920. ;
  16921. args.push(this.ElementType);
  16922. ;
  16923. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  16924. ;
  16925. return args;
  16926. }
  16927. };
  16928. var IfcComplexProperty = class {
  16929. constructor(expressID, type, Name, Description, UsageName, HasProperties) {
  16930. this.expressID = expressID;
  16931. this.type = type;
  16932. this.Name = Name;
  16933. this.Description = Description;
  16934. this.UsageName = UsageName;
  16935. this.HasProperties = HasProperties;
  16936. }
  16937. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  16938. let ptr = 0;
  16939. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  16940. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  16941. let UsageName = tape[ptr++];
  16942. let HasProperties = tape[ptr++];
  16943. return new IfcComplexProperty(expressID, type, Name, Description, UsageName, HasProperties);
  16944. }
  16945. ToTape() {
  16946. let args = [];
  16947. args.push(this.Name);
  16948. ;
  16949. args.push(this.Description);
  16950. ;
  16951. args.push(this.UsageName);
  16952. ;
  16953. args.push(this.HasProperties);
  16954. ;
  16955. return args;
  16956. }
  16957. };
  16958. var IfcComplexPropertyTemplate = class {
  16959. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, UsageName, TemplateType, HasPropertyTemplates) {
  16960. this.expressID = expressID;
  16961. this.type = type;
  16962. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  16963. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  16964. this.Name = Name;
  16965. this.Description = Description;
  16966. this.UsageName = UsageName;
  16967. this.TemplateType = TemplateType;
  16968. this.HasPropertyTemplates = HasPropertyTemplates;
  16969. }
  16970. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  16971. let ptr = 0;
  16972. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  16973. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  16974. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  16975. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  16976. let UsageName = tape[ptr++];
  16977. let TemplateType = tape[ptr++];
  16978. let HasPropertyTemplates = tape[ptr++];
  16979. return new IfcComplexPropertyTemplate(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, UsageName, TemplateType, HasPropertyTemplates);
  16980. }
  16981. ToTape() {
  16982. let args = [];
  16983. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  16984. ;
  16985. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  16986. ;
  16987. args.push(this.Name);
  16988. ;
  16989. args.push(this.Description);
  16990. ;
  16991. args.push(this.UsageName);
  16992. ;
  16993. args.push(this.TemplateType);
  16994. ;
  16995. args.push(this.HasPropertyTemplates);
  16996. ;
  16997. return args;
  16998. }
  16999. };
  17000. var IfcCompositeCurve = class {
  17001. constructor(expressID, type, Segments, SelfIntersect) {
  17002. this.expressID = expressID;
  17003. this.type = type;
  17004. this.Segments = Segments;
  17005. this.SelfIntersect = SelfIntersect;
  17006. }
  17007. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  17008. let ptr = 0;
  17009. let Segments = tape[ptr++];
  17010. let SelfIntersect = tape[ptr++];
  17011. return new IfcCompositeCurve(expressID, type, Segments, SelfIntersect);
  17012. }
  17013. ToTape() {
  17014. let args = [];
  17015. args.push(this.Segments);
  17016. ;
  17017. args.push(this.SelfIntersect);
  17018. ;
  17019. return args;
  17020. }
  17021. };
  17022. var IfcCompositeCurveOnSurface = class {
  17023. constructor(expressID, type, Segments, SelfIntersect) {
  17024. this.expressID = expressID;
  17025. this.type = type;
  17026. this.Segments = Segments;
  17027. this.SelfIntersect = SelfIntersect;
  17028. }
  17029. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  17030. let ptr = 0;
  17031. let Segments = tape[ptr++];
  17032. let SelfIntersect = tape[ptr++];
  17033. return new IfcCompositeCurveOnSurface(expressID, type, Segments, SelfIntersect);
  17034. }
  17035. ToTape() {
  17036. let args = [];
  17037. args.push(this.Segments);
  17038. ;
  17039. args.push(this.SelfIntersect);
  17040. ;
  17041. return args;
  17042. }
  17043. };
  17044. var IfcCompositeCurveSegment = class {
  17045. constructor(expressID, type, Transition, SameSense, ParentCurve) {
  17046. this.expressID = expressID;
  17047. this.type = type;
  17048. this.Transition = Transition;
  17049. this.SameSense = SameSense;
  17050. this.ParentCurve = ParentCurve;
  17051. }
  17052. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  17053. let ptr = 0;
  17054. let Transition = tape[ptr++];
  17055. let SameSense = tape[ptr++];
  17056. let ParentCurve = tape[ptr++];
  17057. return new IfcCompositeCurveSegment(expressID, type, Transition, SameSense, ParentCurve);
  17058. }
  17059. ToTape() {
  17060. let args = [];
  17061. args.push(this.Transition);
  17062. ;
  17063. args.push(this.SameSense);
  17064. ;
  17065. args.push(this.ParentCurve);
  17066. ;
  17067. return args;
  17068. }
  17069. };
  17070. var IfcCompositeProfileDef = class {
  17071. constructor(expressID, type, ProfileType, ProfileName, Profiles, Label) {
  17072. this.expressID = expressID;
  17073. this.type = type;
  17074. this.ProfileType = ProfileType;
  17075. this.ProfileName = ProfileName;
  17076. this.Profiles = Profiles;
  17077. this.Label = Label;
  17078. }
  17079. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  17080. let ptr = 0;
  17081. let ProfileType = tape[ptr++];
  17082. let ProfileName = tape[ptr++];
  17083. let Profiles = tape[ptr++];
  17084. let Label = tape[ptr++];
  17085. return new IfcCompositeProfileDef(expressID, type, ProfileType, ProfileName, Profiles, Label);
  17086. }
  17087. ToTape() {
  17088. let args = [];
  17089. args.push(this.ProfileType);
  17090. ;
  17091. args.push(this.ProfileName);
  17092. ;
  17093. args.push(this.Profiles);
  17094. ;
  17095. args.push(this.Label);
  17096. ;
  17097. return args;
  17098. }
  17099. };
  17100. var IfcCompressor = class {
  17101. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType) {
  17102. this.expressID = expressID;
  17103. this.type = type;
  17104. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  17105. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  17106. this.Name = Name;
  17107. this.Description = Description;
  17108. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  17109. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  17110. this.Representation = Representation;
  17111. this.Tag = Tag;
  17112. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  17113. }
  17114. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  17115. let ptr = 0;
  17116. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  17117. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  17118. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  17119. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  17120. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  17121. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  17122. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  17123. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  17124. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  17125. return new IfcCompressor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType);
  17126. }
  17127. ToTape() {
  17128. let args = [];
  17129. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  17130. ;
  17131. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  17132. ;
  17133. args.push(this.Name);
  17134. ;
  17135. args.push(this.Description);
  17136. ;
  17137. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  17138. ;
  17139. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  17140. ;
  17141. args.push(this.Representation);
  17142. ;
  17143. args.push(this.Tag);
  17144. ;
  17145. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  17146. ;
  17147. return args;
  17148. }
  17149. };
  17150. var IfcCompressorType = class {
  17151. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType) {
  17152. this.expressID = expressID;
  17153. this.type = type;
  17154. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  17155. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  17156. this.Name = Name;
  17157. this.Description = Description;
  17158. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  17159. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  17160. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  17161. this.Tag = Tag;
  17162. this.ElementType = ElementType;
  17163. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  17164. }
  17165. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  17166. let ptr = 0;
  17167. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  17168. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  17169. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  17170. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  17171. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  17172. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  17173. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  17174. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  17175. let ElementType = tape[ptr++];
  17176. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  17177. return new IfcCompressorType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType);
  17178. }
  17179. ToTape() {
  17180. let args = [];
  17181. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  17182. ;
  17183. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  17184. ;
  17185. args.push(this.Name);
  17186. ;
  17187. args.push(this.Description);
  17188. ;
  17189. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  17190. ;
  17191. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  17192. ;
  17193. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  17194. ;
  17195. args.push(this.Tag);
  17196. ;
  17197. args.push(this.ElementType);
  17198. ;
  17199. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  17200. ;
  17201. return args;
  17202. }
  17203. };
  17204. var IfcCondenser = class {
  17205. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType) {
  17206. this.expressID = expressID;
  17207. this.type = type;
  17208. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  17209. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  17210. this.Name = Name;
  17211. this.Description = Description;
  17212. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  17213. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  17214. this.Representation = Representation;
  17215. this.Tag = Tag;
  17216. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  17217. }
  17218. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  17219. let ptr = 0;
  17220. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  17221. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  17222. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  17223. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  17224. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  17225. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  17226. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  17227. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  17228. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  17229. return new IfcCondenser(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType);
  17230. }
  17231. ToTape() {
  17232. let args = [];
  17233. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  17234. ;
  17235. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  17236. ;
  17237. args.push(this.Name);
  17238. ;
  17239. args.push(this.Description);
  17240. ;
  17241. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  17242. ;
  17243. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  17244. ;
  17245. args.push(this.Representation);
  17246. ;
  17247. args.push(this.Tag);
  17248. ;
  17249. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  17250. ;
  17251. return args;
  17252. }
  17253. };
  17254. var IfcCondenserType = class {
  17255. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType) {
  17256. this.expressID = expressID;
  17257. this.type = type;
  17258. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  17259. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  17260. this.Name = Name;
  17261. this.Description = Description;
  17262. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  17263. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  17264. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  17265. this.Tag = Tag;
  17266. this.ElementType = ElementType;
  17267. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  17268. }
  17269. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  17270. let ptr = 0;
  17271. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  17272. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  17273. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  17274. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  17275. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  17276. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  17277. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  17278. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  17279. let ElementType = tape[ptr++];
  17280. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  17281. return new IfcCondenserType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType);
  17282. }
  17283. ToTape() {
  17284. let args = [];
  17285. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  17286. ;
  17287. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  17288. ;
  17289. args.push(this.Name);
  17290. ;
  17291. args.push(this.Description);
  17292. ;
  17293. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  17294. ;
  17295. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  17296. ;
  17297. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  17298. ;
  17299. args.push(this.Tag);
  17300. ;
  17301. args.push(this.ElementType);
  17302. ;
  17303. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  17304. ;
  17305. return args;
  17306. }
  17307. };
  17308. var IfcConic = class {
  17309. constructor(expressID, type, Position) {
  17310. this.expressID = expressID;
  17311. this.type = type;
  17312. this.Position = Position;
  17313. }
  17314. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  17315. let ptr = 0;
  17316. let Position = tape[ptr++];
  17317. return new IfcConic(expressID, type, Position);
  17318. }
  17319. ToTape() {
  17320. let args = [];
  17321. args.push(this.Position);
  17322. ;
  17323. return args;
  17324. }
  17325. };
  17326. var IfcConnectedFaceSet = class {
  17327. constructor(expressID, type, CfsFaces) {
  17328. this.expressID = expressID;
  17329. this.type = type;
  17330. this.CfsFaces = CfsFaces;
  17331. }
  17332. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  17333. let ptr = 0;
  17334. let CfsFaces = tape[ptr++];
  17335. return new IfcConnectedFaceSet(expressID, type, CfsFaces);
  17336. }
  17337. ToTape() {
  17338. let args = [];
  17339. args.push(this.CfsFaces);
  17340. ;
  17341. return args;
  17342. }
  17343. };
  17344. var IfcConnectionCurveGeometry = class {
  17345. constructor(expressID, type, CurveOnRelatingElement, CurveOnRelatedElement) {
  17346. this.expressID = expressID;
  17347. this.type = type;
  17348. this.CurveOnRelatingElement = CurveOnRelatingElement;
  17349. this.CurveOnRelatedElement = CurveOnRelatedElement;
  17350. }
  17351. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  17352. let ptr = 0;
  17353. let CurveOnRelatingElement = tape[ptr++];
  17354. let CurveOnRelatedElement = tape[ptr++];
  17355. return new IfcConnectionCurveGeometry(expressID, type, CurveOnRelatingElement, CurveOnRelatedElement);
  17356. }
  17357. ToTape() {
  17358. let args = [];
  17359. args.push(this.CurveOnRelatingElement);
  17360. ;
  17361. args.push(this.CurveOnRelatedElement);
  17362. ;
  17363. return args;
  17364. }
  17365. };
  17366. var IfcConnectionGeometry = class {
  17367. constructor(expressID, type) {
  17368. this.expressID = expressID;
  17369. this.type = type;
  17370. }
  17371. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  17372. let ptr = 0;
  17373. return new IfcConnectionGeometry(expressID, type);
  17374. }
  17375. ToTape() {
  17376. let args = [];
  17377. return args;
  17378. }
  17379. };
  17380. var IfcConnectionPointEccentricity = class {
  17381. constructor(expressID, type, PointOnRelatingElement, PointOnRelatedElement, EccentricityInX, EccentricityInY, EccentricityInZ) {
  17382. this.expressID = expressID;
  17383. this.type = type;
  17384. this.PointOnRelatingElement = PointOnRelatingElement;
  17385. this.PointOnRelatedElement = PointOnRelatedElement;
  17386. this.EccentricityInX = EccentricityInX;
  17387. this.EccentricityInY = EccentricityInY;
  17388. this.EccentricityInZ = EccentricityInZ;
  17389. }
  17390. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  17391. let ptr = 0;
  17392. let PointOnRelatingElement = tape[ptr++];
  17393. let PointOnRelatedElement = tape[ptr++];
  17394. let EccentricityInX = tape[ptr++];
  17395. let EccentricityInY = tape[ptr++];
  17396. let EccentricityInZ = tape[ptr++];
  17397. return new IfcConnectionPointEccentricity(expressID, type, PointOnRelatingElement, PointOnRelatedElement, EccentricityInX, EccentricityInY, EccentricityInZ);
  17398. }
  17399. ToTape() {
  17400. let args = [];
  17401. args.push(this.PointOnRelatingElement);
  17402. ;
  17403. args.push(this.PointOnRelatedElement);
  17404. ;
  17405. args.push(this.EccentricityInX);
  17406. ;
  17407. args.push(this.EccentricityInY);
  17408. ;
  17409. args.push(this.EccentricityInZ);
  17410. ;
  17411. return args;
  17412. }
  17413. };
  17414. var IfcConnectionPointGeometry = class {
  17415. constructor(expressID, type, PointOnRelatingElement, PointOnRelatedElement) {
  17416. this.expressID = expressID;
  17417. this.type = type;
  17418. this.PointOnRelatingElement = PointOnRelatingElement;
  17419. this.PointOnRelatedElement = PointOnRelatedElement;
  17420. }
  17421. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  17422. let ptr = 0;
  17423. let PointOnRelatingElement = tape[ptr++];
  17424. let PointOnRelatedElement = tape[ptr++];
  17425. return new IfcConnectionPointGeometry(expressID, type, PointOnRelatingElement, PointOnRelatedElement);
  17426. }
  17427. ToTape() {
  17428. let args = [];
  17429. args.push(this.PointOnRelatingElement);
  17430. ;
  17431. args.push(this.PointOnRelatedElement);
  17432. ;
  17433. return args;
  17434. }
  17435. };
  17436. var IfcConnectionSurfaceGeometry = class {
  17437. constructor(expressID, type, SurfaceOnRelatingElement, SurfaceOnRelatedElement) {
  17438. this.expressID = expressID;
  17439. this.type = type;
  17440. this.SurfaceOnRelatingElement = SurfaceOnRelatingElement;
  17441. this.SurfaceOnRelatedElement = SurfaceOnRelatedElement;
  17442. }
  17443. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  17444. let ptr = 0;
  17445. let SurfaceOnRelatingElement = tape[ptr++];
  17446. let SurfaceOnRelatedElement = tape[ptr++];
  17447. return new IfcConnectionSurfaceGeometry(expressID, type, SurfaceOnRelatingElement, SurfaceOnRelatedElement);
  17448. }
  17449. ToTape() {
  17450. let args = [];
  17451. args.push(this.SurfaceOnRelatingElement);
  17452. ;
  17453. args.push(this.SurfaceOnRelatedElement);
  17454. ;
  17455. return args;
  17456. }
  17457. };
  17458. var IfcConnectionVolumeGeometry = class {
  17459. constructor(expressID, type, VolumeOnRelatingElement, VolumeOnRelatedElement) {
  17460. this.expressID = expressID;
  17461. this.type = type;
  17462. this.VolumeOnRelatingElement = VolumeOnRelatingElement;
  17463. this.VolumeOnRelatedElement = VolumeOnRelatedElement;
  17464. }
  17465. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  17466. let ptr = 0;
  17467. let VolumeOnRelatingElement = tape[ptr++];
  17468. let VolumeOnRelatedElement = tape[ptr++];
  17469. return new IfcConnectionVolumeGeometry(expressID, type, VolumeOnRelatingElement, VolumeOnRelatedElement);
  17470. }
  17471. ToTape() {
  17472. let args = [];
  17473. args.push(this.VolumeOnRelatingElement);
  17474. ;
  17475. args.push(this.VolumeOnRelatedElement);
  17476. ;
  17477. return args;
  17478. }
  17479. };
  17480. var IfcConstraint = class {
  17481. constructor(expressID, type, Name, Description, ConstraintGrade, ConstraintSource, CreatingActor, CreationTime, UserDefinedGrade) {
  17482. this.expressID = expressID;
  17483. this.type = type;
  17484. this.Name = Name;
  17485. this.Description = Description;
  17486. this.ConstraintGrade = ConstraintGrade;
  17487. this.ConstraintSource = ConstraintSource;
  17488. this.CreatingActor = CreatingActor;
  17489. this.CreationTime = CreationTime;
  17490. this.UserDefinedGrade = UserDefinedGrade;
  17491. }
  17492. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  17493. let ptr = 0;
  17494. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  17495. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  17496. let ConstraintGrade = tape[ptr++];
  17497. let ConstraintSource = tape[ptr++];
  17498. let CreatingActor = tape[ptr++];
  17499. let CreationTime = tape[ptr++];
  17500. let UserDefinedGrade = tape[ptr++];
  17501. return new IfcConstraint(expressID, type, Name, Description, ConstraintGrade, ConstraintSource, CreatingActor, CreationTime, UserDefinedGrade);
  17502. }
  17503. ToTape() {
  17504. let args = [];
  17505. args.push(this.Name);
  17506. ;
  17507. args.push(this.Description);
  17508. ;
  17509. args.push(this.ConstraintGrade);
  17510. ;
  17511. args.push(this.ConstraintSource);
  17512. ;
  17513. args.push(this.CreatingActor);
  17514. ;
  17515. args.push(this.CreationTime);
  17516. ;
  17517. args.push(this.UserDefinedGrade);
  17518. ;
  17519. return args;
  17520. }
  17521. };
  17522. var IfcConstructionEquipmentResource = class {
  17523. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, Identification, LongDescription, Usage, BaseCosts, BaseQuantity, PredefinedType) {
  17524. this.expressID = expressID;
  17525. this.type = type;
  17526. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  17527. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  17528. this.Name = Name;
  17529. this.Description = Description;
  17530. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  17531. this.Identification = Identification;
  17532. this.LongDescription = LongDescription;
  17533. this.Usage = Usage;
  17534. this.BaseCosts = BaseCosts;
  17535. this.BaseQuantity = BaseQuantity;
  17536. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  17537. }
  17538. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  17539. let ptr = 0;
  17540. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  17541. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  17542. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  17543. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  17544. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  17545. let Identification = tape[ptr++];
  17546. let LongDescription = tape[ptr++];
  17547. let Usage = tape[ptr++];
  17548. let BaseCosts = tape[ptr++];
  17549. let BaseQuantity = tape[ptr++];
  17550. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  17551. return new IfcConstructionEquipmentResource(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, Identification, LongDescription, Usage, BaseCosts, BaseQuantity, PredefinedType);
  17552. }
  17553. ToTape() {
  17554. let args = [];
  17555. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  17556. ;
  17557. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  17558. ;
  17559. args.push(this.Name);
  17560. ;
  17561. args.push(this.Description);
  17562. ;
  17563. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  17564. ;
  17565. args.push(this.Identification);
  17566. ;
  17567. args.push(this.LongDescription);
  17568. ;
  17569. args.push(this.Usage);
  17570. ;
  17571. args.push(this.BaseCosts);
  17572. ;
  17573. args.push(this.BaseQuantity);
  17574. ;
  17575. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  17576. ;
  17577. return args;
  17578. }
  17579. };
  17580. var IfcConstructionEquipmentResourceType = class {
  17581. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, Identification, LongDescription, ResourceType, BaseCosts, BaseQuantity, PredefinedType) {
  17582. this.expressID = expressID;
  17583. this.type = type;
  17584. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  17585. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  17586. this.Name = Name;
  17587. this.Description = Description;
  17588. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  17589. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  17590. this.Identification = Identification;
  17591. this.LongDescription = LongDescription;
  17592. this.ResourceType = ResourceType;
  17593. this.BaseCosts = BaseCosts;
  17594. this.BaseQuantity = BaseQuantity;
  17595. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  17596. }
  17597. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  17598. let ptr = 0;
  17599. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  17600. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  17601. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  17602. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  17603. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  17604. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  17605. let Identification = tape[ptr++];
  17606. let LongDescription = tape[ptr++];
  17607. let ResourceType = tape[ptr++];
  17608. let BaseCosts = tape[ptr++];
  17609. let BaseQuantity = tape[ptr++];
  17610. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  17611. return new IfcConstructionEquipmentResourceType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, Identification, LongDescription, ResourceType, BaseCosts, BaseQuantity, PredefinedType);
  17612. }
  17613. ToTape() {
  17614. let args = [];
  17615. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  17616. ;
  17617. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  17618. ;
  17619. args.push(this.Name);
  17620. ;
  17621. args.push(this.Description);
  17622. ;
  17623. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  17624. ;
  17625. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  17626. ;
  17627. args.push(this.Identification);
  17628. ;
  17629. args.push(this.LongDescription);
  17630. ;
  17631. args.push(this.ResourceType);
  17632. ;
  17633. args.push(this.BaseCosts);
  17634. ;
  17635. args.push(this.BaseQuantity);
  17636. ;
  17637. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  17638. ;
  17639. return args;
  17640. }
  17641. };
  17642. var IfcConstructionMaterialResource = class {
  17643. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, Identification, LongDescription, Usage, BaseCosts, BaseQuantity, PredefinedType) {
  17644. this.expressID = expressID;
  17645. this.type = type;
  17646. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  17647. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  17648. this.Name = Name;
  17649. this.Description = Description;
  17650. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  17651. this.Identification = Identification;
  17652. this.LongDescription = LongDescription;
  17653. this.Usage = Usage;
  17654. this.BaseCosts = BaseCosts;
  17655. this.BaseQuantity = BaseQuantity;
  17656. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  17657. }
  17658. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  17659. let ptr = 0;
  17660. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  17661. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  17662. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  17663. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  17664. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  17665. let Identification = tape[ptr++];
  17666. let LongDescription = tape[ptr++];
  17667. let Usage = tape[ptr++];
  17668. let BaseCosts = tape[ptr++];
  17669. let BaseQuantity = tape[ptr++];
  17670. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  17671. return new IfcConstructionMaterialResource(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, Identification, LongDescription, Usage, BaseCosts, BaseQuantity, PredefinedType);
  17672. }
  17673. ToTape() {
  17674. let args = [];
  17675. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  17676. ;
  17677. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  17678. ;
  17679. args.push(this.Name);
  17680. ;
  17681. args.push(this.Description);
  17682. ;
  17683. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  17684. ;
  17685. args.push(this.Identification);
  17686. ;
  17687. args.push(this.LongDescription);
  17688. ;
  17689. args.push(this.Usage);
  17690. ;
  17691. args.push(this.BaseCosts);
  17692. ;
  17693. args.push(this.BaseQuantity);
  17694. ;
  17695. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  17696. ;
  17697. return args;
  17698. }
  17699. };
  17700. var IfcConstructionMaterialResourceType = class {
  17701. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, Identification, LongDescription, ResourceType, BaseCosts, BaseQuantity, PredefinedType) {
  17702. this.expressID = expressID;
  17703. this.type = type;
  17704. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  17705. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  17706. this.Name = Name;
  17707. this.Description = Description;
  17708. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  17709. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  17710. this.Identification = Identification;
  17711. this.LongDescription = LongDescription;
  17712. this.ResourceType = ResourceType;
  17713. this.BaseCosts = BaseCosts;
  17714. this.BaseQuantity = BaseQuantity;
  17715. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  17716. }
  17717. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  17718. let ptr = 0;
  17719. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  17720. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  17721. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  17722. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  17723. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  17724. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  17725. let Identification = tape[ptr++];
  17726. let LongDescription = tape[ptr++];
  17727. let ResourceType = tape[ptr++];
  17728. let BaseCosts = tape[ptr++];
  17729. let BaseQuantity = tape[ptr++];
  17730. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  17731. return new IfcConstructionMaterialResourceType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, Identification, LongDescription, ResourceType, BaseCosts, BaseQuantity, PredefinedType);
  17732. }
  17733. ToTape() {
  17734. let args = [];
  17735. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  17736. ;
  17737. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  17738. ;
  17739. args.push(this.Name);
  17740. ;
  17741. args.push(this.Description);
  17742. ;
  17743. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  17744. ;
  17745. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  17746. ;
  17747. args.push(this.Identification);
  17748. ;
  17749. args.push(this.LongDescription);
  17750. ;
  17751. args.push(this.ResourceType);
  17752. ;
  17753. args.push(this.BaseCosts);
  17754. ;
  17755. args.push(this.BaseQuantity);
  17756. ;
  17757. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  17758. ;
  17759. return args;
  17760. }
  17761. };
  17762. var IfcConstructionProductResource = class {
  17763. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, Identification, LongDescription, Usage, BaseCosts, BaseQuantity, PredefinedType) {
  17764. this.expressID = expressID;
  17765. this.type = type;
  17766. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  17767. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  17768. this.Name = Name;
  17769. this.Description = Description;
  17770. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  17771. this.Identification = Identification;
  17772. this.LongDescription = LongDescription;
  17773. this.Usage = Usage;
  17774. this.BaseCosts = BaseCosts;
  17775. this.BaseQuantity = BaseQuantity;
  17776. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  17777. }
  17778. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  17779. let ptr = 0;
  17780. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  17781. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  17782. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  17783. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  17784. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  17785. let Identification = tape[ptr++];
  17786. let LongDescription = tape[ptr++];
  17787. let Usage = tape[ptr++];
  17788. let BaseCosts = tape[ptr++];
  17789. let BaseQuantity = tape[ptr++];
  17790. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  17791. return new IfcConstructionProductResource(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, Identification, LongDescription, Usage, BaseCosts, BaseQuantity, PredefinedType);
  17792. }
  17793. ToTape() {
  17794. let args = [];
  17795. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  17796. ;
  17797. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  17798. ;
  17799. args.push(this.Name);
  17800. ;
  17801. args.push(this.Description);
  17802. ;
  17803. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  17804. ;
  17805. args.push(this.Identification);
  17806. ;
  17807. args.push(this.LongDescription);
  17808. ;
  17809. args.push(this.Usage);
  17810. ;
  17811. args.push(this.BaseCosts);
  17812. ;
  17813. args.push(this.BaseQuantity);
  17814. ;
  17815. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  17816. ;
  17817. return args;
  17818. }
  17819. };
  17820. var IfcConstructionProductResourceType = class {
  17821. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, Identification, LongDescription, ResourceType, BaseCosts, BaseQuantity, PredefinedType) {
  17822. this.expressID = expressID;
  17823. this.type = type;
  17824. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  17825. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  17826. this.Name = Name;
  17827. this.Description = Description;
  17828. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  17829. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  17830. this.Identification = Identification;
  17831. this.LongDescription = LongDescription;
  17832. this.ResourceType = ResourceType;
  17833. this.BaseCosts = BaseCosts;
  17834. this.BaseQuantity = BaseQuantity;
  17835. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  17836. }
  17837. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  17838. let ptr = 0;
  17839. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  17840. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  17841. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  17842. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  17843. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  17844. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  17845. let Identification = tape[ptr++];
  17846. let LongDescription = tape[ptr++];
  17847. let ResourceType = tape[ptr++];
  17848. let BaseCosts = tape[ptr++];
  17849. let BaseQuantity = tape[ptr++];
  17850. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  17851. return new IfcConstructionProductResourceType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, Identification, LongDescription, ResourceType, BaseCosts, BaseQuantity, PredefinedType);
  17852. }
  17853. ToTape() {
  17854. let args = [];
  17855. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  17856. ;
  17857. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  17858. ;
  17859. args.push(this.Name);
  17860. ;
  17861. args.push(this.Description);
  17862. ;
  17863. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  17864. ;
  17865. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  17866. ;
  17867. args.push(this.Identification);
  17868. ;
  17869. args.push(this.LongDescription);
  17870. ;
  17871. args.push(this.ResourceType);
  17872. ;
  17873. args.push(this.BaseCosts);
  17874. ;
  17875. args.push(this.BaseQuantity);
  17876. ;
  17877. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  17878. ;
  17879. return args;
  17880. }
  17881. };
  17882. var IfcConstructionResource = class {
  17883. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, Identification, LongDescription, Usage, BaseCosts, BaseQuantity) {
  17884. this.expressID = expressID;
  17885. this.type = type;
  17886. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  17887. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  17888. this.Name = Name;
  17889. this.Description = Description;
  17890. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  17891. this.Identification = Identification;
  17892. this.LongDescription = LongDescription;
  17893. this.Usage = Usage;
  17894. this.BaseCosts = BaseCosts;
  17895. this.BaseQuantity = BaseQuantity;
  17896. }
  17897. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  17898. let ptr = 0;
  17899. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  17900. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  17901. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  17902. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  17903. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  17904. let Identification = tape[ptr++];
  17905. let LongDescription = tape[ptr++];
  17906. let Usage = tape[ptr++];
  17907. let BaseCosts = tape[ptr++];
  17908. let BaseQuantity = tape[ptr++];
  17909. return new IfcConstructionResource(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, Identification, LongDescription, Usage, BaseCosts, BaseQuantity);
  17910. }
  17911. ToTape() {
  17912. let args = [];
  17913. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  17914. ;
  17915. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  17916. ;
  17917. args.push(this.Name);
  17918. ;
  17919. args.push(this.Description);
  17920. ;
  17921. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  17922. ;
  17923. args.push(this.Identification);
  17924. ;
  17925. args.push(this.LongDescription);
  17926. ;
  17927. args.push(this.Usage);
  17928. ;
  17929. args.push(this.BaseCosts);
  17930. ;
  17931. args.push(this.BaseQuantity);
  17932. ;
  17933. return args;
  17934. }
  17935. };
  17936. var IfcConstructionResourceType = class {
  17937. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, Identification, LongDescription, ResourceType, BaseCosts, BaseQuantity) {
  17938. this.expressID = expressID;
  17939. this.type = type;
  17940. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  17941. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  17942. this.Name = Name;
  17943. this.Description = Description;
  17944. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  17945. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  17946. this.Identification = Identification;
  17947. this.LongDescription = LongDescription;
  17948. this.ResourceType = ResourceType;
  17949. this.BaseCosts = BaseCosts;
  17950. this.BaseQuantity = BaseQuantity;
  17951. }
  17952. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  17953. let ptr = 0;
  17954. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  17955. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  17956. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  17957. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  17958. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  17959. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  17960. let Identification = tape[ptr++];
  17961. let LongDescription = tape[ptr++];
  17962. let ResourceType = tape[ptr++];
  17963. let BaseCosts = tape[ptr++];
  17964. let BaseQuantity = tape[ptr++];
  17965. return new IfcConstructionResourceType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, Identification, LongDescription, ResourceType, BaseCosts, BaseQuantity);
  17966. }
  17967. ToTape() {
  17968. let args = [];
  17969. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  17970. ;
  17971. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  17972. ;
  17973. args.push(this.Name);
  17974. ;
  17975. args.push(this.Description);
  17976. ;
  17977. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  17978. ;
  17979. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  17980. ;
  17981. args.push(this.Identification);
  17982. ;
  17983. args.push(this.LongDescription);
  17984. ;
  17985. args.push(this.ResourceType);
  17986. ;
  17987. args.push(this.BaseCosts);
  17988. ;
  17989. args.push(this.BaseQuantity);
  17990. ;
  17991. return args;
  17992. }
  17993. };
  17994. var IfcContext = class {
  17995. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, LongName, Phase, RepresentationContexts, UnitsInContext) {
  17996. this.expressID = expressID;
  17997. this.type = type;
  17998. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  17999. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  18000. this.Name = Name;
  18001. this.Description = Description;
  18002. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  18003. this.LongName = LongName;
  18004. this.Phase = Phase;
  18005. this.RepresentationContexts = RepresentationContexts;
  18006. this.UnitsInContext = UnitsInContext;
  18007. }
  18008. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  18009. let ptr = 0;
  18010. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  18011. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  18012. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  18013. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  18014. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  18015. let LongName = tape[ptr++];
  18016. let Phase = tape[ptr++];
  18017. let RepresentationContexts = tape[ptr++];
  18018. let UnitsInContext = tape[ptr++];
  18019. return new IfcContext(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, LongName, Phase, RepresentationContexts, UnitsInContext);
  18020. }
  18021. ToTape() {
  18022. let args = [];
  18023. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  18024. ;
  18025. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  18026. ;
  18027. args.push(this.Name);
  18028. ;
  18029. args.push(this.Description);
  18030. ;
  18031. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  18032. ;
  18033. args.push(this.LongName);
  18034. ;
  18035. args.push(this.Phase);
  18036. ;
  18037. args.push(this.RepresentationContexts);
  18038. ;
  18039. args.push(this.UnitsInContext);
  18040. ;
  18041. return args;
  18042. }
  18043. };
  18044. var IfcContextDependentUnit = class {
  18045. constructor(expressID, type, Dimensions, UnitType, Name) {
  18046. this.expressID = expressID;
  18047. this.type = type;
  18048. this.Dimensions = Dimensions;
  18049. this.UnitType = UnitType;
  18050. this.Name = Name;
  18051. }
  18052. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  18053. let ptr = 0;
  18054. let Dimensions = tape[ptr++];
  18055. let UnitType = tape[ptr++];
  18056. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  18057. return new IfcContextDependentUnit(expressID, type, Dimensions, UnitType, Name);
  18058. }
  18059. ToTape() {
  18060. let args = [];
  18061. args.push(this.Dimensions);
  18062. ;
  18063. args.push(this.UnitType);
  18064. ;
  18065. args.push(this.Name);
  18066. ;
  18067. return args;
  18068. }
  18069. };
  18070. var IfcControl = class {
  18071. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, Identification) {
  18072. this.expressID = expressID;
  18073. this.type = type;
  18074. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  18075. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  18076. this.Name = Name;
  18077. this.Description = Description;
  18078. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  18079. this.Identification = Identification;
  18080. }
  18081. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  18082. let ptr = 0;
  18083. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  18084. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  18085. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  18086. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  18087. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  18088. let Identification = tape[ptr++];
  18089. return new IfcControl(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, Identification);
  18090. }
  18091. ToTape() {
  18092. let args = [];
  18093. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  18094. ;
  18095. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  18096. ;
  18097. args.push(this.Name);
  18098. ;
  18099. args.push(this.Description);
  18100. ;
  18101. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  18102. ;
  18103. args.push(this.Identification);
  18104. ;
  18105. return args;
  18106. }
  18107. };
  18108. var IfcController = class {
  18109. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType) {
  18110. this.expressID = expressID;
  18111. this.type = type;
  18112. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  18113. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  18114. this.Name = Name;
  18115. this.Description = Description;
  18116. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  18117. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  18118. this.Representation = Representation;
  18119. this.Tag = Tag;
  18120. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  18121. }
  18122. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  18123. let ptr = 0;
  18124. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  18125. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  18126. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  18127. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  18128. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  18129. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  18130. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  18131. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  18132. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  18133. return new IfcController(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType);
  18134. }
  18135. ToTape() {
  18136. let args = [];
  18137. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  18138. ;
  18139. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  18140. ;
  18141. args.push(this.Name);
  18142. ;
  18143. args.push(this.Description);
  18144. ;
  18145. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  18146. ;
  18147. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  18148. ;
  18149. args.push(this.Representation);
  18150. ;
  18151. args.push(this.Tag);
  18152. ;
  18153. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  18154. ;
  18155. return args;
  18156. }
  18157. };
  18158. var IfcControllerType = class {
  18159. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType) {
  18160. this.expressID = expressID;
  18161. this.type = type;
  18162. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  18163. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  18164. this.Name = Name;
  18165. this.Description = Description;
  18166. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  18167. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  18168. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  18169. this.Tag = Tag;
  18170. this.ElementType = ElementType;
  18171. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  18172. }
  18173. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  18174. let ptr = 0;
  18175. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  18176. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  18177. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  18178. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  18179. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  18180. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  18181. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  18182. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  18183. let ElementType = tape[ptr++];
  18184. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  18185. return new IfcControllerType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType);
  18186. }
  18187. ToTape() {
  18188. let args = [];
  18189. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  18190. ;
  18191. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  18192. ;
  18193. args.push(this.Name);
  18194. ;
  18195. args.push(this.Description);
  18196. ;
  18197. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  18198. ;
  18199. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  18200. ;
  18201. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  18202. ;
  18203. args.push(this.Tag);
  18204. ;
  18205. args.push(this.ElementType);
  18206. ;
  18207. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  18208. ;
  18209. return args;
  18210. }
  18211. };
  18212. var IfcConversionBasedUnit = class {
  18213. constructor(expressID, type, Dimensions, UnitType, Name, ConversionFactor) {
  18214. this.expressID = expressID;
  18215. this.type = type;
  18216. this.Dimensions = Dimensions;
  18217. this.UnitType = UnitType;
  18218. this.Name = Name;
  18219. this.ConversionFactor = ConversionFactor;
  18220. }
  18221. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  18222. let ptr = 0;
  18223. let Dimensions = tape[ptr++];
  18224. let UnitType = tape[ptr++];
  18225. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  18226. let ConversionFactor = tape[ptr++];
  18227. return new IfcConversionBasedUnit(expressID, type, Dimensions, UnitType, Name, ConversionFactor);
  18228. }
  18229. ToTape() {
  18230. let args = [];
  18231. args.push(this.Dimensions);
  18232. ;
  18233. args.push(this.UnitType);
  18234. ;
  18235. args.push(this.Name);
  18236. ;
  18237. args.push(this.ConversionFactor);
  18238. ;
  18239. return args;
  18240. }
  18241. };
  18242. var IfcConversionBasedUnitWithOffset = class {
  18243. constructor(expressID, type, Dimensions, UnitType, Name, ConversionFactor, ConversionOffset) {
  18244. this.expressID = expressID;
  18245. this.type = type;
  18246. this.Dimensions = Dimensions;
  18247. this.UnitType = UnitType;
  18248. this.Name = Name;
  18249. this.ConversionFactor = ConversionFactor;
  18250. this.ConversionOffset = ConversionOffset;
  18251. }
  18252. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  18253. let ptr = 0;
  18254. let Dimensions = tape[ptr++];
  18255. let UnitType = tape[ptr++];
  18256. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  18257. let ConversionFactor = tape[ptr++];
  18258. let ConversionOffset = tape[ptr++];
  18259. return new IfcConversionBasedUnitWithOffset(expressID, type, Dimensions, UnitType, Name, ConversionFactor, ConversionOffset);
  18260. }
  18261. ToTape() {
  18262. let args = [];
  18263. args.push(this.Dimensions);
  18264. ;
  18265. args.push(this.UnitType);
  18266. ;
  18267. args.push(this.Name);
  18268. ;
  18269. args.push(this.ConversionFactor);
  18270. ;
  18271. args.push(this.ConversionOffset);
  18272. ;
  18273. return args;
  18274. }
  18275. };
  18276. var IfcCooledBeam = class {
  18277. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType) {
  18278. this.expressID = expressID;
  18279. this.type = type;
  18280. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  18281. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  18282. this.Name = Name;
  18283. this.Description = Description;
  18284. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  18285. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  18286. this.Representation = Representation;
  18287. this.Tag = Tag;
  18288. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  18289. }
  18290. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  18291. let ptr = 0;
  18292. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  18293. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  18294. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  18295. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  18296. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  18297. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  18298. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  18299. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  18300. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  18301. return new IfcCooledBeam(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType);
  18302. }
  18303. ToTape() {
  18304. let args = [];
  18305. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  18306. ;
  18307. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  18308. ;
  18309. args.push(this.Name);
  18310. ;
  18311. args.push(this.Description);
  18312. ;
  18313. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  18314. ;
  18315. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  18316. ;
  18317. args.push(this.Representation);
  18318. ;
  18319. args.push(this.Tag);
  18320. ;
  18321. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  18322. ;
  18323. return args;
  18324. }
  18325. };
  18326. var IfcCooledBeamType = class {
  18327. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType) {
  18328. this.expressID = expressID;
  18329. this.type = type;
  18330. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  18331. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  18332. this.Name = Name;
  18333. this.Description = Description;
  18334. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  18335. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  18336. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  18337. this.Tag = Tag;
  18338. this.ElementType = ElementType;
  18339. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  18340. }
  18341. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  18342. let ptr = 0;
  18343. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  18344. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  18345. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  18346. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  18347. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  18348. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  18349. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  18350. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  18351. let ElementType = tape[ptr++];
  18352. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  18353. return new IfcCooledBeamType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType);
  18354. }
  18355. ToTape() {
  18356. let args = [];
  18357. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  18358. ;
  18359. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  18360. ;
  18361. args.push(this.Name);
  18362. ;
  18363. args.push(this.Description);
  18364. ;
  18365. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  18366. ;
  18367. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  18368. ;
  18369. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  18370. ;
  18371. args.push(this.Tag);
  18372. ;
  18373. args.push(this.ElementType);
  18374. ;
  18375. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  18376. ;
  18377. return args;
  18378. }
  18379. };
  18380. var IfcCoolingTower = class {
  18381. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType) {
  18382. this.expressID = expressID;
  18383. this.type = type;
  18384. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  18385. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  18386. this.Name = Name;
  18387. this.Description = Description;
  18388. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  18389. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  18390. this.Representation = Representation;
  18391. this.Tag = Tag;
  18392. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  18393. }
  18394. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  18395. let ptr = 0;
  18396. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  18397. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  18398. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  18399. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  18400. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  18401. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  18402. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  18403. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  18404. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  18405. return new IfcCoolingTower(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType);
  18406. }
  18407. ToTape() {
  18408. let args = [];
  18409. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  18410. ;
  18411. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  18412. ;
  18413. args.push(this.Name);
  18414. ;
  18415. args.push(this.Description);
  18416. ;
  18417. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  18418. ;
  18419. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  18420. ;
  18421. args.push(this.Representation);
  18422. ;
  18423. args.push(this.Tag);
  18424. ;
  18425. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  18426. ;
  18427. return args;
  18428. }
  18429. };
  18430. var IfcCoolingTowerType = class {
  18431. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType) {
  18432. this.expressID = expressID;
  18433. this.type = type;
  18434. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  18435. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  18436. this.Name = Name;
  18437. this.Description = Description;
  18438. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  18439. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  18440. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  18441. this.Tag = Tag;
  18442. this.ElementType = ElementType;
  18443. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  18444. }
  18445. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  18446. let ptr = 0;
  18447. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  18448. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  18449. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  18450. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  18451. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  18452. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  18453. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  18454. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  18455. let ElementType = tape[ptr++];
  18456. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  18457. return new IfcCoolingTowerType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType);
  18458. }
  18459. ToTape() {
  18460. let args = [];
  18461. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  18462. ;
  18463. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  18464. ;
  18465. args.push(this.Name);
  18466. ;
  18467. args.push(this.Description);
  18468. ;
  18469. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  18470. ;
  18471. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  18472. ;
  18473. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  18474. ;
  18475. args.push(this.Tag);
  18476. ;
  18477. args.push(this.ElementType);
  18478. ;
  18479. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  18480. ;
  18481. return args;
  18482. }
  18483. };
  18484. var IfcCoordinateOperation = class {
  18485. constructor(expressID, type, SourceCRS, TargetCRS) {
  18486. this.expressID = expressID;
  18487. this.type = type;
  18488. this.SourceCRS = SourceCRS;
  18489. this.TargetCRS = TargetCRS;
  18490. }
  18491. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  18492. let ptr = 0;
  18493. let SourceCRS = tape[ptr++];
  18494. let TargetCRS = tape[ptr++];
  18495. return new IfcCoordinateOperation(expressID, type, SourceCRS, TargetCRS);
  18496. }
  18497. ToTape() {
  18498. let args = [];
  18499. args.push(this.SourceCRS);
  18500. ;
  18501. args.push(this.TargetCRS);
  18502. ;
  18503. return args;
  18504. }
  18505. };
  18506. var IfcCoordinateReferenceSystem = class {
  18507. constructor(expressID, type, Name, Description, GeodeticDatum, VerticalDatum) {
  18508. this.expressID = expressID;
  18509. this.type = type;
  18510. this.Name = Name;
  18511. this.Description = Description;
  18512. this.GeodeticDatum = GeodeticDatum;
  18513. this.VerticalDatum = VerticalDatum;
  18514. }
  18515. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  18516. let ptr = 0;
  18517. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  18518. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  18519. let GeodeticDatum = tape[ptr++];
  18520. let VerticalDatum = tape[ptr++];
  18521. return new IfcCoordinateReferenceSystem(expressID, type, Name, Description, GeodeticDatum, VerticalDatum);
  18522. }
  18523. ToTape() {
  18524. let args = [];
  18525. args.push(this.Name);
  18526. ;
  18527. args.push(this.Description);
  18528. ;
  18529. args.push(this.GeodeticDatum);
  18530. ;
  18531. args.push(this.VerticalDatum);
  18532. ;
  18533. return args;
  18534. }
  18535. };
  18536. var IfcCostItem = class {
  18537. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, Identification, PredefinedType, CostValues, CostQuantities) {
  18538. this.expressID = expressID;
  18539. this.type = type;
  18540. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  18541. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  18542. this.Name = Name;
  18543. this.Description = Description;
  18544. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  18545. this.Identification = Identification;
  18546. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  18547. this.CostValues = CostValues;
  18548. this.CostQuantities = CostQuantities;
  18549. }
  18550. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  18551. let ptr = 0;
  18552. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  18553. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  18554. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  18555. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  18556. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  18557. let Identification = tape[ptr++];
  18558. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  18559. let CostValues = tape[ptr++];
  18560. let CostQuantities = tape[ptr++];
  18561. return new IfcCostItem(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, Identification, PredefinedType, CostValues, CostQuantities);
  18562. }
  18563. ToTape() {
  18564. let args = [];
  18565. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  18566. ;
  18567. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  18568. ;
  18569. args.push(this.Name);
  18570. ;
  18571. args.push(this.Description);
  18572. ;
  18573. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  18574. ;
  18575. args.push(this.Identification);
  18576. ;
  18577. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  18578. ;
  18579. args.push(this.CostValues);
  18580. ;
  18581. args.push(this.CostQuantities);
  18582. ;
  18583. return args;
  18584. }
  18585. };
  18586. var IfcCostSchedule = class {
  18587. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, Identification, PredefinedType, Status, SubmittedOn, UpdateDate) {
  18588. this.expressID = expressID;
  18589. this.type = type;
  18590. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  18591. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  18592. this.Name = Name;
  18593. this.Description = Description;
  18594. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  18595. this.Identification = Identification;
  18596. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  18597. this.Status = Status;
  18598. this.SubmittedOn = SubmittedOn;
  18599. this.UpdateDate = UpdateDate;
  18600. }
  18601. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  18602. let ptr = 0;
  18603. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  18604. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  18605. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  18606. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  18607. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  18608. let Identification = tape[ptr++];
  18609. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  18610. let Status = tape[ptr++];
  18611. let SubmittedOn = tape[ptr++];
  18612. let UpdateDate = tape[ptr++];
  18613. return new IfcCostSchedule(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, Identification, PredefinedType, Status, SubmittedOn, UpdateDate);
  18614. }
  18615. ToTape() {
  18616. let args = [];
  18617. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  18618. ;
  18619. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  18620. ;
  18621. args.push(this.Name);
  18622. ;
  18623. args.push(this.Description);
  18624. ;
  18625. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  18626. ;
  18627. args.push(this.Identification);
  18628. ;
  18629. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  18630. ;
  18631. args.push(this.Status);
  18632. ;
  18633. args.push(this.SubmittedOn);
  18634. ;
  18635. args.push(this.UpdateDate);
  18636. ;
  18637. return args;
  18638. }
  18639. };
  18640. var IfcCostValue = class {
  18641. constructor(expressID, type, Name, Description, AppliedValue, UnitBasis, ApplicableDate, FixedUntilDate, Category, Condition, ArithmeticOperator, Components) {
  18642. this.expressID = expressID;
  18643. this.type = type;
  18644. this.Name = Name;
  18645. this.Description = Description;
  18646. this.AppliedValue = AppliedValue;
  18647. this.UnitBasis = UnitBasis;
  18648. this.ApplicableDate = ApplicableDate;
  18649. this.FixedUntilDate = FixedUntilDate;
  18650. this.Category = Category;
  18651. this.Condition = Condition;
  18652. this.ArithmeticOperator = ArithmeticOperator;
  18653. this.Components = Components;
  18654. }
  18655. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  18656. let ptr = 0;
  18657. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  18658. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  18659. let AppliedValue = tape[ptr++];
  18660. let UnitBasis = tape[ptr++];
  18661. let ApplicableDate = tape[ptr++];
  18662. let FixedUntilDate = tape[ptr++];
  18663. let Category = tape[ptr++];
  18664. let Condition = tape[ptr++];
  18665. let ArithmeticOperator = tape[ptr++];
  18666. let Components = tape[ptr++];
  18667. return new IfcCostValue(expressID, type, Name, Description, AppliedValue, UnitBasis, ApplicableDate, FixedUntilDate, Category, Condition, ArithmeticOperator, Components);
  18668. }
  18669. ToTape() {
  18670. let args = [];
  18671. args.push(this.Name);
  18672. ;
  18673. args.push(this.Description);
  18674. ;
  18675. args.push(this.AppliedValue);
  18676. ;
  18677. args.push(this.UnitBasis);
  18678. ;
  18679. args.push(this.ApplicableDate);
  18680. ;
  18681. args.push(this.FixedUntilDate);
  18682. ;
  18683. args.push(this.Category);
  18684. ;
  18685. args.push(this.Condition);
  18686. ;
  18687. args.push(this.ArithmeticOperator);
  18688. ;
  18689. args.push(this.Components);
  18690. ;
  18691. return args;
  18692. }
  18693. };
  18694. var IfcCovering = class {
  18695. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType) {
  18696. this.expressID = expressID;
  18697. this.type = type;
  18698. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  18699. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  18700. this.Name = Name;
  18701. this.Description = Description;
  18702. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  18703. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  18704. this.Representation = Representation;
  18705. this.Tag = Tag;
  18706. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  18707. }
  18708. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  18709. let ptr = 0;
  18710. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  18711. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  18712. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  18713. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  18714. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  18715. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  18716. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  18717. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  18718. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  18719. return new IfcCovering(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType);
  18720. }
  18721. ToTape() {
  18722. let args = [];
  18723. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  18724. ;
  18725. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  18726. ;
  18727. args.push(this.Name);
  18728. ;
  18729. args.push(this.Description);
  18730. ;
  18731. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  18732. ;
  18733. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  18734. ;
  18735. args.push(this.Representation);
  18736. ;
  18737. args.push(this.Tag);
  18738. ;
  18739. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  18740. ;
  18741. return args;
  18742. }
  18743. };
  18744. var IfcCoveringType = class {
  18745. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType) {
  18746. this.expressID = expressID;
  18747. this.type = type;
  18748. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  18749. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  18750. this.Name = Name;
  18751. this.Description = Description;
  18752. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  18753. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  18754. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  18755. this.Tag = Tag;
  18756. this.ElementType = ElementType;
  18757. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  18758. }
  18759. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  18760. let ptr = 0;
  18761. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  18762. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  18763. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  18764. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  18765. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  18766. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  18767. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  18768. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  18769. let ElementType = tape[ptr++];
  18770. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  18771. return new IfcCoveringType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType);
  18772. }
  18773. ToTape() {
  18774. let args = [];
  18775. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  18776. ;
  18777. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  18778. ;
  18779. args.push(this.Name);
  18780. ;
  18781. args.push(this.Description);
  18782. ;
  18783. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  18784. ;
  18785. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  18786. ;
  18787. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  18788. ;
  18789. args.push(this.Tag);
  18790. ;
  18791. args.push(this.ElementType);
  18792. ;
  18793. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  18794. ;
  18795. return args;
  18796. }
  18797. };
  18798. var IfcCrewResource = class {
  18799. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, Identification, LongDescription, Usage, BaseCosts, BaseQuantity, PredefinedType) {
  18800. this.expressID = expressID;
  18801. this.type = type;
  18802. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  18803. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  18804. this.Name = Name;
  18805. this.Description = Description;
  18806. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  18807. this.Identification = Identification;
  18808. this.LongDescription = LongDescription;
  18809. this.Usage = Usage;
  18810. this.BaseCosts = BaseCosts;
  18811. this.BaseQuantity = BaseQuantity;
  18812. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  18813. }
  18814. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  18815. let ptr = 0;
  18816. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  18817. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  18818. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  18819. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  18820. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  18821. let Identification = tape[ptr++];
  18822. let LongDescription = tape[ptr++];
  18823. let Usage = tape[ptr++];
  18824. let BaseCosts = tape[ptr++];
  18825. let BaseQuantity = tape[ptr++];
  18826. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  18827. return new IfcCrewResource(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, Identification, LongDescription, Usage, BaseCosts, BaseQuantity, PredefinedType);
  18828. }
  18829. ToTape() {
  18830. let args = [];
  18831. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  18832. ;
  18833. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  18834. ;
  18835. args.push(this.Name);
  18836. ;
  18837. args.push(this.Description);
  18838. ;
  18839. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  18840. ;
  18841. args.push(this.Identification);
  18842. ;
  18843. args.push(this.LongDescription);
  18844. ;
  18845. args.push(this.Usage);
  18846. ;
  18847. args.push(this.BaseCosts);
  18848. ;
  18849. args.push(this.BaseQuantity);
  18850. ;
  18851. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  18852. ;
  18853. return args;
  18854. }
  18855. };
  18856. var IfcCrewResourceType = class {
  18857. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, Identification, LongDescription, ResourceType, BaseCosts, BaseQuantity, PredefinedType) {
  18858. this.expressID = expressID;
  18859. this.type = type;
  18860. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  18861. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  18862. this.Name = Name;
  18863. this.Description = Description;
  18864. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  18865. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  18866. this.Identification = Identification;
  18867. this.LongDescription = LongDescription;
  18868. this.ResourceType = ResourceType;
  18869. this.BaseCosts = BaseCosts;
  18870. this.BaseQuantity = BaseQuantity;
  18871. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  18872. }
  18873. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  18874. let ptr = 0;
  18875. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  18876. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  18877. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  18878. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  18879. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  18880. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  18881. let Identification = tape[ptr++];
  18882. let LongDescription = tape[ptr++];
  18883. let ResourceType = tape[ptr++];
  18884. let BaseCosts = tape[ptr++];
  18885. let BaseQuantity = tape[ptr++];
  18886. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  18887. return new IfcCrewResourceType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, Identification, LongDescription, ResourceType, BaseCosts, BaseQuantity, PredefinedType);
  18888. }
  18889. ToTape() {
  18890. let args = [];
  18891. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  18892. ;
  18893. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  18894. ;
  18895. args.push(this.Name);
  18896. ;
  18897. args.push(this.Description);
  18898. ;
  18899. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  18900. ;
  18901. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  18902. ;
  18903. args.push(this.Identification);
  18904. ;
  18905. args.push(this.LongDescription);
  18906. ;
  18907. args.push(this.ResourceType);
  18908. ;
  18909. args.push(this.BaseCosts);
  18910. ;
  18911. args.push(this.BaseQuantity);
  18912. ;
  18913. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  18914. ;
  18915. return args;
  18916. }
  18917. };
  18918. var IfcCsgPrimitive3D = class {
  18919. constructor(expressID, type, Position) {
  18920. this.expressID = expressID;
  18921. this.type = type;
  18922. this.Position = Position;
  18923. }
  18924. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  18925. let ptr = 0;
  18926. let Position = tape[ptr++];
  18927. return new IfcCsgPrimitive3D(expressID, type, Position);
  18928. }
  18929. ToTape() {
  18930. let args = [];
  18931. args.push(this.Position);
  18932. ;
  18933. return args;
  18934. }
  18935. };
  18936. var IfcCsgSolid = class {
  18937. constructor(expressID, type, TreeRootExpression) {
  18938. this.expressID = expressID;
  18939. this.type = type;
  18940. this.TreeRootExpression = TreeRootExpression;
  18941. }
  18942. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  18943. let ptr = 0;
  18944. let TreeRootExpression = tape[ptr++];
  18945. return new IfcCsgSolid(expressID, type, TreeRootExpression);
  18946. }
  18947. ToTape() {
  18948. let args = [];
  18949. args.push(this.TreeRootExpression);
  18950. ;
  18951. return args;
  18952. }
  18953. };
  18954. var IfcCurrencyRelationship = class {
  18955. constructor(expressID, type, Name, Description, RelatingMonetaryUnit, RelatedMonetaryUnit, ExchangeRate, RateDateTime, RateSource) {
  18956. this.expressID = expressID;
  18957. this.type = type;
  18958. this.Name = Name;
  18959. this.Description = Description;
  18960. this.RelatingMonetaryUnit = RelatingMonetaryUnit;
  18961. this.RelatedMonetaryUnit = RelatedMonetaryUnit;
  18962. this.ExchangeRate = ExchangeRate;
  18963. this.RateDateTime = RateDateTime;
  18964. this.RateSource = RateSource;
  18965. }
  18966. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  18967. let ptr = 0;
  18968. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  18969. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  18970. let RelatingMonetaryUnit = tape[ptr++];
  18971. let RelatedMonetaryUnit = tape[ptr++];
  18972. let ExchangeRate = tape[ptr++];
  18973. let RateDateTime = tape[ptr++];
  18974. let RateSource = tape[ptr++];
  18975. return new IfcCurrencyRelationship(expressID, type, Name, Description, RelatingMonetaryUnit, RelatedMonetaryUnit, ExchangeRate, RateDateTime, RateSource);
  18976. }
  18977. ToTape() {
  18978. let args = [];
  18979. args.push(this.Name);
  18980. ;
  18981. args.push(this.Description);
  18982. ;
  18983. args.push(this.RelatingMonetaryUnit);
  18984. ;
  18985. args.push(this.RelatedMonetaryUnit);
  18986. ;
  18987. args.push(this.ExchangeRate);
  18988. ;
  18989. args.push(this.RateDateTime);
  18990. ;
  18991. args.push(this.RateSource);
  18992. ;
  18993. return args;
  18994. }
  18995. };
  18996. var IfcCurtainWall = class {
  18997. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType) {
  18998. this.expressID = expressID;
  18999. this.type = type;
  19000. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  19001. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  19002. this.Name = Name;
  19003. this.Description = Description;
  19004. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  19005. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  19006. this.Representation = Representation;
  19007. this.Tag = Tag;
  19008. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  19009. }
  19010. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  19011. let ptr = 0;
  19012. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  19013. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  19014. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  19015. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  19016. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  19017. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  19018. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  19019. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  19020. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  19021. return new IfcCurtainWall(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType);
  19022. }
  19023. ToTape() {
  19024. let args = [];
  19025. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  19026. ;
  19027. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  19028. ;
  19029. args.push(this.Name);
  19030. ;
  19031. args.push(this.Description);
  19032. ;
  19033. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  19034. ;
  19035. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  19036. ;
  19037. args.push(this.Representation);
  19038. ;
  19039. args.push(this.Tag);
  19040. ;
  19041. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  19042. ;
  19043. return args;
  19044. }
  19045. };
  19046. var IfcCurtainWallType = class {
  19047. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType) {
  19048. this.expressID = expressID;
  19049. this.type = type;
  19050. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  19051. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  19052. this.Name = Name;
  19053. this.Description = Description;
  19054. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  19055. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  19056. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  19057. this.Tag = Tag;
  19058. this.ElementType = ElementType;
  19059. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  19060. }
  19061. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  19062. let ptr = 0;
  19063. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  19064. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  19065. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  19066. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  19067. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  19068. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  19069. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  19070. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  19071. let ElementType = tape[ptr++];
  19072. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  19073. return new IfcCurtainWallType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType);
  19074. }
  19075. ToTape() {
  19076. let args = [];
  19077. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  19078. ;
  19079. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  19080. ;
  19081. args.push(this.Name);
  19082. ;
  19083. args.push(this.Description);
  19084. ;
  19085. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  19086. ;
  19087. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  19088. ;
  19089. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  19090. ;
  19091. args.push(this.Tag);
  19092. ;
  19093. args.push(this.ElementType);
  19094. ;
  19095. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  19096. ;
  19097. return args;
  19098. }
  19099. };
  19100. var IfcCurve = class {
  19101. constructor(expressID, type) {
  19102. this.expressID = expressID;
  19103. this.type = type;
  19104. }
  19105. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  19106. let ptr = 0;
  19107. return new IfcCurve(expressID, type);
  19108. }
  19109. ToTape() {
  19110. let args = [];
  19111. return args;
  19112. }
  19113. };
  19114. var IfcCurveBoundedPlane = class {
  19115. constructor(expressID, type, BasisSurface, OuterBoundary, InnerBoundaries) {
  19116. this.expressID = expressID;
  19117. this.type = type;
  19118. this.BasisSurface = BasisSurface;
  19119. this.OuterBoundary = OuterBoundary;
  19120. this.InnerBoundaries = InnerBoundaries;
  19121. }
  19122. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  19123. let ptr = 0;
  19124. let BasisSurface = tape[ptr++];
  19125. let OuterBoundary = tape[ptr++];
  19126. let InnerBoundaries = tape[ptr++];
  19127. return new IfcCurveBoundedPlane(expressID, type, BasisSurface, OuterBoundary, InnerBoundaries);
  19128. }
  19129. ToTape() {
  19130. let args = [];
  19131. args.push(this.BasisSurface);
  19132. ;
  19133. args.push(this.OuterBoundary);
  19134. ;
  19135. args.push(this.InnerBoundaries);
  19136. ;
  19137. return args;
  19138. }
  19139. };
  19140. var IfcCurveBoundedSurface = class {
  19141. constructor(expressID, type, BasisSurface, Boundaries, ImplicitOuter) {
  19142. this.expressID = expressID;
  19143. this.type = type;
  19144. this.BasisSurface = BasisSurface;
  19145. this.Boundaries = Boundaries;
  19146. this.ImplicitOuter = ImplicitOuter;
  19147. }
  19148. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  19149. let ptr = 0;
  19150. let BasisSurface = tape[ptr++];
  19151. let Boundaries = tape[ptr++];
  19152. let ImplicitOuter = tape[ptr++];
  19153. return new IfcCurveBoundedSurface(expressID, type, BasisSurface, Boundaries, ImplicitOuter);
  19154. }
  19155. ToTape() {
  19156. let args = [];
  19157. args.push(this.BasisSurface);
  19158. ;
  19159. args.push(this.Boundaries);
  19160. ;
  19161. args.push(this.ImplicitOuter);
  19162. ;
  19163. return args;
  19164. }
  19165. };
  19166. var IfcCurveSegment2D = class {
  19167. constructor(expressID, type, StartPoint, StartDirection, SegmentLength) {
  19168. this.expressID = expressID;
  19169. this.type = type;
  19170. this.StartPoint = StartPoint;
  19171. this.StartDirection = StartDirection;
  19172. this.SegmentLength = SegmentLength;
  19173. }
  19174. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  19175. let ptr = 0;
  19176. let StartPoint = tape[ptr++];
  19177. let StartDirection = tape[ptr++];
  19178. let SegmentLength = tape[ptr++];
  19179. return new IfcCurveSegment2D(expressID, type, StartPoint, StartDirection, SegmentLength);
  19180. }
  19181. ToTape() {
  19182. let args = [];
  19183. args.push(this.StartPoint);
  19184. ;
  19185. args.push(this.StartDirection);
  19186. ;
  19187. args.push(this.SegmentLength);
  19188. ;
  19189. return args;
  19190. }
  19191. };
  19192. var IfcCurveStyle = class {
  19193. constructor(expressID, type, Name, CurveFont, CurveWidth, CurveColour, ModelOrDraughting) {
  19194. this.expressID = expressID;
  19195. this.type = type;
  19196. this.Name = Name;
  19197. this.CurveFont = CurveFont;
  19198. this.CurveWidth = CurveWidth;
  19199. this.CurveColour = CurveColour;
  19200. this.ModelOrDraughting = ModelOrDraughting;
  19201. }
  19202. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  19203. let ptr = 0;
  19204. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  19205. let CurveFont = tape[ptr++];
  19206. let CurveWidth = tape[ptr++];
  19207. let CurveColour = tape[ptr++];
  19208. let ModelOrDraughting = tape[ptr++];
  19209. return new IfcCurveStyle(expressID, type, Name, CurveFont, CurveWidth, CurveColour, ModelOrDraughting);
  19210. }
  19211. ToTape() {
  19212. let args = [];
  19213. args.push(this.Name);
  19214. ;
  19215. args.push(this.CurveFont);
  19216. ;
  19217. args.push(this.CurveWidth);
  19218. ;
  19219. args.push(this.CurveColour);
  19220. ;
  19221. args.push(this.ModelOrDraughting);
  19222. ;
  19223. return args;
  19224. }
  19225. };
  19226. var IfcCurveStyleFont = class {
  19227. constructor(expressID, type, Name, PatternList) {
  19228. this.expressID = expressID;
  19229. this.type = type;
  19230. this.Name = Name;
  19231. this.PatternList = PatternList;
  19232. }
  19233. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  19234. let ptr = 0;
  19235. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  19236. let PatternList = tape[ptr++];
  19237. return new IfcCurveStyleFont(expressID, type, Name, PatternList);
  19238. }
  19239. ToTape() {
  19240. let args = [];
  19241. args.push(this.Name);
  19242. ;
  19243. args.push(this.PatternList);
  19244. ;
  19245. return args;
  19246. }
  19247. };
  19248. var IfcCurveStyleFontAndScaling = class {
  19249. constructor(expressID, type, Name, CurveFont, CurveFontScaling) {
  19250. this.expressID = expressID;
  19251. this.type = type;
  19252. this.Name = Name;
  19253. this.CurveFont = CurveFont;
  19254. this.CurveFontScaling = CurveFontScaling;
  19255. }
  19256. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  19257. let ptr = 0;
  19258. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  19259. let CurveFont = tape[ptr++];
  19260. let CurveFontScaling = tape[ptr++];
  19261. return new IfcCurveStyleFontAndScaling(expressID, type, Name, CurveFont, CurveFontScaling);
  19262. }
  19263. ToTape() {
  19264. let args = [];
  19265. args.push(this.Name);
  19266. ;
  19267. args.push(this.CurveFont);
  19268. ;
  19269. args.push(this.CurveFontScaling);
  19270. ;
  19271. return args;
  19272. }
  19273. };
  19274. var IfcCurveStyleFontPattern = class {
  19275. constructor(expressID, type, VisibleSegmentLength, InvisibleSegmentLength) {
  19276. this.expressID = expressID;
  19277. this.type = type;
  19278. this.VisibleSegmentLength = VisibleSegmentLength;
  19279. this.InvisibleSegmentLength = InvisibleSegmentLength;
  19280. }
  19281. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  19282. let ptr = 0;
  19283. let VisibleSegmentLength = tape[ptr++];
  19284. let InvisibleSegmentLength = tape[ptr++];
  19285. return new IfcCurveStyleFontPattern(expressID, type, VisibleSegmentLength, InvisibleSegmentLength);
  19286. }
  19287. ToTape() {
  19288. let args = [];
  19289. args.push(this.VisibleSegmentLength);
  19290. ;
  19291. args.push(this.InvisibleSegmentLength);
  19292. ;
  19293. return args;
  19294. }
  19295. };
  19296. var IfcCylindricalSurface = class {
  19297. constructor(expressID, type, Position, Radius) {
  19298. this.expressID = expressID;
  19299. this.type = type;
  19300. this.Position = Position;
  19301. this.Radius = Radius;
  19302. }
  19303. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  19304. let ptr = 0;
  19305. let Position = tape[ptr++];
  19306. let Radius = tape[ptr++];
  19307. return new IfcCylindricalSurface(expressID, type, Position, Radius);
  19308. }
  19309. ToTape() {
  19310. let args = [];
  19311. args.push(this.Position);
  19312. ;
  19313. args.push(this.Radius);
  19314. ;
  19315. return args;
  19316. }
  19317. };
  19318. var IfcDamper = class {
  19319. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType) {
  19320. this.expressID = expressID;
  19321. this.type = type;
  19322. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  19323. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  19324. this.Name = Name;
  19325. this.Description = Description;
  19326. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  19327. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  19328. this.Representation = Representation;
  19329. this.Tag = Tag;
  19330. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  19331. }
  19332. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  19333. let ptr = 0;
  19334. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  19335. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  19336. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  19337. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  19338. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  19339. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  19340. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  19341. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  19342. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  19343. return new IfcDamper(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType);
  19344. }
  19345. ToTape() {
  19346. let args = [];
  19347. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  19348. ;
  19349. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  19350. ;
  19351. args.push(this.Name);
  19352. ;
  19353. args.push(this.Description);
  19354. ;
  19355. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  19356. ;
  19357. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  19358. ;
  19359. args.push(this.Representation);
  19360. ;
  19361. args.push(this.Tag);
  19362. ;
  19363. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  19364. ;
  19365. return args;
  19366. }
  19367. };
  19368. var IfcDamperType = class {
  19369. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType) {
  19370. this.expressID = expressID;
  19371. this.type = type;
  19372. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  19373. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  19374. this.Name = Name;
  19375. this.Description = Description;
  19376. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  19377. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  19378. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  19379. this.Tag = Tag;
  19380. this.ElementType = ElementType;
  19381. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  19382. }
  19383. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  19384. let ptr = 0;
  19385. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  19386. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  19387. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  19388. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  19389. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  19390. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  19391. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  19392. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  19393. let ElementType = tape[ptr++];
  19394. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  19395. return new IfcDamperType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType);
  19396. }
  19397. ToTape() {
  19398. let args = [];
  19399. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  19400. ;
  19401. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  19402. ;
  19403. args.push(this.Name);
  19404. ;
  19405. args.push(this.Description);
  19406. ;
  19407. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  19408. ;
  19409. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  19410. ;
  19411. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  19412. ;
  19413. args.push(this.Tag);
  19414. ;
  19415. args.push(this.ElementType);
  19416. ;
  19417. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  19418. ;
  19419. return args;
  19420. }
  19421. };
  19422. var IfcDeepFoundation = class {
  19423. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag) {
  19424. this.expressID = expressID;
  19425. this.type = type;
  19426. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  19427. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  19428. this.Name = Name;
  19429. this.Description = Description;
  19430. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  19431. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  19432. this.Representation = Representation;
  19433. this.Tag = Tag;
  19434. }
  19435. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  19436. let ptr = 0;
  19437. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  19438. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  19439. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  19440. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  19441. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  19442. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  19443. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  19444. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  19445. return new IfcDeepFoundation(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag);
  19446. }
  19447. ToTape() {
  19448. let args = [];
  19449. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  19450. ;
  19451. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  19452. ;
  19453. args.push(this.Name);
  19454. ;
  19455. args.push(this.Description);
  19456. ;
  19457. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  19458. ;
  19459. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  19460. ;
  19461. args.push(this.Representation);
  19462. ;
  19463. args.push(this.Tag);
  19464. ;
  19465. return args;
  19466. }
  19467. };
  19468. var IfcDeepFoundationType = class {
  19469. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType) {
  19470. this.expressID = expressID;
  19471. this.type = type;
  19472. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  19473. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  19474. this.Name = Name;
  19475. this.Description = Description;
  19476. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  19477. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  19478. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  19479. this.Tag = Tag;
  19480. this.ElementType = ElementType;
  19481. }
  19482. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  19483. let ptr = 0;
  19484. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  19485. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  19486. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  19487. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  19488. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  19489. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  19490. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  19491. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  19492. let ElementType = tape[ptr++];
  19493. return new IfcDeepFoundationType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType);
  19494. }
  19495. ToTape() {
  19496. let args = [];
  19497. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  19498. ;
  19499. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  19500. ;
  19501. args.push(this.Name);
  19502. ;
  19503. args.push(this.Description);
  19504. ;
  19505. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  19506. ;
  19507. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  19508. ;
  19509. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  19510. ;
  19511. args.push(this.Tag);
  19512. ;
  19513. args.push(this.ElementType);
  19514. ;
  19515. return args;
  19516. }
  19517. };
  19518. var IfcDerivedProfileDef = class {
  19519. constructor(expressID, type, ProfileType, ProfileName, ParentProfile, Operator, Label) {
  19520. this.expressID = expressID;
  19521. this.type = type;
  19522. this.ProfileType = ProfileType;
  19523. this.ProfileName = ProfileName;
  19524. this.ParentProfile = ParentProfile;
  19525. this.Operator = Operator;
  19526. this.Label = Label;
  19527. }
  19528. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  19529. let ptr = 0;
  19530. let ProfileType = tape[ptr++];
  19531. let ProfileName = tape[ptr++];
  19532. let ParentProfile = tape[ptr++];
  19533. let Operator = tape[ptr++];
  19534. let Label = tape[ptr++];
  19535. return new IfcDerivedProfileDef(expressID, type, ProfileType, ProfileName, ParentProfile, Operator, Label);
  19536. }
  19537. ToTape() {
  19538. let args = [];
  19539. args.push(this.ProfileType);
  19540. ;
  19541. args.push(this.ProfileName);
  19542. ;
  19543. args.push(this.ParentProfile);
  19544. ;
  19545. args.push(this.Operator);
  19546. ;
  19547. args.push(this.Label);
  19548. ;
  19549. return args;
  19550. }
  19551. };
  19552. var IfcDerivedUnit = class {
  19553. constructor(expressID, type, Elements, UnitType, UserDefinedType) {
  19554. this.expressID = expressID;
  19555. this.type = type;
  19556. this.Elements = Elements;
  19557. this.UnitType = UnitType;
  19558. this.UserDefinedType = UserDefinedType;
  19559. }
  19560. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  19561. let ptr = 0;
  19562. let Elements = tape[ptr++];
  19563. let UnitType = tape[ptr++];
  19564. let UserDefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  19565. return new IfcDerivedUnit(expressID, type, Elements, UnitType, UserDefinedType);
  19566. }
  19567. ToTape() {
  19568. let args = [];
  19569. args.push(this.Elements);
  19570. ;
  19571. args.push(this.UnitType);
  19572. ;
  19573. args.push(this.UserDefinedType);
  19574. ;
  19575. return args;
  19576. }
  19577. };
  19578. var IfcDerivedUnitElement = class {
  19579. constructor(expressID, type, Unit, Exponent) {
  19580. this.expressID = expressID;
  19581. this.type = type;
  19582. this.Unit = Unit;
  19583. this.Exponent = Exponent;
  19584. }
  19585. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  19586. let ptr = 0;
  19587. let Unit = tape[ptr++];
  19588. let Exponent = tape[ptr++];
  19589. return new IfcDerivedUnitElement(expressID, type, Unit, Exponent);
  19590. }
  19591. ToTape() {
  19592. let args = [];
  19593. args.push(this.Unit);
  19594. ;
  19595. args.push(this.Exponent);
  19596. ;
  19597. return args;
  19598. }
  19599. };
  19600. var IfcDimensionalExponents = class {
  19601. constructor(expressID, type, LengthExponent, MassExponent, TimeExponent, ElectricCurrentExponent, ThermodynamicTemperatureExponent, AmountOfSubstanceExponent, LuminousIntensityExponent) {
  19602. this.expressID = expressID;
  19603. this.type = type;
  19604. this.LengthExponent = LengthExponent;
  19605. this.MassExponent = MassExponent;
  19606. this.TimeExponent = TimeExponent;
  19607. this.ElectricCurrentExponent = ElectricCurrentExponent;
  19608. this.ThermodynamicTemperatureExponent = ThermodynamicTemperatureExponent;
  19609. this.AmountOfSubstanceExponent = AmountOfSubstanceExponent;
  19610. this.LuminousIntensityExponent = LuminousIntensityExponent;
  19611. }
  19612. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  19613. let ptr = 0;
  19614. let LengthExponent = tape[ptr++];
  19615. let MassExponent = tape[ptr++];
  19616. let TimeExponent = tape[ptr++];
  19617. let ElectricCurrentExponent = tape[ptr++];
  19618. let ThermodynamicTemperatureExponent = tape[ptr++];
  19619. let AmountOfSubstanceExponent = tape[ptr++];
  19620. let LuminousIntensityExponent = tape[ptr++];
  19621. return new IfcDimensionalExponents(expressID, type, LengthExponent, MassExponent, TimeExponent, ElectricCurrentExponent, ThermodynamicTemperatureExponent, AmountOfSubstanceExponent, LuminousIntensityExponent);
  19622. }
  19623. ToTape() {
  19624. let args = [];
  19625. args.push(this.LengthExponent);
  19626. ;
  19627. args.push(this.MassExponent);
  19628. ;
  19629. args.push(this.TimeExponent);
  19630. ;
  19631. args.push(this.ElectricCurrentExponent);
  19632. ;
  19633. args.push(this.ThermodynamicTemperatureExponent);
  19634. ;
  19635. args.push(this.AmountOfSubstanceExponent);
  19636. ;
  19637. args.push(this.LuminousIntensityExponent);
  19638. ;
  19639. return args;
  19640. }
  19641. };
  19642. var IfcDirection = class {
  19643. constructor(expressID, type, DirectionRatios) {
  19644. this.expressID = expressID;
  19645. this.type = type;
  19646. this.DirectionRatios = DirectionRatios;
  19647. }
  19648. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  19649. let ptr = 0;
  19650. let DirectionRatios = tape[ptr++];
  19651. return new IfcDirection(expressID, type, DirectionRatios);
  19652. }
  19653. ToTape() {
  19654. let args = [];
  19655. args.push(this.DirectionRatios);
  19656. ;
  19657. return args;
  19658. }
  19659. };
  19660. var IfcDiscreteAccessory = class {
  19661. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType) {
  19662. this.expressID = expressID;
  19663. this.type = type;
  19664. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  19665. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  19666. this.Name = Name;
  19667. this.Description = Description;
  19668. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  19669. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  19670. this.Representation = Representation;
  19671. this.Tag = Tag;
  19672. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  19673. }
  19674. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  19675. let ptr = 0;
  19676. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  19677. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  19678. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  19679. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  19680. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  19681. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  19682. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  19683. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  19684. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  19685. return new IfcDiscreteAccessory(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType);
  19686. }
  19687. ToTape() {
  19688. let args = [];
  19689. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  19690. ;
  19691. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  19692. ;
  19693. args.push(this.Name);
  19694. ;
  19695. args.push(this.Description);
  19696. ;
  19697. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  19698. ;
  19699. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  19700. ;
  19701. args.push(this.Representation);
  19702. ;
  19703. args.push(this.Tag);
  19704. ;
  19705. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  19706. ;
  19707. return args;
  19708. }
  19709. };
  19710. var IfcDiscreteAccessoryType = class {
  19711. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType) {
  19712. this.expressID = expressID;
  19713. this.type = type;
  19714. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  19715. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  19716. this.Name = Name;
  19717. this.Description = Description;
  19718. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  19719. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  19720. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  19721. this.Tag = Tag;
  19722. this.ElementType = ElementType;
  19723. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  19724. }
  19725. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  19726. let ptr = 0;
  19727. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  19728. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  19729. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  19730. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  19731. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  19732. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  19733. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  19734. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  19735. let ElementType = tape[ptr++];
  19736. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  19737. return new IfcDiscreteAccessoryType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType);
  19738. }
  19739. ToTape() {
  19740. let args = [];
  19741. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  19742. ;
  19743. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  19744. ;
  19745. args.push(this.Name);
  19746. ;
  19747. args.push(this.Description);
  19748. ;
  19749. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  19750. ;
  19751. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  19752. ;
  19753. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  19754. ;
  19755. args.push(this.Tag);
  19756. ;
  19757. args.push(this.ElementType);
  19758. ;
  19759. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  19760. ;
  19761. return args;
  19762. }
  19763. };
  19764. var IfcDistanceExpression = class {
  19765. constructor(expressID, type, DistanceAlong, OffsetLateral, OffsetVertical, OffsetLongitudinal, AlongHorizontal) {
  19766. this.expressID = expressID;
  19767. this.type = type;
  19768. this.DistanceAlong = DistanceAlong;
  19769. this.OffsetLateral = OffsetLateral;
  19770. this.OffsetVertical = OffsetVertical;
  19771. this.OffsetLongitudinal = OffsetLongitudinal;
  19772. this.AlongHorizontal = AlongHorizontal;
  19773. }
  19774. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  19775. let ptr = 0;
  19776. let DistanceAlong = tape[ptr++];
  19777. let OffsetLateral = tape[ptr++];
  19778. let OffsetVertical = tape[ptr++];
  19779. let OffsetLongitudinal = tape[ptr++];
  19780. let AlongHorizontal = tape[ptr++];
  19781. return new IfcDistanceExpression(expressID, type, DistanceAlong, OffsetLateral, OffsetVertical, OffsetLongitudinal, AlongHorizontal);
  19782. }
  19783. ToTape() {
  19784. let args = [];
  19785. args.push(this.DistanceAlong);
  19786. ;
  19787. args.push(this.OffsetLateral);
  19788. ;
  19789. args.push(this.OffsetVertical);
  19790. ;
  19791. args.push(this.OffsetLongitudinal);
  19792. ;
  19793. args.push(this.AlongHorizontal);
  19794. ;
  19795. return args;
  19796. }
  19797. };
  19798. var IfcDistributionChamberElement = class {
  19799. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType) {
  19800. this.expressID = expressID;
  19801. this.type = type;
  19802. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  19803. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  19804. this.Name = Name;
  19805. this.Description = Description;
  19806. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  19807. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  19808. this.Representation = Representation;
  19809. this.Tag = Tag;
  19810. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  19811. }
  19812. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  19813. let ptr = 0;
  19814. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  19815. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  19816. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  19817. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  19818. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  19819. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  19820. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  19821. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  19822. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  19823. return new IfcDistributionChamberElement(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType);
  19824. }
  19825. ToTape() {
  19826. let args = [];
  19827. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  19828. ;
  19829. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  19830. ;
  19831. args.push(this.Name);
  19832. ;
  19833. args.push(this.Description);
  19834. ;
  19835. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  19836. ;
  19837. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  19838. ;
  19839. args.push(this.Representation);
  19840. ;
  19841. args.push(this.Tag);
  19842. ;
  19843. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  19844. ;
  19845. return args;
  19846. }
  19847. };
  19848. var IfcDistributionChamberElementType = class {
  19849. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType) {
  19850. this.expressID = expressID;
  19851. this.type = type;
  19852. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  19853. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  19854. this.Name = Name;
  19855. this.Description = Description;
  19856. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  19857. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  19858. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  19859. this.Tag = Tag;
  19860. this.ElementType = ElementType;
  19861. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  19862. }
  19863. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  19864. let ptr = 0;
  19865. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  19866. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  19867. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  19868. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  19869. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  19870. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  19871. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  19872. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  19873. let ElementType = tape[ptr++];
  19874. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  19875. return new IfcDistributionChamberElementType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType);
  19876. }
  19877. ToTape() {
  19878. let args = [];
  19879. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  19880. ;
  19881. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  19882. ;
  19883. args.push(this.Name);
  19884. ;
  19885. args.push(this.Description);
  19886. ;
  19887. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  19888. ;
  19889. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  19890. ;
  19891. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  19892. ;
  19893. args.push(this.Tag);
  19894. ;
  19895. args.push(this.ElementType);
  19896. ;
  19897. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  19898. ;
  19899. return args;
  19900. }
  19901. };
  19902. var IfcDistributionCircuit = class {
  19903. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, LongName, PredefinedType) {
  19904. this.expressID = expressID;
  19905. this.type = type;
  19906. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  19907. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  19908. this.Name = Name;
  19909. this.Description = Description;
  19910. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  19911. this.LongName = LongName;
  19912. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  19913. }
  19914. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  19915. let ptr = 0;
  19916. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  19917. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  19918. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  19919. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  19920. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  19921. let LongName = tape[ptr++];
  19922. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  19923. return new IfcDistributionCircuit(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, LongName, PredefinedType);
  19924. }
  19925. ToTape() {
  19926. let args = [];
  19927. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  19928. ;
  19929. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  19930. ;
  19931. args.push(this.Name);
  19932. ;
  19933. args.push(this.Description);
  19934. ;
  19935. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  19936. ;
  19937. args.push(this.LongName);
  19938. ;
  19939. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  19940. ;
  19941. return args;
  19942. }
  19943. };
  19944. var IfcDistributionControlElement = class {
  19945. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag) {
  19946. this.expressID = expressID;
  19947. this.type = type;
  19948. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  19949. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  19950. this.Name = Name;
  19951. this.Description = Description;
  19952. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  19953. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  19954. this.Representation = Representation;
  19955. this.Tag = Tag;
  19956. }
  19957. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  19958. let ptr = 0;
  19959. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  19960. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  19961. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  19962. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  19963. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  19964. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  19965. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  19966. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  19967. return new IfcDistributionControlElement(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag);
  19968. }
  19969. ToTape() {
  19970. let args = [];
  19971. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  19972. ;
  19973. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  19974. ;
  19975. args.push(this.Name);
  19976. ;
  19977. args.push(this.Description);
  19978. ;
  19979. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  19980. ;
  19981. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  19982. ;
  19983. args.push(this.Representation);
  19984. ;
  19985. args.push(this.Tag);
  19986. ;
  19987. return args;
  19988. }
  19989. };
  19990. var IfcDistributionControlElementType = class {
  19991. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType) {
  19992. this.expressID = expressID;
  19993. this.type = type;
  19994. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  19995. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  19996. this.Name = Name;
  19997. this.Description = Description;
  19998. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  19999. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  20000. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  20001. this.Tag = Tag;
  20002. this.ElementType = ElementType;
  20003. }
  20004. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  20005. let ptr = 0;
  20006. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  20007. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  20008. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  20009. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  20010. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  20011. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  20012. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  20013. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  20014. let ElementType = tape[ptr++];
  20015. return new IfcDistributionControlElementType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType);
  20016. }
  20017. ToTape() {
  20018. let args = [];
  20019. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  20020. ;
  20021. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  20022. ;
  20023. args.push(this.Name);
  20024. ;
  20025. args.push(this.Description);
  20026. ;
  20027. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  20028. ;
  20029. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  20030. ;
  20031. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  20032. ;
  20033. args.push(this.Tag);
  20034. ;
  20035. args.push(this.ElementType);
  20036. ;
  20037. return args;
  20038. }
  20039. };
  20040. var IfcDistributionElement = class {
  20041. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag) {
  20042. this.expressID = expressID;
  20043. this.type = type;
  20044. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  20045. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  20046. this.Name = Name;
  20047. this.Description = Description;
  20048. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  20049. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  20050. this.Representation = Representation;
  20051. this.Tag = Tag;
  20052. }
  20053. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  20054. let ptr = 0;
  20055. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  20056. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  20057. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  20058. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  20059. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  20060. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  20061. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  20062. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  20063. return new IfcDistributionElement(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag);
  20064. }
  20065. ToTape() {
  20066. let args = [];
  20067. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  20068. ;
  20069. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  20070. ;
  20071. args.push(this.Name);
  20072. ;
  20073. args.push(this.Description);
  20074. ;
  20075. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  20076. ;
  20077. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  20078. ;
  20079. args.push(this.Representation);
  20080. ;
  20081. args.push(this.Tag);
  20082. ;
  20083. return args;
  20084. }
  20085. };
  20086. var IfcDistributionElementType = class {
  20087. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType) {
  20088. this.expressID = expressID;
  20089. this.type = type;
  20090. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  20091. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  20092. this.Name = Name;
  20093. this.Description = Description;
  20094. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  20095. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  20096. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  20097. this.Tag = Tag;
  20098. this.ElementType = ElementType;
  20099. }
  20100. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  20101. let ptr = 0;
  20102. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  20103. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  20104. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  20105. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  20106. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  20107. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  20108. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  20109. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  20110. let ElementType = tape[ptr++];
  20111. return new IfcDistributionElementType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType);
  20112. }
  20113. ToTape() {
  20114. let args = [];
  20115. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  20116. ;
  20117. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  20118. ;
  20119. args.push(this.Name);
  20120. ;
  20121. args.push(this.Description);
  20122. ;
  20123. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  20124. ;
  20125. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  20126. ;
  20127. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  20128. ;
  20129. args.push(this.Tag);
  20130. ;
  20131. args.push(this.ElementType);
  20132. ;
  20133. return args;
  20134. }
  20135. };
  20136. var IfcDistributionFlowElement = class {
  20137. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag) {
  20138. this.expressID = expressID;
  20139. this.type = type;
  20140. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  20141. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  20142. this.Name = Name;
  20143. this.Description = Description;
  20144. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  20145. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  20146. this.Representation = Representation;
  20147. this.Tag = Tag;
  20148. }
  20149. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  20150. let ptr = 0;
  20151. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  20152. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  20153. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  20154. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  20155. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  20156. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  20157. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  20158. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  20159. return new IfcDistributionFlowElement(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag);
  20160. }
  20161. ToTape() {
  20162. let args = [];
  20163. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  20164. ;
  20165. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  20166. ;
  20167. args.push(this.Name);
  20168. ;
  20169. args.push(this.Description);
  20170. ;
  20171. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  20172. ;
  20173. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  20174. ;
  20175. args.push(this.Representation);
  20176. ;
  20177. args.push(this.Tag);
  20178. ;
  20179. return args;
  20180. }
  20181. };
  20182. var IfcDistributionFlowElementType = class {
  20183. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType) {
  20184. this.expressID = expressID;
  20185. this.type = type;
  20186. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  20187. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  20188. this.Name = Name;
  20189. this.Description = Description;
  20190. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  20191. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  20192. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  20193. this.Tag = Tag;
  20194. this.ElementType = ElementType;
  20195. }
  20196. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  20197. let ptr = 0;
  20198. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  20199. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  20200. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  20201. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  20202. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  20203. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  20204. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  20205. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  20206. let ElementType = tape[ptr++];
  20207. return new IfcDistributionFlowElementType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType);
  20208. }
  20209. ToTape() {
  20210. let args = [];
  20211. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  20212. ;
  20213. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  20214. ;
  20215. args.push(this.Name);
  20216. ;
  20217. args.push(this.Description);
  20218. ;
  20219. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  20220. ;
  20221. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  20222. ;
  20223. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  20224. ;
  20225. args.push(this.Tag);
  20226. ;
  20227. args.push(this.ElementType);
  20228. ;
  20229. return args;
  20230. }
  20231. };
  20232. var IfcDistributionPort = class {
  20233. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, FlowDirection, PredefinedType, SystemType) {
  20234. this.expressID = expressID;
  20235. this.type = type;
  20236. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  20237. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  20238. this.Name = Name;
  20239. this.Description = Description;
  20240. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  20241. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  20242. this.Representation = Representation;
  20243. this.FlowDirection = FlowDirection;
  20244. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  20245. this.SystemType = SystemType;
  20246. }
  20247. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  20248. let ptr = 0;
  20249. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  20250. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  20251. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  20252. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  20253. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  20254. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  20255. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  20256. let FlowDirection = tape[ptr++];
  20257. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  20258. let SystemType = tape[ptr++];
  20259. return new IfcDistributionPort(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, FlowDirection, PredefinedType, SystemType);
  20260. }
  20261. ToTape() {
  20262. let args = [];
  20263. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  20264. ;
  20265. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  20266. ;
  20267. args.push(this.Name);
  20268. ;
  20269. args.push(this.Description);
  20270. ;
  20271. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  20272. ;
  20273. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  20274. ;
  20275. args.push(this.Representation);
  20276. ;
  20277. args.push(this.FlowDirection);
  20278. ;
  20279. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  20280. ;
  20281. args.push(this.SystemType);
  20282. ;
  20283. return args;
  20284. }
  20285. };
  20286. var IfcDistributionSystem = class {
  20287. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, LongName, PredefinedType) {
  20288. this.expressID = expressID;
  20289. this.type = type;
  20290. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  20291. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  20292. this.Name = Name;
  20293. this.Description = Description;
  20294. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  20295. this.LongName = LongName;
  20296. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  20297. }
  20298. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  20299. let ptr = 0;
  20300. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  20301. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  20302. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  20303. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  20304. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  20305. let LongName = tape[ptr++];
  20306. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  20307. return new IfcDistributionSystem(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, LongName, PredefinedType);
  20308. }
  20309. ToTape() {
  20310. let args = [];
  20311. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  20312. ;
  20313. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  20314. ;
  20315. args.push(this.Name);
  20316. ;
  20317. args.push(this.Description);
  20318. ;
  20319. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  20320. ;
  20321. args.push(this.LongName);
  20322. ;
  20323. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  20324. ;
  20325. return args;
  20326. }
  20327. };
  20328. var IfcDocumentInformation = class {
  20329. constructor(expressID, type, Identification, Name, Description, Location, Purpose, IntendedUse, Scope, Revision, DocumentOwner, Editors, CreationTime, LastRevisionTime, ElectronicFormat, ValidFrom, ValidUntil, Confidentiality, Status) {
  20330. this.expressID = expressID;
  20331. this.type = type;
  20332. this.Identification = Identification;
  20333. this.Name = Name;
  20334. this.Description = Description;
  20335. this.Location = Location;
  20336. this.Purpose = Purpose;
  20337. this.IntendedUse = IntendedUse;
  20338. this.Scope = Scope;
  20339. this.Revision = Revision;
  20340. this.DocumentOwner = DocumentOwner;
  20341. this.Editors = Editors;
  20342. this.CreationTime = CreationTime;
  20343. this.LastRevisionTime = LastRevisionTime;
  20344. this.ElectronicFormat = ElectronicFormat;
  20345. this.ValidFrom = ValidFrom;
  20346. this.ValidUntil = ValidUntil;
  20347. this.Confidentiality = Confidentiality;
  20348. this.Status = Status;
  20349. }
  20350. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  20351. let ptr = 0;
  20352. let Identification = tape[ptr++];
  20353. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  20354. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  20355. let Location = tape[ptr++];
  20356. let Purpose = tape[ptr++];
  20357. let IntendedUse = tape[ptr++];
  20358. let Scope = tape[ptr++];
  20359. let Revision = tape[ptr++];
  20360. let DocumentOwner = tape[ptr++];
  20361. let Editors = tape[ptr++];
  20362. let CreationTime = tape[ptr++];
  20363. let LastRevisionTime = tape[ptr++];
  20364. let ElectronicFormat = tape[ptr++];
  20365. let ValidFrom = tape[ptr++];
  20366. let ValidUntil = tape[ptr++];
  20367. let Confidentiality = tape[ptr++];
  20368. let Status = tape[ptr++];
  20369. return new IfcDocumentInformation(expressID, type, Identification, Name, Description, Location, Purpose, IntendedUse, Scope, Revision, DocumentOwner, Editors, CreationTime, LastRevisionTime, ElectronicFormat, ValidFrom, ValidUntil, Confidentiality, Status);
  20370. }
  20371. ToTape() {
  20372. let args = [];
  20373. args.push(this.Identification);
  20374. ;
  20375. args.push(this.Name);
  20376. ;
  20377. args.push(this.Description);
  20378. ;
  20379. args.push(this.Location);
  20380. ;
  20381. args.push(this.Purpose);
  20382. ;
  20383. args.push(this.IntendedUse);
  20384. ;
  20385. args.push(this.Scope);
  20386. ;
  20387. args.push(this.Revision);
  20388. ;
  20389. args.push(this.DocumentOwner);
  20390. ;
  20391. args.push(this.Editors);
  20392. ;
  20393. args.push(this.CreationTime);
  20394. ;
  20395. args.push(this.LastRevisionTime);
  20396. ;
  20397. args.push(this.ElectronicFormat);
  20398. ;
  20399. args.push(this.ValidFrom);
  20400. ;
  20401. args.push(this.ValidUntil);
  20402. ;
  20403. args.push(this.Confidentiality);
  20404. ;
  20405. args.push(this.Status);
  20406. ;
  20407. return args;
  20408. }
  20409. };
  20410. var IfcDocumentInformationRelationship = class {
  20411. constructor(expressID, type, Name, Description, RelatingDocument, RelatedDocuments, RelationshipType) {
  20412. this.expressID = expressID;
  20413. this.type = type;
  20414. this.Name = Name;
  20415. this.Description = Description;
  20416. this.RelatingDocument = RelatingDocument;
  20417. this.RelatedDocuments = RelatedDocuments;
  20418. this.RelationshipType = RelationshipType;
  20419. }
  20420. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  20421. let ptr = 0;
  20422. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  20423. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  20424. let RelatingDocument = tape[ptr++];
  20425. let RelatedDocuments = tape[ptr++];
  20426. let RelationshipType = tape[ptr++];
  20427. return new IfcDocumentInformationRelationship(expressID, type, Name, Description, RelatingDocument, RelatedDocuments, RelationshipType);
  20428. }
  20429. ToTape() {
  20430. let args = [];
  20431. args.push(this.Name);
  20432. ;
  20433. args.push(this.Description);
  20434. ;
  20435. args.push(this.RelatingDocument);
  20436. ;
  20437. args.push(this.RelatedDocuments);
  20438. ;
  20439. args.push(this.RelationshipType);
  20440. ;
  20441. return args;
  20442. }
  20443. };
  20444. var IfcDocumentReference = class {
  20445. constructor(expressID, type, Location, Identification, Name, Description, ReferencedDocument) {
  20446. this.expressID = expressID;
  20447. this.type = type;
  20448. this.Location = Location;
  20449. this.Identification = Identification;
  20450. this.Name = Name;
  20451. this.Description = Description;
  20452. this.ReferencedDocument = ReferencedDocument;
  20453. }
  20454. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  20455. let ptr = 0;
  20456. let Location = tape[ptr++];
  20457. let Identification = tape[ptr++];
  20458. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  20459. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  20460. let ReferencedDocument = tape[ptr++];
  20461. return new IfcDocumentReference(expressID, type, Location, Identification, Name, Description, ReferencedDocument);
  20462. }
  20463. ToTape() {
  20464. let args = [];
  20465. args.push(this.Location);
  20466. ;
  20467. args.push(this.Identification);
  20468. ;
  20469. args.push(this.Name);
  20470. ;
  20471. args.push(this.Description);
  20472. ;
  20473. args.push(this.ReferencedDocument);
  20474. ;
  20475. return args;
  20476. }
  20477. };
  20478. var IfcDoor = class {
  20479. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, OverallHeight, OverallWidth, PredefinedType, OperationType, UserDefinedOperationType) {
  20480. this.expressID = expressID;
  20481. this.type = type;
  20482. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  20483. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  20484. this.Name = Name;
  20485. this.Description = Description;
  20486. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  20487. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  20488. this.Representation = Representation;
  20489. this.Tag = Tag;
  20490. this.OverallHeight = OverallHeight;
  20491. this.OverallWidth = OverallWidth;
  20492. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  20493. this.OperationType = OperationType;
  20494. this.UserDefinedOperationType = UserDefinedOperationType;
  20495. }
  20496. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  20497. let ptr = 0;
  20498. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  20499. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  20500. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  20501. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  20502. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  20503. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  20504. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  20505. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  20506. let OverallHeight = tape[ptr++];
  20507. let OverallWidth = tape[ptr++];
  20508. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  20509. let OperationType = tape[ptr++];
  20510. let UserDefinedOperationType = tape[ptr++];
  20511. return new IfcDoor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, OverallHeight, OverallWidth, PredefinedType, OperationType, UserDefinedOperationType);
  20512. }
  20513. ToTape() {
  20514. let args = [];
  20515. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  20516. ;
  20517. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  20518. ;
  20519. args.push(this.Name);
  20520. ;
  20521. args.push(this.Description);
  20522. ;
  20523. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  20524. ;
  20525. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  20526. ;
  20527. args.push(this.Representation);
  20528. ;
  20529. args.push(this.Tag);
  20530. ;
  20531. args.push(this.OverallHeight);
  20532. ;
  20533. args.push(this.OverallWidth);
  20534. ;
  20535. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  20536. ;
  20537. args.push(this.OperationType);
  20538. ;
  20539. args.push(this.UserDefinedOperationType);
  20540. ;
  20541. return args;
  20542. }
  20543. };
  20544. var IfcDoorLiningProperties = class {
  20545. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, LiningDepth, LiningThickness, ThresholdDepth, ThresholdThickness, TransomThickness, TransomOffset, LiningOffset, ThresholdOffset, CasingThickness, CasingDepth, ShapeAspectStyle, LiningToPanelOffsetX, LiningToPanelOffsetY) {
  20546. this.expressID = expressID;
  20547. this.type = type;
  20548. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  20549. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  20550. this.Name = Name;
  20551. this.Description = Description;
  20552. this.LiningDepth = LiningDepth;
  20553. this.LiningThickness = LiningThickness;
  20554. this.ThresholdDepth = ThresholdDepth;
  20555. this.ThresholdThickness = ThresholdThickness;
  20556. this.TransomThickness = TransomThickness;
  20557. this.TransomOffset = TransomOffset;
  20558. this.LiningOffset = LiningOffset;
  20559. this.ThresholdOffset = ThresholdOffset;
  20560. this.CasingThickness = CasingThickness;
  20561. this.CasingDepth = CasingDepth;
  20562. this.ShapeAspectStyle = ShapeAspectStyle;
  20563. this.LiningToPanelOffsetX = LiningToPanelOffsetX;
  20564. this.LiningToPanelOffsetY = LiningToPanelOffsetY;
  20565. }
  20566. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  20567. let ptr = 0;
  20568. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  20569. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  20570. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  20571. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  20572. let LiningDepth = tape[ptr++];
  20573. let LiningThickness = tape[ptr++];
  20574. let ThresholdDepth = tape[ptr++];
  20575. let ThresholdThickness = tape[ptr++];
  20576. let TransomThickness = tape[ptr++];
  20577. let TransomOffset = tape[ptr++];
  20578. let LiningOffset = tape[ptr++];
  20579. let ThresholdOffset = tape[ptr++];
  20580. let CasingThickness = tape[ptr++];
  20581. let CasingDepth = tape[ptr++];
  20582. let ShapeAspectStyle = tape[ptr++];
  20583. let LiningToPanelOffsetX = tape[ptr++];
  20584. let LiningToPanelOffsetY = tape[ptr++];
  20585. return new IfcDoorLiningProperties(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, LiningDepth, LiningThickness, ThresholdDepth, ThresholdThickness, TransomThickness, TransomOffset, LiningOffset, ThresholdOffset, CasingThickness, CasingDepth, ShapeAspectStyle, LiningToPanelOffsetX, LiningToPanelOffsetY);
  20586. }
  20587. ToTape() {
  20588. let args = [];
  20589. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  20590. ;
  20591. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  20592. ;
  20593. args.push(this.Name);
  20594. ;
  20595. args.push(this.Description);
  20596. ;
  20597. args.push(this.LiningDepth);
  20598. ;
  20599. args.push(this.LiningThickness);
  20600. ;
  20601. args.push(this.ThresholdDepth);
  20602. ;
  20603. args.push(this.ThresholdThickness);
  20604. ;
  20605. args.push(this.TransomThickness);
  20606. ;
  20607. args.push(this.TransomOffset);
  20608. ;
  20609. args.push(this.LiningOffset);
  20610. ;
  20611. args.push(this.ThresholdOffset);
  20612. ;
  20613. args.push(this.CasingThickness);
  20614. ;
  20615. args.push(this.CasingDepth);
  20616. ;
  20617. args.push(this.ShapeAspectStyle);
  20618. ;
  20619. args.push(this.LiningToPanelOffsetX);
  20620. ;
  20621. args.push(this.LiningToPanelOffsetY);
  20622. ;
  20623. return args;
  20624. }
  20625. };
  20626. var IfcDoorPanelProperties = class {
  20627. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, PanelDepth, PanelOperation, PanelWidth, PanelPosition, ShapeAspectStyle) {
  20628. this.expressID = expressID;
  20629. this.type = type;
  20630. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  20631. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  20632. this.Name = Name;
  20633. this.Description = Description;
  20634. this.PanelDepth = PanelDepth;
  20635. this.PanelOperation = PanelOperation;
  20636. this.PanelWidth = PanelWidth;
  20637. this.PanelPosition = PanelPosition;
  20638. this.ShapeAspectStyle = ShapeAspectStyle;
  20639. }
  20640. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  20641. let ptr = 0;
  20642. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  20643. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  20644. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  20645. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  20646. let PanelDepth = tape[ptr++];
  20647. let PanelOperation = tape[ptr++];
  20648. let PanelWidth = tape[ptr++];
  20649. let PanelPosition = tape[ptr++];
  20650. let ShapeAspectStyle = tape[ptr++];
  20651. return new IfcDoorPanelProperties(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, PanelDepth, PanelOperation, PanelWidth, PanelPosition, ShapeAspectStyle);
  20652. }
  20653. ToTape() {
  20654. let args = [];
  20655. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  20656. ;
  20657. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  20658. ;
  20659. args.push(this.Name);
  20660. ;
  20661. args.push(this.Description);
  20662. ;
  20663. args.push(this.PanelDepth);
  20664. ;
  20665. args.push(this.PanelOperation);
  20666. ;
  20667. args.push(this.PanelWidth);
  20668. ;
  20669. args.push(this.PanelPosition);
  20670. ;
  20671. args.push(this.ShapeAspectStyle);
  20672. ;
  20673. return args;
  20674. }
  20675. };
  20676. var IfcDoorStandardCase = class {
  20677. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, OverallHeight, OverallWidth, PredefinedType, OperationType, UserDefinedOperationType) {
  20678. this.expressID = expressID;
  20679. this.type = type;
  20680. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  20681. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  20682. this.Name = Name;
  20683. this.Description = Description;
  20684. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  20685. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  20686. this.Representation = Representation;
  20687. this.Tag = Tag;
  20688. this.OverallHeight = OverallHeight;
  20689. this.OverallWidth = OverallWidth;
  20690. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  20691. this.OperationType = OperationType;
  20692. this.UserDefinedOperationType = UserDefinedOperationType;
  20693. }
  20694. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  20695. let ptr = 0;
  20696. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  20697. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  20698. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  20699. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  20700. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  20701. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  20702. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  20703. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  20704. let OverallHeight = tape[ptr++];
  20705. let OverallWidth = tape[ptr++];
  20706. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  20707. let OperationType = tape[ptr++];
  20708. let UserDefinedOperationType = tape[ptr++];
  20709. return new IfcDoorStandardCase(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, OverallHeight, OverallWidth, PredefinedType, OperationType, UserDefinedOperationType);
  20710. }
  20711. ToTape() {
  20712. let args = [];
  20713. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  20714. ;
  20715. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  20716. ;
  20717. args.push(this.Name);
  20718. ;
  20719. args.push(this.Description);
  20720. ;
  20721. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  20722. ;
  20723. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  20724. ;
  20725. args.push(this.Representation);
  20726. ;
  20727. args.push(this.Tag);
  20728. ;
  20729. args.push(this.OverallHeight);
  20730. ;
  20731. args.push(this.OverallWidth);
  20732. ;
  20733. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  20734. ;
  20735. args.push(this.OperationType);
  20736. ;
  20737. args.push(this.UserDefinedOperationType);
  20738. ;
  20739. return args;
  20740. }
  20741. };
  20742. var IfcDoorStyle = class {
  20743. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, OperationType, ConstructionType, ParameterTakesPrecedence, Sizeable) {
  20744. this.expressID = expressID;
  20745. this.type = type;
  20746. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  20747. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  20748. this.Name = Name;
  20749. this.Description = Description;
  20750. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  20751. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  20752. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  20753. this.Tag = Tag;
  20754. this.OperationType = OperationType;
  20755. this.ConstructionType = ConstructionType;
  20756. this.ParameterTakesPrecedence = ParameterTakesPrecedence;
  20757. this.Sizeable = Sizeable;
  20758. }
  20759. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  20760. let ptr = 0;
  20761. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  20762. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  20763. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  20764. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  20765. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  20766. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  20767. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  20768. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  20769. let OperationType = tape[ptr++];
  20770. let ConstructionType = tape[ptr++];
  20771. let ParameterTakesPrecedence = tape[ptr++];
  20772. let Sizeable = tape[ptr++];
  20773. return new IfcDoorStyle(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, OperationType, ConstructionType, ParameterTakesPrecedence, Sizeable);
  20774. }
  20775. ToTape() {
  20776. let args = [];
  20777. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  20778. ;
  20779. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  20780. ;
  20781. args.push(this.Name);
  20782. ;
  20783. args.push(this.Description);
  20784. ;
  20785. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  20786. ;
  20787. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  20788. ;
  20789. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  20790. ;
  20791. args.push(this.Tag);
  20792. ;
  20793. args.push(this.OperationType);
  20794. ;
  20795. args.push(this.ConstructionType);
  20796. ;
  20797. args.push(this.ParameterTakesPrecedence);
  20798. ;
  20799. args.push(this.Sizeable);
  20800. ;
  20801. return args;
  20802. }
  20803. };
  20804. var IfcDoorType = class {
  20805. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType, OperationType, ParameterTakesPrecedence, UserDefinedOperationType) {
  20806. this.expressID = expressID;
  20807. this.type = type;
  20808. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  20809. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  20810. this.Name = Name;
  20811. this.Description = Description;
  20812. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  20813. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  20814. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  20815. this.Tag = Tag;
  20816. this.ElementType = ElementType;
  20817. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  20818. this.OperationType = OperationType;
  20819. this.ParameterTakesPrecedence = ParameterTakesPrecedence;
  20820. this.UserDefinedOperationType = UserDefinedOperationType;
  20821. }
  20822. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  20823. let ptr = 0;
  20824. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  20825. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  20826. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  20827. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  20828. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  20829. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  20830. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  20831. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  20832. let ElementType = tape[ptr++];
  20833. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  20834. let OperationType = tape[ptr++];
  20835. let ParameterTakesPrecedence = tape[ptr++];
  20836. let UserDefinedOperationType = tape[ptr++];
  20837. return new IfcDoorType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType, OperationType, ParameterTakesPrecedence, UserDefinedOperationType);
  20838. }
  20839. ToTape() {
  20840. let args = [];
  20841. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  20842. ;
  20843. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  20844. ;
  20845. args.push(this.Name);
  20846. ;
  20847. args.push(this.Description);
  20848. ;
  20849. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  20850. ;
  20851. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  20852. ;
  20853. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  20854. ;
  20855. args.push(this.Tag);
  20856. ;
  20857. args.push(this.ElementType);
  20858. ;
  20859. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  20860. ;
  20861. args.push(this.OperationType);
  20862. ;
  20863. args.push(this.ParameterTakesPrecedence);
  20864. ;
  20865. args.push(this.UserDefinedOperationType);
  20866. ;
  20867. return args;
  20868. }
  20869. };
  20870. var IfcDraughtingPreDefinedColour = class {
  20871. constructor(expressID, type, Name) {
  20872. this.expressID = expressID;
  20873. this.type = type;
  20874. this.Name = Name;
  20875. }
  20876. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  20877. let ptr = 0;
  20878. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  20879. return new IfcDraughtingPreDefinedColour(expressID, type, Name);
  20880. }
  20881. ToTape() {
  20882. let args = [];
  20883. args.push(this.Name);
  20884. ;
  20885. return args;
  20886. }
  20887. };
  20888. var IfcDraughtingPreDefinedCurveFont = class {
  20889. constructor(expressID, type, Name) {
  20890. this.expressID = expressID;
  20891. this.type = type;
  20892. this.Name = Name;
  20893. }
  20894. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  20895. let ptr = 0;
  20896. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  20897. return new IfcDraughtingPreDefinedCurveFont(expressID, type, Name);
  20898. }
  20899. ToTape() {
  20900. let args = [];
  20901. args.push(this.Name);
  20902. ;
  20903. return args;
  20904. }
  20905. };
  20906. var IfcDuctFitting = class {
  20907. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType) {
  20908. this.expressID = expressID;
  20909. this.type = type;
  20910. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  20911. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  20912. this.Name = Name;
  20913. this.Description = Description;
  20914. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  20915. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  20916. this.Representation = Representation;
  20917. this.Tag = Tag;
  20918. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  20919. }
  20920. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  20921. let ptr = 0;
  20922. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  20923. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  20924. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  20925. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  20926. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  20927. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  20928. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  20929. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  20930. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  20931. return new IfcDuctFitting(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType);
  20932. }
  20933. ToTape() {
  20934. let args = [];
  20935. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  20936. ;
  20937. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  20938. ;
  20939. args.push(this.Name);
  20940. ;
  20941. args.push(this.Description);
  20942. ;
  20943. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  20944. ;
  20945. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  20946. ;
  20947. args.push(this.Representation);
  20948. ;
  20949. args.push(this.Tag);
  20950. ;
  20951. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  20952. ;
  20953. return args;
  20954. }
  20955. };
  20956. var IfcDuctFittingType = class {
  20957. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType) {
  20958. this.expressID = expressID;
  20959. this.type = type;
  20960. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  20961. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  20962. this.Name = Name;
  20963. this.Description = Description;
  20964. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  20965. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  20966. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  20967. this.Tag = Tag;
  20968. this.ElementType = ElementType;
  20969. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  20970. }
  20971. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  20972. let ptr = 0;
  20973. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  20974. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  20975. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  20976. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  20977. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  20978. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  20979. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  20980. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  20981. let ElementType = tape[ptr++];
  20982. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  20983. return new IfcDuctFittingType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType);
  20984. }
  20985. ToTape() {
  20986. let args = [];
  20987. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  20988. ;
  20989. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  20990. ;
  20991. args.push(this.Name);
  20992. ;
  20993. args.push(this.Description);
  20994. ;
  20995. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  20996. ;
  20997. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  20998. ;
  20999. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  21000. ;
  21001. args.push(this.Tag);
  21002. ;
  21003. args.push(this.ElementType);
  21004. ;
  21005. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  21006. ;
  21007. return args;
  21008. }
  21009. };
  21010. var IfcDuctSegment = class {
  21011. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType) {
  21012. this.expressID = expressID;
  21013. this.type = type;
  21014. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  21015. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  21016. this.Name = Name;
  21017. this.Description = Description;
  21018. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  21019. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  21020. this.Representation = Representation;
  21021. this.Tag = Tag;
  21022. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  21023. }
  21024. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  21025. let ptr = 0;
  21026. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  21027. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  21028. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  21029. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  21030. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  21031. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  21032. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  21033. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  21034. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  21035. return new IfcDuctSegment(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType);
  21036. }
  21037. ToTape() {
  21038. let args = [];
  21039. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  21040. ;
  21041. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  21042. ;
  21043. args.push(this.Name);
  21044. ;
  21045. args.push(this.Description);
  21046. ;
  21047. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  21048. ;
  21049. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  21050. ;
  21051. args.push(this.Representation);
  21052. ;
  21053. args.push(this.Tag);
  21054. ;
  21055. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  21056. ;
  21057. return args;
  21058. }
  21059. };
  21060. var IfcDuctSegmentType = class {
  21061. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType) {
  21062. this.expressID = expressID;
  21063. this.type = type;
  21064. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  21065. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  21066. this.Name = Name;
  21067. this.Description = Description;
  21068. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  21069. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  21070. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  21071. this.Tag = Tag;
  21072. this.ElementType = ElementType;
  21073. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  21074. }
  21075. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  21076. let ptr = 0;
  21077. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  21078. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  21079. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  21080. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  21081. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  21082. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  21083. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  21084. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  21085. let ElementType = tape[ptr++];
  21086. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  21087. return new IfcDuctSegmentType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType);
  21088. }
  21089. ToTape() {
  21090. let args = [];
  21091. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  21092. ;
  21093. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  21094. ;
  21095. args.push(this.Name);
  21096. ;
  21097. args.push(this.Description);
  21098. ;
  21099. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  21100. ;
  21101. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  21102. ;
  21103. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  21104. ;
  21105. args.push(this.Tag);
  21106. ;
  21107. args.push(this.ElementType);
  21108. ;
  21109. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  21110. ;
  21111. return args;
  21112. }
  21113. };
  21114. var IfcDuctSilencer = class {
  21115. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType) {
  21116. this.expressID = expressID;
  21117. this.type = type;
  21118. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  21119. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  21120. this.Name = Name;
  21121. this.Description = Description;
  21122. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  21123. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  21124. this.Representation = Representation;
  21125. this.Tag = Tag;
  21126. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  21127. }
  21128. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  21129. let ptr = 0;
  21130. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  21131. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  21132. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  21133. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  21134. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  21135. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  21136. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  21137. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  21138. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  21139. return new IfcDuctSilencer(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType);
  21140. }
  21141. ToTape() {
  21142. let args = [];
  21143. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  21144. ;
  21145. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  21146. ;
  21147. args.push(this.Name);
  21148. ;
  21149. args.push(this.Description);
  21150. ;
  21151. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  21152. ;
  21153. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  21154. ;
  21155. args.push(this.Representation);
  21156. ;
  21157. args.push(this.Tag);
  21158. ;
  21159. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  21160. ;
  21161. return args;
  21162. }
  21163. };
  21164. var IfcDuctSilencerType = class {
  21165. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType) {
  21166. this.expressID = expressID;
  21167. this.type = type;
  21168. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  21169. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  21170. this.Name = Name;
  21171. this.Description = Description;
  21172. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  21173. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  21174. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  21175. this.Tag = Tag;
  21176. this.ElementType = ElementType;
  21177. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  21178. }
  21179. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  21180. let ptr = 0;
  21181. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  21182. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  21183. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  21184. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  21185. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  21186. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  21187. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  21188. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  21189. let ElementType = tape[ptr++];
  21190. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  21191. return new IfcDuctSilencerType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType);
  21192. }
  21193. ToTape() {
  21194. let args = [];
  21195. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  21196. ;
  21197. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  21198. ;
  21199. args.push(this.Name);
  21200. ;
  21201. args.push(this.Description);
  21202. ;
  21203. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  21204. ;
  21205. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  21206. ;
  21207. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  21208. ;
  21209. args.push(this.Tag);
  21210. ;
  21211. args.push(this.ElementType);
  21212. ;
  21213. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  21214. ;
  21215. return args;
  21216. }
  21217. };
  21218. var IfcEdge = class {
  21219. constructor(expressID, type, EdgeStart, EdgeEnd) {
  21220. this.expressID = expressID;
  21221. this.type = type;
  21222. this.EdgeStart = EdgeStart;
  21223. this.EdgeEnd = EdgeEnd;
  21224. }
  21225. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  21226. let ptr = 0;
  21227. let EdgeStart = tape[ptr++];
  21228. let EdgeEnd = tape[ptr++];
  21229. return new IfcEdge(expressID, type, EdgeStart, EdgeEnd);
  21230. }
  21231. ToTape() {
  21232. let args = [];
  21233. args.push(this.EdgeStart);
  21234. ;
  21235. args.push(this.EdgeEnd);
  21236. ;
  21237. return args;
  21238. }
  21239. };
  21240. var IfcEdgeCurve = class {
  21241. constructor(expressID, type, EdgeStart, EdgeEnd, EdgeGeometry, SameSense) {
  21242. this.expressID = expressID;
  21243. this.type = type;
  21244. this.EdgeStart = EdgeStart;
  21245. this.EdgeEnd = EdgeEnd;
  21246. this.EdgeGeometry = EdgeGeometry;
  21247. this.SameSense = SameSense;
  21248. }
  21249. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  21250. let ptr = 0;
  21251. let EdgeStart = tape[ptr++];
  21252. let EdgeEnd = tape[ptr++];
  21253. let EdgeGeometry = tape[ptr++];
  21254. let SameSense = tape[ptr++];
  21255. return new IfcEdgeCurve(expressID, type, EdgeStart, EdgeEnd, EdgeGeometry, SameSense);
  21256. }
  21257. ToTape() {
  21258. let args = [];
  21259. args.push(this.EdgeStart);
  21260. ;
  21261. args.push(this.EdgeEnd);
  21262. ;
  21263. args.push(this.EdgeGeometry);
  21264. ;
  21265. args.push(this.SameSense);
  21266. ;
  21267. return args;
  21268. }
  21269. };
  21270. var IfcEdgeLoop = class {
  21271. constructor(expressID, type, EdgeList) {
  21272. this.expressID = expressID;
  21273. this.type = type;
  21274. this.EdgeList = EdgeList;
  21275. }
  21276. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  21277. let ptr = 0;
  21278. let EdgeList = tape[ptr++];
  21279. return new IfcEdgeLoop(expressID, type, EdgeList);
  21280. }
  21281. ToTape() {
  21282. let args = [];
  21283. args.push(this.EdgeList);
  21284. ;
  21285. return args;
  21286. }
  21287. };
  21288. var IfcElectricAppliance = class {
  21289. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType) {
  21290. this.expressID = expressID;
  21291. this.type = type;
  21292. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  21293. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  21294. this.Name = Name;
  21295. this.Description = Description;
  21296. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  21297. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  21298. this.Representation = Representation;
  21299. this.Tag = Tag;
  21300. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  21301. }
  21302. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  21303. let ptr = 0;
  21304. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  21305. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  21306. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  21307. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  21308. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  21309. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  21310. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  21311. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  21312. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  21313. return new IfcElectricAppliance(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType);
  21314. }
  21315. ToTape() {
  21316. let args = [];
  21317. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  21318. ;
  21319. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  21320. ;
  21321. args.push(this.Name);
  21322. ;
  21323. args.push(this.Description);
  21324. ;
  21325. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  21326. ;
  21327. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  21328. ;
  21329. args.push(this.Representation);
  21330. ;
  21331. args.push(this.Tag);
  21332. ;
  21333. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  21334. ;
  21335. return args;
  21336. }
  21337. };
  21338. var IfcElectricApplianceType = class {
  21339. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType) {
  21340. this.expressID = expressID;
  21341. this.type = type;
  21342. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  21343. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  21344. this.Name = Name;
  21345. this.Description = Description;
  21346. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  21347. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  21348. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  21349. this.Tag = Tag;
  21350. this.ElementType = ElementType;
  21351. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  21352. }
  21353. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  21354. let ptr = 0;
  21355. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  21356. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  21357. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  21358. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  21359. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  21360. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  21361. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  21362. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  21363. let ElementType = tape[ptr++];
  21364. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  21365. return new IfcElectricApplianceType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType);
  21366. }
  21367. ToTape() {
  21368. let args = [];
  21369. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  21370. ;
  21371. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  21372. ;
  21373. args.push(this.Name);
  21374. ;
  21375. args.push(this.Description);
  21376. ;
  21377. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  21378. ;
  21379. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  21380. ;
  21381. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  21382. ;
  21383. args.push(this.Tag);
  21384. ;
  21385. args.push(this.ElementType);
  21386. ;
  21387. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  21388. ;
  21389. return args;
  21390. }
  21391. };
  21392. var IfcElectricDistributionBoard = class {
  21393. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType) {
  21394. this.expressID = expressID;
  21395. this.type = type;
  21396. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  21397. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  21398. this.Name = Name;
  21399. this.Description = Description;
  21400. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  21401. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  21402. this.Representation = Representation;
  21403. this.Tag = Tag;
  21404. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  21405. }
  21406. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  21407. let ptr = 0;
  21408. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  21409. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  21410. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  21411. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  21412. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  21413. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  21414. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  21415. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  21416. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  21417. return new IfcElectricDistributionBoard(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType);
  21418. }
  21419. ToTape() {
  21420. let args = [];
  21421. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  21422. ;
  21423. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  21424. ;
  21425. args.push(this.Name);
  21426. ;
  21427. args.push(this.Description);
  21428. ;
  21429. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  21430. ;
  21431. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  21432. ;
  21433. args.push(this.Representation);
  21434. ;
  21435. args.push(this.Tag);
  21436. ;
  21437. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  21438. ;
  21439. return args;
  21440. }
  21441. };
  21442. var IfcElectricDistributionBoardType = class {
  21443. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType) {
  21444. this.expressID = expressID;
  21445. this.type = type;
  21446. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  21447. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  21448. this.Name = Name;
  21449. this.Description = Description;
  21450. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  21451. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  21452. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  21453. this.Tag = Tag;
  21454. this.ElementType = ElementType;
  21455. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  21456. }
  21457. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  21458. let ptr = 0;
  21459. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  21460. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  21461. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  21462. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  21463. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  21464. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  21465. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  21466. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  21467. let ElementType = tape[ptr++];
  21468. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  21469. return new IfcElectricDistributionBoardType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType);
  21470. }
  21471. ToTape() {
  21472. let args = [];
  21473. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  21474. ;
  21475. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  21476. ;
  21477. args.push(this.Name);
  21478. ;
  21479. args.push(this.Description);
  21480. ;
  21481. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  21482. ;
  21483. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  21484. ;
  21485. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  21486. ;
  21487. args.push(this.Tag);
  21488. ;
  21489. args.push(this.ElementType);
  21490. ;
  21491. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  21492. ;
  21493. return args;
  21494. }
  21495. };
  21496. var IfcElectricFlowStorageDevice = class {
  21497. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType) {
  21498. this.expressID = expressID;
  21499. this.type = type;
  21500. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  21501. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  21502. this.Name = Name;
  21503. this.Description = Description;
  21504. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  21505. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  21506. this.Representation = Representation;
  21507. this.Tag = Tag;
  21508. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  21509. }
  21510. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  21511. let ptr = 0;
  21512. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  21513. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  21514. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  21515. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  21516. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  21517. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  21518. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  21519. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  21520. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  21521. return new IfcElectricFlowStorageDevice(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType);
  21522. }
  21523. ToTape() {
  21524. let args = [];
  21525. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  21526. ;
  21527. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  21528. ;
  21529. args.push(this.Name);
  21530. ;
  21531. args.push(this.Description);
  21532. ;
  21533. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  21534. ;
  21535. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  21536. ;
  21537. args.push(this.Representation);
  21538. ;
  21539. args.push(this.Tag);
  21540. ;
  21541. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  21542. ;
  21543. return args;
  21544. }
  21545. };
  21546. var IfcElectricFlowStorageDeviceType = class {
  21547. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType) {
  21548. this.expressID = expressID;
  21549. this.type = type;
  21550. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  21551. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  21552. this.Name = Name;
  21553. this.Description = Description;
  21554. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  21555. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  21556. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  21557. this.Tag = Tag;
  21558. this.ElementType = ElementType;
  21559. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  21560. }
  21561. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  21562. let ptr = 0;
  21563. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  21564. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  21565. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  21566. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  21567. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  21568. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  21569. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  21570. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  21571. let ElementType = tape[ptr++];
  21572. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  21573. return new IfcElectricFlowStorageDeviceType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType);
  21574. }
  21575. ToTape() {
  21576. let args = [];
  21577. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  21578. ;
  21579. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  21580. ;
  21581. args.push(this.Name);
  21582. ;
  21583. args.push(this.Description);
  21584. ;
  21585. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  21586. ;
  21587. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  21588. ;
  21589. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  21590. ;
  21591. args.push(this.Tag);
  21592. ;
  21593. args.push(this.ElementType);
  21594. ;
  21595. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  21596. ;
  21597. return args;
  21598. }
  21599. };
  21600. var IfcElectricGenerator = class {
  21601. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType) {
  21602. this.expressID = expressID;
  21603. this.type = type;
  21604. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  21605. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  21606. this.Name = Name;
  21607. this.Description = Description;
  21608. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  21609. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  21610. this.Representation = Representation;
  21611. this.Tag = Tag;
  21612. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  21613. }
  21614. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  21615. let ptr = 0;
  21616. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  21617. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  21618. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  21619. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  21620. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  21621. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  21622. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  21623. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  21624. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  21625. return new IfcElectricGenerator(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType);
  21626. }
  21627. ToTape() {
  21628. let args = [];
  21629. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  21630. ;
  21631. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  21632. ;
  21633. args.push(this.Name);
  21634. ;
  21635. args.push(this.Description);
  21636. ;
  21637. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  21638. ;
  21639. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  21640. ;
  21641. args.push(this.Representation);
  21642. ;
  21643. args.push(this.Tag);
  21644. ;
  21645. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  21646. ;
  21647. return args;
  21648. }
  21649. };
  21650. var IfcElectricGeneratorType = class {
  21651. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType) {
  21652. this.expressID = expressID;
  21653. this.type = type;
  21654. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  21655. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  21656. this.Name = Name;
  21657. this.Description = Description;
  21658. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  21659. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  21660. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  21661. this.Tag = Tag;
  21662. this.ElementType = ElementType;
  21663. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  21664. }
  21665. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  21666. let ptr = 0;
  21667. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  21668. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  21669. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  21670. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  21671. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  21672. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  21673. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  21674. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  21675. let ElementType = tape[ptr++];
  21676. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  21677. return new IfcElectricGeneratorType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType);
  21678. }
  21679. ToTape() {
  21680. let args = [];
  21681. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  21682. ;
  21683. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  21684. ;
  21685. args.push(this.Name);
  21686. ;
  21687. args.push(this.Description);
  21688. ;
  21689. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  21690. ;
  21691. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  21692. ;
  21693. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  21694. ;
  21695. args.push(this.Tag);
  21696. ;
  21697. args.push(this.ElementType);
  21698. ;
  21699. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  21700. ;
  21701. return args;
  21702. }
  21703. };
  21704. var IfcElectricMotor = class {
  21705. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType) {
  21706. this.expressID = expressID;
  21707. this.type = type;
  21708. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  21709. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  21710. this.Name = Name;
  21711. this.Description = Description;
  21712. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  21713. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  21714. this.Representation = Representation;
  21715. this.Tag = Tag;
  21716. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  21717. }
  21718. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  21719. let ptr = 0;
  21720. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  21721. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  21722. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  21723. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  21724. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  21725. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  21726. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  21727. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  21728. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  21729. return new IfcElectricMotor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType);
  21730. }
  21731. ToTape() {
  21732. let args = [];
  21733. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  21734. ;
  21735. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  21736. ;
  21737. args.push(this.Name);
  21738. ;
  21739. args.push(this.Description);
  21740. ;
  21741. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  21742. ;
  21743. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  21744. ;
  21745. args.push(this.Representation);
  21746. ;
  21747. args.push(this.Tag);
  21748. ;
  21749. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  21750. ;
  21751. return args;
  21752. }
  21753. };
  21754. var IfcElectricMotorType = class {
  21755. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType) {
  21756. this.expressID = expressID;
  21757. this.type = type;
  21758. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  21759. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  21760. this.Name = Name;
  21761. this.Description = Description;
  21762. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  21763. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  21764. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  21765. this.Tag = Tag;
  21766. this.ElementType = ElementType;
  21767. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  21768. }
  21769. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  21770. let ptr = 0;
  21771. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  21772. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  21773. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  21774. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  21775. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  21776. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  21777. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  21778. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  21779. let ElementType = tape[ptr++];
  21780. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  21781. return new IfcElectricMotorType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType);
  21782. }
  21783. ToTape() {
  21784. let args = [];
  21785. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  21786. ;
  21787. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  21788. ;
  21789. args.push(this.Name);
  21790. ;
  21791. args.push(this.Description);
  21792. ;
  21793. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  21794. ;
  21795. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  21796. ;
  21797. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  21798. ;
  21799. args.push(this.Tag);
  21800. ;
  21801. args.push(this.ElementType);
  21802. ;
  21803. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  21804. ;
  21805. return args;
  21806. }
  21807. };
  21808. var IfcElectricTimeControl = class {
  21809. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType) {
  21810. this.expressID = expressID;
  21811. this.type = type;
  21812. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  21813. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  21814. this.Name = Name;
  21815. this.Description = Description;
  21816. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  21817. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  21818. this.Representation = Representation;
  21819. this.Tag = Tag;
  21820. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  21821. }
  21822. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  21823. let ptr = 0;
  21824. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  21825. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  21826. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  21827. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  21828. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  21829. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  21830. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  21831. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  21832. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  21833. return new IfcElectricTimeControl(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType);
  21834. }
  21835. ToTape() {
  21836. let args = [];
  21837. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  21838. ;
  21839. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  21840. ;
  21841. args.push(this.Name);
  21842. ;
  21843. args.push(this.Description);
  21844. ;
  21845. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  21846. ;
  21847. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  21848. ;
  21849. args.push(this.Representation);
  21850. ;
  21851. args.push(this.Tag);
  21852. ;
  21853. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  21854. ;
  21855. return args;
  21856. }
  21857. };
  21858. var IfcElectricTimeControlType = class {
  21859. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType) {
  21860. this.expressID = expressID;
  21861. this.type = type;
  21862. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  21863. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  21864. this.Name = Name;
  21865. this.Description = Description;
  21866. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  21867. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  21868. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  21869. this.Tag = Tag;
  21870. this.ElementType = ElementType;
  21871. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  21872. }
  21873. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  21874. let ptr = 0;
  21875. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  21876. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  21877. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  21878. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  21879. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  21880. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  21881. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  21882. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  21883. let ElementType = tape[ptr++];
  21884. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  21885. return new IfcElectricTimeControlType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType);
  21886. }
  21887. ToTape() {
  21888. let args = [];
  21889. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  21890. ;
  21891. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  21892. ;
  21893. args.push(this.Name);
  21894. ;
  21895. args.push(this.Description);
  21896. ;
  21897. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  21898. ;
  21899. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  21900. ;
  21901. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  21902. ;
  21903. args.push(this.Tag);
  21904. ;
  21905. args.push(this.ElementType);
  21906. ;
  21907. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  21908. ;
  21909. return args;
  21910. }
  21911. };
  21912. var IfcElement = class {
  21913. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag) {
  21914. this.expressID = expressID;
  21915. this.type = type;
  21916. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  21917. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  21918. this.Name = Name;
  21919. this.Description = Description;
  21920. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  21921. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  21922. this.Representation = Representation;
  21923. this.Tag = Tag;
  21924. }
  21925. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  21926. let ptr = 0;
  21927. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  21928. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  21929. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  21930. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  21931. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  21932. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  21933. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  21934. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  21935. return new IfcElement(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag);
  21936. }
  21937. ToTape() {
  21938. let args = [];
  21939. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  21940. ;
  21941. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  21942. ;
  21943. args.push(this.Name);
  21944. ;
  21945. args.push(this.Description);
  21946. ;
  21947. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  21948. ;
  21949. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  21950. ;
  21951. args.push(this.Representation);
  21952. ;
  21953. args.push(this.Tag);
  21954. ;
  21955. return args;
  21956. }
  21957. };
  21958. var IfcElementAssembly = class {
  21959. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, AssemblyPlace, PredefinedType) {
  21960. this.expressID = expressID;
  21961. this.type = type;
  21962. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  21963. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  21964. this.Name = Name;
  21965. this.Description = Description;
  21966. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  21967. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  21968. this.Representation = Representation;
  21969. this.Tag = Tag;
  21970. this.AssemblyPlace = AssemblyPlace;
  21971. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  21972. }
  21973. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  21974. let ptr = 0;
  21975. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  21976. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  21977. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  21978. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  21979. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  21980. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  21981. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  21982. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  21983. let AssemblyPlace = tape[ptr++];
  21984. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  21985. return new IfcElementAssembly(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, AssemblyPlace, PredefinedType);
  21986. }
  21987. ToTape() {
  21988. let args = [];
  21989. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  21990. ;
  21991. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  21992. ;
  21993. args.push(this.Name);
  21994. ;
  21995. args.push(this.Description);
  21996. ;
  21997. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  21998. ;
  21999. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  22000. ;
  22001. args.push(this.Representation);
  22002. ;
  22003. args.push(this.Tag);
  22004. ;
  22005. args.push(this.AssemblyPlace);
  22006. ;
  22007. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  22008. ;
  22009. return args;
  22010. }
  22011. };
  22012. var IfcElementAssemblyType = class {
  22013. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType) {
  22014. this.expressID = expressID;
  22015. this.type = type;
  22016. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  22017. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  22018. this.Name = Name;
  22019. this.Description = Description;
  22020. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  22021. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  22022. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  22023. this.Tag = Tag;
  22024. this.ElementType = ElementType;
  22025. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  22026. }
  22027. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  22028. let ptr = 0;
  22029. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  22030. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  22031. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  22032. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  22033. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  22034. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  22035. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  22036. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  22037. let ElementType = tape[ptr++];
  22038. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  22039. return new IfcElementAssemblyType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType);
  22040. }
  22041. ToTape() {
  22042. let args = [];
  22043. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  22044. ;
  22045. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  22046. ;
  22047. args.push(this.Name);
  22048. ;
  22049. args.push(this.Description);
  22050. ;
  22051. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  22052. ;
  22053. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  22054. ;
  22055. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  22056. ;
  22057. args.push(this.Tag);
  22058. ;
  22059. args.push(this.ElementType);
  22060. ;
  22061. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  22062. ;
  22063. return args;
  22064. }
  22065. };
  22066. var IfcElementComponent = class {
  22067. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag) {
  22068. this.expressID = expressID;
  22069. this.type = type;
  22070. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  22071. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  22072. this.Name = Name;
  22073. this.Description = Description;
  22074. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  22075. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  22076. this.Representation = Representation;
  22077. this.Tag = Tag;
  22078. }
  22079. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  22080. let ptr = 0;
  22081. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  22082. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  22083. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  22084. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  22085. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  22086. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  22087. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  22088. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  22089. return new IfcElementComponent(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag);
  22090. }
  22091. ToTape() {
  22092. let args = [];
  22093. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  22094. ;
  22095. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  22096. ;
  22097. args.push(this.Name);
  22098. ;
  22099. args.push(this.Description);
  22100. ;
  22101. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  22102. ;
  22103. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  22104. ;
  22105. args.push(this.Representation);
  22106. ;
  22107. args.push(this.Tag);
  22108. ;
  22109. return args;
  22110. }
  22111. };
  22112. var IfcElementComponentType = class {
  22113. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType) {
  22114. this.expressID = expressID;
  22115. this.type = type;
  22116. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  22117. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  22118. this.Name = Name;
  22119. this.Description = Description;
  22120. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  22121. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  22122. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  22123. this.Tag = Tag;
  22124. this.ElementType = ElementType;
  22125. }
  22126. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  22127. let ptr = 0;
  22128. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  22129. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  22130. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  22131. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  22132. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  22133. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  22134. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  22135. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  22136. let ElementType = tape[ptr++];
  22137. return new IfcElementComponentType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType);
  22138. }
  22139. ToTape() {
  22140. let args = [];
  22141. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  22142. ;
  22143. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  22144. ;
  22145. args.push(this.Name);
  22146. ;
  22147. args.push(this.Description);
  22148. ;
  22149. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  22150. ;
  22151. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  22152. ;
  22153. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  22154. ;
  22155. args.push(this.Tag);
  22156. ;
  22157. args.push(this.ElementType);
  22158. ;
  22159. return args;
  22160. }
  22161. };
  22162. var IfcElementQuantity = class {
  22163. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, MethodOfMeasurement, Quantities) {
  22164. this.expressID = expressID;
  22165. this.type = type;
  22166. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  22167. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  22168. this.Name = Name;
  22169. this.Description = Description;
  22170. this.MethodOfMeasurement = MethodOfMeasurement;
  22171. this.Quantities = Quantities;
  22172. }
  22173. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  22174. let ptr = 0;
  22175. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  22176. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  22177. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  22178. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  22179. let MethodOfMeasurement = tape[ptr++];
  22180. let Quantities = tape[ptr++];
  22181. return new IfcElementQuantity(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, MethodOfMeasurement, Quantities);
  22182. }
  22183. ToTape() {
  22184. let args = [];
  22185. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  22186. ;
  22187. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  22188. ;
  22189. args.push(this.Name);
  22190. ;
  22191. args.push(this.Description);
  22192. ;
  22193. args.push(this.MethodOfMeasurement);
  22194. ;
  22195. args.push(this.Quantities);
  22196. ;
  22197. return args;
  22198. }
  22199. };
  22200. var IfcElementType = class {
  22201. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType) {
  22202. this.expressID = expressID;
  22203. this.type = type;
  22204. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  22205. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  22206. this.Name = Name;
  22207. this.Description = Description;
  22208. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  22209. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  22210. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  22211. this.Tag = Tag;
  22212. this.ElementType = ElementType;
  22213. }
  22214. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  22215. let ptr = 0;
  22216. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  22217. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  22218. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  22219. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  22220. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  22221. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  22222. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  22223. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  22224. let ElementType = tape[ptr++];
  22225. return new IfcElementType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType);
  22226. }
  22227. ToTape() {
  22228. let args = [];
  22229. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  22230. ;
  22231. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  22232. ;
  22233. args.push(this.Name);
  22234. ;
  22235. args.push(this.Description);
  22236. ;
  22237. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  22238. ;
  22239. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  22240. ;
  22241. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  22242. ;
  22243. args.push(this.Tag);
  22244. ;
  22245. args.push(this.ElementType);
  22246. ;
  22247. return args;
  22248. }
  22249. };
  22250. var IfcElementarySurface = class {
  22251. constructor(expressID, type, Position) {
  22252. this.expressID = expressID;
  22253. this.type = type;
  22254. this.Position = Position;
  22255. }
  22256. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  22257. let ptr = 0;
  22258. let Position = tape[ptr++];
  22259. return new IfcElementarySurface(expressID, type, Position);
  22260. }
  22261. ToTape() {
  22262. let args = [];
  22263. args.push(this.Position);
  22264. ;
  22265. return args;
  22266. }
  22267. };
  22268. var IfcEllipse = class {
  22269. constructor(expressID, type, Position, SemiAxis1, SemiAxis2) {
  22270. this.expressID = expressID;
  22271. this.type = type;
  22272. this.Position = Position;
  22273. this.SemiAxis1 = SemiAxis1;
  22274. this.SemiAxis2 = SemiAxis2;
  22275. }
  22276. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  22277. let ptr = 0;
  22278. let Position = tape[ptr++];
  22279. let SemiAxis1 = tape[ptr++];
  22280. let SemiAxis2 = tape[ptr++];
  22281. return new IfcEllipse(expressID, type, Position, SemiAxis1, SemiAxis2);
  22282. }
  22283. ToTape() {
  22284. let args = [];
  22285. args.push(this.Position);
  22286. ;
  22287. args.push(this.SemiAxis1);
  22288. ;
  22289. args.push(this.SemiAxis2);
  22290. ;
  22291. return args;
  22292. }
  22293. };
  22294. var IfcEllipseProfileDef = class {
  22295. constructor(expressID, type, ProfileType, ProfileName, Position, SemiAxis1, SemiAxis2) {
  22296. this.expressID = expressID;
  22297. this.type = type;
  22298. this.ProfileType = ProfileType;
  22299. this.ProfileName = ProfileName;
  22300. this.Position = Position;
  22301. this.SemiAxis1 = SemiAxis1;
  22302. this.SemiAxis2 = SemiAxis2;
  22303. }
  22304. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  22305. let ptr = 0;
  22306. let ProfileType = tape[ptr++];
  22307. let ProfileName = tape[ptr++];
  22308. let Position = tape[ptr++];
  22309. let SemiAxis1 = tape[ptr++];
  22310. let SemiAxis2 = tape[ptr++];
  22311. return new IfcEllipseProfileDef(expressID, type, ProfileType, ProfileName, Position, SemiAxis1, SemiAxis2);
  22312. }
  22313. ToTape() {
  22314. let args = [];
  22315. args.push(this.ProfileType);
  22316. ;
  22317. args.push(this.ProfileName);
  22318. ;
  22319. args.push(this.Position);
  22320. ;
  22321. args.push(this.SemiAxis1);
  22322. ;
  22323. args.push(this.SemiAxis2);
  22324. ;
  22325. return args;
  22326. }
  22327. };
  22328. var IfcEnergyConversionDevice = class {
  22329. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag) {
  22330. this.expressID = expressID;
  22331. this.type = type;
  22332. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  22333. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  22334. this.Name = Name;
  22335. this.Description = Description;
  22336. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  22337. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  22338. this.Representation = Representation;
  22339. this.Tag = Tag;
  22340. }
  22341. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  22342. let ptr = 0;
  22343. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  22344. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  22345. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  22346. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  22347. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  22348. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  22349. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  22350. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  22351. return new IfcEnergyConversionDevice(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag);
  22352. }
  22353. ToTape() {
  22354. let args = [];
  22355. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  22356. ;
  22357. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  22358. ;
  22359. args.push(this.Name);
  22360. ;
  22361. args.push(this.Description);
  22362. ;
  22363. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  22364. ;
  22365. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  22366. ;
  22367. args.push(this.Representation);
  22368. ;
  22369. args.push(this.Tag);
  22370. ;
  22371. return args;
  22372. }
  22373. };
  22374. var IfcEnergyConversionDeviceType = class {
  22375. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType) {
  22376. this.expressID = expressID;
  22377. this.type = type;
  22378. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  22379. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  22380. this.Name = Name;
  22381. this.Description = Description;
  22382. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  22383. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  22384. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  22385. this.Tag = Tag;
  22386. this.ElementType = ElementType;
  22387. }
  22388. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  22389. let ptr = 0;
  22390. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  22391. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  22392. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  22393. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  22394. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  22395. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  22396. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  22397. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  22398. let ElementType = tape[ptr++];
  22399. return new IfcEnergyConversionDeviceType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType);
  22400. }
  22401. ToTape() {
  22402. let args = [];
  22403. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  22404. ;
  22405. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  22406. ;
  22407. args.push(this.Name);
  22408. ;
  22409. args.push(this.Description);
  22410. ;
  22411. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  22412. ;
  22413. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  22414. ;
  22415. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  22416. ;
  22417. args.push(this.Tag);
  22418. ;
  22419. args.push(this.ElementType);
  22420. ;
  22421. return args;
  22422. }
  22423. };
  22424. var IfcEngine = class {
  22425. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType) {
  22426. this.expressID = expressID;
  22427. this.type = type;
  22428. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  22429. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  22430. this.Name = Name;
  22431. this.Description = Description;
  22432. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  22433. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  22434. this.Representation = Representation;
  22435. this.Tag = Tag;
  22436. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  22437. }
  22438. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  22439. let ptr = 0;
  22440. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  22441. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  22442. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  22443. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  22444. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  22445. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  22446. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  22447. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  22448. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  22449. return new IfcEngine(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType);
  22450. }
  22451. ToTape() {
  22452. let args = [];
  22453. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  22454. ;
  22455. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  22456. ;
  22457. args.push(this.Name);
  22458. ;
  22459. args.push(this.Description);
  22460. ;
  22461. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  22462. ;
  22463. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  22464. ;
  22465. args.push(this.Representation);
  22466. ;
  22467. args.push(this.Tag);
  22468. ;
  22469. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  22470. ;
  22471. return args;
  22472. }
  22473. };
  22474. var IfcEngineType = class {
  22475. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType) {
  22476. this.expressID = expressID;
  22477. this.type = type;
  22478. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  22479. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  22480. this.Name = Name;
  22481. this.Description = Description;
  22482. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  22483. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  22484. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  22485. this.Tag = Tag;
  22486. this.ElementType = ElementType;
  22487. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  22488. }
  22489. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  22490. let ptr = 0;
  22491. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  22492. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  22493. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  22494. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  22495. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  22496. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  22497. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  22498. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  22499. let ElementType = tape[ptr++];
  22500. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  22501. return new IfcEngineType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType);
  22502. }
  22503. ToTape() {
  22504. let args = [];
  22505. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  22506. ;
  22507. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  22508. ;
  22509. args.push(this.Name);
  22510. ;
  22511. args.push(this.Description);
  22512. ;
  22513. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  22514. ;
  22515. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  22516. ;
  22517. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  22518. ;
  22519. args.push(this.Tag);
  22520. ;
  22521. args.push(this.ElementType);
  22522. ;
  22523. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  22524. ;
  22525. return args;
  22526. }
  22527. };
  22528. var IfcEvaporativeCooler = class {
  22529. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType) {
  22530. this.expressID = expressID;
  22531. this.type = type;
  22532. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  22533. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  22534. this.Name = Name;
  22535. this.Description = Description;
  22536. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  22537. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  22538. this.Representation = Representation;
  22539. this.Tag = Tag;
  22540. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  22541. }
  22542. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  22543. let ptr = 0;
  22544. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  22545. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  22546. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  22547. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  22548. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  22549. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  22550. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  22551. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  22552. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  22553. return new IfcEvaporativeCooler(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType);
  22554. }
  22555. ToTape() {
  22556. let args = [];
  22557. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  22558. ;
  22559. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  22560. ;
  22561. args.push(this.Name);
  22562. ;
  22563. args.push(this.Description);
  22564. ;
  22565. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  22566. ;
  22567. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  22568. ;
  22569. args.push(this.Representation);
  22570. ;
  22571. args.push(this.Tag);
  22572. ;
  22573. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  22574. ;
  22575. return args;
  22576. }
  22577. };
  22578. var IfcEvaporativeCoolerType = class {
  22579. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType) {
  22580. this.expressID = expressID;
  22581. this.type = type;
  22582. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  22583. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  22584. this.Name = Name;
  22585. this.Description = Description;
  22586. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  22587. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  22588. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  22589. this.Tag = Tag;
  22590. this.ElementType = ElementType;
  22591. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  22592. }
  22593. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  22594. let ptr = 0;
  22595. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  22596. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  22597. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  22598. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  22599. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  22600. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  22601. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  22602. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  22603. let ElementType = tape[ptr++];
  22604. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  22605. return new IfcEvaporativeCoolerType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType);
  22606. }
  22607. ToTape() {
  22608. let args = [];
  22609. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  22610. ;
  22611. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  22612. ;
  22613. args.push(this.Name);
  22614. ;
  22615. args.push(this.Description);
  22616. ;
  22617. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  22618. ;
  22619. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  22620. ;
  22621. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  22622. ;
  22623. args.push(this.Tag);
  22624. ;
  22625. args.push(this.ElementType);
  22626. ;
  22627. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  22628. ;
  22629. return args;
  22630. }
  22631. };
  22632. var IfcEvaporator = class {
  22633. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType) {
  22634. this.expressID = expressID;
  22635. this.type = type;
  22636. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  22637. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  22638. this.Name = Name;
  22639. this.Description = Description;
  22640. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  22641. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  22642. this.Representation = Representation;
  22643. this.Tag = Tag;
  22644. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  22645. }
  22646. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  22647. let ptr = 0;
  22648. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  22649. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  22650. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  22651. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  22652. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  22653. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  22654. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  22655. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  22656. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  22657. return new IfcEvaporator(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType);
  22658. }
  22659. ToTape() {
  22660. let args = [];
  22661. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  22662. ;
  22663. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  22664. ;
  22665. args.push(this.Name);
  22666. ;
  22667. args.push(this.Description);
  22668. ;
  22669. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  22670. ;
  22671. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  22672. ;
  22673. args.push(this.Representation);
  22674. ;
  22675. args.push(this.Tag);
  22676. ;
  22677. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  22678. ;
  22679. return args;
  22680. }
  22681. };
  22682. var IfcEvaporatorType = class {
  22683. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType) {
  22684. this.expressID = expressID;
  22685. this.type = type;
  22686. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  22687. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  22688. this.Name = Name;
  22689. this.Description = Description;
  22690. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  22691. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  22692. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  22693. this.Tag = Tag;
  22694. this.ElementType = ElementType;
  22695. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  22696. }
  22697. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  22698. let ptr = 0;
  22699. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  22700. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  22701. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  22702. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  22703. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  22704. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  22705. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  22706. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  22707. let ElementType = tape[ptr++];
  22708. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  22709. return new IfcEvaporatorType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType);
  22710. }
  22711. ToTape() {
  22712. let args = [];
  22713. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  22714. ;
  22715. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  22716. ;
  22717. args.push(this.Name);
  22718. ;
  22719. args.push(this.Description);
  22720. ;
  22721. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  22722. ;
  22723. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  22724. ;
  22725. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  22726. ;
  22727. args.push(this.Tag);
  22728. ;
  22729. args.push(this.ElementType);
  22730. ;
  22731. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  22732. ;
  22733. return args;
  22734. }
  22735. };
  22736. var IfcEvent = class {
  22737. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, Identification, LongDescription, PredefinedType, EventTriggerType, UserDefinedEventTriggerType, EventOccurenceTime) {
  22738. this.expressID = expressID;
  22739. this.type = type;
  22740. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  22741. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  22742. this.Name = Name;
  22743. this.Description = Description;
  22744. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  22745. this.Identification = Identification;
  22746. this.LongDescription = LongDescription;
  22747. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  22748. this.EventTriggerType = EventTriggerType;
  22749. this.UserDefinedEventTriggerType = UserDefinedEventTriggerType;
  22750. this.EventOccurenceTime = EventOccurenceTime;
  22751. }
  22752. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  22753. let ptr = 0;
  22754. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  22755. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  22756. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  22757. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  22758. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  22759. let Identification = tape[ptr++];
  22760. let LongDescription = tape[ptr++];
  22761. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  22762. let EventTriggerType = tape[ptr++];
  22763. let UserDefinedEventTriggerType = tape[ptr++];
  22764. let EventOccurenceTime = tape[ptr++];
  22765. return new IfcEvent(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, Identification, LongDescription, PredefinedType, EventTriggerType, UserDefinedEventTriggerType, EventOccurenceTime);
  22766. }
  22767. ToTape() {
  22768. let args = [];
  22769. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  22770. ;
  22771. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  22772. ;
  22773. args.push(this.Name);
  22774. ;
  22775. args.push(this.Description);
  22776. ;
  22777. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  22778. ;
  22779. args.push(this.Identification);
  22780. ;
  22781. args.push(this.LongDescription);
  22782. ;
  22783. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  22784. ;
  22785. args.push(this.EventTriggerType);
  22786. ;
  22787. args.push(this.UserDefinedEventTriggerType);
  22788. ;
  22789. args.push(this.EventOccurenceTime);
  22790. ;
  22791. return args;
  22792. }
  22793. };
  22794. var IfcEventTime = class {
  22795. constructor(expressID, type, Name, DataOrigin, UserDefinedDataOrigin, ActualDate, EarlyDate, LateDate, ScheduleDate) {
  22796. this.expressID = expressID;
  22797. this.type = type;
  22798. this.Name = Name;
  22799. this.DataOrigin = DataOrigin;
  22800. this.UserDefinedDataOrigin = UserDefinedDataOrigin;
  22801. this.ActualDate = ActualDate;
  22802. this.EarlyDate = EarlyDate;
  22803. this.LateDate = LateDate;
  22804. this.ScheduleDate = ScheduleDate;
  22805. }
  22806. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  22807. let ptr = 0;
  22808. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  22809. let DataOrigin = tape[ptr++];
  22810. let UserDefinedDataOrigin = tape[ptr++];
  22811. let ActualDate = tape[ptr++];
  22812. let EarlyDate = tape[ptr++];
  22813. let LateDate = tape[ptr++];
  22814. let ScheduleDate = tape[ptr++];
  22815. return new IfcEventTime(expressID, type, Name, DataOrigin, UserDefinedDataOrigin, ActualDate, EarlyDate, LateDate, ScheduleDate);
  22816. }
  22817. ToTape() {
  22818. let args = [];
  22819. args.push(this.Name);
  22820. ;
  22821. args.push(this.DataOrigin);
  22822. ;
  22823. args.push(this.UserDefinedDataOrigin);
  22824. ;
  22825. args.push(this.ActualDate);
  22826. ;
  22827. args.push(this.EarlyDate);
  22828. ;
  22829. args.push(this.LateDate);
  22830. ;
  22831. args.push(this.ScheduleDate);
  22832. ;
  22833. return args;
  22834. }
  22835. };
  22836. var IfcEventType = class {
  22837. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, Identification, LongDescription, ProcessType, PredefinedType, EventTriggerType, UserDefinedEventTriggerType) {
  22838. this.expressID = expressID;
  22839. this.type = type;
  22840. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  22841. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  22842. this.Name = Name;
  22843. this.Description = Description;
  22844. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  22845. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  22846. this.Identification = Identification;
  22847. this.LongDescription = LongDescription;
  22848. this.ProcessType = ProcessType;
  22849. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  22850. this.EventTriggerType = EventTriggerType;
  22851. this.UserDefinedEventTriggerType = UserDefinedEventTriggerType;
  22852. }
  22853. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  22854. let ptr = 0;
  22855. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  22856. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  22857. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  22858. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  22859. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  22860. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  22861. let Identification = tape[ptr++];
  22862. let LongDescription = tape[ptr++];
  22863. let ProcessType = tape[ptr++];
  22864. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  22865. let EventTriggerType = tape[ptr++];
  22866. let UserDefinedEventTriggerType = tape[ptr++];
  22867. return new IfcEventType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, Identification, LongDescription, ProcessType, PredefinedType, EventTriggerType, UserDefinedEventTriggerType);
  22868. }
  22869. ToTape() {
  22870. let args = [];
  22871. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  22872. ;
  22873. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  22874. ;
  22875. args.push(this.Name);
  22876. ;
  22877. args.push(this.Description);
  22878. ;
  22879. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  22880. ;
  22881. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  22882. ;
  22883. args.push(this.Identification);
  22884. ;
  22885. args.push(this.LongDescription);
  22886. ;
  22887. args.push(this.ProcessType);
  22888. ;
  22889. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  22890. ;
  22891. args.push(this.EventTriggerType);
  22892. ;
  22893. args.push(this.UserDefinedEventTriggerType);
  22894. ;
  22895. return args;
  22896. }
  22897. };
  22898. var IfcExtendedProperties = class {
  22899. constructor(expressID, type, Name, Description, Properties) {
  22900. this.expressID = expressID;
  22901. this.type = type;
  22902. this.Name = Name;
  22903. this.Description = Description;
  22904. this.Properties = Properties;
  22905. }
  22906. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  22907. let ptr = 0;
  22908. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  22909. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  22910. let Properties = tape[ptr++];
  22911. return new IfcExtendedProperties(expressID, type, Name, Description, Properties);
  22912. }
  22913. ToTape() {
  22914. let args = [];
  22915. args.push(this.Name);
  22916. ;
  22917. args.push(this.Description);
  22918. ;
  22919. args.push(this.Properties);
  22920. ;
  22921. return args;
  22922. }
  22923. };
  22924. var IfcExternalInformation = class {
  22925. constructor(expressID, type) {
  22926. this.expressID = expressID;
  22927. this.type = type;
  22928. }
  22929. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  22930. let ptr = 0;
  22931. return new IfcExternalInformation(expressID, type);
  22932. }
  22933. ToTape() {
  22934. let args = [];
  22935. return args;
  22936. }
  22937. };
  22938. var IfcExternalReference = class {
  22939. constructor(expressID, type, Location, Identification, Name) {
  22940. this.expressID = expressID;
  22941. this.type = type;
  22942. this.Location = Location;
  22943. this.Identification = Identification;
  22944. this.Name = Name;
  22945. }
  22946. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  22947. let ptr = 0;
  22948. let Location = tape[ptr++];
  22949. let Identification = tape[ptr++];
  22950. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  22951. return new IfcExternalReference(expressID, type, Location, Identification, Name);
  22952. }
  22953. ToTape() {
  22954. let args = [];
  22955. args.push(this.Location);
  22956. ;
  22957. args.push(this.Identification);
  22958. ;
  22959. args.push(this.Name);
  22960. ;
  22961. return args;
  22962. }
  22963. };
  22964. var IfcExternalReferenceRelationship = class {
  22965. constructor(expressID, type, Name, Description, RelatingReference, RelatedResourceObjects) {
  22966. this.expressID = expressID;
  22967. this.type = type;
  22968. this.Name = Name;
  22969. this.Description = Description;
  22970. this.RelatingReference = RelatingReference;
  22971. this.RelatedResourceObjects = RelatedResourceObjects;
  22972. }
  22973. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  22974. let ptr = 0;
  22975. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  22976. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  22977. let RelatingReference = tape[ptr++];
  22978. let RelatedResourceObjects = tape[ptr++];
  22979. return new IfcExternalReferenceRelationship(expressID, type, Name, Description, RelatingReference, RelatedResourceObjects);
  22980. }
  22981. ToTape() {
  22982. let args = [];
  22983. args.push(this.Name);
  22984. ;
  22985. args.push(this.Description);
  22986. ;
  22987. args.push(this.RelatingReference);
  22988. ;
  22989. args.push(this.RelatedResourceObjects);
  22990. ;
  22991. return args;
  22992. }
  22993. };
  22994. var IfcExternalSpatialElement = class {
  22995. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, LongName, PredefinedType) {
  22996. this.expressID = expressID;
  22997. this.type = type;
  22998. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  22999. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  23000. this.Name = Name;
  23001. this.Description = Description;
  23002. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  23003. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  23004. this.Representation = Representation;
  23005. this.LongName = LongName;
  23006. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  23007. }
  23008. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  23009. let ptr = 0;
  23010. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  23011. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  23012. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  23013. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  23014. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  23015. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  23016. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  23017. let LongName = tape[ptr++];
  23018. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  23019. return new IfcExternalSpatialElement(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, LongName, PredefinedType);
  23020. }
  23021. ToTape() {
  23022. let args = [];
  23023. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  23024. ;
  23025. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  23026. ;
  23027. args.push(this.Name);
  23028. ;
  23029. args.push(this.Description);
  23030. ;
  23031. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  23032. ;
  23033. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  23034. ;
  23035. args.push(this.Representation);
  23036. ;
  23037. args.push(this.LongName);
  23038. ;
  23039. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  23040. ;
  23041. return args;
  23042. }
  23043. };
  23044. var IfcExternalSpatialStructureElement = class {
  23045. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, LongName) {
  23046. this.expressID = expressID;
  23047. this.type = type;
  23048. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  23049. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  23050. this.Name = Name;
  23051. this.Description = Description;
  23052. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  23053. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  23054. this.Representation = Representation;
  23055. this.LongName = LongName;
  23056. }
  23057. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  23058. let ptr = 0;
  23059. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  23060. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  23061. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  23062. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  23063. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  23064. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  23065. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  23066. let LongName = tape[ptr++];
  23067. return new IfcExternalSpatialStructureElement(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, LongName);
  23068. }
  23069. ToTape() {
  23070. let args = [];
  23071. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  23072. ;
  23073. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  23074. ;
  23075. args.push(this.Name);
  23076. ;
  23077. args.push(this.Description);
  23078. ;
  23079. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  23080. ;
  23081. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  23082. ;
  23083. args.push(this.Representation);
  23084. ;
  23085. args.push(this.LongName);
  23086. ;
  23087. return args;
  23088. }
  23089. };
  23090. var IfcExternallyDefinedHatchStyle = class {
  23091. constructor(expressID, type, Location, Identification, Name) {
  23092. this.expressID = expressID;
  23093. this.type = type;
  23094. this.Location = Location;
  23095. this.Identification = Identification;
  23096. this.Name = Name;
  23097. }
  23098. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  23099. let ptr = 0;
  23100. let Location = tape[ptr++];
  23101. let Identification = tape[ptr++];
  23102. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  23103. return new IfcExternallyDefinedHatchStyle(expressID, type, Location, Identification, Name);
  23104. }
  23105. ToTape() {
  23106. let args = [];
  23107. args.push(this.Location);
  23108. ;
  23109. args.push(this.Identification);
  23110. ;
  23111. args.push(this.Name);
  23112. ;
  23113. return args;
  23114. }
  23115. };
  23116. var IfcExternallyDefinedSurfaceStyle = class {
  23117. constructor(expressID, type, Location, Identification, Name) {
  23118. this.expressID = expressID;
  23119. this.type = type;
  23120. this.Location = Location;
  23121. this.Identification = Identification;
  23122. this.Name = Name;
  23123. }
  23124. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  23125. let ptr = 0;
  23126. let Location = tape[ptr++];
  23127. let Identification = tape[ptr++];
  23128. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  23129. return new IfcExternallyDefinedSurfaceStyle(expressID, type, Location, Identification, Name);
  23130. }
  23131. ToTape() {
  23132. let args = [];
  23133. args.push(this.Location);
  23134. ;
  23135. args.push(this.Identification);
  23136. ;
  23137. args.push(this.Name);
  23138. ;
  23139. return args;
  23140. }
  23141. };
  23142. var IfcExternallyDefinedTextFont = class {
  23143. constructor(expressID, type, Location, Identification, Name) {
  23144. this.expressID = expressID;
  23145. this.type = type;
  23146. this.Location = Location;
  23147. this.Identification = Identification;
  23148. this.Name = Name;
  23149. }
  23150. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  23151. let ptr = 0;
  23152. let Location = tape[ptr++];
  23153. let Identification = tape[ptr++];
  23154. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  23155. return new IfcExternallyDefinedTextFont(expressID, type, Location, Identification, Name);
  23156. }
  23157. ToTape() {
  23158. let args = [];
  23159. args.push(this.Location);
  23160. ;
  23161. args.push(this.Identification);
  23162. ;
  23163. args.push(this.Name);
  23164. ;
  23165. return args;
  23166. }
  23167. };
  23168. var IfcExtrudedAreaSolid = class {
  23169. constructor(expressID, type, SweptArea, Position, ExtrudedDirection, Depth) {
  23170. this.expressID = expressID;
  23171. this.type = type;
  23172. this.SweptArea = SweptArea;
  23173. this.Position = Position;
  23174. this.ExtrudedDirection = ExtrudedDirection;
  23175. this.Depth = Depth;
  23176. }
  23177. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  23178. let ptr = 0;
  23179. let SweptArea = tape[ptr++];
  23180. let Position = tape[ptr++];
  23181. let ExtrudedDirection = tape[ptr++];
  23182. let Depth = tape[ptr++];
  23183. return new IfcExtrudedAreaSolid(expressID, type, SweptArea, Position, ExtrudedDirection, Depth);
  23184. }
  23185. ToTape() {
  23186. let args = [];
  23187. args.push(this.SweptArea);
  23188. ;
  23189. args.push(this.Position);
  23190. ;
  23191. args.push(this.ExtrudedDirection);
  23192. ;
  23193. args.push(this.Depth);
  23194. ;
  23195. return args;
  23196. }
  23197. };
  23198. var IfcExtrudedAreaSolidTapered = class {
  23199. constructor(expressID, type, SweptArea, Position, ExtrudedDirection, Depth, EndSweptArea) {
  23200. this.expressID = expressID;
  23201. this.type = type;
  23202. this.SweptArea = SweptArea;
  23203. this.Position = Position;
  23204. this.ExtrudedDirection = ExtrudedDirection;
  23205. this.Depth = Depth;
  23206. this.EndSweptArea = EndSweptArea;
  23207. }
  23208. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  23209. let ptr = 0;
  23210. let SweptArea = tape[ptr++];
  23211. let Position = tape[ptr++];
  23212. let ExtrudedDirection = tape[ptr++];
  23213. let Depth = tape[ptr++];
  23214. let EndSweptArea = tape[ptr++];
  23215. return new IfcExtrudedAreaSolidTapered(expressID, type, SweptArea, Position, ExtrudedDirection, Depth, EndSweptArea);
  23216. }
  23217. ToTape() {
  23218. let args = [];
  23219. args.push(this.SweptArea);
  23220. ;
  23221. args.push(this.Position);
  23222. ;
  23223. args.push(this.ExtrudedDirection);
  23224. ;
  23225. args.push(this.Depth);
  23226. ;
  23227. args.push(this.EndSweptArea);
  23228. ;
  23229. return args;
  23230. }
  23231. };
  23232. var IfcFace = class {
  23233. constructor(expressID, type, Bounds) {
  23234. this.expressID = expressID;
  23235. this.type = type;
  23236. this.Bounds = Bounds;
  23237. }
  23238. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  23239. let ptr = 0;
  23240. let Bounds = tape[ptr++];
  23241. return new IfcFace(expressID, type, Bounds);
  23242. }
  23243. ToTape() {
  23244. let args = [];
  23245. args.push(this.Bounds);
  23246. ;
  23247. return args;
  23248. }
  23249. };
  23250. var IfcFaceBasedSurfaceModel = class {
  23251. constructor(expressID, type, FbsmFaces) {
  23252. this.expressID = expressID;
  23253. this.type = type;
  23254. this.FbsmFaces = FbsmFaces;
  23255. }
  23256. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  23257. let ptr = 0;
  23258. let FbsmFaces = tape[ptr++];
  23259. return new IfcFaceBasedSurfaceModel(expressID, type, FbsmFaces);
  23260. }
  23261. ToTape() {
  23262. let args = [];
  23263. args.push(this.FbsmFaces);
  23264. ;
  23265. return args;
  23266. }
  23267. };
  23268. var IfcFaceBound = class {
  23269. constructor(expressID, type, Bound, Orientation) {
  23270. this.expressID = expressID;
  23271. this.type = type;
  23272. this.Bound = Bound;
  23273. this.Orientation = Orientation;
  23274. }
  23275. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  23276. let ptr = 0;
  23277. let Bound = tape[ptr++];
  23278. let Orientation = tape[ptr++];
  23279. return new IfcFaceBound(expressID, type, Bound, Orientation);
  23280. }
  23281. ToTape() {
  23282. let args = [];
  23283. args.push(this.Bound);
  23284. ;
  23285. args.push(this.Orientation);
  23286. ;
  23287. return args;
  23288. }
  23289. };
  23290. var IfcFaceOuterBound = class {
  23291. constructor(expressID, type, Bound, Orientation) {
  23292. this.expressID = expressID;
  23293. this.type = type;
  23294. this.Bound = Bound;
  23295. this.Orientation = Orientation;
  23296. }
  23297. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  23298. let ptr = 0;
  23299. let Bound = tape[ptr++];
  23300. let Orientation = tape[ptr++];
  23301. return new IfcFaceOuterBound(expressID, type, Bound, Orientation);
  23302. }
  23303. ToTape() {
  23304. let args = [];
  23305. args.push(this.Bound);
  23306. ;
  23307. args.push(this.Orientation);
  23308. ;
  23309. return args;
  23310. }
  23311. };
  23312. var IfcFaceSurface = class {
  23313. constructor(expressID, type, Bounds, FaceSurface, SameSense) {
  23314. this.expressID = expressID;
  23315. this.type = type;
  23316. this.Bounds = Bounds;
  23317. this.FaceSurface = FaceSurface;
  23318. this.SameSense = SameSense;
  23319. }
  23320. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  23321. let ptr = 0;
  23322. let Bounds = tape[ptr++];
  23323. let FaceSurface = tape[ptr++];
  23324. let SameSense = tape[ptr++];
  23325. return new IfcFaceSurface(expressID, type, Bounds, FaceSurface, SameSense);
  23326. }
  23327. ToTape() {
  23328. let args = [];
  23329. args.push(this.Bounds);
  23330. ;
  23331. args.push(this.FaceSurface);
  23332. ;
  23333. args.push(this.SameSense);
  23334. ;
  23335. return args;
  23336. }
  23337. };
  23338. var IfcFacetedBrep = class {
  23339. constructor(expressID, type, Outer) {
  23340. this.expressID = expressID;
  23341. this.type = type;
  23342. this.Outer = Outer;
  23343. }
  23344. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  23345. let ptr = 0;
  23346. let Outer = tape[ptr++];
  23347. return new IfcFacetedBrep(expressID, type, Outer);
  23348. }
  23349. ToTape() {
  23350. let args = [];
  23351. args.push(this.Outer);
  23352. ;
  23353. return args;
  23354. }
  23355. };
  23356. var IfcFacetedBrepWithVoids = class {
  23357. constructor(expressID, type, Outer, Voids) {
  23358. this.expressID = expressID;
  23359. this.type = type;
  23360. this.Outer = Outer;
  23361. this.Voids = Voids;
  23362. }
  23363. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  23364. let ptr = 0;
  23365. let Outer = tape[ptr++];
  23366. let Voids = tape[ptr++];
  23367. return new IfcFacetedBrepWithVoids(expressID, type, Outer, Voids);
  23368. }
  23369. ToTape() {
  23370. let args = [];
  23371. args.push(this.Outer);
  23372. ;
  23373. args.push(this.Voids);
  23374. ;
  23375. return args;
  23376. }
  23377. };
  23378. var IfcFacility = class {
  23379. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, LongName, CompositionType) {
  23380. this.expressID = expressID;
  23381. this.type = type;
  23382. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  23383. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  23384. this.Name = Name;
  23385. this.Description = Description;
  23386. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  23387. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  23388. this.Representation = Representation;
  23389. this.LongName = LongName;
  23390. this.CompositionType = CompositionType;
  23391. }
  23392. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  23393. let ptr = 0;
  23394. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  23395. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  23396. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  23397. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  23398. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  23399. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  23400. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  23401. let LongName = tape[ptr++];
  23402. let CompositionType = tape[ptr++];
  23403. return new IfcFacility(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, LongName, CompositionType);
  23404. }
  23405. ToTape() {
  23406. let args = [];
  23407. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  23408. ;
  23409. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  23410. ;
  23411. args.push(this.Name);
  23412. ;
  23413. args.push(this.Description);
  23414. ;
  23415. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  23416. ;
  23417. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  23418. ;
  23419. args.push(this.Representation);
  23420. ;
  23421. args.push(this.LongName);
  23422. ;
  23423. args.push(this.CompositionType);
  23424. ;
  23425. return args;
  23426. }
  23427. };
  23428. var IfcFacilityPart = class {
  23429. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, LongName, CompositionType) {
  23430. this.expressID = expressID;
  23431. this.type = type;
  23432. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  23433. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  23434. this.Name = Name;
  23435. this.Description = Description;
  23436. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  23437. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  23438. this.Representation = Representation;
  23439. this.LongName = LongName;
  23440. this.CompositionType = CompositionType;
  23441. }
  23442. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  23443. let ptr = 0;
  23444. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  23445. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  23446. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  23447. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  23448. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  23449. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  23450. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  23451. let LongName = tape[ptr++];
  23452. let CompositionType = tape[ptr++];
  23453. return new IfcFacilityPart(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, LongName, CompositionType);
  23454. }
  23455. ToTape() {
  23456. let args = [];
  23457. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  23458. ;
  23459. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  23460. ;
  23461. args.push(this.Name);
  23462. ;
  23463. args.push(this.Description);
  23464. ;
  23465. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  23466. ;
  23467. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  23468. ;
  23469. args.push(this.Representation);
  23470. ;
  23471. args.push(this.LongName);
  23472. ;
  23473. args.push(this.CompositionType);
  23474. ;
  23475. return args;
  23476. }
  23477. };
  23478. var IfcFailureConnectionCondition = class {
  23479. constructor(expressID, type, Name, TensionFailureX, TensionFailureY, TensionFailureZ, CompressionFailureX, CompressionFailureY, CompressionFailureZ) {
  23480. this.expressID = expressID;
  23481. this.type = type;
  23482. this.Name = Name;
  23483. this.TensionFailureX = TensionFailureX;
  23484. this.TensionFailureY = TensionFailureY;
  23485. this.TensionFailureZ = TensionFailureZ;
  23486. this.CompressionFailureX = CompressionFailureX;
  23487. this.CompressionFailureY = CompressionFailureY;
  23488. this.CompressionFailureZ = CompressionFailureZ;
  23489. }
  23490. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  23491. let ptr = 0;
  23492. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  23493. let TensionFailureX = tape[ptr++];
  23494. let TensionFailureY = tape[ptr++];
  23495. let TensionFailureZ = tape[ptr++];
  23496. let CompressionFailureX = tape[ptr++];
  23497. let CompressionFailureY = tape[ptr++];
  23498. let CompressionFailureZ = tape[ptr++];
  23499. return new IfcFailureConnectionCondition(expressID, type, Name, TensionFailureX, TensionFailureY, TensionFailureZ, CompressionFailureX, CompressionFailureY, CompressionFailureZ);
  23500. }
  23501. ToTape() {
  23502. let args = [];
  23503. args.push(this.Name);
  23504. ;
  23505. args.push(this.TensionFailureX);
  23506. ;
  23507. args.push(this.TensionFailureY);
  23508. ;
  23509. args.push(this.TensionFailureZ);
  23510. ;
  23511. args.push(this.CompressionFailureX);
  23512. ;
  23513. args.push(this.CompressionFailureY);
  23514. ;
  23515. args.push(this.CompressionFailureZ);
  23516. ;
  23517. return args;
  23518. }
  23519. };
  23520. var IfcFan = class {
  23521. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType) {
  23522. this.expressID = expressID;
  23523. this.type = type;
  23524. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  23525. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  23526. this.Name = Name;
  23527. this.Description = Description;
  23528. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  23529. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  23530. this.Representation = Representation;
  23531. this.Tag = Tag;
  23532. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  23533. }
  23534. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  23535. let ptr = 0;
  23536. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  23537. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  23538. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  23539. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  23540. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  23541. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  23542. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  23543. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  23544. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  23545. return new IfcFan(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType);
  23546. }
  23547. ToTape() {
  23548. let args = [];
  23549. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  23550. ;
  23551. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  23552. ;
  23553. args.push(this.Name);
  23554. ;
  23555. args.push(this.Description);
  23556. ;
  23557. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  23558. ;
  23559. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  23560. ;
  23561. args.push(this.Representation);
  23562. ;
  23563. args.push(this.Tag);
  23564. ;
  23565. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  23566. ;
  23567. return args;
  23568. }
  23569. };
  23570. var IfcFanType = class {
  23571. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType) {
  23572. this.expressID = expressID;
  23573. this.type = type;
  23574. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  23575. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  23576. this.Name = Name;
  23577. this.Description = Description;
  23578. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  23579. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  23580. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  23581. this.Tag = Tag;
  23582. this.ElementType = ElementType;
  23583. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  23584. }
  23585. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  23586. let ptr = 0;
  23587. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  23588. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  23589. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  23590. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  23591. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  23592. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  23593. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  23594. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  23595. let ElementType = tape[ptr++];
  23596. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  23597. return new IfcFanType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType);
  23598. }
  23599. ToTape() {
  23600. let args = [];
  23601. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  23602. ;
  23603. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  23604. ;
  23605. args.push(this.Name);
  23606. ;
  23607. args.push(this.Description);
  23608. ;
  23609. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  23610. ;
  23611. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  23612. ;
  23613. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  23614. ;
  23615. args.push(this.Tag);
  23616. ;
  23617. args.push(this.ElementType);
  23618. ;
  23619. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  23620. ;
  23621. return args;
  23622. }
  23623. };
  23624. var IfcFastener = class {
  23625. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType) {
  23626. this.expressID = expressID;
  23627. this.type = type;
  23628. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  23629. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  23630. this.Name = Name;
  23631. this.Description = Description;
  23632. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  23633. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  23634. this.Representation = Representation;
  23635. this.Tag = Tag;
  23636. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  23637. }
  23638. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  23639. let ptr = 0;
  23640. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  23641. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  23642. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  23643. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  23644. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  23645. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  23646. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  23647. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  23648. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  23649. return new IfcFastener(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType);
  23650. }
  23651. ToTape() {
  23652. let args = [];
  23653. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  23654. ;
  23655. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  23656. ;
  23657. args.push(this.Name);
  23658. ;
  23659. args.push(this.Description);
  23660. ;
  23661. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  23662. ;
  23663. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  23664. ;
  23665. args.push(this.Representation);
  23666. ;
  23667. args.push(this.Tag);
  23668. ;
  23669. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  23670. ;
  23671. return args;
  23672. }
  23673. };
  23674. var IfcFastenerType = class {
  23675. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType) {
  23676. this.expressID = expressID;
  23677. this.type = type;
  23678. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  23679. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  23680. this.Name = Name;
  23681. this.Description = Description;
  23682. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  23683. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  23684. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  23685. this.Tag = Tag;
  23686. this.ElementType = ElementType;
  23687. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  23688. }
  23689. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  23690. let ptr = 0;
  23691. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  23692. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  23693. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  23694. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  23695. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  23696. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  23697. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  23698. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  23699. let ElementType = tape[ptr++];
  23700. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  23701. return new IfcFastenerType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType);
  23702. }
  23703. ToTape() {
  23704. let args = [];
  23705. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  23706. ;
  23707. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  23708. ;
  23709. args.push(this.Name);
  23710. ;
  23711. args.push(this.Description);
  23712. ;
  23713. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  23714. ;
  23715. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  23716. ;
  23717. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  23718. ;
  23719. args.push(this.Tag);
  23720. ;
  23721. args.push(this.ElementType);
  23722. ;
  23723. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  23724. ;
  23725. return args;
  23726. }
  23727. };
  23728. var IfcFeatureElement = class {
  23729. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag) {
  23730. this.expressID = expressID;
  23731. this.type = type;
  23732. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  23733. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  23734. this.Name = Name;
  23735. this.Description = Description;
  23736. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  23737. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  23738. this.Representation = Representation;
  23739. this.Tag = Tag;
  23740. }
  23741. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  23742. let ptr = 0;
  23743. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  23744. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  23745. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  23746. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  23747. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  23748. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  23749. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  23750. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  23751. return new IfcFeatureElement(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag);
  23752. }
  23753. ToTape() {
  23754. let args = [];
  23755. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  23756. ;
  23757. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  23758. ;
  23759. args.push(this.Name);
  23760. ;
  23761. args.push(this.Description);
  23762. ;
  23763. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  23764. ;
  23765. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  23766. ;
  23767. args.push(this.Representation);
  23768. ;
  23769. args.push(this.Tag);
  23770. ;
  23771. return args;
  23772. }
  23773. };
  23774. var IfcFeatureElementAddition = class {
  23775. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag) {
  23776. this.expressID = expressID;
  23777. this.type = type;
  23778. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  23779. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  23780. this.Name = Name;
  23781. this.Description = Description;
  23782. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  23783. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  23784. this.Representation = Representation;
  23785. this.Tag = Tag;
  23786. }
  23787. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  23788. let ptr = 0;
  23789. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  23790. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  23791. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  23792. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  23793. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  23794. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  23795. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  23796. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  23797. return new IfcFeatureElementAddition(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag);
  23798. }
  23799. ToTape() {
  23800. let args = [];
  23801. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  23802. ;
  23803. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  23804. ;
  23805. args.push(this.Name);
  23806. ;
  23807. args.push(this.Description);
  23808. ;
  23809. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  23810. ;
  23811. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  23812. ;
  23813. args.push(this.Representation);
  23814. ;
  23815. args.push(this.Tag);
  23816. ;
  23817. return args;
  23818. }
  23819. };
  23820. var IfcFeatureElementSubtraction = class {
  23821. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag) {
  23822. this.expressID = expressID;
  23823. this.type = type;
  23824. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  23825. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  23826. this.Name = Name;
  23827. this.Description = Description;
  23828. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  23829. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  23830. this.Representation = Representation;
  23831. this.Tag = Tag;
  23832. }
  23833. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  23834. let ptr = 0;
  23835. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  23836. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  23837. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  23838. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  23839. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  23840. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  23841. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  23842. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  23843. return new IfcFeatureElementSubtraction(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag);
  23844. }
  23845. ToTape() {
  23846. let args = [];
  23847. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  23848. ;
  23849. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  23850. ;
  23851. args.push(this.Name);
  23852. ;
  23853. args.push(this.Description);
  23854. ;
  23855. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  23856. ;
  23857. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  23858. ;
  23859. args.push(this.Representation);
  23860. ;
  23861. args.push(this.Tag);
  23862. ;
  23863. return args;
  23864. }
  23865. };
  23866. var IfcFillAreaStyle = class {
  23867. constructor(expressID, type, Name, FillStyles, ModelorDraughting) {
  23868. this.expressID = expressID;
  23869. this.type = type;
  23870. this.Name = Name;
  23871. this.FillStyles = FillStyles;
  23872. this.ModelorDraughting = ModelorDraughting;
  23873. }
  23874. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  23875. let ptr = 0;
  23876. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  23877. let FillStyles = tape[ptr++];
  23878. let ModelorDraughting = tape[ptr++];
  23879. return new IfcFillAreaStyle(expressID, type, Name, FillStyles, ModelorDraughting);
  23880. }
  23881. ToTape() {
  23882. let args = [];
  23883. args.push(this.Name);
  23884. ;
  23885. args.push(this.FillStyles);
  23886. ;
  23887. args.push(this.ModelorDraughting);
  23888. ;
  23889. return args;
  23890. }
  23891. };
  23892. var IfcFillAreaStyleHatching = class {
  23893. constructor(expressID, type, HatchLineAppearance, StartOfNextHatchLine, PointOfReferenceHatchLine, PatternStart, HatchLineAngle) {
  23894. this.expressID = expressID;
  23895. this.type = type;
  23896. this.HatchLineAppearance = HatchLineAppearance;
  23897. this.StartOfNextHatchLine = StartOfNextHatchLine;
  23898. this.PointOfReferenceHatchLine = PointOfReferenceHatchLine;
  23899. this.PatternStart = PatternStart;
  23900. this.HatchLineAngle = HatchLineAngle;
  23901. }
  23902. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  23903. let ptr = 0;
  23904. let HatchLineAppearance = tape[ptr++];
  23905. let StartOfNextHatchLine = tape[ptr++];
  23906. let PointOfReferenceHatchLine = tape[ptr++];
  23907. let PatternStart = tape[ptr++];
  23908. let HatchLineAngle = tape[ptr++];
  23909. return new IfcFillAreaStyleHatching(expressID, type, HatchLineAppearance, StartOfNextHatchLine, PointOfReferenceHatchLine, PatternStart, HatchLineAngle);
  23910. }
  23911. ToTape() {
  23912. let args = [];
  23913. args.push(this.HatchLineAppearance);
  23914. ;
  23915. args.push(this.StartOfNextHatchLine);
  23916. ;
  23917. args.push(this.PointOfReferenceHatchLine);
  23918. ;
  23919. args.push(this.PatternStart);
  23920. ;
  23921. args.push(this.HatchLineAngle);
  23922. ;
  23923. return args;
  23924. }
  23925. };
  23926. var IfcFillAreaStyleTiles = class {
  23927. constructor(expressID, type, TilingPattern, Tiles, TilingScale) {
  23928. this.expressID = expressID;
  23929. this.type = type;
  23930. this.TilingPattern = TilingPattern;
  23931. this.Tiles = Tiles;
  23932. this.TilingScale = TilingScale;
  23933. }
  23934. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  23935. let ptr = 0;
  23936. let TilingPattern = tape[ptr++];
  23937. let Tiles = tape[ptr++];
  23938. let TilingScale = tape[ptr++];
  23939. return new IfcFillAreaStyleTiles(expressID, type, TilingPattern, Tiles, TilingScale);
  23940. }
  23941. ToTape() {
  23942. let args = [];
  23943. args.push(this.TilingPattern);
  23944. ;
  23945. args.push(this.Tiles);
  23946. ;
  23947. args.push(this.TilingScale);
  23948. ;
  23949. return args;
  23950. }
  23951. };
  23952. var IfcFilter = class {
  23953. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType) {
  23954. this.expressID = expressID;
  23955. this.type = type;
  23956. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  23957. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  23958. this.Name = Name;
  23959. this.Description = Description;
  23960. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  23961. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  23962. this.Representation = Representation;
  23963. this.Tag = Tag;
  23964. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  23965. }
  23966. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  23967. let ptr = 0;
  23968. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  23969. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  23970. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  23971. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  23972. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  23973. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  23974. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  23975. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  23976. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  23977. return new IfcFilter(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType);
  23978. }
  23979. ToTape() {
  23980. let args = [];
  23981. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  23982. ;
  23983. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  23984. ;
  23985. args.push(this.Name);
  23986. ;
  23987. args.push(this.Description);
  23988. ;
  23989. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  23990. ;
  23991. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  23992. ;
  23993. args.push(this.Representation);
  23994. ;
  23995. args.push(this.Tag);
  23996. ;
  23997. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  23998. ;
  23999. return args;
  24000. }
  24001. };
  24002. var IfcFilterType = class {
  24003. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType) {
  24004. this.expressID = expressID;
  24005. this.type = type;
  24006. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  24007. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  24008. this.Name = Name;
  24009. this.Description = Description;
  24010. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  24011. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  24012. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  24013. this.Tag = Tag;
  24014. this.ElementType = ElementType;
  24015. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  24016. }
  24017. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  24018. let ptr = 0;
  24019. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  24020. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  24021. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  24022. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  24023. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  24024. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  24025. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  24026. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  24027. let ElementType = tape[ptr++];
  24028. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  24029. return new IfcFilterType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType);
  24030. }
  24031. ToTape() {
  24032. let args = [];
  24033. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  24034. ;
  24035. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  24036. ;
  24037. args.push(this.Name);
  24038. ;
  24039. args.push(this.Description);
  24040. ;
  24041. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  24042. ;
  24043. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  24044. ;
  24045. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  24046. ;
  24047. args.push(this.Tag);
  24048. ;
  24049. args.push(this.ElementType);
  24050. ;
  24051. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  24052. ;
  24053. return args;
  24054. }
  24055. };
  24056. var IfcFireSuppressionTerminal = class {
  24057. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType) {
  24058. this.expressID = expressID;
  24059. this.type = type;
  24060. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  24061. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  24062. this.Name = Name;
  24063. this.Description = Description;
  24064. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  24065. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  24066. this.Representation = Representation;
  24067. this.Tag = Tag;
  24068. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  24069. }
  24070. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  24071. let ptr = 0;
  24072. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  24073. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  24074. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  24075. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  24076. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  24077. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  24078. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  24079. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  24080. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  24081. return new IfcFireSuppressionTerminal(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType);
  24082. }
  24083. ToTape() {
  24084. let args = [];
  24085. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  24086. ;
  24087. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  24088. ;
  24089. args.push(this.Name);
  24090. ;
  24091. args.push(this.Description);
  24092. ;
  24093. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  24094. ;
  24095. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  24096. ;
  24097. args.push(this.Representation);
  24098. ;
  24099. args.push(this.Tag);
  24100. ;
  24101. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  24102. ;
  24103. return args;
  24104. }
  24105. };
  24106. var IfcFireSuppressionTerminalType = class {
  24107. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType) {
  24108. this.expressID = expressID;
  24109. this.type = type;
  24110. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  24111. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  24112. this.Name = Name;
  24113. this.Description = Description;
  24114. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  24115. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  24116. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  24117. this.Tag = Tag;
  24118. this.ElementType = ElementType;
  24119. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  24120. }
  24121. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  24122. let ptr = 0;
  24123. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  24124. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  24125. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  24126. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  24127. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  24128. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  24129. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  24130. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  24131. let ElementType = tape[ptr++];
  24132. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  24133. return new IfcFireSuppressionTerminalType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType);
  24134. }
  24135. ToTape() {
  24136. let args = [];
  24137. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  24138. ;
  24139. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  24140. ;
  24141. args.push(this.Name);
  24142. ;
  24143. args.push(this.Description);
  24144. ;
  24145. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  24146. ;
  24147. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  24148. ;
  24149. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  24150. ;
  24151. args.push(this.Tag);
  24152. ;
  24153. args.push(this.ElementType);
  24154. ;
  24155. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  24156. ;
  24157. return args;
  24158. }
  24159. };
  24160. var IfcFixedReferenceSweptAreaSolid = class {
  24161. constructor(expressID, type, SweptArea, Position, Directrix, StartParam, EndParam, FixedReference) {
  24162. this.expressID = expressID;
  24163. this.type = type;
  24164. this.SweptArea = SweptArea;
  24165. this.Position = Position;
  24166. this.Directrix = Directrix;
  24167. this.StartParam = StartParam;
  24168. this.EndParam = EndParam;
  24169. this.FixedReference = FixedReference;
  24170. }
  24171. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  24172. let ptr = 0;
  24173. let SweptArea = tape[ptr++];
  24174. let Position = tape[ptr++];
  24175. let Directrix = tape[ptr++];
  24176. let StartParam = tape[ptr++];
  24177. let EndParam = tape[ptr++];
  24178. let FixedReference = tape[ptr++];
  24179. return new IfcFixedReferenceSweptAreaSolid(expressID, type, SweptArea, Position, Directrix, StartParam, EndParam, FixedReference);
  24180. }
  24181. ToTape() {
  24182. let args = [];
  24183. args.push(this.SweptArea);
  24184. ;
  24185. args.push(this.Position);
  24186. ;
  24187. args.push(this.Directrix);
  24188. ;
  24189. args.push(this.StartParam);
  24190. ;
  24191. args.push(this.EndParam);
  24192. ;
  24193. args.push(this.FixedReference);
  24194. ;
  24195. return args;
  24196. }
  24197. };
  24198. var IfcFlowController = class {
  24199. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag) {
  24200. this.expressID = expressID;
  24201. this.type = type;
  24202. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  24203. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  24204. this.Name = Name;
  24205. this.Description = Description;
  24206. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  24207. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  24208. this.Representation = Representation;
  24209. this.Tag = Tag;
  24210. }
  24211. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  24212. let ptr = 0;
  24213. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  24214. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  24215. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  24216. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  24217. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  24218. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  24219. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  24220. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  24221. return new IfcFlowController(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag);
  24222. }
  24223. ToTape() {
  24224. let args = [];
  24225. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  24226. ;
  24227. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  24228. ;
  24229. args.push(this.Name);
  24230. ;
  24231. args.push(this.Description);
  24232. ;
  24233. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  24234. ;
  24235. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  24236. ;
  24237. args.push(this.Representation);
  24238. ;
  24239. args.push(this.Tag);
  24240. ;
  24241. return args;
  24242. }
  24243. };
  24244. var IfcFlowControllerType = class {
  24245. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType) {
  24246. this.expressID = expressID;
  24247. this.type = type;
  24248. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  24249. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  24250. this.Name = Name;
  24251. this.Description = Description;
  24252. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  24253. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  24254. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  24255. this.Tag = Tag;
  24256. this.ElementType = ElementType;
  24257. }
  24258. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  24259. let ptr = 0;
  24260. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  24261. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  24262. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  24263. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  24264. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  24265. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  24266. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  24267. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  24268. let ElementType = tape[ptr++];
  24269. return new IfcFlowControllerType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType);
  24270. }
  24271. ToTape() {
  24272. let args = [];
  24273. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  24274. ;
  24275. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  24276. ;
  24277. args.push(this.Name);
  24278. ;
  24279. args.push(this.Description);
  24280. ;
  24281. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  24282. ;
  24283. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  24284. ;
  24285. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  24286. ;
  24287. args.push(this.Tag);
  24288. ;
  24289. args.push(this.ElementType);
  24290. ;
  24291. return args;
  24292. }
  24293. };
  24294. var IfcFlowFitting = class {
  24295. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag) {
  24296. this.expressID = expressID;
  24297. this.type = type;
  24298. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  24299. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  24300. this.Name = Name;
  24301. this.Description = Description;
  24302. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  24303. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  24304. this.Representation = Representation;
  24305. this.Tag = Tag;
  24306. }
  24307. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  24308. let ptr = 0;
  24309. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  24310. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  24311. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  24312. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  24313. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  24314. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  24315. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  24316. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  24317. return new IfcFlowFitting(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag);
  24318. }
  24319. ToTape() {
  24320. let args = [];
  24321. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  24322. ;
  24323. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  24324. ;
  24325. args.push(this.Name);
  24326. ;
  24327. args.push(this.Description);
  24328. ;
  24329. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  24330. ;
  24331. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  24332. ;
  24333. args.push(this.Representation);
  24334. ;
  24335. args.push(this.Tag);
  24336. ;
  24337. return args;
  24338. }
  24339. };
  24340. var IfcFlowFittingType = class {
  24341. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType) {
  24342. this.expressID = expressID;
  24343. this.type = type;
  24344. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  24345. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  24346. this.Name = Name;
  24347. this.Description = Description;
  24348. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  24349. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  24350. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  24351. this.Tag = Tag;
  24352. this.ElementType = ElementType;
  24353. }
  24354. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  24355. let ptr = 0;
  24356. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  24357. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  24358. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  24359. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  24360. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  24361. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  24362. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  24363. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  24364. let ElementType = tape[ptr++];
  24365. return new IfcFlowFittingType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType);
  24366. }
  24367. ToTape() {
  24368. let args = [];
  24369. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  24370. ;
  24371. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  24372. ;
  24373. args.push(this.Name);
  24374. ;
  24375. args.push(this.Description);
  24376. ;
  24377. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  24378. ;
  24379. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  24380. ;
  24381. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  24382. ;
  24383. args.push(this.Tag);
  24384. ;
  24385. args.push(this.ElementType);
  24386. ;
  24387. return args;
  24388. }
  24389. };
  24390. var IfcFlowInstrument = class {
  24391. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType) {
  24392. this.expressID = expressID;
  24393. this.type = type;
  24394. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  24395. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  24396. this.Name = Name;
  24397. this.Description = Description;
  24398. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  24399. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  24400. this.Representation = Representation;
  24401. this.Tag = Tag;
  24402. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  24403. }
  24404. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  24405. let ptr = 0;
  24406. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  24407. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  24408. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  24409. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  24410. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  24411. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  24412. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  24413. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  24414. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  24415. return new IfcFlowInstrument(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType);
  24416. }
  24417. ToTape() {
  24418. let args = [];
  24419. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  24420. ;
  24421. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  24422. ;
  24423. args.push(this.Name);
  24424. ;
  24425. args.push(this.Description);
  24426. ;
  24427. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  24428. ;
  24429. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  24430. ;
  24431. args.push(this.Representation);
  24432. ;
  24433. args.push(this.Tag);
  24434. ;
  24435. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  24436. ;
  24437. return args;
  24438. }
  24439. };
  24440. var IfcFlowInstrumentType = class {
  24441. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType) {
  24442. this.expressID = expressID;
  24443. this.type = type;
  24444. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  24445. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  24446. this.Name = Name;
  24447. this.Description = Description;
  24448. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  24449. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  24450. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  24451. this.Tag = Tag;
  24452. this.ElementType = ElementType;
  24453. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  24454. }
  24455. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  24456. let ptr = 0;
  24457. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  24458. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  24459. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  24460. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  24461. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  24462. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  24463. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  24464. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  24465. let ElementType = tape[ptr++];
  24466. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  24467. return new IfcFlowInstrumentType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType);
  24468. }
  24469. ToTape() {
  24470. let args = [];
  24471. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  24472. ;
  24473. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  24474. ;
  24475. args.push(this.Name);
  24476. ;
  24477. args.push(this.Description);
  24478. ;
  24479. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  24480. ;
  24481. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  24482. ;
  24483. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  24484. ;
  24485. args.push(this.Tag);
  24486. ;
  24487. args.push(this.ElementType);
  24488. ;
  24489. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  24490. ;
  24491. return args;
  24492. }
  24493. };
  24494. var IfcFlowMeter = class {
  24495. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType) {
  24496. this.expressID = expressID;
  24497. this.type = type;
  24498. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  24499. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  24500. this.Name = Name;
  24501. this.Description = Description;
  24502. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  24503. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  24504. this.Representation = Representation;
  24505. this.Tag = Tag;
  24506. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  24507. }
  24508. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  24509. let ptr = 0;
  24510. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  24511. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  24512. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  24513. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  24514. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  24515. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  24516. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  24517. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  24518. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  24519. return new IfcFlowMeter(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType);
  24520. }
  24521. ToTape() {
  24522. let args = [];
  24523. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  24524. ;
  24525. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  24526. ;
  24527. args.push(this.Name);
  24528. ;
  24529. args.push(this.Description);
  24530. ;
  24531. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  24532. ;
  24533. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  24534. ;
  24535. args.push(this.Representation);
  24536. ;
  24537. args.push(this.Tag);
  24538. ;
  24539. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  24540. ;
  24541. return args;
  24542. }
  24543. };
  24544. var IfcFlowMeterType = class {
  24545. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType) {
  24546. this.expressID = expressID;
  24547. this.type = type;
  24548. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  24549. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  24550. this.Name = Name;
  24551. this.Description = Description;
  24552. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  24553. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  24554. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  24555. this.Tag = Tag;
  24556. this.ElementType = ElementType;
  24557. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  24558. }
  24559. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  24560. let ptr = 0;
  24561. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  24562. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  24563. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  24564. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  24565. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  24566. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  24567. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  24568. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  24569. let ElementType = tape[ptr++];
  24570. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  24571. return new IfcFlowMeterType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType);
  24572. }
  24573. ToTape() {
  24574. let args = [];
  24575. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  24576. ;
  24577. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  24578. ;
  24579. args.push(this.Name);
  24580. ;
  24581. args.push(this.Description);
  24582. ;
  24583. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  24584. ;
  24585. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  24586. ;
  24587. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  24588. ;
  24589. args.push(this.Tag);
  24590. ;
  24591. args.push(this.ElementType);
  24592. ;
  24593. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  24594. ;
  24595. return args;
  24596. }
  24597. };
  24598. var IfcFlowMovingDevice = class {
  24599. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag) {
  24600. this.expressID = expressID;
  24601. this.type = type;
  24602. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  24603. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  24604. this.Name = Name;
  24605. this.Description = Description;
  24606. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  24607. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  24608. this.Representation = Representation;
  24609. this.Tag = Tag;
  24610. }
  24611. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  24612. let ptr = 0;
  24613. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  24614. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  24615. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  24616. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  24617. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  24618. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  24619. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  24620. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  24621. return new IfcFlowMovingDevice(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag);
  24622. }
  24623. ToTape() {
  24624. let args = [];
  24625. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  24626. ;
  24627. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  24628. ;
  24629. args.push(this.Name);
  24630. ;
  24631. args.push(this.Description);
  24632. ;
  24633. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  24634. ;
  24635. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  24636. ;
  24637. args.push(this.Representation);
  24638. ;
  24639. args.push(this.Tag);
  24640. ;
  24641. return args;
  24642. }
  24643. };
  24644. var IfcFlowMovingDeviceType = class {
  24645. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType) {
  24646. this.expressID = expressID;
  24647. this.type = type;
  24648. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  24649. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  24650. this.Name = Name;
  24651. this.Description = Description;
  24652. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  24653. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  24654. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  24655. this.Tag = Tag;
  24656. this.ElementType = ElementType;
  24657. }
  24658. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  24659. let ptr = 0;
  24660. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  24661. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  24662. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  24663. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  24664. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  24665. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  24666. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  24667. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  24668. let ElementType = tape[ptr++];
  24669. return new IfcFlowMovingDeviceType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType);
  24670. }
  24671. ToTape() {
  24672. let args = [];
  24673. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  24674. ;
  24675. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  24676. ;
  24677. args.push(this.Name);
  24678. ;
  24679. args.push(this.Description);
  24680. ;
  24681. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  24682. ;
  24683. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  24684. ;
  24685. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  24686. ;
  24687. args.push(this.Tag);
  24688. ;
  24689. args.push(this.ElementType);
  24690. ;
  24691. return args;
  24692. }
  24693. };
  24694. var IfcFlowSegment = class {
  24695. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag) {
  24696. this.expressID = expressID;
  24697. this.type = type;
  24698. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  24699. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  24700. this.Name = Name;
  24701. this.Description = Description;
  24702. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  24703. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  24704. this.Representation = Representation;
  24705. this.Tag = Tag;
  24706. }
  24707. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  24708. let ptr = 0;
  24709. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  24710. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  24711. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  24712. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  24713. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  24714. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  24715. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  24716. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  24717. return new IfcFlowSegment(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag);
  24718. }
  24719. ToTape() {
  24720. let args = [];
  24721. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  24722. ;
  24723. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  24724. ;
  24725. args.push(this.Name);
  24726. ;
  24727. args.push(this.Description);
  24728. ;
  24729. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  24730. ;
  24731. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  24732. ;
  24733. args.push(this.Representation);
  24734. ;
  24735. args.push(this.Tag);
  24736. ;
  24737. return args;
  24738. }
  24739. };
  24740. var IfcFlowSegmentType = class {
  24741. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType) {
  24742. this.expressID = expressID;
  24743. this.type = type;
  24744. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  24745. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  24746. this.Name = Name;
  24747. this.Description = Description;
  24748. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  24749. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  24750. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  24751. this.Tag = Tag;
  24752. this.ElementType = ElementType;
  24753. }
  24754. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  24755. let ptr = 0;
  24756. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  24757. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  24758. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  24759. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  24760. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  24761. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  24762. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  24763. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  24764. let ElementType = tape[ptr++];
  24765. return new IfcFlowSegmentType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType);
  24766. }
  24767. ToTape() {
  24768. let args = [];
  24769. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  24770. ;
  24771. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  24772. ;
  24773. args.push(this.Name);
  24774. ;
  24775. args.push(this.Description);
  24776. ;
  24777. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  24778. ;
  24779. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  24780. ;
  24781. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  24782. ;
  24783. args.push(this.Tag);
  24784. ;
  24785. args.push(this.ElementType);
  24786. ;
  24787. return args;
  24788. }
  24789. };
  24790. var IfcFlowStorageDevice = class {
  24791. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag) {
  24792. this.expressID = expressID;
  24793. this.type = type;
  24794. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  24795. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  24796. this.Name = Name;
  24797. this.Description = Description;
  24798. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  24799. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  24800. this.Representation = Representation;
  24801. this.Tag = Tag;
  24802. }
  24803. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  24804. let ptr = 0;
  24805. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  24806. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  24807. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  24808. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  24809. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  24810. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  24811. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  24812. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  24813. return new IfcFlowStorageDevice(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag);
  24814. }
  24815. ToTape() {
  24816. let args = [];
  24817. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  24818. ;
  24819. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  24820. ;
  24821. args.push(this.Name);
  24822. ;
  24823. args.push(this.Description);
  24824. ;
  24825. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  24826. ;
  24827. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  24828. ;
  24829. args.push(this.Representation);
  24830. ;
  24831. args.push(this.Tag);
  24832. ;
  24833. return args;
  24834. }
  24835. };
  24836. var IfcFlowStorageDeviceType = class {
  24837. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType) {
  24838. this.expressID = expressID;
  24839. this.type = type;
  24840. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  24841. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  24842. this.Name = Name;
  24843. this.Description = Description;
  24844. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  24845. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  24846. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  24847. this.Tag = Tag;
  24848. this.ElementType = ElementType;
  24849. }
  24850. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  24851. let ptr = 0;
  24852. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  24853. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  24854. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  24855. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  24856. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  24857. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  24858. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  24859. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  24860. let ElementType = tape[ptr++];
  24861. return new IfcFlowStorageDeviceType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType);
  24862. }
  24863. ToTape() {
  24864. let args = [];
  24865. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  24866. ;
  24867. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  24868. ;
  24869. args.push(this.Name);
  24870. ;
  24871. args.push(this.Description);
  24872. ;
  24873. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  24874. ;
  24875. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  24876. ;
  24877. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  24878. ;
  24879. args.push(this.Tag);
  24880. ;
  24881. args.push(this.ElementType);
  24882. ;
  24883. return args;
  24884. }
  24885. };
  24886. var IfcFlowTerminal = class {
  24887. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag) {
  24888. this.expressID = expressID;
  24889. this.type = type;
  24890. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  24891. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  24892. this.Name = Name;
  24893. this.Description = Description;
  24894. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  24895. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  24896. this.Representation = Representation;
  24897. this.Tag = Tag;
  24898. }
  24899. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  24900. let ptr = 0;
  24901. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  24902. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  24903. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  24904. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  24905. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  24906. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  24907. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  24908. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  24909. return new IfcFlowTerminal(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag);
  24910. }
  24911. ToTape() {
  24912. let args = [];
  24913. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  24914. ;
  24915. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  24916. ;
  24917. args.push(this.Name);
  24918. ;
  24919. args.push(this.Description);
  24920. ;
  24921. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  24922. ;
  24923. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  24924. ;
  24925. args.push(this.Representation);
  24926. ;
  24927. args.push(this.Tag);
  24928. ;
  24929. return args;
  24930. }
  24931. };
  24932. var IfcFlowTerminalType = class {
  24933. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType) {
  24934. this.expressID = expressID;
  24935. this.type = type;
  24936. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  24937. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  24938. this.Name = Name;
  24939. this.Description = Description;
  24940. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  24941. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  24942. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  24943. this.Tag = Tag;
  24944. this.ElementType = ElementType;
  24945. }
  24946. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  24947. let ptr = 0;
  24948. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  24949. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  24950. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  24951. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  24952. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  24953. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  24954. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  24955. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  24956. let ElementType = tape[ptr++];
  24957. return new IfcFlowTerminalType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType);
  24958. }
  24959. ToTape() {
  24960. let args = [];
  24961. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  24962. ;
  24963. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  24964. ;
  24965. args.push(this.Name);
  24966. ;
  24967. args.push(this.Description);
  24968. ;
  24969. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  24970. ;
  24971. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  24972. ;
  24973. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  24974. ;
  24975. args.push(this.Tag);
  24976. ;
  24977. args.push(this.ElementType);
  24978. ;
  24979. return args;
  24980. }
  24981. };
  24982. var IfcFlowTreatmentDevice = class {
  24983. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag) {
  24984. this.expressID = expressID;
  24985. this.type = type;
  24986. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  24987. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  24988. this.Name = Name;
  24989. this.Description = Description;
  24990. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  24991. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  24992. this.Representation = Representation;
  24993. this.Tag = Tag;
  24994. }
  24995. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  24996. let ptr = 0;
  24997. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  24998. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  24999. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  25000. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  25001. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  25002. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  25003. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  25004. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  25005. return new IfcFlowTreatmentDevice(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag);
  25006. }
  25007. ToTape() {
  25008. let args = [];
  25009. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  25010. ;
  25011. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  25012. ;
  25013. args.push(this.Name);
  25014. ;
  25015. args.push(this.Description);
  25016. ;
  25017. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  25018. ;
  25019. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  25020. ;
  25021. args.push(this.Representation);
  25022. ;
  25023. args.push(this.Tag);
  25024. ;
  25025. return args;
  25026. }
  25027. };
  25028. var IfcFlowTreatmentDeviceType = class {
  25029. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType) {
  25030. this.expressID = expressID;
  25031. this.type = type;
  25032. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  25033. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  25034. this.Name = Name;
  25035. this.Description = Description;
  25036. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  25037. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  25038. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  25039. this.Tag = Tag;
  25040. this.ElementType = ElementType;
  25041. }
  25042. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  25043. let ptr = 0;
  25044. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  25045. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  25046. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  25047. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  25048. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  25049. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  25050. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  25051. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  25052. let ElementType = tape[ptr++];
  25053. return new IfcFlowTreatmentDeviceType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType);
  25054. }
  25055. ToTape() {
  25056. let args = [];
  25057. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  25058. ;
  25059. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  25060. ;
  25061. args.push(this.Name);
  25062. ;
  25063. args.push(this.Description);
  25064. ;
  25065. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  25066. ;
  25067. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  25068. ;
  25069. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  25070. ;
  25071. args.push(this.Tag);
  25072. ;
  25073. args.push(this.ElementType);
  25074. ;
  25075. return args;
  25076. }
  25077. };
  25078. var IfcFooting = class {
  25079. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType) {
  25080. this.expressID = expressID;
  25081. this.type = type;
  25082. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  25083. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  25084. this.Name = Name;
  25085. this.Description = Description;
  25086. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  25087. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  25088. this.Representation = Representation;
  25089. this.Tag = Tag;
  25090. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  25091. }
  25092. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  25093. let ptr = 0;
  25094. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  25095. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  25096. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  25097. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  25098. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  25099. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  25100. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  25101. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  25102. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  25103. return new IfcFooting(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType);
  25104. }
  25105. ToTape() {
  25106. let args = [];
  25107. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  25108. ;
  25109. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  25110. ;
  25111. args.push(this.Name);
  25112. ;
  25113. args.push(this.Description);
  25114. ;
  25115. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  25116. ;
  25117. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  25118. ;
  25119. args.push(this.Representation);
  25120. ;
  25121. args.push(this.Tag);
  25122. ;
  25123. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  25124. ;
  25125. return args;
  25126. }
  25127. };
  25128. var IfcFootingType = class {
  25129. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType) {
  25130. this.expressID = expressID;
  25131. this.type = type;
  25132. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  25133. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  25134. this.Name = Name;
  25135. this.Description = Description;
  25136. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  25137. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  25138. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  25139. this.Tag = Tag;
  25140. this.ElementType = ElementType;
  25141. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  25142. }
  25143. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  25144. let ptr = 0;
  25145. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  25146. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  25147. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  25148. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  25149. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  25150. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  25151. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  25152. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  25153. let ElementType = tape[ptr++];
  25154. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  25155. return new IfcFootingType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType);
  25156. }
  25157. ToTape() {
  25158. let args = [];
  25159. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  25160. ;
  25161. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  25162. ;
  25163. args.push(this.Name);
  25164. ;
  25165. args.push(this.Description);
  25166. ;
  25167. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  25168. ;
  25169. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  25170. ;
  25171. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  25172. ;
  25173. args.push(this.Tag);
  25174. ;
  25175. args.push(this.ElementType);
  25176. ;
  25177. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  25178. ;
  25179. return args;
  25180. }
  25181. };
  25182. var IfcFurnishingElement = class {
  25183. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag) {
  25184. this.expressID = expressID;
  25185. this.type = type;
  25186. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  25187. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  25188. this.Name = Name;
  25189. this.Description = Description;
  25190. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  25191. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  25192. this.Representation = Representation;
  25193. this.Tag = Tag;
  25194. }
  25195. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  25196. let ptr = 0;
  25197. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  25198. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  25199. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  25200. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  25201. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  25202. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  25203. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  25204. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  25205. return new IfcFurnishingElement(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag);
  25206. }
  25207. ToTape() {
  25208. let args = [];
  25209. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  25210. ;
  25211. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  25212. ;
  25213. args.push(this.Name);
  25214. ;
  25215. args.push(this.Description);
  25216. ;
  25217. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  25218. ;
  25219. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  25220. ;
  25221. args.push(this.Representation);
  25222. ;
  25223. args.push(this.Tag);
  25224. ;
  25225. return args;
  25226. }
  25227. };
  25228. var IfcFurnishingElementType = class {
  25229. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType) {
  25230. this.expressID = expressID;
  25231. this.type = type;
  25232. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  25233. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  25234. this.Name = Name;
  25235. this.Description = Description;
  25236. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  25237. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  25238. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  25239. this.Tag = Tag;
  25240. this.ElementType = ElementType;
  25241. }
  25242. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  25243. let ptr = 0;
  25244. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  25245. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  25246. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  25247. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  25248. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  25249. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  25250. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  25251. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  25252. let ElementType = tape[ptr++];
  25253. return new IfcFurnishingElementType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType);
  25254. }
  25255. ToTape() {
  25256. let args = [];
  25257. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  25258. ;
  25259. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  25260. ;
  25261. args.push(this.Name);
  25262. ;
  25263. args.push(this.Description);
  25264. ;
  25265. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  25266. ;
  25267. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  25268. ;
  25269. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  25270. ;
  25271. args.push(this.Tag);
  25272. ;
  25273. args.push(this.ElementType);
  25274. ;
  25275. return args;
  25276. }
  25277. };
  25278. var IfcFurniture = class {
  25279. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType) {
  25280. this.expressID = expressID;
  25281. this.type = type;
  25282. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  25283. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  25284. this.Name = Name;
  25285. this.Description = Description;
  25286. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  25287. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  25288. this.Representation = Representation;
  25289. this.Tag = Tag;
  25290. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  25291. }
  25292. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  25293. let ptr = 0;
  25294. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  25295. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  25296. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  25297. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  25298. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  25299. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  25300. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  25301. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  25302. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  25303. return new IfcFurniture(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType);
  25304. }
  25305. ToTape() {
  25306. let args = [];
  25307. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  25308. ;
  25309. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  25310. ;
  25311. args.push(this.Name);
  25312. ;
  25313. args.push(this.Description);
  25314. ;
  25315. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  25316. ;
  25317. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  25318. ;
  25319. args.push(this.Representation);
  25320. ;
  25321. args.push(this.Tag);
  25322. ;
  25323. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  25324. ;
  25325. return args;
  25326. }
  25327. };
  25328. var IfcFurnitureType = class {
  25329. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, AssemblyPlace, PredefinedType) {
  25330. this.expressID = expressID;
  25331. this.type = type;
  25332. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  25333. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  25334. this.Name = Name;
  25335. this.Description = Description;
  25336. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  25337. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  25338. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  25339. this.Tag = Tag;
  25340. this.ElementType = ElementType;
  25341. this.AssemblyPlace = AssemblyPlace;
  25342. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  25343. }
  25344. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  25345. let ptr = 0;
  25346. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  25347. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  25348. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  25349. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  25350. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  25351. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  25352. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  25353. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  25354. let ElementType = tape[ptr++];
  25355. let AssemblyPlace = tape[ptr++];
  25356. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  25357. return new IfcFurnitureType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, AssemblyPlace, PredefinedType);
  25358. }
  25359. ToTape() {
  25360. let args = [];
  25361. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  25362. ;
  25363. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  25364. ;
  25365. args.push(this.Name);
  25366. ;
  25367. args.push(this.Description);
  25368. ;
  25369. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  25370. ;
  25371. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  25372. ;
  25373. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  25374. ;
  25375. args.push(this.Tag);
  25376. ;
  25377. args.push(this.ElementType);
  25378. ;
  25379. args.push(this.AssemblyPlace);
  25380. ;
  25381. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  25382. ;
  25383. return args;
  25384. }
  25385. };
  25386. var IfcGeographicElement = class {
  25387. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType) {
  25388. this.expressID = expressID;
  25389. this.type = type;
  25390. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  25391. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  25392. this.Name = Name;
  25393. this.Description = Description;
  25394. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  25395. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  25396. this.Representation = Representation;
  25397. this.Tag = Tag;
  25398. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  25399. }
  25400. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  25401. let ptr = 0;
  25402. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  25403. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  25404. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  25405. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  25406. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  25407. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  25408. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  25409. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  25410. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  25411. return new IfcGeographicElement(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType);
  25412. }
  25413. ToTape() {
  25414. let args = [];
  25415. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  25416. ;
  25417. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  25418. ;
  25419. args.push(this.Name);
  25420. ;
  25421. args.push(this.Description);
  25422. ;
  25423. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  25424. ;
  25425. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  25426. ;
  25427. args.push(this.Representation);
  25428. ;
  25429. args.push(this.Tag);
  25430. ;
  25431. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  25432. ;
  25433. return args;
  25434. }
  25435. };
  25436. var IfcGeographicElementType = class {
  25437. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType) {
  25438. this.expressID = expressID;
  25439. this.type = type;
  25440. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  25441. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  25442. this.Name = Name;
  25443. this.Description = Description;
  25444. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  25445. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  25446. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  25447. this.Tag = Tag;
  25448. this.ElementType = ElementType;
  25449. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  25450. }
  25451. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  25452. let ptr = 0;
  25453. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  25454. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  25455. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  25456. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  25457. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  25458. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  25459. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  25460. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  25461. let ElementType = tape[ptr++];
  25462. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  25463. return new IfcGeographicElementType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType);
  25464. }
  25465. ToTape() {
  25466. let args = [];
  25467. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  25468. ;
  25469. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  25470. ;
  25471. args.push(this.Name);
  25472. ;
  25473. args.push(this.Description);
  25474. ;
  25475. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  25476. ;
  25477. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  25478. ;
  25479. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  25480. ;
  25481. args.push(this.Tag);
  25482. ;
  25483. args.push(this.ElementType);
  25484. ;
  25485. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  25486. ;
  25487. return args;
  25488. }
  25489. };
  25490. var IfcGeometricCurveSet = class {
  25491. constructor(expressID, type, Elements) {
  25492. this.expressID = expressID;
  25493. this.type = type;
  25494. this.Elements = Elements;
  25495. }
  25496. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  25497. let ptr = 0;
  25498. let Elements = tape[ptr++];
  25499. return new IfcGeometricCurveSet(expressID, type, Elements);
  25500. }
  25501. ToTape() {
  25502. let args = [];
  25503. args.push(this.Elements);
  25504. ;
  25505. return args;
  25506. }
  25507. };
  25508. var IfcGeometricRepresentationContext = class {
  25509. constructor(expressID, type, ContextIdentifier, ContextType, CoordinateSpaceDimension, Precision, WorldCoordinateSystem, TrueNorth) {
  25510. this.expressID = expressID;
  25511. this.type = type;
  25512. this.ContextIdentifier = ContextIdentifier;
  25513. this.ContextType = ContextType;
  25514. this.CoordinateSpaceDimension = CoordinateSpaceDimension;
  25515. this.Precision = Precision;
  25516. this.WorldCoordinateSystem = WorldCoordinateSystem;
  25517. this.TrueNorth = TrueNorth;
  25518. }
  25519. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  25520. let ptr = 0;
  25521. let ContextIdentifier = tape[ptr++];
  25522. let ContextType = tape[ptr++];
  25523. let CoordinateSpaceDimension = tape[ptr++];
  25524. let Precision = tape[ptr++];
  25525. let WorldCoordinateSystem = tape[ptr++];
  25526. let TrueNorth = tape[ptr++];
  25527. return new IfcGeometricRepresentationContext(expressID, type, ContextIdentifier, ContextType, CoordinateSpaceDimension, Precision, WorldCoordinateSystem, TrueNorth);
  25528. }
  25529. ToTape() {
  25530. let args = [];
  25531. args.push(this.ContextIdentifier);
  25532. ;
  25533. args.push(this.ContextType);
  25534. ;
  25535. args.push(this.CoordinateSpaceDimension);
  25536. ;
  25537. args.push(this.Precision);
  25538. ;
  25539. args.push(this.WorldCoordinateSystem);
  25540. ;
  25541. args.push(this.TrueNorth);
  25542. ;
  25543. return args;
  25544. }
  25545. };
  25546. var IfcGeometricRepresentationItem = class {
  25547. constructor(expressID, type) {
  25548. this.expressID = expressID;
  25549. this.type = type;
  25550. }
  25551. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  25552. let ptr = 0;
  25553. return new IfcGeometricRepresentationItem(expressID, type);
  25554. }
  25555. ToTape() {
  25556. let args = [];
  25557. return args;
  25558. }
  25559. };
  25560. var IfcGeometricRepresentationSubContext = class {
  25561. constructor(expressID, type, ContextIdentifier, ContextType, CoordinateSpaceDimension, Precision, WorldCoordinateSystem, TrueNorth, ParentContext, TargetScale, TargetView, UserDefinedTargetView) {
  25562. this.expressID = expressID;
  25563. this.type = type;
  25564. this.ContextIdentifier = ContextIdentifier;
  25565. this.ContextType = ContextType;
  25566. this.CoordinateSpaceDimension = CoordinateSpaceDimension;
  25567. this.Precision = Precision;
  25568. this.WorldCoordinateSystem = WorldCoordinateSystem;
  25569. this.TrueNorth = TrueNorth;
  25570. this.ParentContext = ParentContext;
  25571. this.TargetScale = TargetScale;
  25572. this.TargetView = TargetView;
  25573. this.UserDefinedTargetView = UserDefinedTargetView;
  25574. }
  25575. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  25576. let ptr = 0;
  25577. let ContextIdentifier = tape[ptr++];
  25578. let ContextType = tape[ptr++];
  25579. let CoordinateSpaceDimension = tape[ptr++];
  25580. let Precision = tape[ptr++];
  25581. let WorldCoordinateSystem = tape[ptr++];
  25582. let TrueNorth = tape[ptr++];
  25583. let ParentContext = tape[ptr++];
  25584. let TargetScale = tape[ptr++];
  25585. let TargetView = tape[ptr++];
  25586. let UserDefinedTargetView = tape[ptr++];
  25587. return new IfcGeometricRepresentationSubContext(expressID, type, ContextIdentifier, ContextType, CoordinateSpaceDimension, Precision, WorldCoordinateSystem, TrueNorth, ParentContext, TargetScale, TargetView, UserDefinedTargetView);
  25588. }
  25589. ToTape() {
  25590. let args = [];
  25591. args.push(this.ContextIdentifier);
  25592. ;
  25593. args.push(this.ContextType);
  25594. ;
  25595. args.push(this.CoordinateSpaceDimension);
  25596. ;
  25597. args.push(this.Precision);
  25598. ;
  25599. args.push(this.WorldCoordinateSystem);
  25600. ;
  25601. args.push(this.TrueNorth);
  25602. ;
  25603. args.push(this.ParentContext);
  25604. ;
  25605. args.push(this.TargetScale);
  25606. ;
  25607. args.push(this.TargetView);
  25608. ;
  25609. args.push(this.UserDefinedTargetView);
  25610. ;
  25611. return args;
  25612. }
  25613. };
  25614. var IfcGeometricSet = class {
  25615. constructor(expressID, type, Elements) {
  25616. this.expressID = expressID;
  25617. this.type = type;
  25618. this.Elements = Elements;
  25619. }
  25620. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  25621. let ptr = 0;
  25622. let Elements = tape[ptr++];
  25623. return new IfcGeometricSet(expressID, type, Elements);
  25624. }
  25625. ToTape() {
  25626. let args = [];
  25627. args.push(this.Elements);
  25628. ;
  25629. return args;
  25630. }
  25631. };
  25632. var IfcGrid = class {
  25633. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, UAxes, VAxes, WAxes, PredefinedType) {
  25634. this.expressID = expressID;
  25635. this.type = type;
  25636. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  25637. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  25638. this.Name = Name;
  25639. this.Description = Description;
  25640. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  25641. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  25642. this.Representation = Representation;
  25643. this.UAxes = UAxes;
  25644. this.VAxes = VAxes;
  25645. this.WAxes = WAxes;
  25646. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  25647. }
  25648. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  25649. let ptr = 0;
  25650. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  25651. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  25652. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  25653. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  25654. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  25655. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  25656. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  25657. let UAxes = tape[ptr++];
  25658. let VAxes = tape[ptr++];
  25659. let WAxes = tape[ptr++];
  25660. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  25661. return new IfcGrid(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, UAxes, VAxes, WAxes, PredefinedType);
  25662. }
  25663. ToTape() {
  25664. let args = [];
  25665. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  25666. ;
  25667. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  25668. ;
  25669. args.push(this.Name);
  25670. ;
  25671. args.push(this.Description);
  25672. ;
  25673. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  25674. ;
  25675. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  25676. ;
  25677. args.push(this.Representation);
  25678. ;
  25679. args.push(this.UAxes);
  25680. ;
  25681. args.push(this.VAxes);
  25682. ;
  25683. args.push(this.WAxes);
  25684. ;
  25685. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  25686. ;
  25687. return args;
  25688. }
  25689. };
  25690. var IfcGridAxis = class {
  25691. constructor(expressID, type, AxisTag, AxisCurve, SameSense) {
  25692. this.expressID = expressID;
  25693. this.type = type;
  25694. this.AxisTag = AxisTag;
  25695. this.AxisCurve = AxisCurve;
  25696. this.SameSense = SameSense;
  25697. }
  25698. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  25699. let ptr = 0;
  25700. let AxisTag = tape[ptr++];
  25701. let AxisCurve = tape[ptr++];
  25702. let SameSense = tape[ptr++];
  25703. return new IfcGridAxis(expressID, type, AxisTag, AxisCurve, SameSense);
  25704. }
  25705. ToTape() {
  25706. let args = [];
  25707. args.push(this.AxisTag);
  25708. ;
  25709. args.push(this.AxisCurve);
  25710. ;
  25711. args.push(this.SameSense);
  25712. ;
  25713. return args;
  25714. }
  25715. };
  25716. var IfcGridPlacement = class {
  25717. constructor(expressID, type, PlacementRelTo, PlacementLocation, PlacementRefDirection) {
  25718. this.expressID = expressID;
  25719. this.type = type;
  25720. this.PlacementRelTo = PlacementRelTo;
  25721. this.PlacementLocation = PlacementLocation;
  25722. this.PlacementRefDirection = PlacementRefDirection;
  25723. }
  25724. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  25725. let ptr = 0;
  25726. let PlacementRelTo = tape[ptr++];
  25727. let PlacementLocation = tape[ptr++];
  25728. let PlacementRefDirection = tape[ptr++];
  25729. return new IfcGridPlacement(expressID, type, PlacementRelTo, PlacementLocation, PlacementRefDirection);
  25730. }
  25731. ToTape() {
  25732. let args = [];
  25733. args.push(this.PlacementRelTo);
  25734. ;
  25735. args.push(this.PlacementLocation);
  25736. ;
  25737. args.push(this.PlacementRefDirection);
  25738. ;
  25739. return args;
  25740. }
  25741. };
  25742. var IfcGroup = class {
  25743. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType) {
  25744. this.expressID = expressID;
  25745. this.type = type;
  25746. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  25747. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  25748. this.Name = Name;
  25749. this.Description = Description;
  25750. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  25751. }
  25752. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  25753. let ptr = 0;
  25754. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  25755. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  25756. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  25757. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  25758. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  25759. return new IfcGroup(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType);
  25760. }
  25761. ToTape() {
  25762. let args = [];
  25763. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  25764. ;
  25765. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  25766. ;
  25767. args.push(this.Name);
  25768. ;
  25769. args.push(this.Description);
  25770. ;
  25771. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  25772. ;
  25773. return args;
  25774. }
  25775. };
  25776. var IfcHalfSpaceSolid = class {
  25777. constructor(expressID, type, BaseSurface, AgreementFlag) {
  25778. this.expressID = expressID;
  25779. this.type = type;
  25780. this.BaseSurface = BaseSurface;
  25781. this.AgreementFlag = AgreementFlag;
  25782. }
  25783. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  25784. let ptr = 0;
  25785. let BaseSurface = tape[ptr++];
  25786. let AgreementFlag = tape[ptr++];
  25787. return new IfcHalfSpaceSolid(expressID, type, BaseSurface, AgreementFlag);
  25788. }
  25789. ToTape() {
  25790. let args = [];
  25791. args.push(this.BaseSurface);
  25792. ;
  25793. args.push(this.AgreementFlag);
  25794. ;
  25795. return args;
  25796. }
  25797. };
  25798. var IfcHeatExchanger = class {
  25799. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType) {
  25800. this.expressID = expressID;
  25801. this.type = type;
  25802. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  25803. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  25804. this.Name = Name;
  25805. this.Description = Description;
  25806. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  25807. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  25808. this.Representation = Representation;
  25809. this.Tag = Tag;
  25810. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  25811. }
  25812. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  25813. let ptr = 0;
  25814. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  25815. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  25816. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  25817. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  25818. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  25819. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  25820. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  25821. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  25822. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  25823. return new IfcHeatExchanger(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType);
  25824. }
  25825. ToTape() {
  25826. let args = [];
  25827. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  25828. ;
  25829. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  25830. ;
  25831. args.push(this.Name);
  25832. ;
  25833. args.push(this.Description);
  25834. ;
  25835. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  25836. ;
  25837. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  25838. ;
  25839. args.push(this.Representation);
  25840. ;
  25841. args.push(this.Tag);
  25842. ;
  25843. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  25844. ;
  25845. return args;
  25846. }
  25847. };
  25848. var IfcHeatExchangerType = class {
  25849. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType) {
  25850. this.expressID = expressID;
  25851. this.type = type;
  25852. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  25853. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  25854. this.Name = Name;
  25855. this.Description = Description;
  25856. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  25857. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  25858. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  25859. this.Tag = Tag;
  25860. this.ElementType = ElementType;
  25861. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  25862. }
  25863. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  25864. let ptr = 0;
  25865. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  25866. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  25867. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  25868. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  25869. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  25870. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  25871. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  25872. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  25873. let ElementType = tape[ptr++];
  25874. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  25875. return new IfcHeatExchangerType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType);
  25876. }
  25877. ToTape() {
  25878. let args = [];
  25879. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  25880. ;
  25881. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  25882. ;
  25883. args.push(this.Name);
  25884. ;
  25885. args.push(this.Description);
  25886. ;
  25887. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  25888. ;
  25889. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  25890. ;
  25891. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  25892. ;
  25893. args.push(this.Tag);
  25894. ;
  25895. args.push(this.ElementType);
  25896. ;
  25897. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  25898. ;
  25899. return args;
  25900. }
  25901. };
  25902. var IfcHumidifier = class {
  25903. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType) {
  25904. this.expressID = expressID;
  25905. this.type = type;
  25906. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  25907. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  25908. this.Name = Name;
  25909. this.Description = Description;
  25910. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  25911. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  25912. this.Representation = Representation;
  25913. this.Tag = Tag;
  25914. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  25915. }
  25916. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  25917. let ptr = 0;
  25918. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  25919. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  25920. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  25921. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  25922. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  25923. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  25924. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  25925. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  25926. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  25927. return new IfcHumidifier(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType);
  25928. }
  25929. ToTape() {
  25930. let args = [];
  25931. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  25932. ;
  25933. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  25934. ;
  25935. args.push(this.Name);
  25936. ;
  25937. args.push(this.Description);
  25938. ;
  25939. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  25940. ;
  25941. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  25942. ;
  25943. args.push(this.Representation);
  25944. ;
  25945. args.push(this.Tag);
  25946. ;
  25947. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  25948. ;
  25949. return args;
  25950. }
  25951. };
  25952. var IfcHumidifierType = class {
  25953. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType) {
  25954. this.expressID = expressID;
  25955. this.type = type;
  25956. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  25957. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  25958. this.Name = Name;
  25959. this.Description = Description;
  25960. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  25961. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  25962. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  25963. this.Tag = Tag;
  25964. this.ElementType = ElementType;
  25965. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  25966. }
  25967. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  25968. let ptr = 0;
  25969. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  25970. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  25971. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  25972. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  25973. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  25974. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  25975. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  25976. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  25977. let ElementType = tape[ptr++];
  25978. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  25979. return new IfcHumidifierType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType);
  25980. }
  25981. ToTape() {
  25982. let args = [];
  25983. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  25984. ;
  25985. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  25986. ;
  25987. args.push(this.Name);
  25988. ;
  25989. args.push(this.Description);
  25990. ;
  25991. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  25992. ;
  25993. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  25994. ;
  25995. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  25996. ;
  25997. args.push(this.Tag);
  25998. ;
  25999. args.push(this.ElementType);
  26000. ;
  26001. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  26002. ;
  26003. return args;
  26004. }
  26005. };
  26006. var IfcIShapeProfileDef = class {
  26007. constructor(expressID, type, ProfileType, ProfileName, Position, OverallWidth, OverallDepth, WebThickness, FlangeThickness, FilletRadius, FlangeEdgeRadius, FlangeSlope) {
  26008. this.expressID = expressID;
  26009. this.type = type;
  26010. this.ProfileType = ProfileType;
  26011. this.ProfileName = ProfileName;
  26012. this.Position = Position;
  26013. this.OverallWidth = OverallWidth;
  26014. this.OverallDepth = OverallDepth;
  26015. this.WebThickness = WebThickness;
  26016. this.FlangeThickness = FlangeThickness;
  26017. this.FilletRadius = FilletRadius;
  26018. this.FlangeEdgeRadius = FlangeEdgeRadius;
  26019. this.FlangeSlope = FlangeSlope;
  26020. }
  26021. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  26022. let ptr = 0;
  26023. let ProfileType = tape[ptr++];
  26024. let ProfileName = tape[ptr++];
  26025. let Position = tape[ptr++];
  26026. let OverallWidth = tape[ptr++];
  26027. let OverallDepth = tape[ptr++];
  26028. let WebThickness = tape[ptr++];
  26029. let FlangeThickness = tape[ptr++];
  26030. let FilletRadius = tape[ptr++];
  26031. let FlangeEdgeRadius = tape[ptr++];
  26032. let FlangeSlope = tape[ptr++];
  26033. return new IfcIShapeProfileDef(expressID, type, ProfileType, ProfileName, Position, OverallWidth, OverallDepth, WebThickness, FlangeThickness, FilletRadius, FlangeEdgeRadius, FlangeSlope);
  26034. }
  26035. ToTape() {
  26036. let args = [];
  26037. args.push(this.ProfileType);
  26038. ;
  26039. args.push(this.ProfileName);
  26040. ;
  26041. args.push(this.Position);
  26042. ;
  26043. args.push(this.OverallWidth);
  26044. ;
  26045. args.push(this.OverallDepth);
  26046. ;
  26047. args.push(this.WebThickness);
  26048. ;
  26049. args.push(this.FlangeThickness);
  26050. ;
  26051. args.push(this.FilletRadius);
  26052. ;
  26053. args.push(this.FlangeEdgeRadius);
  26054. ;
  26055. args.push(this.FlangeSlope);
  26056. ;
  26057. return args;
  26058. }
  26059. };
  26060. var IfcImageTexture = class {
  26061. constructor(expressID, type, RepeatS, RepeatT, Mode, TextureTransform, Parameter, URLReference) {
  26062. this.expressID = expressID;
  26063. this.type = type;
  26064. this.RepeatS = RepeatS;
  26065. this.RepeatT = RepeatT;
  26066. this.Mode = Mode;
  26067. this.TextureTransform = TextureTransform;
  26068. this.Parameter = Parameter;
  26069. this.URLReference = URLReference;
  26070. }
  26071. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  26072. let ptr = 0;
  26073. let RepeatS = tape[ptr++];
  26074. let RepeatT = tape[ptr++];
  26075. let Mode = tape[ptr++];
  26076. let TextureTransform = tape[ptr++];
  26077. let Parameter = tape[ptr++];
  26078. let URLReference = tape[ptr++];
  26079. return new IfcImageTexture(expressID, type, RepeatS, RepeatT, Mode, TextureTransform, Parameter, URLReference);
  26080. }
  26081. ToTape() {
  26082. let args = [];
  26083. args.push(this.RepeatS);
  26084. ;
  26085. args.push(this.RepeatT);
  26086. ;
  26087. args.push(this.Mode);
  26088. ;
  26089. args.push(this.TextureTransform);
  26090. ;
  26091. args.push(this.Parameter);
  26092. ;
  26093. args.push(this.URLReference);
  26094. ;
  26095. return args;
  26096. }
  26097. };
  26098. var IfcIndexedColourMap = class {
  26099. constructor(expressID, type, MappedTo, Opacity, Colours, ColourIndex) {
  26100. this.expressID = expressID;
  26101. this.type = type;
  26102. this.MappedTo = MappedTo;
  26103. this.Opacity = Opacity;
  26104. this.Colours = Colours;
  26105. this.ColourIndex = ColourIndex;
  26106. }
  26107. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  26108. let ptr = 0;
  26109. let MappedTo = tape[ptr++];
  26110. let Opacity = tape[ptr++];
  26111. let Colours = tape[ptr++];
  26112. let ColourIndex = tape[ptr++];
  26113. return new IfcIndexedColourMap(expressID, type, MappedTo, Opacity, Colours, ColourIndex);
  26114. }
  26115. ToTape() {
  26116. let args = [];
  26117. args.push(this.MappedTo);
  26118. ;
  26119. args.push(this.Opacity);
  26120. ;
  26121. args.push(this.Colours);
  26122. ;
  26123. args.push(this.ColourIndex);
  26124. ;
  26125. return args;
  26126. }
  26127. };
  26128. var IfcIndexedPolyCurve = class {
  26129. constructor(expressID, type, Points, Segments, SelfIntersect) {
  26130. this.expressID = expressID;
  26131. this.type = type;
  26132. this.Points = Points;
  26133. this.Segments = Segments;
  26134. this.SelfIntersect = SelfIntersect;
  26135. }
  26136. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  26137. let ptr = 0;
  26138. let Points = tape[ptr++];
  26139. let Segments = tape[ptr++];
  26140. let SelfIntersect = tape[ptr++];
  26141. return new IfcIndexedPolyCurve(expressID, type, Points, Segments, SelfIntersect);
  26142. }
  26143. ToTape() {
  26144. let args = [];
  26145. args.push(this.Points);
  26146. ;
  26147. args.push(this.Segments);
  26148. ;
  26149. args.push(this.SelfIntersect);
  26150. ;
  26151. return args;
  26152. }
  26153. };
  26154. var IfcIndexedPolygonalFace = class {
  26155. constructor(expressID, type, CoordIndex) {
  26156. this.expressID = expressID;
  26157. this.type = type;
  26158. this.CoordIndex = CoordIndex;
  26159. }
  26160. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  26161. let ptr = 0;
  26162. let CoordIndex = tape[ptr++];
  26163. return new IfcIndexedPolygonalFace(expressID, type, CoordIndex);
  26164. }
  26165. ToTape() {
  26166. let args = [];
  26167. args.push(this.CoordIndex);
  26168. ;
  26169. return args;
  26170. }
  26171. };
  26172. var IfcIndexedPolygonalFaceWithVoids = class {
  26173. constructor(expressID, type, CoordIndex, InnerCoordIndices) {
  26174. this.expressID = expressID;
  26175. this.type = type;
  26176. this.CoordIndex = CoordIndex;
  26177. this.InnerCoordIndices = InnerCoordIndices;
  26178. }
  26179. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  26180. let ptr = 0;
  26181. let CoordIndex = tape[ptr++];
  26182. let InnerCoordIndices = tape[ptr++];
  26183. return new IfcIndexedPolygonalFaceWithVoids(expressID, type, CoordIndex, InnerCoordIndices);
  26184. }
  26185. ToTape() {
  26186. let args = [];
  26187. args.push(this.CoordIndex);
  26188. ;
  26189. args.push(this.InnerCoordIndices);
  26190. ;
  26191. return args;
  26192. }
  26193. };
  26194. var IfcIndexedTextureMap = class {
  26195. constructor(expressID, type, Maps, MappedTo, TexCoords) {
  26196. this.expressID = expressID;
  26197. this.type = type;
  26198. this.Maps = Maps;
  26199. this.MappedTo = MappedTo;
  26200. this.TexCoords = TexCoords;
  26201. }
  26202. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  26203. let ptr = 0;
  26204. let Maps = tape[ptr++];
  26205. let MappedTo = tape[ptr++];
  26206. let TexCoords = tape[ptr++];
  26207. return new IfcIndexedTextureMap(expressID, type, Maps, MappedTo, TexCoords);
  26208. }
  26209. ToTape() {
  26210. let args = [];
  26211. args.push(this.Maps);
  26212. ;
  26213. args.push(this.MappedTo);
  26214. ;
  26215. args.push(this.TexCoords);
  26216. ;
  26217. return args;
  26218. }
  26219. };
  26220. var IfcIndexedTriangleTextureMap = class {
  26221. constructor(expressID, type, Maps, MappedTo, TexCoords, TexCoordIndex) {
  26222. this.expressID = expressID;
  26223. this.type = type;
  26224. this.Maps = Maps;
  26225. this.MappedTo = MappedTo;
  26226. this.TexCoords = TexCoords;
  26227. this.TexCoordIndex = TexCoordIndex;
  26228. }
  26229. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  26230. let ptr = 0;
  26231. let Maps = tape[ptr++];
  26232. let MappedTo = tape[ptr++];
  26233. let TexCoords = tape[ptr++];
  26234. let TexCoordIndex = tape[ptr++];
  26235. return new IfcIndexedTriangleTextureMap(expressID, type, Maps, MappedTo, TexCoords, TexCoordIndex);
  26236. }
  26237. ToTape() {
  26238. let args = [];
  26239. args.push(this.Maps);
  26240. ;
  26241. args.push(this.MappedTo);
  26242. ;
  26243. args.push(this.TexCoords);
  26244. ;
  26245. args.push(this.TexCoordIndex);
  26246. ;
  26247. return args;
  26248. }
  26249. };
  26250. var IfcInterceptor = class {
  26251. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType) {
  26252. this.expressID = expressID;
  26253. this.type = type;
  26254. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  26255. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  26256. this.Name = Name;
  26257. this.Description = Description;
  26258. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  26259. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  26260. this.Representation = Representation;
  26261. this.Tag = Tag;
  26262. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  26263. }
  26264. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  26265. let ptr = 0;
  26266. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  26267. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  26268. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  26269. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  26270. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  26271. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  26272. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  26273. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  26274. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  26275. return new IfcInterceptor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType);
  26276. }
  26277. ToTape() {
  26278. let args = [];
  26279. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  26280. ;
  26281. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  26282. ;
  26283. args.push(this.Name);
  26284. ;
  26285. args.push(this.Description);
  26286. ;
  26287. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  26288. ;
  26289. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  26290. ;
  26291. args.push(this.Representation);
  26292. ;
  26293. args.push(this.Tag);
  26294. ;
  26295. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  26296. ;
  26297. return args;
  26298. }
  26299. };
  26300. var IfcInterceptorType = class {
  26301. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType) {
  26302. this.expressID = expressID;
  26303. this.type = type;
  26304. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  26305. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  26306. this.Name = Name;
  26307. this.Description = Description;
  26308. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  26309. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  26310. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  26311. this.Tag = Tag;
  26312. this.ElementType = ElementType;
  26313. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  26314. }
  26315. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  26316. let ptr = 0;
  26317. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  26318. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  26319. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  26320. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  26321. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  26322. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  26323. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  26324. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  26325. let ElementType = tape[ptr++];
  26326. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  26327. return new IfcInterceptorType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType);
  26328. }
  26329. ToTape() {
  26330. let args = [];
  26331. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  26332. ;
  26333. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  26334. ;
  26335. args.push(this.Name);
  26336. ;
  26337. args.push(this.Description);
  26338. ;
  26339. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  26340. ;
  26341. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  26342. ;
  26343. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  26344. ;
  26345. args.push(this.Tag);
  26346. ;
  26347. args.push(this.ElementType);
  26348. ;
  26349. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  26350. ;
  26351. return args;
  26352. }
  26353. };
  26354. var IfcIntersectionCurve = class {
  26355. constructor(expressID, type, Curve3D, AssociatedGeometry, MasterRepresentation) {
  26356. this.expressID = expressID;
  26357. this.type = type;
  26358. this.Curve3D = Curve3D;
  26359. this.AssociatedGeometry = AssociatedGeometry;
  26360. this.MasterRepresentation = MasterRepresentation;
  26361. }
  26362. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  26363. let ptr = 0;
  26364. let Curve3D = tape[ptr++];
  26365. let AssociatedGeometry = tape[ptr++];
  26366. let MasterRepresentation = tape[ptr++];
  26367. return new IfcIntersectionCurve(expressID, type, Curve3D, AssociatedGeometry, MasterRepresentation);
  26368. }
  26369. ToTape() {
  26370. let args = [];
  26371. args.push(this.Curve3D);
  26372. ;
  26373. args.push(this.AssociatedGeometry);
  26374. ;
  26375. args.push(this.MasterRepresentation);
  26376. ;
  26377. return args;
  26378. }
  26379. };
  26380. var IfcInventory = class {
  26381. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, PredefinedType, Jurisdiction, ResponsiblePersons, LastUpdateDate, CurrentValue, OriginalValue) {
  26382. this.expressID = expressID;
  26383. this.type = type;
  26384. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  26385. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  26386. this.Name = Name;
  26387. this.Description = Description;
  26388. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  26389. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  26390. this.Jurisdiction = Jurisdiction;
  26391. this.ResponsiblePersons = ResponsiblePersons;
  26392. this.LastUpdateDate = LastUpdateDate;
  26393. this.CurrentValue = CurrentValue;
  26394. this.OriginalValue = OriginalValue;
  26395. }
  26396. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  26397. let ptr = 0;
  26398. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  26399. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  26400. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  26401. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  26402. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  26403. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  26404. let Jurisdiction = tape[ptr++];
  26405. let ResponsiblePersons = tape[ptr++];
  26406. let LastUpdateDate = tape[ptr++];
  26407. let CurrentValue = tape[ptr++];
  26408. let OriginalValue = tape[ptr++];
  26409. return new IfcInventory(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, PredefinedType, Jurisdiction, ResponsiblePersons, LastUpdateDate, CurrentValue, OriginalValue);
  26410. }
  26411. ToTape() {
  26412. let args = [];
  26413. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  26414. ;
  26415. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  26416. ;
  26417. args.push(this.Name);
  26418. ;
  26419. args.push(this.Description);
  26420. ;
  26421. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  26422. ;
  26423. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  26424. ;
  26425. args.push(this.Jurisdiction);
  26426. ;
  26427. args.push(this.ResponsiblePersons);
  26428. ;
  26429. args.push(this.LastUpdateDate);
  26430. ;
  26431. args.push(this.CurrentValue);
  26432. ;
  26433. args.push(this.OriginalValue);
  26434. ;
  26435. return args;
  26436. }
  26437. };
  26438. var IfcIrregularTimeSeries = class {
  26439. constructor(expressID, type, Name, Description, StartTime, EndTime, TimeSeriesDataType, DataOrigin, UserDefinedDataOrigin, Unit, Values) {
  26440. this.expressID = expressID;
  26441. this.type = type;
  26442. this.Name = Name;
  26443. this.Description = Description;
  26444. this.StartTime = StartTime;
  26445. this.EndTime = EndTime;
  26446. this.TimeSeriesDataType = TimeSeriesDataType;
  26447. this.DataOrigin = DataOrigin;
  26448. this.UserDefinedDataOrigin = UserDefinedDataOrigin;
  26449. this.Unit = Unit;
  26450. this.Values = Values;
  26451. }
  26452. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  26453. let ptr = 0;
  26454. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  26455. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  26456. let StartTime = tape[ptr++];
  26457. let EndTime = tape[ptr++];
  26458. let TimeSeriesDataType = tape[ptr++];
  26459. let DataOrigin = tape[ptr++];
  26460. let UserDefinedDataOrigin = tape[ptr++];
  26461. let Unit = tape[ptr++];
  26462. let Values = tape[ptr++];
  26463. return new IfcIrregularTimeSeries(expressID, type, Name, Description, StartTime, EndTime, TimeSeriesDataType, DataOrigin, UserDefinedDataOrigin, Unit, Values);
  26464. }
  26465. ToTape() {
  26466. let args = [];
  26467. args.push(this.Name);
  26468. ;
  26469. args.push(this.Description);
  26470. ;
  26471. args.push(this.StartTime);
  26472. ;
  26473. args.push(this.EndTime);
  26474. ;
  26475. args.push(this.TimeSeriesDataType);
  26476. ;
  26477. args.push(this.DataOrigin);
  26478. ;
  26479. args.push(this.UserDefinedDataOrigin);
  26480. ;
  26481. args.push(this.Unit);
  26482. ;
  26483. args.push(this.Values);
  26484. ;
  26485. return args;
  26486. }
  26487. };
  26488. var IfcIrregularTimeSeriesValue = class {
  26489. constructor(expressID, type, TimeStamp, ListValues) {
  26490. this.expressID = expressID;
  26491. this.type = type;
  26492. this.TimeStamp = TimeStamp;
  26493. this.ListValues = ListValues;
  26494. }
  26495. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  26496. let ptr = 0;
  26497. let TimeStamp = tape[ptr++];
  26498. let ListValues = tape[ptr++];
  26499. return new IfcIrregularTimeSeriesValue(expressID, type, TimeStamp, ListValues);
  26500. }
  26501. ToTape() {
  26502. let args = [];
  26503. args.push(this.TimeStamp);
  26504. ;
  26505. args.push(this.ListValues);
  26506. ;
  26507. return args;
  26508. }
  26509. };
  26510. var IfcJunctionBox = class {
  26511. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType) {
  26512. this.expressID = expressID;
  26513. this.type = type;
  26514. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  26515. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  26516. this.Name = Name;
  26517. this.Description = Description;
  26518. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  26519. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  26520. this.Representation = Representation;
  26521. this.Tag = Tag;
  26522. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  26523. }
  26524. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  26525. let ptr = 0;
  26526. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  26527. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  26528. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  26529. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  26530. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  26531. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  26532. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  26533. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  26534. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  26535. return new IfcJunctionBox(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType);
  26536. }
  26537. ToTape() {
  26538. let args = [];
  26539. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  26540. ;
  26541. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  26542. ;
  26543. args.push(this.Name);
  26544. ;
  26545. args.push(this.Description);
  26546. ;
  26547. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  26548. ;
  26549. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  26550. ;
  26551. args.push(this.Representation);
  26552. ;
  26553. args.push(this.Tag);
  26554. ;
  26555. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  26556. ;
  26557. return args;
  26558. }
  26559. };
  26560. var IfcJunctionBoxType = class {
  26561. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType) {
  26562. this.expressID = expressID;
  26563. this.type = type;
  26564. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  26565. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  26566. this.Name = Name;
  26567. this.Description = Description;
  26568. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  26569. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  26570. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  26571. this.Tag = Tag;
  26572. this.ElementType = ElementType;
  26573. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  26574. }
  26575. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  26576. let ptr = 0;
  26577. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  26578. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  26579. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  26580. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  26581. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  26582. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  26583. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  26584. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  26585. let ElementType = tape[ptr++];
  26586. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  26587. return new IfcJunctionBoxType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType);
  26588. }
  26589. ToTape() {
  26590. let args = [];
  26591. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  26592. ;
  26593. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  26594. ;
  26595. args.push(this.Name);
  26596. ;
  26597. args.push(this.Description);
  26598. ;
  26599. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  26600. ;
  26601. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  26602. ;
  26603. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  26604. ;
  26605. args.push(this.Tag);
  26606. ;
  26607. args.push(this.ElementType);
  26608. ;
  26609. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  26610. ;
  26611. return args;
  26612. }
  26613. };
  26614. var IfcLShapeProfileDef = class {
  26615. constructor(expressID, type, ProfileType, ProfileName, Position, Depth, Width, Thickness, FilletRadius, EdgeRadius, LegSlope) {
  26616. this.expressID = expressID;
  26617. this.type = type;
  26618. this.ProfileType = ProfileType;
  26619. this.ProfileName = ProfileName;
  26620. this.Position = Position;
  26621. this.Depth = Depth;
  26622. this.Width = Width;
  26623. this.Thickness = Thickness;
  26624. this.FilletRadius = FilletRadius;
  26625. this.EdgeRadius = EdgeRadius;
  26626. this.LegSlope = LegSlope;
  26627. }
  26628. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  26629. let ptr = 0;
  26630. let ProfileType = tape[ptr++];
  26631. let ProfileName = tape[ptr++];
  26632. let Position = tape[ptr++];
  26633. let Depth = tape[ptr++];
  26634. let Width = tape[ptr++];
  26635. let Thickness = tape[ptr++];
  26636. let FilletRadius = tape[ptr++];
  26637. let EdgeRadius = tape[ptr++];
  26638. let LegSlope = tape[ptr++];
  26639. return new IfcLShapeProfileDef(expressID, type, ProfileType, ProfileName, Position, Depth, Width, Thickness, FilletRadius, EdgeRadius, LegSlope);
  26640. }
  26641. ToTape() {
  26642. let args = [];
  26643. args.push(this.ProfileType);
  26644. ;
  26645. args.push(this.ProfileName);
  26646. ;
  26647. args.push(this.Position);
  26648. ;
  26649. args.push(this.Depth);
  26650. ;
  26651. args.push(this.Width);
  26652. ;
  26653. args.push(this.Thickness);
  26654. ;
  26655. args.push(this.FilletRadius);
  26656. ;
  26657. args.push(this.EdgeRadius);
  26658. ;
  26659. args.push(this.LegSlope);
  26660. ;
  26661. return args;
  26662. }
  26663. };
  26664. var IfcLaborResource = class {
  26665. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, Identification, LongDescription, Usage, BaseCosts, BaseQuantity, PredefinedType) {
  26666. this.expressID = expressID;
  26667. this.type = type;
  26668. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  26669. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  26670. this.Name = Name;
  26671. this.Description = Description;
  26672. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  26673. this.Identification = Identification;
  26674. this.LongDescription = LongDescription;
  26675. this.Usage = Usage;
  26676. this.BaseCosts = BaseCosts;
  26677. this.BaseQuantity = BaseQuantity;
  26678. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  26679. }
  26680. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  26681. let ptr = 0;
  26682. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  26683. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  26684. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  26685. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  26686. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  26687. let Identification = tape[ptr++];
  26688. let LongDescription = tape[ptr++];
  26689. let Usage = tape[ptr++];
  26690. let BaseCosts = tape[ptr++];
  26691. let BaseQuantity = tape[ptr++];
  26692. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  26693. return new IfcLaborResource(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, Identification, LongDescription, Usage, BaseCosts, BaseQuantity, PredefinedType);
  26694. }
  26695. ToTape() {
  26696. let args = [];
  26697. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  26698. ;
  26699. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  26700. ;
  26701. args.push(this.Name);
  26702. ;
  26703. args.push(this.Description);
  26704. ;
  26705. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  26706. ;
  26707. args.push(this.Identification);
  26708. ;
  26709. args.push(this.LongDescription);
  26710. ;
  26711. args.push(this.Usage);
  26712. ;
  26713. args.push(this.BaseCosts);
  26714. ;
  26715. args.push(this.BaseQuantity);
  26716. ;
  26717. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  26718. ;
  26719. return args;
  26720. }
  26721. };
  26722. var IfcLaborResourceType = class {
  26723. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, Identification, LongDescription, ResourceType, BaseCosts, BaseQuantity, PredefinedType) {
  26724. this.expressID = expressID;
  26725. this.type = type;
  26726. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  26727. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  26728. this.Name = Name;
  26729. this.Description = Description;
  26730. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  26731. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  26732. this.Identification = Identification;
  26733. this.LongDescription = LongDescription;
  26734. this.ResourceType = ResourceType;
  26735. this.BaseCosts = BaseCosts;
  26736. this.BaseQuantity = BaseQuantity;
  26737. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  26738. }
  26739. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  26740. let ptr = 0;
  26741. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  26742. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  26743. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  26744. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  26745. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  26746. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  26747. let Identification = tape[ptr++];
  26748. let LongDescription = tape[ptr++];
  26749. let ResourceType = tape[ptr++];
  26750. let BaseCosts = tape[ptr++];
  26751. let BaseQuantity = tape[ptr++];
  26752. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  26753. return new IfcLaborResourceType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, Identification, LongDescription, ResourceType, BaseCosts, BaseQuantity, PredefinedType);
  26754. }
  26755. ToTape() {
  26756. let args = [];
  26757. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  26758. ;
  26759. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  26760. ;
  26761. args.push(this.Name);
  26762. ;
  26763. args.push(this.Description);
  26764. ;
  26765. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  26766. ;
  26767. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  26768. ;
  26769. args.push(this.Identification);
  26770. ;
  26771. args.push(this.LongDescription);
  26772. ;
  26773. args.push(this.ResourceType);
  26774. ;
  26775. args.push(this.BaseCosts);
  26776. ;
  26777. args.push(this.BaseQuantity);
  26778. ;
  26779. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  26780. ;
  26781. return args;
  26782. }
  26783. };
  26784. var IfcLagTime = class {
  26785. constructor(expressID, type, Name, DataOrigin, UserDefinedDataOrigin, LagValue, DurationType) {
  26786. this.expressID = expressID;
  26787. this.type = type;
  26788. this.Name = Name;
  26789. this.DataOrigin = DataOrigin;
  26790. this.UserDefinedDataOrigin = UserDefinedDataOrigin;
  26791. this.LagValue = LagValue;
  26792. this.DurationType = DurationType;
  26793. }
  26794. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  26795. let ptr = 0;
  26796. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  26797. let DataOrigin = tape[ptr++];
  26798. let UserDefinedDataOrigin = tape[ptr++];
  26799. let LagValue = tape[ptr++];
  26800. let DurationType = tape[ptr++];
  26801. return new IfcLagTime(expressID, type, Name, DataOrigin, UserDefinedDataOrigin, LagValue, DurationType);
  26802. }
  26803. ToTape() {
  26804. let args = [];
  26805. args.push(this.Name);
  26806. ;
  26807. args.push(this.DataOrigin);
  26808. ;
  26809. args.push(this.UserDefinedDataOrigin);
  26810. ;
  26811. args.push(this.LagValue);
  26812. ;
  26813. args.push(this.DurationType);
  26814. ;
  26815. return args;
  26816. }
  26817. };
  26818. var IfcLamp = class {
  26819. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType) {
  26820. this.expressID = expressID;
  26821. this.type = type;
  26822. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  26823. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  26824. this.Name = Name;
  26825. this.Description = Description;
  26826. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  26827. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  26828. this.Representation = Representation;
  26829. this.Tag = Tag;
  26830. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  26831. }
  26832. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  26833. let ptr = 0;
  26834. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  26835. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  26836. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  26837. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  26838. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  26839. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  26840. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  26841. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  26842. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  26843. return new IfcLamp(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType);
  26844. }
  26845. ToTape() {
  26846. let args = [];
  26847. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  26848. ;
  26849. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  26850. ;
  26851. args.push(this.Name);
  26852. ;
  26853. args.push(this.Description);
  26854. ;
  26855. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  26856. ;
  26857. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  26858. ;
  26859. args.push(this.Representation);
  26860. ;
  26861. args.push(this.Tag);
  26862. ;
  26863. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  26864. ;
  26865. return args;
  26866. }
  26867. };
  26868. var IfcLampType = class {
  26869. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType) {
  26870. this.expressID = expressID;
  26871. this.type = type;
  26872. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  26873. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  26874. this.Name = Name;
  26875. this.Description = Description;
  26876. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  26877. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  26878. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  26879. this.Tag = Tag;
  26880. this.ElementType = ElementType;
  26881. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  26882. }
  26883. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  26884. let ptr = 0;
  26885. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  26886. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  26887. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  26888. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  26889. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  26890. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  26891. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  26892. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  26893. let ElementType = tape[ptr++];
  26894. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  26895. return new IfcLampType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType);
  26896. }
  26897. ToTape() {
  26898. let args = [];
  26899. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  26900. ;
  26901. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  26902. ;
  26903. args.push(this.Name);
  26904. ;
  26905. args.push(this.Description);
  26906. ;
  26907. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  26908. ;
  26909. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  26910. ;
  26911. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  26912. ;
  26913. args.push(this.Tag);
  26914. ;
  26915. args.push(this.ElementType);
  26916. ;
  26917. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  26918. ;
  26919. return args;
  26920. }
  26921. };
  26922. var IfcLibraryInformation = class {
  26923. constructor(expressID, type, Name, Version, Publisher, VersionDate, Location, Description) {
  26924. this.expressID = expressID;
  26925. this.type = type;
  26926. this.Name = Name;
  26927. this.Version = Version;
  26928. this.Publisher = Publisher;
  26929. this.VersionDate = VersionDate;
  26930. this.Location = Location;
  26931. this.Description = Description;
  26932. }
  26933. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  26934. let ptr = 0;
  26935. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  26936. let Version = tape[ptr++];
  26937. let Publisher = tape[ptr++];
  26938. let VersionDate = tape[ptr++];
  26939. let Location = tape[ptr++];
  26940. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  26941. return new IfcLibraryInformation(expressID, type, Name, Version, Publisher, VersionDate, Location, Description);
  26942. }
  26943. ToTape() {
  26944. let args = [];
  26945. args.push(this.Name);
  26946. ;
  26947. args.push(this.Version);
  26948. ;
  26949. args.push(this.Publisher);
  26950. ;
  26951. args.push(this.VersionDate);
  26952. ;
  26953. args.push(this.Location);
  26954. ;
  26955. args.push(this.Description);
  26956. ;
  26957. return args;
  26958. }
  26959. };
  26960. var IfcLibraryReference = class {
  26961. constructor(expressID, type, Location, Identification, Name, Description, Language, ReferencedLibrary) {
  26962. this.expressID = expressID;
  26963. this.type = type;
  26964. this.Location = Location;
  26965. this.Identification = Identification;
  26966. this.Name = Name;
  26967. this.Description = Description;
  26968. this.Language = Language;
  26969. this.ReferencedLibrary = ReferencedLibrary;
  26970. }
  26971. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  26972. let ptr = 0;
  26973. let Location = tape[ptr++];
  26974. let Identification = tape[ptr++];
  26975. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  26976. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  26977. let Language = tape[ptr++];
  26978. let ReferencedLibrary = tape[ptr++];
  26979. return new IfcLibraryReference(expressID, type, Location, Identification, Name, Description, Language, ReferencedLibrary);
  26980. }
  26981. ToTape() {
  26982. let args = [];
  26983. args.push(this.Location);
  26984. ;
  26985. args.push(this.Identification);
  26986. ;
  26987. args.push(this.Name);
  26988. ;
  26989. args.push(this.Description);
  26990. ;
  26991. args.push(this.Language);
  26992. ;
  26993. args.push(this.ReferencedLibrary);
  26994. ;
  26995. return args;
  26996. }
  26997. };
  26998. var IfcLightDistributionData = class {
  26999. constructor(expressID, type, MainPlaneAngle, SecondaryPlaneAngle, LuminousIntensity) {
  27000. this.expressID = expressID;
  27001. this.type = type;
  27002. this.MainPlaneAngle = MainPlaneAngle;
  27003. this.SecondaryPlaneAngle = SecondaryPlaneAngle;
  27004. this.LuminousIntensity = LuminousIntensity;
  27005. }
  27006. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  27007. let ptr = 0;
  27008. let MainPlaneAngle = tape[ptr++];
  27009. let SecondaryPlaneAngle = tape[ptr++];
  27010. let LuminousIntensity = tape[ptr++];
  27011. return new IfcLightDistributionData(expressID, type, MainPlaneAngle, SecondaryPlaneAngle, LuminousIntensity);
  27012. }
  27013. ToTape() {
  27014. let args = [];
  27015. args.push(this.MainPlaneAngle);
  27016. ;
  27017. args.push(this.SecondaryPlaneAngle);
  27018. ;
  27019. args.push(this.LuminousIntensity);
  27020. ;
  27021. return args;
  27022. }
  27023. };
  27024. var IfcLightFixture = class {
  27025. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType) {
  27026. this.expressID = expressID;
  27027. this.type = type;
  27028. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  27029. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  27030. this.Name = Name;
  27031. this.Description = Description;
  27032. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  27033. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  27034. this.Representation = Representation;
  27035. this.Tag = Tag;
  27036. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  27037. }
  27038. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  27039. let ptr = 0;
  27040. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  27041. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  27042. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  27043. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  27044. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  27045. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  27046. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  27047. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  27048. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  27049. return new IfcLightFixture(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType);
  27050. }
  27051. ToTape() {
  27052. let args = [];
  27053. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  27054. ;
  27055. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  27056. ;
  27057. args.push(this.Name);
  27058. ;
  27059. args.push(this.Description);
  27060. ;
  27061. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  27062. ;
  27063. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  27064. ;
  27065. args.push(this.Representation);
  27066. ;
  27067. args.push(this.Tag);
  27068. ;
  27069. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  27070. ;
  27071. return args;
  27072. }
  27073. };
  27074. var IfcLightFixtureType = class {
  27075. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType) {
  27076. this.expressID = expressID;
  27077. this.type = type;
  27078. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  27079. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  27080. this.Name = Name;
  27081. this.Description = Description;
  27082. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  27083. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  27084. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  27085. this.Tag = Tag;
  27086. this.ElementType = ElementType;
  27087. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  27088. }
  27089. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  27090. let ptr = 0;
  27091. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  27092. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  27093. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  27094. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  27095. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  27096. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  27097. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  27098. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  27099. let ElementType = tape[ptr++];
  27100. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  27101. return new IfcLightFixtureType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType);
  27102. }
  27103. ToTape() {
  27104. let args = [];
  27105. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  27106. ;
  27107. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  27108. ;
  27109. args.push(this.Name);
  27110. ;
  27111. args.push(this.Description);
  27112. ;
  27113. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  27114. ;
  27115. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  27116. ;
  27117. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  27118. ;
  27119. args.push(this.Tag);
  27120. ;
  27121. args.push(this.ElementType);
  27122. ;
  27123. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  27124. ;
  27125. return args;
  27126. }
  27127. };
  27128. var IfcLightIntensityDistribution = class {
  27129. constructor(expressID, type, LightDistributionCurve, DistributionData) {
  27130. this.expressID = expressID;
  27131. this.type = type;
  27132. this.LightDistributionCurve = LightDistributionCurve;
  27133. this.DistributionData = DistributionData;
  27134. }
  27135. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  27136. let ptr = 0;
  27137. let LightDistributionCurve = tape[ptr++];
  27138. let DistributionData = tape[ptr++];
  27139. return new IfcLightIntensityDistribution(expressID, type, LightDistributionCurve, DistributionData);
  27140. }
  27141. ToTape() {
  27142. let args = [];
  27143. args.push(this.LightDistributionCurve);
  27144. ;
  27145. args.push(this.DistributionData);
  27146. ;
  27147. return args;
  27148. }
  27149. };
  27150. var IfcLightSource = class {
  27151. constructor(expressID, type, Name, LightColour, AmbientIntensity, Intensity) {
  27152. this.expressID = expressID;
  27153. this.type = type;
  27154. this.Name = Name;
  27155. this.LightColour = LightColour;
  27156. this.AmbientIntensity = AmbientIntensity;
  27157. this.Intensity = Intensity;
  27158. }
  27159. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  27160. let ptr = 0;
  27161. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  27162. let LightColour = tape[ptr++];
  27163. let AmbientIntensity = tape[ptr++];
  27164. let Intensity = tape[ptr++];
  27165. return new IfcLightSource(expressID, type, Name, LightColour, AmbientIntensity, Intensity);
  27166. }
  27167. ToTape() {
  27168. let args = [];
  27169. args.push(this.Name);
  27170. ;
  27171. args.push(this.LightColour);
  27172. ;
  27173. args.push(this.AmbientIntensity);
  27174. ;
  27175. args.push(this.Intensity);
  27176. ;
  27177. return args;
  27178. }
  27179. };
  27180. var IfcLightSourceAmbient = class {
  27181. constructor(expressID, type, Name, LightColour, AmbientIntensity, Intensity) {
  27182. this.expressID = expressID;
  27183. this.type = type;
  27184. this.Name = Name;
  27185. this.LightColour = LightColour;
  27186. this.AmbientIntensity = AmbientIntensity;
  27187. this.Intensity = Intensity;
  27188. }
  27189. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  27190. let ptr = 0;
  27191. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  27192. let LightColour = tape[ptr++];
  27193. let AmbientIntensity = tape[ptr++];
  27194. let Intensity = tape[ptr++];
  27195. return new IfcLightSourceAmbient(expressID, type, Name, LightColour, AmbientIntensity, Intensity);
  27196. }
  27197. ToTape() {
  27198. let args = [];
  27199. args.push(this.Name);
  27200. ;
  27201. args.push(this.LightColour);
  27202. ;
  27203. args.push(this.AmbientIntensity);
  27204. ;
  27205. args.push(this.Intensity);
  27206. ;
  27207. return args;
  27208. }
  27209. };
  27210. var IfcLightSourceDirectional = class {
  27211. constructor(expressID, type, Name, LightColour, AmbientIntensity, Intensity, Orientation) {
  27212. this.expressID = expressID;
  27213. this.type = type;
  27214. this.Name = Name;
  27215. this.LightColour = LightColour;
  27216. this.AmbientIntensity = AmbientIntensity;
  27217. this.Intensity = Intensity;
  27218. this.Orientation = Orientation;
  27219. }
  27220. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  27221. let ptr = 0;
  27222. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  27223. let LightColour = tape[ptr++];
  27224. let AmbientIntensity = tape[ptr++];
  27225. let Intensity = tape[ptr++];
  27226. let Orientation = tape[ptr++];
  27227. return new IfcLightSourceDirectional(expressID, type, Name, LightColour, AmbientIntensity, Intensity, Orientation);
  27228. }
  27229. ToTape() {
  27230. let args = [];
  27231. args.push(this.Name);
  27232. ;
  27233. args.push(this.LightColour);
  27234. ;
  27235. args.push(this.AmbientIntensity);
  27236. ;
  27237. args.push(this.Intensity);
  27238. ;
  27239. args.push(this.Orientation);
  27240. ;
  27241. return args;
  27242. }
  27243. };
  27244. var IfcLightSourceGoniometric = class {
  27245. constructor(expressID, type, Name, LightColour, AmbientIntensity, Intensity, Position, ColourAppearance, ColourTemperature, LuminousFlux, LightEmissionSource, LightDistributionDataSource) {
  27246. this.expressID = expressID;
  27247. this.type = type;
  27248. this.Name = Name;
  27249. this.LightColour = LightColour;
  27250. this.AmbientIntensity = AmbientIntensity;
  27251. this.Intensity = Intensity;
  27252. this.Position = Position;
  27253. this.ColourAppearance = ColourAppearance;
  27254. this.ColourTemperature = ColourTemperature;
  27255. this.LuminousFlux = LuminousFlux;
  27256. this.LightEmissionSource = LightEmissionSource;
  27257. this.LightDistributionDataSource = LightDistributionDataSource;
  27258. }
  27259. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  27260. let ptr = 0;
  27261. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  27262. let LightColour = tape[ptr++];
  27263. let AmbientIntensity = tape[ptr++];
  27264. let Intensity = tape[ptr++];
  27265. let Position = tape[ptr++];
  27266. let ColourAppearance = tape[ptr++];
  27267. let ColourTemperature = tape[ptr++];
  27268. let LuminousFlux = tape[ptr++];
  27269. let LightEmissionSource = tape[ptr++];
  27270. let LightDistributionDataSource = tape[ptr++];
  27271. return new IfcLightSourceGoniometric(expressID, type, Name, LightColour, AmbientIntensity, Intensity, Position, ColourAppearance, ColourTemperature, LuminousFlux, LightEmissionSource, LightDistributionDataSource);
  27272. }
  27273. ToTape() {
  27274. let args = [];
  27275. args.push(this.Name);
  27276. ;
  27277. args.push(this.LightColour);
  27278. ;
  27279. args.push(this.AmbientIntensity);
  27280. ;
  27281. args.push(this.Intensity);
  27282. ;
  27283. args.push(this.Position);
  27284. ;
  27285. args.push(this.ColourAppearance);
  27286. ;
  27287. args.push(this.ColourTemperature);
  27288. ;
  27289. args.push(this.LuminousFlux);
  27290. ;
  27291. args.push(this.LightEmissionSource);
  27292. ;
  27293. args.push(this.LightDistributionDataSource);
  27294. ;
  27295. return args;
  27296. }
  27297. };
  27298. var IfcLightSourcePositional = class {
  27299. constructor(expressID, type, Name, LightColour, AmbientIntensity, Intensity, Position, Radius, ConstantAttenuation, DistanceAttenuation, QuadricAttenuation) {
  27300. this.expressID = expressID;
  27301. this.type = type;
  27302. this.Name = Name;
  27303. this.LightColour = LightColour;
  27304. this.AmbientIntensity = AmbientIntensity;
  27305. this.Intensity = Intensity;
  27306. this.Position = Position;
  27307. this.Radius = Radius;
  27308. this.ConstantAttenuation = ConstantAttenuation;
  27309. this.DistanceAttenuation = DistanceAttenuation;
  27310. this.QuadricAttenuation = QuadricAttenuation;
  27311. }
  27312. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  27313. let ptr = 0;
  27314. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  27315. let LightColour = tape[ptr++];
  27316. let AmbientIntensity = tape[ptr++];
  27317. let Intensity = tape[ptr++];
  27318. let Position = tape[ptr++];
  27319. let Radius = tape[ptr++];
  27320. let ConstantAttenuation = tape[ptr++];
  27321. let DistanceAttenuation = tape[ptr++];
  27322. let QuadricAttenuation = tape[ptr++];
  27323. return new IfcLightSourcePositional(expressID, type, Name, LightColour, AmbientIntensity, Intensity, Position, Radius, ConstantAttenuation, DistanceAttenuation, QuadricAttenuation);
  27324. }
  27325. ToTape() {
  27326. let args = [];
  27327. args.push(this.Name);
  27328. ;
  27329. args.push(this.LightColour);
  27330. ;
  27331. args.push(this.AmbientIntensity);
  27332. ;
  27333. args.push(this.Intensity);
  27334. ;
  27335. args.push(this.Position);
  27336. ;
  27337. args.push(this.Radius);
  27338. ;
  27339. args.push(this.ConstantAttenuation);
  27340. ;
  27341. args.push(this.DistanceAttenuation);
  27342. ;
  27343. args.push(this.QuadricAttenuation);
  27344. ;
  27345. return args;
  27346. }
  27347. };
  27348. var IfcLightSourceSpot = class {
  27349. constructor(expressID, type, Name, LightColour, AmbientIntensity, Intensity, Position, Radius, ConstantAttenuation, DistanceAttenuation, QuadricAttenuation, Orientation, ConcentrationExponent, SpreadAngle, BeamWidthAngle) {
  27350. this.expressID = expressID;
  27351. this.type = type;
  27352. this.Name = Name;
  27353. this.LightColour = LightColour;
  27354. this.AmbientIntensity = AmbientIntensity;
  27355. this.Intensity = Intensity;
  27356. this.Position = Position;
  27357. this.Radius = Radius;
  27358. this.ConstantAttenuation = ConstantAttenuation;
  27359. this.DistanceAttenuation = DistanceAttenuation;
  27360. this.QuadricAttenuation = QuadricAttenuation;
  27361. this.Orientation = Orientation;
  27362. this.ConcentrationExponent = ConcentrationExponent;
  27363. this.SpreadAngle = SpreadAngle;
  27364. this.BeamWidthAngle = BeamWidthAngle;
  27365. }
  27366. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  27367. let ptr = 0;
  27368. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  27369. let LightColour = tape[ptr++];
  27370. let AmbientIntensity = tape[ptr++];
  27371. let Intensity = tape[ptr++];
  27372. let Position = tape[ptr++];
  27373. let Radius = tape[ptr++];
  27374. let ConstantAttenuation = tape[ptr++];
  27375. let DistanceAttenuation = tape[ptr++];
  27376. let QuadricAttenuation = tape[ptr++];
  27377. let Orientation = tape[ptr++];
  27378. let ConcentrationExponent = tape[ptr++];
  27379. let SpreadAngle = tape[ptr++];
  27380. let BeamWidthAngle = tape[ptr++];
  27381. return new IfcLightSourceSpot(expressID, type, Name, LightColour, AmbientIntensity, Intensity, Position, Radius, ConstantAttenuation, DistanceAttenuation, QuadricAttenuation, Orientation, ConcentrationExponent, SpreadAngle, BeamWidthAngle);
  27382. }
  27383. ToTape() {
  27384. let args = [];
  27385. args.push(this.Name);
  27386. ;
  27387. args.push(this.LightColour);
  27388. ;
  27389. args.push(this.AmbientIntensity);
  27390. ;
  27391. args.push(this.Intensity);
  27392. ;
  27393. args.push(this.Position);
  27394. ;
  27395. args.push(this.Radius);
  27396. ;
  27397. args.push(this.ConstantAttenuation);
  27398. ;
  27399. args.push(this.DistanceAttenuation);
  27400. ;
  27401. args.push(this.QuadricAttenuation);
  27402. ;
  27403. args.push(this.Orientation);
  27404. ;
  27405. args.push(this.ConcentrationExponent);
  27406. ;
  27407. args.push(this.SpreadAngle);
  27408. ;
  27409. args.push(this.BeamWidthAngle);
  27410. ;
  27411. return args;
  27412. }
  27413. };
  27414. var IfcLine = class {
  27415. constructor(expressID, type, Pnt, Dir) {
  27416. this.expressID = expressID;
  27417. this.type = type;
  27418. this.Pnt = Pnt;
  27419. this.Dir = Dir;
  27420. }
  27421. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  27422. let ptr = 0;
  27423. let Pnt = tape[ptr++];
  27424. let Dir = tape[ptr++];
  27425. return new IfcLine(expressID, type, Pnt, Dir);
  27426. }
  27427. ToTape() {
  27428. let args = [];
  27429. args.push(this.Pnt);
  27430. ;
  27431. args.push(this.Dir);
  27432. ;
  27433. return args;
  27434. }
  27435. };
  27436. var IfcLineSegment2D = class {
  27437. constructor(expressID, type, StartPoint, StartDirection, SegmentLength) {
  27438. this.expressID = expressID;
  27439. this.type = type;
  27440. this.StartPoint = StartPoint;
  27441. this.StartDirection = StartDirection;
  27442. this.SegmentLength = SegmentLength;
  27443. }
  27444. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  27445. let ptr = 0;
  27446. let StartPoint = tape[ptr++];
  27447. let StartDirection = tape[ptr++];
  27448. let SegmentLength = tape[ptr++];
  27449. return new IfcLineSegment2D(expressID, type, StartPoint, StartDirection, SegmentLength);
  27450. }
  27451. ToTape() {
  27452. let args = [];
  27453. args.push(this.StartPoint);
  27454. ;
  27455. args.push(this.StartDirection);
  27456. ;
  27457. args.push(this.SegmentLength);
  27458. ;
  27459. return args;
  27460. }
  27461. };
  27462. var IfcLinearPlacement = class {
  27463. constructor(expressID, type, PlacementRelTo, PlacementMeasuredAlong, Distance, Orientation, CartesianPosition) {
  27464. this.expressID = expressID;
  27465. this.type = type;
  27466. this.PlacementRelTo = PlacementRelTo;
  27467. this.PlacementMeasuredAlong = PlacementMeasuredAlong;
  27468. this.Distance = Distance;
  27469. this.Orientation = Orientation;
  27470. this.CartesianPosition = CartesianPosition;
  27471. }
  27472. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  27473. let ptr = 0;
  27474. let PlacementRelTo = tape[ptr++];
  27475. let PlacementMeasuredAlong = tape[ptr++];
  27476. let Distance = tape[ptr++];
  27477. let Orientation = tape[ptr++];
  27478. let CartesianPosition = tape[ptr++];
  27479. return new IfcLinearPlacement(expressID, type, PlacementRelTo, PlacementMeasuredAlong, Distance, Orientation, CartesianPosition);
  27480. }
  27481. ToTape() {
  27482. let args = [];
  27483. args.push(this.PlacementRelTo);
  27484. ;
  27485. args.push(this.PlacementMeasuredAlong);
  27486. ;
  27487. args.push(this.Distance);
  27488. ;
  27489. args.push(this.Orientation);
  27490. ;
  27491. args.push(this.CartesianPosition);
  27492. ;
  27493. return args;
  27494. }
  27495. };
  27496. var IfcLinearPositioningElement = class {
  27497. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Axis) {
  27498. this.expressID = expressID;
  27499. this.type = type;
  27500. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  27501. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  27502. this.Name = Name;
  27503. this.Description = Description;
  27504. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  27505. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  27506. this.Representation = Representation;
  27507. this.Axis = Axis;
  27508. }
  27509. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  27510. let ptr = 0;
  27511. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  27512. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  27513. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  27514. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  27515. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  27516. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  27517. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  27518. let Axis = tape[ptr++];
  27519. return new IfcLinearPositioningElement(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Axis);
  27520. }
  27521. ToTape() {
  27522. let args = [];
  27523. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  27524. ;
  27525. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  27526. ;
  27527. args.push(this.Name);
  27528. ;
  27529. args.push(this.Description);
  27530. ;
  27531. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  27532. ;
  27533. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  27534. ;
  27535. args.push(this.Representation);
  27536. ;
  27537. args.push(this.Axis);
  27538. ;
  27539. return args;
  27540. }
  27541. };
  27542. var IfcLocalPlacement = class {
  27543. constructor(expressID, type, PlacementRelTo, RelativePlacement) {
  27544. this.expressID = expressID;
  27545. this.type = type;
  27546. this.PlacementRelTo = PlacementRelTo;
  27547. this.RelativePlacement = RelativePlacement;
  27548. }
  27549. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  27550. let ptr = 0;
  27551. let PlacementRelTo = tape[ptr++];
  27552. let RelativePlacement = tape[ptr++];
  27553. return new IfcLocalPlacement(expressID, type, PlacementRelTo, RelativePlacement);
  27554. }
  27555. ToTape() {
  27556. let args = [];
  27557. args.push(this.PlacementRelTo);
  27558. ;
  27559. args.push(this.RelativePlacement);
  27560. ;
  27561. return args;
  27562. }
  27563. };
  27564. var IfcLoop = class {
  27565. constructor(expressID, type) {
  27566. this.expressID = expressID;
  27567. this.type = type;
  27568. }
  27569. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  27570. let ptr = 0;
  27571. return new IfcLoop(expressID, type);
  27572. }
  27573. ToTape() {
  27574. let args = [];
  27575. return args;
  27576. }
  27577. };
  27578. var IfcManifoldSolidBrep = class {
  27579. constructor(expressID, type, Outer) {
  27580. this.expressID = expressID;
  27581. this.type = type;
  27582. this.Outer = Outer;
  27583. }
  27584. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  27585. let ptr = 0;
  27586. let Outer = tape[ptr++];
  27587. return new IfcManifoldSolidBrep(expressID, type, Outer);
  27588. }
  27589. ToTape() {
  27590. let args = [];
  27591. args.push(this.Outer);
  27592. ;
  27593. return args;
  27594. }
  27595. };
  27596. var IfcMapConversion = class {
  27597. constructor(expressID, type, SourceCRS, TargetCRS, Eastings, Northings, OrthogonalHeight, XAxisAbscissa, XAxisOrdinate, Scale) {
  27598. this.expressID = expressID;
  27599. this.type = type;
  27600. this.SourceCRS = SourceCRS;
  27601. this.TargetCRS = TargetCRS;
  27602. this.Eastings = Eastings;
  27603. this.Northings = Northings;
  27604. this.OrthogonalHeight = OrthogonalHeight;
  27605. this.XAxisAbscissa = XAxisAbscissa;
  27606. this.XAxisOrdinate = XAxisOrdinate;
  27607. this.Scale = Scale;
  27608. }
  27609. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  27610. let ptr = 0;
  27611. let SourceCRS = tape[ptr++];
  27612. let TargetCRS = tape[ptr++];
  27613. let Eastings = tape[ptr++];
  27614. let Northings = tape[ptr++];
  27615. let OrthogonalHeight = tape[ptr++];
  27616. let XAxisAbscissa = tape[ptr++];
  27617. let XAxisOrdinate = tape[ptr++];
  27618. let Scale = tape[ptr++];
  27619. return new IfcMapConversion(expressID, type, SourceCRS, TargetCRS, Eastings, Northings, OrthogonalHeight, XAxisAbscissa, XAxisOrdinate, Scale);
  27620. }
  27621. ToTape() {
  27622. let args = [];
  27623. args.push(this.SourceCRS);
  27624. ;
  27625. args.push(this.TargetCRS);
  27626. ;
  27627. args.push(this.Eastings);
  27628. ;
  27629. args.push(this.Northings);
  27630. ;
  27631. args.push(this.OrthogonalHeight);
  27632. ;
  27633. args.push(this.XAxisAbscissa);
  27634. ;
  27635. args.push(this.XAxisOrdinate);
  27636. ;
  27637. args.push(this.Scale);
  27638. ;
  27639. return args;
  27640. }
  27641. };
  27642. var IfcMappedItem = class {
  27643. constructor(expressID, type, MappingSource, MappingTarget) {
  27644. this.expressID = expressID;
  27645. this.type = type;
  27646. this.MappingSource = MappingSource;
  27647. this.MappingTarget = MappingTarget;
  27648. }
  27649. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  27650. let ptr = 0;
  27651. let MappingSource = tape[ptr++];
  27652. let MappingTarget = tape[ptr++];
  27653. return new IfcMappedItem(expressID, type, MappingSource, MappingTarget);
  27654. }
  27655. ToTape() {
  27656. let args = [];
  27657. args.push(this.MappingSource);
  27658. ;
  27659. args.push(this.MappingTarget);
  27660. ;
  27661. return args;
  27662. }
  27663. };
  27664. var IfcMaterial = class {
  27665. constructor(expressID, type, Name, Description, Category) {
  27666. this.expressID = expressID;
  27667. this.type = type;
  27668. this.Name = Name;
  27669. this.Description = Description;
  27670. this.Category = Category;
  27671. }
  27672. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  27673. let ptr = 0;
  27674. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  27675. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  27676. let Category = tape[ptr++];
  27677. return new IfcMaterial(expressID, type, Name, Description, Category);
  27678. }
  27679. ToTape() {
  27680. let args = [];
  27681. args.push(this.Name);
  27682. ;
  27683. args.push(this.Description);
  27684. ;
  27685. args.push(this.Category);
  27686. ;
  27687. return args;
  27688. }
  27689. };
  27690. var IfcMaterialClassificationRelationship = class {
  27691. constructor(expressID, type, MaterialClassifications, ClassifiedMaterial) {
  27692. this.expressID = expressID;
  27693. this.type = type;
  27694. this.MaterialClassifications = MaterialClassifications;
  27695. this.ClassifiedMaterial = ClassifiedMaterial;
  27696. }
  27697. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  27698. let ptr = 0;
  27699. let MaterialClassifications = tape[ptr++];
  27700. let ClassifiedMaterial = tape[ptr++];
  27701. return new IfcMaterialClassificationRelationship(expressID, type, MaterialClassifications, ClassifiedMaterial);
  27702. }
  27703. ToTape() {
  27704. let args = [];
  27705. args.push(this.MaterialClassifications);
  27706. ;
  27707. args.push(this.ClassifiedMaterial);
  27708. ;
  27709. return args;
  27710. }
  27711. };
  27712. var IfcMaterialConstituent = class {
  27713. constructor(expressID, type, Name, Description, Material, Fraction, Category) {
  27714. this.expressID = expressID;
  27715. this.type = type;
  27716. this.Name = Name;
  27717. this.Description = Description;
  27718. this.Material = Material;
  27719. this.Fraction = Fraction;
  27720. this.Category = Category;
  27721. }
  27722. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  27723. let ptr = 0;
  27724. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  27725. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  27726. let Material = tape[ptr++];
  27727. let Fraction = tape[ptr++];
  27728. let Category = tape[ptr++];
  27729. return new IfcMaterialConstituent(expressID, type, Name, Description, Material, Fraction, Category);
  27730. }
  27731. ToTape() {
  27732. let args = [];
  27733. args.push(this.Name);
  27734. ;
  27735. args.push(this.Description);
  27736. ;
  27737. args.push(this.Material);
  27738. ;
  27739. args.push(this.Fraction);
  27740. ;
  27741. args.push(this.Category);
  27742. ;
  27743. return args;
  27744. }
  27745. };
  27746. var IfcMaterialConstituentSet = class {
  27747. constructor(expressID, type, Name, Description, MaterialConstituents) {
  27748. this.expressID = expressID;
  27749. this.type = type;
  27750. this.Name = Name;
  27751. this.Description = Description;
  27752. this.MaterialConstituents = MaterialConstituents;
  27753. }
  27754. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  27755. let ptr = 0;
  27756. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  27757. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  27758. let MaterialConstituents = tape[ptr++];
  27759. return new IfcMaterialConstituentSet(expressID, type, Name, Description, MaterialConstituents);
  27760. }
  27761. ToTape() {
  27762. let args = [];
  27763. args.push(this.Name);
  27764. ;
  27765. args.push(this.Description);
  27766. ;
  27767. args.push(this.MaterialConstituents);
  27768. ;
  27769. return args;
  27770. }
  27771. };
  27772. var IfcMaterialDefinition = class {
  27773. constructor(expressID, type) {
  27774. this.expressID = expressID;
  27775. this.type = type;
  27776. }
  27777. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  27778. let ptr = 0;
  27779. return new IfcMaterialDefinition(expressID, type);
  27780. }
  27781. ToTape() {
  27782. let args = [];
  27783. return args;
  27784. }
  27785. };
  27786. var IfcMaterialDefinitionRepresentation = class {
  27787. constructor(expressID, type, Name, Description, Representations, RepresentedMaterial) {
  27788. this.expressID = expressID;
  27789. this.type = type;
  27790. this.Name = Name;
  27791. this.Description = Description;
  27792. this.Representations = Representations;
  27793. this.RepresentedMaterial = RepresentedMaterial;
  27794. }
  27795. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  27796. let ptr = 0;
  27797. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  27798. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  27799. let Representations = tape[ptr++];
  27800. let RepresentedMaterial = tape[ptr++];
  27801. return new IfcMaterialDefinitionRepresentation(expressID, type, Name, Description, Representations, RepresentedMaterial);
  27802. }
  27803. ToTape() {
  27804. let args = [];
  27805. args.push(this.Name);
  27806. ;
  27807. args.push(this.Description);
  27808. ;
  27809. args.push(this.Representations);
  27810. ;
  27811. args.push(this.RepresentedMaterial);
  27812. ;
  27813. return args;
  27814. }
  27815. };
  27816. var IfcMaterialLayer = class {
  27817. constructor(expressID, type, Material, LayerThickness, IsVentilated, Name, Description, Category, Priority) {
  27818. this.expressID = expressID;
  27819. this.type = type;
  27820. this.Material = Material;
  27821. this.LayerThickness = LayerThickness;
  27822. this.IsVentilated = IsVentilated;
  27823. this.Name = Name;
  27824. this.Description = Description;
  27825. this.Category = Category;
  27826. this.Priority = Priority;
  27827. }
  27828. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  27829. let ptr = 0;
  27830. let Material = tape[ptr++];
  27831. let LayerThickness = tape[ptr++];
  27832. let IsVentilated = tape[ptr++];
  27833. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  27834. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  27835. let Category = tape[ptr++];
  27836. let Priority = tape[ptr++];
  27837. return new IfcMaterialLayer(expressID, type, Material, LayerThickness, IsVentilated, Name, Description, Category, Priority);
  27838. }
  27839. ToTape() {
  27840. let args = [];
  27841. args.push(this.Material);
  27842. ;
  27843. args.push(this.LayerThickness);
  27844. ;
  27845. args.push(this.IsVentilated);
  27846. ;
  27847. args.push(this.Name);
  27848. ;
  27849. args.push(this.Description);
  27850. ;
  27851. args.push(this.Category);
  27852. ;
  27853. args.push(this.Priority);
  27854. ;
  27855. return args;
  27856. }
  27857. };
  27858. var IfcMaterialLayerSet = class {
  27859. constructor(expressID, type, MaterialLayers, LayerSetName, Description) {
  27860. this.expressID = expressID;
  27861. this.type = type;
  27862. this.MaterialLayers = MaterialLayers;
  27863. this.LayerSetName = LayerSetName;
  27864. this.Description = Description;
  27865. }
  27866. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  27867. let ptr = 0;
  27868. let MaterialLayers = tape[ptr++];
  27869. let LayerSetName = tape[ptr++];
  27870. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  27871. return new IfcMaterialLayerSet(expressID, type, MaterialLayers, LayerSetName, Description);
  27872. }
  27873. ToTape() {
  27874. let args = [];
  27875. args.push(this.MaterialLayers);
  27876. ;
  27877. args.push(this.LayerSetName);
  27878. ;
  27879. args.push(this.Description);
  27880. ;
  27881. return args;
  27882. }
  27883. };
  27884. var IfcMaterialLayerSetUsage = class {
  27885. constructor(expressID, type, ForLayerSet, LayerSetDirection, DirectionSense, OffsetFromReferenceLine, ReferenceExtent) {
  27886. this.expressID = expressID;
  27887. this.type = type;
  27888. this.ForLayerSet = ForLayerSet;
  27889. this.LayerSetDirection = LayerSetDirection;
  27890. this.DirectionSense = DirectionSense;
  27891. this.OffsetFromReferenceLine = OffsetFromReferenceLine;
  27892. this.ReferenceExtent = ReferenceExtent;
  27893. }
  27894. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  27895. let ptr = 0;
  27896. let ForLayerSet = tape[ptr++];
  27897. let LayerSetDirection = tape[ptr++];
  27898. let DirectionSense = tape[ptr++];
  27899. let OffsetFromReferenceLine = tape[ptr++];
  27900. let ReferenceExtent = tape[ptr++];
  27901. return new IfcMaterialLayerSetUsage(expressID, type, ForLayerSet, LayerSetDirection, DirectionSense, OffsetFromReferenceLine, ReferenceExtent);
  27902. }
  27903. ToTape() {
  27904. let args = [];
  27905. args.push(this.ForLayerSet);
  27906. ;
  27907. args.push(this.LayerSetDirection);
  27908. ;
  27909. args.push(this.DirectionSense);
  27910. ;
  27911. args.push(this.OffsetFromReferenceLine);
  27912. ;
  27913. args.push(this.ReferenceExtent);
  27914. ;
  27915. return args;
  27916. }
  27917. };
  27918. var IfcMaterialLayerWithOffsets = class {
  27919. constructor(expressID, type, Material, LayerThickness, IsVentilated, Name, Description, Category, Priority, OffsetDirection, OffsetValues) {
  27920. this.expressID = expressID;
  27921. this.type = type;
  27922. this.Material = Material;
  27923. this.LayerThickness = LayerThickness;
  27924. this.IsVentilated = IsVentilated;
  27925. this.Name = Name;
  27926. this.Description = Description;
  27927. this.Category = Category;
  27928. this.Priority = Priority;
  27929. this.OffsetDirection = OffsetDirection;
  27930. this.OffsetValues = OffsetValues;
  27931. }
  27932. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  27933. let ptr = 0;
  27934. let Material = tape[ptr++];
  27935. let LayerThickness = tape[ptr++];
  27936. let IsVentilated = tape[ptr++];
  27937. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  27938. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  27939. let Category = tape[ptr++];
  27940. let Priority = tape[ptr++];
  27941. let OffsetDirection = tape[ptr++];
  27942. let OffsetValues = tape[ptr++];
  27943. return new IfcMaterialLayerWithOffsets(expressID, type, Material, LayerThickness, IsVentilated, Name, Description, Category, Priority, OffsetDirection, OffsetValues);
  27944. }
  27945. ToTape() {
  27946. let args = [];
  27947. args.push(this.Material);
  27948. ;
  27949. args.push(this.LayerThickness);
  27950. ;
  27951. args.push(this.IsVentilated);
  27952. ;
  27953. args.push(this.Name);
  27954. ;
  27955. args.push(this.Description);
  27956. ;
  27957. args.push(this.Category);
  27958. ;
  27959. args.push(this.Priority);
  27960. ;
  27961. args.push(this.OffsetDirection);
  27962. ;
  27963. args.push(this.OffsetValues);
  27964. ;
  27965. return args;
  27966. }
  27967. };
  27968. var IfcMaterialList = class {
  27969. constructor(expressID, type, Materials) {
  27970. this.expressID = expressID;
  27971. this.type = type;
  27972. this.Materials = Materials;
  27973. }
  27974. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  27975. let ptr = 0;
  27976. let Materials = tape[ptr++];
  27977. return new IfcMaterialList(expressID, type, Materials);
  27978. }
  27979. ToTape() {
  27980. let args = [];
  27981. args.push(this.Materials);
  27982. ;
  27983. return args;
  27984. }
  27985. };
  27986. var IfcMaterialProfile = class {
  27987. constructor(expressID, type, Name, Description, Material, Profile, Priority, Category) {
  27988. this.expressID = expressID;
  27989. this.type = type;
  27990. this.Name = Name;
  27991. this.Description = Description;
  27992. this.Material = Material;
  27993. this.Profile = Profile;
  27994. this.Priority = Priority;
  27995. this.Category = Category;
  27996. }
  27997. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  27998. let ptr = 0;
  27999. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  28000. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  28001. let Material = tape[ptr++];
  28002. let Profile = tape[ptr++];
  28003. let Priority = tape[ptr++];
  28004. let Category = tape[ptr++];
  28005. return new IfcMaterialProfile(expressID, type, Name, Description, Material, Profile, Priority, Category);
  28006. }
  28007. ToTape() {
  28008. let args = [];
  28009. args.push(this.Name);
  28010. ;
  28011. args.push(this.Description);
  28012. ;
  28013. args.push(this.Material);
  28014. ;
  28015. args.push(this.Profile);
  28016. ;
  28017. args.push(this.Priority);
  28018. ;
  28019. args.push(this.Category);
  28020. ;
  28021. return args;
  28022. }
  28023. };
  28024. var IfcMaterialProfileSet = class {
  28025. constructor(expressID, type, Name, Description, MaterialProfiles, CompositeProfile) {
  28026. this.expressID = expressID;
  28027. this.type = type;
  28028. this.Name = Name;
  28029. this.Description = Description;
  28030. this.MaterialProfiles = MaterialProfiles;
  28031. this.CompositeProfile = CompositeProfile;
  28032. }
  28033. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  28034. let ptr = 0;
  28035. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  28036. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  28037. let MaterialProfiles = tape[ptr++];
  28038. let CompositeProfile = tape[ptr++];
  28039. return new IfcMaterialProfileSet(expressID, type, Name, Description, MaterialProfiles, CompositeProfile);
  28040. }
  28041. ToTape() {
  28042. let args = [];
  28043. args.push(this.Name);
  28044. ;
  28045. args.push(this.Description);
  28046. ;
  28047. args.push(this.MaterialProfiles);
  28048. ;
  28049. args.push(this.CompositeProfile);
  28050. ;
  28051. return args;
  28052. }
  28053. };
  28054. var IfcMaterialProfileSetUsage = class {
  28055. constructor(expressID, type, ForProfileSet, CardinalPoint, ReferenceExtent) {
  28056. this.expressID = expressID;
  28057. this.type = type;
  28058. this.ForProfileSet = ForProfileSet;
  28059. this.CardinalPoint = CardinalPoint;
  28060. this.ReferenceExtent = ReferenceExtent;
  28061. }
  28062. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  28063. let ptr = 0;
  28064. let ForProfileSet = tape[ptr++];
  28065. let CardinalPoint = tape[ptr++];
  28066. let ReferenceExtent = tape[ptr++];
  28067. return new IfcMaterialProfileSetUsage(expressID, type, ForProfileSet, CardinalPoint, ReferenceExtent);
  28068. }
  28069. ToTape() {
  28070. let args = [];
  28071. args.push(this.ForProfileSet);
  28072. ;
  28073. args.push(this.CardinalPoint);
  28074. ;
  28075. args.push(this.ReferenceExtent);
  28076. ;
  28077. return args;
  28078. }
  28079. };
  28080. var IfcMaterialProfileSetUsageTapering = class {
  28081. constructor(expressID, type, ForProfileSet, CardinalPoint, ReferenceExtent, ForProfileEndSet, CardinalEndPoint) {
  28082. this.expressID = expressID;
  28083. this.type = type;
  28084. this.ForProfileSet = ForProfileSet;
  28085. this.CardinalPoint = CardinalPoint;
  28086. this.ReferenceExtent = ReferenceExtent;
  28087. this.ForProfileEndSet = ForProfileEndSet;
  28088. this.CardinalEndPoint = CardinalEndPoint;
  28089. }
  28090. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  28091. let ptr = 0;
  28092. let ForProfileSet = tape[ptr++];
  28093. let CardinalPoint = tape[ptr++];
  28094. let ReferenceExtent = tape[ptr++];
  28095. let ForProfileEndSet = tape[ptr++];
  28096. let CardinalEndPoint = tape[ptr++];
  28097. return new IfcMaterialProfileSetUsageTapering(expressID, type, ForProfileSet, CardinalPoint, ReferenceExtent, ForProfileEndSet, CardinalEndPoint);
  28098. }
  28099. ToTape() {
  28100. let args = [];
  28101. args.push(this.ForProfileSet);
  28102. ;
  28103. args.push(this.CardinalPoint);
  28104. ;
  28105. args.push(this.ReferenceExtent);
  28106. ;
  28107. args.push(this.ForProfileEndSet);
  28108. ;
  28109. args.push(this.CardinalEndPoint);
  28110. ;
  28111. return args;
  28112. }
  28113. };
  28114. var IfcMaterialProfileWithOffsets = class {
  28115. constructor(expressID, type, Name, Description, Material, Profile, Priority, Category, OffsetValues) {
  28116. this.expressID = expressID;
  28117. this.type = type;
  28118. this.Name = Name;
  28119. this.Description = Description;
  28120. this.Material = Material;
  28121. this.Profile = Profile;
  28122. this.Priority = Priority;
  28123. this.Category = Category;
  28124. this.OffsetValues = OffsetValues;
  28125. }
  28126. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  28127. let ptr = 0;
  28128. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  28129. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  28130. let Material = tape[ptr++];
  28131. let Profile = tape[ptr++];
  28132. let Priority = tape[ptr++];
  28133. let Category = tape[ptr++];
  28134. let OffsetValues = tape[ptr++];
  28135. return new IfcMaterialProfileWithOffsets(expressID, type, Name, Description, Material, Profile, Priority, Category, OffsetValues);
  28136. }
  28137. ToTape() {
  28138. let args = [];
  28139. args.push(this.Name);
  28140. ;
  28141. args.push(this.Description);
  28142. ;
  28143. args.push(this.Material);
  28144. ;
  28145. args.push(this.Profile);
  28146. ;
  28147. args.push(this.Priority);
  28148. ;
  28149. args.push(this.Category);
  28150. ;
  28151. args.push(this.OffsetValues);
  28152. ;
  28153. return args;
  28154. }
  28155. };
  28156. var IfcMaterialProperties = class {
  28157. constructor(expressID, type, Name, Description, Properties, Material) {
  28158. this.expressID = expressID;
  28159. this.type = type;
  28160. this.Name = Name;
  28161. this.Description = Description;
  28162. this.Properties = Properties;
  28163. this.Material = Material;
  28164. }
  28165. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  28166. let ptr = 0;
  28167. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  28168. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  28169. let Properties = tape[ptr++];
  28170. let Material = tape[ptr++];
  28171. return new IfcMaterialProperties(expressID, type, Name, Description, Properties, Material);
  28172. }
  28173. ToTape() {
  28174. let args = [];
  28175. args.push(this.Name);
  28176. ;
  28177. args.push(this.Description);
  28178. ;
  28179. args.push(this.Properties);
  28180. ;
  28181. args.push(this.Material);
  28182. ;
  28183. return args;
  28184. }
  28185. };
  28186. var IfcMaterialRelationship = class {
  28187. constructor(expressID, type, Name, Description, RelatingMaterial, RelatedMaterials, Expression) {
  28188. this.expressID = expressID;
  28189. this.type = type;
  28190. this.Name = Name;
  28191. this.Description = Description;
  28192. this.RelatingMaterial = RelatingMaterial;
  28193. this.RelatedMaterials = RelatedMaterials;
  28194. this.Expression = Expression;
  28195. }
  28196. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  28197. let ptr = 0;
  28198. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  28199. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  28200. let RelatingMaterial = tape[ptr++];
  28201. let RelatedMaterials = tape[ptr++];
  28202. let Expression = tape[ptr++];
  28203. return new IfcMaterialRelationship(expressID, type, Name, Description, RelatingMaterial, RelatedMaterials, Expression);
  28204. }
  28205. ToTape() {
  28206. let args = [];
  28207. args.push(this.Name);
  28208. ;
  28209. args.push(this.Description);
  28210. ;
  28211. args.push(this.RelatingMaterial);
  28212. ;
  28213. args.push(this.RelatedMaterials);
  28214. ;
  28215. args.push(this.Expression);
  28216. ;
  28217. return args;
  28218. }
  28219. };
  28220. var IfcMaterialUsageDefinition = class {
  28221. constructor(expressID, type) {
  28222. this.expressID = expressID;
  28223. this.type = type;
  28224. }
  28225. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  28226. let ptr = 0;
  28227. return new IfcMaterialUsageDefinition(expressID, type);
  28228. }
  28229. ToTape() {
  28230. let args = [];
  28231. return args;
  28232. }
  28233. };
  28234. var IfcMeasureWithUnit = class {
  28235. constructor(expressID, type, ValueComponent, UnitComponent) {
  28236. this.expressID = expressID;
  28237. this.type = type;
  28238. this.ValueComponent = ValueComponent;
  28239. this.UnitComponent = UnitComponent;
  28240. }
  28241. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  28242. let ptr = 0;
  28243. let ValueComponent = tape[ptr++];
  28244. let UnitComponent = tape[ptr++];
  28245. return new IfcMeasureWithUnit(expressID, type, ValueComponent, UnitComponent);
  28246. }
  28247. ToTape() {
  28248. let args = [];
  28249. args.push(this.ValueComponent);
  28250. ;
  28251. args.push(this.UnitComponent);
  28252. ;
  28253. return args;
  28254. }
  28255. };
  28256. var IfcMechanicalFastener = class {
  28257. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, NominalDiameter, NominalLength, PredefinedType) {
  28258. this.expressID = expressID;
  28259. this.type = type;
  28260. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  28261. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  28262. this.Name = Name;
  28263. this.Description = Description;
  28264. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  28265. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  28266. this.Representation = Representation;
  28267. this.Tag = Tag;
  28268. this.NominalDiameter = NominalDiameter;
  28269. this.NominalLength = NominalLength;
  28270. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  28271. }
  28272. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  28273. let ptr = 0;
  28274. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  28275. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  28276. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  28277. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  28278. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  28279. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  28280. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  28281. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  28282. let NominalDiameter = tape[ptr++];
  28283. let NominalLength = tape[ptr++];
  28284. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  28285. return new IfcMechanicalFastener(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, NominalDiameter, NominalLength, PredefinedType);
  28286. }
  28287. ToTape() {
  28288. let args = [];
  28289. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  28290. ;
  28291. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  28292. ;
  28293. args.push(this.Name);
  28294. ;
  28295. args.push(this.Description);
  28296. ;
  28297. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  28298. ;
  28299. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  28300. ;
  28301. args.push(this.Representation);
  28302. ;
  28303. args.push(this.Tag);
  28304. ;
  28305. args.push(this.NominalDiameter);
  28306. ;
  28307. args.push(this.NominalLength);
  28308. ;
  28309. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  28310. ;
  28311. return args;
  28312. }
  28313. };
  28314. var IfcMechanicalFastenerType = class {
  28315. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType, NominalDiameter, NominalLength) {
  28316. this.expressID = expressID;
  28317. this.type = type;
  28318. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  28319. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  28320. this.Name = Name;
  28321. this.Description = Description;
  28322. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  28323. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  28324. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  28325. this.Tag = Tag;
  28326. this.ElementType = ElementType;
  28327. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  28328. this.NominalDiameter = NominalDiameter;
  28329. this.NominalLength = NominalLength;
  28330. }
  28331. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  28332. let ptr = 0;
  28333. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  28334. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  28335. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  28336. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  28337. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  28338. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  28339. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  28340. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  28341. let ElementType = tape[ptr++];
  28342. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  28343. let NominalDiameter = tape[ptr++];
  28344. let NominalLength = tape[ptr++];
  28345. return new IfcMechanicalFastenerType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType, NominalDiameter, NominalLength);
  28346. }
  28347. ToTape() {
  28348. let args = [];
  28349. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  28350. ;
  28351. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  28352. ;
  28353. args.push(this.Name);
  28354. ;
  28355. args.push(this.Description);
  28356. ;
  28357. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  28358. ;
  28359. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  28360. ;
  28361. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  28362. ;
  28363. args.push(this.Tag);
  28364. ;
  28365. args.push(this.ElementType);
  28366. ;
  28367. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  28368. ;
  28369. args.push(this.NominalDiameter);
  28370. ;
  28371. args.push(this.NominalLength);
  28372. ;
  28373. return args;
  28374. }
  28375. };
  28376. var IfcMedicalDevice = class {
  28377. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType) {
  28378. this.expressID = expressID;
  28379. this.type = type;
  28380. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  28381. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  28382. this.Name = Name;
  28383. this.Description = Description;
  28384. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  28385. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  28386. this.Representation = Representation;
  28387. this.Tag = Tag;
  28388. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  28389. }
  28390. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  28391. let ptr = 0;
  28392. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  28393. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  28394. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  28395. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  28396. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  28397. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  28398. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  28399. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  28400. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  28401. return new IfcMedicalDevice(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType);
  28402. }
  28403. ToTape() {
  28404. let args = [];
  28405. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  28406. ;
  28407. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  28408. ;
  28409. args.push(this.Name);
  28410. ;
  28411. args.push(this.Description);
  28412. ;
  28413. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  28414. ;
  28415. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  28416. ;
  28417. args.push(this.Representation);
  28418. ;
  28419. args.push(this.Tag);
  28420. ;
  28421. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  28422. ;
  28423. return args;
  28424. }
  28425. };
  28426. var IfcMedicalDeviceType = class {
  28427. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType) {
  28428. this.expressID = expressID;
  28429. this.type = type;
  28430. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  28431. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  28432. this.Name = Name;
  28433. this.Description = Description;
  28434. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  28435. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  28436. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  28437. this.Tag = Tag;
  28438. this.ElementType = ElementType;
  28439. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  28440. }
  28441. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  28442. let ptr = 0;
  28443. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  28444. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  28445. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  28446. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  28447. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  28448. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  28449. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  28450. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  28451. let ElementType = tape[ptr++];
  28452. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  28453. return new IfcMedicalDeviceType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType);
  28454. }
  28455. ToTape() {
  28456. let args = [];
  28457. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  28458. ;
  28459. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  28460. ;
  28461. args.push(this.Name);
  28462. ;
  28463. args.push(this.Description);
  28464. ;
  28465. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  28466. ;
  28467. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  28468. ;
  28469. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  28470. ;
  28471. args.push(this.Tag);
  28472. ;
  28473. args.push(this.ElementType);
  28474. ;
  28475. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  28476. ;
  28477. return args;
  28478. }
  28479. };
  28480. var IfcMember = class {
  28481. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType) {
  28482. this.expressID = expressID;
  28483. this.type = type;
  28484. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  28485. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  28486. this.Name = Name;
  28487. this.Description = Description;
  28488. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  28489. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  28490. this.Representation = Representation;
  28491. this.Tag = Tag;
  28492. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  28493. }
  28494. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  28495. let ptr = 0;
  28496. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  28497. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  28498. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  28499. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  28500. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  28501. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  28502. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  28503. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  28504. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  28505. return new IfcMember(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType);
  28506. }
  28507. ToTape() {
  28508. let args = [];
  28509. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  28510. ;
  28511. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  28512. ;
  28513. args.push(this.Name);
  28514. ;
  28515. args.push(this.Description);
  28516. ;
  28517. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  28518. ;
  28519. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  28520. ;
  28521. args.push(this.Representation);
  28522. ;
  28523. args.push(this.Tag);
  28524. ;
  28525. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  28526. ;
  28527. return args;
  28528. }
  28529. };
  28530. var IfcMemberStandardCase = class {
  28531. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType) {
  28532. this.expressID = expressID;
  28533. this.type = type;
  28534. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  28535. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  28536. this.Name = Name;
  28537. this.Description = Description;
  28538. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  28539. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  28540. this.Representation = Representation;
  28541. this.Tag = Tag;
  28542. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  28543. }
  28544. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  28545. let ptr = 0;
  28546. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  28547. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  28548. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  28549. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  28550. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  28551. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  28552. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  28553. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  28554. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  28555. return new IfcMemberStandardCase(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType);
  28556. }
  28557. ToTape() {
  28558. let args = [];
  28559. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  28560. ;
  28561. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  28562. ;
  28563. args.push(this.Name);
  28564. ;
  28565. args.push(this.Description);
  28566. ;
  28567. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  28568. ;
  28569. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  28570. ;
  28571. args.push(this.Representation);
  28572. ;
  28573. args.push(this.Tag);
  28574. ;
  28575. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  28576. ;
  28577. return args;
  28578. }
  28579. };
  28580. var IfcMemberType = class {
  28581. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType) {
  28582. this.expressID = expressID;
  28583. this.type = type;
  28584. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  28585. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  28586. this.Name = Name;
  28587. this.Description = Description;
  28588. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  28589. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  28590. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  28591. this.Tag = Tag;
  28592. this.ElementType = ElementType;
  28593. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  28594. }
  28595. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  28596. let ptr = 0;
  28597. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  28598. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  28599. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  28600. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  28601. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  28602. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  28603. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  28604. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  28605. let ElementType = tape[ptr++];
  28606. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  28607. return new IfcMemberType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType);
  28608. }
  28609. ToTape() {
  28610. let args = [];
  28611. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  28612. ;
  28613. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  28614. ;
  28615. args.push(this.Name);
  28616. ;
  28617. args.push(this.Description);
  28618. ;
  28619. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  28620. ;
  28621. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  28622. ;
  28623. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  28624. ;
  28625. args.push(this.Tag);
  28626. ;
  28627. args.push(this.ElementType);
  28628. ;
  28629. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  28630. ;
  28631. return args;
  28632. }
  28633. };
  28634. var IfcMetric = class {
  28635. constructor(expressID, type, Name, Description, ConstraintGrade, ConstraintSource, CreatingActor, CreationTime, UserDefinedGrade, Benchmark, ValueSource, DataValue, ReferencePath) {
  28636. this.expressID = expressID;
  28637. this.type = type;
  28638. this.Name = Name;
  28639. this.Description = Description;
  28640. this.ConstraintGrade = ConstraintGrade;
  28641. this.ConstraintSource = ConstraintSource;
  28642. this.CreatingActor = CreatingActor;
  28643. this.CreationTime = CreationTime;
  28644. this.UserDefinedGrade = UserDefinedGrade;
  28645. this.Benchmark = Benchmark;
  28646. this.ValueSource = ValueSource;
  28647. this.DataValue = DataValue;
  28648. this.ReferencePath = ReferencePath;
  28649. }
  28650. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  28651. let ptr = 0;
  28652. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  28653. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  28654. let ConstraintGrade = tape[ptr++];
  28655. let ConstraintSource = tape[ptr++];
  28656. let CreatingActor = tape[ptr++];
  28657. let CreationTime = tape[ptr++];
  28658. let UserDefinedGrade = tape[ptr++];
  28659. let Benchmark = tape[ptr++];
  28660. let ValueSource = tape[ptr++];
  28661. let DataValue = tape[ptr++];
  28662. let ReferencePath = tape[ptr++];
  28663. return new IfcMetric(expressID, type, Name, Description, ConstraintGrade, ConstraintSource, CreatingActor, CreationTime, UserDefinedGrade, Benchmark, ValueSource, DataValue, ReferencePath);
  28664. }
  28665. ToTape() {
  28666. let args = [];
  28667. args.push(this.Name);
  28668. ;
  28669. args.push(this.Description);
  28670. ;
  28671. args.push(this.ConstraintGrade);
  28672. ;
  28673. args.push(this.ConstraintSource);
  28674. ;
  28675. args.push(this.CreatingActor);
  28676. ;
  28677. args.push(this.CreationTime);
  28678. ;
  28679. args.push(this.UserDefinedGrade);
  28680. ;
  28681. args.push(this.Benchmark);
  28682. ;
  28683. args.push(this.ValueSource);
  28684. ;
  28685. args.push(this.DataValue);
  28686. ;
  28687. args.push(this.ReferencePath);
  28688. ;
  28689. return args;
  28690. }
  28691. };
  28692. var IfcMirroredProfileDef = class {
  28693. constructor(expressID, type, ProfileType, ProfileName, ParentProfile, Operator, Label) {
  28694. this.expressID = expressID;
  28695. this.type = type;
  28696. this.ProfileType = ProfileType;
  28697. this.ProfileName = ProfileName;
  28698. this.ParentProfile = ParentProfile;
  28699. this.Operator = Operator;
  28700. this.Label = Label;
  28701. }
  28702. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  28703. let ptr = 0;
  28704. let ProfileType = tape[ptr++];
  28705. let ProfileName = tape[ptr++];
  28706. let ParentProfile = tape[ptr++];
  28707. let Operator = tape[ptr++];
  28708. let Label = tape[ptr++];
  28709. return new IfcMirroredProfileDef(expressID, type, ProfileType, ProfileName, ParentProfile, Operator, Label);
  28710. }
  28711. ToTape() {
  28712. let args = [];
  28713. args.push(this.ProfileType);
  28714. ;
  28715. args.push(this.ProfileName);
  28716. ;
  28717. args.push(this.ParentProfile);
  28718. ;
  28719. args.push(this.Operator);
  28720. ;
  28721. args.push(this.Label);
  28722. ;
  28723. return args;
  28724. }
  28725. };
  28726. var IfcMonetaryUnit = class {
  28727. constructor(expressID, type, Currency) {
  28728. this.expressID = expressID;
  28729. this.type = type;
  28730. this.Currency = Currency;
  28731. }
  28732. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  28733. let ptr = 0;
  28734. let Currency = tape[ptr++];
  28735. return new IfcMonetaryUnit(expressID, type, Currency);
  28736. }
  28737. ToTape() {
  28738. let args = [];
  28739. args.push(this.Currency);
  28740. ;
  28741. return args;
  28742. }
  28743. };
  28744. var IfcMotorConnection = class {
  28745. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType) {
  28746. this.expressID = expressID;
  28747. this.type = type;
  28748. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  28749. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  28750. this.Name = Name;
  28751. this.Description = Description;
  28752. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  28753. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  28754. this.Representation = Representation;
  28755. this.Tag = Tag;
  28756. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  28757. }
  28758. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  28759. let ptr = 0;
  28760. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  28761. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  28762. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  28763. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  28764. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  28765. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  28766. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  28767. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  28768. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  28769. return new IfcMotorConnection(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType);
  28770. }
  28771. ToTape() {
  28772. let args = [];
  28773. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  28774. ;
  28775. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  28776. ;
  28777. args.push(this.Name);
  28778. ;
  28779. args.push(this.Description);
  28780. ;
  28781. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  28782. ;
  28783. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  28784. ;
  28785. args.push(this.Representation);
  28786. ;
  28787. args.push(this.Tag);
  28788. ;
  28789. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  28790. ;
  28791. return args;
  28792. }
  28793. };
  28794. var IfcMotorConnectionType = class {
  28795. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType) {
  28796. this.expressID = expressID;
  28797. this.type = type;
  28798. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  28799. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  28800. this.Name = Name;
  28801. this.Description = Description;
  28802. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  28803. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  28804. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  28805. this.Tag = Tag;
  28806. this.ElementType = ElementType;
  28807. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  28808. }
  28809. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  28810. let ptr = 0;
  28811. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  28812. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  28813. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  28814. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  28815. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  28816. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  28817. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  28818. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  28819. let ElementType = tape[ptr++];
  28820. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  28821. return new IfcMotorConnectionType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType);
  28822. }
  28823. ToTape() {
  28824. let args = [];
  28825. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  28826. ;
  28827. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  28828. ;
  28829. args.push(this.Name);
  28830. ;
  28831. args.push(this.Description);
  28832. ;
  28833. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  28834. ;
  28835. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  28836. ;
  28837. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  28838. ;
  28839. args.push(this.Tag);
  28840. ;
  28841. args.push(this.ElementType);
  28842. ;
  28843. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  28844. ;
  28845. return args;
  28846. }
  28847. };
  28848. var IfcNamedUnit = class {
  28849. constructor(expressID, type, Dimensions, UnitType) {
  28850. this.expressID = expressID;
  28851. this.type = type;
  28852. this.Dimensions = Dimensions;
  28853. this.UnitType = UnitType;
  28854. }
  28855. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  28856. let ptr = 0;
  28857. let Dimensions = tape[ptr++];
  28858. let UnitType = tape[ptr++];
  28859. return new IfcNamedUnit(expressID, type, Dimensions, UnitType);
  28860. }
  28861. ToTape() {
  28862. let args = [];
  28863. args.push(this.Dimensions);
  28864. ;
  28865. args.push(this.UnitType);
  28866. ;
  28867. return args;
  28868. }
  28869. };
  28870. var IfcObject = class {
  28871. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType) {
  28872. this.expressID = expressID;
  28873. this.type = type;
  28874. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  28875. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  28876. this.Name = Name;
  28877. this.Description = Description;
  28878. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  28879. }
  28880. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  28881. let ptr = 0;
  28882. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  28883. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  28884. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  28885. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  28886. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  28887. return new IfcObject(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType);
  28888. }
  28889. ToTape() {
  28890. let args = [];
  28891. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  28892. ;
  28893. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  28894. ;
  28895. args.push(this.Name);
  28896. ;
  28897. args.push(this.Description);
  28898. ;
  28899. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  28900. ;
  28901. return args;
  28902. }
  28903. };
  28904. var IfcObjectDefinition = class {
  28905. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description) {
  28906. this.expressID = expressID;
  28907. this.type = type;
  28908. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  28909. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  28910. this.Name = Name;
  28911. this.Description = Description;
  28912. }
  28913. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  28914. let ptr = 0;
  28915. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  28916. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  28917. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  28918. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  28919. return new IfcObjectDefinition(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description);
  28920. }
  28921. ToTape() {
  28922. let args = [];
  28923. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  28924. ;
  28925. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  28926. ;
  28927. args.push(this.Name);
  28928. ;
  28929. args.push(this.Description);
  28930. ;
  28931. return args;
  28932. }
  28933. };
  28934. var IfcObjectPlacement = class {
  28935. constructor(expressID, type, PlacementRelTo) {
  28936. this.expressID = expressID;
  28937. this.type = type;
  28938. this.PlacementRelTo = PlacementRelTo;
  28939. }
  28940. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  28941. let ptr = 0;
  28942. let PlacementRelTo = tape[ptr++];
  28943. return new IfcObjectPlacement(expressID, type, PlacementRelTo);
  28944. }
  28945. ToTape() {
  28946. let args = [];
  28947. args.push(this.PlacementRelTo);
  28948. ;
  28949. return args;
  28950. }
  28951. };
  28952. var IfcObjective = class {
  28953. constructor(expressID, type, Name, Description, ConstraintGrade, ConstraintSource, CreatingActor, CreationTime, UserDefinedGrade, BenchmarkValues, LogicalAggregator, ObjectiveQualifier, UserDefinedQualifier) {
  28954. this.expressID = expressID;
  28955. this.type = type;
  28956. this.Name = Name;
  28957. this.Description = Description;
  28958. this.ConstraintGrade = ConstraintGrade;
  28959. this.ConstraintSource = ConstraintSource;
  28960. this.CreatingActor = CreatingActor;
  28961. this.CreationTime = CreationTime;
  28962. this.UserDefinedGrade = UserDefinedGrade;
  28963. this.BenchmarkValues = BenchmarkValues;
  28964. this.LogicalAggregator = LogicalAggregator;
  28965. this.ObjectiveQualifier = ObjectiveQualifier;
  28966. this.UserDefinedQualifier = UserDefinedQualifier;
  28967. }
  28968. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  28969. let ptr = 0;
  28970. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  28971. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  28972. let ConstraintGrade = tape[ptr++];
  28973. let ConstraintSource = tape[ptr++];
  28974. let CreatingActor = tape[ptr++];
  28975. let CreationTime = tape[ptr++];
  28976. let UserDefinedGrade = tape[ptr++];
  28977. let BenchmarkValues = tape[ptr++];
  28978. let LogicalAggregator = tape[ptr++];
  28979. let ObjectiveQualifier = tape[ptr++];
  28980. let UserDefinedQualifier = tape[ptr++];
  28981. return new IfcObjective(expressID, type, Name, Description, ConstraintGrade, ConstraintSource, CreatingActor, CreationTime, UserDefinedGrade, BenchmarkValues, LogicalAggregator, ObjectiveQualifier, UserDefinedQualifier);
  28982. }
  28983. ToTape() {
  28984. let args = [];
  28985. args.push(this.Name);
  28986. ;
  28987. args.push(this.Description);
  28988. ;
  28989. args.push(this.ConstraintGrade);
  28990. ;
  28991. args.push(this.ConstraintSource);
  28992. ;
  28993. args.push(this.CreatingActor);
  28994. ;
  28995. args.push(this.CreationTime);
  28996. ;
  28997. args.push(this.UserDefinedGrade);
  28998. ;
  28999. args.push(this.BenchmarkValues);
  29000. ;
  29001. args.push(this.LogicalAggregator);
  29002. ;
  29003. args.push(this.ObjectiveQualifier);
  29004. ;
  29005. args.push(this.UserDefinedQualifier);
  29006. ;
  29007. return args;
  29008. }
  29009. };
  29010. var IfcOccupant = class {
  29011. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, TheActor, PredefinedType) {
  29012. this.expressID = expressID;
  29013. this.type = type;
  29014. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  29015. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  29016. this.Name = Name;
  29017. this.Description = Description;
  29018. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  29019. this.TheActor = TheActor;
  29020. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  29021. }
  29022. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  29023. let ptr = 0;
  29024. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  29025. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  29026. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  29027. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  29028. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  29029. let TheActor = tape[ptr++];
  29030. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  29031. return new IfcOccupant(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, TheActor, PredefinedType);
  29032. }
  29033. ToTape() {
  29034. let args = [];
  29035. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  29036. ;
  29037. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  29038. ;
  29039. args.push(this.Name);
  29040. ;
  29041. args.push(this.Description);
  29042. ;
  29043. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  29044. ;
  29045. args.push(this.TheActor);
  29046. ;
  29047. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  29048. ;
  29049. return args;
  29050. }
  29051. };
  29052. var IfcOffsetCurve = class {
  29053. constructor(expressID, type, BasisCurve) {
  29054. this.expressID = expressID;
  29055. this.type = type;
  29056. this.BasisCurve = BasisCurve;
  29057. }
  29058. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  29059. let ptr = 0;
  29060. let BasisCurve = tape[ptr++];
  29061. return new IfcOffsetCurve(expressID, type, BasisCurve);
  29062. }
  29063. ToTape() {
  29064. let args = [];
  29065. args.push(this.BasisCurve);
  29066. ;
  29067. return args;
  29068. }
  29069. };
  29070. var IfcOffsetCurve2D = class {
  29071. constructor(expressID, type, BasisCurve, Distance, SelfIntersect) {
  29072. this.expressID = expressID;
  29073. this.type = type;
  29074. this.BasisCurve = BasisCurve;
  29075. this.Distance = Distance;
  29076. this.SelfIntersect = SelfIntersect;
  29077. }
  29078. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  29079. let ptr = 0;
  29080. let BasisCurve = tape[ptr++];
  29081. let Distance = tape[ptr++];
  29082. let SelfIntersect = tape[ptr++];
  29083. return new IfcOffsetCurve2D(expressID, type, BasisCurve, Distance, SelfIntersect);
  29084. }
  29085. ToTape() {
  29086. let args = [];
  29087. args.push(this.BasisCurve);
  29088. ;
  29089. args.push(this.Distance);
  29090. ;
  29091. args.push(this.SelfIntersect);
  29092. ;
  29093. return args;
  29094. }
  29095. };
  29096. var IfcOffsetCurve3D = class {
  29097. constructor(expressID, type, BasisCurve, Distance, SelfIntersect, RefDirection) {
  29098. this.expressID = expressID;
  29099. this.type = type;
  29100. this.BasisCurve = BasisCurve;
  29101. this.Distance = Distance;
  29102. this.SelfIntersect = SelfIntersect;
  29103. this.RefDirection = RefDirection;
  29104. }
  29105. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  29106. let ptr = 0;
  29107. let BasisCurve = tape[ptr++];
  29108. let Distance = tape[ptr++];
  29109. let SelfIntersect = tape[ptr++];
  29110. let RefDirection = tape[ptr++];
  29111. return new IfcOffsetCurve3D(expressID, type, BasisCurve, Distance, SelfIntersect, RefDirection);
  29112. }
  29113. ToTape() {
  29114. let args = [];
  29115. args.push(this.BasisCurve);
  29116. ;
  29117. args.push(this.Distance);
  29118. ;
  29119. args.push(this.SelfIntersect);
  29120. ;
  29121. args.push(this.RefDirection);
  29122. ;
  29123. return args;
  29124. }
  29125. };
  29126. var IfcOffsetCurveByDistances = class {
  29127. constructor(expressID, type, BasisCurve, OffsetValues, Tag) {
  29128. this.expressID = expressID;
  29129. this.type = type;
  29130. this.BasisCurve = BasisCurve;
  29131. this.OffsetValues = OffsetValues;
  29132. this.Tag = Tag;
  29133. }
  29134. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  29135. let ptr = 0;
  29136. let BasisCurve = tape[ptr++];
  29137. let OffsetValues = tape[ptr++];
  29138. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  29139. return new IfcOffsetCurveByDistances(expressID, type, BasisCurve, OffsetValues, Tag);
  29140. }
  29141. ToTape() {
  29142. let args = [];
  29143. args.push(this.BasisCurve);
  29144. ;
  29145. args.push(this.OffsetValues);
  29146. ;
  29147. args.push(this.Tag);
  29148. ;
  29149. return args;
  29150. }
  29151. };
  29152. var IfcOpenShell = class {
  29153. constructor(expressID, type, CfsFaces) {
  29154. this.expressID = expressID;
  29155. this.type = type;
  29156. this.CfsFaces = CfsFaces;
  29157. }
  29158. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  29159. let ptr = 0;
  29160. let CfsFaces = tape[ptr++];
  29161. return new IfcOpenShell(expressID, type, CfsFaces);
  29162. }
  29163. ToTape() {
  29164. let args = [];
  29165. args.push(this.CfsFaces);
  29166. ;
  29167. return args;
  29168. }
  29169. };
  29170. var IfcOpeningElement = class {
  29171. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType) {
  29172. this.expressID = expressID;
  29173. this.type = type;
  29174. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  29175. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  29176. this.Name = Name;
  29177. this.Description = Description;
  29178. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  29179. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  29180. this.Representation = Representation;
  29181. this.Tag = Tag;
  29182. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  29183. }
  29184. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  29185. let ptr = 0;
  29186. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  29187. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  29188. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  29189. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  29190. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  29191. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  29192. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  29193. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  29194. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  29195. return new IfcOpeningElement(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType);
  29196. }
  29197. ToTape() {
  29198. let args = [];
  29199. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  29200. ;
  29201. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  29202. ;
  29203. args.push(this.Name);
  29204. ;
  29205. args.push(this.Description);
  29206. ;
  29207. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  29208. ;
  29209. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  29210. ;
  29211. args.push(this.Representation);
  29212. ;
  29213. args.push(this.Tag);
  29214. ;
  29215. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  29216. ;
  29217. return args;
  29218. }
  29219. };
  29220. var IfcOpeningStandardCase = class {
  29221. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType) {
  29222. this.expressID = expressID;
  29223. this.type = type;
  29224. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  29225. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  29226. this.Name = Name;
  29227. this.Description = Description;
  29228. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  29229. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  29230. this.Representation = Representation;
  29231. this.Tag = Tag;
  29232. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  29233. }
  29234. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  29235. let ptr = 0;
  29236. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  29237. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  29238. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  29239. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  29240. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  29241. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  29242. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  29243. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  29244. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  29245. return new IfcOpeningStandardCase(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType);
  29246. }
  29247. ToTape() {
  29248. let args = [];
  29249. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  29250. ;
  29251. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  29252. ;
  29253. args.push(this.Name);
  29254. ;
  29255. args.push(this.Description);
  29256. ;
  29257. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  29258. ;
  29259. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  29260. ;
  29261. args.push(this.Representation);
  29262. ;
  29263. args.push(this.Tag);
  29264. ;
  29265. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  29266. ;
  29267. return args;
  29268. }
  29269. };
  29270. var IfcOrganization = class {
  29271. constructor(expressID, type, Identification, Name, Description, Roles, Addresses) {
  29272. this.expressID = expressID;
  29273. this.type = type;
  29274. this.Identification = Identification;
  29275. this.Name = Name;
  29276. this.Description = Description;
  29277. this.Roles = Roles;
  29278. this.Addresses = Addresses;
  29279. }
  29280. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  29281. let ptr = 0;
  29282. let Identification = tape[ptr++];
  29283. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  29284. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  29285. let Roles = tape[ptr++];
  29286. let Addresses = tape[ptr++];
  29287. return new IfcOrganization(expressID, type, Identification, Name, Description, Roles, Addresses);
  29288. }
  29289. ToTape() {
  29290. let args = [];
  29291. args.push(this.Identification);
  29292. ;
  29293. args.push(this.Name);
  29294. ;
  29295. args.push(this.Description);
  29296. ;
  29297. args.push(this.Roles);
  29298. ;
  29299. args.push(this.Addresses);
  29300. ;
  29301. return args;
  29302. }
  29303. };
  29304. var IfcOrganizationRelationship = class {
  29305. constructor(expressID, type, Name, Description, RelatingOrganization, RelatedOrganizations) {
  29306. this.expressID = expressID;
  29307. this.type = type;
  29308. this.Name = Name;
  29309. this.Description = Description;
  29310. this.RelatingOrganization = RelatingOrganization;
  29311. this.RelatedOrganizations = RelatedOrganizations;
  29312. }
  29313. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  29314. let ptr = 0;
  29315. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  29316. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  29317. let RelatingOrganization = tape[ptr++];
  29318. let RelatedOrganizations = tape[ptr++];
  29319. return new IfcOrganizationRelationship(expressID, type, Name, Description, RelatingOrganization, RelatedOrganizations);
  29320. }
  29321. ToTape() {
  29322. let args = [];
  29323. args.push(this.Name);
  29324. ;
  29325. args.push(this.Description);
  29326. ;
  29327. args.push(this.RelatingOrganization);
  29328. ;
  29329. args.push(this.RelatedOrganizations);
  29330. ;
  29331. return args;
  29332. }
  29333. };
  29334. var IfcOrientationExpression = class {
  29335. constructor(expressID, type, LateralAxisDirection, VerticalAxisDirection) {
  29336. this.expressID = expressID;
  29337. this.type = type;
  29338. this.LateralAxisDirection = LateralAxisDirection;
  29339. this.VerticalAxisDirection = VerticalAxisDirection;
  29340. }
  29341. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  29342. let ptr = 0;
  29343. let LateralAxisDirection = tape[ptr++];
  29344. let VerticalAxisDirection = tape[ptr++];
  29345. return new IfcOrientationExpression(expressID, type, LateralAxisDirection, VerticalAxisDirection);
  29346. }
  29347. ToTape() {
  29348. let args = [];
  29349. args.push(this.LateralAxisDirection);
  29350. ;
  29351. args.push(this.VerticalAxisDirection);
  29352. ;
  29353. return args;
  29354. }
  29355. };
  29356. var IfcOrientedEdge = class {
  29357. constructor(expressID, type, EdgeStart, EdgeEnd, EdgeElement, Orientation) {
  29358. this.expressID = expressID;
  29359. this.type = type;
  29360. this.EdgeStart = EdgeStart;
  29361. this.EdgeEnd = EdgeEnd;
  29362. this.EdgeElement = EdgeElement;
  29363. this.Orientation = Orientation;
  29364. }
  29365. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  29366. let ptr = 0;
  29367. let EdgeStart = tape[ptr++];
  29368. let EdgeEnd = tape[ptr++];
  29369. let EdgeElement = tape[ptr++];
  29370. let Orientation = tape[ptr++];
  29371. return new IfcOrientedEdge(expressID, type, EdgeStart, EdgeEnd, EdgeElement, Orientation);
  29372. }
  29373. ToTape() {
  29374. let args = [];
  29375. args.push(this.EdgeStart);
  29376. ;
  29377. args.push(this.EdgeEnd);
  29378. ;
  29379. args.push(this.EdgeElement);
  29380. ;
  29381. args.push(this.Orientation);
  29382. ;
  29383. return args;
  29384. }
  29385. };
  29386. var IfcOuterBoundaryCurve = class {
  29387. constructor(expressID, type, Segments, SelfIntersect) {
  29388. this.expressID = expressID;
  29389. this.type = type;
  29390. this.Segments = Segments;
  29391. this.SelfIntersect = SelfIntersect;
  29392. }
  29393. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  29394. let ptr = 0;
  29395. let Segments = tape[ptr++];
  29396. let SelfIntersect = tape[ptr++];
  29397. return new IfcOuterBoundaryCurve(expressID, type, Segments, SelfIntersect);
  29398. }
  29399. ToTape() {
  29400. let args = [];
  29401. args.push(this.Segments);
  29402. ;
  29403. args.push(this.SelfIntersect);
  29404. ;
  29405. return args;
  29406. }
  29407. };
  29408. var IfcOutlet = class {
  29409. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType) {
  29410. this.expressID = expressID;
  29411. this.type = type;
  29412. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  29413. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  29414. this.Name = Name;
  29415. this.Description = Description;
  29416. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  29417. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  29418. this.Representation = Representation;
  29419. this.Tag = Tag;
  29420. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  29421. }
  29422. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  29423. let ptr = 0;
  29424. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  29425. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  29426. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  29427. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  29428. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  29429. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  29430. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  29431. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  29432. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  29433. return new IfcOutlet(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType);
  29434. }
  29435. ToTape() {
  29436. let args = [];
  29437. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  29438. ;
  29439. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  29440. ;
  29441. args.push(this.Name);
  29442. ;
  29443. args.push(this.Description);
  29444. ;
  29445. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  29446. ;
  29447. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  29448. ;
  29449. args.push(this.Representation);
  29450. ;
  29451. args.push(this.Tag);
  29452. ;
  29453. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  29454. ;
  29455. return args;
  29456. }
  29457. };
  29458. var IfcOutletType = class {
  29459. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType) {
  29460. this.expressID = expressID;
  29461. this.type = type;
  29462. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  29463. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  29464. this.Name = Name;
  29465. this.Description = Description;
  29466. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  29467. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  29468. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  29469. this.Tag = Tag;
  29470. this.ElementType = ElementType;
  29471. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  29472. }
  29473. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  29474. let ptr = 0;
  29475. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  29476. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  29477. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  29478. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  29479. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  29480. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  29481. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  29482. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  29483. let ElementType = tape[ptr++];
  29484. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  29485. return new IfcOutletType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType);
  29486. }
  29487. ToTape() {
  29488. let args = [];
  29489. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  29490. ;
  29491. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  29492. ;
  29493. args.push(this.Name);
  29494. ;
  29495. args.push(this.Description);
  29496. ;
  29497. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  29498. ;
  29499. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  29500. ;
  29501. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  29502. ;
  29503. args.push(this.Tag);
  29504. ;
  29505. args.push(this.ElementType);
  29506. ;
  29507. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  29508. ;
  29509. return args;
  29510. }
  29511. };
  29512. var IfcOwnerHistory = class {
  29513. constructor(expressID, type, OwningUser, OwningApplication, State, ChangeAction, LastModifiedDate, LastModifyingUser, LastModifyingApplication, CreationDate) {
  29514. this.expressID = expressID;
  29515. this.type = type;
  29516. this.OwningUser = OwningUser;
  29517. this.OwningApplication = OwningApplication;
  29518. this.State = State;
  29519. this.ChangeAction = ChangeAction;
  29520. this.LastModifiedDate = LastModifiedDate;
  29521. this.LastModifyingUser = LastModifyingUser;
  29522. this.LastModifyingApplication = LastModifyingApplication;
  29523. this.CreationDate = CreationDate;
  29524. }
  29525. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  29526. let ptr = 0;
  29527. let OwningUser = tape[ptr++];
  29528. let OwningApplication = tape[ptr++];
  29529. let State = tape[ptr++];
  29530. let ChangeAction = tape[ptr++];
  29531. let LastModifiedDate = tape[ptr++];
  29532. let LastModifyingUser = tape[ptr++];
  29533. let LastModifyingApplication = tape[ptr++];
  29534. let CreationDate = tape[ptr++];
  29535. return new IfcOwnerHistory(expressID, type, OwningUser, OwningApplication, State, ChangeAction, LastModifiedDate, LastModifyingUser, LastModifyingApplication, CreationDate);
  29536. }
  29537. ToTape() {
  29538. let args = [];
  29539. args.push(this.OwningUser);
  29540. ;
  29541. args.push(this.OwningApplication);
  29542. ;
  29543. args.push(this.State);
  29544. ;
  29545. args.push(this.ChangeAction);
  29546. ;
  29547. args.push(this.LastModifiedDate);
  29548. ;
  29549. args.push(this.LastModifyingUser);
  29550. ;
  29551. args.push(this.LastModifyingApplication);
  29552. ;
  29553. args.push(this.CreationDate);
  29554. ;
  29555. return args;
  29556. }
  29557. };
  29558. var IfcParameterizedProfileDef = class {
  29559. constructor(expressID, type, ProfileType, ProfileName, Position) {
  29560. this.expressID = expressID;
  29561. this.type = type;
  29562. this.ProfileType = ProfileType;
  29563. this.ProfileName = ProfileName;
  29564. this.Position = Position;
  29565. }
  29566. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  29567. let ptr = 0;
  29568. let ProfileType = tape[ptr++];
  29569. let ProfileName = tape[ptr++];
  29570. let Position = tape[ptr++];
  29571. return new IfcParameterizedProfileDef(expressID, type, ProfileType, ProfileName, Position);
  29572. }
  29573. ToTape() {
  29574. let args = [];
  29575. args.push(this.ProfileType);
  29576. ;
  29577. args.push(this.ProfileName);
  29578. ;
  29579. args.push(this.Position);
  29580. ;
  29581. return args;
  29582. }
  29583. };
  29584. var IfcPath = class {
  29585. constructor(expressID, type, EdgeList) {
  29586. this.expressID = expressID;
  29587. this.type = type;
  29588. this.EdgeList = EdgeList;
  29589. }
  29590. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  29591. let ptr = 0;
  29592. let EdgeList = tape[ptr++];
  29593. return new IfcPath(expressID, type, EdgeList);
  29594. }
  29595. ToTape() {
  29596. let args = [];
  29597. args.push(this.EdgeList);
  29598. ;
  29599. return args;
  29600. }
  29601. };
  29602. var IfcPcurve = class {
  29603. constructor(expressID, type, BasisSurface, ReferenceCurve) {
  29604. this.expressID = expressID;
  29605. this.type = type;
  29606. this.BasisSurface = BasisSurface;
  29607. this.ReferenceCurve = ReferenceCurve;
  29608. }
  29609. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  29610. let ptr = 0;
  29611. let BasisSurface = tape[ptr++];
  29612. let ReferenceCurve = tape[ptr++];
  29613. return new IfcPcurve(expressID, type, BasisSurface, ReferenceCurve);
  29614. }
  29615. ToTape() {
  29616. let args = [];
  29617. args.push(this.BasisSurface);
  29618. ;
  29619. args.push(this.ReferenceCurve);
  29620. ;
  29621. return args;
  29622. }
  29623. };
  29624. var IfcPerformanceHistory = class {
  29625. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, Identification, LifeCyclePhase, PredefinedType) {
  29626. this.expressID = expressID;
  29627. this.type = type;
  29628. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  29629. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  29630. this.Name = Name;
  29631. this.Description = Description;
  29632. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  29633. this.Identification = Identification;
  29634. this.LifeCyclePhase = LifeCyclePhase;
  29635. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  29636. }
  29637. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  29638. let ptr = 0;
  29639. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  29640. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  29641. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  29642. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  29643. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  29644. let Identification = tape[ptr++];
  29645. let LifeCyclePhase = tape[ptr++];
  29646. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  29647. return new IfcPerformanceHistory(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, Identification, LifeCyclePhase, PredefinedType);
  29648. }
  29649. ToTape() {
  29650. let args = [];
  29651. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  29652. ;
  29653. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  29654. ;
  29655. args.push(this.Name);
  29656. ;
  29657. args.push(this.Description);
  29658. ;
  29659. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  29660. ;
  29661. args.push(this.Identification);
  29662. ;
  29663. args.push(this.LifeCyclePhase);
  29664. ;
  29665. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  29666. ;
  29667. return args;
  29668. }
  29669. };
  29670. var IfcPermeableCoveringProperties = class {
  29671. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, OperationType, PanelPosition, FrameDepth, FrameThickness, ShapeAspectStyle) {
  29672. this.expressID = expressID;
  29673. this.type = type;
  29674. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  29675. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  29676. this.Name = Name;
  29677. this.Description = Description;
  29678. this.OperationType = OperationType;
  29679. this.PanelPosition = PanelPosition;
  29680. this.FrameDepth = FrameDepth;
  29681. this.FrameThickness = FrameThickness;
  29682. this.ShapeAspectStyle = ShapeAspectStyle;
  29683. }
  29684. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  29685. let ptr = 0;
  29686. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  29687. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  29688. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  29689. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  29690. let OperationType = tape[ptr++];
  29691. let PanelPosition = tape[ptr++];
  29692. let FrameDepth = tape[ptr++];
  29693. let FrameThickness = tape[ptr++];
  29694. let ShapeAspectStyle = tape[ptr++];
  29695. return new IfcPermeableCoveringProperties(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, OperationType, PanelPosition, FrameDepth, FrameThickness, ShapeAspectStyle);
  29696. }
  29697. ToTape() {
  29698. let args = [];
  29699. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  29700. ;
  29701. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  29702. ;
  29703. args.push(this.Name);
  29704. ;
  29705. args.push(this.Description);
  29706. ;
  29707. args.push(this.OperationType);
  29708. ;
  29709. args.push(this.PanelPosition);
  29710. ;
  29711. args.push(this.FrameDepth);
  29712. ;
  29713. args.push(this.FrameThickness);
  29714. ;
  29715. args.push(this.ShapeAspectStyle);
  29716. ;
  29717. return args;
  29718. }
  29719. };
  29720. var IfcPermit = class {
  29721. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, Identification, PredefinedType, Status, LongDescription) {
  29722. this.expressID = expressID;
  29723. this.type = type;
  29724. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  29725. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  29726. this.Name = Name;
  29727. this.Description = Description;
  29728. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  29729. this.Identification = Identification;
  29730. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  29731. this.Status = Status;
  29732. this.LongDescription = LongDescription;
  29733. }
  29734. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  29735. let ptr = 0;
  29736. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  29737. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  29738. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  29739. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  29740. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  29741. let Identification = tape[ptr++];
  29742. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  29743. let Status = tape[ptr++];
  29744. let LongDescription = tape[ptr++];
  29745. return new IfcPermit(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, Identification, PredefinedType, Status, LongDescription);
  29746. }
  29747. ToTape() {
  29748. let args = [];
  29749. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  29750. ;
  29751. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  29752. ;
  29753. args.push(this.Name);
  29754. ;
  29755. args.push(this.Description);
  29756. ;
  29757. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  29758. ;
  29759. args.push(this.Identification);
  29760. ;
  29761. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  29762. ;
  29763. args.push(this.Status);
  29764. ;
  29765. args.push(this.LongDescription);
  29766. ;
  29767. return args;
  29768. }
  29769. };
  29770. var IfcPerson = class {
  29771. constructor(expressID, type, Identification, FamilyName, GivenName, MiddleNames, PrefixTitles, SuffixTitles, Roles, Addresses) {
  29772. this.expressID = expressID;
  29773. this.type = type;
  29774. this.Identification = Identification;
  29775. this.FamilyName = FamilyName;
  29776. this.GivenName = GivenName;
  29777. this.MiddleNames = MiddleNames;
  29778. this.PrefixTitles = PrefixTitles;
  29779. this.SuffixTitles = SuffixTitles;
  29780. this.Roles = Roles;
  29781. this.Addresses = Addresses;
  29782. }
  29783. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  29784. let ptr = 0;
  29785. let Identification = tape[ptr++];
  29786. let FamilyName = tape[ptr++];
  29787. let GivenName = tape[ptr++];
  29788. let MiddleNames = tape[ptr++];
  29789. let PrefixTitles = tape[ptr++];
  29790. let SuffixTitles = tape[ptr++];
  29791. let Roles = tape[ptr++];
  29792. let Addresses = tape[ptr++];
  29793. return new IfcPerson(expressID, type, Identification, FamilyName, GivenName, MiddleNames, PrefixTitles, SuffixTitles, Roles, Addresses);
  29794. }
  29795. ToTape() {
  29796. let args = [];
  29797. args.push(this.Identification);
  29798. ;
  29799. args.push(this.FamilyName);
  29800. ;
  29801. args.push(this.GivenName);
  29802. ;
  29803. args.push(this.MiddleNames);
  29804. ;
  29805. args.push(this.PrefixTitles);
  29806. ;
  29807. args.push(this.SuffixTitles);
  29808. ;
  29809. args.push(this.Roles);
  29810. ;
  29811. args.push(this.Addresses);
  29812. ;
  29813. return args;
  29814. }
  29815. };
  29816. var IfcPersonAndOrganization = class {
  29817. constructor(expressID, type, ThePerson, TheOrganization, Roles) {
  29818. this.expressID = expressID;
  29819. this.type = type;
  29820. this.ThePerson = ThePerson;
  29821. this.TheOrganization = TheOrganization;
  29822. this.Roles = Roles;
  29823. }
  29824. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  29825. let ptr = 0;
  29826. let ThePerson = tape[ptr++];
  29827. let TheOrganization = tape[ptr++];
  29828. let Roles = tape[ptr++];
  29829. return new IfcPersonAndOrganization(expressID, type, ThePerson, TheOrganization, Roles);
  29830. }
  29831. ToTape() {
  29832. let args = [];
  29833. args.push(this.ThePerson);
  29834. ;
  29835. args.push(this.TheOrganization);
  29836. ;
  29837. args.push(this.Roles);
  29838. ;
  29839. return args;
  29840. }
  29841. };
  29842. var IfcPhysicalComplexQuantity = class {
  29843. constructor(expressID, type, Name, Description, HasQuantities, Discrimination, Quality, Usage) {
  29844. this.expressID = expressID;
  29845. this.type = type;
  29846. this.Name = Name;
  29847. this.Description = Description;
  29848. this.HasQuantities = HasQuantities;
  29849. this.Discrimination = Discrimination;
  29850. this.Quality = Quality;
  29851. this.Usage = Usage;
  29852. }
  29853. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  29854. let ptr = 0;
  29855. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  29856. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  29857. let HasQuantities = tape[ptr++];
  29858. let Discrimination = tape[ptr++];
  29859. let Quality = tape[ptr++];
  29860. let Usage = tape[ptr++];
  29861. return new IfcPhysicalComplexQuantity(expressID, type, Name, Description, HasQuantities, Discrimination, Quality, Usage);
  29862. }
  29863. ToTape() {
  29864. let args = [];
  29865. args.push(this.Name);
  29866. ;
  29867. args.push(this.Description);
  29868. ;
  29869. args.push(this.HasQuantities);
  29870. ;
  29871. args.push(this.Discrimination);
  29872. ;
  29873. args.push(this.Quality);
  29874. ;
  29875. args.push(this.Usage);
  29876. ;
  29877. return args;
  29878. }
  29879. };
  29880. var IfcPhysicalQuantity = class {
  29881. constructor(expressID, type, Name, Description) {
  29882. this.expressID = expressID;
  29883. this.type = type;
  29884. this.Name = Name;
  29885. this.Description = Description;
  29886. }
  29887. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  29888. let ptr = 0;
  29889. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  29890. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  29891. return new IfcPhysicalQuantity(expressID, type, Name, Description);
  29892. }
  29893. ToTape() {
  29894. let args = [];
  29895. args.push(this.Name);
  29896. ;
  29897. args.push(this.Description);
  29898. ;
  29899. return args;
  29900. }
  29901. };
  29902. var IfcPhysicalSimpleQuantity = class {
  29903. constructor(expressID, type, Name, Description, Unit) {
  29904. this.expressID = expressID;
  29905. this.type = type;
  29906. this.Name = Name;
  29907. this.Description = Description;
  29908. this.Unit = Unit;
  29909. }
  29910. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  29911. let ptr = 0;
  29912. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  29913. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  29914. let Unit = tape[ptr++];
  29915. return new IfcPhysicalSimpleQuantity(expressID, type, Name, Description, Unit);
  29916. }
  29917. ToTape() {
  29918. let args = [];
  29919. args.push(this.Name);
  29920. ;
  29921. args.push(this.Description);
  29922. ;
  29923. args.push(this.Unit);
  29924. ;
  29925. return args;
  29926. }
  29927. };
  29928. var IfcPile = class {
  29929. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType, ConstructionType) {
  29930. this.expressID = expressID;
  29931. this.type = type;
  29932. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  29933. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  29934. this.Name = Name;
  29935. this.Description = Description;
  29936. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  29937. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  29938. this.Representation = Representation;
  29939. this.Tag = Tag;
  29940. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  29941. this.ConstructionType = ConstructionType;
  29942. }
  29943. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  29944. let ptr = 0;
  29945. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  29946. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  29947. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  29948. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  29949. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  29950. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  29951. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  29952. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  29953. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  29954. let ConstructionType = tape[ptr++];
  29955. return new IfcPile(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType, ConstructionType);
  29956. }
  29957. ToTape() {
  29958. let args = [];
  29959. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  29960. ;
  29961. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  29962. ;
  29963. args.push(this.Name);
  29964. ;
  29965. args.push(this.Description);
  29966. ;
  29967. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  29968. ;
  29969. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  29970. ;
  29971. args.push(this.Representation);
  29972. ;
  29973. args.push(this.Tag);
  29974. ;
  29975. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  29976. ;
  29977. args.push(this.ConstructionType);
  29978. ;
  29979. return args;
  29980. }
  29981. };
  29982. var IfcPileType = class {
  29983. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType) {
  29984. this.expressID = expressID;
  29985. this.type = type;
  29986. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  29987. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  29988. this.Name = Name;
  29989. this.Description = Description;
  29990. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  29991. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  29992. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  29993. this.Tag = Tag;
  29994. this.ElementType = ElementType;
  29995. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  29996. }
  29997. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  29998. let ptr = 0;
  29999. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  30000. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  30001. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  30002. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  30003. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  30004. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  30005. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  30006. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  30007. let ElementType = tape[ptr++];
  30008. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  30009. return new IfcPileType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType);
  30010. }
  30011. ToTape() {
  30012. let args = [];
  30013. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  30014. ;
  30015. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  30016. ;
  30017. args.push(this.Name);
  30018. ;
  30019. args.push(this.Description);
  30020. ;
  30021. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  30022. ;
  30023. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  30024. ;
  30025. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  30026. ;
  30027. args.push(this.Tag);
  30028. ;
  30029. args.push(this.ElementType);
  30030. ;
  30031. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  30032. ;
  30033. return args;
  30034. }
  30035. };
  30036. var IfcPipeFitting = class {
  30037. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType) {
  30038. this.expressID = expressID;
  30039. this.type = type;
  30040. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  30041. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  30042. this.Name = Name;
  30043. this.Description = Description;
  30044. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  30045. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  30046. this.Representation = Representation;
  30047. this.Tag = Tag;
  30048. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  30049. }
  30050. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  30051. let ptr = 0;
  30052. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  30053. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  30054. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  30055. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  30056. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  30057. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  30058. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  30059. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  30060. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  30061. return new IfcPipeFitting(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType);
  30062. }
  30063. ToTape() {
  30064. let args = [];
  30065. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  30066. ;
  30067. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  30068. ;
  30069. args.push(this.Name);
  30070. ;
  30071. args.push(this.Description);
  30072. ;
  30073. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  30074. ;
  30075. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  30076. ;
  30077. args.push(this.Representation);
  30078. ;
  30079. args.push(this.Tag);
  30080. ;
  30081. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  30082. ;
  30083. return args;
  30084. }
  30085. };
  30086. var IfcPipeFittingType = class {
  30087. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType) {
  30088. this.expressID = expressID;
  30089. this.type = type;
  30090. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  30091. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  30092. this.Name = Name;
  30093. this.Description = Description;
  30094. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  30095. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  30096. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  30097. this.Tag = Tag;
  30098. this.ElementType = ElementType;
  30099. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  30100. }
  30101. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  30102. let ptr = 0;
  30103. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  30104. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  30105. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  30106. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  30107. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  30108. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  30109. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  30110. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  30111. let ElementType = tape[ptr++];
  30112. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  30113. return new IfcPipeFittingType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType);
  30114. }
  30115. ToTape() {
  30116. let args = [];
  30117. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  30118. ;
  30119. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  30120. ;
  30121. args.push(this.Name);
  30122. ;
  30123. args.push(this.Description);
  30124. ;
  30125. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  30126. ;
  30127. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  30128. ;
  30129. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  30130. ;
  30131. args.push(this.Tag);
  30132. ;
  30133. args.push(this.ElementType);
  30134. ;
  30135. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  30136. ;
  30137. return args;
  30138. }
  30139. };
  30140. var IfcPipeSegment = class {
  30141. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType) {
  30142. this.expressID = expressID;
  30143. this.type = type;
  30144. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  30145. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  30146. this.Name = Name;
  30147. this.Description = Description;
  30148. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  30149. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  30150. this.Representation = Representation;
  30151. this.Tag = Tag;
  30152. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  30153. }
  30154. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  30155. let ptr = 0;
  30156. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  30157. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  30158. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  30159. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  30160. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  30161. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  30162. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  30163. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  30164. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  30165. return new IfcPipeSegment(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType);
  30166. }
  30167. ToTape() {
  30168. let args = [];
  30169. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  30170. ;
  30171. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  30172. ;
  30173. args.push(this.Name);
  30174. ;
  30175. args.push(this.Description);
  30176. ;
  30177. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  30178. ;
  30179. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  30180. ;
  30181. args.push(this.Representation);
  30182. ;
  30183. args.push(this.Tag);
  30184. ;
  30185. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  30186. ;
  30187. return args;
  30188. }
  30189. };
  30190. var IfcPipeSegmentType = class {
  30191. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType) {
  30192. this.expressID = expressID;
  30193. this.type = type;
  30194. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  30195. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  30196. this.Name = Name;
  30197. this.Description = Description;
  30198. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  30199. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  30200. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  30201. this.Tag = Tag;
  30202. this.ElementType = ElementType;
  30203. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  30204. }
  30205. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  30206. let ptr = 0;
  30207. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  30208. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  30209. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  30210. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  30211. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  30212. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  30213. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  30214. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  30215. let ElementType = tape[ptr++];
  30216. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  30217. return new IfcPipeSegmentType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType);
  30218. }
  30219. ToTape() {
  30220. let args = [];
  30221. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  30222. ;
  30223. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  30224. ;
  30225. args.push(this.Name);
  30226. ;
  30227. args.push(this.Description);
  30228. ;
  30229. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  30230. ;
  30231. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  30232. ;
  30233. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  30234. ;
  30235. args.push(this.Tag);
  30236. ;
  30237. args.push(this.ElementType);
  30238. ;
  30239. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  30240. ;
  30241. return args;
  30242. }
  30243. };
  30244. var IfcPixelTexture = class {
  30245. constructor(expressID, type, RepeatS, RepeatT, Mode, TextureTransform, Parameter, Width, Height, ColourComponents, Pixel) {
  30246. this.expressID = expressID;
  30247. this.type = type;
  30248. this.RepeatS = RepeatS;
  30249. this.RepeatT = RepeatT;
  30250. this.Mode = Mode;
  30251. this.TextureTransform = TextureTransform;
  30252. this.Parameter = Parameter;
  30253. this.Width = Width;
  30254. this.Height = Height;
  30255. this.ColourComponents = ColourComponents;
  30256. this.Pixel = Pixel;
  30257. }
  30258. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  30259. let ptr = 0;
  30260. let RepeatS = tape[ptr++];
  30261. let RepeatT = tape[ptr++];
  30262. let Mode = tape[ptr++];
  30263. let TextureTransform = tape[ptr++];
  30264. let Parameter = tape[ptr++];
  30265. let Width = tape[ptr++];
  30266. let Height = tape[ptr++];
  30267. let ColourComponents = tape[ptr++];
  30268. let Pixel = tape[ptr++];
  30269. return new IfcPixelTexture(expressID, type, RepeatS, RepeatT, Mode, TextureTransform, Parameter, Width, Height, ColourComponents, Pixel);
  30270. }
  30271. ToTape() {
  30272. let args = [];
  30273. args.push(this.RepeatS);
  30274. ;
  30275. args.push(this.RepeatT);
  30276. ;
  30277. args.push(this.Mode);
  30278. ;
  30279. args.push(this.TextureTransform);
  30280. ;
  30281. args.push(this.Parameter);
  30282. ;
  30283. args.push(this.Width);
  30284. ;
  30285. args.push(this.Height);
  30286. ;
  30287. args.push(this.ColourComponents);
  30288. ;
  30289. args.push(this.Pixel);
  30290. ;
  30291. return args;
  30292. }
  30293. };
  30294. var IfcPlacement = class {
  30295. constructor(expressID, type, Location) {
  30296. this.expressID = expressID;
  30297. this.type = type;
  30298. this.Location = Location;
  30299. }
  30300. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  30301. let ptr = 0;
  30302. let Location = tape[ptr++];
  30303. return new IfcPlacement(expressID, type, Location);
  30304. }
  30305. ToTape() {
  30306. let args = [];
  30307. args.push(this.Location);
  30308. ;
  30309. return args;
  30310. }
  30311. };
  30312. var IfcPlanarBox = class {
  30313. constructor(expressID, type, SizeInX, SizeInY, Placement) {
  30314. this.expressID = expressID;
  30315. this.type = type;
  30316. this.SizeInX = SizeInX;
  30317. this.SizeInY = SizeInY;
  30318. this.Placement = Placement;
  30319. }
  30320. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  30321. let ptr = 0;
  30322. let SizeInX = tape[ptr++];
  30323. let SizeInY = tape[ptr++];
  30324. let Placement = tape[ptr++];
  30325. return new IfcPlanarBox(expressID, type, SizeInX, SizeInY, Placement);
  30326. }
  30327. ToTape() {
  30328. let args = [];
  30329. args.push(this.SizeInX);
  30330. ;
  30331. args.push(this.SizeInY);
  30332. ;
  30333. args.push(this.Placement);
  30334. ;
  30335. return args;
  30336. }
  30337. };
  30338. var IfcPlanarExtent = class {
  30339. constructor(expressID, type, SizeInX, SizeInY) {
  30340. this.expressID = expressID;
  30341. this.type = type;
  30342. this.SizeInX = SizeInX;
  30343. this.SizeInY = SizeInY;
  30344. }
  30345. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  30346. let ptr = 0;
  30347. let SizeInX = tape[ptr++];
  30348. let SizeInY = tape[ptr++];
  30349. return new IfcPlanarExtent(expressID, type, SizeInX, SizeInY);
  30350. }
  30351. ToTape() {
  30352. let args = [];
  30353. args.push(this.SizeInX);
  30354. ;
  30355. args.push(this.SizeInY);
  30356. ;
  30357. return args;
  30358. }
  30359. };
  30360. var IfcPlane = class {
  30361. constructor(expressID, type, Position) {
  30362. this.expressID = expressID;
  30363. this.type = type;
  30364. this.Position = Position;
  30365. }
  30366. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  30367. let ptr = 0;
  30368. let Position = tape[ptr++];
  30369. return new IfcPlane(expressID, type, Position);
  30370. }
  30371. ToTape() {
  30372. let args = [];
  30373. args.push(this.Position);
  30374. ;
  30375. return args;
  30376. }
  30377. };
  30378. var IfcPlate = class {
  30379. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType) {
  30380. this.expressID = expressID;
  30381. this.type = type;
  30382. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  30383. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  30384. this.Name = Name;
  30385. this.Description = Description;
  30386. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  30387. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  30388. this.Representation = Representation;
  30389. this.Tag = Tag;
  30390. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  30391. }
  30392. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  30393. let ptr = 0;
  30394. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  30395. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  30396. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  30397. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  30398. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  30399. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  30400. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  30401. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  30402. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  30403. return new IfcPlate(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType);
  30404. }
  30405. ToTape() {
  30406. let args = [];
  30407. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  30408. ;
  30409. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  30410. ;
  30411. args.push(this.Name);
  30412. ;
  30413. args.push(this.Description);
  30414. ;
  30415. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  30416. ;
  30417. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  30418. ;
  30419. args.push(this.Representation);
  30420. ;
  30421. args.push(this.Tag);
  30422. ;
  30423. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  30424. ;
  30425. return args;
  30426. }
  30427. };
  30428. var IfcPlateStandardCase = class {
  30429. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType) {
  30430. this.expressID = expressID;
  30431. this.type = type;
  30432. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  30433. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  30434. this.Name = Name;
  30435. this.Description = Description;
  30436. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  30437. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  30438. this.Representation = Representation;
  30439. this.Tag = Tag;
  30440. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  30441. }
  30442. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  30443. let ptr = 0;
  30444. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  30445. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  30446. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  30447. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  30448. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  30449. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  30450. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  30451. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  30452. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  30453. return new IfcPlateStandardCase(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType);
  30454. }
  30455. ToTape() {
  30456. let args = [];
  30457. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  30458. ;
  30459. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  30460. ;
  30461. args.push(this.Name);
  30462. ;
  30463. args.push(this.Description);
  30464. ;
  30465. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  30466. ;
  30467. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  30468. ;
  30469. args.push(this.Representation);
  30470. ;
  30471. args.push(this.Tag);
  30472. ;
  30473. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  30474. ;
  30475. return args;
  30476. }
  30477. };
  30478. var IfcPlateType = class {
  30479. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType) {
  30480. this.expressID = expressID;
  30481. this.type = type;
  30482. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  30483. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  30484. this.Name = Name;
  30485. this.Description = Description;
  30486. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  30487. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  30488. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  30489. this.Tag = Tag;
  30490. this.ElementType = ElementType;
  30491. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  30492. }
  30493. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  30494. let ptr = 0;
  30495. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  30496. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  30497. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  30498. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  30499. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  30500. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  30501. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  30502. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  30503. let ElementType = tape[ptr++];
  30504. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  30505. return new IfcPlateType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType);
  30506. }
  30507. ToTape() {
  30508. let args = [];
  30509. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  30510. ;
  30511. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  30512. ;
  30513. args.push(this.Name);
  30514. ;
  30515. args.push(this.Description);
  30516. ;
  30517. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  30518. ;
  30519. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  30520. ;
  30521. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  30522. ;
  30523. args.push(this.Tag);
  30524. ;
  30525. args.push(this.ElementType);
  30526. ;
  30527. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  30528. ;
  30529. return args;
  30530. }
  30531. };
  30532. var IfcPoint = class {
  30533. constructor(expressID, type) {
  30534. this.expressID = expressID;
  30535. this.type = type;
  30536. }
  30537. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  30538. let ptr = 0;
  30539. return new IfcPoint(expressID, type);
  30540. }
  30541. ToTape() {
  30542. let args = [];
  30543. return args;
  30544. }
  30545. };
  30546. var IfcPointOnCurve = class {
  30547. constructor(expressID, type, BasisCurve, PointParameter) {
  30548. this.expressID = expressID;
  30549. this.type = type;
  30550. this.BasisCurve = BasisCurve;
  30551. this.PointParameter = PointParameter;
  30552. }
  30553. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  30554. let ptr = 0;
  30555. let BasisCurve = tape[ptr++];
  30556. let PointParameter = tape[ptr++];
  30557. return new IfcPointOnCurve(expressID, type, BasisCurve, PointParameter);
  30558. }
  30559. ToTape() {
  30560. let args = [];
  30561. args.push(this.BasisCurve);
  30562. ;
  30563. args.push(this.PointParameter);
  30564. ;
  30565. return args;
  30566. }
  30567. };
  30568. var IfcPointOnSurface = class {
  30569. constructor(expressID, type, BasisSurface, PointParameterU, PointParameterV) {
  30570. this.expressID = expressID;
  30571. this.type = type;
  30572. this.BasisSurface = BasisSurface;
  30573. this.PointParameterU = PointParameterU;
  30574. this.PointParameterV = PointParameterV;
  30575. }
  30576. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  30577. let ptr = 0;
  30578. let BasisSurface = tape[ptr++];
  30579. let PointParameterU = tape[ptr++];
  30580. let PointParameterV = tape[ptr++];
  30581. return new IfcPointOnSurface(expressID, type, BasisSurface, PointParameterU, PointParameterV);
  30582. }
  30583. ToTape() {
  30584. let args = [];
  30585. args.push(this.BasisSurface);
  30586. ;
  30587. args.push(this.PointParameterU);
  30588. ;
  30589. args.push(this.PointParameterV);
  30590. ;
  30591. return args;
  30592. }
  30593. };
  30594. var IfcPolyLoop = class {
  30595. constructor(expressID, type, Polygon) {
  30596. this.expressID = expressID;
  30597. this.type = type;
  30598. this.Polygon = Polygon;
  30599. }
  30600. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  30601. let ptr = 0;
  30602. let Polygon = tape[ptr++];
  30603. return new IfcPolyLoop(expressID, type, Polygon);
  30604. }
  30605. ToTape() {
  30606. let args = [];
  30607. args.push(this.Polygon);
  30608. ;
  30609. return args;
  30610. }
  30611. };
  30612. var IfcPolygonalBoundedHalfSpace = class {
  30613. constructor(expressID, type, BaseSurface, AgreementFlag, Position, PolygonalBoundary) {
  30614. this.expressID = expressID;
  30615. this.type = type;
  30616. this.BaseSurface = BaseSurface;
  30617. this.AgreementFlag = AgreementFlag;
  30618. this.Position = Position;
  30619. this.PolygonalBoundary = PolygonalBoundary;
  30620. }
  30621. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  30622. let ptr = 0;
  30623. let BaseSurface = tape[ptr++];
  30624. let AgreementFlag = tape[ptr++];
  30625. let Position = tape[ptr++];
  30626. let PolygonalBoundary = tape[ptr++];
  30627. return new IfcPolygonalBoundedHalfSpace(expressID, type, BaseSurface, AgreementFlag, Position, PolygonalBoundary);
  30628. }
  30629. ToTape() {
  30630. let args = [];
  30631. args.push(this.BaseSurface);
  30632. ;
  30633. args.push(this.AgreementFlag);
  30634. ;
  30635. args.push(this.Position);
  30636. ;
  30637. args.push(this.PolygonalBoundary);
  30638. ;
  30639. return args;
  30640. }
  30641. };
  30642. var IfcPolygonalFaceSet = class {
  30643. constructor(expressID, type, Coordinates, Closed, Faces, PnIndex) {
  30644. this.expressID = expressID;
  30645. this.type = type;
  30646. this.Coordinates = Coordinates;
  30647. this.Closed = Closed;
  30648. this.Faces = Faces;
  30649. this.PnIndex = PnIndex;
  30650. }
  30651. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  30652. let ptr = 0;
  30653. let Coordinates = tape[ptr++];
  30654. let Closed = tape[ptr++];
  30655. let Faces = tape[ptr++];
  30656. let PnIndex = tape[ptr++];
  30657. return new IfcPolygonalFaceSet(expressID, type, Coordinates, Closed, Faces, PnIndex);
  30658. }
  30659. ToTape() {
  30660. let args = [];
  30661. args.push(this.Coordinates);
  30662. ;
  30663. args.push(this.Closed);
  30664. ;
  30665. args.push(this.Faces);
  30666. ;
  30667. args.push(this.PnIndex);
  30668. ;
  30669. return args;
  30670. }
  30671. };
  30672. var IfcPolyline = class {
  30673. constructor(expressID, type, Points) {
  30674. this.expressID = expressID;
  30675. this.type = type;
  30676. this.Points = Points;
  30677. }
  30678. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  30679. let ptr = 0;
  30680. let Points = tape[ptr++];
  30681. return new IfcPolyline(expressID, type, Points);
  30682. }
  30683. ToTape() {
  30684. let args = [];
  30685. args.push(this.Points);
  30686. ;
  30687. return args;
  30688. }
  30689. };
  30690. var IfcPort = class {
  30691. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation) {
  30692. this.expressID = expressID;
  30693. this.type = type;
  30694. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  30695. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  30696. this.Name = Name;
  30697. this.Description = Description;
  30698. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  30699. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  30700. this.Representation = Representation;
  30701. }
  30702. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  30703. let ptr = 0;
  30704. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  30705. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  30706. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  30707. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  30708. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  30709. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  30710. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  30711. return new IfcPort(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation);
  30712. }
  30713. ToTape() {
  30714. let args = [];
  30715. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  30716. ;
  30717. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  30718. ;
  30719. args.push(this.Name);
  30720. ;
  30721. args.push(this.Description);
  30722. ;
  30723. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  30724. ;
  30725. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  30726. ;
  30727. args.push(this.Representation);
  30728. ;
  30729. return args;
  30730. }
  30731. };
  30732. var IfcPositioningElement = class {
  30733. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation) {
  30734. this.expressID = expressID;
  30735. this.type = type;
  30736. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  30737. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  30738. this.Name = Name;
  30739. this.Description = Description;
  30740. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  30741. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  30742. this.Representation = Representation;
  30743. }
  30744. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  30745. let ptr = 0;
  30746. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  30747. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  30748. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  30749. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  30750. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  30751. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  30752. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  30753. return new IfcPositioningElement(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation);
  30754. }
  30755. ToTape() {
  30756. let args = [];
  30757. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  30758. ;
  30759. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  30760. ;
  30761. args.push(this.Name);
  30762. ;
  30763. args.push(this.Description);
  30764. ;
  30765. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  30766. ;
  30767. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  30768. ;
  30769. args.push(this.Representation);
  30770. ;
  30771. return args;
  30772. }
  30773. };
  30774. var IfcPostalAddress = class {
  30775. constructor(expressID, type, Purpose, Description, UserDefinedPurpose, InternalLocation, AddressLines, PostalBox, Town, Region, PostalCode, Country) {
  30776. this.expressID = expressID;
  30777. this.type = type;
  30778. this.Purpose = Purpose;
  30779. this.Description = Description;
  30780. this.UserDefinedPurpose = UserDefinedPurpose;
  30781. this.InternalLocation = InternalLocation;
  30782. this.AddressLines = AddressLines;
  30783. this.PostalBox = PostalBox;
  30784. this.Town = Town;
  30785. this.Region = Region;
  30786. this.PostalCode = PostalCode;
  30787. this.Country = Country;
  30788. }
  30789. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  30790. let ptr = 0;
  30791. let Purpose = tape[ptr++];
  30792. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  30793. let UserDefinedPurpose = tape[ptr++];
  30794. let InternalLocation = tape[ptr++];
  30795. let AddressLines = tape[ptr++];
  30796. let PostalBox = tape[ptr++];
  30797. let Town = tape[ptr++];
  30798. let Region = tape[ptr++];
  30799. let PostalCode = tape[ptr++];
  30800. let Country = tape[ptr++];
  30801. return new IfcPostalAddress(expressID, type, Purpose, Description, UserDefinedPurpose, InternalLocation, AddressLines, PostalBox, Town, Region, PostalCode, Country);
  30802. }
  30803. ToTape() {
  30804. let args = [];
  30805. args.push(this.Purpose);
  30806. ;
  30807. args.push(this.Description);
  30808. ;
  30809. args.push(this.UserDefinedPurpose);
  30810. ;
  30811. args.push(this.InternalLocation);
  30812. ;
  30813. args.push(this.AddressLines);
  30814. ;
  30815. args.push(this.PostalBox);
  30816. ;
  30817. args.push(this.Town);
  30818. ;
  30819. args.push(this.Region);
  30820. ;
  30821. args.push(this.PostalCode);
  30822. ;
  30823. args.push(this.Country);
  30824. ;
  30825. return args;
  30826. }
  30827. };
  30828. var IfcPreDefinedColour = class {
  30829. constructor(expressID, type, Name) {
  30830. this.expressID = expressID;
  30831. this.type = type;
  30832. this.Name = Name;
  30833. }
  30834. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  30835. let ptr = 0;
  30836. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  30837. return new IfcPreDefinedColour(expressID, type, Name);
  30838. }
  30839. ToTape() {
  30840. let args = [];
  30841. args.push(this.Name);
  30842. ;
  30843. return args;
  30844. }
  30845. };
  30846. var IfcPreDefinedCurveFont = class {
  30847. constructor(expressID, type, Name) {
  30848. this.expressID = expressID;
  30849. this.type = type;
  30850. this.Name = Name;
  30851. }
  30852. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  30853. let ptr = 0;
  30854. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  30855. return new IfcPreDefinedCurveFont(expressID, type, Name);
  30856. }
  30857. ToTape() {
  30858. let args = [];
  30859. args.push(this.Name);
  30860. ;
  30861. return args;
  30862. }
  30863. };
  30864. var IfcPreDefinedItem = class {
  30865. constructor(expressID, type, Name) {
  30866. this.expressID = expressID;
  30867. this.type = type;
  30868. this.Name = Name;
  30869. }
  30870. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  30871. let ptr = 0;
  30872. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  30873. return new IfcPreDefinedItem(expressID, type, Name);
  30874. }
  30875. ToTape() {
  30876. let args = [];
  30877. args.push(this.Name);
  30878. ;
  30879. return args;
  30880. }
  30881. };
  30882. var IfcPreDefinedProperties = class {
  30883. constructor(expressID, type) {
  30884. this.expressID = expressID;
  30885. this.type = type;
  30886. }
  30887. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  30888. let ptr = 0;
  30889. return new IfcPreDefinedProperties(expressID, type);
  30890. }
  30891. ToTape() {
  30892. let args = [];
  30893. return args;
  30894. }
  30895. };
  30896. var IfcPreDefinedPropertySet = class {
  30897. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description) {
  30898. this.expressID = expressID;
  30899. this.type = type;
  30900. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  30901. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  30902. this.Name = Name;
  30903. this.Description = Description;
  30904. }
  30905. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  30906. let ptr = 0;
  30907. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  30908. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  30909. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  30910. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  30911. return new IfcPreDefinedPropertySet(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description);
  30912. }
  30913. ToTape() {
  30914. let args = [];
  30915. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  30916. ;
  30917. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  30918. ;
  30919. args.push(this.Name);
  30920. ;
  30921. args.push(this.Description);
  30922. ;
  30923. return args;
  30924. }
  30925. };
  30926. var IfcPreDefinedTextFont = class {
  30927. constructor(expressID, type, Name) {
  30928. this.expressID = expressID;
  30929. this.type = type;
  30930. this.Name = Name;
  30931. }
  30932. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  30933. let ptr = 0;
  30934. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  30935. return new IfcPreDefinedTextFont(expressID, type, Name);
  30936. }
  30937. ToTape() {
  30938. let args = [];
  30939. args.push(this.Name);
  30940. ;
  30941. return args;
  30942. }
  30943. };
  30944. var IfcPresentationItem = class {
  30945. constructor(expressID, type) {
  30946. this.expressID = expressID;
  30947. this.type = type;
  30948. }
  30949. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  30950. let ptr = 0;
  30951. return new IfcPresentationItem(expressID, type);
  30952. }
  30953. ToTape() {
  30954. let args = [];
  30955. return args;
  30956. }
  30957. };
  30958. var IfcPresentationLayerAssignment = class {
  30959. constructor(expressID, type, Name, Description, AssignedItems, Identifier) {
  30960. this.expressID = expressID;
  30961. this.type = type;
  30962. this.Name = Name;
  30963. this.Description = Description;
  30964. this.AssignedItems = AssignedItems;
  30965. this.Identifier = Identifier;
  30966. }
  30967. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  30968. let ptr = 0;
  30969. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  30970. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  30971. let AssignedItems = tape[ptr++];
  30972. let Identifier = tape[ptr++];
  30973. return new IfcPresentationLayerAssignment(expressID, type, Name, Description, AssignedItems, Identifier);
  30974. }
  30975. ToTape() {
  30976. let args = [];
  30977. args.push(this.Name);
  30978. ;
  30979. args.push(this.Description);
  30980. ;
  30981. args.push(this.AssignedItems);
  30982. ;
  30983. args.push(this.Identifier);
  30984. ;
  30985. return args;
  30986. }
  30987. };
  30988. var IfcPresentationLayerWithStyle = class {
  30989. constructor(expressID, type, Name, Description, AssignedItems, Identifier, LayerOn, LayerFrozen, LayerBlocked, LayerStyles) {
  30990. this.expressID = expressID;
  30991. this.type = type;
  30992. this.Name = Name;
  30993. this.Description = Description;
  30994. this.AssignedItems = AssignedItems;
  30995. this.Identifier = Identifier;
  30996. this.LayerOn = LayerOn;
  30997. this.LayerFrozen = LayerFrozen;
  30998. this.LayerBlocked = LayerBlocked;
  30999. this.LayerStyles = LayerStyles;
  31000. }
  31001. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  31002. let ptr = 0;
  31003. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  31004. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  31005. let AssignedItems = tape[ptr++];
  31006. let Identifier = tape[ptr++];
  31007. let LayerOn = tape[ptr++];
  31008. let LayerFrozen = tape[ptr++];
  31009. let LayerBlocked = tape[ptr++];
  31010. let LayerStyles = tape[ptr++];
  31011. return new IfcPresentationLayerWithStyle(expressID, type, Name, Description, AssignedItems, Identifier, LayerOn, LayerFrozen, LayerBlocked, LayerStyles);
  31012. }
  31013. ToTape() {
  31014. let args = [];
  31015. args.push(this.Name);
  31016. ;
  31017. args.push(this.Description);
  31018. ;
  31019. args.push(this.AssignedItems);
  31020. ;
  31021. args.push(this.Identifier);
  31022. ;
  31023. args.push(this.LayerOn);
  31024. ;
  31025. args.push(this.LayerFrozen);
  31026. ;
  31027. args.push(this.LayerBlocked);
  31028. ;
  31029. args.push(this.LayerStyles);
  31030. ;
  31031. return args;
  31032. }
  31033. };
  31034. var IfcPresentationStyle = class {
  31035. constructor(expressID, type, Name) {
  31036. this.expressID = expressID;
  31037. this.type = type;
  31038. this.Name = Name;
  31039. }
  31040. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  31041. let ptr = 0;
  31042. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  31043. return new IfcPresentationStyle(expressID, type, Name);
  31044. }
  31045. ToTape() {
  31046. let args = [];
  31047. args.push(this.Name);
  31048. ;
  31049. return args;
  31050. }
  31051. };
  31052. var IfcPresentationStyleAssignment = class {
  31053. constructor(expressID, type, Styles) {
  31054. this.expressID = expressID;
  31055. this.type = type;
  31056. this.Styles = Styles;
  31057. }
  31058. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  31059. let ptr = 0;
  31060. let Styles = tape[ptr++];
  31061. return new IfcPresentationStyleAssignment(expressID, type, Styles);
  31062. }
  31063. ToTape() {
  31064. let args = [];
  31065. args.push(this.Styles);
  31066. ;
  31067. return args;
  31068. }
  31069. };
  31070. var IfcProcedure = class {
  31071. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, Identification, LongDescription, PredefinedType) {
  31072. this.expressID = expressID;
  31073. this.type = type;
  31074. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  31075. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  31076. this.Name = Name;
  31077. this.Description = Description;
  31078. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  31079. this.Identification = Identification;
  31080. this.LongDescription = LongDescription;
  31081. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  31082. }
  31083. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  31084. let ptr = 0;
  31085. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  31086. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  31087. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  31088. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  31089. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  31090. let Identification = tape[ptr++];
  31091. let LongDescription = tape[ptr++];
  31092. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  31093. return new IfcProcedure(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, Identification, LongDescription, PredefinedType);
  31094. }
  31095. ToTape() {
  31096. let args = [];
  31097. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  31098. ;
  31099. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  31100. ;
  31101. args.push(this.Name);
  31102. ;
  31103. args.push(this.Description);
  31104. ;
  31105. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  31106. ;
  31107. args.push(this.Identification);
  31108. ;
  31109. args.push(this.LongDescription);
  31110. ;
  31111. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  31112. ;
  31113. return args;
  31114. }
  31115. };
  31116. var IfcProcedureType = class {
  31117. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, Identification, LongDescription, ProcessType, PredefinedType) {
  31118. this.expressID = expressID;
  31119. this.type = type;
  31120. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  31121. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  31122. this.Name = Name;
  31123. this.Description = Description;
  31124. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  31125. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  31126. this.Identification = Identification;
  31127. this.LongDescription = LongDescription;
  31128. this.ProcessType = ProcessType;
  31129. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  31130. }
  31131. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  31132. let ptr = 0;
  31133. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  31134. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  31135. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  31136. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  31137. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  31138. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  31139. let Identification = tape[ptr++];
  31140. let LongDescription = tape[ptr++];
  31141. let ProcessType = tape[ptr++];
  31142. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  31143. return new IfcProcedureType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, Identification, LongDescription, ProcessType, PredefinedType);
  31144. }
  31145. ToTape() {
  31146. let args = [];
  31147. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  31148. ;
  31149. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  31150. ;
  31151. args.push(this.Name);
  31152. ;
  31153. args.push(this.Description);
  31154. ;
  31155. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  31156. ;
  31157. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  31158. ;
  31159. args.push(this.Identification);
  31160. ;
  31161. args.push(this.LongDescription);
  31162. ;
  31163. args.push(this.ProcessType);
  31164. ;
  31165. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  31166. ;
  31167. return args;
  31168. }
  31169. };
  31170. var IfcProcess = class {
  31171. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, Identification, LongDescription) {
  31172. this.expressID = expressID;
  31173. this.type = type;
  31174. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  31175. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  31176. this.Name = Name;
  31177. this.Description = Description;
  31178. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  31179. this.Identification = Identification;
  31180. this.LongDescription = LongDescription;
  31181. }
  31182. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  31183. let ptr = 0;
  31184. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  31185. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  31186. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  31187. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  31188. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  31189. let Identification = tape[ptr++];
  31190. let LongDescription = tape[ptr++];
  31191. return new IfcProcess(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, Identification, LongDescription);
  31192. }
  31193. ToTape() {
  31194. let args = [];
  31195. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  31196. ;
  31197. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  31198. ;
  31199. args.push(this.Name);
  31200. ;
  31201. args.push(this.Description);
  31202. ;
  31203. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  31204. ;
  31205. args.push(this.Identification);
  31206. ;
  31207. args.push(this.LongDescription);
  31208. ;
  31209. return args;
  31210. }
  31211. };
  31212. var IfcProduct = class {
  31213. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation) {
  31214. this.expressID = expressID;
  31215. this.type = type;
  31216. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  31217. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  31218. this.Name = Name;
  31219. this.Description = Description;
  31220. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  31221. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  31222. this.Representation = Representation;
  31223. }
  31224. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  31225. let ptr = 0;
  31226. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  31227. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  31228. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  31229. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  31230. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  31231. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  31232. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  31233. return new IfcProduct(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation);
  31234. }
  31235. ToTape() {
  31236. let args = [];
  31237. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  31238. ;
  31239. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  31240. ;
  31241. args.push(this.Name);
  31242. ;
  31243. args.push(this.Description);
  31244. ;
  31245. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  31246. ;
  31247. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  31248. ;
  31249. args.push(this.Representation);
  31250. ;
  31251. return args;
  31252. }
  31253. };
  31254. var IfcProductDefinitionShape = class {
  31255. constructor(expressID, type, Name, Description, Representations) {
  31256. this.expressID = expressID;
  31257. this.type = type;
  31258. this.Name = Name;
  31259. this.Description = Description;
  31260. this.Representations = Representations;
  31261. }
  31262. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  31263. let ptr = 0;
  31264. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  31265. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  31266. let Representations = tape[ptr++];
  31267. return new IfcProductDefinitionShape(expressID, type, Name, Description, Representations);
  31268. }
  31269. ToTape() {
  31270. let args = [];
  31271. args.push(this.Name);
  31272. ;
  31273. args.push(this.Description);
  31274. ;
  31275. args.push(this.Representations);
  31276. ;
  31277. return args;
  31278. }
  31279. };
  31280. var IfcProductRepresentation = class {
  31281. constructor(expressID, type, Name, Description, Representations) {
  31282. this.expressID = expressID;
  31283. this.type = type;
  31284. this.Name = Name;
  31285. this.Description = Description;
  31286. this.Representations = Representations;
  31287. }
  31288. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  31289. let ptr = 0;
  31290. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  31291. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  31292. let Representations = tape[ptr++];
  31293. return new IfcProductRepresentation(expressID, type, Name, Description, Representations);
  31294. }
  31295. ToTape() {
  31296. let args = [];
  31297. args.push(this.Name);
  31298. ;
  31299. args.push(this.Description);
  31300. ;
  31301. args.push(this.Representations);
  31302. ;
  31303. return args;
  31304. }
  31305. };
  31306. var IfcProfileDef = class {
  31307. constructor(expressID, type, ProfileType, ProfileName) {
  31308. this.expressID = expressID;
  31309. this.type = type;
  31310. this.ProfileType = ProfileType;
  31311. this.ProfileName = ProfileName;
  31312. }
  31313. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  31314. let ptr = 0;
  31315. let ProfileType = tape[ptr++];
  31316. let ProfileName = tape[ptr++];
  31317. return new IfcProfileDef(expressID, type, ProfileType, ProfileName);
  31318. }
  31319. ToTape() {
  31320. let args = [];
  31321. args.push(this.ProfileType);
  31322. ;
  31323. args.push(this.ProfileName);
  31324. ;
  31325. return args;
  31326. }
  31327. };
  31328. var IfcProfileProperties = class {
  31329. constructor(expressID, type, Name, Description, Properties, ProfileDefinition) {
  31330. this.expressID = expressID;
  31331. this.type = type;
  31332. this.Name = Name;
  31333. this.Description = Description;
  31334. this.Properties = Properties;
  31335. this.ProfileDefinition = ProfileDefinition;
  31336. }
  31337. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  31338. let ptr = 0;
  31339. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  31340. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  31341. let Properties = tape[ptr++];
  31342. let ProfileDefinition = tape[ptr++];
  31343. return new IfcProfileProperties(expressID, type, Name, Description, Properties, ProfileDefinition);
  31344. }
  31345. ToTape() {
  31346. let args = [];
  31347. args.push(this.Name);
  31348. ;
  31349. args.push(this.Description);
  31350. ;
  31351. args.push(this.Properties);
  31352. ;
  31353. args.push(this.ProfileDefinition);
  31354. ;
  31355. return args;
  31356. }
  31357. };
  31358. var IfcProject = class {
  31359. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, LongName, Phase, RepresentationContexts, UnitsInContext) {
  31360. this.expressID = expressID;
  31361. this.type = type;
  31362. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  31363. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  31364. this.Name = Name;
  31365. this.Description = Description;
  31366. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  31367. this.LongName = LongName;
  31368. this.Phase = Phase;
  31369. this.RepresentationContexts = RepresentationContexts;
  31370. this.UnitsInContext = UnitsInContext;
  31371. }
  31372. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  31373. let ptr = 0;
  31374. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  31375. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  31376. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  31377. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  31378. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  31379. let LongName = tape[ptr++];
  31380. let Phase = tape[ptr++];
  31381. let RepresentationContexts = tape[ptr++];
  31382. let UnitsInContext = tape[ptr++];
  31383. return new IfcProject(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, LongName, Phase, RepresentationContexts, UnitsInContext);
  31384. }
  31385. ToTape() {
  31386. let args = [];
  31387. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  31388. ;
  31389. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  31390. ;
  31391. args.push(this.Name);
  31392. ;
  31393. args.push(this.Description);
  31394. ;
  31395. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  31396. ;
  31397. args.push(this.LongName);
  31398. ;
  31399. args.push(this.Phase);
  31400. ;
  31401. args.push(this.RepresentationContexts);
  31402. ;
  31403. args.push(this.UnitsInContext);
  31404. ;
  31405. return args;
  31406. }
  31407. };
  31408. var IfcProjectLibrary = class {
  31409. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, LongName, Phase, RepresentationContexts, UnitsInContext) {
  31410. this.expressID = expressID;
  31411. this.type = type;
  31412. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  31413. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  31414. this.Name = Name;
  31415. this.Description = Description;
  31416. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  31417. this.LongName = LongName;
  31418. this.Phase = Phase;
  31419. this.RepresentationContexts = RepresentationContexts;
  31420. this.UnitsInContext = UnitsInContext;
  31421. }
  31422. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  31423. let ptr = 0;
  31424. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  31425. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  31426. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  31427. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  31428. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  31429. let LongName = tape[ptr++];
  31430. let Phase = tape[ptr++];
  31431. let RepresentationContexts = tape[ptr++];
  31432. let UnitsInContext = tape[ptr++];
  31433. return new IfcProjectLibrary(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, LongName, Phase, RepresentationContexts, UnitsInContext);
  31434. }
  31435. ToTape() {
  31436. let args = [];
  31437. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  31438. ;
  31439. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  31440. ;
  31441. args.push(this.Name);
  31442. ;
  31443. args.push(this.Description);
  31444. ;
  31445. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  31446. ;
  31447. args.push(this.LongName);
  31448. ;
  31449. args.push(this.Phase);
  31450. ;
  31451. args.push(this.RepresentationContexts);
  31452. ;
  31453. args.push(this.UnitsInContext);
  31454. ;
  31455. return args;
  31456. }
  31457. };
  31458. var IfcProjectOrder = class {
  31459. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, Identification, PredefinedType, Status, LongDescription) {
  31460. this.expressID = expressID;
  31461. this.type = type;
  31462. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  31463. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  31464. this.Name = Name;
  31465. this.Description = Description;
  31466. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  31467. this.Identification = Identification;
  31468. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  31469. this.Status = Status;
  31470. this.LongDescription = LongDescription;
  31471. }
  31472. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  31473. let ptr = 0;
  31474. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  31475. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  31476. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  31477. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  31478. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  31479. let Identification = tape[ptr++];
  31480. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  31481. let Status = tape[ptr++];
  31482. let LongDescription = tape[ptr++];
  31483. return new IfcProjectOrder(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, Identification, PredefinedType, Status, LongDescription);
  31484. }
  31485. ToTape() {
  31486. let args = [];
  31487. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  31488. ;
  31489. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  31490. ;
  31491. args.push(this.Name);
  31492. ;
  31493. args.push(this.Description);
  31494. ;
  31495. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  31496. ;
  31497. args.push(this.Identification);
  31498. ;
  31499. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  31500. ;
  31501. args.push(this.Status);
  31502. ;
  31503. args.push(this.LongDescription);
  31504. ;
  31505. return args;
  31506. }
  31507. };
  31508. var IfcProjectedCRS = class {
  31509. constructor(expressID, type, Name, Description, GeodeticDatum, VerticalDatum, MapProjection, MapZone, MapUnit) {
  31510. this.expressID = expressID;
  31511. this.type = type;
  31512. this.Name = Name;
  31513. this.Description = Description;
  31514. this.GeodeticDatum = GeodeticDatum;
  31515. this.VerticalDatum = VerticalDatum;
  31516. this.MapProjection = MapProjection;
  31517. this.MapZone = MapZone;
  31518. this.MapUnit = MapUnit;
  31519. }
  31520. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  31521. let ptr = 0;
  31522. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  31523. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  31524. let GeodeticDatum = tape[ptr++];
  31525. let VerticalDatum = tape[ptr++];
  31526. let MapProjection = tape[ptr++];
  31527. let MapZone = tape[ptr++];
  31528. let MapUnit = tape[ptr++];
  31529. return new IfcProjectedCRS(expressID, type, Name, Description, GeodeticDatum, VerticalDatum, MapProjection, MapZone, MapUnit);
  31530. }
  31531. ToTape() {
  31532. let args = [];
  31533. args.push(this.Name);
  31534. ;
  31535. args.push(this.Description);
  31536. ;
  31537. args.push(this.GeodeticDatum);
  31538. ;
  31539. args.push(this.VerticalDatum);
  31540. ;
  31541. args.push(this.MapProjection);
  31542. ;
  31543. args.push(this.MapZone);
  31544. ;
  31545. args.push(this.MapUnit);
  31546. ;
  31547. return args;
  31548. }
  31549. };
  31550. var IfcProjectionElement = class {
  31551. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType) {
  31552. this.expressID = expressID;
  31553. this.type = type;
  31554. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  31555. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  31556. this.Name = Name;
  31557. this.Description = Description;
  31558. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  31559. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  31560. this.Representation = Representation;
  31561. this.Tag = Tag;
  31562. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  31563. }
  31564. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  31565. let ptr = 0;
  31566. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  31567. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  31568. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  31569. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  31570. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  31571. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  31572. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  31573. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  31574. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  31575. return new IfcProjectionElement(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType);
  31576. }
  31577. ToTape() {
  31578. let args = [];
  31579. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  31580. ;
  31581. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  31582. ;
  31583. args.push(this.Name);
  31584. ;
  31585. args.push(this.Description);
  31586. ;
  31587. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  31588. ;
  31589. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  31590. ;
  31591. args.push(this.Representation);
  31592. ;
  31593. args.push(this.Tag);
  31594. ;
  31595. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  31596. ;
  31597. return args;
  31598. }
  31599. };
  31600. var IfcProperty = class {
  31601. constructor(expressID, type, Name, Description) {
  31602. this.expressID = expressID;
  31603. this.type = type;
  31604. this.Name = Name;
  31605. this.Description = Description;
  31606. }
  31607. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  31608. let ptr = 0;
  31609. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  31610. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  31611. return new IfcProperty(expressID, type, Name, Description);
  31612. }
  31613. ToTape() {
  31614. let args = [];
  31615. args.push(this.Name);
  31616. ;
  31617. args.push(this.Description);
  31618. ;
  31619. return args;
  31620. }
  31621. };
  31622. var IfcPropertyAbstraction = class {
  31623. constructor(expressID, type) {
  31624. this.expressID = expressID;
  31625. this.type = type;
  31626. }
  31627. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  31628. let ptr = 0;
  31629. return new IfcPropertyAbstraction(expressID, type);
  31630. }
  31631. ToTape() {
  31632. let args = [];
  31633. return args;
  31634. }
  31635. };
  31636. var IfcPropertyBoundedValue = class {
  31637. constructor(expressID, type, Name, Description, UpperBoundValue, LowerBoundValue, Unit, SetPointValue) {
  31638. this.expressID = expressID;
  31639. this.type = type;
  31640. this.Name = Name;
  31641. this.Description = Description;
  31642. this.UpperBoundValue = UpperBoundValue;
  31643. this.LowerBoundValue = LowerBoundValue;
  31644. this.Unit = Unit;
  31645. this.SetPointValue = SetPointValue;
  31646. }
  31647. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  31648. let ptr = 0;
  31649. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  31650. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  31651. let UpperBoundValue = tape[ptr++];
  31652. let LowerBoundValue = tape[ptr++];
  31653. let Unit = tape[ptr++];
  31654. let SetPointValue = tape[ptr++];
  31655. return new IfcPropertyBoundedValue(expressID, type, Name, Description, UpperBoundValue, LowerBoundValue, Unit, SetPointValue);
  31656. }
  31657. ToTape() {
  31658. let args = [];
  31659. args.push(this.Name);
  31660. ;
  31661. args.push(this.Description);
  31662. ;
  31663. args.push(this.UpperBoundValue);
  31664. ;
  31665. args.push(this.LowerBoundValue);
  31666. ;
  31667. args.push(this.Unit);
  31668. ;
  31669. args.push(this.SetPointValue);
  31670. ;
  31671. return args;
  31672. }
  31673. };
  31674. var IfcPropertyDefinition = class {
  31675. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description) {
  31676. this.expressID = expressID;
  31677. this.type = type;
  31678. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  31679. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  31680. this.Name = Name;
  31681. this.Description = Description;
  31682. }
  31683. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  31684. let ptr = 0;
  31685. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  31686. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  31687. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  31688. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  31689. return new IfcPropertyDefinition(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description);
  31690. }
  31691. ToTape() {
  31692. let args = [];
  31693. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  31694. ;
  31695. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  31696. ;
  31697. args.push(this.Name);
  31698. ;
  31699. args.push(this.Description);
  31700. ;
  31701. return args;
  31702. }
  31703. };
  31704. var IfcPropertyDependencyRelationship = class {
  31705. constructor(expressID, type, Name, Description, DependingProperty, DependantProperty, Expression) {
  31706. this.expressID = expressID;
  31707. this.type = type;
  31708. this.Name = Name;
  31709. this.Description = Description;
  31710. this.DependingProperty = DependingProperty;
  31711. this.DependantProperty = DependantProperty;
  31712. this.Expression = Expression;
  31713. }
  31714. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  31715. let ptr = 0;
  31716. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  31717. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  31718. let DependingProperty = tape[ptr++];
  31719. let DependantProperty = tape[ptr++];
  31720. let Expression = tape[ptr++];
  31721. return new IfcPropertyDependencyRelationship(expressID, type, Name, Description, DependingProperty, DependantProperty, Expression);
  31722. }
  31723. ToTape() {
  31724. let args = [];
  31725. args.push(this.Name);
  31726. ;
  31727. args.push(this.Description);
  31728. ;
  31729. args.push(this.DependingProperty);
  31730. ;
  31731. args.push(this.DependantProperty);
  31732. ;
  31733. args.push(this.Expression);
  31734. ;
  31735. return args;
  31736. }
  31737. };
  31738. var IfcPropertyEnumeratedValue = class {
  31739. constructor(expressID, type, Name, Description, EnumerationValues, EnumerationReference) {
  31740. this.expressID = expressID;
  31741. this.type = type;
  31742. this.Name = Name;
  31743. this.Description = Description;
  31744. this.EnumerationValues = EnumerationValues;
  31745. this.EnumerationReference = EnumerationReference;
  31746. }
  31747. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  31748. let ptr = 0;
  31749. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  31750. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  31751. let EnumerationValues = tape[ptr++];
  31752. let EnumerationReference = tape[ptr++];
  31753. return new IfcPropertyEnumeratedValue(expressID, type, Name, Description, EnumerationValues, EnumerationReference);
  31754. }
  31755. ToTape() {
  31756. let args = [];
  31757. args.push(this.Name);
  31758. ;
  31759. args.push(this.Description);
  31760. ;
  31761. args.push(this.EnumerationValues);
  31762. ;
  31763. args.push(this.EnumerationReference);
  31764. ;
  31765. return args;
  31766. }
  31767. };
  31768. var IfcPropertyEnumeration = class {
  31769. constructor(expressID, type, Name, EnumerationValues, Unit) {
  31770. this.expressID = expressID;
  31771. this.type = type;
  31772. this.Name = Name;
  31773. this.EnumerationValues = EnumerationValues;
  31774. this.Unit = Unit;
  31775. }
  31776. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  31777. let ptr = 0;
  31778. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  31779. let EnumerationValues = tape[ptr++];
  31780. let Unit = tape[ptr++];
  31781. return new IfcPropertyEnumeration(expressID, type, Name, EnumerationValues, Unit);
  31782. }
  31783. ToTape() {
  31784. let args = [];
  31785. args.push(this.Name);
  31786. ;
  31787. args.push(this.EnumerationValues);
  31788. ;
  31789. args.push(this.Unit);
  31790. ;
  31791. return args;
  31792. }
  31793. };
  31794. var IfcPropertyListValue = class {
  31795. constructor(expressID, type, Name, Description, ListValues, Unit) {
  31796. this.expressID = expressID;
  31797. this.type = type;
  31798. this.Name = Name;
  31799. this.Description = Description;
  31800. this.ListValues = ListValues;
  31801. this.Unit = Unit;
  31802. }
  31803. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  31804. let ptr = 0;
  31805. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  31806. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  31807. let ListValues = tape[ptr++];
  31808. let Unit = tape[ptr++];
  31809. return new IfcPropertyListValue(expressID, type, Name, Description, ListValues, Unit);
  31810. }
  31811. ToTape() {
  31812. let args = [];
  31813. args.push(this.Name);
  31814. ;
  31815. args.push(this.Description);
  31816. ;
  31817. args.push(this.ListValues);
  31818. ;
  31819. args.push(this.Unit);
  31820. ;
  31821. return args;
  31822. }
  31823. };
  31824. var IfcPropertyReferenceValue = class {
  31825. constructor(expressID, type, Name, Description, UsageName, PropertyReference) {
  31826. this.expressID = expressID;
  31827. this.type = type;
  31828. this.Name = Name;
  31829. this.Description = Description;
  31830. this.UsageName = UsageName;
  31831. this.PropertyReference = PropertyReference;
  31832. }
  31833. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  31834. let ptr = 0;
  31835. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  31836. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  31837. let UsageName = tape[ptr++];
  31838. let PropertyReference = tape[ptr++];
  31839. return new IfcPropertyReferenceValue(expressID, type, Name, Description, UsageName, PropertyReference);
  31840. }
  31841. ToTape() {
  31842. let args = [];
  31843. args.push(this.Name);
  31844. ;
  31845. args.push(this.Description);
  31846. ;
  31847. args.push(this.UsageName);
  31848. ;
  31849. args.push(this.PropertyReference);
  31850. ;
  31851. return args;
  31852. }
  31853. };
  31854. var IfcPropertySet = class {
  31855. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, HasProperties) {
  31856. this.expressID = expressID;
  31857. this.type = type;
  31858. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  31859. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  31860. this.Name = Name;
  31861. this.Description = Description;
  31862. this.HasProperties = HasProperties;
  31863. }
  31864. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  31865. let ptr = 0;
  31866. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  31867. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  31868. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  31869. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  31870. let HasProperties = tape[ptr++];
  31871. return new IfcPropertySet(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, HasProperties);
  31872. }
  31873. ToTape() {
  31874. let args = [];
  31875. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  31876. ;
  31877. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  31878. ;
  31879. args.push(this.Name);
  31880. ;
  31881. args.push(this.Description);
  31882. ;
  31883. args.push(this.HasProperties);
  31884. ;
  31885. return args;
  31886. }
  31887. };
  31888. var IfcPropertySetDefinition = class {
  31889. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description) {
  31890. this.expressID = expressID;
  31891. this.type = type;
  31892. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  31893. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  31894. this.Name = Name;
  31895. this.Description = Description;
  31896. }
  31897. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  31898. let ptr = 0;
  31899. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  31900. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  31901. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  31902. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  31903. return new IfcPropertySetDefinition(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description);
  31904. }
  31905. ToTape() {
  31906. let args = [];
  31907. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  31908. ;
  31909. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  31910. ;
  31911. args.push(this.Name);
  31912. ;
  31913. args.push(this.Description);
  31914. ;
  31915. return args;
  31916. }
  31917. };
  31918. var IfcPropertySetTemplate = class {
  31919. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, TemplateType, ApplicableEntity, HasPropertyTemplates) {
  31920. this.expressID = expressID;
  31921. this.type = type;
  31922. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  31923. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  31924. this.Name = Name;
  31925. this.Description = Description;
  31926. this.TemplateType = TemplateType;
  31927. this.ApplicableEntity = ApplicableEntity;
  31928. this.HasPropertyTemplates = HasPropertyTemplates;
  31929. }
  31930. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  31931. let ptr = 0;
  31932. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  31933. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  31934. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  31935. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  31936. let TemplateType = tape[ptr++];
  31937. let ApplicableEntity = tape[ptr++];
  31938. let HasPropertyTemplates = tape[ptr++];
  31939. return new IfcPropertySetTemplate(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, TemplateType, ApplicableEntity, HasPropertyTemplates);
  31940. }
  31941. ToTape() {
  31942. let args = [];
  31943. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  31944. ;
  31945. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  31946. ;
  31947. args.push(this.Name);
  31948. ;
  31949. args.push(this.Description);
  31950. ;
  31951. args.push(this.TemplateType);
  31952. ;
  31953. args.push(this.ApplicableEntity);
  31954. ;
  31955. args.push(this.HasPropertyTemplates);
  31956. ;
  31957. return args;
  31958. }
  31959. };
  31960. var IfcPropertySingleValue = class {
  31961. constructor(expressID, type, Name, Description, NominalValue, Unit) {
  31962. this.expressID = expressID;
  31963. this.type = type;
  31964. this.Name = Name;
  31965. this.Description = Description;
  31966. this.NominalValue = NominalValue;
  31967. this.Unit = Unit;
  31968. }
  31969. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  31970. let ptr = 0;
  31971. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  31972. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  31973. let NominalValue = tape[ptr++];
  31974. let Unit = tape[ptr++];
  31975. return new IfcPropertySingleValue(expressID, type, Name, Description, NominalValue, Unit);
  31976. }
  31977. ToTape() {
  31978. let args = [];
  31979. args.push(this.Name);
  31980. ;
  31981. args.push(this.Description);
  31982. ;
  31983. args.push(this.NominalValue);
  31984. ;
  31985. args.push(this.Unit);
  31986. ;
  31987. return args;
  31988. }
  31989. };
  31990. var IfcPropertyTableValue = class {
  31991. constructor(expressID, type, Name, Description, DefiningValues, DefinedValues, Expression, DefiningUnit, DefinedUnit, CurveInterpolation) {
  31992. this.expressID = expressID;
  31993. this.type = type;
  31994. this.Name = Name;
  31995. this.Description = Description;
  31996. this.DefiningValues = DefiningValues;
  31997. this.DefinedValues = DefinedValues;
  31998. this.Expression = Expression;
  31999. this.DefiningUnit = DefiningUnit;
  32000. this.DefinedUnit = DefinedUnit;
  32001. this.CurveInterpolation = CurveInterpolation;
  32002. }
  32003. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  32004. let ptr = 0;
  32005. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  32006. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  32007. let DefiningValues = tape[ptr++];
  32008. let DefinedValues = tape[ptr++];
  32009. let Expression = tape[ptr++];
  32010. let DefiningUnit = tape[ptr++];
  32011. let DefinedUnit = tape[ptr++];
  32012. let CurveInterpolation = tape[ptr++];
  32013. return new IfcPropertyTableValue(expressID, type, Name, Description, DefiningValues, DefinedValues, Expression, DefiningUnit, DefinedUnit, CurveInterpolation);
  32014. }
  32015. ToTape() {
  32016. let args = [];
  32017. args.push(this.Name);
  32018. ;
  32019. args.push(this.Description);
  32020. ;
  32021. args.push(this.DefiningValues);
  32022. ;
  32023. args.push(this.DefinedValues);
  32024. ;
  32025. args.push(this.Expression);
  32026. ;
  32027. args.push(this.DefiningUnit);
  32028. ;
  32029. args.push(this.DefinedUnit);
  32030. ;
  32031. args.push(this.CurveInterpolation);
  32032. ;
  32033. return args;
  32034. }
  32035. };
  32036. var IfcPropertyTemplate = class {
  32037. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description) {
  32038. this.expressID = expressID;
  32039. this.type = type;
  32040. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  32041. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  32042. this.Name = Name;
  32043. this.Description = Description;
  32044. }
  32045. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  32046. let ptr = 0;
  32047. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  32048. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  32049. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  32050. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  32051. return new IfcPropertyTemplate(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description);
  32052. }
  32053. ToTape() {
  32054. let args = [];
  32055. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  32056. ;
  32057. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  32058. ;
  32059. args.push(this.Name);
  32060. ;
  32061. args.push(this.Description);
  32062. ;
  32063. return args;
  32064. }
  32065. };
  32066. var IfcPropertyTemplateDefinition = class {
  32067. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description) {
  32068. this.expressID = expressID;
  32069. this.type = type;
  32070. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  32071. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  32072. this.Name = Name;
  32073. this.Description = Description;
  32074. }
  32075. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  32076. let ptr = 0;
  32077. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  32078. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  32079. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  32080. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  32081. return new IfcPropertyTemplateDefinition(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description);
  32082. }
  32083. ToTape() {
  32084. let args = [];
  32085. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  32086. ;
  32087. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  32088. ;
  32089. args.push(this.Name);
  32090. ;
  32091. args.push(this.Description);
  32092. ;
  32093. return args;
  32094. }
  32095. };
  32096. var IfcProtectiveDevice = class {
  32097. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType) {
  32098. this.expressID = expressID;
  32099. this.type = type;
  32100. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  32101. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  32102. this.Name = Name;
  32103. this.Description = Description;
  32104. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  32105. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  32106. this.Representation = Representation;
  32107. this.Tag = Tag;
  32108. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  32109. }
  32110. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  32111. let ptr = 0;
  32112. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  32113. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  32114. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  32115. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  32116. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  32117. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  32118. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  32119. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  32120. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  32121. return new IfcProtectiveDevice(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType);
  32122. }
  32123. ToTape() {
  32124. let args = [];
  32125. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  32126. ;
  32127. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  32128. ;
  32129. args.push(this.Name);
  32130. ;
  32131. args.push(this.Description);
  32132. ;
  32133. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  32134. ;
  32135. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  32136. ;
  32137. args.push(this.Representation);
  32138. ;
  32139. args.push(this.Tag);
  32140. ;
  32141. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  32142. ;
  32143. return args;
  32144. }
  32145. };
  32146. var IfcProtectiveDeviceTrippingUnit = class {
  32147. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType) {
  32148. this.expressID = expressID;
  32149. this.type = type;
  32150. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  32151. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  32152. this.Name = Name;
  32153. this.Description = Description;
  32154. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  32155. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  32156. this.Representation = Representation;
  32157. this.Tag = Tag;
  32158. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  32159. }
  32160. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  32161. let ptr = 0;
  32162. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  32163. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  32164. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  32165. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  32166. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  32167. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  32168. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  32169. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  32170. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  32171. return new IfcProtectiveDeviceTrippingUnit(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType);
  32172. }
  32173. ToTape() {
  32174. let args = [];
  32175. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  32176. ;
  32177. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  32178. ;
  32179. args.push(this.Name);
  32180. ;
  32181. args.push(this.Description);
  32182. ;
  32183. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  32184. ;
  32185. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  32186. ;
  32187. args.push(this.Representation);
  32188. ;
  32189. args.push(this.Tag);
  32190. ;
  32191. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  32192. ;
  32193. return args;
  32194. }
  32195. };
  32196. var IfcProtectiveDeviceTrippingUnitType = class {
  32197. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType) {
  32198. this.expressID = expressID;
  32199. this.type = type;
  32200. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  32201. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  32202. this.Name = Name;
  32203. this.Description = Description;
  32204. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  32205. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  32206. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  32207. this.Tag = Tag;
  32208. this.ElementType = ElementType;
  32209. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  32210. }
  32211. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  32212. let ptr = 0;
  32213. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  32214. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  32215. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  32216. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  32217. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  32218. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  32219. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  32220. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  32221. let ElementType = tape[ptr++];
  32222. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  32223. return new IfcProtectiveDeviceTrippingUnitType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType);
  32224. }
  32225. ToTape() {
  32226. let args = [];
  32227. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  32228. ;
  32229. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  32230. ;
  32231. args.push(this.Name);
  32232. ;
  32233. args.push(this.Description);
  32234. ;
  32235. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  32236. ;
  32237. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  32238. ;
  32239. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  32240. ;
  32241. args.push(this.Tag);
  32242. ;
  32243. args.push(this.ElementType);
  32244. ;
  32245. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  32246. ;
  32247. return args;
  32248. }
  32249. };
  32250. var IfcProtectiveDeviceType = class {
  32251. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType) {
  32252. this.expressID = expressID;
  32253. this.type = type;
  32254. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  32255. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  32256. this.Name = Name;
  32257. this.Description = Description;
  32258. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  32259. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  32260. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  32261. this.Tag = Tag;
  32262. this.ElementType = ElementType;
  32263. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  32264. }
  32265. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  32266. let ptr = 0;
  32267. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  32268. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  32269. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  32270. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  32271. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  32272. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  32273. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  32274. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  32275. let ElementType = tape[ptr++];
  32276. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  32277. return new IfcProtectiveDeviceType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType);
  32278. }
  32279. ToTape() {
  32280. let args = [];
  32281. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  32282. ;
  32283. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  32284. ;
  32285. args.push(this.Name);
  32286. ;
  32287. args.push(this.Description);
  32288. ;
  32289. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  32290. ;
  32291. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  32292. ;
  32293. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  32294. ;
  32295. args.push(this.Tag);
  32296. ;
  32297. args.push(this.ElementType);
  32298. ;
  32299. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  32300. ;
  32301. return args;
  32302. }
  32303. };
  32304. var IfcProxy = class {
  32305. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, ProxyType, Tag) {
  32306. this.expressID = expressID;
  32307. this.type = type;
  32308. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  32309. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  32310. this.Name = Name;
  32311. this.Description = Description;
  32312. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  32313. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  32314. this.Representation = Representation;
  32315. this.ProxyType = ProxyType;
  32316. this.Tag = Tag;
  32317. }
  32318. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  32319. let ptr = 0;
  32320. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  32321. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  32322. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  32323. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  32324. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  32325. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  32326. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  32327. let ProxyType = tape[ptr++];
  32328. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  32329. return new IfcProxy(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, ProxyType, Tag);
  32330. }
  32331. ToTape() {
  32332. let args = [];
  32333. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  32334. ;
  32335. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  32336. ;
  32337. args.push(this.Name);
  32338. ;
  32339. args.push(this.Description);
  32340. ;
  32341. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  32342. ;
  32343. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  32344. ;
  32345. args.push(this.Representation);
  32346. ;
  32347. args.push(this.ProxyType);
  32348. ;
  32349. args.push(this.Tag);
  32350. ;
  32351. return args;
  32352. }
  32353. };
  32354. var IfcPump = class {
  32355. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType) {
  32356. this.expressID = expressID;
  32357. this.type = type;
  32358. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  32359. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  32360. this.Name = Name;
  32361. this.Description = Description;
  32362. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  32363. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  32364. this.Representation = Representation;
  32365. this.Tag = Tag;
  32366. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  32367. }
  32368. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  32369. let ptr = 0;
  32370. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  32371. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  32372. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  32373. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  32374. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  32375. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  32376. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  32377. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  32378. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  32379. return new IfcPump(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType);
  32380. }
  32381. ToTape() {
  32382. let args = [];
  32383. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  32384. ;
  32385. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  32386. ;
  32387. args.push(this.Name);
  32388. ;
  32389. args.push(this.Description);
  32390. ;
  32391. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  32392. ;
  32393. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  32394. ;
  32395. args.push(this.Representation);
  32396. ;
  32397. args.push(this.Tag);
  32398. ;
  32399. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  32400. ;
  32401. return args;
  32402. }
  32403. };
  32404. var IfcPumpType = class {
  32405. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType) {
  32406. this.expressID = expressID;
  32407. this.type = type;
  32408. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  32409. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  32410. this.Name = Name;
  32411. this.Description = Description;
  32412. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  32413. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  32414. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  32415. this.Tag = Tag;
  32416. this.ElementType = ElementType;
  32417. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  32418. }
  32419. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  32420. let ptr = 0;
  32421. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  32422. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  32423. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  32424. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  32425. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  32426. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  32427. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  32428. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  32429. let ElementType = tape[ptr++];
  32430. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  32431. return new IfcPumpType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType);
  32432. }
  32433. ToTape() {
  32434. let args = [];
  32435. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  32436. ;
  32437. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  32438. ;
  32439. args.push(this.Name);
  32440. ;
  32441. args.push(this.Description);
  32442. ;
  32443. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  32444. ;
  32445. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  32446. ;
  32447. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  32448. ;
  32449. args.push(this.Tag);
  32450. ;
  32451. args.push(this.ElementType);
  32452. ;
  32453. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  32454. ;
  32455. return args;
  32456. }
  32457. };
  32458. var IfcQuantityArea = class {
  32459. constructor(expressID, type, Name, Description, Unit, AreaValue, Formula) {
  32460. this.expressID = expressID;
  32461. this.type = type;
  32462. this.Name = Name;
  32463. this.Description = Description;
  32464. this.Unit = Unit;
  32465. this.AreaValue = AreaValue;
  32466. this.Formula = Formula;
  32467. }
  32468. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  32469. let ptr = 0;
  32470. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  32471. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  32472. let Unit = tape[ptr++];
  32473. let AreaValue = tape[ptr++];
  32474. let Formula = tape[ptr++];
  32475. return new IfcQuantityArea(expressID, type, Name, Description, Unit, AreaValue, Formula);
  32476. }
  32477. ToTape() {
  32478. let args = [];
  32479. args.push(this.Name);
  32480. ;
  32481. args.push(this.Description);
  32482. ;
  32483. args.push(this.Unit);
  32484. ;
  32485. args.push(this.AreaValue);
  32486. ;
  32487. args.push(this.Formula);
  32488. ;
  32489. return args;
  32490. }
  32491. };
  32492. var IfcQuantityCount = class {
  32493. constructor(expressID, type, Name, Description, Unit, CountValue, Formula) {
  32494. this.expressID = expressID;
  32495. this.type = type;
  32496. this.Name = Name;
  32497. this.Description = Description;
  32498. this.Unit = Unit;
  32499. this.CountValue = CountValue;
  32500. this.Formula = Formula;
  32501. }
  32502. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  32503. let ptr = 0;
  32504. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  32505. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  32506. let Unit = tape[ptr++];
  32507. let CountValue = tape[ptr++];
  32508. let Formula = tape[ptr++];
  32509. return new IfcQuantityCount(expressID, type, Name, Description, Unit, CountValue, Formula);
  32510. }
  32511. ToTape() {
  32512. let args = [];
  32513. args.push(this.Name);
  32514. ;
  32515. args.push(this.Description);
  32516. ;
  32517. args.push(this.Unit);
  32518. ;
  32519. args.push(this.CountValue);
  32520. ;
  32521. args.push(this.Formula);
  32522. ;
  32523. return args;
  32524. }
  32525. };
  32526. var IfcQuantityLength = class {
  32527. constructor(expressID, type, Name, Description, Unit, LengthValue, Formula) {
  32528. this.expressID = expressID;
  32529. this.type = type;
  32530. this.Name = Name;
  32531. this.Description = Description;
  32532. this.Unit = Unit;
  32533. this.LengthValue = LengthValue;
  32534. this.Formula = Formula;
  32535. }
  32536. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  32537. let ptr = 0;
  32538. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  32539. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  32540. let Unit = tape[ptr++];
  32541. let LengthValue = tape[ptr++];
  32542. let Formula = tape[ptr++];
  32543. return new IfcQuantityLength(expressID, type, Name, Description, Unit, LengthValue, Formula);
  32544. }
  32545. ToTape() {
  32546. let args = [];
  32547. args.push(this.Name);
  32548. ;
  32549. args.push(this.Description);
  32550. ;
  32551. args.push(this.Unit);
  32552. ;
  32553. args.push(this.LengthValue);
  32554. ;
  32555. args.push(this.Formula);
  32556. ;
  32557. return args;
  32558. }
  32559. };
  32560. var IfcQuantitySet = class {
  32561. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description) {
  32562. this.expressID = expressID;
  32563. this.type = type;
  32564. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  32565. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  32566. this.Name = Name;
  32567. this.Description = Description;
  32568. }
  32569. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  32570. let ptr = 0;
  32571. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  32572. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  32573. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  32574. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  32575. return new IfcQuantitySet(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description);
  32576. }
  32577. ToTape() {
  32578. let args = [];
  32579. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  32580. ;
  32581. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  32582. ;
  32583. args.push(this.Name);
  32584. ;
  32585. args.push(this.Description);
  32586. ;
  32587. return args;
  32588. }
  32589. };
  32590. var IfcQuantityTime = class {
  32591. constructor(expressID, type, Name, Description, Unit, TimeValue, Formula) {
  32592. this.expressID = expressID;
  32593. this.type = type;
  32594. this.Name = Name;
  32595. this.Description = Description;
  32596. this.Unit = Unit;
  32597. this.TimeValue = TimeValue;
  32598. this.Formula = Formula;
  32599. }
  32600. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  32601. let ptr = 0;
  32602. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  32603. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  32604. let Unit = tape[ptr++];
  32605. let TimeValue = tape[ptr++];
  32606. let Formula = tape[ptr++];
  32607. return new IfcQuantityTime(expressID, type, Name, Description, Unit, TimeValue, Formula);
  32608. }
  32609. ToTape() {
  32610. let args = [];
  32611. args.push(this.Name);
  32612. ;
  32613. args.push(this.Description);
  32614. ;
  32615. args.push(this.Unit);
  32616. ;
  32617. args.push(this.TimeValue);
  32618. ;
  32619. args.push(this.Formula);
  32620. ;
  32621. return args;
  32622. }
  32623. };
  32624. var IfcQuantityVolume = class {
  32625. constructor(expressID, type, Name, Description, Unit, VolumeValue, Formula) {
  32626. this.expressID = expressID;
  32627. this.type = type;
  32628. this.Name = Name;
  32629. this.Description = Description;
  32630. this.Unit = Unit;
  32631. this.VolumeValue = VolumeValue;
  32632. this.Formula = Formula;
  32633. }
  32634. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  32635. let ptr = 0;
  32636. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  32637. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  32638. let Unit = tape[ptr++];
  32639. let VolumeValue = tape[ptr++];
  32640. let Formula = tape[ptr++];
  32641. return new IfcQuantityVolume(expressID, type, Name, Description, Unit, VolumeValue, Formula);
  32642. }
  32643. ToTape() {
  32644. let args = [];
  32645. args.push(this.Name);
  32646. ;
  32647. args.push(this.Description);
  32648. ;
  32649. args.push(this.Unit);
  32650. ;
  32651. args.push(this.VolumeValue);
  32652. ;
  32653. args.push(this.Formula);
  32654. ;
  32655. return args;
  32656. }
  32657. };
  32658. var IfcQuantityWeight = class {
  32659. constructor(expressID, type, Name, Description, Unit, WeightValue, Formula) {
  32660. this.expressID = expressID;
  32661. this.type = type;
  32662. this.Name = Name;
  32663. this.Description = Description;
  32664. this.Unit = Unit;
  32665. this.WeightValue = WeightValue;
  32666. this.Formula = Formula;
  32667. }
  32668. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  32669. let ptr = 0;
  32670. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  32671. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  32672. let Unit = tape[ptr++];
  32673. let WeightValue = tape[ptr++];
  32674. let Formula = tape[ptr++];
  32675. return new IfcQuantityWeight(expressID, type, Name, Description, Unit, WeightValue, Formula);
  32676. }
  32677. ToTape() {
  32678. let args = [];
  32679. args.push(this.Name);
  32680. ;
  32681. args.push(this.Description);
  32682. ;
  32683. args.push(this.Unit);
  32684. ;
  32685. args.push(this.WeightValue);
  32686. ;
  32687. args.push(this.Formula);
  32688. ;
  32689. return args;
  32690. }
  32691. };
  32692. var IfcRailing = class {
  32693. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType) {
  32694. this.expressID = expressID;
  32695. this.type = type;
  32696. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  32697. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  32698. this.Name = Name;
  32699. this.Description = Description;
  32700. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  32701. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  32702. this.Representation = Representation;
  32703. this.Tag = Tag;
  32704. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  32705. }
  32706. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  32707. let ptr = 0;
  32708. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  32709. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  32710. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  32711. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  32712. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  32713. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  32714. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  32715. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  32716. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  32717. return new IfcRailing(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType);
  32718. }
  32719. ToTape() {
  32720. let args = [];
  32721. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  32722. ;
  32723. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  32724. ;
  32725. args.push(this.Name);
  32726. ;
  32727. args.push(this.Description);
  32728. ;
  32729. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  32730. ;
  32731. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  32732. ;
  32733. args.push(this.Representation);
  32734. ;
  32735. args.push(this.Tag);
  32736. ;
  32737. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  32738. ;
  32739. return args;
  32740. }
  32741. };
  32742. var IfcRailingType = class {
  32743. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType) {
  32744. this.expressID = expressID;
  32745. this.type = type;
  32746. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  32747. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  32748. this.Name = Name;
  32749. this.Description = Description;
  32750. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  32751. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  32752. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  32753. this.Tag = Tag;
  32754. this.ElementType = ElementType;
  32755. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  32756. }
  32757. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  32758. let ptr = 0;
  32759. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  32760. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  32761. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  32762. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  32763. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  32764. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  32765. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  32766. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  32767. let ElementType = tape[ptr++];
  32768. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  32769. return new IfcRailingType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType);
  32770. }
  32771. ToTape() {
  32772. let args = [];
  32773. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  32774. ;
  32775. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  32776. ;
  32777. args.push(this.Name);
  32778. ;
  32779. args.push(this.Description);
  32780. ;
  32781. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  32782. ;
  32783. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  32784. ;
  32785. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  32786. ;
  32787. args.push(this.Tag);
  32788. ;
  32789. args.push(this.ElementType);
  32790. ;
  32791. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  32792. ;
  32793. return args;
  32794. }
  32795. };
  32796. var IfcRamp = class {
  32797. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType) {
  32798. this.expressID = expressID;
  32799. this.type = type;
  32800. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  32801. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  32802. this.Name = Name;
  32803. this.Description = Description;
  32804. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  32805. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  32806. this.Representation = Representation;
  32807. this.Tag = Tag;
  32808. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  32809. }
  32810. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  32811. let ptr = 0;
  32812. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  32813. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  32814. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  32815. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  32816. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  32817. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  32818. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  32819. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  32820. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  32821. return new IfcRamp(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType);
  32822. }
  32823. ToTape() {
  32824. let args = [];
  32825. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  32826. ;
  32827. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  32828. ;
  32829. args.push(this.Name);
  32830. ;
  32831. args.push(this.Description);
  32832. ;
  32833. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  32834. ;
  32835. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  32836. ;
  32837. args.push(this.Representation);
  32838. ;
  32839. args.push(this.Tag);
  32840. ;
  32841. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  32842. ;
  32843. return args;
  32844. }
  32845. };
  32846. var IfcRampFlight = class {
  32847. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType) {
  32848. this.expressID = expressID;
  32849. this.type = type;
  32850. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  32851. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  32852. this.Name = Name;
  32853. this.Description = Description;
  32854. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  32855. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  32856. this.Representation = Representation;
  32857. this.Tag = Tag;
  32858. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  32859. }
  32860. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  32861. let ptr = 0;
  32862. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  32863. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  32864. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  32865. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  32866. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  32867. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  32868. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  32869. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  32870. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  32871. return new IfcRampFlight(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType);
  32872. }
  32873. ToTape() {
  32874. let args = [];
  32875. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  32876. ;
  32877. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  32878. ;
  32879. args.push(this.Name);
  32880. ;
  32881. args.push(this.Description);
  32882. ;
  32883. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  32884. ;
  32885. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  32886. ;
  32887. args.push(this.Representation);
  32888. ;
  32889. args.push(this.Tag);
  32890. ;
  32891. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  32892. ;
  32893. return args;
  32894. }
  32895. };
  32896. var IfcRampFlightType = class {
  32897. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType) {
  32898. this.expressID = expressID;
  32899. this.type = type;
  32900. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  32901. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  32902. this.Name = Name;
  32903. this.Description = Description;
  32904. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  32905. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  32906. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  32907. this.Tag = Tag;
  32908. this.ElementType = ElementType;
  32909. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  32910. }
  32911. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  32912. let ptr = 0;
  32913. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  32914. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  32915. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  32916. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  32917. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  32918. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  32919. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  32920. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  32921. let ElementType = tape[ptr++];
  32922. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  32923. return new IfcRampFlightType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType);
  32924. }
  32925. ToTape() {
  32926. let args = [];
  32927. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  32928. ;
  32929. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  32930. ;
  32931. args.push(this.Name);
  32932. ;
  32933. args.push(this.Description);
  32934. ;
  32935. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  32936. ;
  32937. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  32938. ;
  32939. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  32940. ;
  32941. args.push(this.Tag);
  32942. ;
  32943. args.push(this.ElementType);
  32944. ;
  32945. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  32946. ;
  32947. return args;
  32948. }
  32949. };
  32950. var IfcRampType = class {
  32951. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType) {
  32952. this.expressID = expressID;
  32953. this.type = type;
  32954. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  32955. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  32956. this.Name = Name;
  32957. this.Description = Description;
  32958. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  32959. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  32960. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  32961. this.Tag = Tag;
  32962. this.ElementType = ElementType;
  32963. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  32964. }
  32965. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  32966. let ptr = 0;
  32967. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  32968. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  32969. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  32970. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  32971. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  32972. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  32973. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  32974. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  32975. let ElementType = tape[ptr++];
  32976. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  32977. return new IfcRampType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType);
  32978. }
  32979. ToTape() {
  32980. let args = [];
  32981. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  32982. ;
  32983. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  32984. ;
  32985. args.push(this.Name);
  32986. ;
  32987. args.push(this.Description);
  32988. ;
  32989. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  32990. ;
  32991. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  32992. ;
  32993. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  32994. ;
  32995. args.push(this.Tag);
  32996. ;
  32997. args.push(this.ElementType);
  32998. ;
  32999. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  33000. ;
  33001. return args;
  33002. }
  33003. };
  33004. var IfcRationalBSplineCurveWithKnots = class {
  33005. constructor(expressID, type, Degree, ControlPointsList, CurveForm, ClosedCurve, SelfIntersect, KnotMultiplicities, Knots, KnotSpec, WeightsData) {
  33006. this.expressID = expressID;
  33007. this.type = type;
  33008. this.Degree = Degree;
  33009. this.ControlPointsList = ControlPointsList;
  33010. this.CurveForm = CurveForm;
  33011. this.ClosedCurve = ClosedCurve;
  33012. this.SelfIntersect = SelfIntersect;
  33013. this.KnotMultiplicities = KnotMultiplicities;
  33014. this.Knots = Knots;
  33015. this.KnotSpec = KnotSpec;
  33016. this.WeightsData = WeightsData;
  33017. }
  33018. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  33019. let ptr = 0;
  33020. let Degree = tape[ptr++];
  33021. let ControlPointsList = tape[ptr++];
  33022. let CurveForm = tape[ptr++];
  33023. let ClosedCurve = tape[ptr++];
  33024. let SelfIntersect = tape[ptr++];
  33025. let KnotMultiplicities = tape[ptr++];
  33026. let Knots = tape[ptr++];
  33027. let KnotSpec = tape[ptr++];
  33028. let WeightsData = tape[ptr++];
  33029. return new IfcRationalBSplineCurveWithKnots(expressID, type, Degree, ControlPointsList, CurveForm, ClosedCurve, SelfIntersect, KnotMultiplicities, Knots, KnotSpec, WeightsData);
  33030. }
  33031. ToTape() {
  33032. let args = [];
  33033. args.push(this.Degree);
  33034. ;
  33035. args.push(this.ControlPointsList);
  33036. ;
  33037. args.push(this.CurveForm);
  33038. ;
  33039. args.push(this.ClosedCurve);
  33040. ;
  33041. args.push(this.SelfIntersect);
  33042. ;
  33043. args.push(this.KnotMultiplicities);
  33044. ;
  33045. args.push(this.Knots);
  33046. ;
  33047. args.push(this.KnotSpec);
  33048. ;
  33049. args.push(this.WeightsData);
  33050. ;
  33051. return args;
  33052. }
  33053. };
  33054. var IfcRationalBSplineSurfaceWithKnots = class {
  33055. constructor(expressID, type, UDegree, VDegree, ControlPointsList, SurfaceForm, UClosed, VClosed, SelfIntersect, UMultiplicities, VMultiplicities, UKnots, VKnots, KnotSpec, WeightsData) {
  33056. this.expressID = expressID;
  33057. this.type = type;
  33058. this.UDegree = UDegree;
  33059. this.VDegree = VDegree;
  33060. this.ControlPointsList = ControlPointsList;
  33061. this.SurfaceForm = SurfaceForm;
  33062. this.UClosed = UClosed;
  33063. this.VClosed = VClosed;
  33064. this.SelfIntersect = SelfIntersect;
  33065. this.UMultiplicities = UMultiplicities;
  33066. this.VMultiplicities = VMultiplicities;
  33067. this.UKnots = UKnots;
  33068. this.VKnots = VKnots;
  33069. this.KnotSpec = KnotSpec;
  33070. this.WeightsData = WeightsData;
  33071. }
  33072. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  33073. let ptr = 0;
  33074. let UDegree = tape[ptr++];
  33075. let VDegree = tape[ptr++];
  33076. let ControlPointsList = tape[ptr++];
  33077. let SurfaceForm = tape[ptr++];
  33078. let UClosed = tape[ptr++];
  33079. let VClosed = tape[ptr++];
  33080. let SelfIntersect = tape[ptr++];
  33081. let UMultiplicities = tape[ptr++];
  33082. let VMultiplicities = tape[ptr++];
  33083. let UKnots = tape[ptr++];
  33084. let VKnots = tape[ptr++];
  33085. let KnotSpec = tape[ptr++];
  33086. let WeightsData = tape[ptr++];
  33087. return new IfcRationalBSplineSurfaceWithKnots(expressID, type, UDegree, VDegree, ControlPointsList, SurfaceForm, UClosed, VClosed, SelfIntersect, UMultiplicities, VMultiplicities, UKnots, VKnots, KnotSpec, WeightsData);
  33088. }
  33089. ToTape() {
  33090. let args = [];
  33091. args.push(this.UDegree);
  33092. ;
  33093. args.push(this.VDegree);
  33094. ;
  33095. args.push(this.ControlPointsList);
  33096. ;
  33097. args.push(this.SurfaceForm);
  33098. ;
  33099. args.push(this.UClosed);
  33100. ;
  33101. args.push(this.VClosed);
  33102. ;
  33103. args.push(this.SelfIntersect);
  33104. ;
  33105. args.push(this.UMultiplicities);
  33106. ;
  33107. args.push(this.VMultiplicities);
  33108. ;
  33109. args.push(this.UKnots);
  33110. ;
  33111. args.push(this.VKnots);
  33112. ;
  33113. args.push(this.KnotSpec);
  33114. ;
  33115. args.push(this.WeightsData);
  33116. ;
  33117. return args;
  33118. }
  33119. };
  33120. var IfcRectangleHollowProfileDef = class {
  33121. constructor(expressID, type, ProfileType, ProfileName, Position, XDim, YDim, WallThickness, InnerFilletRadius, OuterFilletRadius) {
  33122. this.expressID = expressID;
  33123. this.type = type;
  33124. this.ProfileType = ProfileType;
  33125. this.ProfileName = ProfileName;
  33126. this.Position = Position;
  33127. this.XDim = XDim;
  33128. this.YDim = YDim;
  33129. this.WallThickness = WallThickness;
  33130. this.InnerFilletRadius = InnerFilletRadius;
  33131. this.OuterFilletRadius = OuterFilletRadius;
  33132. }
  33133. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  33134. let ptr = 0;
  33135. let ProfileType = tape[ptr++];
  33136. let ProfileName = tape[ptr++];
  33137. let Position = tape[ptr++];
  33138. let XDim = tape[ptr++];
  33139. let YDim = tape[ptr++];
  33140. let WallThickness = tape[ptr++];
  33141. let InnerFilletRadius = tape[ptr++];
  33142. let OuterFilletRadius = tape[ptr++];
  33143. return new IfcRectangleHollowProfileDef(expressID, type, ProfileType, ProfileName, Position, XDim, YDim, WallThickness, InnerFilletRadius, OuterFilletRadius);
  33144. }
  33145. ToTape() {
  33146. let args = [];
  33147. args.push(this.ProfileType);
  33148. ;
  33149. args.push(this.ProfileName);
  33150. ;
  33151. args.push(this.Position);
  33152. ;
  33153. args.push(this.XDim);
  33154. ;
  33155. args.push(this.YDim);
  33156. ;
  33157. args.push(this.WallThickness);
  33158. ;
  33159. args.push(this.InnerFilletRadius);
  33160. ;
  33161. args.push(this.OuterFilletRadius);
  33162. ;
  33163. return args;
  33164. }
  33165. };
  33166. var IfcRectangleProfileDef = class {
  33167. constructor(expressID, type, ProfileType, ProfileName, Position, XDim, YDim) {
  33168. this.expressID = expressID;
  33169. this.type = type;
  33170. this.ProfileType = ProfileType;
  33171. this.ProfileName = ProfileName;
  33172. this.Position = Position;
  33173. this.XDim = XDim;
  33174. this.YDim = YDim;
  33175. }
  33176. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  33177. let ptr = 0;
  33178. let ProfileType = tape[ptr++];
  33179. let ProfileName = tape[ptr++];
  33180. let Position = tape[ptr++];
  33181. let XDim = tape[ptr++];
  33182. let YDim = tape[ptr++];
  33183. return new IfcRectangleProfileDef(expressID, type, ProfileType, ProfileName, Position, XDim, YDim);
  33184. }
  33185. ToTape() {
  33186. let args = [];
  33187. args.push(this.ProfileType);
  33188. ;
  33189. args.push(this.ProfileName);
  33190. ;
  33191. args.push(this.Position);
  33192. ;
  33193. args.push(this.XDim);
  33194. ;
  33195. args.push(this.YDim);
  33196. ;
  33197. return args;
  33198. }
  33199. };
  33200. var IfcRectangularPyramid = class {
  33201. constructor(expressID, type, Position, XLength, YLength, Height) {
  33202. this.expressID = expressID;
  33203. this.type = type;
  33204. this.Position = Position;
  33205. this.XLength = XLength;
  33206. this.YLength = YLength;
  33207. this.Height = Height;
  33208. }
  33209. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  33210. let ptr = 0;
  33211. let Position = tape[ptr++];
  33212. let XLength = tape[ptr++];
  33213. let YLength = tape[ptr++];
  33214. let Height = tape[ptr++];
  33215. return new IfcRectangularPyramid(expressID, type, Position, XLength, YLength, Height);
  33216. }
  33217. ToTape() {
  33218. let args = [];
  33219. args.push(this.Position);
  33220. ;
  33221. args.push(this.XLength);
  33222. ;
  33223. args.push(this.YLength);
  33224. ;
  33225. args.push(this.Height);
  33226. ;
  33227. return args;
  33228. }
  33229. };
  33230. var IfcRectangularTrimmedSurface = class {
  33231. constructor(expressID, type, BasisSurface, U1, V1, U2, V2, Usense, Vsense) {
  33232. this.expressID = expressID;
  33233. this.type = type;
  33234. this.BasisSurface = BasisSurface;
  33235. this.U1 = U1;
  33236. this.V1 = V1;
  33237. this.U2 = U2;
  33238. this.V2 = V2;
  33239. this.Usense = Usense;
  33240. this.Vsense = Vsense;
  33241. }
  33242. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  33243. let ptr = 0;
  33244. let BasisSurface = tape[ptr++];
  33245. let U1 = tape[ptr++];
  33246. let V1 = tape[ptr++];
  33247. let U2 = tape[ptr++];
  33248. let V2 = tape[ptr++];
  33249. let Usense = tape[ptr++];
  33250. let Vsense = tape[ptr++];
  33251. return new IfcRectangularTrimmedSurface(expressID, type, BasisSurface, U1, V1, U2, V2, Usense, Vsense);
  33252. }
  33253. ToTape() {
  33254. let args = [];
  33255. args.push(this.BasisSurface);
  33256. ;
  33257. args.push(this.U1);
  33258. ;
  33259. args.push(this.V1);
  33260. ;
  33261. args.push(this.U2);
  33262. ;
  33263. args.push(this.V2);
  33264. ;
  33265. args.push(this.Usense);
  33266. ;
  33267. args.push(this.Vsense);
  33268. ;
  33269. return args;
  33270. }
  33271. };
  33272. var IfcRecurrencePattern = class {
  33273. constructor(expressID, type, RecurrenceType, DayComponent, WeekdayComponent, MonthComponent, Position, Interval, Occurrences, TimePeriods) {
  33274. this.expressID = expressID;
  33275. this.type = type;
  33276. this.RecurrenceType = RecurrenceType;
  33277. this.DayComponent = DayComponent;
  33278. this.WeekdayComponent = WeekdayComponent;
  33279. this.MonthComponent = MonthComponent;
  33280. this.Position = Position;
  33281. this.Interval = Interval;
  33282. this.Occurrences = Occurrences;
  33283. this.TimePeriods = TimePeriods;
  33284. }
  33285. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  33286. let ptr = 0;
  33287. let RecurrenceType = tape[ptr++];
  33288. let DayComponent = tape[ptr++];
  33289. let WeekdayComponent = tape[ptr++];
  33290. let MonthComponent = tape[ptr++];
  33291. let Position = tape[ptr++];
  33292. let Interval = tape[ptr++];
  33293. let Occurrences = tape[ptr++];
  33294. let TimePeriods = tape[ptr++];
  33295. return new IfcRecurrencePattern(expressID, type, RecurrenceType, DayComponent, WeekdayComponent, MonthComponent, Position, Interval, Occurrences, TimePeriods);
  33296. }
  33297. ToTape() {
  33298. let args = [];
  33299. args.push(this.RecurrenceType);
  33300. ;
  33301. args.push(this.DayComponent);
  33302. ;
  33303. args.push(this.WeekdayComponent);
  33304. ;
  33305. args.push(this.MonthComponent);
  33306. ;
  33307. args.push(this.Position);
  33308. ;
  33309. args.push(this.Interval);
  33310. ;
  33311. args.push(this.Occurrences);
  33312. ;
  33313. args.push(this.TimePeriods);
  33314. ;
  33315. return args;
  33316. }
  33317. };
  33318. var IfcReference = class {
  33319. constructor(expressID, type, TypeIdentifier, AttributeIdentifier, InstanceName, ListPositions, InnerReference) {
  33320. this.expressID = expressID;
  33321. this.type = type;
  33322. this.TypeIdentifier = TypeIdentifier;
  33323. this.AttributeIdentifier = AttributeIdentifier;
  33324. this.InstanceName = InstanceName;
  33325. this.ListPositions = ListPositions;
  33326. this.InnerReference = InnerReference;
  33327. }
  33328. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  33329. let ptr = 0;
  33330. let TypeIdentifier = tape[ptr++];
  33331. let AttributeIdentifier = tape[ptr++];
  33332. let InstanceName = tape[ptr++];
  33333. let ListPositions = tape[ptr++];
  33334. let InnerReference = tape[ptr++];
  33335. return new IfcReference(expressID, type, TypeIdentifier, AttributeIdentifier, InstanceName, ListPositions, InnerReference);
  33336. }
  33337. ToTape() {
  33338. let args = [];
  33339. args.push(this.TypeIdentifier);
  33340. ;
  33341. args.push(this.AttributeIdentifier);
  33342. ;
  33343. args.push(this.InstanceName);
  33344. ;
  33345. args.push(this.ListPositions);
  33346. ;
  33347. args.push(this.InnerReference);
  33348. ;
  33349. return args;
  33350. }
  33351. };
  33352. var IfcReferent = class {
  33353. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, PredefinedType, RestartDistance) {
  33354. this.expressID = expressID;
  33355. this.type = type;
  33356. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  33357. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  33358. this.Name = Name;
  33359. this.Description = Description;
  33360. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  33361. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  33362. this.Representation = Representation;
  33363. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  33364. this.RestartDistance = RestartDistance;
  33365. }
  33366. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  33367. let ptr = 0;
  33368. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  33369. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  33370. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  33371. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  33372. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  33373. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  33374. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  33375. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  33376. let RestartDistance = tape[ptr++];
  33377. return new IfcReferent(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, PredefinedType, RestartDistance);
  33378. }
  33379. ToTape() {
  33380. let args = [];
  33381. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  33382. ;
  33383. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  33384. ;
  33385. args.push(this.Name);
  33386. ;
  33387. args.push(this.Description);
  33388. ;
  33389. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  33390. ;
  33391. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  33392. ;
  33393. args.push(this.Representation);
  33394. ;
  33395. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  33396. ;
  33397. args.push(this.RestartDistance);
  33398. ;
  33399. return args;
  33400. }
  33401. };
  33402. var IfcRegularTimeSeries = class {
  33403. constructor(expressID, type, Name, Description, StartTime, EndTime, TimeSeriesDataType, DataOrigin, UserDefinedDataOrigin, Unit, TimeStep, Values) {
  33404. this.expressID = expressID;
  33405. this.type = type;
  33406. this.Name = Name;
  33407. this.Description = Description;
  33408. this.StartTime = StartTime;
  33409. this.EndTime = EndTime;
  33410. this.TimeSeriesDataType = TimeSeriesDataType;
  33411. this.DataOrigin = DataOrigin;
  33412. this.UserDefinedDataOrigin = UserDefinedDataOrigin;
  33413. this.Unit = Unit;
  33414. this.TimeStep = TimeStep;
  33415. this.Values = Values;
  33416. }
  33417. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  33418. let ptr = 0;
  33419. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  33420. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  33421. let StartTime = tape[ptr++];
  33422. let EndTime = tape[ptr++];
  33423. let TimeSeriesDataType = tape[ptr++];
  33424. let DataOrigin = tape[ptr++];
  33425. let UserDefinedDataOrigin = tape[ptr++];
  33426. let Unit = tape[ptr++];
  33427. let TimeStep = tape[ptr++];
  33428. let Values = tape[ptr++];
  33429. return new IfcRegularTimeSeries(expressID, type, Name, Description, StartTime, EndTime, TimeSeriesDataType, DataOrigin, UserDefinedDataOrigin, Unit, TimeStep, Values);
  33430. }
  33431. ToTape() {
  33432. let args = [];
  33433. args.push(this.Name);
  33434. ;
  33435. args.push(this.Description);
  33436. ;
  33437. args.push(this.StartTime);
  33438. ;
  33439. args.push(this.EndTime);
  33440. ;
  33441. args.push(this.TimeSeriesDataType);
  33442. ;
  33443. args.push(this.DataOrigin);
  33444. ;
  33445. args.push(this.UserDefinedDataOrigin);
  33446. ;
  33447. args.push(this.Unit);
  33448. ;
  33449. args.push(this.TimeStep);
  33450. ;
  33451. args.push(this.Values);
  33452. ;
  33453. return args;
  33454. }
  33455. };
  33456. var IfcReinforcementBarProperties = class {
  33457. constructor(expressID, type, TotalCrossSectionArea, SteelGrade, BarSurface, EffectiveDepth, NominalBarDiameter, BarCount) {
  33458. this.expressID = expressID;
  33459. this.type = type;
  33460. this.TotalCrossSectionArea = TotalCrossSectionArea;
  33461. this.SteelGrade = SteelGrade;
  33462. this.BarSurface = BarSurface;
  33463. this.EffectiveDepth = EffectiveDepth;
  33464. this.NominalBarDiameter = NominalBarDiameter;
  33465. this.BarCount = BarCount;
  33466. }
  33467. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  33468. let ptr = 0;
  33469. let TotalCrossSectionArea = tape[ptr++];
  33470. let SteelGrade = tape[ptr++];
  33471. let BarSurface = tape[ptr++];
  33472. let EffectiveDepth = tape[ptr++];
  33473. let NominalBarDiameter = tape[ptr++];
  33474. let BarCount = tape[ptr++];
  33475. return new IfcReinforcementBarProperties(expressID, type, TotalCrossSectionArea, SteelGrade, BarSurface, EffectiveDepth, NominalBarDiameter, BarCount);
  33476. }
  33477. ToTape() {
  33478. let args = [];
  33479. args.push(this.TotalCrossSectionArea);
  33480. ;
  33481. args.push(this.SteelGrade);
  33482. ;
  33483. args.push(this.BarSurface);
  33484. ;
  33485. args.push(this.EffectiveDepth);
  33486. ;
  33487. args.push(this.NominalBarDiameter);
  33488. ;
  33489. args.push(this.BarCount);
  33490. ;
  33491. return args;
  33492. }
  33493. };
  33494. var IfcReinforcementDefinitionProperties = class {
  33495. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, DefinitionType, ReinforcementSectionDefinitions) {
  33496. this.expressID = expressID;
  33497. this.type = type;
  33498. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  33499. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  33500. this.Name = Name;
  33501. this.Description = Description;
  33502. this.DefinitionType = DefinitionType;
  33503. this.ReinforcementSectionDefinitions = ReinforcementSectionDefinitions;
  33504. }
  33505. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  33506. let ptr = 0;
  33507. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  33508. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  33509. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  33510. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  33511. let DefinitionType = tape[ptr++];
  33512. let ReinforcementSectionDefinitions = tape[ptr++];
  33513. return new IfcReinforcementDefinitionProperties(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, DefinitionType, ReinforcementSectionDefinitions);
  33514. }
  33515. ToTape() {
  33516. let args = [];
  33517. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  33518. ;
  33519. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  33520. ;
  33521. args.push(this.Name);
  33522. ;
  33523. args.push(this.Description);
  33524. ;
  33525. args.push(this.DefinitionType);
  33526. ;
  33527. args.push(this.ReinforcementSectionDefinitions);
  33528. ;
  33529. return args;
  33530. }
  33531. };
  33532. var IfcReinforcingBar = class {
  33533. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, SteelGrade, NominalDiameter, CrossSectionArea, BarLength, PredefinedType, BarSurface) {
  33534. this.expressID = expressID;
  33535. this.type = type;
  33536. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  33537. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  33538. this.Name = Name;
  33539. this.Description = Description;
  33540. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  33541. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  33542. this.Representation = Representation;
  33543. this.Tag = Tag;
  33544. this.SteelGrade = SteelGrade;
  33545. this.NominalDiameter = NominalDiameter;
  33546. this.CrossSectionArea = CrossSectionArea;
  33547. this.BarLength = BarLength;
  33548. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  33549. this.BarSurface = BarSurface;
  33550. }
  33551. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  33552. let ptr = 0;
  33553. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  33554. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  33555. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  33556. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  33557. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  33558. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  33559. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  33560. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  33561. let SteelGrade = tape[ptr++];
  33562. let NominalDiameter = tape[ptr++];
  33563. let CrossSectionArea = tape[ptr++];
  33564. let BarLength = tape[ptr++];
  33565. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  33566. let BarSurface = tape[ptr++];
  33567. return new IfcReinforcingBar(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, SteelGrade, NominalDiameter, CrossSectionArea, BarLength, PredefinedType, BarSurface);
  33568. }
  33569. ToTape() {
  33570. let args = [];
  33571. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  33572. ;
  33573. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  33574. ;
  33575. args.push(this.Name);
  33576. ;
  33577. args.push(this.Description);
  33578. ;
  33579. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  33580. ;
  33581. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  33582. ;
  33583. args.push(this.Representation);
  33584. ;
  33585. args.push(this.Tag);
  33586. ;
  33587. args.push(this.SteelGrade);
  33588. ;
  33589. args.push(this.NominalDiameter);
  33590. ;
  33591. args.push(this.CrossSectionArea);
  33592. ;
  33593. args.push(this.BarLength);
  33594. ;
  33595. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  33596. ;
  33597. args.push(this.BarSurface);
  33598. ;
  33599. return args;
  33600. }
  33601. };
  33602. var IfcReinforcingBarType = class {
  33603. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType, NominalDiameter, CrossSectionArea, BarLength, BarSurface, BendingShapeCode, BendingParameters) {
  33604. this.expressID = expressID;
  33605. this.type = type;
  33606. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  33607. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  33608. this.Name = Name;
  33609. this.Description = Description;
  33610. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  33611. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  33612. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  33613. this.Tag = Tag;
  33614. this.ElementType = ElementType;
  33615. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  33616. this.NominalDiameter = NominalDiameter;
  33617. this.CrossSectionArea = CrossSectionArea;
  33618. this.BarLength = BarLength;
  33619. this.BarSurface = BarSurface;
  33620. this.BendingShapeCode = BendingShapeCode;
  33621. this.BendingParameters = BendingParameters;
  33622. }
  33623. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  33624. let ptr = 0;
  33625. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  33626. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  33627. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  33628. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  33629. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  33630. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  33631. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  33632. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  33633. let ElementType = tape[ptr++];
  33634. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  33635. let NominalDiameter = tape[ptr++];
  33636. let CrossSectionArea = tape[ptr++];
  33637. let BarLength = tape[ptr++];
  33638. let BarSurface = tape[ptr++];
  33639. let BendingShapeCode = tape[ptr++];
  33640. let BendingParameters = tape[ptr++];
  33641. return new IfcReinforcingBarType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType, NominalDiameter, CrossSectionArea, BarLength, BarSurface, BendingShapeCode, BendingParameters);
  33642. }
  33643. ToTape() {
  33644. let args = [];
  33645. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  33646. ;
  33647. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  33648. ;
  33649. args.push(this.Name);
  33650. ;
  33651. args.push(this.Description);
  33652. ;
  33653. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  33654. ;
  33655. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  33656. ;
  33657. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  33658. ;
  33659. args.push(this.Tag);
  33660. ;
  33661. args.push(this.ElementType);
  33662. ;
  33663. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  33664. ;
  33665. args.push(this.NominalDiameter);
  33666. ;
  33667. args.push(this.CrossSectionArea);
  33668. ;
  33669. args.push(this.BarLength);
  33670. ;
  33671. args.push(this.BarSurface);
  33672. ;
  33673. args.push(this.BendingShapeCode);
  33674. ;
  33675. args.push(this.BendingParameters);
  33676. ;
  33677. return args;
  33678. }
  33679. };
  33680. var IfcReinforcingElement = class {
  33681. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, SteelGrade) {
  33682. this.expressID = expressID;
  33683. this.type = type;
  33684. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  33685. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  33686. this.Name = Name;
  33687. this.Description = Description;
  33688. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  33689. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  33690. this.Representation = Representation;
  33691. this.Tag = Tag;
  33692. this.SteelGrade = SteelGrade;
  33693. }
  33694. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  33695. let ptr = 0;
  33696. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  33697. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  33698. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  33699. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  33700. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  33701. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  33702. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  33703. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  33704. let SteelGrade = tape[ptr++];
  33705. return new IfcReinforcingElement(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, SteelGrade);
  33706. }
  33707. ToTape() {
  33708. let args = [];
  33709. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  33710. ;
  33711. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  33712. ;
  33713. args.push(this.Name);
  33714. ;
  33715. args.push(this.Description);
  33716. ;
  33717. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  33718. ;
  33719. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  33720. ;
  33721. args.push(this.Representation);
  33722. ;
  33723. args.push(this.Tag);
  33724. ;
  33725. args.push(this.SteelGrade);
  33726. ;
  33727. return args;
  33728. }
  33729. };
  33730. var IfcReinforcingElementType = class {
  33731. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType) {
  33732. this.expressID = expressID;
  33733. this.type = type;
  33734. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  33735. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  33736. this.Name = Name;
  33737. this.Description = Description;
  33738. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  33739. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  33740. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  33741. this.Tag = Tag;
  33742. this.ElementType = ElementType;
  33743. }
  33744. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  33745. let ptr = 0;
  33746. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  33747. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  33748. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  33749. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  33750. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  33751. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  33752. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  33753. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  33754. let ElementType = tape[ptr++];
  33755. return new IfcReinforcingElementType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType);
  33756. }
  33757. ToTape() {
  33758. let args = [];
  33759. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  33760. ;
  33761. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  33762. ;
  33763. args.push(this.Name);
  33764. ;
  33765. args.push(this.Description);
  33766. ;
  33767. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  33768. ;
  33769. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  33770. ;
  33771. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  33772. ;
  33773. args.push(this.Tag);
  33774. ;
  33775. args.push(this.ElementType);
  33776. ;
  33777. return args;
  33778. }
  33779. };
  33780. var IfcReinforcingMesh = class {
  33781. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, SteelGrade, MeshLength, MeshWidth, LongitudinalBarNominalDiameter, TransverseBarNominalDiameter, LongitudinalBarCrossSectionArea, TransverseBarCrossSectionArea, LongitudinalBarSpacing, TransverseBarSpacing, PredefinedType) {
  33782. this.expressID = expressID;
  33783. this.type = type;
  33784. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  33785. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  33786. this.Name = Name;
  33787. this.Description = Description;
  33788. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  33789. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  33790. this.Representation = Representation;
  33791. this.Tag = Tag;
  33792. this.SteelGrade = SteelGrade;
  33793. this.MeshLength = MeshLength;
  33794. this.MeshWidth = MeshWidth;
  33795. this.LongitudinalBarNominalDiameter = LongitudinalBarNominalDiameter;
  33796. this.TransverseBarNominalDiameter = TransverseBarNominalDiameter;
  33797. this.LongitudinalBarCrossSectionArea = LongitudinalBarCrossSectionArea;
  33798. this.TransverseBarCrossSectionArea = TransverseBarCrossSectionArea;
  33799. this.LongitudinalBarSpacing = LongitudinalBarSpacing;
  33800. this.TransverseBarSpacing = TransverseBarSpacing;
  33801. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  33802. }
  33803. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  33804. let ptr = 0;
  33805. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  33806. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  33807. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  33808. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  33809. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  33810. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  33811. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  33812. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  33813. let SteelGrade = tape[ptr++];
  33814. let MeshLength = tape[ptr++];
  33815. let MeshWidth = tape[ptr++];
  33816. let LongitudinalBarNominalDiameter = tape[ptr++];
  33817. let TransverseBarNominalDiameter = tape[ptr++];
  33818. let LongitudinalBarCrossSectionArea = tape[ptr++];
  33819. let TransverseBarCrossSectionArea = tape[ptr++];
  33820. let LongitudinalBarSpacing = tape[ptr++];
  33821. let TransverseBarSpacing = tape[ptr++];
  33822. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  33823. return new IfcReinforcingMesh(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, SteelGrade, MeshLength, MeshWidth, LongitudinalBarNominalDiameter, TransverseBarNominalDiameter, LongitudinalBarCrossSectionArea, TransverseBarCrossSectionArea, LongitudinalBarSpacing, TransverseBarSpacing, PredefinedType);
  33824. }
  33825. ToTape() {
  33826. let args = [];
  33827. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  33828. ;
  33829. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  33830. ;
  33831. args.push(this.Name);
  33832. ;
  33833. args.push(this.Description);
  33834. ;
  33835. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  33836. ;
  33837. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  33838. ;
  33839. args.push(this.Representation);
  33840. ;
  33841. args.push(this.Tag);
  33842. ;
  33843. args.push(this.SteelGrade);
  33844. ;
  33845. args.push(this.MeshLength);
  33846. ;
  33847. args.push(this.MeshWidth);
  33848. ;
  33849. args.push(this.LongitudinalBarNominalDiameter);
  33850. ;
  33851. args.push(this.TransverseBarNominalDiameter);
  33852. ;
  33853. args.push(this.LongitudinalBarCrossSectionArea);
  33854. ;
  33855. args.push(this.TransverseBarCrossSectionArea);
  33856. ;
  33857. args.push(this.LongitudinalBarSpacing);
  33858. ;
  33859. args.push(this.TransverseBarSpacing);
  33860. ;
  33861. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  33862. ;
  33863. return args;
  33864. }
  33865. };
  33866. var IfcReinforcingMeshType = class {
  33867. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType, MeshLength, MeshWidth, LongitudinalBarNominalDiameter, TransverseBarNominalDiameter, LongitudinalBarCrossSectionArea, TransverseBarCrossSectionArea, LongitudinalBarSpacing, TransverseBarSpacing, BendingShapeCode, BendingParameters) {
  33868. this.expressID = expressID;
  33869. this.type = type;
  33870. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  33871. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  33872. this.Name = Name;
  33873. this.Description = Description;
  33874. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  33875. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  33876. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  33877. this.Tag = Tag;
  33878. this.ElementType = ElementType;
  33879. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  33880. this.MeshLength = MeshLength;
  33881. this.MeshWidth = MeshWidth;
  33882. this.LongitudinalBarNominalDiameter = LongitudinalBarNominalDiameter;
  33883. this.TransverseBarNominalDiameter = TransverseBarNominalDiameter;
  33884. this.LongitudinalBarCrossSectionArea = LongitudinalBarCrossSectionArea;
  33885. this.TransverseBarCrossSectionArea = TransverseBarCrossSectionArea;
  33886. this.LongitudinalBarSpacing = LongitudinalBarSpacing;
  33887. this.TransverseBarSpacing = TransverseBarSpacing;
  33888. this.BendingShapeCode = BendingShapeCode;
  33889. this.BendingParameters = BendingParameters;
  33890. }
  33891. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  33892. let ptr = 0;
  33893. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  33894. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  33895. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  33896. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  33897. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  33898. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  33899. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  33900. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  33901. let ElementType = tape[ptr++];
  33902. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  33903. let MeshLength = tape[ptr++];
  33904. let MeshWidth = tape[ptr++];
  33905. let LongitudinalBarNominalDiameter = tape[ptr++];
  33906. let TransverseBarNominalDiameter = tape[ptr++];
  33907. let LongitudinalBarCrossSectionArea = tape[ptr++];
  33908. let TransverseBarCrossSectionArea = tape[ptr++];
  33909. let LongitudinalBarSpacing = tape[ptr++];
  33910. let TransverseBarSpacing = tape[ptr++];
  33911. let BendingShapeCode = tape[ptr++];
  33912. let BendingParameters = tape[ptr++];
  33913. return new IfcReinforcingMeshType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType, MeshLength, MeshWidth, LongitudinalBarNominalDiameter, TransverseBarNominalDiameter, LongitudinalBarCrossSectionArea, TransverseBarCrossSectionArea, LongitudinalBarSpacing, TransverseBarSpacing, BendingShapeCode, BendingParameters);
  33914. }
  33915. ToTape() {
  33916. let args = [];
  33917. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  33918. ;
  33919. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  33920. ;
  33921. args.push(this.Name);
  33922. ;
  33923. args.push(this.Description);
  33924. ;
  33925. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  33926. ;
  33927. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  33928. ;
  33929. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  33930. ;
  33931. args.push(this.Tag);
  33932. ;
  33933. args.push(this.ElementType);
  33934. ;
  33935. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  33936. ;
  33937. args.push(this.MeshLength);
  33938. ;
  33939. args.push(this.MeshWidth);
  33940. ;
  33941. args.push(this.LongitudinalBarNominalDiameter);
  33942. ;
  33943. args.push(this.TransverseBarNominalDiameter);
  33944. ;
  33945. args.push(this.LongitudinalBarCrossSectionArea);
  33946. ;
  33947. args.push(this.TransverseBarCrossSectionArea);
  33948. ;
  33949. args.push(this.LongitudinalBarSpacing);
  33950. ;
  33951. args.push(this.TransverseBarSpacing);
  33952. ;
  33953. args.push(this.BendingShapeCode);
  33954. ;
  33955. args.push(this.BendingParameters);
  33956. ;
  33957. return args;
  33958. }
  33959. };
  33960. var IfcRelAggregates = class {
  33961. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, RelatingObject, RelatedObjects) {
  33962. this.expressID = expressID;
  33963. this.type = type;
  33964. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  33965. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  33966. this.Name = Name;
  33967. this.Description = Description;
  33968. this.RelatingObject = RelatingObject;
  33969. this.RelatedObjects = RelatedObjects;
  33970. }
  33971. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  33972. let ptr = 0;
  33973. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  33974. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  33975. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  33976. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  33977. let RelatingObject = tape[ptr++];
  33978. let RelatedObjects = tape[ptr++];
  33979. return new IfcRelAggregates(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, RelatingObject, RelatedObjects);
  33980. }
  33981. ToTape() {
  33982. let args = [];
  33983. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  33984. ;
  33985. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  33986. ;
  33987. args.push(this.Name);
  33988. ;
  33989. args.push(this.Description);
  33990. ;
  33991. args.push(this.RelatingObject);
  33992. ;
  33993. args.push(this.RelatedObjects);
  33994. ;
  33995. return args;
  33996. }
  33997. };
  33998. var IfcRelAssigns = class {
  33999. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, RelatedObjects, RelatedObjectsType) {
  34000. this.expressID = expressID;
  34001. this.type = type;
  34002. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  34003. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  34004. this.Name = Name;
  34005. this.Description = Description;
  34006. this.RelatedObjects = RelatedObjects;
  34007. this.RelatedObjectsType = RelatedObjectsType;
  34008. }
  34009. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  34010. let ptr = 0;
  34011. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  34012. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  34013. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  34014. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  34015. let RelatedObjects = tape[ptr++];
  34016. let RelatedObjectsType = tape[ptr++];
  34017. return new IfcRelAssigns(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, RelatedObjects, RelatedObjectsType);
  34018. }
  34019. ToTape() {
  34020. let args = [];
  34021. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  34022. ;
  34023. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  34024. ;
  34025. args.push(this.Name);
  34026. ;
  34027. args.push(this.Description);
  34028. ;
  34029. args.push(this.RelatedObjects);
  34030. ;
  34031. args.push(this.RelatedObjectsType);
  34032. ;
  34033. return args;
  34034. }
  34035. };
  34036. var IfcRelAssignsToActor = class {
  34037. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, RelatedObjects, RelatedObjectsType, RelatingActor, ActingRole) {
  34038. this.expressID = expressID;
  34039. this.type = type;
  34040. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  34041. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  34042. this.Name = Name;
  34043. this.Description = Description;
  34044. this.RelatedObjects = RelatedObjects;
  34045. this.RelatedObjectsType = RelatedObjectsType;
  34046. this.RelatingActor = RelatingActor;
  34047. this.ActingRole = ActingRole;
  34048. }
  34049. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  34050. let ptr = 0;
  34051. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  34052. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  34053. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  34054. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  34055. let RelatedObjects = tape[ptr++];
  34056. let RelatedObjectsType = tape[ptr++];
  34057. let RelatingActor = tape[ptr++];
  34058. let ActingRole = tape[ptr++];
  34059. return new IfcRelAssignsToActor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, RelatedObjects, RelatedObjectsType, RelatingActor, ActingRole);
  34060. }
  34061. ToTape() {
  34062. let args = [];
  34063. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  34064. ;
  34065. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  34066. ;
  34067. args.push(this.Name);
  34068. ;
  34069. args.push(this.Description);
  34070. ;
  34071. args.push(this.RelatedObjects);
  34072. ;
  34073. args.push(this.RelatedObjectsType);
  34074. ;
  34075. args.push(this.RelatingActor);
  34076. ;
  34077. args.push(this.ActingRole);
  34078. ;
  34079. return args;
  34080. }
  34081. };
  34082. var IfcRelAssignsToControl = class {
  34083. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, RelatedObjects, RelatedObjectsType, RelatingControl) {
  34084. this.expressID = expressID;
  34085. this.type = type;
  34086. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  34087. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  34088. this.Name = Name;
  34089. this.Description = Description;
  34090. this.RelatedObjects = RelatedObjects;
  34091. this.RelatedObjectsType = RelatedObjectsType;
  34092. this.RelatingControl = RelatingControl;
  34093. }
  34094. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  34095. let ptr = 0;
  34096. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  34097. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  34098. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  34099. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  34100. let RelatedObjects = tape[ptr++];
  34101. let RelatedObjectsType = tape[ptr++];
  34102. let RelatingControl = tape[ptr++];
  34103. return new IfcRelAssignsToControl(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, RelatedObjects, RelatedObjectsType, RelatingControl);
  34104. }
  34105. ToTape() {
  34106. let args = [];
  34107. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  34108. ;
  34109. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  34110. ;
  34111. args.push(this.Name);
  34112. ;
  34113. args.push(this.Description);
  34114. ;
  34115. args.push(this.RelatedObjects);
  34116. ;
  34117. args.push(this.RelatedObjectsType);
  34118. ;
  34119. args.push(this.RelatingControl);
  34120. ;
  34121. return args;
  34122. }
  34123. };
  34124. var IfcRelAssignsToGroup = class {
  34125. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, RelatedObjects, RelatedObjectsType, RelatingGroup) {
  34126. this.expressID = expressID;
  34127. this.type = type;
  34128. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  34129. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  34130. this.Name = Name;
  34131. this.Description = Description;
  34132. this.RelatedObjects = RelatedObjects;
  34133. this.RelatedObjectsType = RelatedObjectsType;
  34134. this.RelatingGroup = RelatingGroup;
  34135. }
  34136. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  34137. let ptr = 0;
  34138. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  34139. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  34140. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  34141. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  34142. let RelatedObjects = tape[ptr++];
  34143. let RelatedObjectsType = tape[ptr++];
  34144. let RelatingGroup = tape[ptr++];
  34145. return new IfcRelAssignsToGroup(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, RelatedObjects, RelatedObjectsType, RelatingGroup);
  34146. }
  34147. ToTape() {
  34148. let args = [];
  34149. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  34150. ;
  34151. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  34152. ;
  34153. args.push(this.Name);
  34154. ;
  34155. args.push(this.Description);
  34156. ;
  34157. args.push(this.RelatedObjects);
  34158. ;
  34159. args.push(this.RelatedObjectsType);
  34160. ;
  34161. args.push(this.RelatingGroup);
  34162. ;
  34163. return args;
  34164. }
  34165. };
  34166. var IfcRelAssignsToGroupByFactor = class {
  34167. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, RelatedObjects, RelatedObjectsType, RelatingGroup, Factor) {
  34168. this.expressID = expressID;
  34169. this.type = type;
  34170. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  34171. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  34172. this.Name = Name;
  34173. this.Description = Description;
  34174. this.RelatedObjects = RelatedObjects;
  34175. this.RelatedObjectsType = RelatedObjectsType;
  34176. this.RelatingGroup = RelatingGroup;
  34177. this.Factor = Factor;
  34178. }
  34179. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  34180. let ptr = 0;
  34181. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  34182. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  34183. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  34184. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  34185. let RelatedObjects = tape[ptr++];
  34186. let RelatedObjectsType = tape[ptr++];
  34187. let RelatingGroup = tape[ptr++];
  34188. let Factor = tape[ptr++];
  34189. return new IfcRelAssignsToGroupByFactor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, RelatedObjects, RelatedObjectsType, RelatingGroup, Factor);
  34190. }
  34191. ToTape() {
  34192. let args = [];
  34193. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  34194. ;
  34195. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  34196. ;
  34197. args.push(this.Name);
  34198. ;
  34199. args.push(this.Description);
  34200. ;
  34201. args.push(this.RelatedObjects);
  34202. ;
  34203. args.push(this.RelatedObjectsType);
  34204. ;
  34205. args.push(this.RelatingGroup);
  34206. ;
  34207. args.push(this.Factor);
  34208. ;
  34209. return args;
  34210. }
  34211. };
  34212. var IfcRelAssignsToProcess = class {
  34213. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, RelatedObjects, RelatedObjectsType, RelatingProcess, QuantityInProcess) {
  34214. this.expressID = expressID;
  34215. this.type = type;
  34216. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  34217. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  34218. this.Name = Name;
  34219. this.Description = Description;
  34220. this.RelatedObjects = RelatedObjects;
  34221. this.RelatedObjectsType = RelatedObjectsType;
  34222. this.RelatingProcess = RelatingProcess;
  34223. this.QuantityInProcess = QuantityInProcess;
  34224. }
  34225. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  34226. let ptr = 0;
  34227. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  34228. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  34229. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  34230. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  34231. let RelatedObjects = tape[ptr++];
  34232. let RelatedObjectsType = tape[ptr++];
  34233. let RelatingProcess = tape[ptr++];
  34234. let QuantityInProcess = tape[ptr++];
  34235. return new IfcRelAssignsToProcess(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, RelatedObjects, RelatedObjectsType, RelatingProcess, QuantityInProcess);
  34236. }
  34237. ToTape() {
  34238. let args = [];
  34239. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  34240. ;
  34241. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  34242. ;
  34243. args.push(this.Name);
  34244. ;
  34245. args.push(this.Description);
  34246. ;
  34247. args.push(this.RelatedObjects);
  34248. ;
  34249. args.push(this.RelatedObjectsType);
  34250. ;
  34251. args.push(this.RelatingProcess);
  34252. ;
  34253. args.push(this.QuantityInProcess);
  34254. ;
  34255. return args;
  34256. }
  34257. };
  34258. var IfcRelAssignsToProduct = class {
  34259. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, RelatedObjects, RelatedObjectsType, RelatingProduct) {
  34260. this.expressID = expressID;
  34261. this.type = type;
  34262. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  34263. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  34264. this.Name = Name;
  34265. this.Description = Description;
  34266. this.RelatedObjects = RelatedObjects;
  34267. this.RelatedObjectsType = RelatedObjectsType;
  34268. this.RelatingProduct = RelatingProduct;
  34269. }
  34270. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  34271. let ptr = 0;
  34272. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  34273. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  34274. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  34275. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  34276. let RelatedObjects = tape[ptr++];
  34277. let RelatedObjectsType = tape[ptr++];
  34278. let RelatingProduct = tape[ptr++];
  34279. return new IfcRelAssignsToProduct(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, RelatedObjects, RelatedObjectsType, RelatingProduct);
  34280. }
  34281. ToTape() {
  34282. let args = [];
  34283. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  34284. ;
  34285. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  34286. ;
  34287. args.push(this.Name);
  34288. ;
  34289. args.push(this.Description);
  34290. ;
  34291. args.push(this.RelatedObjects);
  34292. ;
  34293. args.push(this.RelatedObjectsType);
  34294. ;
  34295. args.push(this.RelatingProduct);
  34296. ;
  34297. return args;
  34298. }
  34299. };
  34300. var IfcRelAssignsToResource = class {
  34301. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, RelatedObjects, RelatedObjectsType, RelatingResource) {
  34302. this.expressID = expressID;
  34303. this.type = type;
  34304. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  34305. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  34306. this.Name = Name;
  34307. this.Description = Description;
  34308. this.RelatedObjects = RelatedObjects;
  34309. this.RelatedObjectsType = RelatedObjectsType;
  34310. this.RelatingResource = RelatingResource;
  34311. }
  34312. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  34313. let ptr = 0;
  34314. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  34315. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  34316. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  34317. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  34318. let RelatedObjects = tape[ptr++];
  34319. let RelatedObjectsType = tape[ptr++];
  34320. let RelatingResource = tape[ptr++];
  34321. return new IfcRelAssignsToResource(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, RelatedObjects, RelatedObjectsType, RelatingResource);
  34322. }
  34323. ToTape() {
  34324. let args = [];
  34325. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  34326. ;
  34327. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  34328. ;
  34329. args.push(this.Name);
  34330. ;
  34331. args.push(this.Description);
  34332. ;
  34333. args.push(this.RelatedObjects);
  34334. ;
  34335. args.push(this.RelatedObjectsType);
  34336. ;
  34337. args.push(this.RelatingResource);
  34338. ;
  34339. return args;
  34340. }
  34341. };
  34342. var IfcRelAssociates = class {
  34343. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, RelatedObjects) {
  34344. this.expressID = expressID;
  34345. this.type = type;
  34346. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  34347. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  34348. this.Name = Name;
  34349. this.Description = Description;
  34350. this.RelatedObjects = RelatedObjects;
  34351. }
  34352. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  34353. let ptr = 0;
  34354. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  34355. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  34356. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  34357. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  34358. let RelatedObjects = tape[ptr++];
  34359. return new IfcRelAssociates(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, RelatedObjects);
  34360. }
  34361. ToTape() {
  34362. let args = [];
  34363. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  34364. ;
  34365. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  34366. ;
  34367. args.push(this.Name);
  34368. ;
  34369. args.push(this.Description);
  34370. ;
  34371. args.push(this.RelatedObjects);
  34372. ;
  34373. return args;
  34374. }
  34375. };
  34376. var IfcRelAssociatesApproval = class {
  34377. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, RelatedObjects, RelatingApproval) {
  34378. this.expressID = expressID;
  34379. this.type = type;
  34380. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  34381. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  34382. this.Name = Name;
  34383. this.Description = Description;
  34384. this.RelatedObjects = RelatedObjects;
  34385. this.RelatingApproval = RelatingApproval;
  34386. }
  34387. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  34388. let ptr = 0;
  34389. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  34390. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  34391. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  34392. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  34393. let RelatedObjects = tape[ptr++];
  34394. let RelatingApproval = tape[ptr++];
  34395. return new IfcRelAssociatesApproval(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, RelatedObjects, RelatingApproval);
  34396. }
  34397. ToTape() {
  34398. let args = [];
  34399. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  34400. ;
  34401. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  34402. ;
  34403. args.push(this.Name);
  34404. ;
  34405. args.push(this.Description);
  34406. ;
  34407. args.push(this.RelatedObjects);
  34408. ;
  34409. args.push(this.RelatingApproval);
  34410. ;
  34411. return args;
  34412. }
  34413. };
  34414. var IfcRelAssociatesClassification = class {
  34415. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, RelatedObjects, RelatingClassification) {
  34416. this.expressID = expressID;
  34417. this.type = type;
  34418. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  34419. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  34420. this.Name = Name;
  34421. this.Description = Description;
  34422. this.RelatedObjects = RelatedObjects;
  34423. this.RelatingClassification = RelatingClassification;
  34424. }
  34425. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  34426. let ptr = 0;
  34427. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  34428. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  34429. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  34430. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  34431. let RelatedObjects = tape[ptr++];
  34432. let RelatingClassification = tape[ptr++];
  34433. return new IfcRelAssociatesClassification(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, RelatedObjects, RelatingClassification);
  34434. }
  34435. ToTape() {
  34436. let args = [];
  34437. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  34438. ;
  34439. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  34440. ;
  34441. args.push(this.Name);
  34442. ;
  34443. args.push(this.Description);
  34444. ;
  34445. args.push(this.RelatedObjects);
  34446. ;
  34447. args.push(this.RelatingClassification);
  34448. ;
  34449. return args;
  34450. }
  34451. };
  34452. var IfcRelAssociatesConstraint = class {
  34453. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, RelatedObjects, Intent, RelatingConstraint) {
  34454. this.expressID = expressID;
  34455. this.type = type;
  34456. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  34457. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  34458. this.Name = Name;
  34459. this.Description = Description;
  34460. this.RelatedObjects = RelatedObjects;
  34461. this.Intent = Intent;
  34462. this.RelatingConstraint = RelatingConstraint;
  34463. }
  34464. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  34465. let ptr = 0;
  34466. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  34467. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  34468. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  34469. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  34470. let RelatedObjects = tape[ptr++];
  34471. let Intent = tape[ptr++];
  34472. let RelatingConstraint = tape[ptr++];
  34473. return new IfcRelAssociatesConstraint(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, RelatedObjects, Intent, RelatingConstraint);
  34474. }
  34475. ToTape() {
  34476. let args = [];
  34477. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  34478. ;
  34479. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  34480. ;
  34481. args.push(this.Name);
  34482. ;
  34483. args.push(this.Description);
  34484. ;
  34485. args.push(this.RelatedObjects);
  34486. ;
  34487. args.push(this.Intent);
  34488. ;
  34489. args.push(this.RelatingConstraint);
  34490. ;
  34491. return args;
  34492. }
  34493. };
  34494. var IfcRelAssociatesDocument = class {
  34495. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, RelatedObjects, RelatingDocument) {
  34496. this.expressID = expressID;
  34497. this.type = type;
  34498. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  34499. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  34500. this.Name = Name;
  34501. this.Description = Description;
  34502. this.RelatedObjects = RelatedObjects;
  34503. this.RelatingDocument = RelatingDocument;
  34504. }
  34505. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  34506. let ptr = 0;
  34507. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  34508. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  34509. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  34510. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  34511. let RelatedObjects = tape[ptr++];
  34512. let RelatingDocument = tape[ptr++];
  34513. return new IfcRelAssociatesDocument(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, RelatedObjects, RelatingDocument);
  34514. }
  34515. ToTape() {
  34516. let args = [];
  34517. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  34518. ;
  34519. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  34520. ;
  34521. args.push(this.Name);
  34522. ;
  34523. args.push(this.Description);
  34524. ;
  34525. args.push(this.RelatedObjects);
  34526. ;
  34527. args.push(this.RelatingDocument);
  34528. ;
  34529. return args;
  34530. }
  34531. };
  34532. var IfcRelAssociatesLibrary = class {
  34533. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, RelatedObjects, RelatingLibrary) {
  34534. this.expressID = expressID;
  34535. this.type = type;
  34536. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  34537. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  34538. this.Name = Name;
  34539. this.Description = Description;
  34540. this.RelatedObjects = RelatedObjects;
  34541. this.RelatingLibrary = RelatingLibrary;
  34542. }
  34543. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  34544. let ptr = 0;
  34545. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  34546. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  34547. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  34548. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  34549. let RelatedObjects = tape[ptr++];
  34550. let RelatingLibrary = tape[ptr++];
  34551. return new IfcRelAssociatesLibrary(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, RelatedObjects, RelatingLibrary);
  34552. }
  34553. ToTape() {
  34554. let args = [];
  34555. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  34556. ;
  34557. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  34558. ;
  34559. args.push(this.Name);
  34560. ;
  34561. args.push(this.Description);
  34562. ;
  34563. args.push(this.RelatedObjects);
  34564. ;
  34565. args.push(this.RelatingLibrary);
  34566. ;
  34567. return args;
  34568. }
  34569. };
  34570. var IfcRelAssociatesMaterial = class {
  34571. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, RelatedObjects, RelatingMaterial) {
  34572. this.expressID = expressID;
  34573. this.type = type;
  34574. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  34575. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  34576. this.Name = Name;
  34577. this.Description = Description;
  34578. this.RelatedObjects = RelatedObjects;
  34579. this.RelatingMaterial = RelatingMaterial;
  34580. }
  34581. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  34582. let ptr = 0;
  34583. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  34584. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  34585. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  34586. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  34587. let RelatedObjects = tape[ptr++];
  34588. let RelatingMaterial = tape[ptr++];
  34589. return new IfcRelAssociatesMaterial(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, RelatedObjects, RelatingMaterial);
  34590. }
  34591. ToTape() {
  34592. let args = [];
  34593. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  34594. ;
  34595. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  34596. ;
  34597. args.push(this.Name);
  34598. ;
  34599. args.push(this.Description);
  34600. ;
  34601. args.push(this.RelatedObjects);
  34602. ;
  34603. args.push(this.RelatingMaterial);
  34604. ;
  34605. return args;
  34606. }
  34607. };
  34608. var IfcRelConnects = class {
  34609. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description) {
  34610. this.expressID = expressID;
  34611. this.type = type;
  34612. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  34613. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  34614. this.Name = Name;
  34615. this.Description = Description;
  34616. }
  34617. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  34618. let ptr = 0;
  34619. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  34620. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  34621. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  34622. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  34623. return new IfcRelConnects(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description);
  34624. }
  34625. ToTape() {
  34626. let args = [];
  34627. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  34628. ;
  34629. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  34630. ;
  34631. args.push(this.Name);
  34632. ;
  34633. args.push(this.Description);
  34634. ;
  34635. return args;
  34636. }
  34637. };
  34638. var IfcRelConnectsElements = class {
  34639. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ConnectionGeometry, RelatingElement, RelatedElement) {
  34640. this.expressID = expressID;
  34641. this.type = type;
  34642. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  34643. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  34644. this.Name = Name;
  34645. this.Description = Description;
  34646. this.ConnectionGeometry = ConnectionGeometry;
  34647. this.RelatingElement = RelatingElement;
  34648. this.RelatedElement = RelatedElement;
  34649. }
  34650. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  34651. let ptr = 0;
  34652. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  34653. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  34654. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  34655. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  34656. let ConnectionGeometry = tape[ptr++];
  34657. let RelatingElement = tape[ptr++];
  34658. let RelatedElement = tape[ptr++];
  34659. return new IfcRelConnectsElements(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ConnectionGeometry, RelatingElement, RelatedElement);
  34660. }
  34661. ToTape() {
  34662. let args = [];
  34663. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  34664. ;
  34665. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  34666. ;
  34667. args.push(this.Name);
  34668. ;
  34669. args.push(this.Description);
  34670. ;
  34671. args.push(this.ConnectionGeometry);
  34672. ;
  34673. args.push(this.RelatingElement);
  34674. ;
  34675. args.push(this.RelatedElement);
  34676. ;
  34677. return args;
  34678. }
  34679. };
  34680. var IfcRelConnectsPathElements = class {
  34681. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ConnectionGeometry, RelatingElement, RelatedElement, RelatingPriorities, RelatedPriorities, RelatedConnectionType, RelatingConnectionType) {
  34682. this.expressID = expressID;
  34683. this.type = type;
  34684. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  34685. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  34686. this.Name = Name;
  34687. this.Description = Description;
  34688. this.ConnectionGeometry = ConnectionGeometry;
  34689. this.RelatingElement = RelatingElement;
  34690. this.RelatedElement = RelatedElement;
  34691. this.RelatingPriorities = RelatingPriorities;
  34692. this.RelatedPriorities = RelatedPriorities;
  34693. this.RelatedConnectionType = RelatedConnectionType;
  34694. this.RelatingConnectionType = RelatingConnectionType;
  34695. }
  34696. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  34697. let ptr = 0;
  34698. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  34699. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  34700. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  34701. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  34702. let ConnectionGeometry = tape[ptr++];
  34703. let RelatingElement = tape[ptr++];
  34704. let RelatedElement = tape[ptr++];
  34705. let RelatingPriorities = tape[ptr++];
  34706. let RelatedPriorities = tape[ptr++];
  34707. let RelatedConnectionType = tape[ptr++];
  34708. let RelatingConnectionType = tape[ptr++];
  34709. return new IfcRelConnectsPathElements(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ConnectionGeometry, RelatingElement, RelatedElement, RelatingPriorities, RelatedPriorities, RelatedConnectionType, RelatingConnectionType);
  34710. }
  34711. ToTape() {
  34712. let args = [];
  34713. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  34714. ;
  34715. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  34716. ;
  34717. args.push(this.Name);
  34718. ;
  34719. args.push(this.Description);
  34720. ;
  34721. args.push(this.ConnectionGeometry);
  34722. ;
  34723. args.push(this.RelatingElement);
  34724. ;
  34725. args.push(this.RelatedElement);
  34726. ;
  34727. args.push(this.RelatingPriorities);
  34728. ;
  34729. args.push(this.RelatedPriorities);
  34730. ;
  34731. args.push(this.RelatedConnectionType);
  34732. ;
  34733. args.push(this.RelatingConnectionType);
  34734. ;
  34735. return args;
  34736. }
  34737. };
  34738. var IfcRelConnectsPortToElement = class {
  34739. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, RelatingPort, RelatedElement) {
  34740. this.expressID = expressID;
  34741. this.type = type;
  34742. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  34743. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  34744. this.Name = Name;
  34745. this.Description = Description;
  34746. this.RelatingPort = RelatingPort;
  34747. this.RelatedElement = RelatedElement;
  34748. }
  34749. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  34750. let ptr = 0;
  34751. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  34752. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  34753. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  34754. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  34755. let RelatingPort = tape[ptr++];
  34756. let RelatedElement = tape[ptr++];
  34757. return new IfcRelConnectsPortToElement(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, RelatingPort, RelatedElement);
  34758. }
  34759. ToTape() {
  34760. let args = [];
  34761. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  34762. ;
  34763. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  34764. ;
  34765. args.push(this.Name);
  34766. ;
  34767. args.push(this.Description);
  34768. ;
  34769. args.push(this.RelatingPort);
  34770. ;
  34771. args.push(this.RelatedElement);
  34772. ;
  34773. return args;
  34774. }
  34775. };
  34776. var IfcRelConnectsPorts = class {
  34777. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, RelatingPort, RelatedPort, RealizingElement) {
  34778. this.expressID = expressID;
  34779. this.type = type;
  34780. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  34781. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  34782. this.Name = Name;
  34783. this.Description = Description;
  34784. this.RelatingPort = RelatingPort;
  34785. this.RelatedPort = RelatedPort;
  34786. this.RealizingElement = RealizingElement;
  34787. }
  34788. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  34789. let ptr = 0;
  34790. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  34791. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  34792. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  34793. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  34794. let RelatingPort = tape[ptr++];
  34795. let RelatedPort = tape[ptr++];
  34796. let RealizingElement = tape[ptr++];
  34797. return new IfcRelConnectsPorts(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, RelatingPort, RelatedPort, RealizingElement);
  34798. }
  34799. ToTape() {
  34800. let args = [];
  34801. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  34802. ;
  34803. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  34804. ;
  34805. args.push(this.Name);
  34806. ;
  34807. args.push(this.Description);
  34808. ;
  34809. args.push(this.RelatingPort);
  34810. ;
  34811. args.push(this.RelatedPort);
  34812. ;
  34813. args.push(this.RealizingElement);
  34814. ;
  34815. return args;
  34816. }
  34817. };
  34818. var IfcRelConnectsStructuralActivity = class {
  34819. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, RelatingElement, RelatedStructuralActivity) {
  34820. this.expressID = expressID;
  34821. this.type = type;
  34822. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  34823. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  34824. this.Name = Name;
  34825. this.Description = Description;
  34826. this.RelatingElement = RelatingElement;
  34827. this.RelatedStructuralActivity = RelatedStructuralActivity;
  34828. }
  34829. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  34830. let ptr = 0;
  34831. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  34832. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  34833. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  34834. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  34835. let RelatingElement = tape[ptr++];
  34836. let RelatedStructuralActivity = tape[ptr++];
  34837. return new IfcRelConnectsStructuralActivity(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, RelatingElement, RelatedStructuralActivity);
  34838. }
  34839. ToTape() {
  34840. let args = [];
  34841. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  34842. ;
  34843. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  34844. ;
  34845. args.push(this.Name);
  34846. ;
  34847. args.push(this.Description);
  34848. ;
  34849. args.push(this.RelatingElement);
  34850. ;
  34851. args.push(this.RelatedStructuralActivity);
  34852. ;
  34853. return args;
  34854. }
  34855. };
  34856. var IfcRelConnectsStructuralMember = class {
  34857. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, RelatingStructuralMember, RelatedStructuralConnection, AppliedCondition, AdditionalConditions, SupportedLength, ConditionCoordinateSystem) {
  34858. this.expressID = expressID;
  34859. this.type = type;
  34860. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  34861. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  34862. this.Name = Name;
  34863. this.Description = Description;
  34864. this.RelatingStructuralMember = RelatingStructuralMember;
  34865. this.RelatedStructuralConnection = RelatedStructuralConnection;
  34866. this.AppliedCondition = AppliedCondition;
  34867. this.AdditionalConditions = AdditionalConditions;
  34868. this.SupportedLength = SupportedLength;
  34869. this.ConditionCoordinateSystem = ConditionCoordinateSystem;
  34870. }
  34871. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  34872. let ptr = 0;
  34873. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  34874. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  34875. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  34876. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  34877. let RelatingStructuralMember = tape[ptr++];
  34878. let RelatedStructuralConnection = tape[ptr++];
  34879. let AppliedCondition = tape[ptr++];
  34880. let AdditionalConditions = tape[ptr++];
  34881. let SupportedLength = tape[ptr++];
  34882. let ConditionCoordinateSystem = tape[ptr++];
  34883. return new IfcRelConnectsStructuralMember(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, RelatingStructuralMember, RelatedStructuralConnection, AppliedCondition, AdditionalConditions, SupportedLength, ConditionCoordinateSystem);
  34884. }
  34885. ToTape() {
  34886. let args = [];
  34887. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  34888. ;
  34889. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  34890. ;
  34891. args.push(this.Name);
  34892. ;
  34893. args.push(this.Description);
  34894. ;
  34895. args.push(this.RelatingStructuralMember);
  34896. ;
  34897. args.push(this.RelatedStructuralConnection);
  34898. ;
  34899. args.push(this.AppliedCondition);
  34900. ;
  34901. args.push(this.AdditionalConditions);
  34902. ;
  34903. args.push(this.SupportedLength);
  34904. ;
  34905. args.push(this.ConditionCoordinateSystem);
  34906. ;
  34907. return args;
  34908. }
  34909. };
  34910. var IfcRelConnectsWithEccentricity = class {
  34911. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, RelatingStructuralMember, RelatedStructuralConnection, AppliedCondition, AdditionalConditions, SupportedLength, ConditionCoordinateSystem, ConnectionConstraint) {
  34912. this.expressID = expressID;
  34913. this.type = type;
  34914. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  34915. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  34916. this.Name = Name;
  34917. this.Description = Description;
  34918. this.RelatingStructuralMember = RelatingStructuralMember;
  34919. this.RelatedStructuralConnection = RelatedStructuralConnection;
  34920. this.AppliedCondition = AppliedCondition;
  34921. this.AdditionalConditions = AdditionalConditions;
  34922. this.SupportedLength = SupportedLength;
  34923. this.ConditionCoordinateSystem = ConditionCoordinateSystem;
  34924. this.ConnectionConstraint = ConnectionConstraint;
  34925. }
  34926. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  34927. let ptr = 0;
  34928. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  34929. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  34930. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  34931. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  34932. let RelatingStructuralMember = tape[ptr++];
  34933. let RelatedStructuralConnection = tape[ptr++];
  34934. let AppliedCondition = tape[ptr++];
  34935. let AdditionalConditions = tape[ptr++];
  34936. let SupportedLength = tape[ptr++];
  34937. let ConditionCoordinateSystem = tape[ptr++];
  34938. let ConnectionConstraint = tape[ptr++];
  34939. return new IfcRelConnectsWithEccentricity(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, RelatingStructuralMember, RelatedStructuralConnection, AppliedCondition, AdditionalConditions, SupportedLength, ConditionCoordinateSystem, ConnectionConstraint);
  34940. }
  34941. ToTape() {
  34942. let args = [];
  34943. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  34944. ;
  34945. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  34946. ;
  34947. args.push(this.Name);
  34948. ;
  34949. args.push(this.Description);
  34950. ;
  34951. args.push(this.RelatingStructuralMember);
  34952. ;
  34953. args.push(this.RelatedStructuralConnection);
  34954. ;
  34955. args.push(this.AppliedCondition);
  34956. ;
  34957. args.push(this.AdditionalConditions);
  34958. ;
  34959. args.push(this.SupportedLength);
  34960. ;
  34961. args.push(this.ConditionCoordinateSystem);
  34962. ;
  34963. args.push(this.ConnectionConstraint);
  34964. ;
  34965. return args;
  34966. }
  34967. };
  34968. var IfcRelConnectsWithRealizingElements = class {
  34969. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ConnectionGeometry, RelatingElement, RelatedElement, RealizingElements, ConnectionType) {
  34970. this.expressID = expressID;
  34971. this.type = type;
  34972. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  34973. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  34974. this.Name = Name;
  34975. this.Description = Description;
  34976. this.ConnectionGeometry = ConnectionGeometry;
  34977. this.RelatingElement = RelatingElement;
  34978. this.RelatedElement = RelatedElement;
  34979. this.RealizingElements = RealizingElements;
  34980. this.ConnectionType = ConnectionType;
  34981. }
  34982. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  34983. let ptr = 0;
  34984. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  34985. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  34986. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  34987. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  34988. let ConnectionGeometry = tape[ptr++];
  34989. let RelatingElement = tape[ptr++];
  34990. let RelatedElement = tape[ptr++];
  34991. let RealizingElements = tape[ptr++];
  34992. let ConnectionType = tape[ptr++];
  34993. return new IfcRelConnectsWithRealizingElements(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ConnectionGeometry, RelatingElement, RelatedElement, RealizingElements, ConnectionType);
  34994. }
  34995. ToTape() {
  34996. let args = [];
  34997. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  34998. ;
  34999. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  35000. ;
  35001. args.push(this.Name);
  35002. ;
  35003. args.push(this.Description);
  35004. ;
  35005. args.push(this.ConnectionGeometry);
  35006. ;
  35007. args.push(this.RelatingElement);
  35008. ;
  35009. args.push(this.RelatedElement);
  35010. ;
  35011. args.push(this.RealizingElements);
  35012. ;
  35013. args.push(this.ConnectionType);
  35014. ;
  35015. return args;
  35016. }
  35017. };
  35018. var IfcRelContainedInSpatialStructure = class {
  35019. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, RelatedElements, RelatingStructure) {
  35020. this.expressID = expressID;
  35021. this.type = type;
  35022. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  35023. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  35024. this.Name = Name;
  35025. this.Description = Description;
  35026. this.RelatedElements = RelatedElements;
  35027. this.RelatingStructure = RelatingStructure;
  35028. }
  35029. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  35030. let ptr = 0;
  35031. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  35032. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  35033. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  35034. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  35035. let RelatedElements = tape[ptr++];
  35036. let RelatingStructure = tape[ptr++];
  35037. return new IfcRelContainedInSpatialStructure(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, RelatedElements, RelatingStructure);
  35038. }
  35039. ToTape() {
  35040. let args = [];
  35041. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  35042. ;
  35043. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  35044. ;
  35045. args.push(this.Name);
  35046. ;
  35047. args.push(this.Description);
  35048. ;
  35049. args.push(this.RelatedElements);
  35050. ;
  35051. args.push(this.RelatingStructure);
  35052. ;
  35053. return args;
  35054. }
  35055. };
  35056. var IfcRelCoversBldgElements = class {
  35057. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, RelatingBuildingElement, RelatedCoverings) {
  35058. this.expressID = expressID;
  35059. this.type = type;
  35060. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  35061. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  35062. this.Name = Name;
  35063. this.Description = Description;
  35064. this.RelatingBuildingElement = RelatingBuildingElement;
  35065. this.RelatedCoverings = RelatedCoverings;
  35066. }
  35067. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  35068. let ptr = 0;
  35069. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  35070. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  35071. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  35072. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  35073. let RelatingBuildingElement = tape[ptr++];
  35074. let RelatedCoverings = tape[ptr++];
  35075. return new IfcRelCoversBldgElements(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, RelatingBuildingElement, RelatedCoverings);
  35076. }
  35077. ToTape() {
  35078. let args = [];
  35079. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  35080. ;
  35081. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  35082. ;
  35083. args.push(this.Name);
  35084. ;
  35085. args.push(this.Description);
  35086. ;
  35087. args.push(this.RelatingBuildingElement);
  35088. ;
  35089. args.push(this.RelatedCoverings);
  35090. ;
  35091. return args;
  35092. }
  35093. };
  35094. var IfcRelCoversSpaces = class {
  35095. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, RelatingSpace, RelatedCoverings) {
  35096. this.expressID = expressID;
  35097. this.type = type;
  35098. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  35099. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  35100. this.Name = Name;
  35101. this.Description = Description;
  35102. this.RelatingSpace = RelatingSpace;
  35103. this.RelatedCoverings = RelatedCoverings;
  35104. }
  35105. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  35106. let ptr = 0;
  35107. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  35108. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  35109. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  35110. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  35111. let RelatingSpace = tape[ptr++];
  35112. let RelatedCoverings = tape[ptr++];
  35113. return new IfcRelCoversSpaces(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, RelatingSpace, RelatedCoverings);
  35114. }
  35115. ToTape() {
  35116. let args = [];
  35117. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  35118. ;
  35119. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  35120. ;
  35121. args.push(this.Name);
  35122. ;
  35123. args.push(this.Description);
  35124. ;
  35125. args.push(this.RelatingSpace);
  35126. ;
  35127. args.push(this.RelatedCoverings);
  35128. ;
  35129. return args;
  35130. }
  35131. };
  35132. var IfcRelDeclares = class {
  35133. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, RelatingContext, RelatedDefinitions) {
  35134. this.expressID = expressID;
  35135. this.type = type;
  35136. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  35137. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  35138. this.Name = Name;
  35139. this.Description = Description;
  35140. this.RelatingContext = RelatingContext;
  35141. this.RelatedDefinitions = RelatedDefinitions;
  35142. }
  35143. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  35144. let ptr = 0;
  35145. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  35146. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  35147. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  35148. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  35149. let RelatingContext = tape[ptr++];
  35150. let RelatedDefinitions = tape[ptr++];
  35151. return new IfcRelDeclares(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, RelatingContext, RelatedDefinitions);
  35152. }
  35153. ToTape() {
  35154. let args = [];
  35155. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  35156. ;
  35157. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  35158. ;
  35159. args.push(this.Name);
  35160. ;
  35161. args.push(this.Description);
  35162. ;
  35163. args.push(this.RelatingContext);
  35164. ;
  35165. args.push(this.RelatedDefinitions);
  35166. ;
  35167. return args;
  35168. }
  35169. };
  35170. var IfcRelDecomposes = class {
  35171. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description) {
  35172. this.expressID = expressID;
  35173. this.type = type;
  35174. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  35175. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  35176. this.Name = Name;
  35177. this.Description = Description;
  35178. }
  35179. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  35180. let ptr = 0;
  35181. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  35182. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  35183. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  35184. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  35185. return new IfcRelDecomposes(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description);
  35186. }
  35187. ToTape() {
  35188. let args = [];
  35189. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  35190. ;
  35191. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  35192. ;
  35193. args.push(this.Name);
  35194. ;
  35195. args.push(this.Description);
  35196. ;
  35197. return args;
  35198. }
  35199. };
  35200. var IfcRelDefines = class {
  35201. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description) {
  35202. this.expressID = expressID;
  35203. this.type = type;
  35204. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  35205. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  35206. this.Name = Name;
  35207. this.Description = Description;
  35208. }
  35209. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  35210. let ptr = 0;
  35211. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  35212. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  35213. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  35214. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  35215. return new IfcRelDefines(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description);
  35216. }
  35217. ToTape() {
  35218. let args = [];
  35219. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  35220. ;
  35221. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  35222. ;
  35223. args.push(this.Name);
  35224. ;
  35225. args.push(this.Description);
  35226. ;
  35227. return args;
  35228. }
  35229. };
  35230. var IfcRelDefinesByObject = class {
  35231. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, RelatedObjects, RelatingObject) {
  35232. this.expressID = expressID;
  35233. this.type = type;
  35234. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  35235. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  35236. this.Name = Name;
  35237. this.Description = Description;
  35238. this.RelatedObjects = RelatedObjects;
  35239. this.RelatingObject = RelatingObject;
  35240. }
  35241. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  35242. let ptr = 0;
  35243. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  35244. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  35245. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  35246. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  35247. let RelatedObjects = tape[ptr++];
  35248. let RelatingObject = tape[ptr++];
  35249. return new IfcRelDefinesByObject(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, RelatedObjects, RelatingObject);
  35250. }
  35251. ToTape() {
  35252. let args = [];
  35253. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  35254. ;
  35255. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  35256. ;
  35257. args.push(this.Name);
  35258. ;
  35259. args.push(this.Description);
  35260. ;
  35261. args.push(this.RelatedObjects);
  35262. ;
  35263. args.push(this.RelatingObject);
  35264. ;
  35265. return args;
  35266. }
  35267. };
  35268. var IfcRelDefinesByProperties = class {
  35269. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, RelatedObjects, RelatingPropertyDefinition) {
  35270. this.expressID = expressID;
  35271. this.type = type;
  35272. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  35273. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  35274. this.Name = Name;
  35275. this.Description = Description;
  35276. this.RelatedObjects = RelatedObjects;
  35277. this.RelatingPropertyDefinition = RelatingPropertyDefinition;
  35278. }
  35279. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  35280. let ptr = 0;
  35281. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  35282. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  35283. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  35284. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  35285. let RelatedObjects = tape[ptr++];
  35286. let RelatingPropertyDefinition = tape[ptr++];
  35287. return new IfcRelDefinesByProperties(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, RelatedObjects, RelatingPropertyDefinition);
  35288. }
  35289. ToTape() {
  35290. let args = [];
  35291. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  35292. ;
  35293. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  35294. ;
  35295. args.push(this.Name);
  35296. ;
  35297. args.push(this.Description);
  35298. ;
  35299. args.push(this.RelatedObjects);
  35300. ;
  35301. args.push(this.RelatingPropertyDefinition);
  35302. ;
  35303. return args;
  35304. }
  35305. };
  35306. var IfcRelDefinesByTemplate = class {
  35307. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, RelatedPropertySets, RelatingTemplate) {
  35308. this.expressID = expressID;
  35309. this.type = type;
  35310. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  35311. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  35312. this.Name = Name;
  35313. this.Description = Description;
  35314. this.RelatedPropertySets = RelatedPropertySets;
  35315. this.RelatingTemplate = RelatingTemplate;
  35316. }
  35317. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  35318. let ptr = 0;
  35319. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  35320. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  35321. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  35322. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  35323. let RelatedPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  35324. let RelatingTemplate = tape[ptr++];
  35325. return new IfcRelDefinesByTemplate(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, RelatedPropertySets, RelatingTemplate);
  35326. }
  35327. ToTape() {
  35328. let args = [];
  35329. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  35330. ;
  35331. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  35332. ;
  35333. args.push(this.Name);
  35334. ;
  35335. args.push(this.Description);
  35336. ;
  35337. args.push(this.RelatedPropertySets);
  35338. ;
  35339. args.push(this.RelatingTemplate);
  35340. ;
  35341. return args;
  35342. }
  35343. };
  35344. var IfcRelDefinesByType = class {
  35345. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, RelatedObjects, RelatingType) {
  35346. this.expressID = expressID;
  35347. this.type = type;
  35348. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  35349. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  35350. this.Name = Name;
  35351. this.Description = Description;
  35352. this.RelatedObjects = RelatedObjects;
  35353. this.RelatingType = RelatingType;
  35354. }
  35355. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  35356. let ptr = 0;
  35357. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  35358. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  35359. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  35360. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  35361. let RelatedObjects = tape[ptr++];
  35362. let RelatingType = tape[ptr++];
  35363. return new IfcRelDefinesByType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, RelatedObjects, RelatingType);
  35364. }
  35365. ToTape() {
  35366. let args = [];
  35367. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  35368. ;
  35369. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  35370. ;
  35371. args.push(this.Name);
  35372. ;
  35373. args.push(this.Description);
  35374. ;
  35375. args.push(this.RelatedObjects);
  35376. ;
  35377. args.push(this.RelatingType);
  35378. ;
  35379. return args;
  35380. }
  35381. };
  35382. var IfcRelFillsElement = class {
  35383. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, RelatingOpeningElement, RelatedBuildingElement) {
  35384. this.expressID = expressID;
  35385. this.type = type;
  35386. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  35387. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  35388. this.Name = Name;
  35389. this.Description = Description;
  35390. this.RelatingOpeningElement = RelatingOpeningElement;
  35391. this.RelatedBuildingElement = RelatedBuildingElement;
  35392. }
  35393. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  35394. let ptr = 0;
  35395. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  35396. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  35397. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  35398. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  35399. let RelatingOpeningElement = tape[ptr++];
  35400. let RelatedBuildingElement = tape[ptr++];
  35401. return new IfcRelFillsElement(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, RelatingOpeningElement, RelatedBuildingElement);
  35402. }
  35403. ToTape() {
  35404. let args = [];
  35405. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  35406. ;
  35407. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  35408. ;
  35409. args.push(this.Name);
  35410. ;
  35411. args.push(this.Description);
  35412. ;
  35413. args.push(this.RelatingOpeningElement);
  35414. ;
  35415. args.push(this.RelatedBuildingElement);
  35416. ;
  35417. return args;
  35418. }
  35419. };
  35420. var IfcRelFlowControlElements = class {
  35421. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, RelatedControlElements, RelatingFlowElement) {
  35422. this.expressID = expressID;
  35423. this.type = type;
  35424. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  35425. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  35426. this.Name = Name;
  35427. this.Description = Description;
  35428. this.RelatedControlElements = RelatedControlElements;
  35429. this.RelatingFlowElement = RelatingFlowElement;
  35430. }
  35431. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  35432. let ptr = 0;
  35433. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  35434. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  35435. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  35436. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  35437. let RelatedControlElements = tape[ptr++];
  35438. let RelatingFlowElement = tape[ptr++];
  35439. return new IfcRelFlowControlElements(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, RelatedControlElements, RelatingFlowElement);
  35440. }
  35441. ToTape() {
  35442. let args = [];
  35443. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  35444. ;
  35445. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  35446. ;
  35447. args.push(this.Name);
  35448. ;
  35449. args.push(this.Description);
  35450. ;
  35451. args.push(this.RelatedControlElements);
  35452. ;
  35453. args.push(this.RelatingFlowElement);
  35454. ;
  35455. return args;
  35456. }
  35457. };
  35458. var IfcRelInterferesElements = class {
  35459. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, RelatingElement, RelatedElement, InterferenceGeometry, InterferenceType, ImpliedOrder) {
  35460. this.expressID = expressID;
  35461. this.type = type;
  35462. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  35463. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  35464. this.Name = Name;
  35465. this.Description = Description;
  35466. this.RelatingElement = RelatingElement;
  35467. this.RelatedElement = RelatedElement;
  35468. this.InterferenceGeometry = InterferenceGeometry;
  35469. this.InterferenceType = InterferenceType;
  35470. this.ImpliedOrder = ImpliedOrder;
  35471. }
  35472. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  35473. let ptr = 0;
  35474. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  35475. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  35476. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  35477. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  35478. let RelatingElement = tape[ptr++];
  35479. let RelatedElement = tape[ptr++];
  35480. let InterferenceGeometry = tape[ptr++];
  35481. let InterferenceType = tape[ptr++];
  35482. let ImpliedOrder = tape[ptr++];
  35483. return new IfcRelInterferesElements(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, RelatingElement, RelatedElement, InterferenceGeometry, InterferenceType, ImpliedOrder);
  35484. }
  35485. ToTape() {
  35486. let args = [];
  35487. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  35488. ;
  35489. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  35490. ;
  35491. args.push(this.Name);
  35492. ;
  35493. args.push(this.Description);
  35494. ;
  35495. args.push(this.RelatingElement);
  35496. ;
  35497. args.push(this.RelatedElement);
  35498. ;
  35499. args.push(this.InterferenceGeometry);
  35500. ;
  35501. args.push(this.InterferenceType);
  35502. ;
  35503. args.push(this.ImpliedOrder);
  35504. ;
  35505. return args;
  35506. }
  35507. };
  35508. var IfcRelNests = class {
  35509. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, RelatingObject, RelatedObjects) {
  35510. this.expressID = expressID;
  35511. this.type = type;
  35512. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  35513. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  35514. this.Name = Name;
  35515. this.Description = Description;
  35516. this.RelatingObject = RelatingObject;
  35517. this.RelatedObjects = RelatedObjects;
  35518. }
  35519. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  35520. let ptr = 0;
  35521. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  35522. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  35523. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  35524. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  35525. let RelatingObject = tape[ptr++];
  35526. let RelatedObjects = tape[ptr++];
  35527. return new IfcRelNests(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, RelatingObject, RelatedObjects);
  35528. }
  35529. ToTape() {
  35530. let args = [];
  35531. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  35532. ;
  35533. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  35534. ;
  35535. args.push(this.Name);
  35536. ;
  35537. args.push(this.Description);
  35538. ;
  35539. args.push(this.RelatingObject);
  35540. ;
  35541. args.push(this.RelatedObjects);
  35542. ;
  35543. return args;
  35544. }
  35545. };
  35546. var IfcRelPositions = class {
  35547. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, RelatingPositioningElement, RelatedProducts) {
  35548. this.expressID = expressID;
  35549. this.type = type;
  35550. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  35551. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  35552. this.Name = Name;
  35553. this.Description = Description;
  35554. this.RelatingPositioningElement = RelatingPositioningElement;
  35555. this.RelatedProducts = RelatedProducts;
  35556. }
  35557. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  35558. let ptr = 0;
  35559. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  35560. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  35561. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  35562. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  35563. let RelatingPositioningElement = tape[ptr++];
  35564. let RelatedProducts = tape[ptr++];
  35565. return new IfcRelPositions(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, RelatingPositioningElement, RelatedProducts);
  35566. }
  35567. ToTape() {
  35568. let args = [];
  35569. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  35570. ;
  35571. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  35572. ;
  35573. args.push(this.Name);
  35574. ;
  35575. args.push(this.Description);
  35576. ;
  35577. args.push(this.RelatingPositioningElement);
  35578. ;
  35579. args.push(this.RelatedProducts);
  35580. ;
  35581. return args;
  35582. }
  35583. };
  35584. var IfcRelProjectsElement = class {
  35585. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, RelatingElement, RelatedFeatureElement) {
  35586. this.expressID = expressID;
  35587. this.type = type;
  35588. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  35589. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  35590. this.Name = Name;
  35591. this.Description = Description;
  35592. this.RelatingElement = RelatingElement;
  35593. this.RelatedFeatureElement = RelatedFeatureElement;
  35594. }
  35595. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  35596. let ptr = 0;
  35597. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  35598. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  35599. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  35600. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  35601. let RelatingElement = tape[ptr++];
  35602. let RelatedFeatureElement = tape[ptr++];
  35603. return new IfcRelProjectsElement(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, RelatingElement, RelatedFeatureElement);
  35604. }
  35605. ToTape() {
  35606. let args = [];
  35607. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  35608. ;
  35609. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  35610. ;
  35611. args.push(this.Name);
  35612. ;
  35613. args.push(this.Description);
  35614. ;
  35615. args.push(this.RelatingElement);
  35616. ;
  35617. args.push(this.RelatedFeatureElement);
  35618. ;
  35619. return args;
  35620. }
  35621. };
  35622. var IfcRelReferencedInSpatialStructure = class {
  35623. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, RelatedElements, RelatingStructure) {
  35624. this.expressID = expressID;
  35625. this.type = type;
  35626. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  35627. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  35628. this.Name = Name;
  35629. this.Description = Description;
  35630. this.RelatedElements = RelatedElements;
  35631. this.RelatingStructure = RelatingStructure;
  35632. }
  35633. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  35634. let ptr = 0;
  35635. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  35636. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  35637. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  35638. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  35639. let RelatedElements = tape[ptr++];
  35640. let RelatingStructure = tape[ptr++];
  35641. return new IfcRelReferencedInSpatialStructure(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, RelatedElements, RelatingStructure);
  35642. }
  35643. ToTape() {
  35644. let args = [];
  35645. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  35646. ;
  35647. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  35648. ;
  35649. args.push(this.Name);
  35650. ;
  35651. args.push(this.Description);
  35652. ;
  35653. args.push(this.RelatedElements);
  35654. ;
  35655. args.push(this.RelatingStructure);
  35656. ;
  35657. return args;
  35658. }
  35659. };
  35660. var IfcRelSequence = class {
  35661. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, RelatingProcess, RelatedProcess, TimeLag, SequenceType, UserDefinedSequenceType) {
  35662. this.expressID = expressID;
  35663. this.type = type;
  35664. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  35665. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  35666. this.Name = Name;
  35667. this.Description = Description;
  35668. this.RelatingProcess = RelatingProcess;
  35669. this.RelatedProcess = RelatedProcess;
  35670. this.TimeLag = TimeLag;
  35671. this.SequenceType = SequenceType;
  35672. this.UserDefinedSequenceType = UserDefinedSequenceType;
  35673. }
  35674. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  35675. let ptr = 0;
  35676. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  35677. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  35678. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  35679. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  35680. let RelatingProcess = tape[ptr++];
  35681. let RelatedProcess = tape[ptr++];
  35682. let TimeLag = tape[ptr++];
  35683. let SequenceType = tape[ptr++];
  35684. let UserDefinedSequenceType = tape[ptr++];
  35685. return new IfcRelSequence(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, RelatingProcess, RelatedProcess, TimeLag, SequenceType, UserDefinedSequenceType);
  35686. }
  35687. ToTape() {
  35688. let args = [];
  35689. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  35690. ;
  35691. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  35692. ;
  35693. args.push(this.Name);
  35694. ;
  35695. args.push(this.Description);
  35696. ;
  35697. args.push(this.RelatingProcess);
  35698. ;
  35699. args.push(this.RelatedProcess);
  35700. ;
  35701. args.push(this.TimeLag);
  35702. ;
  35703. args.push(this.SequenceType);
  35704. ;
  35705. args.push(this.UserDefinedSequenceType);
  35706. ;
  35707. return args;
  35708. }
  35709. };
  35710. var IfcRelServicesBuildings = class {
  35711. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, RelatingSystem, RelatedBuildings) {
  35712. this.expressID = expressID;
  35713. this.type = type;
  35714. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  35715. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  35716. this.Name = Name;
  35717. this.Description = Description;
  35718. this.RelatingSystem = RelatingSystem;
  35719. this.RelatedBuildings = RelatedBuildings;
  35720. }
  35721. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  35722. let ptr = 0;
  35723. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  35724. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  35725. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  35726. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  35727. let RelatingSystem = tape[ptr++];
  35728. let RelatedBuildings = tape[ptr++];
  35729. return new IfcRelServicesBuildings(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, RelatingSystem, RelatedBuildings);
  35730. }
  35731. ToTape() {
  35732. let args = [];
  35733. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  35734. ;
  35735. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  35736. ;
  35737. args.push(this.Name);
  35738. ;
  35739. args.push(this.Description);
  35740. ;
  35741. args.push(this.RelatingSystem);
  35742. ;
  35743. args.push(this.RelatedBuildings);
  35744. ;
  35745. return args;
  35746. }
  35747. };
  35748. var IfcRelSpaceBoundary = class {
  35749. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, RelatingSpace, RelatedBuildingElement, ConnectionGeometry, PhysicalOrVirtualBoundary, InternalOrExternalBoundary) {
  35750. this.expressID = expressID;
  35751. this.type = type;
  35752. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  35753. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  35754. this.Name = Name;
  35755. this.Description = Description;
  35756. this.RelatingSpace = RelatingSpace;
  35757. this.RelatedBuildingElement = RelatedBuildingElement;
  35758. this.ConnectionGeometry = ConnectionGeometry;
  35759. this.PhysicalOrVirtualBoundary = PhysicalOrVirtualBoundary;
  35760. this.InternalOrExternalBoundary = InternalOrExternalBoundary;
  35761. }
  35762. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  35763. let ptr = 0;
  35764. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  35765. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  35766. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  35767. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  35768. let RelatingSpace = tape[ptr++];
  35769. let RelatedBuildingElement = tape[ptr++];
  35770. let ConnectionGeometry = tape[ptr++];
  35771. let PhysicalOrVirtualBoundary = tape[ptr++];
  35772. let InternalOrExternalBoundary = tape[ptr++];
  35773. return new IfcRelSpaceBoundary(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, RelatingSpace, RelatedBuildingElement, ConnectionGeometry, PhysicalOrVirtualBoundary, InternalOrExternalBoundary);
  35774. }
  35775. ToTape() {
  35776. let args = [];
  35777. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  35778. ;
  35779. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  35780. ;
  35781. args.push(this.Name);
  35782. ;
  35783. args.push(this.Description);
  35784. ;
  35785. args.push(this.RelatingSpace);
  35786. ;
  35787. args.push(this.RelatedBuildingElement);
  35788. ;
  35789. args.push(this.ConnectionGeometry);
  35790. ;
  35791. args.push(this.PhysicalOrVirtualBoundary);
  35792. ;
  35793. args.push(this.InternalOrExternalBoundary);
  35794. ;
  35795. return args;
  35796. }
  35797. };
  35798. var IfcRelSpaceBoundary1stLevel = class {
  35799. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, RelatingSpace, RelatedBuildingElement, ConnectionGeometry, PhysicalOrVirtualBoundary, InternalOrExternalBoundary, ParentBoundary) {
  35800. this.expressID = expressID;
  35801. this.type = type;
  35802. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  35803. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  35804. this.Name = Name;
  35805. this.Description = Description;
  35806. this.RelatingSpace = RelatingSpace;
  35807. this.RelatedBuildingElement = RelatedBuildingElement;
  35808. this.ConnectionGeometry = ConnectionGeometry;
  35809. this.PhysicalOrVirtualBoundary = PhysicalOrVirtualBoundary;
  35810. this.InternalOrExternalBoundary = InternalOrExternalBoundary;
  35811. this.ParentBoundary = ParentBoundary;
  35812. }
  35813. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  35814. let ptr = 0;
  35815. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  35816. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  35817. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  35818. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  35819. let RelatingSpace = tape[ptr++];
  35820. let RelatedBuildingElement = tape[ptr++];
  35821. let ConnectionGeometry = tape[ptr++];
  35822. let PhysicalOrVirtualBoundary = tape[ptr++];
  35823. let InternalOrExternalBoundary = tape[ptr++];
  35824. let ParentBoundary = tape[ptr++];
  35825. return new IfcRelSpaceBoundary1stLevel(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, RelatingSpace, RelatedBuildingElement, ConnectionGeometry, PhysicalOrVirtualBoundary, InternalOrExternalBoundary, ParentBoundary);
  35826. }
  35827. ToTape() {
  35828. let args = [];
  35829. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  35830. ;
  35831. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  35832. ;
  35833. args.push(this.Name);
  35834. ;
  35835. args.push(this.Description);
  35836. ;
  35837. args.push(this.RelatingSpace);
  35838. ;
  35839. args.push(this.RelatedBuildingElement);
  35840. ;
  35841. args.push(this.ConnectionGeometry);
  35842. ;
  35843. args.push(this.PhysicalOrVirtualBoundary);
  35844. ;
  35845. args.push(this.InternalOrExternalBoundary);
  35846. ;
  35847. args.push(this.ParentBoundary);
  35848. ;
  35849. return args;
  35850. }
  35851. };
  35852. var IfcRelSpaceBoundary2ndLevel = class {
  35853. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, RelatingSpace, RelatedBuildingElement, ConnectionGeometry, PhysicalOrVirtualBoundary, InternalOrExternalBoundary, ParentBoundary, CorrespondingBoundary) {
  35854. this.expressID = expressID;
  35855. this.type = type;
  35856. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  35857. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  35858. this.Name = Name;
  35859. this.Description = Description;
  35860. this.RelatingSpace = RelatingSpace;
  35861. this.RelatedBuildingElement = RelatedBuildingElement;
  35862. this.ConnectionGeometry = ConnectionGeometry;
  35863. this.PhysicalOrVirtualBoundary = PhysicalOrVirtualBoundary;
  35864. this.InternalOrExternalBoundary = InternalOrExternalBoundary;
  35865. this.ParentBoundary = ParentBoundary;
  35866. this.CorrespondingBoundary = CorrespondingBoundary;
  35867. }
  35868. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  35869. let ptr = 0;
  35870. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  35871. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  35872. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  35873. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  35874. let RelatingSpace = tape[ptr++];
  35875. let RelatedBuildingElement = tape[ptr++];
  35876. let ConnectionGeometry = tape[ptr++];
  35877. let PhysicalOrVirtualBoundary = tape[ptr++];
  35878. let InternalOrExternalBoundary = tape[ptr++];
  35879. let ParentBoundary = tape[ptr++];
  35880. let CorrespondingBoundary = tape[ptr++];
  35881. return new IfcRelSpaceBoundary2ndLevel(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, RelatingSpace, RelatedBuildingElement, ConnectionGeometry, PhysicalOrVirtualBoundary, InternalOrExternalBoundary, ParentBoundary, CorrespondingBoundary);
  35882. }
  35883. ToTape() {
  35884. let args = [];
  35885. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  35886. ;
  35887. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  35888. ;
  35889. args.push(this.Name);
  35890. ;
  35891. args.push(this.Description);
  35892. ;
  35893. args.push(this.RelatingSpace);
  35894. ;
  35895. args.push(this.RelatedBuildingElement);
  35896. ;
  35897. args.push(this.ConnectionGeometry);
  35898. ;
  35899. args.push(this.PhysicalOrVirtualBoundary);
  35900. ;
  35901. args.push(this.InternalOrExternalBoundary);
  35902. ;
  35903. args.push(this.ParentBoundary);
  35904. ;
  35905. args.push(this.CorrespondingBoundary);
  35906. ;
  35907. return args;
  35908. }
  35909. };
  35910. var IfcRelVoidsElement = class {
  35911. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, RelatingBuildingElement, RelatedOpeningElement) {
  35912. this.expressID = expressID;
  35913. this.type = type;
  35914. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  35915. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  35916. this.Name = Name;
  35917. this.Description = Description;
  35918. this.RelatingBuildingElement = RelatingBuildingElement;
  35919. this.RelatedOpeningElement = RelatedOpeningElement;
  35920. }
  35921. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  35922. let ptr = 0;
  35923. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  35924. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  35925. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  35926. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  35927. let RelatingBuildingElement = tape[ptr++];
  35928. let RelatedOpeningElement = tape[ptr++];
  35929. return new IfcRelVoidsElement(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, RelatingBuildingElement, RelatedOpeningElement);
  35930. }
  35931. ToTape() {
  35932. let args = [];
  35933. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  35934. ;
  35935. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  35936. ;
  35937. args.push(this.Name);
  35938. ;
  35939. args.push(this.Description);
  35940. ;
  35941. args.push(this.RelatingBuildingElement);
  35942. ;
  35943. args.push(this.RelatedOpeningElement);
  35944. ;
  35945. return args;
  35946. }
  35947. };
  35948. var IfcRelationship = class {
  35949. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description) {
  35950. this.expressID = expressID;
  35951. this.type = type;
  35952. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  35953. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  35954. this.Name = Name;
  35955. this.Description = Description;
  35956. }
  35957. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  35958. let ptr = 0;
  35959. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  35960. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  35961. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  35962. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  35963. return new IfcRelationship(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description);
  35964. }
  35965. ToTape() {
  35966. let args = [];
  35967. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  35968. ;
  35969. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  35970. ;
  35971. args.push(this.Name);
  35972. ;
  35973. args.push(this.Description);
  35974. ;
  35975. return args;
  35976. }
  35977. };
  35978. var IfcReparametrisedCompositeCurveSegment = class {
  35979. constructor(expressID, type, Transition, SameSense, ParentCurve, ParamLength) {
  35980. this.expressID = expressID;
  35981. this.type = type;
  35982. this.Transition = Transition;
  35983. this.SameSense = SameSense;
  35984. this.ParentCurve = ParentCurve;
  35985. this.ParamLength = ParamLength;
  35986. }
  35987. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  35988. let ptr = 0;
  35989. let Transition = tape[ptr++];
  35990. let SameSense = tape[ptr++];
  35991. let ParentCurve = tape[ptr++];
  35992. let ParamLength = tape[ptr++];
  35993. return new IfcReparametrisedCompositeCurveSegment(expressID, type, Transition, SameSense, ParentCurve, ParamLength);
  35994. }
  35995. ToTape() {
  35996. let args = [];
  35997. args.push(this.Transition);
  35998. ;
  35999. args.push(this.SameSense);
  36000. ;
  36001. args.push(this.ParentCurve);
  36002. ;
  36003. args.push(this.ParamLength);
  36004. ;
  36005. return args;
  36006. }
  36007. };
  36008. var IfcRepresentation = class {
  36009. constructor(expressID, type, ContextOfItems, RepresentationIdentifier, RepresentationType, Items) {
  36010. this.expressID = expressID;
  36011. this.type = type;
  36012. this.ContextOfItems = ContextOfItems;
  36013. this.RepresentationIdentifier = RepresentationIdentifier;
  36014. this.RepresentationType = RepresentationType;
  36015. this.Items = Items;
  36016. }
  36017. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  36018. let ptr = 0;
  36019. let ContextOfItems = tape[ptr++];
  36020. let RepresentationIdentifier = tape[ptr++];
  36021. let RepresentationType = tape[ptr++];
  36022. let Items = tape[ptr++];
  36023. return new IfcRepresentation(expressID, type, ContextOfItems, RepresentationIdentifier, RepresentationType, Items);
  36024. }
  36025. ToTape() {
  36026. let args = [];
  36027. args.push(this.ContextOfItems);
  36028. ;
  36029. args.push(this.RepresentationIdentifier);
  36030. ;
  36031. args.push(this.RepresentationType);
  36032. ;
  36033. args.push(this.Items);
  36034. ;
  36035. return args;
  36036. }
  36037. };
  36038. var IfcRepresentationContext = class {
  36039. constructor(expressID, type, ContextIdentifier, ContextType) {
  36040. this.expressID = expressID;
  36041. this.type = type;
  36042. this.ContextIdentifier = ContextIdentifier;
  36043. this.ContextType = ContextType;
  36044. }
  36045. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  36046. let ptr = 0;
  36047. let ContextIdentifier = tape[ptr++];
  36048. let ContextType = tape[ptr++];
  36049. return new IfcRepresentationContext(expressID, type, ContextIdentifier, ContextType);
  36050. }
  36051. ToTape() {
  36052. let args = [];
  36053. args.push(this.ContextIdentifier);
  36054. ;
  36055. args.push(this.ContextType);
  36056. ;
  36057. return args;
  36058. }
  36059. };
  36060. var IfcRepresentationItem = class {
  36061. constructor(expressID, type) {
  36062. this.expressID = expressID;
  36063. this.type = type;
  36064. }
  36065. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  36066. let ptr = 0;
  36067. return new IfcRepresentationItem(expressID, type);
  36068. }
  36069. ToTape() {
  36070. let args = [];
  36071. return args;
  36072. }
  36073. };
  36074. var IfcRepresentationMap = class {
  36075. constructor(expressID, type, MappingOrigin, MappedRepresentation) {
  36076. this.expressID = expressID;
  36077. this.type = type;
  36078. this.MappingOrigin = MappingOrigin;
  36079. this.MappedRepresentation = MappedRepresentation;
  36080. }
  36081. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  36082. let ptr = 0;
  36083. let MappingOrigin = tape[ptr++];
  36084. let MappedRepresentation = tape[ptr++];
  36085. return new IfcRepresentationMap(expressID, type, MappingOrigin, MappedRepresentation);
  36086. }
  36087. ToTape() {
  36088. let args = [];
  36089. args.push(this.MappingOrigin);
  36090. ;
  36091. args.push(this.MappedRepresentation);
  36092. ;
  36093. return args;
  36094. }
  36095. };
  36096. var IfcResource = class {
  36097. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, Identification, LongDescription) {
  36098. this.expressID = expressID;
  36099. this.type = type;
  36100. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  36101. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  36102. this.Name = Name;
  36103. this.Description = Description;
  36104. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  36105. this.Identification = Identification;
  36106. this.LongDescription = LongDescription;
  36107. }
  36108. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  36109. let ptr = 0;
  36110. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  36111. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  36112. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  36113. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  36114. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  36115. let Identification = tape[ptr++];
  36116. let LongDescription = tape[ptr++];
  36117. return new IfcResource(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, Identification, LongDescription);
  36118. }
  36119. ToTape() {
  36120. let args = [];
  36121. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  36122. ;
  36123. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  36124. ;
  36125. args.push(this.Name);
  36126. ;
  36127. args.push(this.Description);
  36128. ;
  36129. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  36130. ;
  36131. args.push(this.Identification);
  36132. ;
  36133. args.push(this.LongDescription);
  36134. ;
  36135. return args;
  36136. }
  36137. };
  36138. var IfcResourceApprovalRelationship = class {
  36139. constructor(expressID, type, Name, Description, RelatedResourceObjects, RelatingApproval) {
  36140. this.expressID = expressID;
  36141. this.type = type;
  36142. this.Name = Name;
  36143. this.Description = Description;
  36144. this.RelatedResourceObjects = RelatedResourceObjects;
  36145. this.RelatingApproval = RelatingApproval;
  36146. }
  36147. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  36148. let ptr = 0;
  36149. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  36150. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  36151. let RelatedResourceObjects = tape[ptr++];
  36152. let RelatingApproval = tape[ptr++];
  36153. return new IfcResourceApprovalRelationship(expressID, type, Name, Description, RelatedResourceObjects, RelatingApproval);
  36154. }
  36155. ToTape() {
  36156. let args = [];
  36157. args.push(this.Name);
  36158. ;
  36159. args.push(this.Description);
  36160. ;
  36161. args.push(this.RelatedResourceObjects);
  36162. ;
  36163. args.push(this.RelatingApproval);
  36164. ;
  36165. return args;
  36166. }
  36167. };
  36168. var IfcResourceConstraintRelationship = class {
  36169. constructor(expressID, type, Name, Description, RelatingConstraint, RelatedResourceObjects) {
  36170. this.expressID = expressID;
  36171. this.type = type;
  36172. this.Name = Name;
  36173. this.Description = Description;
  36174. this.RelatingConstraint = RelatingConstraint;
  36175. this.RelatedResourceObjects = RelatedResourceObjects;
  36176. }
  36177. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  36178. let ptr = 0;
  36179. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  36180. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  36181. let RelatingConstraint = tape[ptr++];
  36182. let RelatedResourceObjects = tape[ptr++];
  36183. return new IfcResourceConstraintRelationship(expressID, type, Name, Description, RelatingConstraint, RelatedResourceObjects);
  36184. }
  36185. ToTape() {
  36186. let args = [];
  36187. args.push(this.Name);
  36188. ;
  36189. args.push(this.Description);
  36190. ;
  36191. args.push(this.RelatingConstraint);
  36192. ;
  36193. args.push(this.RelatedResourceObjects);
  36194. ;
  36195. return args;
  36196. }
  36197. };
  36198. var IfcResourceLevelRelationship = class {
  36199. constructor(expressID, type, Name, Description) {
  36200. this.expressID = expressID;
  36201. this.type = type;
  36202. this.Name = Name;
  36203. this.Description = Description;
  36204. }
  36205. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  36206. let ptr = 0;
  36207. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  36208. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  36209. return new IfcResourceLevelRelationship(expressID, type, Name, Description);
  36210. }
  36211. ToTape() {
  36212. let args = [];
  36213. args.push(this.Name);
  36214. ;
  36215. args.push(this.Description);
  36216. ;
  36217. return args;
  36218. }
  36219. };
  36220. var IfcResourceTime = class {
  36221. constructor(expressID, type, Name, DataOrigin, UserDefinedDataOrigin, ScheduleWork, ScheduleUsage, ScheduleStart, ScheduleFinish, ScheduleContour, LevelingDelay, IsOverAllocated, StatusTime, ActualWork, ActualUsage, ActualStart, ActualFinish, RemainingWork, RemainingUsage, Completion) {
  36222. this.expressID = expressID;
  36223. this.type = type;
  36224. this.Name = Name;
  36225. this.DataOrigin = DataOrigin;
  36226. this.UserDefinedDataOrigin = UserDefinedDataOrigin;
  36227. this.ScheduleWork = ScheduleWork;
  36228. this.ScheduleUsage = ScheduleUsage;
  36229. this.ScheduleStart = ScheduleStart;
  36230. this.ScheduleFinish = ScheduleFinish;
  36231. this.ScheduleContour = ScheduleContour;
  36232. this.LevelingDelay = LevelingDelay;
  36233. this.IsOverAllocated = IsOverAllocated;
  36234. this.StatusTime = StatusTime;
  36235. this.ActualWork = ActualWork;
  36236. this.ActualUsage = ActualUsage;
  36237. this.ActualStart = ActualStart;
  36238. this.ActualFinish = ActualFinish;
  36239. this.RemainingWork = RemainingWork;
  36240. this.RemainingUsage = RemainingUsage;
  36241. this.Completion = Completion;
  36242. }
  36243. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  36244. let ptr = 0;
  36245. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  36246. let DataOrigin = tape[ptr++];
  36247. let UserDefinedDataOrigin = tape[ptr++];
  36248. let ScheduleWork = tape[ptr++];
  36249. let ScheduleUsage = tape[ptr++];
  36250. let ScheduleStart = tape[ptr++];
  36251. let ScheduleFinish = tape[ptr++];
  36252. let ScheduleContour = tape[ptr++];
  36253. let LevelingDelay = tape[ptr++];
  36254. let IsOverAllocated = tape[ptr++];
  36255. let StatusTime = tape[ptr++];
  36256. let ActualWork = tape[ptr++];
  36257. let ActualUsage = tape[ptr++];
  36258. let ActualStart = tape[ptr++];
  36259. let ActualFinish = tape[ptr++];
  36260. let RemainingWork = tape[ptr++];
  36261. let RemainingUsage = tape[ptr++];
  36262. let Completion = tape[ptr++];
  36263. return new IfcResourceTime(expressID, type, Name, DataOrigin, UserDefinedDataOrigin, ScheduleWork, ScheduleUsage, ScheduleStart, ScheduleFinish, ScheduleContour, LevelingDelay, IsOverAllocated, StatusTime, ActualWork, ActualUsage, ActualStart, ActualFinish, RemainingWork, RemainingUsage, Completion);
  36264. }
  36265. ToTape() {
  36266. let args = [];
  36267. args.push(this.Name);
  36268. ;
  36269. args.push(this.DataOrigin);
  36270. ;
  36271. args.push(this.UserDefinedDataOrigin);
  36272. ;
  36273. args.push(this.ScheduleWork);
  36274. ;
  36275. args.push(this.ScheduleUsage);
  36276. ;
  36277. args.push(this.ScheduleStart);
  36278. ;
  36279. args.push(this.ScheduleFinish);
  36280. ;
  36281. args.push(this.ScheduleContour);
  36282. ;
  36283. args.push(this.LevelingDelay);
  36284. ;
  36285. args.push(this.IsOverAllocated);
  36286. ;
  36287. args.push(this.StatusTime);
  36288. ;
  36289. args.push(this.ActualWork);
  36290. ;
  36291. args.push(this.ActualUsage);
  36292. ;
  36293. args.push(this.ActualStart);
  36294. ;
  36295. args.push(this.ActualFinish);
  36296. ;
  36297. args.push(this.RemainingWork);
  36298. ;
  36299. args.push(this.RemainingUsage);
  36300. ;
  36301. args.push(this.Completion);
  36302. ;
  36303. return args;
  36304. }
  36305. };
  36306. var IfcRevolvedAreaSolid = class {
  36307. constructor(expressID, type, SweptArea, Position, Axis, Angle) {
  36308. this.expressID = expressID;
  36309. this.type = type;
  36310. this.SweptArea = SweptArea;
  36311. this.Position = Position;
  36312. this.Axis = Axis;
  36313. this.Angle = Angle;
  36314. }
  36315. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  36316. let ptr = 0;
  36317. let SweptArea = tape[ptr++];
  36318. let Position = tape[ptr++];
  36319. let Axis = tape[ptr++];
  36320. let Angle = tape[ptr++];
  36321. return new IfcRevolvedAreaSolid(expressID, type, SweptArea, Position, Axis, Angle);
  36322. }
  36323. ToTape() {
  36324. let args = [];
  36325. args.push(this.SweptArea);
  36326. ;
  36327. args.push(this.Position);
  36328. ;
  36329. args.push(this.Axis);
  36330. ;
  36331. args.push(this.Angle);
  36332. ;
  36333. return args;
  36334. }
  36335. };
  36336. var IfcRevolvedAreaSolidTapered = class {
  36337. constructor(expressID, type, SweptArea, Position, Axis, Angle, EndSweptArea) {
  36338. this.expressID = expressID;
  36339. this.type = type;
  36340. this.SweptArea = SweptArea;
  36341. this.Position = Position;
  36342. this.Axis = Axis;
  36343. this.Angle = Angle;
  36344. this.EndSweptArea = EndSweptArea;
  36345. }
  36346. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  36347. let ptr = 0;
  36348. let SweptArea = tape[ptr++];
  36349. let Position = tape[ptr++];
  36350. let Axis = tape[ptr++];
  36351. let Angle = tape[ptr++];
  36352. let EndSweptArea = tape[ptr++];
  36353. return new IfcRevolvedAreaSolidTapered(expressID, type, SweptArea, Position, Axis, Angle, EndSweptArea);
  36354. }
  36355. ToTape() {
  36356. let args = [];
  36357. args.push(this.SweptArea);
  36358. ;
  36359. args.push(this.Position);
  36360. ;
  36361. args.push(this.Axis);
  36362. ;
  36363. args.push(this.Angle);
  36364. ;
  36365. args.push(this.EndSweptArea);
  36366. ;
  36367. return args;
  36368. }
  36369. };
  36370. var IfcRightCircularCone = class {
  36371. constructor(expressID, type, Position, Height, BottomRadius) {
  36372. this.expressID = expressID;
  36373. this.type = type;
  36374. this.Position = Position;
  36375. this.Height = Height;
  36376. this.BottomRadius = BottomRadius;
  36377. }
  36378. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  36379. let ptr = 0;
  36380. let Position = tape[ptr++];
  36381. let Height = tape[ptr++];
  36382. let BottomRadius = tape[ptr++];
  36383. return new IfcRightCircularCone(expressID, type, Position, Height, BottomRadius);
  36384. }
  36385. ToTape() {
  36386. let args = [];
  36387. args.push(this.Position);
  36388. ;
  36389. args.push(this.Height);
  36390. ;
  36391. args.push(this.BottomRadius);
  36392. ;
  36393. return args;
  36394. }
  36395. };
  36396. var IfcRightCircularCylinder = class {
  36397. constructor(expressID, type, Position, Height, Radius) {
  36398. this.expressID = expressID;
  36399. this.type = type;
  36400. this.Position = Position;
  36401. this.Height = Height;
  36402. this.Radius = Radius;
  36403. }
  36404. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  36405. let ptr = 0;
  36406. let Position = tape[ptr++];
  36407. let Height = tape[ptr++];
  36408. let Radius = tape[ptr++];
  36409. return new IfcRightCircularCylinder(expressID, type, Position, Height, Radius);
  36410. }
  36411. ToTape() {
  36412. let args = [];
  36413. args.push(this.Position);
  36414. ;
  36415. args.push(this.Height);
  36416. ;
  36417. args.push(this.Radius);
  36418. ;
  36419. return args;
  36420. }
  36421. };
  36422. var IfcRoof = class {
  36423. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType) {
  36424. this.expressID = expressID;
  36425. this.type = type;
  36426. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  36427. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  36428. this.Name = Name;
  36429. this.Description = Description;
  36430. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  36431. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  36432. this.Representation = Representation;
  36433. this.Tag = Tag;
  36434. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  36435. }
  36436. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  36437. let ptr = 0;
  36438. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  36439. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  36440. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  36441. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  36442. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  36443. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  36444. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  36445. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  36446. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  36447. return new IfcRoof(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType);
  36448. }
  36449. ToTape() {
  36450. let args = [];
  36451. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  36452. ;
  36453. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  36454. ;
  36455. args.push(this.Name);
  36456. ;
  36457. args.push(this.Description);
  36458. ;
  36459. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  36460. ;
  36461. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  36462. ;
  36463. args.push(this.Representation);
  36464. ;
  36465. args.push(this.Tag);
  36466. ;
  36467. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  36468. ;
  36469. return args;
  36470. }
  36471. };
  36472. var IfcRoofType = class {
  36473. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType) {
  36474. this.expressID = expressID;
  36475. this.type = type;
  36476. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  36477. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  36478. this.Name = Name;
  36479. this.Description = Description;
  36480. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  36481. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  36482. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  36483. this.Tag = Tag;
  36484. this.ElementType = ElementType;
  36485. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  36486. }
  36487. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  36488. let ptr = 0;
  36489. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  36490. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  36491. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  36492. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  36493. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  36494. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  36495. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  36496. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  36497. let ElementType = tape[ptr++];
  36498. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  36499. return new IfcRoofType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType);
  36500. }
  36501. ToTape() {
  36502. let args = [];
  36503. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  36504. ;
  36505. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  36506. ;
  36507. args.push(this.Name);
  36508. ;
  36509. args.push(this.Description);
  36510. ;
  36511. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  36512. ;
  36513. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  36514. ;
  36515. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  36516. ;
  36517. args.push(this.Tag);
  36518. ;
  36519. args.push(this.ElementType);
  36520. ;
  36521. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  36522. ;
  36523. return args;
  36524. }
  36525. };
  36526. var IfcRoot = class {
  36527. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description) {
  36528. this.expressID = expressID;
  36529. this.type = type;
  36530. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  36531. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  36532. this.Name = Name;
  36533. this.Description = Description;
  36534. }
  36535. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  36536. let ptr = 0;
  36537. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  36538. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  36539. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  36540. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  36541. return new IfcRoot(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description);
  36542. }
  36543. ToTape() {
  36544. let args = [];
  36545. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  36546. ;
  36547. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  36548. ;
  36549. args.push(this.Name);
  36550. ;
  36551. args.push(this.Description);
  36552. ;
  36553. return args;
  36554. }
  36555. };
  36556. var IfcRoundedRectangleProfileDef = class {
  36557. constructor(expressID, type, ProfileType, ProfileName, Position, XDim, YDim, RoundingRadius) {
  36558. this.expressID = expressID;
  36559. this.type = type;
  36560. this.ProfileType = ProfileType;
  36561. this.ProfileName = ProfileName;
  36562. this.Position = Position;
  36563. this.XDim = XDim;
  36564. this.YDim = YDim;
  36565. this.RoundingRadius = RoundingRadius;
  36566. }
  36567. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  36568. let ptr = 0;
  36569. let ProfileType = tape[ptr++];
  36570. let ProfileName = tape[ptr++];
  36571. let Position = tape[ptr++];
  36572. let XDim = tape[ptr++];
  36573. let YDim = tape[ptr++];
  36574. let RoundingRadius = tape[ptr++];
  36575. return new IfcRoundedRectangleProfileDef(expressID, type, ProfileType, ProfileName, Position, XDim, YDim, RoundingRadius);
  36576. }
  36577. ToTape() {
  36578. let args = [];
  36579. args.push(this.ProfileType);
  36580. ;
  36581. args.push(this.ProfileName);
  36582. ;
  36583. args.push(this.Position);
  36584. ;
  36585. args.push(this.XDim);
  36586. ;
  36587. args.push(this.YDim);
  36588. ;
  36589. args.push(this.RoundingRadius);
  36590. ;
  36591. return args;
  36592. }
  36593. };
  36594. var IfcSIUnit = class {
  36595. constructor(expressID, type, Dimensions, UnitType, Prefix, Name) {
  36596. this.expressID = expressID;
  36597. this.type = type;
  36598. this.Dimensions = Dimensions;
  36599. this.UnitType = UnitType;
  36600. this.Prefix = Prefix;
  36601. this.Name = Name;
  36602. }
  36603. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  36604. let ptr = 0;
  36605. let Dimensions = tape[ptr++];
  36606. let UnitType = tape[ptr++];
  36607. let Prefix = tape[ptr++];
  36608. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  36609. return new IfcSIUnit(expressID, type, Dimensions, UnitType, Prefix, Name);
  36610. }
  36611. ToTape() {
  36612. let args = [];
  36613. args.push(this.Dimensions);
  36614. ;
  36615. args.push(this.UnitType);
  36616. ;
  36617. args.push(this.Prefix);
  36618. ;
  36619. args.push(this.Name);
  36620. ;
  36621. return args;
  36622. }
  36623. };
  36624. var IfcSanitaryTerminal = class {
  36625. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType) {
  36626. this.expressID = expressID;
  36627. this.type = type;
  36628. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  36629. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  36630. this.Name = Name;
  36631. this.Description = Description;
  36632. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  36633. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  36634. this.Representation = Representation;
  36635. this.Tag = Tag;
  36636. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  36637. }
  36638. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  36639. let ptr = 0;
  36640. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  36641. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  36642. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  36643. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  36644. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  36645. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  36646. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  36647. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  36648. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  36649. return new IfcSanitaryTerminal(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType);
  36650. }
  36651. ToTape() {
  36652. let args = [];
  36653. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  36654. ;
  36655. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  36656. ;
  36657. args.push(this.Name);
  36658. ;
  36659. args.push(this.Description);
  36660. ;
  36661. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  36662. ;
  36663. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  36664. ;
  36665. args.push(this.Representation);
  36666. ;
  36667. args.push(this.Tag);
  36668. ;
  36669. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  36670. ;
  36671. return args;
  36672. }
  36673. };
  36674. var IfcSanitaryTerminalType = class {
  36675. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType) {
  36676. this.expressID = expressID;
  36677. this.type = type;
  36678. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  36679. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  36680. this.Name = Name;
  36681. this.Description = Description;
  36682. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  36683. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  36684. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  36685. this.Tag = Tag;
  36686. this.ElementType = ElementType;
  36687. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  36688. }
  36689. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  36690. let ptr = 0;
  36691. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  36692. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  36693. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  36694. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  36695. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  36696. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  36697. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  36698. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  36699. let ElementType = tape[ptr++];
  36700. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  36701. return new IfcSanitaryTerminalType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType);
  36702. }
  36703. ToTape() {
  36704. let args = [];
  36705. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  36706. ;
  36707. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  36708. ;
  36709. args.push(this.Name);
  36710. ;
  36711. args.push(this.Description);
  36712. ;
  36713. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  36714. ;
  36715. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  36716. ;
  36717. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  36718. ;
  36719. args.push(this.Tag);
  36720. ;
  36721. args.push(this.ElementType);
  36722. ;
  36723. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  36724. ;
  36725. return args;
  36726. }
  36727. };
  36728. var IfcSchedulingTime = class {
  36729. constructor(expressID, type, Name, DataOrigin, UserDefinedDataOrigin) {
  36730. this.expressID = expressID;
  36731. this.type = type;
  36732. this.Name = Name;
  36733. this.DataOrigin = DataOrigin;
  36734. this.UserDefinedDataOrigin = UserDefinedDataOrigin;
  36735. }
  36736. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  36737. let ptr = 0;
  36738. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  36739. let DataOrigin = tape[ptr++];
  36740. let UserDefinedDataOrigin = tape[ptr++];
  36741. return new IfcSchedulingTime(expressID, type, Name, DataOrigin, UserDefinedDataOrigin);
  36742. }
  36743. ToTape() {
  36744. let args = [];
  36745. args.push(this.Name);
  36746. ;
  36747. args.push(this.DataOrigin);
  36748. ;
  36749. args.push(this.UserDefinedDataOrigin);
  36750. ;
  36751. return args;
  36752. }
  36753. };
  36754. var IfcSeamCurve = class {
  36755. constructor(expressID, type, Curve3D, AssociatedGeometry, MasterRepresentation) {
  36756. this.expressID = expressID;
  36757. this.type = type;
  36758. this.Curve3D = Curve3D;
  36759. this.AssociatedGeometry = AssociatedGeometry;
  36760. this.MasterRepresentation = MasterRepresentation;
  36761. }
  36762. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  36763. let ptr = 0;
  36764. let Curve3D = tape[ptr++];
  36765. let AssociatedGeometry = tape[ptr++];
  36766. let MasterRepresentation = tape[ptr++];
  36767. return new IfcSeamCurve(expressID, type, Curve3D, AssociatedGeometry, MasterRepresentation);
  36768. }
  36769. ToTape() {
  36770. let args = [];
  36771. args.push(this.Curve3D);
  36772. ;
  36773. args.push(this.AssociatedGeometry);
  36774. ;
  36775. args.push(this.MasterRepresentation);
  36776. ;
  36777. return args;
  36778. }
  36779. };
  36780. var IfcSectionProperties = class {
  36781. constructor(expressID, type, SectionType, StartProfile, EndProfile) {
  36782. this.expressID = expressID;
  36783. this.type = type;
  36784. this.SectionType = SectionType;
  36785. this.StartProfile = StartProfile;
  36786. this.EndProfile = EndProfile;
  36787. }
  36788. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  36789. let ptr = 0;
  36790. let SectionType = tape[ptr++];
  36791. let StartProfile = tape[ptr++];
  36792. let EndProfile = tape[ptr++];
  36793. return new IfcSectionProperties(expressID, type, SectionType, StartProfile, EndProfile);
  36794. }
  36795. ToTape() {
  36796. let args = [];
  36797. args.push(this.SectionType);
  36798. ;
  36799. args.push(this.StartProfile);
  36800. ;
  36801. args.push(this.EndProfile);
  36802. ;
  36803. return args;
  36804. }
  36805. };
  36806. var IfcSectionReinforcementProperties = class {
  36807. constructor(expressID, type, LongitudinalStartPosition, LongitudinalEndPosition, TransversePosition, ReinforcementRole, SectionDefinition, CrossSectionReinforcementDefinitions) {
  36808. this.expressID = expressID;
  36809. this.type = type;
  36810. this.LongitudinalStartPosition = LongitudinalStartPosition;
  36811. this.LongitudinalEndPosition = LongitudinalEndPosition;
  36812. this.TransversePosition = TransversePosition;
  36813. this.ReinforcementRole = ReinforcementRole;
  36814. this.SectionDefinition = SectionDefinition;
  36815. this.CrossSectionReinforcementDefinitions = CrossSectionReinforcementDefinitions;
  36816. }
  36817. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  36818. let ptr = 0;
  36819. let LongitudinalStartPosition = tape[ptr++];
  36820. let LongitudinalEndPosition = tape[ptr++];
  36821. let TransversePosition = tape[ptr++];
  36822. let ReinforcementRole = tape[ptr++];
  36823. let SectionDefinition = tape[ptr++];
  36824. let CrossSectionReinforcementDefinitions = tape[ptr++];
  36825. return new IfcSectionReinforcementProperties(expressID, type, LongitudinalStartPosition, LongitudinalEndPosition, TransversePosition, ReinforcementRole, SectionDefinition, CrossSectionReinforcementDefinitions);
  36826. }
  36827. ToTape() {
  36828. let args = [];
  36829. args.push(this.LongitudinalStartPosition);
  36830. ;
  36831. args.push(this.LongitudinalEndPosition);
  36832. ;
  36833. args.push(this.TransversePosition);
  36834. ;
  36835. args.push(this.ReinforcementRole);
  36836. ;
  36837. args.push(this.SectionDefinition);
  36838. ;
  36839. args.push(this.CrossSectionReinforcementDefinitions);
  36840. ;
  36841. return args;
  36842. }
  36843. };
  36844. var IfcSectionedSolid = class {
  36845. constructor(expressID, type, Directrix, CrossSections) {
  36846. this.expressID = expressID;
  36847. this.type = type;
  36848. this.Directrix = Directrix;
  36849. this.CrossSections = CrossSections;
  36850. }
  36851. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  36852. let ptr = 0;
  36853. let Directrix = tape[ptr++];
  36854. let CrossSections = tape[ptr++];
  36855. return new IfcSectionedSolid(expressID, type, Directrix, CrossSections);
  36856. }
  36857. ToTape() {
  36858. let args = [];
  36859. args.push(this.Directrix);
  36860. ;
  36861. args.push(this.CrossSections);
  36862. ;
  36863. return args;
  36864. }
  36865. };
  36866. var IfcSectionedSolidHorizontal = class {
  36867. constructor(expressID, type, Directrix, CrossSections, CrossSectionPositions, FixedAxisVertical) {
  36868. this.expressID = expressID;
  36869. this.type = type;
  36870. this.Directrix = Directrix;
  36871. this.CrossSections = CrossSections;
  36872. this.CrossSectionPositions = CrossSectionPositions;
  36873. this.FixedAxisVertical = FixedAxisVertical;
  36874. }
  36875. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  36876. let ptr = 0;
  36877. let Directrix = tape[ptr++];
  36878. let CrossSections = tape[ptr++];
  36879. let CrossSectionPositions = tape[ptr++];
  36880. let FixedAxisVertical = tape[ptr++];
  36881. return new IfcSectionedSolidHorizontal(expressID, type, Directrix, CrossSections, CrossSectionPositions, FixedAxisVertical);
  36882. }
  36883. ToTape() {
  36884. let args = [];
  36885. args.push(this.Directrix);
  36886. ;
  36887. args.push(this.CrossSections);
  36888. ;
  36889. args.push(this.CrossSectionPositions);
  36890. ;
  36891. args.push(this.FixedAxisVertical);
  36892. ;
  36893. return args;
  36894. }
  36895. };
  36896. var IfcSectionedSpine = class {
  36897. constructor(expressID, type, SpineCurve, CrossSections, CrossSectionPositions) {
  36898. this.expressID = expressID;
  36899. this.type = type;
  36900. this.SpineCurve = SpineCurve;
  36901. this.CrossSections = CrossSections;
  36902. this.CrossSectionPositions = CrossSectionPositions;
  36903. }
  36904. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  36905. let ptr = 0;
  36906. let SpineCurve = tape[ptr++];
  36907. let CrossSections = tape[ptr++];
  36908. let CrossSectionPositions = tape[ptr++];
  36909. return new IfcSectionedSpine(expressID, type, SpineCurve, CrossSections, CrossSectionPositions);
  36910. }
  36911. ToTape() {
  36912. let args = [];
  36913. args.push(this.SpineCurve);
  36914. ;
  36915. args.push(this.CrossSections);
  36916. ;
  36917. args.push(this.CrossSectionPositions);
  36918. ;
  36919. return args;
  36920. }
  36921. };
  36922. var IfcSensor = class {
  36923. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType) {
  36924. this.expressID = expressID;
  36925. this.type = type;
  36926. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  36927. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  36928. this.Name = Name;
  36929. this.Description = Description;
  36930. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  36931. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  36932. this.Representation = Representation;
  36933. this.Tag = Tag;
  36934. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  36935. }
  36936. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  36937. let ptr = 0;
  36938. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  36939. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  36940. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  36941. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  36942. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  36943. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  36944. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  36945. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  36946. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  36947. return new IfcSensor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType);
  36948. }
  36949. ToTape() {
  36950. let args = [];
  36951. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  36952. ;
  36953. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  36954. ;
  36955. args.push(this.Name);
  36956. ;
  36957. args.push(this.Description);
  36958. ;
  36959. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  36960. ;
  36961. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  36962. ;
  36963. args.push(this.Representation);
  36964. ;
  36965. args.push(this.Tag);
  36966. ;
  36967. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  36968. ;
  36969. return args;
  36970. }
  36971. };
  36972. var IfcSensorType = class {
  36973. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType) {
  36974. this.expressID = expressID;
  36975. this.type = type;
  36976. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  36977. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  36978. this.Name = Name;
  36979. this.Description = Description;
  36980. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  36981. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  36982. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  36983. this.Tag = Tag;
  36984. this.ElementType = ElementType;
  36985. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  36986. }
  36987. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  36988. let ptr = 0;
  36989. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  36990. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  36991. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  36992. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  36993. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  36994. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  36995. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  36996. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  36997. let ElementType = tape[ptr++];
  36998. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  36999. return new IfcSensorType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType);
  37000. }
  37001. ToTape() {
  37002. let args = [];
  37003. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  37004. ;
  37005. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  37006. ;
  37007. args.push(this.Name);
  37008. ;
  37009. args.push(this.Description);
  37010. ;
  37011. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  37012. ;
  37013. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  37014. ;
  37015. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  37016. ;
  37017. args.push(this.Tag);
  37018. ;
  37019. args.push(this.ElementType);
  37020. ;
  37021. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  37022. ;
  37023. return args;
  37024. }
  37025. };
  37026. var IfcShadingDevice = class {
  37027. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType) {
  37028. this.expressID = expressID;
  37029. this.type = type;
  37030. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  37031. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  37032. this.Name = Name;
  37033. this.Description = Description;
  37034. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  37035. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  37036. this.Representation = Representation;
  37037. this.Tag = Tag;
  37038. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  37039. }
  37040. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  37041. let ptr = 0;
  37042. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  37043. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  37044. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  37045. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  37046. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  37047. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  37048. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  37049. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  37050. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  37051. return new IfcShadingDevice(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType);
  37052. }
  37053. ToTape() {
  37054. let args = [];
  37055. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  37056. ;
  37057. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  37058. ;
  37059. args.push(this.Name);
  37060. ;
  37061. args.push(this.Description);
  37062. ;
  37063. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  37064. ;
  37065. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  37066. ;
  37067. args.push(this.Representation);
  37068. ;
  37069. args.push(this.Tag);
  37070. ;
  37071. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  37072. ;
  37073. return args;
  37074. }
  37075. };
  37076. var IfcShadingDeviceType = class {
  37077. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType) {
  37078. this.expressID = expressID;
  37079. this.type = type;
  37080. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  37081. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  37082. this.Name = Name;
  37083. this.Description = Description;
  37084. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  37085. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  37086. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  37087. this.Tag = Tag;
  37088. this.ElementType = ElementType;
  37089. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  37090. }
  37091. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  37092. let ptr = 0;
  37093. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  37094. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  37095. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  37096. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  37097. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  37098. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  37099. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  37100. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  37101. let ElementType = tape[ptr++];
  37102. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  37103. return new IfcShadingDeviceType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType);
  37104. }
  37105. ToTape() {
  37106. let args = [];
  37107. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  37108. ;
  37109. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  37110. ;
  37111. args.push(this.Name);
  37112. ;
  37113. args.push(this.Description);
  37114. ;
  37115. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  37116. ;
  37117. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  37118. ;
  37119. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  37120. ;
  37121. args.push(this.Tag);
  37122. ;
  37123. args.push(this.ElementType);
  37124. ;
  37125. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  37126. ;
  37127. return args;
  37128. }
  37129. };
  37130. var IfcShapeAspect = class {
  37131. constructor(expressID, type, ShapeRepresentations, Name, Description, ProductDefinitional, PartOfProductDefinitionShape) {
  37132. this.expressID = expressID;
  37133. this.type = type;
  37134. this.ShapeRepresentations = ShapeRepresentations;
  37135. this.Name = Name;
  37136. this.Description = Description;
  37137. this.ProductDefinitional = ProductDefinitional;
  37138. this.PartOfProductDefinitionShape = PartOfProductDefinitionShape;
  37139. }
  37140. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  37141. let ptr = 0;
  37142. let ShapeRepresentations = tape[ptr++];
  37143. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  37144. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  37145. let ProductDefinitional = tape[ptr++];
  37146. let PartOfProductDefinitionShape = tape[ptr++];
  37147. return new IfcShapeAspect(expressID, type, ShapeRepresentations, Name, Description, ProductDefinitional, PartOfProductDefinitionShape);
  37148. }
  37149. ToTape() {
  37150. let args = [];
  37151. args.push(this.ShapeRepresentations);
  37152. ;
  37153. args.push(this.Name);
  37154. ;
  37155. args.push(this.Description);
  37156. ;
  37157. args.push(this.ProductDefinitional);
  37158. ;
  37159. args.push(this.PartOfProductDefinitionShape);
  37160. ;
  37161. return args;
  37162. }
  37163. };
  37164. var IfcShapeModel = class {
  37165. constructor(expressID, type, ContextOfItems, RepresentationIdentifier, RepresentationType, Items) {
  37166. this.expressID = expressID;
  37167. this.type = type;
  37168. this.ContextOfItems = ContextOfItems;
  37169. this.RepresentationIdentifier = RepresentationIdentifier;
  37170. this.RepresentationType = RepresentationType;
  37171. this.Items = Items;
  37172. }
  37173. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  37174. let ptr = 0;
  37175. let ContextOfItems = tape[ptr++];
  37176. let RepresentationIdentifier = tape[ptr++];
  37177. let RepresentationType = tape[ptr++];
  37178. let Items = tape[ptr++];
  37179. return new IfcShapeModel(expressID, type, ContextOfItems, RepresentationIdentifier, RepresentationType, Items);
  37180. }
  37181. ToTape() {
  37182. let args = [];
  37183. args.push(this.ContextOfItems);
  37184. ;
  37185. args.push(this.RepresentationIdentifier);
  37186. ;
  37187. args.push(this.RepresentationType);
  37188. ;
  37189. args.push(this.Items);
  37190. ;
  37191. return args;
  37192. }
  37193. };
  37194. var IfcShapeRepresentation = class {
  37195. constructor(expressID, type, ContextOfItems, RepresentationIdentifier, RepresentationType, Items) {
  37196. this.expressID = expressID;
  37197. this.type = type;
  37198. this.ContextOfItems = ContextOfItems;
  37199. this.RepresentationIdentifier = RepresentationIdentifier;
  37200. this.RepresentationType = RepresentationType;
  37201. this.Items = Items;
  37202. }
  37203. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  37204. let ptr = 0;
  37205. let ContextOfItems = tape[ptr++];
  37206. let RepresentationIdentifier = tape[ptr++];
  37207. let RepresentationType = tape[ptr++];
  37208. let Items = tape[ptr++];
  37209. return new IfcShapeRepresentation(expressID, type, ContextOfItems, RepresentationIdentifier, RepresentationType, Items);
  37210. }
  37211. ToTape() {
  37212. let args = [];
  37213. args.push(this.ContextOfItems);
  37214. ;
  37215. args.push(this.RepresentationIdentifier);
  37216. ;
  37217. args.push(this.RepresentationType);
  37218. ;
  37219. args.push(this.Items);
  37220. ;
  37221. return args;
  37222. }
  37223. };
  37224. var IfcShellBasedSurfaceModel = class {
  37225. constructor(expressID, type, SbsmBoundary) {
  37226. this.expressID = expressID;
  37227. this.type = type;
  37228. this.SbsmBoundary = SbsmBoundary;
  37229. }
  37230. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  37231. let ptr = 0;
  37232. let SbsmBoundary = tape[ptr++];
  37233. return new IfcShellBasedSurfaceModel(expressID, type, SbsmBoundary);
  37234. }
  37235. ToTape() {
  37236. let args = [];
  37237. args.push(this.SbsmBoundary);
  37238. ;
  37239. return args;
  37240. }
  37241. };
  37242. var IfcSimpleProperty = class {
  37243. constructor(expressID, type, Name, Description) {
  37244. this.expressID = expressID;
  37245. this.type = type;
  37246. this.Name = Name;
  37247. this.Description = Description;
  37248. }
  37249. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  37250. let ptr = 0;
  37251. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  37252. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  37253. return new IfcSimpleProperty(expressID, type, Name, Description);
  37254. }
  37255. ToTape() {
  37256. let args = [];
  37257. args.push(this.Name);
  37258. ;
  37259. args.push(this.Description);
  37260. ;
  37261. return args;
  37262. }
  37263. };
  37264. var IfcSimplePropertyTemplate = class {
  37265. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, TemplateType, PrimaryMeasureType, SecondaryMeasureType, Enumerators, PrimaryUnit, SecondaryUnit, Expression, AccessState) {
  37266. this.expressID = expressID;
  37267. this.type = type;
  37268. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  37269. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  37270. this.Name = Name;
  37271. this.Description = Description;
  37272. this.TemplateType = TemplateType;
  37273. this.PrimaryMeasureType = PrimaryMeasureType;
  37274. this.SecondaryMeasureType = SecondaryMeasureType;
  37275. this.Enumerators = Enumerators;
  37276. this.PrimaryUnit = PrimaryUnit;
  37277. this.SecondaryUnit = SecondaryUnit;
  37278. this.Expression = Expression;
  37279. this.AccessState = AccessState;
  37280. }
  37281. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  37282. let ptr = 0;
  37283. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  37284. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  37285. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  37286. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  37287. let TemplateType = tape[ptr++];
  37288. let PrimaryMeasureType = tape[ptr++];
  37289. let SecondaryMeasureType = tape[ptr++];
  37290. let Enumerators = tape[ptr++];
  37291. let PrimaryUnit = tape[ptr++];
  37292. let SecondaryUnit = tape[ptr++];
  37293. let Expression = tape[ptr++];
  37294. let AccessState = tape[ptr++];
  37295. return new IfcSimplePropertyTemplate(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, TemplateType, PrimaryMeasureType, SecondaryMeasureType, Enumerators, PrimaryUnit, SecondaryUnit, Expression, AccessState);
  37296. }
  37297. ToTape() {
  37298. let args = [];
  37299. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  37300. ;
  37301. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  37302. ;
  37303. args.push(this.Name);
  37304. ;
  37305. args.push(this.Description);
  37306. ;
  37307. args.push(this.TemplateType);
  37308. ;
  37309. args.push(this.PrimaryMeasureType);
  37310. ;
  37311. args.push(this.SecondaryMeasureType);
  37312. ;
  37313. args.push(this.Enumerators);
  37314. ;
  37315. args.push(this.PrimaryUnit);
  37316. ;
  37317. args.push(this.SecondaryUnit);
  37318. ;
  37319. args.push(this.Expression);
  37320. ;
  37321. args.push(this.AccessState);
  37322. ;
  37323. return args;
  37324. }
  37325. };
  37326. var IfcSite = class {
  37327. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, LongName, CompositionType, RefLatitude, RefLongitude, RefElevation, LandTitleNumber, SiteAddress) {
  37328. this.expressID = expressID;
  37329. this.type = type;
  37330. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  37331. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  37332. this.Name = Name;
  37333. this.Description = Description;
  37334. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  37335. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  37336. this.Representation = Representation;
  37337. this.LongName = LongName;
  37338. this.CompositionType = CompositionType;
  37339. this.RefLatitude = RefLatitude;
  37340. this.RefLongitude = RefLongitude;
  37341. this.RefElevation = RefElevation;
  37342. this.LandTitleNumber = LandTitleNumber;
  37343. this.SiteAddress = SiteAddress;
  37344. }
  37345. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  37346. let ptr = 0;
  37347. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  37348. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  37349. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  37350. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  37351. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  37352. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  37353. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  37354. let LongName = tape[ptr++];
  37355. let CompositionType = tape[ptr++];
  37356. let RefLatitude = tape[ptr++];
  37357. let RefLongitude = tape[ptr++];
  37358. let RefElevation = tape[ptr++];
  37359. let LandTitleNumber = tape[ptr++];
  37360. let SiteAddress = tape[ptr++];
  37361. return new IfcSite(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, LongName, CompositionType, RefLatitude, RefLongitude, RefElevation, LandTitleNumber, SiteAddress);
  37362. }
  37363. ToTape() {
  37364. let args = [];
  37365. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  37366. ;
  37367. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  37368. ;
  37369. args.push(this.Name);
  37370. ;
  37371. args.push(this.Description);
  37372. ;
  37373. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  37374. ;
  37375. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  37376. ;
  37377. args.push(this.Representation);
  37378. ;
  37379. args.push(this.LongName);
  37380. ;
  37381. args.push(this.CompositionType);
  37382. ;
  37383. args.push(this.RefLatitude);
  37384. ;
  37385. args.push(this.RefLongitude);
  37386. ;
  37387. args.push(this.RefElevation);
  37388. ;
  37389. args.push(this.LandTitleNumber);
  37390. ;
  37391. args.push(this.SiteAddress);
  37392. ;
  37393. return args;
  37394. }
  37395. };
  37396. var IfcSlab = class {
  37397. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType) {
  37398. this.expressID = expressID;
  37399. this.type = type;
  37400. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  37401. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  37402. this.Name = Name;
  37403. this.Description = Description;
  37404. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  37405. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  37406. this.Representation = Representation;
  37407. this.Tag = Tag;
  37408. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  37409. }
  37410. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  37411. let ptr = 0;
  37412. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  37413. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  37414. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  37415. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  37416. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  37417. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  37418. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  37419. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  37420. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  37421. return new IfcSlab(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType);
  37422. }
  37423. ToTape() {
  37424. let args = [];
  37425. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  37426. ;
  37427. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  37428. ;
  37429. args.push(this.Name);
  37430. ;
  37431. args.push(this.Description);
  37432. ;
  37433. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  37434. ;
  37435. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  37436. ;
  37437. args.push(this.Representation);
  37438. ;
  37439. args.push(this.Tag);
  37440. ;
  37441. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  37442. ;
  37443. return args;
  37444. }
  37445. };
  37446. var IfcSlabElementedCase = class {
  37447. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType) {
  37448. this.expressID = expressID;
  37449. this.type = type;
  37450. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  37451. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  37452. this.Name = Name;
  37453. this.Description = Description;
  37454. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  37455. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  37456. this.Representation = Representation;
  37457. this.Tag = Tag;
  37458. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  37459. }
  37460. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  37461. let ptr = 0;
  37462. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  37463. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  37464. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  37465. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  37466. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  37467. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  37468. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  37469. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  37470. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  37471. return new IfcSlabElementedCase(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType);
  37472. }
  37473. ToTape() {
  37474. let args = [];
  37475. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  37476. ;
  37477. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  37478. ;
  37479. args.push(this.Name);
  37480. ;
  37481. args.push(this.Description);
  37482. ;
  37483. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  37484. ;
  37485. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  37486. ;
  37487. args.push(this.Representation);
  37488. ;
  37489. args.push(this.Tag);
  37490. ;
  37491. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  37492. ;
  37493. return args;
  37494. }
  37495. };
  37496. var IfcSlabStandardCase = class {
  37497. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType) {
  37498. this.expressID = expressID;
  37499. this.type = type;
  37500. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  37501. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  37502. this.Name = Name;
  37503. this.Description = Description;
  37504. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  37505. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  37506. this.Representation = Representation;
  37507. this.Tag = Tag;
  37508. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  37509. }
  37510. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  37511. let ptr = 0;
  37512. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  37513. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  37514. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  37515. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  37516. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  37517. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  37518. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  37519. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  37520. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  37521. return new IfcSlabStandardCase(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType);
  37522. }
  37523. ToTape() {
  37524. let args = [];
  37525. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  37526. ;
  37527. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  37528. ;
  37529. args.push(this.Name);
  37530. ;
  37531. args.push(this.Description);
  37532. ;
  37533. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  37534. ;
  37535. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  37536. ;
  37537. args.push(this.Representation);
  37538. ;
  37539. args.push(this.Tag);
  37540. ;
  37541. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  37542. ;
  37543. return args;
  37544. }
  37545. };
  37546. var IfcSlabType = class {
  37547. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType) {
  37548. this.expressID = expressID;
  37549. this.type = type;
  37550. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  37551. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  37552. this.Name = Name;
  37553. this.Description = Description;
  37554. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  37555. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  37556. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  37557. this.Tag = Tag;
  37558. this.ElementType = ElementType;
  37559. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  37560. }
  37561. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  37562. let ptr = 0;
  37563. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  37564. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  37565. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  37566. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  37567. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  37568. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  37569. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  37570. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  37571. let ElementType = tape[ptr++];
  37572. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  37573. return new IfcSlabType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType);
  37574. }
  37575. ToTape() {
  37576. let args = [];
  37577. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  37578. ;
  37579. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  37580. ;
  37581. args.push(this.Name);
  37582. ;
  37583. args.push(this.Description);
  37584. ;
  37585. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  37586. ;
  37587. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  37588. ;
  37589. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  37590. ;
  37591. args.push(this.Tag);
  37592. ;
  37593. args.push(this.ElementType);
  37594. ;
  37595. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  37596. ;
  37597. return args;
  37598. }
  37599. };
  37600. var IfcSlippageConnectionCondition = class {
  37601. constructor(expressID, type, Name, SlippageX, SlippageY, SlippageZ) {
  37602. this.expressID = expressID;
  37603. this.type = type;
  37604. this.Name = Name;
  37605. this.SlippageX = SlippageX;
  37606. this.SlippageY = SlippageY;
  37607. this.SlippageZ = SlippageZ;
  37608. }
  37609. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  37610. let ptr = 0;
  37611. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  37612. let SlippageX = tape[ptr++];
  37613. let SlippageY = tape[ptr++];
  37614. let SlippageZ = tape[ptr++];
  37615. return new IfcSlippageConnectionCondition(expressID, type, Name, SlippageX, SlippageY, SlippageZ);
  37616. }
  37617. ToTape() {
  37618. let args = [];
  37619. args.push(this.Name);
  37620. ;
  37621. args.push(this.SlippageX);
  37622. ;
  37623. args.push(this.SlippageY);
  37624. ;
  37625. args.push(this.SlippageZ);
  37626. ;
  37627. return args;
  37628. }
  37629. };
  37630. var IfcSolarDevice = class {
  37631. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType) {
  37632. this.expressID = expressID;
  37633. this.type = type;
  37634. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  37635. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  37636. this.Name = Name;
  37637. this.Description = Description;
  37638. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  37639. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  37640. this.Representation = Representation;
  37641. this.Tag = Tag;
  37642. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  37643. }
  37644. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  37645. let ptr = 0;
  37646. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  37647. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  37648. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  37649. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  37650. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  37651. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  37652. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  37653. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  37654. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  37655. return new IfcSolarDevice(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType);
  37656. }
  37657. ToTape() {
  37658. let args = [];
  37659. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  37660. ;
  37661. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  37662. ;
  37663. args.push(this.Name);
  37664. ;
  37665. args.push(this.Description);
  37666. ;
  37667. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  37668. ;
  37669. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  37670. ;
  37671. args.push(this.Representation);
  37672. ;
  37673. args.push(this.Tag);
  37674. ;
  37675. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  37676. ;
  37677. return args;
  37678. }
  37679. };
  37680. var IfcSolarDeviceType = class {
  37681. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType) {
  37682. this.expressID = expressID;
  37683. this.type = type;
  37684. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  37685. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  37686. this.Name = Name;
  37687. this.Description = Description;
  37688. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  37689. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  37690. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  37691. this.Tag = Tag;
  37692. this.ElementType = ElementType;
  37693. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  37694. }
  37695. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  37696. let ptr = 0;
  37697. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  37698. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  37699. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  37700. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  37701. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  37702. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  37703. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  37704. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  37705. let ElementType = tape[ptr++];
  37706. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  37707. return new IfcSolarDeviceType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType);
  37708. }
  37709. ToTape() {
  37710. let args = [];
  37711. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  37712. ;
  37713. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  37714. ;
  37715. args.push(this.Name);
  37716. ;
  37717. args.push(this.Description);
  37718. ;
  37719. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  37720. ;
  37721. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  37722. ;
  37723. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  37724. ;
  37725. args.push(this.Tag);
  37726. ;
  37727. args.push(this.ElementType);
  37728. ;
  37729. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  37730. ;
  37731. return args;
  37732. }
  37733. };
  37734. var IfcSolidModel = class {
  37735. constructor(expressID, type) {
  37736. this.expressID = expressID;
  37737. this.type = type;
  37738. }
  37739. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  37740. let ptr = 0;
  37741. return new IfcSolidModel(expressID, type);
  37742. }
  37743. ToTape() {
  37744. let args = [];
  37745. return args;
  37746. }
  37747. };
  37748. var IfcSpace = class {
  37749. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, LongName, CompositionType, PredefinedType, ElevationWithFlooring) {
  37750. this.expressID = expressID;
  37751. this.type = type;
  37752. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  37753. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  37754. this.Name = Name;
  37755. this.Description = Description;
  37756. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  37757. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  37758. this.Representation = Representation;
  37759. this.LongName = LongName;
  37760. this.CompositionType = CompositionType;
  37761. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  37762. this.ElevationWithFlooring = ElevationWithFlooring;
  37763. }
  37764. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  37765. let ptr = 0;
  37766. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  37767. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  37768. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  37769. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  37770. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  37771. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  37772. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  37773. let LongName = tape[ptr++];
  37774. let CompositionType = tape[ptr++];
  37775. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  37776. let ElevationWithFlooring = tape[ptr++];
  37777. return new IfcSpace(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, LongName, CompositionType, PredefinedType, ElevationWithFlooring);
  37778. }
  37779. ToTape() {
  37780. let args = [];
  37781. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  37782. ;
  37783. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  37784. ;
  37785. args.push(this.Name);
  37786. ;
  37787. args.push(this.Description);
  37788. ;
  37789. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  37790. ;
  37791. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  37792. ;
  37793. args.push(this.Representation);
  37794. ;
  37795. args.push(this.LongName);
  37796. ;
  37797. args.push(this.CompositionType);
  37798. ;
  37799. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  37800. ;
  37801. args.push(this.ElevationWithFlooring);
  37802. ;
  37803. return args;
  37804. }
  37805. };
  37806. var IfcSpaceHeater = class {
  37807. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType) {
  37808. this.expressID = expressID;
  37809. this.type = type;
  37810. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  37811. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  37812. this.Name = Name;
  37813. this.Description = Description;
  37814. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  37815. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  37816. this.Representation = Representation;
  37817. this.Tag = Tag;
  37818. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  37819. }
  37820. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  37821. let ptr = 0;
  37822. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  37823. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  37824. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  37825. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  37826. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  37827. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  37828. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  37829. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  37830. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  37831. return new IfcSpaceHeater(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType);
  37832. }
  37833. ToTape() {
  37834. let args = [];
  37835. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  37836. ;
  37837. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  37838. ;
  37839. args.push(this.Name);
  37840. ;
  37841. args.push(this.Description);
  37842. ;
  37843. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  37844. ;
  37845. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  37846. ;
  37847. args.push(this.Representation);
  37848. ;
  37849. args.push(this.Tag);
  37850. ;
  37851. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  37852. ;
  37853. return args;
  37854. }
  37855. };
  37856. var IfcSpaceHeaterType = class {
  37857. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType) {
  37858. this.expressID = expressID;
  37859. this.type = type;
  37860. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  37861. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  37862. this.Name = Name;
  37863. this.Description = Description;
  37864. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  37865. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  37866. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  37867. this.Tag = Tag;
  37868. this.ElementType = ElementType;
  37869. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  37870. }
  37871. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  37872. let ptr = 0;
  37873. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  37874. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  37875. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  37876. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  37877. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  37878. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  37879. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  37880. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  37881. let ElementType = tape[ptr++];
  37882. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  37883. return new IfcSpaceHeaterType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType);
  37884. }
  37885. ToTape() {
  37886. let args = [];
  37887. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  37888. ;
  37889. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  37890. ;
  37891. args.push(this.Name);
  37892. ;
  37893. args.push(this.Description);
  37894. ;
  37895. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  37896. ;
  37897. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  37898. ;
  37899. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  37900. ;
  37901. args.push(this.Tag);
  37902. ;
  37903. args.push(this.ElementType);
  37904. ;
  37905. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  37906. ;
  37907. return args;
  37908. }
  37909. };
  37910. var IfcSpaceType = class {
  37911. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType, LongName) {
  37912. this.expressID = expressID;
  37913. this.type = type;
  37914. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  37915. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  37916. this.Name = Name;
  37917. this.Description = Description;
  37918. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  37919. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  37920. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  37921. this.Tag = Tag;
  37922. this.ElementType = ElementType;
  37923. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  37924. this.LongName = LongName;
  37925. }
  37926. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  37927. let ptr = 0;
  37928. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  37929. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  37930. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  37931. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  37932. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  37933. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  37934. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  37935. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  37936. let ElementType = tape[ptr++];
  37937. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  37938. let LongName = tape[ptr++];
  37939. return new IfcSpaceType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType, LongName);
  37940. }
  37941. ToTape() {
  37942. let args = [];
  37943. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  37944. ;
  37945. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  37946. ;
  37947. args.push(this.Name);
  37948. ;
  37949. args.push(this.Description);
  37950. ;
  37951. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  37952. ;
  37953. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  37954. ;
  37955. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  37956. ;
  37957. args.push(this.Tag);
  37958. ;
  37959. args.push(this.ElementType);
  37960. ;
  37961. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  37962. ;
  37963. args.push(this.LongName);
  37964. ;
  37965. return args;
  37966. }
  37967. };
  37968. var IfcSpatialElement = class {
  37969. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, LongName) {
  37970. this.expressID = expressID;
  37971. this.type = type;
  37972. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  37973. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  37974. this.Name = Name;
  37975. this.Description = Description;
  37976. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  37977. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  37978. this.Representation = Representation;
  37979. this.LongName = LongName;
  37980. }
  37981. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  37982. let ptr = 0;
  37983. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  37984. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  37985. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  37986. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  37987. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  37988. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  37989. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  37990. let LongName = tape[ptr++];
  37991. return new IfcSpatialElement(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, LongName);
  37992. }
  37993. ToTape() {
  37994. let args = [];
  37995. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  37996. ;
  37997. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  37998. ;
  37999. args.push(this.Name);
  38000. ;
  38001. args.push(this.Description);
  38002. ;
  38003. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  38004. ;
  38005. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  38006. ;
  38007. args.push(this.Representation);
  38008. ;
  38009. args.push(this.LongName);
  38010. ;
  38011. return args;
  38012. }
  38013. };
  38014. var IfcSpatialElementType = class {
  38015. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType) {
  38016. this.expressID = expressID;
  38017. this.type = type;
  38018. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  38019. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  38020. this.Name = Name;
  38021. this.Description = Description;
  38022. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  38023. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  38024. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  38025. this.Tag = Tag;
  38026. this.ElementType = ElementType;
  38027. }
  38028. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  38029. let ptr = 0;
  38030. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  38031. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  38032. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  38033. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  38034. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  38035. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  38036. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  38037. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  38038. let ElementType = tape[ptr++];
  38039. return new IfcSpatialElementType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType);
  38040. }
  38041. ToTape() {
  38042. let args = [];
  38043. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  38044. ;
  38045. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  38046. ;
  38047. args.push(this.Name);
  38048. ;
  38049. args.push(this.Description);
  38050. ;
  38051. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  38052. ;
  38053. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  38054. ;
  38055. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  38056. ;
  38057. args.push(this.Tag);
  38058. ;
  38059. args.push(this.ElementType);
  38060. ;
  38061. return args;
  38062. }
  38063. };
  38064. var IfcSpatialStructureElement = class {
  38065. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, LongName, CompositionType) {
  38066. this.expressID = expressID;
  38067. this.type = type;
  38068. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  38069. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  38070. this.Name = Name;
  38071. this.Description = Description;
  38072. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  38073. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  38074. this.Representation = Representation;
  38075. this.LongName = LongName;
  38076. this.CompositionType = CompositionType;
  38077. }
  38078. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  38079. let ptr = 0;
  38080. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  38081. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  38082. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  38083. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  38084. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  38085. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  38086. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  38087. let LongName = tape[ptr++];
  38088. let CompositionType = tape[ptr++];
  38089. return new IfcSpatialStructureElement(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, LongName, CompositionType);
  38090. }
  38091. ToTape() {
  38092. let args = [];
  38093. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  38094. ;
  38095. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  38096. ;
  38097. args.push(this.Name);
  38098. ;
  38099. args.push(this.Description);
  38100. ;
  38101. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  38102. ;
  38103. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  38104. ;
  38105. args.push(this.Representation);
  38106. ;
  38107. args.push(this.LongName);
  38108. ;
  38109. args.push(this.CompositionType);
  38110. ;
  38111. return args;
  38112. }
  38113. };
  38114. var IfcSpatialStructureElementType = class {
  38115. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType) {
  38116. this.expressID = expressID;
  38117. this.type = type;
  38118. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  38119. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  38120. this.Name = Name;
  38121. this.Description = Description;
  38122. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  38123. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  38124. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  38125. this.Tag = Tag;
  38126. this.ElementType = ElementType;
  38127. }
  38128. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  38129. let ptr = 0;
  38130. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  38131. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  38132. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  38133. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  38134. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  38135. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  38136. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  38137. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  38138. let ElementType = tape[ptr++];
  38139. return new IfcSpatialStructureElementType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType);
  38140. }
  38141. ToTape() {
  38142. let args = [];
  38143. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  38144. ;
  38145. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  38146. ;
  38147. args.push(this.Name);
  38148. ;
  38149. args.push(this.Description);
  38150. ;
  38151. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  38152. ;
  38153. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  38154. ;
  38155. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  38156. ;
  38157. args.push(this.Tag);
  38158. ;
  38159. args.push(this.ElementType);
  38160. ;
  38161. return args;
  38162. }
  38163. };
  38164. var IfcSpatialZone = class {
  38165. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, LongName, PredefinedType) {
  38166. this.expressID = expressID;
  38167. this.type = type;
  38168. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  38169. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  38170. this.Name = Name;
  38171. this.Description = Description;
  38172. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  38173. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  38174. this.Representation = Representation;
  38175. this.LongName = LongName;
  38176. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  38177. }
  38178. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  38179. let ptr = 0;
  38180. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  38181. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  38182. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  38183. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  38184. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  38185. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  38186. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  38187. let LongName = tape[ptr++];
  38188. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  38189. return new IfcSpatialZone(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, LongName, PredefinedType);
  38190. }
  38191. ToTape() {
  38192. let args = [];
  38193. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  38194. ;
  38195. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  38196. ;
  38197. args.push(this.Name);
  38198. ;
  38199. args.push(this.Description);
  38200. ;
  38201. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  38202. ;
  38203. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  38204. ;
  38205. args.push(this.Representation);
  38206. ;
  38207. args.push(this.LongName);
  38208. ;
  38209. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  38210. ;
  38211. return args;
  38212. }
  38213. };
  38214. var IfcSpatialZoneType = class {
  38215. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType, LongName) {
  38216. this.expressID = expressID;
  38217. this.type = type;
  38218. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  38219. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  38220. this.Name = Name;
  38221. this.Description = Description;
  38222. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  38223. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  38224. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  38225. this.Tag = Tag;
  38226. this.ElementType = ElementType;
  38227. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  38228. this.LongName = LongName;
  38229. }
  38230. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  38231. let ptr = 0;
  38232. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  38233. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  38234. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  38235. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  38236. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  38237. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  38238. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  38239. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  38240. let ElementType = tape[ptr++];
  38241. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  38242. let LongName = tape[ptr++];
  38243. return new IfcSpatialZoneType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType, LongName);
  38244. }
  38245. ToTape() {
  38246. let args = [];
  38247. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  38248. ;
  38249. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  38250. ;
  38251. args.push(this.Name);
  38252. ;
  38253. args.push(this.Description);
  38254. ;
  38255. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  38256. ;
  38257. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  38258. ;
  38259. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  38260. ;
  38261. args.push(this.Tag);
  38262. ;
  38263. args.push(this.ElementType);
  38264. ;
  38265. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  38266. ;
  38267. args.push(this.LongName);
  38268. ;
  38269. return args;
  38270. }
  38271. };
  38272. var IfcSphere = class {
  38273. constructor(expressID, type, Position, Radius) {
  38274. this.expressID = expressID;
  38275. this.type = type;
  38276. this.Position = Position;
  38277. this.Radius = Radius;
  38278. }
  38279. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  38280. let ptr = 0;
  38281. let Position = tape[ptr++];
  38282. let Radius = tape[ptr++];
  38283. return new IfcSphere(expressID, type, Position, Radius);
  38284. }
  38285. ToTape() {
  38286. let args = [];
  38287. args.push(this.Position);
  38288. ;
  38289. args.push(this.Radius);
  38290. ;
  38291. return args;
  38292. }
  38293. };
  38294. var IfcSphericalSurface = class {
  38295. constructor(expressID, type, Position, Radius) {
  38296. this.expressID = expressID;
  38297. this.type = type;
  38298. this.Position = Position;
  38299. this.Radius = Radius;
  38300. }
  38301. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  38302. let ptr = 0;
  38303. let Position = tape[ptr++];
  38304. let Radius = tape[ptr++];
  38305. return new IfcSphericalSurface(expressID, type, Position, Radius);
  38306. }
  38307. ToTape() {
  38308. let args = [];
  38309. args.push(this.Position);
  38310. ;
  38311. args.push(this.Radius);
  38312. ;
  38313. return args;
  38314. }
  38315. };
  38316. var IfcStackTerminal = class {
  38317. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType) {
  38318. this.expressID = expressID;
  38319. this.type = type;
  38320. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  38321. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  38322. this.Name = Name;
  38323. this.Description = Description;
  38324. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  38325. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  38326. this.Representation = Representation;
  38327. this.Tag = Tag;
  38328. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  38329. }
  38330. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  38331. let ptr = 0;
  38332. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  38333. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  38334. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  38335. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  38336. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  38337. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  38338. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  38339. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  38340. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  38341. return new IfcStackTerminal(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType);
  38342. }
  38343. ToTape() {
  38344. let args = [];
  38345. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  38346. ;
  38347. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  38348. ;
  38349. args.push(this.Name);
  38350. ;
  38351. args.push(this.Description);
  38352. ;
  38353. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  38354. ;
  38355. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  38356. ;
  38357. args.push(this.Representation);
  38358. ;
  38359. args.push(this.Tag);
  38360. ;
  38361. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  38362. ;
  38363. return args;
  38364. }
  38365. };
  38366. var IfcStackTerminalType = class {
  38367. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType) {
  38368. this.expressID = expressID;
  38369. this.type = type;
  38370. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  38371. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  38372. this.Name = Name;
  38373. this.Description = Description;
  38374. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  38375. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  38376. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  38377. this.Tag = Tag;
  38378. this.ElementType = ElementType;
  38379. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  38380. }
  38381. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  38382. let ptr = 0;
  38383. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  38384. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  38385. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  38386. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  38387. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  38388. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  38389. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  38390. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  38391. let ElementType = tape[ptr++];
  38392. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  38393. return new IfcStackTerminalType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType);
  38394. }
  38395. ToTape() {
  38396. let args = [];
  38397. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  38398. ;
  38399. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  38400. ;
  38401. args.push(this.Name);
  38402. ;
  38403. args.push(this.Description);
  38404. ;
  38405. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  38406. ;
  38407. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  38408. ;
  38409. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  38410. ;
  38411. args.push(this.Tag);
  38412. ;
  38413. args.push(this.ElementType);
  38414. ;
  38415. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  38416. ;
  38417. return args;
  38418. }
  38419. };
  38420. var IfcStair = class {
  38421. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType) {
  38422. this.expressID = expressID;
  38423. this.type = type;
  38424. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  38425. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  38426. this.Name = Name;
  38427. this.Description = Description;
  38428. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  38429. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  38430. this.Representation = Representation;
  38431. this.Tag = Tag;
  38432. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  38433. }
  38434. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  38435. let ptr = 0;
  38436. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  38437. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  38438. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  38439. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  38440. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  38441. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  38442. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  38443. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  38444. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  38445. return new IfcStair(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType);
  38446. }
  38447. ToTape() {
  38448. let args = [];
  38449. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  38450. ;
  38451. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  38452. ;
  38453. args.push(this.Name);
  38454. ;
  38455. args.push(this.Description);
  38456. ;
  38457. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  38458. ;
  38459. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  38460. ;
  38461. args.push(this.Representation);
  38462. ;
  38463. args.push(this.Tag);
  38464. ;
  38465. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  38466. ;
  38467. return args;
  38468. }
  38469. };
  38470. var IfcStairFlight = class {
  38471. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, NumberOfRisers, NumberOfTreads, RiserHeight, TreadLength, PredefinedType) {
  38472. this.expressID = expressID;
  38473. this.type = type;
  38474. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  38475. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  38476. this.Name = Name;
  38477. this.Description = Description;
  38478. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  38479. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  38480. this.Representation = Representation;
  38481. this.Tag = Tag;
  38482. this.NumberOfRisers = NumberOfRisers;
  38483. this.NumberOfTreads = NumberOfTreads;
  38484. this.RiserHeight = RiserHeight;
  38485. this.TreadLength = TreadLength;
  38486. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  38487. }
  38488. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  38489. let ptr = 0;
  38490. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  38491. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  38492. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  38493. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  38494. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  38495. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  38496. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  38497. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  38498. let NumberOfRisers = tape[ptr++];
  38499. let NumberOfTreads = tape[ptr++];
  38500. let RiserHeight = tape[ptr++];
  38501. let TreadLength = tape[ptr++];
  38502. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  38503. return new IfcStairFlight(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, NumberOfRisers, NumberOfTreads, RiserHeight, TreadLength, PredefinedType);
  38504. }
  38505. ToTape() {
  38506. let args = [];
  38507. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  38508. ;
  38509. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  38510. ;
  38511. args.push(this.Name);
  38512. ;
  38513. args.push(this.Description);
  38514. ;
  38515. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  38516. ;
  38517. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  38518. ;
  38519. args.push(this.Representation);
  38520. ;
  38521. args.push(this.Tag);
  38522. ;
  38523. args.push(this.NumberOfRisers);
  38524. ;
  38525. args.push(this.NumberOfTreads);
  38526. ;
  38527. args.push(this.RiserHeight);
  38528. ;
  38529. args.push(this.TreadLength);
  38530. ;
  38531. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  38532. ;
  38533. return args;
  38534. }
  38535. };
  38536. var IfcStairFlightType = class {
  38537. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType) {
  38538. this.expressID = expressID;
  38539. this.type = type;
  38540. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  38541. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  38542. this.Name = Name;
  38543. this.Description = Description;
  38544. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  38545. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  38546. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  38547. this.Tag = Tag;
  38548. this.ElementType = ElementType;
  38549. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  38550. }
  38551. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  38552. let ptr = 0;
  38553. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  38554. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  38555. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  38556. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  38557. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  38558. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  38559. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  38560. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  38561. let ElementType = tape[ptr++];
  38562. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  38563. return new IfcStairFlightType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType);
  38564. }
  38565. ToTape() {
  38566. let args = [];
  38567. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  38568. ;
  38569. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  38570. ;
  38571. args.push(this.Name);
  38572. ;
  38573. args.push(this.Description);
  38574. ;
  38575. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  38576. ;
  38577. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  38578. ;
  38579. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  38580. ;
  38581. args.push(this.Tag);
  38582. ;
  38583. args.push(this.ElementType);
  38584. ;
  38585. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  38586. ;
  38587. return args;
  38588. }
  38589. };
  38590. var IfcStairType = class {
  38591. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType) {
  38592. this.expressID = expressID;
  38593. this.type = type;
  38594. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  38595. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  38596. this.Name = Name;
  38597. this.Description = Description;
  38598. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  38599. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  38600. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  38601. this.Tag = Tag;
  38602. this.ElementType = ElementType;
  38603. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  38604. }
  38605. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  38606. let ptr = 0;
  38607. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  38608. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  38609. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  38610. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  38611. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  38612. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  38613. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  38614. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  38615. let ElementType = tape[ptr++];
  38616. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  38617. return new IfcStairType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType);
  38618. }
  38619. ToTape() {
  38620. let args = [];
  38621. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  38622. ;
  38623. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  38624. ;
  38625. args.push(this.Name);
  38626. ;
  38627. args.push(this.Description);
  38628. ;
  38629. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  38630. ;
  38631. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  38632. ;
  38633. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  38634. ;
  38635. args.push(this.Tag);
  38636. ;
  38637. args.push(this.ElementType);
  38638. ;
  38639. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  38640. ;
  38641. return args;
  38642. }
  38643. };
  38644. var IfcStructuralAction = class {
  38645. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, AppliedLoad, GlobalOrLocal, DestabilizingLoad) {
  38646. this.expressID = expressID;
  38647. this.type = type;
  38648. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  38649. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  38650. this.Name = Name;
  38651. this.Description = Description;
  38652. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  38653. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  38654. this.Representation = Representation;
  38655. this.AppliedLoad = AppliedLoad;
  38656. this.GlobalOrLocal = GlobalOrLocal;
  38657. this.DestabilizingLoad = DestabilizingLoad;
  38658. }
  38659. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  38660. let ptr = 0;
  38661. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  38662. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  38663. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  38664. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  38665. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  38666. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  38667. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  38668. let AppliedLoad = tape[ptr++];
  38669. let GlobalOrLocal = tape[ptr++];
  38670. let DestabilizingLoad = tape[ptr++];
  38671. return new IfcStructuralAction(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, AppliedLoad, GlobalOrLocal, DestabilizingLoad);
  38672. }
  38673. ToTape() {
  38674. let args = [];
  38675. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  38676. ;
  38677. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  38678. ;
  38679. args.push(this.Name);
  38680. ;
  38681. args.push(this.Description);
  38682. ;
  38683. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  38684. ;
  38685. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  38686. ;
  38687. args.push(this.Representation);
  38688. ;
  38689. args.push(this.AppliedLoad);
  38690. ;
  38691. args.push(this.GlobalOrLocal);
  38692. ;
  38693. args.push(this.DestabilizingLoad);
  38694. ;
  38695. return args;
  38696. }
  38697. };
  38698. var IfcStructuralActivity = class {
  38699. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, AppliedLoad, GlobalOrLocal) {
  38700. this.expressID = expressID;
  38701. this.type = type;
  38702. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  38703. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  38704. this.Name = Name;
  38705. this.Description = Description;
  38706. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  38707. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  38708. this.Representation = Representation;
  38709. this.AppliedLoad = AppliedLoad;
  38710. this.GlobalOrLocal = GlobalOrLocal;
  38711. }
  38712. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  38713. let ptr = 0;
  38714. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  38715. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  38716. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  38717. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  38718. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  38719. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  38720. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  38721. let AppliedLoad = tape[ptr++];
  38722. let GlobalOrLocal = tape[ptr++];
  38723. return new IfcStructuralActivity(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, AppliedLoad, GlobalOrLocal);
  38724. }
  38725. ToTape() {
  38726. let args = [];
  38727. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  38728. ;
  38729. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  38730. ;
  38731. args.push(this.Name);
  38732. ;
  38733. args.push(this.Description);
  38734. ;
  38735. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  38736. ;
  38737. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  38738. ;
  38739. args.push(this.Representation);
  38740. ;
  38741. args.push(this.AppliedLoad);
  38742. ;
  38743. args.push(this.GlobalOrLocal);
  38744. ;
  38745. return args;
  38746. }
  38747. };
  38748. var IfcStructuralAnalysisModel = class {
  38749. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, PredefinedType, OrientationOf2DPlane, LoadedBy, HasResults, SharedPlacement) {
  38750. this.expressID = expressID;
  38751. this.type = type;
  38752. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  38753. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  38754. this.Name = Name;
  38755. this.Description = Description;
  38756. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  38757. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  38758. this.OrientationOf2DPlane = OrientationOf2DPlane;
  38759. this.LoadedBy = LoadedBy;
  38760. this.HasResults = HasResults;
  38761. this.SharedPlacement = SharedPlacement;
  38762. }
  38763. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  38764. let ptr = 0;
  38765. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  38766. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  38767. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  38768. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  38769. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  38770. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  38771. let OrientationOf2DPlane = tape[ptr++];
  38772. let LoadedBy = tape[ptr++];
  38773. let HasResults = tape[ptr++];
  38774. let SharedPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  38775. return new IfcStructuralAnalysisModel(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, PredefinedType, OrientationOf2DPlane, LoadedBy, HasResults, SharedPlacement);
  38776. }
  38777. ToTape() {
  38778. let args = [];
  38779. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  38780. ;
  38781. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  38782. ;
  38783. args.push(this.Name);
  38784. ;
  38785. args.push(this.Description);
  38786. ;
  38787. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  38788. ;
  38789. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  38790. ;
  38791. args.push(this.OrientationOf2DPlane);
  38792. ;
  38793. args.push(this.LoadedBy);
  38794. ;
  38795. args.push(this.HasResults);
  38796. ;
  38797. args.push(this.SharedPlacement);
  38798. ;
  38799. return args;
  38800. }
  38801. };
  38802. var IfcStructuralConnection = class {
  38803. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, AppliedCondition) {
  38804. this.expressID = expressID;
  38805. this.type = type;
  38806. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  38807. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  38808. this.Name = Name;
  38809. this.Description = Description;
  38810. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  38811. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  38812. this.Representation = Representation;
  38813. this.AppliedCondition = AppliedCondition;
  38814. }
  38815. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  38816. let ptr = 0;
  38817. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  38818. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  38819. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  38820. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  38821. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  38822. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  38823. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  38824. let AppliedCondition = tape[ptr++];
  38825. return new IfcStructuralConnection(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, AppliedCondition);
  38826. }
  38827. ToTape() {
  38828. let args = [];
  38829. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  38830. ;
  38831. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  38832. ;
  38833. args.push(this.Name);
  38834. ;
  38835. args.push(this.Description);
  38836. ;
  38837. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  38838. ;
  38839. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  38840. ;
  38841. args.push(this.Representation);
  38842. ;
  38843. args.push(this.AppliedCondition);
  38844. ;
  38845. return args;
  38846. }
  38847. };
  38848. var IfcStructuralConnectionCondition = class {
  38849. constructor(expressID, type, Name) {
  38850. this.expressID = expressID;
  38851. this.type = type;
  38852. this.Name = Name;
  38853. }
  38854. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  38855. let ptr = 0;
  38856. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  38857. return new IfcStructuralConnectionCondition(expressID, type, Name);
  38858. }
  38859. ToTape() {
  38860. let args = [];
  38861. args.push(this.Name);
  38862. ;
  38863. return args;
  38864. }
  38865. };
  38866. var IfcStructuralCurveAction = class {
  38867. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, AppliedLoad, GlobalOrLocal, DestabilizingLoad, ProjectedOrTrue, PredefinedType) {
  38868. this.expressID = expressID;
  38869. this.type = type;
  38870. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  38871. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  38872. this.Name = Name;
  38873. this.Description = Description;
  38874. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  38875. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  38876. this.Representation = Representation;
  38877. this.AppliedLoad = AppliedLoad;
  38878. this.GlobalOrLocal = GlobalOrLocal;
  38879. this.DestabilizingLoad = DestabilizingLoad;
  38880. this.ProjectedOrTrue = ProjectedOrTrue;
  38881. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  38882. }
  38883. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  38884. let ptr = 0;
  38885. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  38886. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  38887. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  38888. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  38889. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  38890. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  38891. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  38892. let AppliedLoad = tape[ptr++];
  38893. let GlobalOrLocal = tape[ptr++];
  38894. let DestabilizingLoad = tape[ptr++];
  38895. let ProjectedOrTrue = tape[ptr++];
  38896. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  38897. return new IfcStructuralCurveAction(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, AppliedLoad, GlobalOrLocal, DestabilizingLoad, ProjectedOrTrue, PredefinedType);
  38898. }
  38899. ToTape() {
  38900. let args = [];
  38901. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  38902. ;
  38903. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  38904. ;
  38905. args.push(this.Name);
  38906. ;
  38907. args.push(this.Description);
  38908. ;
  38909. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  38910. ;
  38911. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  38912. ;
  38913. args.push(this.Representation);
  38914. ;
  38915. args.push(this.AppliedLoad);
  38916. ;
  38917. args.push(this.GlobalOrLocal);
  38918. ;
  38919. args.push(this.DestabilizingLoad);
  38920. ;
  38921. args.push(this.ProjectedOrTrue);
  38922. ;
  38923. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  38924. ;
  38925. return args;
  38926. }
  38927. };
  38928. var IfcStructuralCurveConnection = class {
  38929. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, AppliedCondition, Axis) {
  38930. this.expressID = expressID;
  38931. this.type = type;
  38932. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  38933. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  38934. this.Name = Name;
  38935. this.Description = Description;
  38936. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  38937. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  38938. this.Representation = Representation;
  38939. this.AppliedCondition = AppliedCondition;
  38940. this.Axis = Axis;
  38941. }
  38942. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  38943. let ptr = 0;
  38944. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  38945. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  38946. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  38947. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  38948. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  38949. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  38950. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  38951. let AppliedCondition = tape[ptr++];
  38952. let Axis = tape[ptr++];
  38953. return new IfcStructuralCurveConnection(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, AppliedCondition, Axis);
  38954. }
  38955. ToTape() {
  38956. let args = [];
  38957. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  38958. ;
  38959. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  38960. ;
  38961. args.push(this.Name);
  38962. ;
  38963. args.push(this.Description);
  38964. ;
  38965. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  38966. ;
  38967. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  38968. ;
  38969. args.push(this.Representation);
  38970. ;
  38971. args.push(this.AppliedCondition);
  38972. ;
  38973. args.push(this.Axis);
  38974. ;
  38975. return args;
  38976. }
  38977. };
  38978. var IfcStructuralCurveMember = class {
  38979. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, PredefinedType, Axis) {
  38980. this.expressID = expressID;
  38981. this.type = type;
  38982. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  38983. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  38984. this.Name = Name;
  38985. this.Description = Description;
  38986. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  38987. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  38988. this.Representation = Representation;
  38989. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  38990. this.Axis = Axis;
  38991. }
  38992. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  38993. let ptr = 0;
  38994. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  38995. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  38996. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  38997. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  38998. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  38999. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  39000. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  39001. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  39002. let Axis = tape[ptr++];
  39003. return new IfcStructuralCurveMember(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, PredefinedType, Axis);
  39004. }
  39005. ToTape() {
  39006. let args = [];
  39007. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  39008. ;
  39009. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  39010. ;
  39011. args.push(this.Name);
  39012. ;
  39013. args.push(this.Description);
  39014. ;
  39015. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  39016. ;
  39017. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  39018. ;
  39019. args.push(this.Representation);
  39020. ;
  39021. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  39022. ;
  39023. args.push(this.Axis);
  39024. ;
  39025. return args;
  39026. }
  39027. };
  39028. var IfcStructuralCurveMemberVarying = class {
  39029. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, PredefinedType, Axis) {
  39030. this.expressID = expressID;
  39031. this.type = type;
  39032. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  39033. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  39034. this.Name = Name;
  39035. this.Description = Description;
  39036. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  39037. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  39038. this.Representation = Representation;
  39039. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  39040. this.Axis = Axis;
  39041. }
  39042. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  39043. let ptr = 0;
  39044. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  39045. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  39046. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  39047. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  39048. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  39049. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  39050. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  39051. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  39052. let Axis = tape[ptr++];
  39053. return new IfcStructuralCurveMemberVarying(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, PredefinedType, Axis);
  39054. }
  39055. ToTape() {
  39056. let args = [];
  39057. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  39058. ;
  39059. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  39060. ;
  39061. args.push(this.Name);
  39062. ;
  39063. args.push(this.Description);
  39064. ;
  39065. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  39066. ;
  39067. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  39068. ;
  39069. args.push(this.Representation);
  39070. ;
  39071. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  39072. ;
  39073. args.push(this.Axis);
  39074. ;
  39075. return args;
  39076. }
  39077. };
  39078. var IfcStructuralCurveReaction = class {
  39079. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, AppliedLoad, GlobalOrLocal, PredefinedType) {
  39080. this.expressID = expressID;
  39081. this.type = type;
  39082. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  39083. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  39084. this.Name = Name;
  39085. this.Description = Description;
  39086. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  39087. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  39088. this.Representation = Representation;
  39089. this.AppliedLoad = AppliedLoad;
  39090. this.GlobalOrLocal = GlobalOrLocal;
  39091. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  39092. }
  39093. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  39094. let ptr = 0;
  39095. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  39096. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  39097. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  39098. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  39099. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  39100. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  39101. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  39102. let AppliedLoad = tape[ptr++];
  39103. let GlobalOrLocal = tape[ptr++];
  39104. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  39105. return new IfcStructuralCurveReaction(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, AppliedLoad, GlobalOrLocal, PredefinedType);
  39106. }
  39107. ToTape() {
  39108. let args = [];
  39109. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  39110. ;
  39111. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  39112. ;
  39113. args.push(this.Name);
  39114. ;
  39115. args.push(this.Description);
  39116. ;
  39117. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  39118. ;
  39119. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  39120. ;
  39121. args.push(this.Representation);
  39122. ;
  39123. args.push(this.AppliedLoad);
  39124. ;
  39125. args.push(this.GlobalOrLocal);
  39126. ;
  39127. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  39128. ;
  39129. return args;
  39130. }
  39131. };
  39132. var IfcStructuralItem = class {
  39133. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation) {
  39134. this.expressID = expressID;
  39135. this.type = type;
  39136. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  39137. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  39138. this.Name = Name;
  39139. this.Description = Description;
  39140. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  39141. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  39142. this.Representation = Representation;
  39143. }
  39144. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  39145. let ptr = 0;
  39146. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  39147. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  39148. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  39149. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  39150. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  39151. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  39152. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  39153. return new IfcStructuralItem(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation);
  39154. }
  39155. ToTape() {
  39156. let args = [];
  39157. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  39158. ;
  39159. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  39160. ;
  39161. args.push(this.Name);
  39162. ;
  39163. args.push(this.Description);
  39164. ;
  39165. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  39166. ;
  39167. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  39168. ;
  39169. args.push(this.Representation);
  39170. ;
  39171. return args;
  39172. }
  39173. };
  39174. var IfcStructuralLinearAction = class {
  39175. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, AppliedLoad, GlobalOrLocal, DestabilizingLoad, ProjectedOrTrue, PredefinedType) {
  39176. this.expressID = expressID;
  39177. this.type = type;
  39178. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  39179. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  39180. this.Name = Name;
  39181. this.Description = Description;
  39182. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  39183. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  39184. this.Representation = Representation;
  39185. this.AppliedLoad = AppliedLoad;
  39186. this.GlobalOrLocal = GlobalOrLocal;
  39187. this.DestabilizingLoad = DestabilizingLoad;
  39188. this.ProjectedOrTrue = ProjectedOrTrue;
  39189. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  39190. }
  39191. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  39192. let ptr = 0;
  39193. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  39194. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  39195. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  39196. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  39197. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  39198. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  39199. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  39200. let AppliedLoad = tape[ptr++];
  39201. let GlobalOrLocal = tape[ptr++];
  39202. let DestabilizingLoad = tape[ptr++];
  39203. let ProjectedOrTrue = tape[ptr++];
  39204. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  39205. return new IfcStructuralLinearAction(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, AppliedLoad, GlobalOrLocal, DestabilizingLoad, ProjectedOrTrue, PredefinedType);
  39206. }
  39207. ToTape() {
  39208. let args = [];
  39209. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  39210. ;
  39211. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  39212. ;
  39213. args.push(this.Name);
  39214. ;
  39215. args.push(this.Description);
  39216. ;
  39217. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  39218. ;
  39219. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  39220. ;
  39221. args.push(this.Representation);
  39222. ;
  39223. args.push(this.AppliedLoad);
  39224. ;
  39225. args.push(this.GlobalOrLocal);
  39226. ;
  39227. args.push(this.DestabilizingLoad);
  39228. ;
  39229. args.push(this.ProjectedOrTrue);
  39230. ;
  39231. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  39232. ;
  39233. return args;
  39234. }
  39235. };
  39236. var IfcStructuralLoad = class {
  39237. constructor(expressID, type, Name) {
  39238. this.expressID = expressID;
  39239. this.type = type;
  39240. this.Name = Name;
  39241. }
  39242. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  39243. let ptr = 0;
  39244. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  39245. return new IfcStructuralLoad(expressID, type, Name);
  39246. }
  39247. ToTape() {
  39248. let args = [];
  39249. args.push(this.Name);
  39250. ;
  39251. return args;
  39252. }
  39253. };
  39254. var IfcStructuralLoadCase = class {
  39255. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, PredefinedType, ActionType, ActionSource, Coefficient, Purpose, SelfWeightCoefficients) {
  39256. this.expressID = expressID;
  39257. this.type = type;
  39258. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  39259. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  39260. this.Name = Name;
  39261. this.Description = Description;
  39262. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  39263. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  39264. this.ActionType = ActionType;
  39265. this.ActionSource = ActionSource;
  39266. this.Coefficient = Coefficient;
  39267. this.Purpose = Purpose;
  39268. this.SelfWeightCoefficients = SelfWeightCoefficients;
  39269. }
  39270. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  39271. let ptr = 0;
  39272. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  39273. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  39274. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  39275. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  39276. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  39277. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  39278. let ActionType = tape[ptr++];
  39279. let ActionSource = tape[ptr++];
  39280. let Coefficient = tape[ptr++];
  39281. let Purpose = tape[ptr++];
  39282. let SelfWeightCoefficients = tape[ptr++];
  39283. return new IfcStructuralLoadCase(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, PredefinedType, ActionType, ActionSource, Coefficient, Purpose, SelfWeightCoefficients);
  39284. }
  39285. ToTape() {
  39286. let args = [];
  39287. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  39288. ;
  39289. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  39290. ;
  39291. args.push(this.Name);
  39292. ;
  39293. args.push(this.Description);
  39294. ;
  39295. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  39296. ;
  39297. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  39298. ;
  39299. args.push(this.ActionType);
  39300. ;
  39301. args.push(this.ActionSource);
  39302. ;
  39303. args.push(this.Coefficient);
  39304. ;
  39305. args.push(this.Purpose);
  39306. ;
  39307. args.push(this.SelfWeightCoefficients);
  39308. ;
  39309. return args;
  39310. }
  39311. };
  39312. var IfcStructuralLoadConfiguration = class {
  39313. constructor(expressID, type, Name, Values, Locations) {
  39314. this.expressID = expressID;
  39315. this.type = type;
  39316. this.Name = Name;
  39317. this.Values = Values;
  39318. this.Locations = Locations;
  39319. }
  39320. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  39321. let ptr = 0;
  39322. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  39323. let Values = tape[ptr++];
  39324. let Locations = tape[ptr++];
  39325. return new IfcStructuralLoadConfiguration(expressID, type, Name, Values, Locations);
  39326. }
  39327. ToTape() {
  39328. let args = [];
  39329. args.push(this.Name);
  39330. ;
  39331. args.push(this.Values);
  39332. ;
  39333. args.push(this.Locations);
  39334. ;
  39335. return args;
  39336. }
  39337. };
  39338. var IfcStructuralLoadGroup = class {
  39339. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, PredefinedType, ActionType, ActionSource, Coefficient, Purpose) {
  39340. this.expressID = expressID;
  39341. this.type = type;
  39342. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  39343. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  39344. this.Name = Name;
  39345. this.Description = Description;
  39346. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  39347. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  39348. this.ActionType = ActionType;
  39349. this.ActionSource = ActionSource;
  39350. this.Coefficient = Coefficient;
  39351. this.Purpose = Purpose;
  39352. }
  39353. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  39354. let ptr = 0;
  39355. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  39356. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  39357. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  39358. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  39359. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  39360. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  39361. let ActionType = tape[ptr++];
  39362. let ActionSource = tape[ptr++];
  39363. let Coefficient = tape[ptr++];
  39364. let Purpose = tape[ptr++];
  39365. return new IfcStructuralLoadGroup(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, PredefinedType, ActionType, ActionSource, Coefficient, Purpose);
  39366. }
  39367. ToTape() {
  39368. let args = [];
  39369. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  39370. ;
  39371. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  39372. ;
  39373. args.push(this.Name);
  39374. ;
  39375. args.push(this.Description);
  39376. ;
  39377. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  39378. ;
  39379. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  39380. ;
  39381. args.push(this.ActionType);
  39382. ;
  39383. args.push(this.ActionSource);
  39384. ;
  39385. args.push(this.Coefficient);
  39386. ;
  39387. args.push(this.Purpose);
  39388. ;
  39389. return args;
  39390. }
  39391. };
  39392. var IfcStructuralLoadLinearForce = class {
  39393. constructor(expressID, type, Name, LinearForceX, LinearForceY, LinearForceZ, LinearMomentX, LinearMomentY, LinearMomentZ) {
  39394. this.expressID = expressID;
  39395. this.type = type;
  39396. this.Name = Name;
  39397. this.LinearForceX = LinearForceX;
  39398. this.LinearForceY = LinearForceY;
  39399. this.LinearForceZ = LinearForceZ;
  39400. this.LinearMomentX = LinearMomentX;
  39401. this.LinearMomentY = LinearMomentY;
  39402. this.LinearMomentZ = LinearMomentZ;
  39403. }
  39404. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  39405. let ptr = 0;
  39406. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  39407. let LinearForceX = tape[ptr++];
  39408. let LinearForceY = tape[ptr++];
  39409. let LinearForceZ = tape[ptr++];
  39410. let LinearMomentX = tape[ptr++];
  39411. let LinearMomentY = tape[ptr++];
  39412. let LinearMomentZ = tape[ptr++];
  39413. return new IfcStructuralLoadLinearForce(expressID, type, Name, LinearForceX, LinearForceY, LinearForceZ, LinearMomentX, LinearMomentY, LinearMomentZ);
  39414. }
  39415. ToTape() {
  39416. let args = [];
  39417. args.push(this.Name);
  39418. ;
  39419. args.push(this.LinearForceX);
  39420. ;
  39421. args.push(this.LinearForceY);
  39422. ;
  39423. args.push(this.LinearForceZ);
  39424. ;
  39425. args.push(this.LinearMomentX);
  39426. ;
  39427. args.push(this.LinearMomentY);
  39428. ;
  39429. args.push(this.LinearMomentZ);
  39430. ;
  39431. return args;
  39432. }
  39433. };
  39434. var IfcStructuralLoadOrResult = class {
  39435. constructor(expressID, type, Name) {
  39436. this.expressID = expressID;
  39437. this.type = type;
  39438. this.Name = Name;
  39439. }
  39440. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  39441. let ptr = 0;
  39442. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  39443. return new IfcStructuralLoadOrResult(expressID, type, Name);
  39444. }
  39445. ToTape() {
  39446. let args = [];
  39447. args.push(this.Name);
  39448. ;
  39449. return args;
  39450. }
  39451. };
  39452. var IfcStructuralLoadPlanarForce = class {
  39453. constructor(expressID, type, Name, PlanarForceX, PlanarForceY, PlanarForceZ) {
  39454. this.expressID = expressID;
  39455. this.type = type;
  39456. this.Name = Name;
  39457. this.PlanarForceX = PlanarForceX;
  39458. this.PlanarForceY = PlanarForceY;
  39459. this.PlanarForceZ = PlanarForceZ;
  39460. }
  39461. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  39462. let ptr = 0;
  39463. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  39464. let PlanarForceX = tape[ptr++];
  39465. let PlanarForceY = tape[ptr++];
  39466. let PlanarForceZ = tape[ptr++];
  39467. return new IfcStructuralLoadPlanarForce(expressID, type, Name, PlanarForceX, PlanarForceY, PlanarForceZ);
  39468. }
  39469. ToTape() {
  39470. let args = [];
  39471. args.push(this.Name);
  39472. ;
  39473. args.push(this.PlanarForceX);
  39474. ;
  39475. args.push(this.PlanarForceY);
  39476. ;
  39477. args.push(this.PlanarForceZ);
  39478. ;
  39479. return args;
  39480. }
  39481. };
  39482. var IfcStructuralLoadSingleDisplacement = class {
  39483. constructor(expressID, type, Name, DisplacementX, DisplacementY, DisplacementZ, RotationalDisplacementRX, RotationalDisplacementRY, RotationalDisplacementRZ) {
  39484. this.expressID = expressID;
  39485. this.type = type;
  39486. this.Name = Name;
  39487. this.DisplacementX = DisplacementX;
  39488. this.DisplacementY = DisplacementY;
  39489. this.DisplacementZ = DisplacementZ;
  39490. this.RotationalDisplacementRX = RotationalDisplacementRX;
  39491. this.RotationalDisplacementRY = RotationalDisplacementRY;
  39492. this.RotationalDisplacementRZ = RotationalDisplacementRZ;
  39493. }
  39494. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  39495. let ptr = 0;
  39496. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  39497. let DisplacementX = tape[ptr++];
  39498. let DisplacementY = tape[ptr++];
  39499. let DisplacementZ = tape[ptr++];
  39500. let RotationalDisplacementRX = tape[ptr++];
  39501. let RotationalDisplacementRY = tape[ptr++];
  39502. let RotationalDisplacementRZ = tape[ptr++];
  39503. return new IfcStructuralLoadSingleDisplacement(expressID, type, Name, DisplacementX, DisplacementY, DisplacementZ, RotationalDisplacementRX, RotationalDisplacementRY, RotationalDisplacementRZ);
  39504. }
  39505. ToTape() {
  39506. let args = [];
  39507. args.push(this.Name);
  39508. ;
  39509. args.push(this.DisplacementX);
  39510. ;
  39511. args.push(this.DisplacementY);
  39512. ;
  39513. args.push(this.DisplacementZ);
  39514. ;
  39515. args.push(this.RotationalDisplacementRX);
  39516. ;
  39517. args.push(this.RotationalDisplacementRY);
  39518. ;
  39519. args.push(this.RotationalDisplacementRZ);
  39520. ;
  39521. return args;
  39522. }
  39523. };
  39524. var IfcStructuralLoadSingleDisplacementDistortion = class {
  39525. constructor(expressID, type, Name, DisplacementX, DisplacementY, DisplacementZ, RotationalDisplacementRX, RotationalDisplacementRY, RotationalDisplacementRZ, Distortion) {
  39526. this.expressID = expressID;
  39527. this.type = type;
  39528. this.Name = Name;
  39529. this.DisplacementX = DisplacementX;
  39530. this.DisplacementY = DisplacementY;
  39531. this.DisplacementZ = DisplacementZ;
  39532. this.RotationalDisplacementRX = RotationalDisplacementRX;
  39533. this.RotationalDisplacementRY = RotationalDisplacementRY;
  39534. this.RotationalDisplacementRZ = RotationalDisplacementRZ;
  39535. this.Distortion = Distortion;
  39536. }
  39537. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  39538. let ptr = 0;
  39539. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  39540. let DisplacementX = tape[ptr++];
  39541. let DisplacementY = tape[ptr++];
  39542. let DisplacementZ = tape[ptr++];
  39543. let RotationalDisplacementRX = tape[ptr++];
  39544. let RotationalDisplacementRY = tape[ptr++];
  39545. let RotationalDisplacementRZ = tape[ptr++];
  39546. let Distortion = tape[ptr++];
  39547. return new IfcStructuralLoadSingleDisplacementDistortion(expressID, type, Name, DisplacementX, DisplacementY, DisplacementZ, RotationalDisplacementRX, RotationalDisplacementRY, RotationalDisplacementRZ, Distortion);
  39548. }
  39549. ToTape() {
  39550. let args = [];
  39551. args.push(this.Name);
  39552. ;
  39553. args.push(this.DisplacementX);
  39554. ;
  39555. args.push(this.DisplacementY);
  39556. ;
  39557. args.push(this.DisplacementZ);
  39558. ;
  39559. args.push(this.RotationalDisplacementRX);
  39560. ;
  39561. args.push(this.RotationalDisplacementRY);
  39562. ;
  39563. args.push(this.RotationalDisplacementRZ);
  39564. ;
  39565. args.push(this.Distortion);
  39566. ;
  39567. return args;
  39568. }
  39569. };
  39570. var IfcStructuralLoadSingleForce = class {
  39571. constructor(expressID, type, Name, ForceX, ForceY, ForceZ, MomentX, MomentY, MomentZ) {
  39572. this.expressID = expressID;
  39573. this.type = type;
  39574. this.Name = Name;
  39575. this.ForceX = ForceX;
  39576. this.ForceY = ForceY;
  39577. this.ForceZ = ForceZ;
  39578. this.MomentX = MomentX;
  39579. this.MomentY = MomentY;
  39580. this.MomentZ = MomentZ;
  39581. }
  39582. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  39583. let ptr = 0;
  39584. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  39585. let ForceX = tape[ptr++];
  39586. let ForceY = tape[ptr++];
  39587. let ForceZ = tape[ptr++];
  39588. let MomentX = tape[ptr++];
  39589. let MomentY = tape[ptr++];
  39590. let MomentZ = tape[ptr++];
  39591. return new IfcStructuralLoadSingleForce(expressID, type, Name, ForceX, ForceY, ForceZ, MomentX, MomentY, MomentZ);
  39592. }
  39593. ToTape() {
  39594. let args = [];
  39595. args.push(this.Name);
  39596. ;
  39597. args.push(this.ForceX);
  39598. ;
  39599. args.push(this.ForceY);
  39600. ;
  39601. args.push(this.ForceZ);
  39602. ;
  39603. args.push(this.MomentX);
  39604. ;
  39605. args.push(this.MomentY);
  39606. ;
  39607. args.push(this.MomentZ);
  39608. ;
  39609. return args;
  39610. }
  39611. };
  39612. var IfcStructuralLoadSingleForceWarping = class {
  39613. constructor(expressID, type, Name, ForceX, ForceY, ForceZ, MomentX, MomentY, MomentZ, WarpingMoment) {
  39614. this.expressID = expressID;
  39615. this.type = type;
  39616. this.Name = Name;
  39617. this.ForceX = ForceX;
  39618. this.ForceY = ForceY;
  39619. this.ForceZ = ForceZ;
  39620. this.MomentX = MomentX;
  39621. this.MomentY = MomentY;
  39622. this.MomentZ = MomentZ;
  39623. this.WarpingMoment = WarpingMoment;
  39624. }
  39625. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  39626. let ptr = 0;
  39627. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  39628. let ForceX = tape[ptr++];
  39629. let ForceY = tape[ptr++];
  39630. let ForceZ = tape[ptr++];
  39631. let MomentX = tape[ptr++];
  39632. let MomentY = tape[ptr++];
  39633. let MomentZ = tape[ptr++];
  39634. let WarpingMoment = tape[ptr++];
  39635. return new IfcStructuralLoadSingleForceWarping(expressID, type, Name, ForceX, ForceY, ForceZ, MomentX, MomentY, MomentZ, WarpingMoment);
  39636. }
  39637. ToTape() {
  39638. let args = [];
  39639. args.push(this.Name);
  39640. ;
  39641. args.push(this.ForceX);
  39642. ;
  39643. args.push(this.ForceY);
  39644. ;
  39645. args.push(this.ForceZ);
  39646. ;
  39647. args.push(this.MomentX);
  39648. ;
  39649. args.push(this.MomentY);
  39650. ;
  39651. args.push(this.MomentZ);
  39652. ;
  39653. args.push(this.WarpingMoment);
  39654. ;
  39655. return args;
  39656. }
  39657. };
  39658. var IfcStructuralLoadStatic = class {
  39659. constructor(expressID, type, Name) {
  39660. this.expressID = expressID;
  39661. this.type = type;
  39662. this.Name = Name;
  39663. }
  39664. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  39665. let ptr = 0;
  39666. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  39667. return new IfcStructuralLoadStatic(expressID, type, Name);
  39668. }
  39669. ToTape() {
  39670. let args = [];
  39671. args.push(this.Name);
  39672. ;
  39673. return args;
  39674. }
  39675. };
  39676. var IfcStructuralLoadTemperature = class {
  39677. constructor(expressID, type, Name, DeltaTConstant, DeltaTY, DeltaTZ) {
  39678. this.expressID = expressID;
  39679. this.type = type;
  39680. this.Name = Name;
  39681. this.DeltaTConstant = DeltaTConstant;
  39682. this.DeltaTY = DeltaTY;
  39683. this.DeltaTZ = DeltaTZ;
  39684. }
  39685. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  39686. let ptr = 0;
  39687. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  39688. let DeltaTConstant = tape[ptr++];
  39689. let DeltaTY = tape[ptr++];
  39690. let DeltaTZ = tape[ptr++];
  39691. return new IfcStructuralLoadTemperature(expressID, type, Name, DeltaTConstant, DeltaTY, DeltaTZ);
  39692. }
  39693. ToTape() {
  39694. let args = [];
  39695. args.push(this.Name);
  39696. ;
  39697. args.push(this.DeltaTConstant);
  39698. ;
  39699. args.push(this.DeltaTY);
  39700. ;
  39701. args.push(this.DeltaTZ);
  39702. ;
  39703. return args;
  39704. }
  39705. };
  39706. var IfcStructuralMember = class {
  39707. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation) {
  39708. this.expressID = expressID;
  39709. this.type = type;
  39710. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  39711. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  39712. this.Name = Name;
  39713. this.Description = Description;
  39714. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  39715. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  39716. this.Representation = Representation;
  39717. }
  39718. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  39719. let ptr = 0;
  39720. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  39721. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  39722. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  39723. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  39724. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  39725. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  39726. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  39727. return new IfcStructuralMember(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation);
  39728. }
  39729. ToTape() {
  39730. let args = [];
  39731. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  39732. ;
  39733. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  39734. ;
  39735. args.push(this.Name);
  39736. ;
  39737. args.push(this.Description);
  39738. ;
  39739. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  39740. ;
  39741. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  39742. ;
  39743. args.push(this.Representation);
  39744. ;
  39745. return args;
  39746. }
  39747. };
  39748. var IfcStructuralPlanarAction = class {
  39749. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, AppliedLoad, GlobalOrLocal, DestabilizingLoad, ProjectedOrTrue, PredefinedType) {
  39750. this.expressID = expressID;
  39751. this.type = type;
  39752. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  39753. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  39754. this.Name = Name;
  39755. this.Description = Description;
  39756. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  39757. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  39758. this.Representation = Representation;
  39759. this.AppliedLoad = AppliedLoad;
  39760. this.GlobalOrLocal = GlobalOrLocal;
  39761. this.DestabilizingLoad = DestabilizingLoad;
  39762. this.ProjectedOrTrue = ProjectedOrTrue;
  39763. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  39764. }
  39765. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  39766. let ptr = 0;
  39767. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  39768. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  39769. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  39770. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  39771. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  39772. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  39773. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  39774. let AppliedLoad = tape[ptr++];
  39775. let GlobalOrLocal = tape[ptr++];
  39776. let DestabilizingLoad = tape[ptr++];
  39777. let ProjectedOrTrue = tape[ptr++];
  39778. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  39779. return new IfcStructuralPlanarAction(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, AppliedLoad, GlobalOrLocal, DestabilizingLoad, ProjectedOrTrue, PredefinedType);
  39780. }
  39781. ToTape() {
  39782. let args = [];
  39783. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  39784. ;
  39785. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  39786. ;
  39787. args.push(this.Name);
  39788. ;
  39789. args.push(this.Description);
  39790. ;
  39791. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  39792. ;
  39793. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  39794. ;
  39795. args.push(this.Representation);
  39796. ;
  39797. args.push(this.AppliedLoad);
  39798. ;
  39799. args.push(this.GlobalOrLocal);
  39800. ;
  39801. args.push(this.DestabilizingLoad);
  39802. ;
  39803. args.push(this.ProjectedOrTrue);
  39804. ;
  39805. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  39806. ;
  39807. return args;
  39808. }
  39809. };
  39810. var IfcStructuralPointAction = class {
  39811. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, AppliedLoad, GlobalOrLocal, DestabilizingLoad) {
  39812. this.expressID = expressID;
  39813. this.type = type;
  39814. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  39815. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  39816. this.Name = Name;
  39817. this.Description = Description;
  39818. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  39819. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  39820. this.Representation = Representation;
  39821. this.AppliedLoad = AppliedLoad;
  39822. this.GlobalOrLocal = GlobalOrLocal;
  39823. this.DestabilizingLoad = DestabilizingLoad;
  39824. }
  39825. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  39826. let ptr = 0;
  39827. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  39828. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  39829. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  39830. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  39831. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  39832. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  39833. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  39834. let AppliedLoad = tape[ptr++];
  39835. let GlobalOrLocal = tape[ptr++];
  39836. let DestabilizingLoad = tape[ptr++];
  39837. return new IfcStructuralPointAction(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, AppliedLoad, GlobalOrLocal, DestabilizingLoad);
  39838. }
  39839. ToTape() {
  39840. let args = [];
  39841. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  39842. ;
  39843. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  39844. ;
  39845. args.push(this.Name);
  39846. ;
  39847. args.push(this.Description);
  39848. ;
  39849. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  39850. ;
  39851. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  39852. ;
  39853. args.push(this.Representation);
  39854. ;
  39855. args.push(this.AppliedLoad);
  39856. ;
  39857. args.push(this.GlobalOrLocal);
  39858. ;
  39859. args.push(this.DestabilizingLoad);
  39860. ;
  39861. return args;
  39862. }
  39863. };
  39864. var IfcStructuralPointConnection = class {
  39865. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, AppliedCondition, ConditionCoordinateSystem) {
  39866. this.expressID = expressID;
  39867. this.type = type;
  39868. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  39869. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  39870. this.Name = Name;
  39871. this.Description = Description;
  39872. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  39873. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  39874. this.Representation = Representation;
  39875. this.AppliedCondition = AppliedCondition;
  39876. this.ConditionCoordinateSystem = ConditionCoordinateSystem;
  39877. }
  39878. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  39879. let ptr = 0;
  39880. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  39881. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  39882. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  39883. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  39884. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  39885. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  39886. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  39887. let AppliedCondition = tape[ptr++];
  39888. let ConditionCoordinateSystem = tape[ptr++];
  39889. return new IfcStructuralPointConnection(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, AppliedCondition, ConditionCoordinateSystem);
  39890. }
  39891. ToTape() {
  39892. let args = [];
  39893. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  39894. ;
  39895. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  39896. ;
  39897. args.push(this.Name);
  39898. ;
  39899. args.push(this.Description);
  39900. ;
  39901. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  39902. ;
  39903. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  39904. ;
  39905. args.push(this.Representation);
  39906. ;
  39907. args.push(this.AppliedCondition);
  39908. ;
  39909. args.push(this.ConditionCoordinateSystem);
  39910. ;
  39911. return args;
  39912. }
  39913. };
  39914. var IfcStructuralPointReaction = class {
  39915. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, AppliedLoad, GlobalOrLocal) {
  39916. this.expressID = expressID;
  39917. this.type = type;
  39918. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  39919. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  39920. this.Name = Name;
  39921. this.Description = Description;
  39922. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  39923. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  39924. this.Representation = Representation;
  39925. this.AppliedLoad = AppliedLoad;
  39926. this.GlobalOrLocal = GlobalOrLocal;
  39927. }
  39928. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  39929. let ptr = 0;
  39930. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  39931. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  39932. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  39933. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  39934. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  39935. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  39936. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  39937. let AppliedLoad = tape[ptr++];
  39938. let GlobalOrLocal = tape[ptr++];
  39939. return new IfcStructuralPointReaction(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, AppliedLoad, GlobalOrLocal);
  39940. }
  39941. ToTape() {
  39942. let args = [];
  39943. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  39944. ;
  39945. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  39946. ;
  39947. args.push(this.Name);
  39948. ;
  39949. args.push(this.Description);
  39950. ;
  39951. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  39952. ;
  39953. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  39954. ;
  39955. args.push(this.Representation);
  39956. ;
  39957. args.push(this.AppliedLoad);
  39958. ;
  39959. args.push(this.GlobalOrLocal);
  39960. ;
  39961. return args;
  39962. }
  39963. };
  39964. var IfcStructuralReaction = class {
  39965. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, AppliedLoad, GlobalOrLocal) {
  39966. this.expressID = expressID;
  39967. this.type = type;
  39968. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  39969. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  39970. this.Name = Name;
  39971. this.Description = Description;
  39972. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  39973. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  39974. this.Representation = Representation;
  39975. this.AppliedLoad = AppliedLoad;
  39976. this.GlobalOrLocal = GlobalOrLocal;
  39977. }
  39978. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  39979. let ptr = 0;
  39980. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  39981. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  39982. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  39983. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  39984. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  39985. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  39986. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  39987. let AppliedLoad = tape[ptr++];
  39988. let GlobalOrLocal = tape[ptr++];
  39989. return new IfcStructuralReaction(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, AppliedLoad, GlobalOrLocal);
  39990. }
  39991. ToTape() {
  39992. let args = [];
  39993. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  39994. ;
  39995. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  39996. ;
  39997. args.push(this.Name);
  39998. ;
  39999. args.push(this.Description);
  40000. ;
  40001. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  40002. ;
  40003. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  40004. ;
  40005. args.push(this.Representation);
  40006. ;
  40007. args.push(this.AppliedLoad);
  40008. ;
  40009. args.push(this.GlobalOrLocal);
  40010. ;
  40011. return args;
  40012. }
  40013. };
  40014. var IfcStructuralResultGroup = class {
  40015. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, TheoryType, ResultForLoadGroup, IsLinear) {
  40016. this.expressID = expressID;
  40017. this.type = type;
  40018. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  40019. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  40020. this.Name = Name;
  40021. this.Description = Description;
  40022. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  40023. this.TheoryType = TheoryType;
  40024. this.ResultForLoadGroup = ResultForLoadGroup;
  40025. this.IsLinear = IsLinear;
  40026. }
  40027. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  40028. let ptr = 0;
  40029. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  40030. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  40031. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  40032. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  40033. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  40034. let TheoryType = tape[ptr++];
  40035. let ResultForLoadGroup = tape[ptr++];
  40036. let IsLinear = tape[ptr++];
  40037. return new IfcStructuralResultGroup(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, TheoryType, ResultForLoadGroup, IsLinear);
  40038. }
  40039. ToTape() {
  40040. let args = [];
  40041. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  40042. ;
  40043. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  40044. ;
  40045. args.push(this.Name);
  40046. ;
  40047. args.push(this.Description);
  40048. ;
  40049. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  40050. ;
  40051. args.push(this.TheoryType);
  40052. ;
  40053. args.push(this.ResultForLoadGroup);
  40054. ;
  40055. args.push(this.IsLinear);
  40056. ;
  40057. return args;
  40058. }
  40059. };
  40060. var IfcStructuralSurfaceAction = class {
  40061. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, AppliedLoad, GlobalOrLocal, DestabilizingLoad, ProjectedOrTrue, PredefinedType) {
  40062. this.expressID = expressID;
  40063. this.type = type;
  40064. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  40065. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  40066. this.Name = Name;
  40067. this.Description = Description;
  40068. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  40069. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  40070. this.Representation = Representation;
  40071. this.AppliedLoad = AppliedLoad;
  40072. this.GlobalOrLocal = GlobalOrLocal;
  40073. this.DestabilizingLoad = DestabilizingLoad;
  40074. this.ProjectedOrTrue = ProjectedOrTrue;
  40075. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  40076. }
  40077. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  40078. let ptr = 0;
  40079. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  40080. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  40081. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  40082. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  40083. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  40084. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  40085. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  40086. let AppliedLoad = tape[ptr++];
  40087. let GlobalOrLocal = tape[ptr++];
  40088. let DestabilizingLoad = tape[ptr++];
  40089. let ProjectedOrTrue = tape[ptr++];
  40090. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  40091. return new IfcStructuralSurfaceAction(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, AppliedLoad, GlobalOrLocal, DestabilizingLoad, ProjectedOrTrue, PredefinedType);
  40092. }
  40093. ToTape() {
  40094. let args = [];
  40095. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  40096. ;
  40097. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  40098. ;
  40099. args.push(this.Name);
  40100. ;
  40101. args.push(this.Description);
  40102. ;
  40103. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  40104. ;
  40105. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  40106. ;
  40107. args.push(this.Representation);
  40108. ;
  40109. args.push(this.AppliedLoad);
  40110. ;
  40111. args.push(this.GlobalOrLocal);
  40112. ;
  40113. args.push(this.DestabilizingLoad);
  40114. ;
  40115. args.push(this.ProjectedOrTrue);
  40116. ;
  40117. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  40118. ;
  40119. return args;
  40120. }
  40121. };
  40122. var IfcStructuralSurfaceConnection = class {
  40123. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, AppliedCondition) {
  40124. this.expressID = expressID;
  40125. this.type = type;
  40126. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  40127. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  40128. this.Name = Name;
  40129. this.Description = Description;
  40130. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  40131. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  40132. this.Representation = Representation;
  40133. this.AppliedCondition = AppliedCondition;
  40134. }
  40135. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  40136. let ptr = 0;
  40137. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  40138. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  40139. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  40140. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  40141. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  40142. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  40143. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  40144. let AppliedCondition = tape[ptr++];
  40145. return new IfcStructuralSurfaceConnection(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, AppliedCondition);
  40146. }
  40147. ToTape() {
  40148. let args = [];
  40149. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  40150. ;
  40151. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  40152. ;
  40153. args.push(this.Name);
  40154. ;
  40155. args.push(this.Description);
  40156. ;
  40157. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  40158. ;
  40159. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  40160. ;
  40161. args.push(this.Representation);
  40162. ;
  40163. args.push(this.AppliedCondition);
  40164. ;
  40165. return args;
  40166. }
  40167. };
  40168. var IfcStructuralSurfaceMember = class {
  40169. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, PredefinedType, Thickness) {
  40170. this.expressID = expressID;
  40171. this.type = type;
  40172. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  40173. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  40174. this.Name = Name;
  40175. this.Description = Description;
  40176. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  40177. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  40178. this.Representation = Representation;
  40179. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  40180. this.Thickness = Thickness;
  40181. }
  40182. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  40183. let ptr = 0;
  40184. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  40185. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  40186. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  40187. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  40188. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  40189. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  40190. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  40191. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  40192. let Thickness = tape[ptr++];
  40193. return new IfcStructuralSurfaceMember(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, PredefinedType, Thickness);
  40194. }
  40195. ToTape() {
  40196. let args = [];
  40197. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  40198. ;
  40199. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  40200. ;
  40201. args.push(this.Name);
  40202. ;
  40203. args.push(this.Description);
  40204. ;
  40205. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  40206. ;
  40207. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  40208. ;
  40209. args.push(this.Representation);
  40210. ;
  40211. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  40212. ;
  40213. args.push(this.Thickness);
  40214. ;
  40215. return args;
  40216. }
  40217. };
  40218. var IfcStructuralSurfaceMemberVarying = class {
  40219. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, PredefinedType, Thickness) {
  40220. this.expressID = expressID;
  40221. this.type = type;
  40222. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  40223. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  40224. this.Name = Name;
  40225. this.Description = Description;
  40226. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  40227. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  40228. this.Representation = Representation;
  40229. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  40230. this.Thickness = Thickness;
  40231. }
  40232. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  40233. let ptr = 0;
  40234. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  40235. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  40236. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  40237. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  40238. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  40239. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  40240. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  40241. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  40242. let Thickness = tape[ptr++];
  40243. return new IfcStructuralSurfaceMemberVarying(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, PredefinedType, Thickness);
  40244. }
  40245. ToTape() {
  40246. let args = [];
  40247. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  40248. ;
  40249. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  40250. ;
  40251. args.push(this.Name);
  40252. ;
  40253. args.push(this.Description);
  40254. ;
  40255. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  40256. ;
  40257. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  40258. ;
  40259. args.push(this.Representation);
  40260. ;
  40261. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  40262. ;
  40263. args.push(this.Thickness);
  40264. ;
  40265. return args;
  40266. }
  40267. };
  40268. var IfcStructuralSurfaceReaction = class {
  40269. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, AppliedLoad, GlobalOrLocal, PredefinedType) {
  40270. this.expressID = expressID;
  40271. this.type = type;
  40272. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  40273. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  40274. this.Name = Name;
  40275. this.Description = Description;
  40276. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  40277. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  40278. this.Representation = Representation;
  40279. this.AppliedLoad = AppliedLoad;
  40280. this.GlobalOrLocal = GlobalOrLocal;
  40281. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  40282. }
  40283. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  40284. let ptr = 0;
  40285. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  40286. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  40287. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  40288. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  40289. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  40290. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  40291. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  40292. let AppliedLoad = tape[ptr++];
  40293. let GlobalOrLocal = tape[ptr++];
  40294. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  40295. return new IfcStructuralSurfaceReaction(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, AppliedLoad, GlobalOrLocal, PredefinedType);
  40296. }
  40297. ToTape() {
  40298. let args = [];
  40299. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  40300. ;
  40301. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  40302. ;
  40303. args.push(this.Name);
  40304. ;
  40305. args.push(this.Description);
  40306. ;
  40307. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  40308. ;
  40309. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  40310. ;
  40311. args.push(this.Representation);
  40312. ;
  40313. args.push(this.AppliedLoad);
  40314. ;
  40315. args.push(this.GlobalOrLocal);
  40316. ;
  40317. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  40318. ;
  40319. return args;
  40320. }
  40321. };
  40322. var IfcStyleModel = class {
  40323. constructor(expressID, type, ContextOfItems, RepresentationIdentifier, RepresentationType, Items) {
  40324. this.expressID = expressID;
  40325. this.type = type;
  40326. this.ContextOfItems = ContextOfItems;
  40327. this.RepresentationIdentifier = RepresentationIdentifier;
  40328. this.RepresentationType = RepresentationType;
  40329. this.Items = Items;
  40330. }
  40331. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  40332. let ptr = 0;
  40333. let ContextOfItems = tape[ptr++];
  40334. let RepresentationIdentifier = tape[ptr++];
  40335. let RepresentationType = tape[ptr++];
  40336. let Items = tape[ptr++];
  40337. return new IfcStyleModel(expressID, type, ContextOfItems, RepresentationIdentifier, RepresentationType, Items);
  40338. }
  40339. ToTape() {
  40340. let args = [];
  40341. args.push(this.ContextOfItems);
  40342. ;
  40343. args.push(this.RepresentationIdentifier);
  40344. ;
  40345. args.push(this.RepresentationType);
  40346. ;
  40347. args.push(this.Items);
  40348. ;
  40349. return args;
  40350. }
  40351. };
  40352. var IfcStyledItem = class {
  40353. constructor(expressID, type, Item, Styles, Name) {
  40354. this.expressID = expressID;
  40355. this.type = type;
  40356. this.Item = Item;
  40357. this.Styles = Styles;
  40358. this.Name = Name;
  40359. }
  40360. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  40361. let ptr = 0;
  40362. let Item = tape[ptr++];
  40363. let Styles = tape[ptr++];
  40364. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  40365. return new IfcStyledItem(expressID, type, Item, Styles, Name);
  40366. }
  40367. ToTape() {
  40368. let args = [];
  40369. args.push(this.Item);
  40370. ;
  40371. args.push(this.Styles);
  40372. ;
  40373. args.push(this.Name);
  40374. ;
  40375. return args;
  40376. }
  40377. };
  40378. var IfcStyledRepresentation = class {
  40379. constructor(expressID, type, ContextOfItems, RepresentationIdentifier, RepresentationType, Items) {
  40380. this.expressID = expressID;
  40381. this.type = type;
  40382. this.ContextOfItems = ContextOfItems;
  40383. this.RepresentationIdentifier = RepresentationIdentifier;
  40384. this.RepresentationType = RepresentationType;
  40385. this.Items = Items;
  40386. }
  40387. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  40388. let ptr = 0;
  40389. let ContextOfItems = tape[ptr++];
  40390. let RepresentationIdentifier = tape[ptr++];
  40391. let RepresentationType = tape[ptr++];
  40392. let Items = tape[ptr++];
  40393. return new IfcStyledRepresentation(expressID, type, ContextOfItems, RepresentationIdentifier, RepresentationType, Items);
  40394. }
  40395. ToTape() {
  40396. let args = [];
  40397. args.push(this.ContextOfItems);
  40398. ;
  40399. args.push(this.RepresentationIdentifier);
  40400. ;
  40401. args.push(this.RepresentationType);
  40402. ;
  40403. args.push(this.Items);
  40404. ;
  40405. return args;
  40406. }
  40407. };
  40408. var IfcSubContractResource = class {
  40409. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, Identification, LongDescription, Usage, BaseCosts, BaseQuantity, PredefinedType) {
  40410. this.expressID = expressID;
  40411. this.type = type;
  40412. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  40413. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  40414. this.Name = Name;
  40415. this.Description = Description;
  40416. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  40417. this.Identification = Identification;
  40418. this.LongDescription = LongDescription;
  40419. this.Usage = Usage;
  40420. this.BaseCosts = BaseCosts;
  40421. this.BaseQuantity = BaseQuantity;
  40422. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  40423. }
  40424. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  40425. let ptr = 0;
  40426. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  40427. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  40428. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  40429. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  40430. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  40431. let Identification = tape[ptr++];
  40432. let LongDescription = tape[ptr++];
  40433. let Usage = tape[ptr++];
  40434. let BaseCosts = tape[ptr++];
  40435. let BaseQuantity = tape[ptr++];
  40436. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  40437. return new IfcSubContractResource(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, Identification, LongDescription, Usage, BaseCosts, BaseQuantity, PredefinedType);
  40438. }
  40439. ToTape() {
  40440. let args = [];
  40441. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  40442. ;
  40443. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  40444. ;
  40445. args.push(this.Name);
  40446. ;
  40447. args.push(this.Description);
  40448. ;
  40449. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  40450. ;
  40451. args.push(this.Identification);
  40452. ;
  40453. args.push(this.LongDescription);
  40454. ;
  40455. args.push(this.Usage);
  40456. ;
  40457. args.push(this.BaseCosts);
  40458. ;
  40459. args.push(this.BaseQuantity);
  40460. ;
  40461. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  40462. ;
  40463. return args;
  40464. }
  40465. };
  40466. var IfcSubContractResourceType = class {
  40467. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, Identification, LongDescription, ResourceType, BaseCosts, BaseQuantity, PredefinedType) {
  40468. this.expressID = expressID;
  40469. this.type = type;
  40470. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  40471. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  40472. this.Name = Name;
  40473. this.Description = Description;
  40474. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  40475. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  40476. this.Identification = Identification;
  40477. this.LongDescription = LongDescription;
  40478. this.ResourceType = ResourceType;
  40479. this.BaseCosts = BaseCosts;
  40480. this.BaseQuantity = BaseQuantity;
  40481. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  40482. }
  40483. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  40484. let ptr = 0;
  40485. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  40486. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  40487. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  40488. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  40489. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  40490. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  40491. let Identification = tape[ptr++];
  40492. let LongDescription = tape[ptr++];
  40493. let ResourceType = tape[ptr++];
  40494. let BaseCosts = tape[ptr++];
  40495. let BaseQuantity = tape[ptr++];
  40496. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  40497. return new IfcSubContractResourceType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, Identification, LongDescription, ResourceType, BaseCosts, BaseQuantity, PredefinedType);
  40498. }
  40499. ToTape() {
  40500. let args = [];
  40501. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  40502. ;
  40503. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  40504. ;
  40505. args.push(this.Name);
  40506. ;
  40507. args.push(this.Description);
  40508. ;
  40509. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  40510. ;
  40511. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  40512. ;
  40513. args.push(this.Identification);
  40514. ;
  40515. args.push(this.LongDescription);
  40516. ;
  40517. args.push(this.ResourceType);
  40518. ;
  40519. args.push(this.BaseCosts);
  40520. ;
  40521. args.push(this.BaseQuantity);
  40522. ;
  40523. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  40524. ;
  40525. return args;
  40526. }
  40527. };
  40528. var IfcSubedge = class {
  40529. constructor(expressID, type, EdgeStart, EdgeEnd, ParentEdge) {
  40530. this.expressID = expressID;
  40531. this.type = type;
  40532. this.EdgeStart = EdgeStart;
  40533. this.EdgeEnd = EdgeEnd;
  40534. this.ParentEdge = ParentEdge;
  40535. }
  40536. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  40537. let ptr = 0;
  40538. let EdgeStart = tape[ptr++];
  40539. let EdgeEnd = tape[ptr++];
  40540. let ParentEdge = tape[ptr++];
  40541. return new IfcSubedge(expressID, type, EdgeStart, EdgeEnd, ParentEdge);
  40542. }
  40543. ToTape() {
  40544. let args = [];
  40545. args.push(this.EdgeStart);
  40546. ;
  40547. args.push(this.EdgeEnd);
  40548. ;
  40549. args.push(this.ParentEdge);
  40550. ;
  40551. return args;
  40552. }
  40553. };
  40554. var IfcSurface = class {
  40555. constructor(expressID, type) {
  40556. this.expressID = expressID;
  40557. this.type = type;
  40558. }
  40559. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  40560. let ptr = 0;
  40561. return new IfcSurface(expressID, type);
  40562. }
  40563. ToTape() {
  40564. let args = [];
  40565. return args;
  40566. }
  40567. };
  40568. var IfcSurfaceCurve = class {
  40569. constructor(expressID, type, Curve3D, AssociatedGeometry, MasterRepresentation) {
  40570. this.expressID = expressID;
  40571. this.type = type;
  40572. this.Curve3D = Curve3D;
  40573. this.AssociatedGeometry = AssociatedGeometry;
  40574. this.MasterRepresentation = MasterRepresentation;
  40575. }
  40576. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  40577. let ptr = 0;
  40578. let Curve3D = tape[ptr++];
  40579. let AssociatedGeometry = tape[ptr++];
  40580. let MasterRepresentation = tape[ptr++];
  40581. return new IfcSurfaceCurve(expressID, type, Curve3D, AssociatedGeometry, MasterRepresentation);
  40582. }
  40583. ToTape() {
  40584. let args = [];
  40585. args.push(this.Curve3D);
  40586. ;
  40587. args.push(this.AssociatedGeometry);
  40588. ;
  40589. args.push(this.MasterRepresentation);
  40590. ;
  40591. return args;
  40592. }
  40593. };
  40594. var IfcSurfaceCurveSweptAreaSolid = class {
  40595. constructor(expressID, type, SweptArea, Position, Directrix, StartParam, EndParam, ReferenceSurface) {
  40596. this.expressID = expressID;
  40597. this.type = type;
  40598. this.SweptArea = SweptArea;
  40599. this.Position = Position;
  40600. this.Directrix = Directrix;
  40601. this.StartParam = StartParam;
  40602. this.EndParam = EndParam;
  40603. this.ReferenceSurface = ReferenceSurface;
  40604. }
  40605. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  40606. let ptr = 0;
  40607. let SweptArea = tape[ptr++];
  40608. let Position = tape[ptr++];
  40609. let Directrix = tape[ptr++];
  40610. let StartParam = tape[ptr++];
  40611. let EndParam = tape[ptr++];
  40612. let ReferenceSurface = tape[ptr++];
  40613. return new IfcSurfaceCurveSweptAreaSolid(expressID, type, SweptArea, Position, Directrix, StartParam, EndParam, ReferenceSurface);
  40614. }
  40615. ToTape() {
  40616. let args = [];
  40617. args.push(this.SweptArea);
  40618. ;
  40619. args.push(this.Position);
  40620. ;
  40621. args.push(this.Directrix);
  40622. ;
  40623. args.push(this.StartParam);
  40624. ;
  40625. args.push(this.EndParam);
  40626. ;
  40627. args.push(this.ReferenceSurface);
  40628. ;
  40629. return args;
  40630. }
  40631. };
  40632. var IfcSurfaceFeature = class {
  40633. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType) {
  40634. this.expressID = expressID;
  40635. this.type = type;
  40636. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  40637. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  40638. this.Name = Name;
  40639. this.Description = Description;
  40640. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  40641. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  40642. this.Representation = Representation;
  40643. this.Tag = Tag;
  40644. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  40645. }
  40646. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  40647. let ptr = 0;
  40648. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  40649. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  40650. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  40651. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  40652. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  40653. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  40654. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  40655. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  40656. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  40657. return new IfcSurfaceFeature(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType);
  40658. }
  40659. ToTape() {
  40660. let args = [];
  40661. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  40662. ;
  40663. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  40664. ;
  40665. args.push(this.Name);
  40666. ;
  40667. args.push(this.Description);
  40668. ;
  40669. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  40670. ;
  40671. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  40672. ;
  40673. args.push(this.Representation);
  40674. ;
  40675. args.push(this.Tag);
  40676. ;
  40677. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  40678. ;
  40679. return args;
  40680. }
  40681. };
  40682. var IfcSurfaceOfLinearExtrusion = class {
  40683. constructor(expressID, type, SweptCurve, Position, ExtrudedDirection, Depth) {
  40684. this.expressID = expressID;
  40685. this.type = type;
  40686. this.SweptCurve = SweptCurve;
  40687. this.Position = Position;
  40688. this.ExtrudedDirection = ExtrudedDirection;
  40689. this.Depth = Depth;
  40690. }
  40691. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  40692. let ptr = 0;
  40693. let SweptCurve = tape[ptr++];
  40694. let Position = tape[ptr++];
  40695. let ExtrudedDirection = tape[ptr++];
  40696. let Depth = tape[ptr++];
  40697. return new IfcSurfaceOfLinearExtrusion(expressID, type, SweptCurve, Position, ExtrudedDirection, Depth);
  40698. }
  40699. ToTape() {
  40700. let args = [];
  40701. args.push(this.SweptCurve);
  40702. ;
  40703. args.push(this.Position);
  40704. ;
  40705. args.push(this.ExtrudedDirection);
  40706. ;
  40707. args.push(this.Depth);
  40708. ;
  40709. return args;
  40710. }
  40711. };
  40712. var IfcSurfaceOfRevolution = class {
  40713. constructor(expressID, type, SweptCurve, Position, AxisPosition) {
  40714. this.expressID = expressID;
  40715. this.type = type;
  40716. this.SweptCurve = SweptCurve;
  40717. this.Position = Position;
  40718. this.AxisPosition = AxisPosition;
  40719. }
  40720. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  40721. let ptr = 0;
  40722. let SweptCurve = tape[ptr++];
  40723. let Position = tape[ptr++];
  40724. let AxisPosition = tape[ptr++];
  40725. return new IfcSurfaceOfRevolution(expressID, type, SweptCurve, Position, AxisPosition);
  40726. }
  40727. ToTape() {
  40728. let args = [];
  40729. args.push(this.SweptCurve);
  40730. ;
  40731. args.push(this.Position);
  40732. ;
  40733. args.push(this.AxisPosition);
  40734. ;
  40735. return args;
  40736. }
  40737. };
  40738. var IfcSurfaceReinforcementArea = class {
  40739. constructor(expressID, type, Name, SurfaceReinforcement1, SurfaceReinforcement2, ShearReinforcement) {
  40740. this.expressID = expressID;
  40741. this.type = type;
  40742. this.Name = Name;
  40743. this.SurfaceReinforcement1 = SurfaceReinforcement1;
  40744. this.SurfaceReinforcement2 = SurfaceReinforcement2;
  40745. this.ShearReinforcement = ShearReinforcement;
  40746. }
  40747. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  40748. let ptr = 0;
  40749. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  40750. let SurfaceReinforcement1 = tape[ptr++];
  40751. let SurfaceReinforcement2 = tape[ptr++];
  40752. let ShearReinforcement = tape[ptr++];
  40753. return new IfcSurfaceReinforcementArea(expressID, type, Name, SurfaceReinforcement1, SurfaceReinforcement2, ShearReinforcement);
  40754. }
  40755. ToTape() {
  40756. let args = [];
  40757. args.push(this.Name);
  40758. ;
  40759. args.push(this.SurfaceReinforcement1);
  40760. ;
  40761. args.push(this.SurfaceReinforcement2);
  40762. ;
  40763. args.push(this.ShearReinforcement);
  40764. ;
  40765. return args;
  40766. }
  40767. };
  40768. var IfcSurfaceStyle = class {
  40769. constructor(expressID, type, Name, Side, Styles) {
  40770. this.expressID = expressID;
  40771. this.type = type;
  40772. this.Name = Name;
  40773. this.Side = Side;
  40774. this.Styles = Styles;
  40775. }
  40776. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  40777. let ptr = 0;
  40778. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  40779. let Side = tape[ptr++];
  40780. let Styles = tape[ptr++];
  40781. return new IfcSurfaceStyle(expressID, type, Name, Side, Styles);
  40782. }
  40783. ToTape() {
  40784. let args = [];
  40785. args.push(this.Name);
  40786. ;
  40787. args.push(this.Side);
  40788. ;
  40789. args.push(this.Styles);
  40790. ;
  40791. return args;
  40792. }
  40793. };
  40794. var IfcSurfaceStyleLighting = class {
  40795. constructor(expressID, type, DiffuseTransmissionColour, DiffuseReflectionColour, TransmissionColour, ReflectanceColour) {
  40796. this.expressID = expressID;
  40797. this.type = type;
  40798. this.DiffuseTransmissionColour = DiffuseTransmissionColour;
  40799. this.DiffuseReflectionColour = DiffuseReflectionColour;
  40800. this.TransmissionColour = TransmissionColour;
  40801. this.ReflectanceColour = ReflectanceColour;
  40802. }
  40803. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  40804. let ptr = 0;
  40805. let DiffuseTransmissionColour = tape[ptr++];
  40806. let DiffuseReflectionColour = tape[ptr++];
  40807. let TransmissionColour = tape[ptr++];
  40808. let ReflectanceColour = tape[ptr++];
  40809. return new IfcSurfaceStyleLighting(expressID, type, DiffuseTransmissionColour, DiffuseReflectionColour, TransmissionColour, ReflectanceColour);
  40810. }
  40811. ToTape() {
  40812. let args = [];
  40813. args.push(this.DiffuseTransmissionColour);
  40814. ;
  40815. args.push(this.DiffuseReflectionColour);
  40816. ;
  40817. args.push(this.TransmissionColour);
  40818. ;
  40819. args.push(this.ReflectanceColour);
  40820. ;
  40821. return args;
  40822. }
  40823. };
  40824. var IfcSurfaceStyleRefraction = class {
  40825. constructor(expressID, type, RefractionIndex, DispersionFactor) {
  40826. this.expressID = expressID;
  40827. this.type = type;
  40828. this.RefractionIndex = RefractionIndex;
  40829. this.DispersionFactor = DispersionFactor;
  40830. }
  40831. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  40832. let ptr = 0;
  40833. let RefractionIndex = tape[ptr++];
  40834. let DispersionFactor = tape[ptr++];
  40835. return new IfcSurfaceStyleRefraction(expressID, type, RefractionIndex, DispersionFactor);
  40836. }
  40837. ToTape() {
  40838. let args = [];
  40839. args.push(this.RefractionIndex);
  40840. ;
  40841. args.push(this.DispersionFactor);
  40842. ;
  40843. return args;
  40844. }
  40845. };
  40846. var IfcSurfaceStyleRendering = class {
  40847. constructor(expressID, type, SurfaceColour, Transparency, DiffuseColour, TransmissionColour, DiffuseTransmissionColour, ReflectionColour, SpecularColour, SpecularHighlight, ReflectanceMethod) {
  40848. this.expressID = expressID;
  40849. this.type = type;
  40850. this.SurfaceColour = SurfaceColour;
  40851. this.Transparency = Transparency;
  40852. this.DiffuseColour = DiffuseColour;
  40853. this.TransmissionColour = TransmissionColour;
  40854. this.DiffuseTransmissionColour = DiffuseTransmissionColour;
  40855. this.ReflectionColour = ReflectionColour;
  40856. this.SpecularColour = SpecularColour;
  40857. this.SpecularHighlight = SpecularHighlight;
  40858. this.ReflectanceMethod = ReflectanceMethod;
  40859. }
  40860. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  40861. let ptr = 0;
  40862. let SurfaceColour = tape[ptr++];
  40863. let Transparency = tape[ptr++];
  40864. let DiffuseColour = tape[ptr++];
  40865. let TransmissionColour = tape[ptr++];
  40866. let DiffuseTransmissionColour = tape[ptr++];
  40867. let ReflectionColour = tape[ptr++];
  40868. let SpecularColour = tape[ptr++];
  40869. let SpecularHighlight = tape[ptr++];
  40870. let ReflectanceMethod = tape[ptr++];
  40871. return new IfcSurfaceStyleRendering(expressID, type, SurfaceColour, Transparency, DiffuseColour, TransmissionColour, DiffuseTransmissionColour, ReflectionColour, SpecularColour, SpecularHighlight, ReflectanceMethod);
  40872. }
  40873. ToTape() {
  40874. let args = [];
  40875. args.push(this.SurfaceColour);
  40876. ;
  40877. args.push(this.Transparency);
  40878. ;
  40879. args.push(this.DiffuseColour);
  40880. ;
  40881. args.push(this.TransmissionColour);
  40882. ;
  40883. args.push(this.DiffuseTransmissionColour);
  40884. ;
  40885. args.push(this.ReflectionColour);
  40886. ;
  40887. args.push(this.SpecularColour);
  40888. ;
  40889. args.push(this.SpecularHighlight);
  40890. ;
  40891. args.push(this.ReflectanceMethod);
  40892. ;
  40893. return args;
  40894. }
  40895. };
  40896. var IfcSurfaceStyleShading = class {
  40897. constructor(expressID, type, SurfaceColour, Transparency) {
  40898. this.expressID = expressID;
  40899. this.type = type;
  40900. this.SurfaceColour = SurfaceColour;
  40901. this.Transparency = Transparency;
  40902. }
  40903. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  40904. let ptr = 0;
  40905. let SurfaceColour = tape[ptr++];
  40906. let Transparency = tape[ptr++];
  40907. return new IfcSurfaceStyleShading(expressID, type, SurfaceColour, Transparency);
  40908. }
  40909. ToTape() {
  40910. let args = [];
  40911. args.push(this.SurfaceColour);
  40912. ;
  40913. args.push(this.Transparency);
  40914. ;
  40915. return args;
  40916. }
  40917. };
  40918. var IfcSurfaceStyleWithTextures = class {
  40919. constructor(expressID, type, Textures) {
  40920. this.expressID = expressID;
  40921. this.type = type;
  40922. this.Textures = Textures;
  40923. }
  40924. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  40925. let ptr = 0;
  40926. let Textures = tape[ptr++];
  40927. return new IfcSurfaceStyleWithTextures(expressID, type, Textures);
  40928. }
  40929. ToTape() {
  40930. let args = [];
  40931. args.push(this.Textures);
  40932. ;
  40933. return args;
  40934. }
  40935. };
  40936. var IfcSurfaceTexture = class {
  40937. constructor(expressID, type, RepeatS, RepeatT, Mode, TextureTransform, Parameter) {
  40938. this.expressID = expressID;
  40939. this.type = type;
  40940. this.RepeatS = RepeatS;
  40941. this.RepeatT = RepeatT;
  40942. this.Mode = Mode;
  40943. this.TextureTransform = TextureTransform;
  40944. this.Parameter = Parameter;
  40945. }
  40946. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  40947. let ptr = 0;
  40948. let RepeatS = tape[ptr++];
  40949. let RepeatT = tape[ptr++];
  40950. let Mode = tape[ptr++];
  40951. let TextureTransform = tape[ptr++];
  40952. let Parameter = tape[ptr++];
  40953. return new IfcSurfaceTexture(expressID, type, RepeatS, RepeatT, Mode, TextureTransform, Parameter);
  40954. }
  40955. ToTape() {
  40956. let args = [];
  40957. args.push(this.RepeatS);
  40958. ;
  40959. args.push(this.RepeatT);
  40960. ;
  40961. args.push(this.Mode);
  40962. ;
  40963. args.push(this.TextureTransform);
  40964. ;
  40965. args.push(this.Parameter);
  40966. ;
  40967. return args;
  40968. }
  40969. };
  40970. var IfcSweptAreaSolid = class {
  40971. constructor(expressID, type, SweptArea, Position) {
  40972. this.expressID = expressID;
  40973. this.type = type;
  40974. this.SweptArea = SweptArea;
  40975. this.Position = Position;
  40976. }
  40977. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  40978. let ptr = 0;
  40979. let SweptArea = tape[ptr++];
  40980. let Position = tape[ptr++];
  40981. return new IfcSweptAreaSolid(expressID, type, SweptArea, Position);
  40982. }
  40983. ToTape() {
  40984. let args = [];
  40985. args.push(this.SweptArea);
  40986. ;
  40987. args.push(this.Position);
  40988. ;
  40989. return args;
  40990. }
  40991. };
  40992. var IfcSweptDiskSolid = class {
  40993. constructor(expressID, type, Directrix, Radius, InnerRadius, StartParam, EndParam) {
  40994. this.expressID = expressID;
  40995. this.type = type;
  40996. this.Directrix = Directrix;
  40997. this.Radius = Radius;
  40998. this.InnerRadius = InnerRadius;
  40999. this.StartParam = StartParam;
  41000. this.EndParam = EndParam;
  41001. }
  41002. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  41003. let ptr = 0;
  41004. let Directrix = tape[ptr++];
  41005. let Radius = tape[ptr++];
  41006. let InnerRadius = tape[ptr++];
  41007. let StartParam = tape[ptr++];
  41008. let EndParam = tape[ptr++];
  41009. return new IfcSweptDiskSolid(expressID, type, Directrix, Radius, InnerRadius, StartParam, EndParam);
  41010. }
  41011. ToTape() {
  41012. let args = [];
  41013. args.push(this.Directrix);
  41014. ;
  41015. args.push(this.Radius);
  41016. ;
  41017. args.push(this.InnerRadius);
  41018. ;
  41019. args.push(this.StartParam);
  41020. ;
  41021. args.push(this.EndParam);
  41022. ;
  41023. return args;
  41024. }
  41025. };
  41026. var IfcSweptDiskSolidPolygonal = class {
  41027. constructor(expressID, type, Directrix, Radius, InnerRadius, StartParam, EndParam, FilletRadius) {
  41028. this.expressID = expressID;
  41029. this.type = type;
  41030. this.Directrix = Directrix;
  41031. this.Radius = Radius;
  41032. this.InnerRadius = InnerRadius;
  41033. this.StartParam = StartParam;
  41034. this.EndParam = EndParam;
  41035. this.FilletRadius = FilletRadius;
  41036. }
  41037. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  41038. let ptr = 0;
  41039. let Directrix = tape[ptr++];
  41040. let Radius = tape[ptr++];
  41041. let InnerRadius = tape[ptr++];
  41042. let StartParam = tape[ptr++];
  41043. let EndParam = tape[ptr++];
  41044. let FilletRadius = tape[ptr++];
  41045. return new IfcSweptDiskSolidPolygonal(expressID, type, Directrix, Radius, InnerRadius, StartParam, EndParam, FilletRadius);
  41046. }
  41047. ToTape() {
  41048. let args = [];
  41049. args.push(this.Directrix);
  41050. ;
  41051. args.push(this.Radius);
  41052. ;
  41053. args.push(this.InnerRadius);
  41054. ;
  41055. args.push(this.StartParam);
  41056. ;
  41057. args.push(this.EndParam);
  41058. ;
  41059. args.push(this.FilletRadius);
  41060. ;
  41061. return args;
  41062. }
  41063. };
  41064. var IfcSweptSurface = class {
  41065. constructor(expressID, type, SweptCurve, Position) {
  41066. this.expressID = expressID;
  41067. this.type = type;
  41068. this.SweptCurve = SweptCurve;
  41069. this.Position = Position;
  41070. }
  41071. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  41072. let ptr = 0;
  41073. let SweptCurve = tape[ptr++];
  41074. let Position = tape[ptr++];
  41075. return new IfcSweptSurface(expressID, type, SweptCurve, Position);
  41076. }
  41077. ToTape() {
  41078. let args = [];
  41079. args.push(this.SweptCurve);
  41080. ;
  41081. args.push(this.Position);
  41082. ;
  41083. return args;
  41084. }
  41085. };
  41086. var IfcSwitchingDevice = class {
  41087. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType) {
  41088. this.expressID = expressID;
  41089. this.type = type;
  41090. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  41091. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  41092. this.Name = Name;
  41093. this.Description = Description;
  41094. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  41095. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  41096. this.Representation = Representation;
  41097. this.Tag = Tag;
  41098. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  41099. }
  41100. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  41101. let ptr = 0;
  41102. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  41103. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  41104. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  41105. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  41106. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  41107. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  41108. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  41109. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  41110. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  41111. return new IfcSwitchingDevice(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType);
  41112. }
  41113. ToTape() {
  41114. let args = [];
  41115. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  41116. ;
  41117. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  41118. ;
  41119. args.push(this.Name);
  41120. ;
  41121. args.push(this.Description);
  41122. ;
  41123. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  41124. ;
  41125. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  41126. ;
  41127. args.push(this.Representation);
  41128. ;
  41129. args.push(this.Tag);
  41130. ;
  41131. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  41132. ;
  41133. return args;
  41134. }
  41135. };
  41136. var IfcSwitchingDeviceType = class {
  41137. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType) {
  41138. this.expressID = expressID;
  41139. this.type = type;
  41140. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  41141. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  41142. this.Name = Name;
  41143. this.Description = Description;
  41144. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  41145. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  41146. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  41147. this.Tag = Tag;
  41148. this.ElementType = ElementType;
  41149. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  41150. }
  41151. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  41152. let ptr = 0;
  41153. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  41154. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  41155. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  41156. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  41157. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  41158. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  41159. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  41160. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  41161. let ElementType = tape[ptr++];
  41162. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  41163. return new IfcSwitchingDeviceType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType);
  41164. }
  41165. ToTape() {
  41166. let args = [];
  41167. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  41168. ;
  41169. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  41170. ;
  41171. args.push(this.Name);
  41172. ;
  41173. args.push(this.Description);
  41174. ;
  41175. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  41176. ;
  41177. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  41178. ;
  41179. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  41180. ;
  41181. args.push(this.Tag);
  41182. ;
  41183. args.push(this.ElementType);
  41184. ;
  41185. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  41186. ;
  41187. return args;
  41188. }
  41189. };
  41190. var IfcSystem = class {
  41191. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType) {
  41192. this.expressID = expressID;
  41193. this.type = type;
  41194. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  41195. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  41196. this.Name = Name;
  41197. this.Description = Description;
  41198. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  41199. }
  41200. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  41201. let ptr = 0;
  41202. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  41203. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  41204. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  41205. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  41206. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  41207. return new IfcSystem(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType);
  41208. }
  41209. ToTape() {
  41210. let args = [];
  41211. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  41212. ;
  41213. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  41214. ;
  41215. args.push(this.Name);
  41216. ;
  41217. args.push(this.Description);
  41218. ;
  41219. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  41220. ;
  41221. return args;
  41222. }
  41223. };
  41224. var IfcSystemFurnitureElement = class {
  41225. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType) {
  41226. this.expressID = expressID;
  41227. this.type = type;
  41228. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  41229. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  41230. this.Name = Name;
  41231. this.Description = Description;
  41232. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  41233. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  41234. this.Representation = Representation;
  41235. this.Tag = Tag;
  41236. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  41237. }
  41238. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  41239. let ptr = 0;
  41240. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  41241. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  41242. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  41243. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  41244. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  41245. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  41246. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  41247. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  41248. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  41249. return new IfcSystemFurnitureElement(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType);
  41250. }
  41251. ToTape() {
  41252. let args = [];
  41253. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  41254. ;
  41255. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  41256. ;
  41257. args.push(this.Name);
  41258. ;
  41259. args.push(this.Description);
  41260. ;
  41261. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  41262. ;
  41263. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  41264. ;
  41265. args.push(this.Representation);
  41266. ;
  41267. args.push(this.Tag);
  41268. ;
  41269. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  41270. ;
  41271. return args;
  41272. }
  41273. };
  41274. var IfcSystemFurnitureElementType = class {
  41275. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType) {
  41276. this.expressID = expressID;
  41277. this.type = type;
  41278. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  41279. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  41280. this.Name = Name;
  41281. this.Description = Description;
  41282. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  41283. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  41284. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  41285. this.Tag = Tag;
  41286. this.ElementType = ElementType;
  41287. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  41288. }
  41289. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  41290. let ptr = 0;
  41291. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  41292. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  41293. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  41294. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  41295. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  41296. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  41297. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  41298. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  41299. let ElementType = tape[ptr++];
  41300. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  41301. return new IfcSystemFurnitureElementType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType);
  41302. }
  41303. ToTape() {
  41304. let args = [];
  41305. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  41306. ;
  41307. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  41308. ;
  41309. args.push(this.Name);
  41310. ;
  41311. args.push(this.Description);
  41312. ;
  41313. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  41314. ;
  41315. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  41316. ;
  41317. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  41318. ;
  41319. args.push(this.Tag);
  41320. ;
  41321. args.push(this.ElementType);
  41322. ;
  41323. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  41324. ;
  41325. return args;
  41326. }
  41327. };
  41328. var IfcTShapeProfileDef = class {
  41329. constructor(expressID, type, ProfileType, ProfileName, Position, Depth, FlangeWidth, WebThickness, FlangeThickness, FilletRadius, FlangeEdgeRadius, WebEdgeRadius, WebSlope, FlangeSlope) {
  41330. this.expressID = expressID;
  41331. this.type = type;
  41332. this.ProfileType = ProfileType;
  41333. this.ProfileName = ProfileName;
  41334. this.Position = Position;
  41335. this.Depth = Depth;
  41336. this.FlangeWidth = FlangeWidth;
  41337. this.WebThickness = WebThickness;
  41338. this.FlangeThickness = FlangeThickness;
  41339. this.FilletRadius = FilletRadius;
  41340. this.FlangeEdgeRadius = FlangeEdgeRadius;
  41341. this.WebEdgeRadius = WebEdgeRadius;
  41342. this.WebSlope = WebSlope;
  41343. this.FlangeSlope = FlangeSlope;
  41344. }
  41345. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  41346. let ptr = 0;
  41347. let ProfileType = tape[ptr++];
  41348. let ProfileName = tape[ptr++];
  41349. let Position = tape[ptr++];
  41350. let Depth = tape[ptr++];
  41351. let FlangeWidth = tape[ptr++];
  41352. let WebThickness = tape[ptr++];
  41353. let FlangeThickness = tape[ptr++];
  41354. let FilletRadius = tape[ptr++];
  41355. let FlangeEdgeRadius = tape[ptr++];
  41356. let WebEdgeRadius = tape[ptr++];
  41357. let WebSlope = tape[ptr++];
  41358. let FlangeSlope = tape[ptr++];
  41359. return new IfcTShapeProfileDef(expressID, type, ProfileType, ProfileName, Position, Depth, FlangeWidth, WebThickness, FlangeThickness, FilletRadius, FlangeEdgeRadius, WebEdgeRadius, WebSlope, FlangeSlope);
  41360. }
  41361. ToTape() {
  41362. let args = [];
  41363. args.push(this.ProfileType);
  41364. ;
  41365. args.push(this.ProfileName);
  41366. ;
  41367. args.push(this.Position);
  41368. ;
  41369. args.push(this.Depth);
  41370. ;
  41371. args.push(this.FlangeWidth);
  41372. ;
  41373. args.push(this.WebThickness);
  41374. ;
  41375. args.push(this.FlangeThickness);
  41376. ;
  41377. args.push(this.FilletRadius);
  41378. ;
  41379. args.push(this.FlangeEdgeRadius);
  41380. ;
  41381. args.push(this.WebEdgeRadius);
  41382. ;
  41383. args.push(this.WebSlope);
  41384. ;
  41385. args.push(this.FlangeSlope);
  41386. ;
  41387. return args;
  41388. }
  41389. };
  41390. var IfcTable = class {
  41391. constructor(expressID, type, Name, Rows, Columns) {
  41392. this.expressID = expressID;
  41393. this.type = type;
  41394. this.Name = Name;
  41395. this.Rows = Rows;
  41396. this.Columns = Columns;
  41397. }
  41398. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  41399. let ptr = 0;
  41400. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  41401. let Rows = tape[ptr++];
  41402. let Columns = tape[ptr++];
  41403. return new IfcTable(expressID, type, Name, Rows, Columns);
  41404. }
  41405. ToTape() {
  41406. let args = [];
  41407. args.push(this.Name);
  41408. ;
  41409. args.push(this.Rows);
  41410. ;
  41411. args.push(this.Columns);
  41412. ;
  41413. return args;
  41414. }
  41415. };
  41416. var IfcTableColumn = class {
  41417. constructor(expressID, type, Identifier, Name, Description, Unit, ReferencePath) {
  41418. this.expressID = expressID;
  41419. this.type = type;
  41420. this.Identifier = Identifier;
  41421. this.Name = Name;
  41422. this.Description = Description;
  41423. this.Unit = Unit;
  41424. this.ReferencePath = ReferencePath;
  41425. }
  41426. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  41427. let ptr = 0;
  41428. let Identifier = tape[ptr++];
  41429. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  41430. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  41431. let Unit = tape[ptr++];
  41432. let ReferencePath = tape[ptr++];
  41433. return new IfcTableColumn(expressID, type, Identifier, Name, Description, Unit, ReferencePath);
  41434. }
  41435. ToTape() {
  41436. let args = [];
  41437. args.push(this.Identifier);
  41438. ;
  41439. args.push(this.Name);
  41440. ;
  41441. args.push(this.Description);
  41442. ;
  41443. args.push(this.Unit);
  41444. ;
  41445. args.push(this.ReferencePath);
  41446. ;
  41447. return args;
  41448. }
  41449. };
  41450. var IfcTableRow = class {
  41451. constructor(expressID, type, RowCells, IsHeading) {
  41452. this.expressID = expressID;
  41453. this.type = type;
  41454. this.RowCells = RowCells;
  41455. this.IsHeading = IsHeading;
  41456. }
  41457. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  41458. let ptr = 0;
  41459. let RowCells = tape[ptr++];
  41460. let IsHeading = tape[ptr++];
  41461. return new IfcTableRow(expressID, type, RowCells, IsHeading);
  41462. }
  41463. ToTape() {
  41464. let args = [];
  41465. args.push(this.RowCells);
  41466. ;
  41467. args.push(this.IsHeading);
  41468. ;
  41469. return args;
  41470. }
  41471. };
  41472. var IfcTank = class {
  41473. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType) {
  41474. this.expressID = expressID;
  41475. this.type = type;
  41476. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  41477. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  41478. this.Name = Name;
  41479. this.Description = Description;
  41480. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  41481. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  41482. this.Representation = Representation;
  41483. this.Tag = Tag;
  41484. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  41485. }
  41486. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  41487. let ptr = 0;
  41488. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  41489. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  41490. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  41491. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  41492. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  41493. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  41494. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  41495. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  41496. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  41497. return new IfcTank(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType);
  41498. }
  41499. ToTape() {
  41500. let args = [];
  41501. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  41502. ;
  41503. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  41504. ;
  41505. args.push(this.Name);
  41506. ;
  41507. args.push(this.Description);
  41508. ;
  41509. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  41510. ;
  41511. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  41512. ;
  41513. args.push(this.Representation);
  41514. ;
  41515. args.push(this.Tag);
  41516. ;
  41517. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  41518. ;
  41519. return args;
  41520. }
  41521. };
  41522. var IfcTankType = class {
  41523. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType) {
  41524. this.expressID = expressID;
  41525. this.type = type;
  41526. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  41527. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  41528. this.Name = Name;
  41529. this.Description = Description;
  41530. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  41531. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  41532. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  41533. this.Tag = Tag;
  41534. this.ElementType = ElementType;
  41535. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  41536. }
  41537. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  41538. let ptr = 0;
  41539. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  41540. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  41541. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  41542. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  41543. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  41544. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  41545. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  41546. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  41547. let ElementType = tape[ptr++];
  41548. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  41549. return new IfcTankType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType);
  41550. }
  41551. ToTape() {
  41552. let args = [];
  41553. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  41554. ;
  41555. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  41556. ;
  41557. args.push(this.Name);
  41558. ;
  41559. args.push(this.Description);
  41560. ;
  41561. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  41562. ;
  41563. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  41564. ;
  41565. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  41566. ;
  41567. args.push(this.Tag);
  41568. ;
  41569. args.push(this.ElementType);
  41570. ;
  41571. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  41572. ;
  41573. return args;
  41574. }
  41575. };
  41576. var IfcTask = class {
  41577. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, Identification, LongDescription, Status, WorkMethod, IsMilestone, Priority, TaskTime, PredefinedType) {
  41578. this.expressID = expressID;
  41579. this.type = type;
  41580. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  41581. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  41582. this.Name = Name;
  41583. this.Description = Description;
  41584. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  41585. this.Identification = Identification;
  41586. this.LongDescription = LongDescription;
  41587. this.Status = Status;
  41588. this.WorkMethod = WorkMethod;
  41589. this.IsMilestone = IsMilestone;
  41590. this.Priority = Priority;
  41591. this.TaskTime = TaskTime;
  41592. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  41593. }
  41594. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  41595. let ptr = 0;
  41596. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  41597. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  41598. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  41599. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  41600. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  41601. let Identification = tape[ptr++];
  41602. let LongDescription = tape[ptr++];
  41603. let Status = tape[ptr++];
  41604. let WorkMethod = tape[ptr++];
  41605. let IsMilestone = tape[ptr++];
  41606. let Priority = tape[ptr++];
  41607. let TaskTime = tape[ptr++];
  41608. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  41609. return new IfcTask(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, Identification, LongDescription, Status, WorkMethod, IsMilestone, Priority, TaskTime, PredefinedType);
  41610. }
  41611. ToTape() {
  41612. let args = [];
  41613. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  41614. ;
  41615. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  41616. ;
  41617. args.push(this.Name);
  41618. ;
  41619. args.push(this.Description);
  41620. ;
  41621. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  41622. ;
  41623. args.push(this.Identification);
  41624. ;
  41625. args.push(this.LongDescription);
  41626. ;
  41627. args.push(this.Status);
  41628. ;
  41629. args.push(this.WorkMethod);
  41630. ;
  41631. args.push(this.IsMilestone);
  41632. ;
  41633. args.push(this.Priority);
  41634. ;
  41635. args.push(this.TaskTime);
  41636. ;
  41637. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  41638. ;
  41639. return args;
  41640. }
  41641. };
  41642. var IfcTaskTime = class {
  41643. constructor(expressID, type, Name, DataOrigin, UserDefinedDataOrigin, DurationType, ScheduleDuration, ScheduleStart, ScheduleFinish, EarlyStart, EarlyFinish, LateStart, LateFinish, FreeFloat, TotalFloat, IsCritical, StatusTime, ActualDuration, ActualStart, ActualFinish, RemainingTime, Completion) {
  41644. this.expressID = expressID;
  41645. this.type = type;
  41646. this.Name = Name;
  41647. this.DataOrigin = DataOrigin;
  41648. this.UserDefinedDataOrigin = UserDefinedDataOrigin;
  41649. this.DurationType = DurationType;
  41650. this.ScheduleDuration = ScheduleDuration;
  41651. this.ScheduleStart = ScheduleStart;
  41652. this.ScheduleFinish = ScheduleFinish;
  41653. this.EarlyStart = EarlyStart;
  41654. this.EarlyFinish = EarlyFinish;
  41655. this.LateStart = LateStart;
  41656. this.LateFinish = LateFinish;
  41657. this.FreeFloat = FreeFloat;
  41658. this.TotalFloat = TotalFloat;
  41659. this.IsCritical = IsCritical;
  41660. this.StatusTime = StatusTime;
  41661. this.ActualDuration = ActualDuration;
  41662. this.ActualStart = ActualStart;
  41663. this.ActualFinish = ActualFinish;
  41664. this.RemainingTime = RemainingTime;
  41665. this.Completion = Completion;
  41666. }
  41667. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  41668. let ptr = 0;
  41669. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  41670. let DataOrigin = tape[ptr++];
  41671. let UserDefinedDataOrigin = tape[ptr++];
  41672. let DurationType = tape[ptr++];
  41673. let ScheduleDuration = tape[ptr++];
  41674. let ScheduleStart = tape[ptr++];
  41675. let ScheduleFinish = tape[ptr++];
  41676. let EarlyStart = tape[ptr++];
  41677. let EarlyFinish = tape[ptr++];
  41678. let LateStart = tape[ptr++];
  41679. let LateFinish = tape[ptr++];
  41680. let FreeFloat = tape[ptr++];
  41681. let TotalFloat = tape[ptr++];
  41682. let IsCritical = tape[ptr++];
  41683. let StatusTime = tape[ptr++];
  41684. let ActualDuration = tape[ptr++];
  41685. let ActualStart = tape[ptr++];
  41686. let ActualFinish = tape[ptr++];
  41687. let RemainingTime = tape[ptr++];
  41688. let Completion = tape[ptr++];
  41689. return new IfcTaskTime(expressID, type, Name, DataOrigin, UserDefinedDataOrigin, DurationType, ScheduleDuration, ScheduleStart, ScheduleFinish, EarlyStart, EarlyFinish, LateStart, LateFinish, FreeFloat, TotalFloat, IsCritical, StatusTime, ActualDuration, ActualStart, ActualFinish, RemainingTime, Completion);
  41690. }
  41691. ToTape() {
  41692. let args = [];
  41693. args.push(this.Name);
  41694. ;
  41695. args.push(this.DataOrigin);
  41696. ;
  41697. args.push(this.UserDefinedDataOrigin);
  41698. ;
  41699. args.push(this.DurationType);
  41700. ;
  41701. args.push(this.ScheduleDuration);
  41702. ;
  41703. args.push(this.ScheduleStart);
  41704. ;
  41705. args.push(this.ScheduleFinish);
  41706. ;
  41707. args.push(this.EarlyStart);
  41708. ;
  41709. args.push(this.EarlyFinish);
  41710. ;
  41711. args.push(this.LateStart);
  41712. ;
  41713. args.push(this.LateFinish);
  41714. ;
  41715. args.push(this.FreeFloat);
  41716. ;
  41717. args.push(this.TotalFloat);
  41718. ;
  41719. args.push(this.IsCritical);
  41720. ;
  41721. args.push(this.StatusTime);
  41722. ;
  41723. args.push(this.ActualDuration);
  41724. ;
  41725. args.push(this.ActualStart);
  41726. ;
  41727. args.push(this.ActualFinish);
  41728. ;
  41729. args.push(this.RemainingTime);
  41730. ;
  41731. args.push(this.Completion);
  41732. ;
  41733. return args;
  41734. }
  41735. };
  41736. var IfcTaskTimeRecurring = class {
  41737. constructor(expressID, type, Name, DataOrigin, UserDefinedDataOrigin, DurationType, ScheduleDuration, ScheduleStart, ScheduleFinish, EarlyStart, EarlyFinish, LateStart, LateFinish, FreeFloat, TotalFloat, IsCritical, StatusTime, ActualDuration, ActualStart, ActualFinish, RemainingTime, Completion, Recurrence) {
  41738. this.expressID = expressID;
  41739. this.type = type;
  41740. this.Name = Name;
  41741. this.DataOrigin = DataOrigin;
  41742. this.UserDefinedDataOrigin = UserDefinedDataOrigin;
  41743. this.DurationType = DurationType;
  41744. this.ScheduleDuration = ScheduleDuration;
  41745. this.ScheduleStart = ScheduleStart;
  41746. this.ScheduleFinish = ScheduleFinish;
  41747. this.EarlyStart = EarlyStart;
  41748. this.EarlyFinish = EarlyFinish;
  41749. this.LateStart = LateStart;
  41750. this.LateFinish = LateFinish;
  41751. this.FreeFloat = FreeFloat;
  41752. this.TotalFloat = TotalFloat;
  41753. this.IsCritical = IsCritical;
  41754. this.StatusTime = StatusTime;
  41755. this.ActualDuration = ActualDuration;
  41756. this.ActualStart = ActualStart;
  41757. this.ActualFinish = ActualFinish;
  41758. this.RemainingTime = RemainingTime;
  41759. this.Completion = Completion;
  41760. this.Recurrence = Recurrence;
  41761. }
  41762. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  41763. let ptr = 0;
  41764. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  41765. let DataOrigin = tape[ptr++];
  41766. let UserDefinedDataOrigin = tape[ptr++];
  41767. let DurationType = tape[ptr++];
  41768. let ScheduleDuration = tape[ptr++];
  41769. let ScheduleStart = tape[ptr++];
  41770. let ScheduleFinish = tape[ptr++];
  41771. let EarlyStart = tape[ptr++];
  41772. let EarlyFinish = tape[ptr++];
  41773. let LateStart = tape[ptr++];
  41774. let LateFinish = tape[ptr++];
  41775. let FreeFloat = tape[ptr++];
  41776. let TotalFloat = tape[ptr++];
  41777. let IsCritical = tape[ptr++];
  41778. let StatusTime = tape[ptr++];
  41779. let ActualDuration = tape[ptr++];
  41780. let ActualStart = tape[ptr++];
  41781. let ActualFinish = tape[ptr++];
  41782. let RemainingTime = tape[ptr++];
  41783. let Completion = tape[ptr++];
  41784. let Recurrence = tape[ptr++];
  41785. return new IfcTaskTimeRecurring(expressID, type, Name, DataOrigin, UserDefinedDataOrigin, DurationType, ScheduleDuration, ScheduleStart, ScheduleFinish, EarlyStart, EarlyFinish, LateStart, LateFinish, FreeFloat, TotalFloat, IsCritical, StatusTime, ActualDuration, ActualStart, ActualFinish, RemainingTime, Completion, Recurrence);
  41786. }
  41787. ToTape() {
  41788. let args = [];
  41789. args.push(this.Name);
  41790. ;
  41791. args.push(this.DataOrigin);
  41792. ;
  41793. args.push(this.UserDefinedDataOrigin);
  41794. ;
  41795. args.push(this.DurationType);
  41796. ;
  41797. args.push(this.ScheduleDuration);
  41798. ;
  41799. args.push(this.ScheduleStart);
  41800. ;
  41801. args.push(this.ScheduleFinish);
  41802. ;
  41803. args.push(this.EarlyStart);
  41804. ;
  41805. args.push(this.EarlyFinish);
  41806. ;
  41807. args.push(this.LateStart);
  41808. ;
  41809. args.push(this.LateFinish);
  41810. ;
  41811. args.push(this.FreeFloat);
  41812. ;
  41813. args.push(this.TotalFloat);
  41814. ;
  41815. args.push(this.IsCritical);
  41816. ;
  41817. args.push(this.StatusTime);
  41818. ;
  41819. args.push(this.ActualDuration);
  41820. ;
  41821. args.push(this.ActualStart);
  41822. ;
  41823. args.push(this.ActualFinish);
  41824. ;
  41825. args.push(this.RemainingTime);
  41826. ;
  41827. args.push(this.Completion);
  41828. ;
  41829. args.push(this.Recurrence);
  41830. ;
  41831. return args;
  41832. }
  41833. };
  41834. var IfcTaskType = class {
  41835. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, Identification, LongDescription, ProcessType, PredefinedType, WorkMethod) {
  41836. this.expressID = expressID;
  41837. this.type = type;
  41838. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  41839. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  41840. this.Name = Name;
  41841. this.Description = Description;
  41842. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  41843. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  41844. this.Identification = Identification;
  41845. this.LongDescription = LongDescription;
  41846. this.ProcessType = ProcessType;
  41847. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  41848. this.WorkMethod = WorkMethod;
  41849. }
  41850. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  41851. let ptr = 0;
  41852. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  41853. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  41854. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  41855. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  41856. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  41857. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  41858. let Identification = tape[ptr++];
  41859. let LongDescription = tape[ptr++];
  41860. let ProcessType = tape[ptr++];
  41861. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  41862. let WorkMethod = tape[ptr++];
  41863. return new IfcTaskType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, Identification, LongDescription, ProcessType, PredefinedType, WorkMethod);
  41864. }
  41865. ToTape() {
  41866. let args = [];
  41867. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  41868. ;
  41869. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  41870. ;
  41871. args.push(this.Name);
  41872. ;
  41873. args.push(this.Description);
  41874. ;
  41875. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  41876. ;
  41877. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  41878. ;
  41879. args.push(this.Identification);
  41880. ;
  41881. args.push(this.LongDescription);
  41882. ;
  41883. args.push(this.ProcessType);
  41884. ;
  41885. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  41886. ;
  41887. args.push(this.WorkMethod);
  41888. ;
  41889. return args;
  41890. }
  41891. };
  41892. var IfcTelecomAddress = class {
  41893. constructor(expressID, type, Purpose, Description, UserDefinedPurpose, TelephoneNumbers, FacsimileNumbers, PagerNumber, ElectronicMailAddresses, WWWHomePageURL, MessagingIDs) {
  41894. this.expressID = expressID;
  41895. this.type = type;
  41896. this.Purpose = Purpose;
  41897. this.Description = Description;
  41898. this.UserDefinedPurpose = UserDefinedPurpose;
  41899. this.TelephoneNumbers = TelephoneNumbers;
  41900. this.FacsimileNumbers = FacsimileNumbers;
  41901. this.PagerNumber = PagerNumber;
  41902. this.ElectronicMailAddresses = ElectronicMailAddresses;
  41903. this.WWWHomePageURL = WWWHomePageURL;
  41904. this.MessagingIDs = MessagingIDs;
  41905. }
  41906. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  41907. let ptr = 0;
  41908. let Purpose = tape[ptr++];
  41909. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  41910. let UserDefinedPurpose = tape[ptr++];
  41911. let TelephoneNumbers = tape[ptr++];
  41912. let FacsimileNumbers = tape[ptr++];
  41913. let PagerNumber = tape[ptr++];
  41914. let ElectronicMailAddresses = tape[ptr++];
  41915. let WWWHomePageURL = tape[ptr++];
  41916. let MessagingIDs = tape[ptr++];
  41917. return new IfcTelecomAddress(expressID, type, Purpose, Description, UserDefinedPurpose, TelephoneNumbers, FacsimileNumbers, PagerNumber, ElectronicMailAddresses, WWWHomePageURL, MessagingIDs);
  41918. }
  41919. ToTape() {
  41920. let args = [];
  41921. args.push(this.Purpose);
  41922. ;
  41923. args.push(this.Description);
  41924. ;
  41925. args.push(this.UserDefinedPurpose);
  41926. ;
  41927. args.push(this.TelephoneNumbers);
  41928. ;
  41929. args.push(this.FacsimileNumbers);
  41930. ;
  41931. args.push(this.PagerNumber);
  41932. ;
  41933. args.push(this.ElectronicMailAddresses);
  41934. ;
  41935. args.push(this.WWWHomePageURL);
  41936. ;
  41937. args.push(this.MessagingIDs);
  41938. ;
  41939. return args;
  41940. }
  41941. };
  41942. var IfcTendon = class {
  41943. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, SteelGrade, PredefinedType, NominalDiameter, CrossSectionArea, TensionForce, PreStress, FrictionCoefficient, AnchorageSlip, MinCurvatureRadius) {
  41944. this.expressID = expressID;
  41945. this.type = type;
  41946. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  41947. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  41948. this.Name = Name;
  41949. this.Description = Description;
  41950. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  41951. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  41952. this.Representation = Representation;
  41953. this.Tag = Tag;
  41954. this.SteelGrade = SteelGrade;
  41955. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  41956. this.NominalDiameter = NominalDiameter;
  41957. this.CrossSectionArea = CrossSectionArea;
  41958. this.TensionForce = TensionForce;
  41959. this.PreStress = PreStress;
  41960. this.FrictionCoefficient = FrictionCoefficient;
  41961. this.AnchorageSlip = AnchorageSlip;
  41962. this.MinCurvatureRadius = MinCurvatureRadius;
  41963. }
  41964. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  41965. let ptr = 0;
  41966. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  41967. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  41968. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  41969. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  41970. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  41971. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  41972. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  41973. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  41974. let SteelGrade = tape[ptr++];
  41975. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  41976. let NominalDiameter = tape[ptr++];
  41977. let CrossSectionArea = tape[ptr++];
  41978. let TensionForce = tape[ptr++];
  41979. let PreStress = tape[ptr++];
  41980. let FrictionCoefficient = tape[ptr++];
  41981. let AnchorageSlip = tape[ptr++];
  41982. let MinCurvatureRadius = tape[ptr++];
  41983. return new IfcTendon(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, SteelGrade, PredefinedType, NominalDiameter, CrossSectionArea, TensionForce, PreStress, FrictionCoefficient, AnchorageSlip, MinCurvatureRadius);
  41984. }
  41985. ToTape() {
  41986. let args = [];
  41987. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  41988. ;
  41989. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  41990. ;
  41991. args.push(this.Name);
  41992. ;
  41993. args.push(this.Description);
  41994. ;
  41995. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  41996. ;
  41997. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  41998. ;
  41999. args.push(this.Representation);
  42000. ;
  42001. args.push(this.Tag);
  42002. ;
  42003. args.push(this.SteelGrade);
  42004. ;
  42005. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  42006. ;
  42007. args.push(this.NominalDiameter);
  42008. ;
  42009. args.push(this.CrossSectionArea);
  42010. ;
  42011. args.push(this.TensionForce);
  42012. ;
  42013. args.push(this.PreStress);
  42014. ;
  42015. args.push(this.FrictionCoefficient);
  42016. ;
  42017. args.push(this.AnchorageSlip);
  42018. ;
  42019. args.push(this.MinCurvatureRadius);
  42020. ;
  42021. return args;
  42022. }
  42023. };
  42024. var IfcTendonAnchor = class {
  42025. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, SteelGrade, PredefinedType) {
  42026. this.expressID = expressID;
  42027. this.type = type;
  42028. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  42029. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  42030. this.Name = Name;
  42031. this.Description = Description;
  42032. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  42033. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  42034. this.Representation = Representation;
  42035. this.Tag = Tag;
  42036. this.SteelGrade = SteelGrade;
  42037. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  42038. }
  42039. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  42040. let ptr = 0;
  42041. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  42042. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  42043. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  42044. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  42045. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  42046. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  42047. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  42048. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  42049. let SteelGrade = tape[ptr++];
  42050. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  42051. return new IfcTendonAnchor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, SteelGrade, PredefinedType);
  42052. }
  42053. ToTape() {
  42054. let args = [];
  42055. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  42056. ;
  42057. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  42058. ;
  42059. args.push(this.Name);
  42060. ;
  42061. args.push(this.Description);
  42062. ;
  42063. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  42064. ;
  42065. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  42066. ;
  42067. args.push(this.Representation);
  42068. ;
  42069. args.push(this.Tag);
  42070. ;
  42071. args.push(this.SteelGrade);
  42072. ;
  42073. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  42074. ;
  42075. return args;
  42076. }
  42077. };
  42078. var IfcTendonAnchorType = class {
  42079. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType) {
  42080. this.expressID = expressID;
  42081. this.type = type;
  42082. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  42083. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  42084. this.Name = Name;
  42085. this.Description = Description;
  42086. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  42087. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  42088. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  42089. this.Tag = Tag;
  42090. this.ElementType = ElementType;
  42091. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  42092. }
  42093. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  42094. let ptr = 0;
  42095. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  42096. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  42097. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  42098. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  42099. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  42100. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  42101. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  42102. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  42103. let ElementType = tape[ptr++];
  42104. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  42105. return new IfcTendonAnchorType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType);
  42106. }
  42107. ToTape() {
  42108. let args = [];
  42109. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  42110. ;
  42111. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  42112. ;
  42113. args.push(this.Name);
  42114. ;
  42115. args.push(this.Description);
  42116. ;
  42117. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  42118. ;
  42119. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  42120. ;
  42121. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  42122. ;
  42123. args.push(this.Tag);
  42124. ;
  42125. args.push(this.ElementType);
  42126. ;
  42127. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  42128. ;
  42129. return args;
  42130. }
  42131. };
  42132. var IfcTendonConduit = class {
  42133. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, SteelGrade, PredefinedType) {
  42134. this.expressID = expressID;
  42135. this.type = type;
  42136. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  42137. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  42138. this.Name = Name;
  42139. this.Description = Description;
  42140. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  42141. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  42142. this.Representation = Representation;
  42143. this.Tag = Tag;
  42144. this.SteelGrade = SteelGrade;
  42145. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  42146. }
  42147. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  42148. let ptr = 0;
  42149. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  42150. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  42151. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  42152. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  42153. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  42154. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  42155. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  42156. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  42157. let SteelGrade = tape[ptr++];
  42158. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  42159. return new IfcTendonConduit(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, SteelGrade, PredefinedType);
  42160. }
  42161. ToTape() {
  42162. let args = [];
  42163. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  42164. ;
  42165. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  42166. ;
  42167. args.push(this.Name);
  42168. ;
  42169. args.push(this.Description);
  42170. ;
  42171. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  42172. ;
  42173. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  42174. ;
  42175. args.push(this.Representation);
  42176. ;
  42177. args.push(this.Tag);
  42178. ;
  42179. args.push(this.SteelGrade);
  42180. ;
  42181. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  42182. ;
  42183. return args;
  42184. }
  42185. };
  42186. var IfcTendonConduitType = class {
  42187. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType) {
  42188. this.expressID = expressID;
  42189. this.type = type;
  42190. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  42191. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  42192. this.Name = Name;
  42193. this.Description = Description;
  42194. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  42195. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  42196. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  42197. this.Tag = Tag;
  42198. this.ElementType = ElementType;
  42199. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  42200. }
  42201. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  42202. let ptr = 0;
  42203. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  42204. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  42205. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  42206. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  42207. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  42208. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  42209. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  42210. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  42211. let ElementType = tape[ptr++];
  42212. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  42213. return new IfcTendonConduitType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType);
  42214. }
  42215. ToTape() {
  42216. let args = [];
  42217. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  42218. ;
  42219. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  42220. ;
  42221. args.push(this.Name);
  42222. ;
  42223. args.push(this.Description);
  42224. ;
  42225. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  42226. ;
  42227. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  42228. ;
  42229. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  42230. ;
  42231. args.push(this.Tag);
  42232. ;
  42233. args.push(this.ElementType);
  42234. ;
  42235. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  42236. ;
  42237. return args;
  42238. }
  42239. };
  42240. var IfcTendonType = class {
  42241. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType, NominalDiameter, CrossSectionArea, SheathDiameter) {
  42242. this.expressID = expressID;
  42243. this.type = type;
  42244. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  42245. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  42246. this.Name = Name;
  42247. this.Description = Description;
  42248. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  42249. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  42250. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  42251. this.Tag = Tag;
  42252. this.ElementType = ElementType;
  42253. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  42254. this.NominalDiameter = NominalDiameter;
  42255. this.CrossSectionArea = CrossSectionArea;
  42256. this.SheathDiameter = SheathDiameter;
  42257. }
  42258. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  42259. let ptr = 0;
  42260. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  42261. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  42262. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  42263. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  42264. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  42265. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  42266. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  42267. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  42268. let ElementType = tape[ptr++];
  42269. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  42270. let NominalDiameter = tape[ptr++];
  42271. let CrossSectionArea = tape[ptr++];
  42272. let SheathDiameter = tape[ptr++];
  42273. return new IfcTendonType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType, NominalDiameter, CrossSectionArea, SheathDiameter);
  42274. }
  42275. ToTape() {
  42276. let args = [];
  42277. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  42278. ;
  42279. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  42280. ;
  42281. args.push(this.Name);
  42282. ;
  42283. args.push(this.Description);
  42284. ;
  42285. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  42286. ;
  42287. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  42288. ;
  42289. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  42290. ;
  42291. args.push(this.Tag);
  42292. ;
  42293. args.push(this.ElementType);
  42294. ;
  42295. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  42296. ;
  42297. args.push(this.NominalDiameter);
  42298. ;
  42299. args.push(this.CrossSectionArea);
  42300. ;
  42301. args.push(this.SheathDiameter);
  42302. ;
  42303. return args;
  42304. }
  42305. };
  42306. var IfcTessellatedFaceSet = class {
  42307. constructor(expressID, type, Coordinates) {
  42308. this.expressID = expressID;
  42309. this.type = type;
  42310. this.Coordinates = Coordinates;
  42311. }
  42312. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  42313. let ptr = 0;
  42314. let Coordinates = tape[ptr++];
  42315. return new IfcTessellatedFaceSet(expressID, type, Coordinates);
  42316. }
  42317. ToTape() {
  42318. let args = [];
  42319. args.push(this.Coordinates);
  42320. ;
  42321. return args;
  42322. }
  42323. };
  42324. var IfcTessellatedItem = class {
  42325. constructor(expressID, type) {
  42326. this.expressID = expressID;
  42327. this.type = type;
  42328. }
  42329. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  42330. let ptr = 0;
  42331. return new IfcTessellatedItem(expressID, type);
  42332. }
  42333. ToTape() {
  42334. let args = [];
  42335. return args;
  42336. }
  42337. };
  42338. var IfcTextLiteral = class {
  42339. constructor(expressID, type, Literal, Placement, Path) {
  42340. this.expressID = expressID;
  42341. this.type = type;
  42342. this.Literal = Literal;
  42343. this.Placement = Placement;
  42344. this.Path = Path;
  42345. }
  42346. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  42347. let ptr = 0;
  42348. let Literal = tape[ptr++];
  42349. let Placement = tape[ptr++];
  42350. let Path = tape[ptr++];
  42351. return new IfcTextLiteral(expressID, type, Literal, Placement, Path);
  42352. }
  42353. ToTape() {
  42354. let args = [];
  42355. args.push(this.Literal);
  42356. ;
  42357. args.push(this.Placement);
  42358. ;
  42359. args.push(this.Path);
  42360. ;
  42361. return args;
  42362. }
  42363. };
  42364. var IfcTextLiteralWithExtent = class {
  42365. constructor(expressID, type, Literal, Placement, Path, Extent, BoxAlignment) {
  42366. this.expressID = expressID;
  42367. this.type = type;
  42368. this.Literal = Literal;
  42369. this.Placement = Placement;
  42370. this.Path = Path;
  42371. this.Extent = Extent;
  42372. this.BoxAlignment = BoxAlignment;
  42373. }
  42374. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  42375. let ptr = 0;
  42376. let Literal = tape[ptr++];
  42377. let Placement = tape[ptr++];
  42378. let Path = tape[ptr++];
  42379. let Extent = tape[ptr++];
  42380. let BoxAlignment = tape[ptr++];
  42381. return new IfcTextLiteralWithExtent(expressID, type, Literal, Placement, Path, Extent, BoxAlignment);
  42382. }
  42383. ToTape() {
  42384. let args = [];
  42385. args.push(this.Literal);
  42386. ;
  42387. args.push(this.Placement);
  42388. ;
  42389. args.push(this.Path);
  42390. ;
  42391. args.push(this.Extent);
  42392. ;
  42393. args.push(this.BoxAlignment);
  42394. ;
  42395. return args;
  42396. }
  42397. };
  42398. var IfcTextStyle = class {
  42399. constructor(expressID, type, Name, TextCharacterAppearance, TextStyle, TextFontStyle, ModelOrDraughting) {
  42400. this.expressID = expressID;
  42401. this.type = type;
  42402. this.Name = Name;
  42403. this.TextCharacterAppearance = TextCharacterAppearance;
  42404. this.TextStyle = TextStyle;
  42405. this.TextFontStyle = TextFontStyle;
  42406. this.ModelOrDraughting = ModelOrDraughting;
  42407. }
  42408. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  42409. let ptr = 0;
  42410. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  42411. let TextCharacterAppearance = tape[ptr++];
  42412. let TextStyle = tape[ptr++];
  42413. let TextFontStyle = tape[ptr++];
  42414. let ModelOrDraughting = tape[ptr++];
  42415. return new IfcTextStyle(expressID, type, Name, TextCharacterAppearance, TextStyle, TextFontStyle, ModelOrDraughting);
  42416. }
  42417. ToTape() {
  42418. let args = [];
  42419. args.push(this.Name);
  42420. ;
  42421. args.push(this.TextCharacterAppearance);
  42422. ;
  42423. args.push(this.TextStyle);
  42424. ;
  42425. args.push(this.TextFontStyle);
  42426. ;
  42427. args.push(this.ModelOrDraughting);
  42428. ;
  42429. return args;
  42430. }
  42431. };
  42432. var IfcTextStyleFontModel = class {
  42433. constructor(expressID, type, Name, FontFamily, FontStyle, FontVariant, FontWeight, FontSize) {
  42434. this.expressID = expressID;
  42435. this.type = type;
  42436. this.Name = Name;
  42437. this.FontFamily = FontFamily;
  42438. this.FontStyle = FontStyle;
  42439. this.FontVariant = FontVariant;
  42440. this.FontWeight = FontWeight;
  42441. this.FontSize = FontSize;
  42442. }
  42443. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  42444. let ptr = 0;
  42445. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  42446. let FontFamily = tape[ptr++];
  42447. let FontStyle = tape[ptr++];
  42448. let FontVariant = tape[ptr++];
  42449. let FontWeight = tape[ptr++];
  42450. let FontSize = tape[ptr++];
  42451. return new IfcTextStyleFontModel(expressID, type, Name, FontFamily, FontStyle, FontVariant, FontWeight, FontSize);
  42452. }
  42453. ToTape() {
  42454. let args = [];
  42455. args.push(this.Name);
  42456. ;
  42457. args.push(this.FontFamily);
  42458. ;
  42459. args.push(this.FontStyle);
  42460. ;
  42461. args.push(this.FontVariant);
  42462. ;
  42463. args.push(this.FontWeight);
  42464. ;
  42465. args.push(this.FontSize);
  42466. ;
  42467. return args;
  42468. }
  42469. };
  42470. var IfcTextStyleForDefinedFont = class {
  42471. constructor(expressID, type, Colour, BackgroundColour) {
  42472. this.expressID = expressID;
  42473. this.type = type;
  42474. this.Colour = Colour;
  42475. this.BackgroundColour = BackgroundColour;
  42476. }
  42477. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  42478. let ptr = 0;
  42479. let Colour = tape[ptr++];
  42480. let BackgroundColour = tape[ptr++];
  42481. return new IfcTextStyleForDefinedFont(expressID, type, Colour, BackgroundColour);
  42482. }
  42483. ToTape() {
  42484. let args = [];
  42485. args.push(this.Colour);
  42486. ;
  42487. args.push(this.BackgroundColour);
  42488. ;
  42489. return args;
  42490. }
  42491. };
  42492. var IfcTextStyleTextModel = class {
  42493. constructor(expressID, type, TextIndent, TextAlign, TextDecoration, LetterSpacing, WordSpacing, TextTransform, LineHeight) {
  42494. this.expressID = expressID;
  42495. this.type = type;
  42496. this.TextIndent = TextIndent;
  42497. this.TextAlign = TextAlign;
  42498. this.TextDecoration = TextDecoration;
  42499. this.LetterSpacing = LetterSpacing;
  42500. this.WordSpacing = WordSpacing;
  42501. this.TextTransform = TextTransform;
  42502. this.LineHeight = LineHeight;
  42503. }
  42504. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  42505. let ptr = 0;
  42506. let TextIndent = tape[ptr++];
  42507. let TextAlign = tape[ptr++];
  42508. let TextDecoration = tape[ptr++];
  42509. let LetterSpacing = tape[ptr++];
  42510. let WordSpacing = tape[ptr++];
  42511. let TextTransform = tape[ptr++];
  42512. let LineHeight = tape[ptr++];
  42513. return new IfcTextStyleTextModel(expressID, type, TextIndent, TextAlign, TextDecoration, LetterSpacing, WordSpacing, TextTransform, LineHeight);
  42514. }
  42515. ToTape() {
  42516. let args = [];
  42517. args.push(this.TextIndent);
  42518. ;
  42519. args.push(this.TextAlign);
  42520. ;
  42521. args.push(this.TextDecoration);
  42522. ;
  42523. args.push(this.LetterSpacing);
  42524. ;
  42525. args.push(this.WordSpacing);
  42526. ;
  42527. args.push(this.TextTransform);
  42528. ;
  42529. args.push(this.LineHeight);
  42530. ;
  42531. return args;
  42532. }
  42533. };
  42534. var IfcTextureCoordinate = class {
  42535. constructor(expressID, type, Maps) {
  42536. this.expressID = expressID;
  42537. this.type = type;
  42538. this.Maps = Maps;
  42539. }
  42540. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  42541. let ptr = 0;
  42542. let Maps = tape[ptr++];
  42543. return new IfcTextureCoordinate(expressID, type, Maps);
  42544. }
  42545. ToTape() {
  42546. let args = [];
  42547. args.push(this.Maps);
  42548. ;
  42549. return args;
  42550. }
  42551. };
  42552. var IfcTextureCoordinateGenerator = class {
  42553. constructor(expressID, type, Maps, Mode, Parameter) {
  42554. this.expressID = expressID;
  42555. this.type = type;
  42556. this.Maps = Maps;
  42557. this.Mode = Mode;
  42558. this.Parameter = Parameter;
  42559. }
  42560. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  42561. let ptr = 0;
  42562. let Maps = tape[ptr++];
  42563. let Mode = tape[ptr++];
  42564. let Parameter = tape[ptr++];
  42565. return new IfcTextureCoordinateGenerator(expressID, type, Maps, Mode, Parameter);
  42566. }
  42567. ToTape() {
  42568. let args = [];
  42569. args.push(this.Maps);
  42570. ;
  42571. args.push(this.Mode);
  42572. ;
  42573. args.push(this.Parameter);
  42574. ;
  42575. return args;
  42576. }
  42577. };
  42578. var IfcTextureMap = class {
  42579. constructor(expressID, type, Maps, Vertices, MappedTo) {
  42580. this.expressID = expressID;
  42581. this.type = type;
  42582. this.Maps = Maps;
  42583. this.Vertices = Vertices;
  42584. this.MappedTo = MappedTo;
  42585. }
  42586. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  42587. let ptr = 0;
  42588. let Maps = tape[ptr++];
  42589. let Vertices = tape[ptr++];
  42590. let MappedTo = tape[ptr++];
  42591. return new IfcTextureMap(expressID, type, Maps, Vertices, MappedTo);
  42592. }
  42593. ToTape() {
  42594. let args = [];
  42595. args.push(this.Maps);
  42596. ;
  42597. args.push(this.Vertices);
  42598. ;
  42599. args.push(this.MappedTo);
  42600. ;
  42601. return args;
  42602. }
  42603. };
  42604. var IfcTextureVertex = class {
  42605. constructor(expressID, type, Coordinates) {
  42606. this.expressID = expressID;
  42607. this.type = type;
  42608. this.Coordinates = Coordinates;
  42609. }
  42610. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  42611. let ptr = 0;
  42612. let Coordinates = tape[ptr++];
  42613. return new IfcTextureVertex(expressID, type, Coordinates);
  42614. }
  42615. ToTape() {
  42616. let args = [];
  42617. args.push(this.Coordinates);
  42618. ;
  42619. return args;
  42620. }
  42621. };
  42622. var IfcTextureVertexList = class {
  42623. constructor(expressID, type, TexCoordsList) {
  42624. this.expressID = expressID;
  42625. this.type = type;
  42626. this.TexCoordsList = TexCoordsList;
  42627. }
  42628. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  42629. let ptr = 0;
  42630. let TexCoordsList = tape[ptr++];
  42631. return new IfcTextureVertexList(expressID, type, TexCoordsList);
  42632. }
  42633. ToTape() {
  42634. let args = [];
  42635. args.push(this.TexCoordsList);
  42636. ;
  42637. return args;
  42638. }
  42639. };
  42640. var IfcTimePeriod = class {
  42641. constructor(expressID, type, StartTime, EndTime) {
  42642. this.expressID = expressID;
  42643. this.type = type;
  42644. this.StartTime = StartTime;
  42645. this.EndTime = EndTime;
  42646. }
  42647. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  42648. let ptr = 0;
  42649. let StartTime = tape[ptr++];
  42650. let EndTime = tape[ptr++];
  42651. return new IfcTimePeriod(expressID, type, StartTime, EndTime);
  42652. }
  42653. ToTape() {
  42654. let args = [];
  42655. args.push(this.StartTime);
  42656. ;
  42657. args.push(this.EndTime);
  42658. ;
  42659. return args;
  42660. }
  42661. };
  42662. var IfcTimeSeries = class {
  42663. constructor(expressID, type, Name, Description, StartTime, EndTime, TimeSeriesDataType, DataOrigin, UserDefinedDataOrigin, Unit) {
  42664. this.expressID = expressID;
  42665. this.type = type;
  42666. this.Name = Name;
  42667. this.Description = Description;
  42668. this.StartTime = StartTime;
  42669. this.EndTime = EndTime;
  42670. this.TimeSeriesDataType = TimeSeriesDataType;
  42671. this.DataOrigin = DataOrigin;
  42672. this.UserDefinedDataOrigin = UserDefinedDataOrigin;
  42673. this.Unit = Unit;
  42674. }
  42675. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  42676. let ptr = 0;
  42677. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  42678. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  42679. let StartTime = tape[ptr++];
  42680. let EndTime = tape[ptr++];
  42681. let TimeSeriesDataType = tape[ptr++];
  42682. let DataOrigin = tape[ptr++];
  42683. let UserDefinedDataOrigin = tape[ptr++];
  42684. let Unit = tape[ptr++];
  42685. return new IfcTimeSeries(expressID, type, Name, Description, StartTime, EndTime, TimeSeriesDataType, DataOrigin, UserDefinedDataOrigin, Unit);
  42686. }
  42687. ToTape() {
  42688. let args = [];
  42689. args.push(this.Name);
  42690. ;
  42691. args.push(this.Description);
  42692. ;
  42693. args.push(this.StartTime);
  42694. ;
  42695. args.push(this.EndTime);
  42696. ;
  42697. args.push(this.TimeSeriesDataType);
  42698. ;
  42699. args.push(this.DataOrigin);
  42700. ;
  42701. args.push(this.UserDefinedDataOrigin);
  42702. ;
  42703. args.push(this.Unit);
  42704. ;
  42705. return args;
  42706. }
  42707. };
  42708. var IfcTimeSeriesValue = class {
  42709. constructor(expressID, type, ListValues) {
  42710. this.expressID = expressID;
  42711. this.type = type;
  42712. this.ListValues = ListValues;
  42713. }
  42714. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  42715. let ptr = 0;
  42716. let ListValues = tape[ptr++];
  42717. return new IfcTimeSeriesValue(expressID, type, ListValues);
  42718. }
  42719. ToTape() {
  42720. let args = [];
  42721. args.push(this.ListValues);
  42722. ;
  42723. return args;
  42724. }
  42725. };
  42726. var IfcTopologicalRepresentationItem = class {
  42727. constructor(expressID, type) {
  42728. this.expressID = expressID;
  42729. this.type = type;
  42730. }
  42731. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  42732. let ptr = 0;
  42733. return new IfcTopologicalRepresentationItem(expressID, type);
  42734. }
  42735. ToTape() {
  42736. let args = [];
  42737. return args;
  42738. }
  42739. };
  42740. var IfcTopologyRepresentation = class {
  42741. constructor(expressID, type, ContextOfItems, RepresentationIdentifier, RepresentationType, Items) {
  42742. this.expressID = expressID;
  42743. this.type = type;
  42744. this.ContextOfItems = ContextOfItems;
  42745. this.RepresentationIdentifier = RepresentationIdentifier;
  42746. this.RepresentationType = RepresentationType;
  42747. this.Items = Items;
  42748. }
  42749. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  42750. let ptr = 0;
  42751. let ContextOfItems = tape[ptr++];
  42752. let RepresentationIdentifier = tape[ptr++];
  42753. let RepresentationType = tape[ptr++];
  42754. let Items = tape[ptr++];
  42755. return new IfcTopologyRepresentation(expressID, type, ContextOfItems, RepresentationIdentifier, RepresentationType, Items);
  42756. }
  42757. ToTape() {
  42758. let args = [];
  42759. args.push(this.ContextOfItems);
  42760. ;
  42761. args.push(this.RepresentationIdentifier);
  42762. ;
  42763. args.push(this.RepresentationType);
  42764. ;
  42765. args.push(this.Items);
  42766. ;
  42767. return args;
  42768. }
  42769. };
  42770. var IfcToroidalSurface = class {
  42771. constructor(expressID, type, Position, MajorRadius, MinorRadius) {
  42772. this.expressID = expressID;
  42773. this.type = type;
  42774. this.Position = Position;
  42775. this.MajorRadius = MajorRadius;
  42776. this.MinorRadius = MinorRadius;
  42777. }
  42778. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  42779. let ptr = 0;
  42780. let Position = tape[ptr++];
  42781. let MajorRadius = tape[ptr++];
  42782. let MinorRadius = tape[ptr++];
  42783. return new IfcToroidalSurface(expressID, type, Position, MajorRadius, MinorRadius);
  42784. }
  42785. ToTape() {
  42786. let args = [];
  42787. args.push(this.Position);
  42788. ;
  42789. args.push(this.MajorRadius);
  42790. ;
  42791. args.push(this.MinorRadius);
  42792. ;
  42793. return args;
  42794. }
  42795. };
  42796. var IfcTransformer = class {
  42797. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType) {
  42798. this.expressID = expressID;
  42799. this.type = type;
  42800. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  42801. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  42802. this.Name = Name;
  42803. this.Description = Description;
  42804. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  42805. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  42806. this.Representation = Representation;
  42807. this.Tag = Tag;
  42808. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  42809. }
  42810. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  42811. let ptr = 0;
  42812. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  42813. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  42814. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  42815. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  42816. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  42817. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  42818. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  42819. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  42820. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  42821. return new IfcTransformer(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType);
  42822. }
  42823. ToTape() {
  42824. let args = [];
  42825. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  42826. ;
  42827. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  42828. ;
  42829. args.push(this.Name);
  42830. ;
  42831. args.push(this.Description);
  42832. ;
  42833. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  42834. ;
  42835. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  42836. ;
  42837. args.push(this.Representation);
  42838. ;
  42839. args.push(this.Tag);
  42840. ;
  42841. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  42842. ;
  42843. return args;
  42844. }
  42845. };
  42846. var IfcTransformerType = class {
  42847. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType) {
  42848. this.expressID = expressID;
  42849. this.type = type;
  42850. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  42851. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  42852. this.Name = Name;
  42853. this.Description = Description;
  42854. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  42855. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  42856. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  42857. this.Tag = Tag;
  42858. this.ElementType = ElementType;
  42859. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  42860. }
  42861. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  42862. let ptr = 0;
  42863. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  42864. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  42865. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  42866. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  42867. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  42868. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  42869. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  42870. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  42871. let ElementType = tape[ptr++];
  42872. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  42873. return new IfcTransformerType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType);
  42874. }
  42875. ToTape() {
  42876. let args = [];
  42877. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  42878. ;
  42879. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  42880. ;
  42881. args.push(this.Name);
  42882. ;
  42883. args.push(this.Description);
  42884. ;
  42885. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  42886. ;
  42887. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  42888. ;
  42889. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  42890. ;
  42891. args.push(this.Tag);
  42892. ;
  42893. args.push(this.ElementType);
  42894. ;
  42895. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  42896. ;
  42897. return args;
  42898. }
  42899. };
  42900. var IfcTransitionCurveSegment2D = class {
  42901. constructor(expressID, type, StartPoint, StartDirection, SegmentLength, StartRadius, EndRadius, IsStartRadiusCCW, IsEndRadiusCCW, TransitionCurveType) {
  42902. this.expressID = expressID;
  42903. this.type = type;
  42904. this.StartPoint = StartPoint;
  42905. this.StartDirection = StartDirection;
  42906. this.SegmentLength = SegmentLength;
  42907. this.StartRadius = StartRadius;
  42908. this.EndRadius = EndRadius;
  42909. this.IsStartRadiusCCW = IsStartRadiusCCW;
  42910. this.IsEndRadiusCCW = IsEndRadiusCCW;
  42911. this.TransitionCurveType = TransitionCurveType;
  42912. }
  42913. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  42914. let ptr = 0;
  42915. let StartPoint = tape[ptr++];
  42916. let StartDirection = tape[ptr++];
  42917. let SegmentLength = tape[ptr++];
  42918. let StartRadius = tape[ptr++];
  42919. let EndRadius = tape[ptr++];
  42920. let IsStartRadiusCCW = tape[ptr++];
  42921. let IsEndRadiusCCW = tape[ptr++];
  42922. let TransitionCurveType = tape[ptr++];
  42923. return new IfcTransitionCurveSegment2D(expressID, type, StartPoint, StartDirection, SegmentLength, StartRadius, EndRadius, IsStartRadiusCCW, IsEndRadiusCCW, TransitionCurveType);
  42924. }
  42925. ToTape() {
  42926. let args = [];
  42927. args.push(this.StartPoint);
  42928. ;
  42929. args.push(this.StartDirection);
  42930. ;
  42931. args.push(this.SegmentLength);
  42932. ;
  42933. args.push(this.StartRadius);
  42934. ;
  42935. args.push(this.EndRadius);
  42936. ;
  42937. args.push(this.IsStartRadiusCCW);
  42938. ;
  42939. args.push(this.IsEndRadiusCCW);
  42940. ;
  42941. args.push(this.TransitionCurveType);
  42942. ;
  42943. return args;
  42944. }
  42945. };
  42946. var IfcTransportElement = class {
  42947. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType) {
  42948. this.expressID = expressID;
  42949. this.type = type;
  42950. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  42951. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  42952. this.Name = Name;
  42953. this.Description = Description;
  42954. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  42955. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  42956. this.Representation = Representation;
  42957. this.Tag = Tag;
  42958. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  42959. }
  42960. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  42961. let ptr = 0;
  42962. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  42963. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  42964. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  42965. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  42966. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  42967. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  42968. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  42969. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  42970. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  42971. return new IfcTransportElement(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType);
  42972. }
  42973. ToTape() {
  42974. let args = [];
  42975. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  42976. ;
  42977. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  42978. ;
  42979. args.push(this.Name);
  42980. ;
  42981. args.push(this.Description);
  42982. ;
  42983. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  42984. ;
  42985. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  42986. ;
  42987. args.push(this.Representation);
  42988. ;
  42989. args.push(this.Tag);
  42990. ;
  42991. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  42992. ;
  42993. return args;
  42994. }
  42995. };
  42996. var IfcTransportElementType = class {
  42997. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType) {
  42998. this.expressID = expressID;
  42999. this.type = type;
  43000. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  43001. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  43002. this.Name = Name;
  43003. this.Description = Description;
  43004. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  43005. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  43006. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  43007. this.Tag = Tag;
  43008. this.ElementType = ElementType;
  43009. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  43010. }
  43011. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  43012. let ptr = 0;
  43013. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  43014. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  43015. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  43016. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  43017. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  43018. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  43019. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  43020. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  43021. let ElementType = tape[ptr++];
  43022. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  43023. return new IfcTransportElementType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType);
  43024. }
  43025. ToTape() {
  43026. let args = [];
  43027. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  43028. ;
  43029. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  43030. ;
  43031. args.push(this.Name);
  43032. ;
  43033. args.push(this.Description);
  43034. ;
  43035. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  43036. ;
  43037. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  43038. ;
  43039. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  43040. ;
  43041. args.push(this.Tag);
  43042. ;
  43043. args.push(this.ElementType);
  43044. ;
  43045. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  43046. ;
  43047. return args;
  43048. }
  43049. };
  43050. var IfcTrapeziumProfileDef = class {
  43051. constructor(expressID, type, ProfileType, ProfileName, Position, BottomXDim, TopXDim, YDim, TopXOffset) {
  43052. this.expressID = expressID;
  43053. this.type = type;
  43054. this.ProfileType = ProfileType;
  43055. this.ProfileName = ProfileName;
  43056. this.Position = Position;
  43057. this.BottomXDim = BottomXDim;
  43058. this.TopXDim = TopXDim;
  43059. this.YDim = YDim;
  43060. this.TopXOffset = TopXOffset;
  43061. }
  43062. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  43063. let ptr = 0;
  43064. let ProfileType = tape[ptr++];
  43065. let ProfileName = tape[ptr++];
  43066. let Position = tape[ptr++];
  43067. let BottomXDim = tape[ptr++];
  43068. let TopXDim = tape[ptr++];
  43069. let YDim = tape[ptr++];
  43070. let TopXOffset = tape[ptr++];
  43071. return new IfcTrapeziumProfileDef(expressID, type, ProfileType, ProfileName, Position, BottomXDim, TopXDim, YDim, TopXOffset);
  43072. }
  43073. ToTape() {
  43074. let args = [];
  43075. args.push(this.ProfileType);
  43076. ;
  43077. args.push(this.ProfileName);
  43078. ;
  43079. args.push(this.Position);
  43080. ;
  43081. args.push(this.BottomXDim);
  43082. ;
  43083. args.push(this.TopXDim);
  43084. ;
  43085. args.push(this.YDim);
  43086. ;
  43087. args.push(this.TopXOffset);
  43088. ;
  43089. return args;
  43090. }
  43091. };
  43092. var IfcTriangulatedFaceSet = class {
  43093. constructor(expressID, type, Coordinates, Normals, Closed, CoordIndex, PnIndex) {
  43094. this.expressID = expressID;
  43095. this.type = type;
  43096. this.Coordinates = Coordinates;
  43097. this.Normals = Normals;
  43098. this.Closed = Closed;
  43099. this.CoordIndex = CoordIndex;
  43100. this.PnIndex = PnIndex;
  43101. }
  43102. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  43103. let ptr = 0;
  43104. let Coordinates = tape[ptr++];
  43105. let Normals = tape[ptr++];
  43106. let Closed = tape[ptr++];
  43107. let CoordIndex = tape[ptr++];
  43108. let PnIndex = tape[ptr++];
  43109. return new IfcTriangulatedFaceSet(expressID, type, Coordinates, Normals, Closed, CoordIndex, PnIndex);
  43110. }
  43111. ToTape() {
  43112. let args = [];
  43113. args.push(this.Coordinates);
  43114. ;
  43115. args.push(this.Normals);
  43116. ;
  43117. args.push(this.Closed);
  43118. ;
  43119. args.push(this.CoordIndex);
  43120. ;
  43121. args.push(this.PnIndex);
  43122. ;
  43123. return args;
  43124. }
  43125. };
  43126. var IfcTriangulatedIrregularNetwork = class {
  43127. constructor(expressID, type, Coordinates, Normals, Closed, CoordIndex, PnIndex, Flags) {
  43128. this.expressID = expressID;
  43129. this.type = type;
  43130. this.Coordinates = Coordinates;
  43131. this.Normals = Normals;
  43132. this.Closed = Closed;
  43133. this.CoordIndex = CoordIndex;
  43134. this.PnIndex = PnIndex;
  43135. this.Flags = Flags;
  43136. }
  43137. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  43138. let ptr = 0;
  43139. let Coordinates = tape[ptr++];
  43140. let Normals = tape[ptr++];
  43141. let Closed = tape[ptr++];
  43142. let CoordIndex = tape[ptr++];
  43143. let PnIndex = tape[ptr++];
  43144. let Flags = tape[ptr++];
  43145. return new IfcTriangulatedIrregularNetwork(expressID, type, Coordinates, Normals, Closed, CoordIndex, PnIndex, Flags);
  43146. }
  43147. ToTape() {
  43148. let args = [];
  43149. args.push(this.Coordinates);
  43150. ;
  43151. args.push(this.Normals);
  43152. ;
  43153. args.push(this.Closed);
  43154. ;
  43155. args.push(this.CoordIndex);
  43156. ;
  43157. args.push(this.PnIndex);
  43158. ;
  43159. args.push(this.Flags);
  43160. ;
  43161. return args;
  43162. }
  43163. };
  43164. var IfcTrimmedCurve = class {
  43165. constructor(expressID, type, BasisCurve, Trim1, Trim2, SenseAgreement, MasterRepresentation) {
  43166. this.expressID = expressID;
  43167. this.type = type;
  43168. this.BasisCurve = BasisCurve;
  43169. this.Trim1 = Trim1;
  43170. this.Trim2 = Trim2;
  43171. this.SenseAgreement = SenseAgreement;
  43172. this.MasterRepresentation = MasterRepresentation;
  43173. }
  43174. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  43175. let ptr = 0;
  43176. let BasisCurve = tape[ptr++];
  43177. let Trim1 = tape[ptr++];
  43178. let Trim2 = tape[ptr++];
  43179. let SenseAgreement = tape[ptr++];
  43180. let MasterRepresentation = tape[ptr++];
  43181. return new IfcTrimmedCurve(expressID, type, BasisCurve, Trim1, Trim2, SenseAgreement, MasterRepresentation);
  43182. }
  43183. ToTape() {
  43184. let args = [];
  43185. args.push(this.BasisCurve);
  43186. ;
  43187. args.push(this.Trim1);
  43188. ;
  43189. args.push(this.Trim2);
  43190. ;
  43191. args.push(this.SenseAgreement);
  43192. ;
  43193. args.push(this.MasterRepresentation);
  43194. ;
  43195. return args;
  43196. }
  43197. };
  43198. var IfcTubeBundle = class {
  43199. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType) {
  43200. this.expressID = expressID;
  43201. this.type = type;
  43202. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  43203. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  43204. this.Name = Name;
  43205. this.Description = Description;
  43206. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  43207. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  43208. this.Representation = Representation;
  43209. this.Tag = Tag;
  43210. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  43211. }
  43212. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  43213. let ptr = 0;
  43214. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  43215. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  43216. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  43217. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  43218. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  43219. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  43220. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  43221. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  43222. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  43223. return new IfcTubeBundle(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType);
  43224. }
  43225. ToTape() {
  43226. let args = [];
  43227. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  43228. ;
  43229. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  43230. ;
  43231. args.push(this.Name);
  43232. ;
  43233. args.push(this.Description);
  43234. ;
  43235. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  43236. ;
  43237. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  43238. ;
  43239. args.push(this.Representation);
  43240. ;
  43241. args.push(this.Tag);
  43242. ;
  43243. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  43244. ;
  43245. return args;
  43246. }
  43247. };
  43248. var IfcTubeBundleType = class {
  43249. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType) {
  43250. this.expressID = expressID;
  43251. this.type = type;
  43252. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  43253. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  43254. this.Name = Name;
  43255. this.Description = Description;
  43256. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  43257. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  43258. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  43259. this.Tag = Tag;
  43260. this.ElementType = ElementType;
  43261. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  43262. }
  43263. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  43264. let ptr = 0;
  43265. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  43266. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  43267. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  43268. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  43269. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  43270. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  43271. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  43272. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  43273. let ElementType = tape[ptr++];
  43274. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  43275. return new IfcTubeBundleType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType);
  43276. }
  43277. ToTape() {
  43278. let args = [];
  43279. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  43280. ;
  43281. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  43282. ;
  43283. args.push(this.Name);
  43284. ;
  43285. args.push(this.Description);
  43286. ;
  43287. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  43288. ;
  43289. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  43290. ;
  43291. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  43292. ;
  43293. args.push(this.Tag);
  43294. ;
  43295. args.push(this.ElementType);
  43296. ;
  43297. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  43298. ;
  43299. return args;
  43300. }
  43301. };
  43302. var IfcTypeObject = class {
  43303. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets) {
  43304. this.expressID = expressID;
  43305. this.type = type;
  43306. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  43307. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  43308. this.Name = Name;
  43309. this.Description = Description;
  43310. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  43311. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  43312. }
  43313. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  43314. let ptr = 0;
  43315. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  43316. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  43317. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  43318. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  43319. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  43320. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  43321. return new IfcTypeObject(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets);
  43322. }
  43323. ToTape() {
  43324. let args = [];
  43325. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  43326. ;
  43327. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  43328. ;
  43329. args.push(this.Name);
  43330. ;
  43331. args.push(this.Description);
  43332. ;
  43333. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  43334. ;
  43335. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  43336. ;
  43337. return args;
  43338. }
  43339. };
  43340. var IfcTypeProcess = class {
  43341. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, Identification, LongDescription, ProcessType) {
  43342. this.expressID = expressID;
  43343. this.type = type;
  43344. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  43345. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  43346. this.Name = Name;
  43347. this.Description = Description;
  43348. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  43349. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  43350. this.Identification = Identification;
  43351. this.LongDescription = LongDescription;
  43352. this.ProcessType = ProcessType;
  43353. }
  43354. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  43355. let ptr = 0;
  43356. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  43357. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  43358. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  43359. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  43360. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  43361. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  43362. let Identification = tape[ptr++];
  43363. let LongDescription = tape[ptr++];
  43364. let ProcessType = tape[ptr++];
  43365. return new IfcTypeProcess(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, Identification, LongDescription, ProcessType);
  43366. }
  43367. ToTape() {
  43368. let args = [];
  43369. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  43370. ;
  43371. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  43372. ;
  43373. args.push(this.Name);
  43374. ;
  43375. args.push(this.Description);
  43376. ;
  43377. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  43378. ;
  43379. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  43380. ;
  43381. args.push(this.Identification);
  43382. ;
  43383. args.push(this.LongDescription);
  43384. ;
  43385. args.push(this.ProcessType);
  43386. ;
  43387. return args;
  43388. }
  43389. };
  43390. var IfcTypeProduct = class {
  43391. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag) {
  43392. this.expressID = expressID;
  43393. this.type = type;
  43394. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  43395. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  43396. this.Name = Name;
  43397. this.Description = Description;
  43398. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  43399. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  43400. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  43401. this.Tag = Tag;
  43402. }
  43403. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  43404. let ptr = 0;
  43405. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  43406. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  43407. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  43408. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  43409. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  43410. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  43411. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  43412. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  43413. return new IfcTypeProduct(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag);
  43414. }
  43415. ToTape() {
  43416. let args = [];
  43417. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  43418. ;
  43419. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  43420. ;
  43421. args.push(this.Name);
  43422. ;
  43423. args.push(this.Description);
  43424. ;
  43425. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  43426. ;
  43427. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  43428. ;
  43429. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  43430. ;
  43431. args.push(this.Tag);
  43432. ;
  43433. return args;
  43434. }
  43435. };
  43436. var IfcTypeResource = class {
  43437. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, Identification, LongDescription, ResourceType) {
  43438. this.expressID = expressID;
  43439. this.type = type;
  43440. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  43441. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  43442. this.Name = Name;
  43443. this.Description = Description;
  43444. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  43445. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  43446. this.Identification = Identification;
  43447. this.LongDescription = LongDescription;
  43448. this.ResourceType = ResourceType;
  43449. }
  43450. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  43451. let ptr = 0;
  43452. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  43453. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  43454. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  43455. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  43456. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  43457. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  43458. let Identification = tape[ptr++];
  43459. let LongDescription = tape[ptr++];
  43460. let ResourceType = tape[ptr++];
  43461. return new IfcTypeResource(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, Identification, LongDescription, ResourceType);
  43462. }
  43463. ToTape() {
  43464. let args = [];
  43465. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  43466. ;
  43467. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  43468. ;
  43469. args.push(this.Name);
  43470. ;
  43471. args.push(this.Description);
  43472. ;
  43473. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  43474. ;
  43475. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  43476. ;
  43477. args.push(this.Identification);
  43478. ;
  43479. args.push(this.LongDescription);
  43480. ;
  43481. args.push(this.ResourceType);
  43482. ;
  43483. return args;
  43484. }
  43485. };
  43486. var IfcUShapeProfileDef = class {
  43487. constructor(expressID, type, ProfileType, ProfileName, Position, Depth, FlangeWidth, WebThickness, FlangeThickness, FilletRadius, EdgeRadius, FlangeSlope) {
  43488. this.expressID = expressID;
  43489. this.type = type;
  43490. this.ProfileType = ProfileType;
  43491. this.ProfileName = ProfileName;
  43492. this.Position = Position;
  43493. this.Depth = Depth;
  43494. this.FlangeWidth = FlangeWidth;
  43495. this.WebThickness = WebThickness;
  43496. this.FlangeThickness = FlangeThickness;
  43497. this.FilletRadius = FilletRadius;
  43498. this.EdgeRadius = EdgeRadius;
  43499. this.FlangeSlope = FlangeSlope;
  43500. }
  43501. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  43502. let ptr = 0;
  43503. let ProfileType = tape[ptr++];
  43504. let ProfileName = tape[ptr++];
  43505. let Position = tape[ptr++];
  43506. let Depth = tape[ptr++];
  43507. let FlangeWidth = tape[ptr++];
  43508. let WebThickness = tape[ptr++];
  43509. let FlangeThickness = tape[ptr++];
  43510. let FilletRadius = tape[ptr++];
  43511. let EdgeRadius = tape[ptr++];
  43512. let FlangeSlope = tape[ptr++];
  43513. return new IfcUShapeProfileDef(expressID, type, ProfileType, ProfileName, Position, Depth, FlangeWidth, WebThickness, FlangeThickness, FilletRadius, EdgeRadius, FlangeSlope);
  43514. }
  43515. ToTape() {
  43516. let args = [];
  43517. args.push(this.ProfileType);
  43518. ;
  43519. args.push(this.ProfileName);
  43520. ;
  43521. args.push(this.Position);
  43522. ;
  43523. args.push(this.Depth);
  43524. ;
  43525. args.push(this.FlangeWidth);
  43526. ;
  43527. args.push(this.WebThickness);
  43528. ;
  43529. args.push(this.FlangeThickness);
  43530. ;
  43531. args.push(this.FilletRadius);
  43532. ;
  43533. args.push(this.EdgeRadius);
  43534. ;
  43535. args.push(this.FlangeSlope);
  43536. ;
  43537. return args;
  43538. }
  43539. };
  43540. var IfcUnitAssignment = class {
  43541. constructor(expressID, type, Units) {
  43542. this.expressID = expressID;
  43543. this.type = type;
  43544. this.Units = Units;
  43545. }
  43546. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  43547. let ptr = 0;
  43548. let Units = tape[ptr++];
  43549. return new IfcUnitAssignment(expressID, type, Units);
  43550. }
  43551. ToTape() {
  43552. let args = [];
  43553. args.push(this.Units);
  43554. ;
  43555. return args;
  43556. }
  43557. };
  43558. var IfcUnitaryControlElement = class {
  43559. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType) {
  43560. this.expressID = expressID;
  43561. this.type = type;
  43562. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  43563. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  43564. this.Name = Name;
  43565. this.Description = Description;
  43566. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  43567. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  43568. this.Representation = Representation;
  43569. this.Tag = Tag;
  43570. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  43571. }
  43572. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  43573. let ptr = 0;
  43574. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  43575. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  43576. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  43577. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  43578. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  43579. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  43580. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  43581. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  43582. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  43583. return new IfcUnitaryControlElement(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType);
  43584. }
  43585. ToTape() {
  43586. let args = [];
  43587. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  43588. ;
  43589. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  43590. ;
  43591. args.push(this.Name);
  43592. ;
  43593. args.push(this.Description);
  43594. ;
  43595. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  43596. ;
  43597. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  43598. ;
  43599. args.push(this.Representation);
  43600. ;
  43601. args.push(this.Tag);
  43602. ;
  43603. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  43604. ;
  43605. return args;
  43606. }
  43607. };
  43608. var IfcUnitaryControlElementType = class {
  43609. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType) {
  43610. this.expressID = expressID;
  43611. this.type = type;
  43612. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  43613. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  43614. this.Name = Name;
  43615. this.Description = Description;
  43616. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  43617. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  43618. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  43619. this.Tag = Tag;
  43620. this.ElementType = ElementType;
  43621. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  43622. }
  43623. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  43624. let ptr = 0;
  43625. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  43626. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  43627. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  43628. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  43629. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  43630. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  43631. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  43632. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  43633. let ElementType = tape[ptr++];
  43634. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  43635. return new IfcUnitaryControlElementType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType);
  43636. }
  43637. ToTape() {
  43638. let args = [];
  43639. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  43640. ;
  43641. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  43642. ;
  43643. args.push(this.Name);
  43644. ;
  43645. args.push(this.Description);
  43646. ;
  43647. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  43648. ;
  43649. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  43650. ;
  43651. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  43652. ;
  43653. args.push(this.Tag);
  43654. ;
  43655. args.push(this.ElementType);
  43656. ;
  43657. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  43658. ;
  43659. return args;
  43660. }
  43661. };
  43662. var IfcUnitaryEquipment = class {
  43663. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType) {
  43664. this.expressID = expressID;
  43665. this.type = type;
  43666. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  43667. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  43668. this.Name = Name;
  43669. this.Description = Description;
  43670. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  43671. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  43672. this.Representation = Representation;
  43673. this.Tag = Tag;
  43674. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  43675. }
  43676. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  43677. let ptr = 0;
  43678. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  43679. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  43680. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  43681. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  43682. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  43683. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  43684. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  43685. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  43686. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  43687. return new IfcUnitaryEquipment(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType);
  43688. }
  43689. ToTape() {
  43690. let args = [];
  43691. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  43692. ;
  43693. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  43694. ;
  43695. args.push(this.Name);
  43696. ;
  43697. args.push(this.Description);
  43698. ;
  43699. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  43700. ;
  43701. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  43702. ;
  43703. args.push(this.Representation);
  43704. ;
  43705. args.push(this.Tag);
  43706. ;
  43707. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  43708. ;
  43709. return args;
  43710. }
  43711. };
  43712. var IfcUnitaryEquipmentType = class {
  43713. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType) {
  43714. this.expressID = expressID;
  43715. this.type = type;
  43716. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  43717. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  43718. this.Name = Name;
  43719. this.Description = Description;
  43720. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  43721. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  43722. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  43723. this.Tag = Tag;
  43724. this.ElementType = ElementType;
  43725. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  43726. }
  43727. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  43728. let ptr = 0;
  43729. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  43730. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  43731. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  43732. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  43733. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  43734. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  43735. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  43736. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  43737. let ElementType = tape[ptr++];
  43738. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  43739. return new IfcUnitaryEquipmentType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType);
  43740. }
  43741. ToTape() {
  43742. let args = [];
  43743. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  43744. ;
  43745. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  43746. ;
  43747. args.push(this.Name);
  43748. ;
  43749. args.push(this.Description);
  43750. ;
  43751. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  43752. ;
  43753. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  43754. ;
  43755. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  43756. ;
  43757. args.push(this.Tag);
  43758. ;
  43759. args.push(this.ElementType);
  43760. ;
  43761. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  43762. ;
  43763. return args;
  43764. }
  43765. };
  43766. var IfcValve = class {
  43767. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType) {
  43768. this.expressID = expressID;
  43769. this.type = type;
  43770. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  43771. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  43772. this.Name = Name;
  43773. this.Description = Description;
  43774. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  43775. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  43776. this.Representation = Representation;
  43777. this.Tag = Tag;
  43778. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  43779. }
  43780. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  43781. let ptr = 0;
  43782. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  43783. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  43784. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  43785. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  43786. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  43787. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  43788. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  43789. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  43790. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  43791. return new IfcValve(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType);
  43792. }
  43793. ToTape() {
  43794. let args = [];
  43795. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  43796. ;
  43797. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  43798. ;
  43799. args.push(this.Name);
  43800. ;
  43801. args.push(this.Description);
  43802. ;
  43803. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  43804. ;
  43805. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  43806. ;
  43807. args.push(this.Representation);
  43808. ;
  43809. args.push(this.Tag);
  43810. ;
  43811. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  43812. ;
  43813. return args;
  43814. }
  43815. };
  43816. var IfcValveType = class {
  43817. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType) {
  43818. this.expressID = expressID;
  43819. this.type = type;
  43820. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  43821. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  43822. this.Name = Name;
  43823. this.Description = Description;
  43824. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  43825. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  43826. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  43827. this.Tag = Tag;
  43828. this.ElementType = ElementType;
  43829. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  43830. }
  43831. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  43832. let ptr = 0;
  43833. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  43834. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  43835. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  43836. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  43837. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  43838. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  43839. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  43840. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  43841. let ElementType = tape[ptr++];
  43842. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  43843. return new IfcValveType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType);
  43844. }
  43845. ToTape() {
  43846. let args = [];
  43847. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  43848. ;
  43849. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  43850. ;
  43851. args.push(this.Name);
  43852. ;
  43853. args.push(this.Description);
  43854. ;
  43855. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  43856. ;
  43857. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  43858. ;
  43859. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  43860. ;
  43861. args.push(this.Tag);
  43862. ;
  43863. args.push(this.ElementType);
  43864. ;
  43865. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  43866. ;
  43867. return args;
  43868. }
  43869. };
  43870. var IfcVector = class {
  43871. constructor(expressID, type, Orientation, Magnitude) {
  43872. this.expressID = expressID;
  43873. this.type = type;
  43874. this.Orientation = Orientation;
  43875. this.Magnitude = Magnitude;
  43876. }
  43877. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  43878. let ptr = 0;
  43879. let Orientation = tape[ptr++];
  43880. let Magnitude = tape[ptr++];
  43881. return new IfcVector(expressID, type, Orientation, Magnitude);
  43882. }
  43883. ToTape() {
  43884. let args = [];
  43885. args.push(this.Orientation);
  43886. ;
  43887. args.push(this.Magnitude);
  43888. ;
  43889. return args;
  43890. }
  43891. };
  43892. var IfcVertex = class {
  43893. constructor(expressID, type) {
  43894. this.expressID = expressID;
  43895. this.type = type;
  43896. }
  43897. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  43898. let ptr = 0;
  43899. return new IfcVertex(expressID, type);
  43900. }
  43901. ToTape() {
  43902. let args = [];
  43903. return args;
  43904. }
  43905. };
  43906. var IfcVertexLoop = class {
  43907. constructor(expressID, type, LoopVertex) {
  43908. this.expressID = expressID;
  43909. this.type = type;
  43910. this.LoopVertex = LoopVertex;
  43911. }
  43912. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  43913. let ptr = 0;
  43914. let LoopVertex = tape[ptr++];
  43915. return new IfcVertexLoop(expressID, type, LoopVertex);
  43916. }
  43917. ToTape() {
  43918. let args = [];
  43919. args.push(this.LoopVertex);
  43920. ;
  43921. return args;
  43922. }
  43923. };
  43924. var IfcVertexPoint = class {
  43925. constructor(expressID, type, VertexGeometry) {
  43926. this.expressID = expressID;
  43927. this.type = type;
  43928. this.VertexGeometry = VertexGeometry;
  43929. }
  43930. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  43931. let ptr = 0;
  43932. let VertexGeometry = tape[ptr++];
  43933. return new IfcVertexPoint(expressID, type, VertexGeometry);
  43934. }
  43935. ToTape() {
  43936. let args = [];
  43937. args.push(this.VertexGeometry);
  43938. ;
  43939. return args;
  43940. }
  43941. };
  43942. var IfcVibrationDamper = class {
  43943. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType) {
  43944. this.expressID = expressID;
  43945. this.type = type;
  43946. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  43947. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  43948. this.Name = Name;
  43949. this.Description = Description;
  43950. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  43951. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  43952. this.Representation = Representation;
  43953. this.Tag = Tag;
  43954. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  43955. }
  43956. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  43957. let ptr = 0;
  43958. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  43959. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  43960. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  43961. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  43962. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  43963. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  43964. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  43965. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  43966. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  43967. return new IfcVibrationDamper(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType);
  43968. }
  43969. ToTape() {
  43970. let args = [];
  43971. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  43972. ;
  43973. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  43974. ;
  43975. args.push(this.Name);
  43976. ;
  43977. args.push(this.Description);
  43978. ;
  43979. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  43980. ;
  43981. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  43982. ;
  43983. args.push(this.Representation);
  43984. ;
  43985. args.push(this.Tag);
  43986. ;
  43987. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  43988. ;
  43989. return args;
  43990. }
  43991. };
  43992. var IfcVibrationDamperType = class {
  43993. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType) {
  43994. this.expressID = expressID;
  43995. this.type = type;
  43996. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  43997. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  43998. this.Name = Name;
  43999. this.Description = Description;
  44000. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  44001. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  44002. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  44003. this.Tag = Tag;
  44004. this.ElementType = ElementType;
  44005. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  44006. }
  44007. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  44008. let ptr = 0;
  44009. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  44010. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  44011. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  44012. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  44013. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  44014. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  44015. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  44016. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  44017. let ElementType = tape[ptr++];
  44018. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  44019. return new IfcVibrationDamperType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType);
  44020. }
  44021. ToTape() {
  44022. let args = [];
  44023. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  44024. ;
  44025. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  44026. ;
  44027. args.push(this.Name);
  44028. ;
  44029. args.push(this.Description);
  44030. ;
  44031. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  44032. ;
  44033. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  44034. ;
  44035. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  44036. ;
  44037. args.push(this.Tag);
  44038. ;
  44039. args.push(this.ElementType);
  44040. ;
  44041. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  44042. ;
  44043. return args;
  44044. }
  44045. };
  44046. var IfcVibrationIsolator = class {
  44047. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType) {
  44048. this.expressID = expressID;
  44049. this.type = type;
  44050. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  44051. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  44052. this.Name = Name;
  44053. this.Description = Description;
  44054. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  44055. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  44056. this.Representation = Representation;
  44057. this.Tag = Tag;
  44058. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  44059. }
  44060. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  44061. let ptr = 0;
  44062. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  44063. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  44064. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  44065. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  44066. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  44067. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  44068. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  44069. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  44070. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  44071. return new IfcVibrationIsolator(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType);
  44072. }
  44073. ToTape() {
  44074. let args = [];
  44075. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  44076. ;
  44077. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  44078. ;
  44079. args.push(this.Name);
  44080. ;
  44081. args.push(this.Description);
  44082. ;
  44083. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  44084. ;
  44085. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  44086. ;
  44087. args.push(this.Representation);
  44088. ;
  44089. args.push(this.Tag);
  44090. ;
  44091. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  44092. ;
  44093. return args;
  44094. }
  44095. };
  44096. var IfcVibrationIsolatorType = class {
  44097. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType) {
  44098. this.expressID = expressID;
  44099. this.type = type;
  44100. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  44101. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  44102. this.Name = Name;
  44103. this.Description = Description;
  44104. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  44105. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  44106. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  44107. this.Tag = Tag;
  44108. this.ElementType = ElementType;
  44109. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  44110. }
  44111. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  44112. let ptr = 0;
  44113. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  44114. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  44115. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  44116. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  44117. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  44118. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  44119. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  44120. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  44121. let ElementType = tape[ptr++];
  44122. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  44123. return new IfcVibrationIsolatorType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType);
  44124. }
  44125. ToTape() {
  44126. let args = [];
  44127. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  44128. ;
  44129. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  44130. ;
  44131. args.push(this.Name);
  44132. ;
  44133. args.push(this.Description);
  44134. ;
  44135. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  44136. ;
  44137. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  44138. ;
  44139. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  44140. ;
  44141. args.push(this.Tag);
  44142. ;
  44143. args.push(this.ElementType);
  44144. ;
  44145. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  44146. ;
  44147. return args;
  44148. }
  44149. };
  44150. var IfcVirtualElement = class {
  44151. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag) {
  44152. this.expressID = expressID;
  44153. this.type = type;
  44154. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  44155. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  44156. this.Name = Name;
  44157. this.Description = Description;
  44158. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  44159. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  44160. this.Representation = Representation;
  44161. this.Tag = Tag;
  44162. }
  44163. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  44164. let ptr = 0;
  44165. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  44166. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  44167. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  44168. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  44169. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  44170. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  44171. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  44172. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  44173. return new IfcVirtualElement(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag);
  44174. }
  44175. ToTape() {
  44176. let args = [];
  44177. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  44178. ;
  44179. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  44180. ;
  44181. args.push(this.Name);
  44182. ;
  44183. args.push(this.Description);
  44184. ;
  44185. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  44186. ;
  44187. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  44188. ;
  44189. args.push(this.Representation);
  44190. ;
  44191. args.push(this.Tag);
  44192. ;
  44193. return args;
  44194. }
  44195. };
  44196. var IfcVirtualGridIntersection = class {
  44197. constructor(expressID, type, IntersectingAxes, OffsetDistances) {
  44198. this.expressID = expressID;
  44199. this.type = type;
  44200. this.IntersectingAxes = IntersectingAxes;
  44201. this.OffsetDistances = OffsetDistances;
  44202. }
  44203. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  44204. let ptr = 0;
  44205. let IntersectingAxes = tape[ptr++];
  44206. let OffsetDistances = tape[ptr++];
  44207. return new IfcVirtualGridIntersection(expressID, type, IntersectingAxes, OffsetDistances);
  44208. }
  44209. ToTape() {
  44210. let args = [];
  44211. args.push(this.IntersectingAxes);
  44212. ;
  44213. args.push(this.OffsetDistances);
  44214. ;
  44215. return args;
  44216. }
  44217. };
  44218. var IfcVoidingFeature = class {
  44219. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType) {
  44220. this.expressID = expressID;
  44221. this.type = type;
  44222. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  44223. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  44224. this.Name = Name;
  44225. this.Description = Description;
  44226. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  44227. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  44228. this.Representation = Representation;
  44229. this.Tag = Tag;
  44230. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  44231. }
  44232. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  44233. let ptr = 0;
  44234. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  44235. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  44236. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  44237. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  44238. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  44239. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  44240. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  44241. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  44242. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  44243. return new IfcVoidingFeature(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType);
  44244. }
  44245. ToTape() {
  44246. let args = [];
  44247. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  44248. ;
  44249. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  44250. ;
  44251. args.push(this.Name);
  44252. ;
  44253. args.push(this.Description);
  44254. ;
  44255. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  44256. ;
  44257. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  44258. ;
  44259. args.push(this.Representation);
  44260. ;
  44261. args.push(this.Tag);
  44262. ;
  44263. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  44264. ;
  44265. return args;
  44266. }
  44267. };
  44268. var IfcWall = class {
  44269. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType) {
  44270. this.expressID = expressID;
  44271. this.type = type;
  44272. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  44273. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  44274. this.Name = Name;
  44275. this.Description = Description;
  44276. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  44277. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  44278. this.Representation = Representation;
  44279. this.Tag = Tag;
  44280. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  44281. }
  44282. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  44283. let ptr = 0;
  44284. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  44285. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  44286. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  44287. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  44288. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  44289. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  44290. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  44291. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  44292. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  44293. return new IfcWall(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType);
  44294. }
  44295. ToTape() {
  44296. let args = [];
  44297. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  44298. ;
  44299. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  44300. ;
  44301. args.push(this.Name);
  44302. ;
  44303. args.push(this.Description);
  44304. ;
  44305. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  44306. ;
  44307. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  44308. ;
  44309. args.push(this.Representation);
  44310. ;
  44311. args.push(this.Tag);
  44312. ;
  44313. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  44314. ;
  44315. return args;
  44316. }
  44317. };
  44318. var IfcWallElementedCase = class {
  44319. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType) {
  44320. this.expressID = expressID;
  44321. this.type = type;
  44322. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  44323. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  44324. this.Name = Name;
  44325. this.Description = Description;
  44326. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  44327. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  44328. this.Representation = Representation;
  44329. this.Tag = Tag;
  44330. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  44331. }
  44332. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  44333. let ptr = 0;
  44334. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  44335. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  44336. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  44337. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  44338. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  44339. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  44340. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  44341. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  44342. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  44343. return new IfcWallElementedCase(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType);
  44344. }
  44345. ToTape() {
  44346. let args = [];
  44347. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  44348. ;
  44349. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  44350. ;
  44351. args.push(this.Name);
  44352. ;
  44353. args.push(this.Description);
  44354. ;
  44355. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  44356. ;
  44357. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  44358. ;
  44359. args.push(this.Representation);
  44360. ;
  44361. args.push(this.Tag);
  44362. ;
  44363. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  44364. ;
  44365. return args;
  44366. }
  44367. };
  44368. var IfcWallStandardCase = class {
  44369. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType) {
  44370. this.expressID = expressID;
  44371. this.type = type;
  44372. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  44373. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  44374. this.Name = Name;
  44375. this.Description = Description;
  44376. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  44377. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  44378. this.Representation = Representation;
  44379. this.Tag = Tag;
  44380. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  44381. }
  44382. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  44383. let ptr = 0;
  44384. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  44385. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  44386. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  44387. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  44388. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  44389. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  44390. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  44391. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  44392. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  44393. return new IfcWallStandardCase(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType);
  44394. }
  44395. ToTape() {
  44396. let args = [];
  44397. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  44398. ;
  44399. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  44400. ;
  44401. args.push(this.Name);
  44402. ;
  44403. args.push(this.Description);
  44404. ;
  44405. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  44406. ;
  44407. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  44408. ;
  44409. args.push(this.Representation);
  44410. ;
  44411. args.push(this.Tag);
  44412. ;
  44413. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  44414. ;
  44415. return args;
  44416. }
  44417. };
  44418. var IfcWallType = class {
  44419. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType) {
  44420. this.expressID = expressID;
  44421. this.type = type;
  44422. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  44423. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  44424. this.Name = Name;
  44425. this.Description = Description;
  44426. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  44427. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  44428. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  44429. this.Tag = Tag;
  44430. this.ElementType = ElementType;
  44431. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  44432. }
  44433. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  44434. let ptr = 0;
  44435. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  44436. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  44437. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  44438. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  44439. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  44440. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  44441. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  44442. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  44443. let ElementType = tape[ptr++];
  44444. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  44445. return new IfcWallType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType);
  44446. }
  44447. ToTape() {
  44448. let args = [];
  44449. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  44450. ;
  44451. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  44452. ;
  44453. args.push(this.Name);
  44454. ;
  44455. args.push(this.Description);
  44456. ;
  44457. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  44458. ;
  44459. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  44460. ;
  44461. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  44462. ;
  44463. args.push(this.Tag);
  44464. ;
  44465. args.push(this.ElementType);
  44466. ;
  44467. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  44468. ;
  44469. return args;
  44470. }
  44471. };
  44472. var IfcWasteTerminal = class {
  44473. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType) {
  44474. this.expressID = expressID;
  44475. this.type = type;
  44476. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  44477. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  44478. this.Name = Name;
  44479. this.Description = Description;
  44480. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  44481. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  44482. this.Representation = Representation;
  44483. this.Tag = Tag;
  44484. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  44485. }
  44486. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  44487. let ptr = 0;
  44488. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  44489. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  44490. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  44491. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  44492. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  44493. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  44494. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  44495. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  44496. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  44497. return new IfcWasteTerminal(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, PredefinedType);
  44498. }
  44499. ToTape() {
  44500. let args = [];
  44501. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  44502. ;
  44503. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  44504. ;
  44505. args.push(this.Name);
  44506. ;
  44507. args.push(this.Description);
  44508. ;
  44509. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  44510. ;
  44511. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  44512. ;
  44513. args.push(this.Representation);
  44514. ;
  44515. args.push(this.Tag);
  44516. ;
  44517. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  44518. ;
  44519. return args;
  44520. }
  44521. };
  44522. var IfcWasteTerminalType = class {
  44523. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType) {
  44524. this.expressID = expressID;
  44525. this.type = type;
  44526. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  44527. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  44528. this.Name = Name;
  44529. this.Description = Description;
  44530. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  44531. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  44532. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  44533. this.Tag = Tag;
  44534. this.ElementType = ElementType;
  44535. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  44536. }
  44537. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  44538. let ptr = 0;
  44539. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  44540. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  44541. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  44542. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  44543. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  44544. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  44545. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  44546. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  44547. let ElementType = tape[ptr++];
  44548. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  44549. return new IfcWasteTerminalType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType);
  44550. }
  44551. ToTape() {
  44552. let args = [];
  44553. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  44554. ;
  44555. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  44556. ;
  44557. args.push(this.Name);
  44558. ;
  44559. args.push(this.Description);
  44560. ;
  44561. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  44562. ;
  44563. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  44564. ;
  44565. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  44566. ;
  44567. args.push(this.Tag);
  44568. ;
  44569. args.push(this.ElementType);
  44570. ;
  44571. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  44572. ;
  44573. return args;
  44574. }
  44575. };
  44576. var IfcWindow = class {
  44577. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, OverallHeight, OverallWidth, PredefinedType, PartitioningType, UserDefinedPartitioningType) {
  44578. this.expressID = expressID;
  44579. this.type = type;
  44580. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  44581. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  44582. this.Name = Name;
  44583. this.Description = Description;
  44584. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  44585. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  44586. this.Representation = Representation;
  44587. this.Tag = Tag;
  44588. this.OverallHeight = OverallHeight;
  44589. this.OverallWidth = OverallWidth;
  44590. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  44591. this.PartitioningType = PartitioningType;
  44592. this.UserDefinedPartitioningType = UserDefinedPartitioningType;
  44593. }
  44594. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  44595. let ptr = 0;
  44596. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  44597. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  44598. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  44599. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  44600. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  44601. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  44602. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  44603. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  44604. let OverallHeight = tape[ptr++];
  44605. let OverallWidth = tape[ptr++];
  44606. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  44607. let PartitioningType = tape[ptr++];
  44608. let UserDefinedPartitioningType = tape[ptr++];
  44609. return new IfcWindow(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, OverallHeight, OverallWidth, PredefinedType, PartitioningType, UserDefinedPartitioningType);
  44610. }
  44611. ToTape() {
  44612. let args = [];
  44613. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  44614. ;
  44615. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  44616. ;
  44617. args.push(this.Name);
  44618. ;
  44619. args.push(this.Description);
  44620. ;
  44621. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  44622. ;
  44623. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  44624. ;
  44625. args.push(this.Representation);
  44626. ;
  44627. args.push(this.Tag);
  44628. ;
  44629. args.push(this.OverallHeight);
  44630. ;
  44631. args.push(this.OverallWidth);
  44632. ;
  44633. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  44634. ;
  44635. args.push(this.PartitioningType);
  44636. ;
  44637. args.push(this.UserDefinedPartitioningType);
  44638. ;
  44639. return args;
  44640. }
  44641. };
  44642. var IfcWindowLiningProperties = class {
  44643. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, LiningDepth, LiningThickness, TransomThickness, MullionThickness, FirstTransomOffset, SecondTransomOffset, FirstMullionOffset, SecondMullionOffset, ShapeAspectStyle, LiningOffset, LiningToPanelOffsetX, LiningToPanelOffsetY) {
  44644. this.expressID = expressID;
  44645. this.type = type;
  44646. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  44647. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  44648. this.Name = Name;
  44649. this.Description = Description;
  44650. this.LiningDepth = LiningDepth;
  44651. this.LiningThickness = LiningThickness;
  44652. this.TransomThickness = TransomThickness;
  44653. this.MullionThickness = MullionThickness;
  44654. this.FirstTransomOffset = FirstTransomOffset;
  44655. this.SecondTransomOffset = SecondTransomOffset;
  44656. this.FirstMullionOffset = FirstMullionOffset;
  44657. this.SecondMullionOffset = SecondMullionOffset;
  44658. this.ShapeAspectStyle = ShapeAspectStyle;
  44659. this.LiningOffset = LiningOffset;
  44660. this.LiningToPanelOffsetX = LiningToPanelOffsetX;
  44661. this.LiningToPanelOffsetY = LiningToPanelOffsetY;
  44662. }
  44663. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  44664. let ptr = 0;
  44665. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  44666. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  44667. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  44668. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  44669. let LiningDepth = tape[ptr++];
  44670. let LiningThickness = tape[ptr++];
  44671. let TransomThickness = tape[ptr++];
  44672. let MullionThickness = tape[ptr++];
  44673. let FirstTransomOffset = tape[ptr++];
  44674. let SecondTransomOffset = tape[ptr++];
  44675. let FirstMullionOffset = tape[ptr++];
  44676. let SecondMullionOffset = tape[ptr++];
  44677. let ShapeAspectStyle = tape[ptr++];
  44678. let LiningOffset = tape[ptr++];
  44679. let LiningToPanelOffsetX = tape[ptr++];
  44680. let LiningToPanelOffsetY = tape[ptr++];
  44681. return new IfcWindowLiningProperties(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, LiningDepth, LiningThickness, TransomThickness, MullionThickness, FirstTransomOffset, SecondTransomOffset, FirstMullionOffset, SecondMullionOffset, ShapeAspectStyle, LiningOffset, LiningToPanelOffsetX, LiningToPanelOffsetY);
  44682. }
  44683. ToTape() {
  44684. let args = [];
  44685. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  44686. ;
  44687. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  44688. ;
  44689. args.push(this.Name);
  44690. ;
  44691. args.push(this.Description);
  44692. ;
  44693. args.push(this.LiningDepth);
  44694. ;
  44695. args.push(this.LiningThickness);
  44696. ;
  44697. args.push(this.TransomThickness);
  44698. ;
  44699. args.push(this.MullionThickness);
  44700. ;
  44701. args.push(this.FirstTransomOffset);
  44702. ;
  44703. args.push(this.SecondTransomOffset);
  44704. ;
  44705. args.push(this.FirstMullionOffset);
  44706. ;
  44707. args.push(this.SecondMullionOffset);
  44708. ;
  44709. args.push(this.ShapeAspectStyle);
  44710. ;
  44711. args.push(this.LiningOffset);
  44712. ;
  44713. args.push(this.LiningToPanelOffsetX);
  44714. ;
  44715. args.push(this.LiningToPanelOffsetY);
  44716. ;
  44717. return args;
  44718. }
  44719. };
  44720. var IfcWindowPanelProperties = class {
  44721. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, OperationType, PanelPosition, FrameDepth, FrameThickness, ShapeAspectStyle) {
  44722. this.expressID = expressID;
  44723. this.type = type;
  44724. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  44725. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  44726. this.Name = Name;
  44727. this.Description = Description;
  44728. this.OperationType = OperationType;
  44729. this.PanelPosition = PanelPosition;
  44730. this.FrameDepth = FrameDepth;
  44731. this.FrameThickness = FrameThickness;
  44732. this.ShapeAspectStyle = ShapeAspectStyle;
  44733. }
  44734. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  44735. let ptr = 0;
  44736. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  44737. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  44738. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  44739. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  44740. let OperationType = tape[ptr++];
  44741. let PanelPosition = tape[ptr++];
  44742. let FrameDepth = tape[ptr++];
  44743. let FrameThickness = tape[ptr++];
  44744. let ShapeAspectStyle = tape[ptr++];
  44745. return new IfcWindowPanelProperties(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, OperationType, PanelPosition, FrameDepth, FrameThickness, ShapeAspectStyle);
  44746. }
  44747. ToTape() {
  44748. let args = [];
  44749. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  44750. ;
  44751. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  44752. ;
  44753. args.push(this.Name);
  44754. ;
  44755. args.push(this.Description);
  44756. ;
  44757. args.push(this.OperationType);
  44758. ;
  44759. args.push(this.PanelPosition);
  44760. ;
  44761. args.push(this.FrameDepth);
  44762. ;
  44763. args.push(this.FrameThickness);
  44764. ;
  44765. args.push(this.ShapeAspectStyle);
  44766. ;
  44767. return args;
  44768. }
  44769. };
  44770. var IfcWindowStandardCase = class {
  44771. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, OverallHeight, OverallWidth, PredefinedType, PartitioningType, UserDefinedPartitioningType) {
  44772. this.expressID = expressID;
  44773. this.type = type;
  44774. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  44775. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  44776. this.Name = Name;
  44777. this.Description = Description;
  44778. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  44779. this.ObjectPlacement = ObjectPlacement;
  44780. this.Representation = Representation;
  44781. this.Tag = Tag;
  44782. this.OverallHeight = OverallHeight;
  44783. this.OverallWidth = OverallWidth;
  44784. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  44785. this.PartitioningType = PartitioningType;
  44786. this.UserDefinedPartitioningType = UserDefinedPartitioningType;
  44787. }
  44788. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  44789. let ptr = 0;
  44790. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  44791. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  44792. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  44793. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  44794. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  44795. let ObjectPlacement = tape[ptr++];
  44796. let Representation = tape[ptr++];
  44797. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  44798. let OverallHeight = tape[ptr++];
  44799. let OverallWidth = tape[ptr++];
  44800. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  44801. let PartitioningType = tape[ptr++];
  44802. let UserDefinedPartitioningType = tape[ptr++];
  44803. return new IfcWindowStandardCase(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, ObjectPlacement, Representation, Tag, OverallHeight, OverallWidth, PredefinedType, PartitioningType, UserDefinedPartitioningType);
  44804. }
  44805. ToTape() {
  44806. let args = [];
  44807. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  44808. ;
  44809. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  44810. ;
  44811. args.push(this.Name);
  44812. ;
  44813. args.push(this.Description);
  44814. ;
  44815. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  44816. ;
  44817. args.push(this.ObjectPlacement);
  44818. ;
  44819. args.push(this.Representation);
  44820. ;
  44821. args.push(this.Tag);
  44822. ;
  44823. args.push(this.OverallHeight);
  44824. ;
  44825. args.push(this.OverallWidth);
  44826. ;
  44827. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  44828. ;
  44829. args.push(this.PartitioningType);
  44830. ;
  44831. args.push(this.UserDefinedPartitioningType);
  44832. ;
  44833. return args;
  44834. }
  44835. };
  44836. var IfcWindowStyle = class {
  44837. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ConstructionType, OperationType, ParameterTakesPrecedence, Sizeable) {
  44838. this.expressID = expressID;
  44839. this.type = type;
  44840. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  44841. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  44842. this.Name = Name;
  44843. this.Description = Description;
  44844. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  44845. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  44846. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  44847. this.Tag = Tag;
  44848. this.ConstructionType = ConstructionType;
  44849. this.OperationType = OperationType;
  44850. this.ParameterTakesPrecedence = ParameterTakesPrecedence;
  44851. this.Sizeable = Sizeable;
  44852. }
  44853. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  44854. let ptr = 0;
  44855. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  44856. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  44857. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  44858. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  44859. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  44860. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  44861. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  44862. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  44863. let ConstructionType = tape[ptr++];
  44864. let OperationType = tape[ptr++];
  44865. let ParameterTakesPrecedence = tape[ptr++];
  44866. let Sizeable = tape[ptr++];
  44867. return new IfcWindowStyle(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ConstructionType, OperationType, ParameterTakesPrecedence, Sizeable);
  44868. }
  44869. ToTape() {
  44870. let args = [];
  44871. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  44872. ;
  44873. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  44874. ;
  44875. args.push(this.Name);
  44876. ;
  44877. args.push(this.Description);
  44878. ;
  44879. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  44880. ;
  44881. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  44882. ;
  44883. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  44884. ;
  44885. args.push(this.Tag);
  44886. ;
  44887. args.push(this.ConstructionType);
  44888. ;
  44889. args.push(this.OperationType);
  44890. ;
  44891. args.push(this.ParameterTakesPrecedence);
  44892. ;
  44893. args.push(this.Sizeable);
  44894. ;
  44895. return args;
  44896. }
  44897. };
  44898. var IfcWindowType = class {
  44899. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType, PartitioningType, ParameterTakesPrecedence, UserDefinedPartitioningType) {
  44900. this.expressID = expressID;
  44901. this.type = type;
  44902. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  44903. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  44904. this.Name = Name;
  44905. this.Description = Description;
  44906. this.ApplicableOccurrence = ApplicableOccurrence;
  44907. this.HasPropertySets = HasPropertySets;
  44908. this.RepresentationMaps = RepresentationMaps;
  44909. this.Tag = Tag;
  44910. this.ElementType = ElementType;
  44911. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  44912. this.PartitioningType = PartitioningType;
  44913. this.ParameterTakesPrecedence = ParameterTakesPrecedence;
  44914. this.UserDefinedPartitioningType = UserDefinedPartitioningType;
  44915. }
  44916. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  44917. let ptr = 0;
  44918. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  44919. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  44920. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  44921. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  44922. let ApplicableOccurrence = tape[ptr++];
  44923. let HasPropertySets = tape[ptr++];
  44924. let RepresentationMaps = tape[ptr++];
  44925. let Tag = tape[ptr++];
  44926. let ElementType = tape[ptr++];
  44927. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  44928. let PartitioningType = tape[ptr++];
  44929. let ParameterTakesPrecedence = tape[ptr++];
  44930. let UserDefinedPartitioningType = tape[ptr++];
  44931. return new IfcWindowType(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ApplicableOccurrence, HasPropertySets, RepresentationMaps, Tag, ElementType, PredefinedType, PartitioningType, ParameterTakesPrecedence, UserDefinedPartitioningType);
  44932. }
  44933. ToTape() {
  44934. let args = [];
  44935. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  44936. ;
  44937. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  44938. ;
  44939. args.push(this.Name);
  44940. ;
  44941. args.push(this.Description);
  44942. ;
  44943. args.push(this.ApplicableOccurrence);
  44944. ;
  44945. args.push(this.HasPropertySets);
  44946. ;
  44947. args.push(this.RepresentationMaps);
  44948. ;
  44949. args.push(this.Tag);
  44950. ;
  44951. args.push(this.ElementType);
  44952. ;
  44953. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  44954. ;
  44955. args.push(this.PartitioningType);
  44956. ;
  44957. args.push(this.ParameterTakesPrecedence);
  44958. ;
  44959. args.push(this.UserDefinedPartitioningType);
  44960. ;
  44961. return args;
  44962. }
  44963. };
  44964. var IfcWorkCalendar = class {
  44965. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, Identification, WorkingTimes, ExceptionTimes, PredefinedType) {
  44966. this.expressID = expressID;
  44967. this.type = type;
  44968. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  44969. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  44970. this.Name = Name;
  44971. this.Description = Description;
  44972. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  44973. this.Identification = Identification;
  44974. this.WorkingTimes = WorkingTimes;
  44975. this.ExceptionTimes = ExceptionTimes;
  44976. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  44977. }
  44978. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  44979. let ptr = 0;
  44980. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  44981. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  44982. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  44983. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  44984. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  44985. let Identification = tape[ptr++];
  44986. let WorkingTimes = tape[ptr++];
  44987. let ExceptionTimes = tape[ptr++];
  44988. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  44989. return new IfcWorkCalendar(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, Identification, WorkingTimes, ExceptionTimes, PredefinedType);
  44990. }
  44991. ToTape() {
  44992. let args = [];
  44993. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  44994. ;
  44995. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  44996. ;
  44997. args.push(this.Name);
  44998. ;
  44999. args.push(this.Description);
  45000. ;
  45001. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  45002. ;
  45003. args.push(this.Identification);
  45004. ;
  45005. args.push(this.WorkingTimes);
  45006. ;
  45007. args.push(this.ExceptionTimes);
  45008. ;
  45009. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  45010. ;
  45011. return args;
  45012. }
  45013. };
  45014. var IfcWorkControl = class {
  45015. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, Identification, CreationDate, Creators, Purpose, Duration, TotalFloat, StartTime, FinishTime) {
  45016. this.expressID = expressID;
  45017. this.type = type;
  45018. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  45019. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  45020. this.Name = Name;
  45021. this.Description = Description;
  45022. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  45023. this.Identification = Identification;
  45024. this.CreationDate = CreationDate;
  45025. this.Creators = Creators;
  45026. this.Purpose = Purpose;
  45027. this.Duration = Duration;
  45028. this.TotalFloat = TotalFloat;
  45029. this.StartTime = StartTime;
  45030. this.FinishTime = FinishTime;
  45031. }
  45032. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  45033. let ptr = 0;
  45034. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  45035. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  45036. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  45037. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  45038. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  45039. let Identification = tape[ptr++];
  45040. let CreationDate = tape[ptr++];
  45041. let Creators = tape[ptr++];
  45042. let Purpose = tape[ptr++];
  45043. let Duration = tape[ptr++];
  45044. let TotalFloat = tape[ptr++];
  45045. let StartTime = tape[ptr++];
  45046. let FinishTime = tape[ptr++];
  45047. return new IfcWorkControl(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, Identification, CreationDate, Creators, Purpose, Duration, TotalFloat, StartTime, FinishTime);
  45048. }
  45049. ToTape() {
  45050. let args = [];
  45051. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  45052. ;
  45053. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  45054. ;
  45055. args.push(this.Name);
  45056. ;
  45057. args.push(this.Description);
  45058. ;
  45059. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  45060. ;
  45061. args.push(this.Identification);
  45062. ;
  45063. args.push(this.CreationDate);
  45064. ;
  45065. args.push(this.Creators);
  45066. ;
  45067. args.push(this.Purpose);
  45068. ;
  45069. args.push(this.Duration);
  45070. ;
  45071. args.push(this.TotalFloat);
  45072. ;
  45073. args.push(this.StartTime);
  45074. ;
  45075. args.push(this.FinishTime);
  45076. ;
  45077. return args;
  45078. }
  45079. };
  45080. var IfcWorkPlan = class {
  45081. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, Identification, CreationDate, Creators, Purpose, Duration, TotalFloat, StartTime, FinishTime, PredefinedType) {
  45082. this.expressID = expressID;
  45083. this.type = type;
  45084. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  45085. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  45086. this.Name = Name;
  45087. this.Description = Description;
  45088. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  45089. this.Identification = Identification;
  45090. this.CreationDate = CreationDate;
  45091. this.Creators = Creators;
  45092. this.Purpose = Purpose;
  45093. this.Duration = Duration;
  45094. this.TotalFloat = TotalFloat;
  45095. this.StartTime = StartTime;
  45096. this.FinishTime = FinishTime;
  45097. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  45098. }
  45099. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  45100. let ptr = 0;
  45101. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  45102. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  45103. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  45104. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  45105. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  45106. let Identification = tape[ptr++];
  45107. let CreationDate = tape[ptr++];
  45108. let Creators = tape[ptr++];
  45109. let Purpose = tape[ptr++];
  45110. let Duration = tape[ptr++];
  45111. let TotalFloat = tape[ptr++];
  45112. let StartTime = tape[ptr++];
  45113. let FinishTime = tape[ptr++];
  45114. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  45115. return new IfcWorkPlan(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, Identification, CreationDate, Creators, Purpose, Duration, TotalFloat, StartTime, FinishTime, PredefinedType);
  45116. }
  45117. ToTape() {
  45118. let args = [];
  45119. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  45120. ;
  45121. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  45122. ;
  45123. args.push(this.Name);
  45124. ;
  45125. args.push(this.Description);
  45126. ;
  45127. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  45128. ;
  45129. args.push(this.Identification);
  45130. ;
  45131. args.push(this.CreationDate);
  45132. ;
  45133. args.push(this.Creators);
  45134. ;
  45135. args.push(this.Purpose);
  45136. ;
  45137. args.push(this.Duration);
  45138. ;
  45139. args.push(this.TotalFloat);
  45140. ;
  45141. args.push(this.StartTime);
  45142. ;
  45143. args.push(this.FinishTime);
  45144. ;
  45145. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  45146. ;
  45147. return args;
  45148. }
  45149. };
  45150. var IfcWorkSchedule = class {
  45151. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, Identification, CreationDate, Creators, Purpose, Duration, TotalFloat, StartTime, FinishTime, PredefinedType) {
  45152. this.expressID = expressID;
  45153. this.type = type;
  45154. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  45155. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  45156. this.Name = Name;
  45157. this.Description = Description;
  45158. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  45159. this.Identification = Identification;
  45160. this.CreationDate = CreationDate;
  45161. this.Creators = Creators;
  45162. this.Purpose = Purpose;
  45163. this.Duration = Duration;
  45164. this.TotalFloat = TotalFloat;
  45165. this.StartTime = StartTime;
  45166. this.FinishTime = FinishTime;
  45167. this.PredefinedType = PredefinedType;
  45168. }
  45169. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  45170. let ptr = 0;
  45171. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  45172. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  45173. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  45174. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  45175. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  45176. let Identification = tape[ptr++];
  45177. let CreationDate = tape[ptr++];
  45178. let Creators = tape[ptr++];
  45179. let Purpose = tape[ptr++];
  45180. let Duration = tape[ptr++];
  45181. let TotalFloat = tape[ptr++];
  45182. let StartTime = tape[ptr++];
  45183. let FinishTime = tape[ptr++];
  45184. let PredefinedType = tape[ptr++];
  45185. return new IfcWorkSchedule(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, Identification, CreationDate, Creators, Purpose, Duration, TotalFloat, StartTime, FinishTime, PredefinedType);
  45186. }
  45187. ToTape() {
  45188. let args = [];
  45189. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  45190. ;
  45191. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  45192. ;
  45193. args.push(this.Name);
  45194. ;
  45195. args.push(this.Description);
  45196. ;
  45197. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  45198. ;
  45199. args.push(this.Identification);
  45200. ;
  45201. args.push(this.CreationDate);
  45202. ;
  45203. args.push(this.Creators);
  45204. ;
  45205. args.push(this.Purpose);
  45206. ;
  45207. args.push(this.Duration);
  45208. ;
  45209. args.push(this.TotalFloat);
  45210. ;
  45211. args.push(this.StartTime);
  45212. ;
  45213. args.push(this.FinishTime);
  45214. ;
  45215. args.push(this.PredefinedType);
  45216. ;
  45217. return args;
  45218. }
  45219. };
  45220. var IfcWorkTime = class {
  45221. constructor(expressID, type, Name, DataOrigin, UserDefinedDataOrigin, RecurrencePattern, Start, Finish) {
  45222. this.expressID = expressID;
  45223. this.type = type;
  45224. this.Name = Name;
  45225. this.DataOrigin = DataOrigin;
  45226. this.UserDefinedDataOrigin = UserDefinedDataOrigin;
  45227. this.RecurrencePattern = RecurrencePattern;
  45228. this.Start = Start;
  45229. this.Finish = Finish;
  45230. }
  45231. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  45232. let ptr = 0;
  45233. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  45234. let DataOrigin = tape[ptr++];
  45235. let UserDefinedDataOrigin = tape[ptr++];
  45236. let RecurrencePattern = tape[ptr++];
  45237. let Start = tape[ptr++];
  45238. let Finish = tape[ptr++];
  45239. return new IfcWorkTime(expressID, type, Name, DataOrigin, UserDefinedDataOrigin, RecurrencePattern, Start, Finish);
  45240. }
  45241. ToTape() {
  45242. let args = [];
  45243. args.push(this.Name);
  45244. ;
  45245. args.push(this.DataOrigin);
  45246. ;
  45247. args.push(this.UserDefinedDataOrigin);
  45248. ;
  45249. args.push(this.RecurrencePattern);
  45250. ;
  45251. args.push(this.Start);
  45252. ;
  45253. args.push(this.Finish);
  45254. ;
  45255. return args;
  45256. }
  45257. };
  45258. var IfcZShapeProfileDef = class {
  45259. constructor(expressID, type, ProfileType, ProfileName, Position, Depth, FlangeWidth, WebThickness, FlangeThickness, FilletRadius, EdgeRadius) {
  45260. this.expressID = expressID;
  45261. this.type = type;
  45262. this.ProfileType = ProfileType;
  45263. this.ProfileName = ProfileName;
  45264. this.Position = Position;
  45265. this.Depth = Depth;
  45266. this.FlangeWidth = FlangeWidth;
  45267. this.WebThickness = WebThickness;
  45268. this.FlangeThickness = FlangeThickness;
  45269. this.FilletRadius = FilletRadius;
  45270. this.EdgeRadius = EdgeRadius;
  45271. }
  45272. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  45273. let ptr = 0;
  45274. let ProfileType = tape[ptr++];
  45275. let ProfileName = tape[ptr++];
  45276. let Position = tape[ptr++];
  45277. let Depth = tape[ptr++];
  45278. let FlangeWidth = tape[ptr++];
  45279. let WebThickness = tape[ptr++];
  45280. let FlangeThickness = tape[ptr++];
  45281. let FilletRadius = tape[ptr++];
  45282. let EdgeRadius = tape[ptr++];
  45283. return new IfcZShapeProfileDef(expressID, type, ProfileType, ProfileName, Position, Depth, FlangeWidth, WebThickness, FlangeThickness, FilletRadius, EdgeRadius);
  45284. }
  45285. ToTape() {
  45286. let args = [];
  45287. args.push(this.ProfileType);
  45288. ;
  45289. args.push(this.ProfileName);
  45290. ;
  45291. args.push(this.Position);
  45292. ;
  45293. args.push(this.Depth);
  45294. ;
  45295. args.push(this.FlangeWidth);
  45296. ;
  45297. args.push(this.WebThickness);
  45298. ;
  45299. args.push(this.FlangeThickness);
  45300. ;
  45301. args.push(this.FilletRadius);
  45302. ;
  45303. args.push(this.EdgeRadius);
  45304. ;
  45305. return args;
  45306. }
  45307. };
  45308. var IfcZone = class {
  45309. constructor(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, LongName) {
  45310. this.expressID = expressID;
  45311. this.type = type;
  45312. this.GlobalId = GlobalId;
  45313. this.OwnerHistory = OwnerHistory;
  45314. this.Name = Name;
  45315. this.Description = Description;
  45316. this.ObjectType = ObjectType;
  45317. this.LongName = LongName;
  45318. }
  45319. static FromTape(expressID, type, tape) {
  45320. let ptr = 0;
  45321. let GlobalId = tape[ptr++];
  45322. let OwnerHistory = tape[ptr++];
  45323. let Name = tape[ptr++];
  45324. let Description = tape[ptr++];
  45325. let ObjectType = tape[ptr++];
  45326. let LongName = tape[ptr++];
  45327. return new IfcZone(expressID, type, GlobalId, OwnerHistory, Name, Description, ObjectType, LongName);
  45328. }
  45329. ToTape() {
  45330. let args = [];
  45331. args.push(this.GlobalId);
  45332. ;
  45333. args.push(this.OwnerHistory);
  45334. ;
  45335. args.push(this.Name);
  45336. ;
  45337. args.push(this.Description);
  45338. ;
  45339. args.push(this.ObjectType);
  45340. ;
  45341. args.push(this.LongName);
  45342. ;
  45343. return args;
  45344. }
  45345. };
  45346. // dist/web-ifc-api.ts
  45347. var WebIFCWasm = require_web_ifc();
  45348. var UNKNOWN = 0;
  45349. var STRING = 1;
  45350. var LABEL = 2;
  45351. var ENUM = 3;
  45352. var REAL = 4;
  45353. var REF = 5;
  45354. var EMPTY = 6;
  45355. var SET_BEGIN = 7;
  45356. var SET_END = 8;
  45357. var LINE_END = 9;
  45358. function ms() {
  45359. return new Date().getTime();
  45360. }
  45361. var IfcAPI = class {
  45362. constructor() {
  45363. this.wasmModule = void 0;
  45364. this.fs = void 0;
  45365. }
  45366. Init() {
  45367. return __async(this, null, function* () {
  45368. if (WebIFCWasm) {
  45369. this.wasmModule = yield WebIFCWasm({ noInitialRun: true });
  45370. this.fs = this.wasmModule.FS;
  45371. } else {
  45372. console.error(`Could not find wasm module at './web-ifc' from web-ifc-api.ts`);
  45373. }
  45374. });
  45375. }
  45376. OpenModel(data, settings) {
  45377. this.wasmModule["FS_createDataFile"]("/", "filename", data, true, true, true);
  45378. let s = __spreadValues({
  45379. COORDINATE_TO_ORIGIN: false,
  45380. USE_FAST_BOOLS: false,
  45384. }, settings);
  45385. let result = this.wasmModule.OpenModel(s);
  45386. this.wasmModule["FS_unlink"]("/filename");
  45387. return result;
  45388. }
  45389. CreateModel(settings) {
  45390. let s = __spreadValues({
  45391. COORDINATE_TO_ORIGIN: false,
  45392. USE_FAST_BOOLS: false,
  45396. }, settings);
  45397. let result = this.wasmModule.CreateModel(s);
  45398. return result;
  45399. }
  45400. ExportFileAsIFC(modelID) {
  45401. this.wasmModule.ExportFileAsIFC(modelID);
  45402. let result = this.fs.readFile("/export.ifc");
  45403. this.wasmModule["FS_unlink"]("/export.ifc");
  45404. return result;
  45405. }
  45406. GetGeometry(modelID, geometryExpressID) {
  45407. return this.wasmModule.GetGeometry(modelID, geometryExpressID);
  45408. }
  45409. GetLine(modelID, expressID, flatten = false) {
  45410. let rawLineData = this.GetRawLineData(modelID, expressID);
  45411. let lineData = FromRawLineData[rawLineData.type](rawLineData);
  45412. if (flatten) {
  45413. this.FlattenLine(modelID, lineData);
  45414. }
  45415. return lineData;
  45416. }
  45417. WriteLine(modelID, lineObject) {
  45418. Object.keys(lineObject).forEach((propertyName) => {
  45419. let property = lineObject[propertyName];
  45420. if (property && property.expressID !== void 0) {
  45421. this.WriteLine(modelID, property);
  45422. lineObject[propertyName] = {
  45423. type: 5,
  45424. value: property.expressID
  45425. };
  45426. } else if (Array.isArray(property) && property.length > 0) {
  45427. for (let i = 0; i < property.length; i++) {
  45428. if (property[i].expressID !== void 0) {
  45429. this.WriteLine(modelID, property[i]);
  45430. lineObject[propertyName][i] = {
  45431. type: 5,
  45432. value: property[i].expressID
  45433. };
  45434. }
  45435. }
  45436. }
  45437. });
  45438. let rawLineData = {
  45439. ID: lineObject.expressID,
  45440. type: lineObject.type,
  45441. arguments: lineObject.ToTape()
  45442. };
  45443. this.WriteRawLineData(modelID, rawLineData);
  45444. }
  45445. FlattenLine(modelID, line) {
  45446. Object.keys(line).forEach((propertyName) => {
  45447. let property = line[propertyName];
  45448. if (property && property.type === 5) {
  45449. line[propertyName] = this.GetLine(modelID, property.value, true);
  45450. } else if (Array.isArray(property) && property.length > 0 && property[0].type === 5) {
  45451. for (let i = 0; i < property.length; i++) {
  45452. line[propertyName][i] = this.GetLine(modelID, property[i].value, true);
  45453. }
  45454. }
  45455. });
  45456. }
  45457. GetRawLineData(modelID, expressID) {
  45458. return this.wasmModule.GetLine(modelID, expressID);
  45459. }
  45460. WriteRawLineData(modelID, data) {
  45461. return this.wasmModule.WriteLine(modelID, data.ID, data.type, data.arguments);
  45462. }
  45463. GetLineIDsWithType(modelID, type) {
  45464. return this.wasmModule.GetLineIDsWithType(modelID, type);
  45465. }
  45466. GetAllLines(modelID) {
  45467. return this.wasmModule.GetAllLines(modelID);
  45468. }
  45469. SetGeometryTransformation(modelID, transformationMatrix) {
  45470. if (transformationMatrix.length != 16) {
  45471. console.log(`Bad transformation matrix size: ${transformationMatrix.length}`);
  45472. return;
  45473. }
  45474. this.wasmModule.SetGeometryTransformation(modelID, transformationMatrix);
  45475. }
  45476. GetVertexArray(ptr, size) {
  45477. return this.getSubArray(this.wasmModule.HEAPF32, ptr, size);
  45478. }
  45479. GetIndexArray(ptr, size) {
  45480. return this.getSubArray(this.wasmModule.HEAPU32, ptr, size);
  45481. }
  45482. getSubArray(heap, startPtr, sizeBytes) {
  45483. return heap.subarray(startPtr / 4, startPtr / 4 + sizeBytes).slice(0);
  45484. }
  45485. CloseModel(modelID) {
  45486. this.wasmModule.CloseModel(modelID);
  45487. }
  45488. StreamAllMeshes(modelID, meshCallback) {
  45489. this.wasmModule.StreamAllMeshes(modelID, meshCallback);
  45490. }
  45491. IsModelOpen(modelID) {
  45492. return this.wasmModule.IsModelOpen(modelID);
  45493. }
  45494. LoadAllGeometry(modelID) {
  45495. return this.wasmModule.LoadAllGeometry(modelID);
  45496. }
  45497. GetFlatMesh(modelID, expressID) {
  45498. return this.wasmModule.GetFlatMesh(modelID, expressID);
  45499. }
  45500. SetWasmPath(path) {
  45501. WasmPath = path;
  45502. }
  45503. };
  45504. export {
  45505. EMPTY,
  45506. ENUM,
  45507. FromRawLineData,
  45508. Handle,
  45510. IFCACTOR,
  45514. IFCADDRESS,
  45524. IFCALARM,
  45545. IFCASSET,
  45552. IFCBEAM,
  45555. IFCBEARING,
  45558. IFCBLOCK,
  45559. IFCBOILER,
  45573. IFCBRIDGE,
  45588. IFCBURNER,
  45610. IFCCHILLER,
  45612. IFCCHIMNEY,
  45614. IFCCIRCLE,
  45623. IFCCOIL,
  45628. IFCCOLUMN,
  45643. IFCCONIC,
  45660. IFCCONTEXT,
  45662. IFCCONTROL,
  45686. IFCCURVE,
  45695. IFCDAMPER,
  45721. IFCDOOR,
  45735. IFCEDGE,
  45750. IFCELEMENT,
  45758. IFCELLIPSE,
  45762. IFCENGINE,
  45768. IFCEVENT,
  45782. IFCFACE,
  45792. IFCFAN,
  45793. IFCFANTYPE,
  45802. IFCFILTER,
  45825. IFCFOOTING,
  45838. IFCGRID,
  45841. IFCGROUP,
  45865. IFCLAGTIME,
  45866. IFCLAMP,
  45880. IFCLINE,
  45885. IFCLOOP,
  45914. IFCMEMBER,
  45917. IFCMETRIC,
  45923. IFCOBJECT,
  45940. IFCOUTLET,
  45944. IFCPATH,
  45945. IFCPCURVE,
  45948. IFCPERMIT,
  45949. IFCPERSON,
  45954. IFCPILE,
  45964. IFCPLANE,
  45965. IFCPLATE,
  45968. IFCPOINT,
  45975. IFCPORT,
  45991. IFCPROCESS,
  45992. IFCPRODUCT,
  45997. IFCPROJECT,
  46022. IFCPROXY,
  46023. IFCPUMP,
  46032. IFCRAILING,
  46034. IFCRAMP,
  46119. IFCROOF,
  46121. IFCROOT,
  46132. IFCSENSOR,
  46142. IFCSITE,
  46143. IFCSIUNIT,
  46144. IFCSLAB,
  46152. IFCSPACE,
  46162. IFCSPHERE,
  46166. IFCSTAIR,
  46212. IFCSUBEDGE,
  46213. IFCSURFACE,
  46233. IFCSYSTEM,
  46236. IFCTABLE,
  46239. IFCTANK,
  46241. IFCTASK,
  46246. IFCTENDON,
  46293. IFCVALVE,
  46295. IFCVECTOR,
  46296. IFCVERTEX,
  46306. IFCWALL,
  46312. IFCWINDOW,
  46323. IFCZONE,
  46325. IfcAPI,
  46326. IfcAbsorbedDoseMeasure,
  46327. IfcAccelerationMeasure,
  46328. IfcActionRequest,
  46329. IfcActionRequestTypeEnum,
  46330. IfcActionSourceTypeEnum,
  46331. IfcActionTypeEnum,
  46332. IfcActor,
  46333. IfcActorRole,
  46334. IfcActuator,
  46335. IfcActuatorType,
  46336. IfcActuatorTypeEnum,
  46337. IfcAddress,
  46338. IfcAddressTypeEnum,
  46339. IfcAdvancedBrep,
  46340. IfcAdvancedBrepWithVoids,
  46341. IfcAdvancedFace,
  46342. IfcAirTerminal,
  46343. IfcAirTerminalBox,
  46344. IfcAirTerminalBoxType,
  46345. IfcAirTerminalBoxTypeEnum,
  46346. IfcAirTerminalType,
  46347. IfcAirTerminalTypeEnum,
  46348. IfcAirToAirHeatRecovery,
  46349. IfcAirToAirHeatRecoveryType,
  46350. IfcAirToAirHeatRecoveryTypeEnum,
  46351. IfcAlarm,
  46352. IfcAlarmType,
  46353. IfcAlarmTypeEnum,
  46354. IfcAlignment,
  46355. IfcAlignment2DHorizontal,
  46356. IfcAlignment2DHorizontalSegment,
  46357. IfcAlignment2DSegment,
  46358. IfcAlignment2DVerSegCircularArc,
  46359. IfcAlignment2DVerSegLine,
  46360. IfcAlignment2DVerSegParabolicArc,
  46361. IfcAlignment2DVertical,
  46362. IfcAlignment2DVerticalSegment,
  46363. IfcAlignmentCurve,
  46364. IfcAlignmentTypeEnum,
  46365. IfcAmountOfSubstanceMeasure,
  46366. IfcAnalysisModelTypeEnum,
  46367. IfcAnalysisTheoryTypeEnum,
  46368. IfcAngularVelocityMeasure,
  46369. IfcAnnotation,
  46370. IfcAnnotationFillArea,
  46371. IfcApplication,
  46372. IfcAppliedValue,
  46373. IfcApproval,
  46374. IfcApprovalRelationship,
  46375. IfcArbitraryClosedProfileDef,
  46376. IfcArbitraryOpenProfileDef,
  46377. IfcArbitraryProfileDefWithVoids,
  46378. IfcAreaDensityMeasure,
  46379. IfcAreaMeasure,
  46380. IfcArithmeticOperatorEnum,
  46381. IfcAssemblyPlaceEnum,
  46382. IfcAsset,
  46383. IfcAsymmetricIShapeProfileDef,
  46384. IfcAudioVisualAppliance,
  46385. IfcAudioVisualApplianceType,
  46386. IfcAudioVisualApplianceTypeEnum,
  46387. IfcAxis1Placement,
  46388. IfcAxis2Placement2D,
  46389. IfcAxis2Placement3D,
  46390. IfcBSplineCurve,
  46391. IfcBSplineCurveForm,
  46392. IfcBSplineCurveWithKnots,
  46393. IfcBSplineSurface,
  46394. IfcBSplineSurfaceForm,
  46395. IfcBSplineSurfaceWithKnots,
  46396. IfcBeam,
  46397. IfcBeamStandardCase,
  46398. IfcBeamType,
  46399. IfcBeamTypeEnum,
  46400. IfcBearing,
  46401. IfcBearingType,
  46402. IfcBearingTypeDisplacementEnum,
  46403. IfcBearingTypeEnum,
  46404. IfcBenchmarkEnum,
  46405. IfcBinary,
  46406. IfcBlobTexture,
  46407. IfcBlock,
  46408. IfcBoiler,
  46409. IfcBoilerType,
  46410. IfcBoilerTypeEnum,
  46411. IfcBoolean,
  46412. IfcBooleanClippingResult,
  46413. IfcBooleanOperator,
  46414. IfcBooleanResult,
  46415. IfcBoundaryCondition,
  46416. IfcBoundaryCurve,
  46417. IfcBoundaryEdgeCondition,
  46418. IfcBoundaryFaceCondition,
  46419. IfcBoundaryNodeCondition,
  46420. IfcBoundaryNodeConditionWarping,
  46421. IfcBoundedCurve,
  46422. IfcBoundedSurface,
  46423. IfcBoundingBox,
  46424. IfcBoxAlignment,
  46425. IfcBoxedHalfSpace,
  46426. IfcBridge,
  46427. IfcBridgePart,
  46428. IfcBridgePartTypeEnum,
  46429. IfcBridgeTypeEnum,
  46430. IfcBuilding,
  46431. IfcBuildingElement,
  46432. IfcBuildingElementPart,
  46433. IfcBuildingElementPartType,
  46434. IfcBuildingElementPartTypeEnum,
  46435. IfcBuildingElementProxy,
  46436. IfcBuildingElementProxyType,
  46437. IfcBuildingElementProxyTypeEnum,
  46438. IfcBuildingElementType,
  46439. IfcBuildingStorey,
  46440. IfcBuildingSystem,
  46441. IfcBuildingSystemTypeEnum,
  46442. IfcBurner,
  46443. IfcBurnerType,
  46444. IfcBurnerTypeEnum,
  46445. IfcCShapeProfileDef,
  46446. IfcCableCarrierFitting,
  46447. IfcCableCarrierFittingType,
  46448. IfcCableCarrierFittingTypeEnum,
  46449. IfcCableCarrierSegment,
  46450. IfcCableCarrierSegmentType,
  46451. IfcCableCarrierSegmentTypeEnum,
  46452. IfcCableFitting,
  46453. IfcCableFittingType,
  46454. IfcCableFittingTypeEnum,
  46455. IfcCableSegment,
  46456. IfcCableSegmentType,
  46457. IfcCableSegmentTypeEnum,
  46458. IfcCaissonFoundation,
  46459. IfcCaissonFoundationType,
  46460. IfcCaissonFoundationTypeEnum,
  46461. IfcCardinalPointReference,
  46462. IfcCartesianPoint,
  46463. IfcCartesianPointList,
  46464. IfcCartesianPointList2D,
  46465. IfcCartesianPointList3D,
  46466. IfcCartesianTransformationOperator,
  46467. IfcCartesianTransformationOperator2D,
  46468. IfcCartesianTransformationOperator2DnonUniform,
  46469. IfcCartesianTransformationOperator3D,
  46470. IfcCartesianTransformationOperator3DnonUniform,
  46471. IfcCenterLineProfileDef,
  46472. IfcChangeActionEnum,
  46473. IfcChiller,
  46474. IfcChillerType,
  46475. IfcChillerTypeEnum,
  46476. IfcChimney,
  46477. IfcChimneyType,
  46478. IfcChimneyTypeEnum,
  46479. IfcCircle,
  46480. IfcCircleHollowProfileDef,
  46481. IfcCircleProfileDef,
  46482. IfcCircularArcSegment2D,
  46483. IfcCivilElement,
  46484. IfcCivilElementType,
  46485. IfcClassification,
  46486. IfcClassificationReference,
  46487. IfcClosedShell,
  46488. IfcCoil,
  46489. IfcCoilType,
  46490. IfcCoilTypeEnum,
  46491. IfcColourRgb,
  46492. IfcColourRgbList,
  46493. IfcColourSpecification,
  46494. IfcColumn,
  46495. IfcColumnStandardCase,
  46496. IfcColumnType,
  46497. IfcColumnTypeEnum,
  46498. IfcCommunicationsAppliance,
  46499. IfcCommunicationsApplianceType,
  46500. IfcCommunicationsApplianceTypeEnum,
  46501. IfcComplexProperty,
  46502. IfcComplexPropertyTemplate,
  46503. IfcComplexPropertyTemplateTypeEnum,
  46504. IfcCompositeCurve,
  46505. IfcCompositeCurveOnSurface,
  46506. IfcCompositeCurveSegment,
  46507. IfcCompositeProfileDef,
  46508. IfcCompressor,
  46509. IfcCompressorType,
  46510. IfcCompressorTypeEnum,
  46511. IfcCondenser,
  46512. IfcCondenserType,
  46513. IfcCondenserTypeEnum,
  46514. IfcConic,
  46515. IfcConnectedFaceSet,
  46516. IfcConnectionCurveGeometry,
  46517. IfcConnectionGeometry,
  46518. IfcConnectionPointEccentricity,
  46519. IfcConnectionPointGeometry,
  46520. IfcConnectionSurfaceGeometry,
  46521. IfcConnectionTypeEnum,
  46522. IfcConnectionVolumeGeometry,
  46523. IfcConstraint,
  46524. IfcConstraintEnum,
  46525. IfcConstructionEquipmentResource,
  46526. IfcConstructionEquipmentResourceType,
  46527. IfcConstructionEquipmentResourceTypeEnum,
  46528. IfcConstructionMaterialResource,
  46529. IfcConstructionMaterialResourceType,
  46530. IfcConstructionMaterialResourceTypeEnum,
  46531. IfcConstructionProductResource,
  46532. IfcConstructionProductResourceType,
  46533. IfcConstructionProductResourceTypeEnum,
  46534. IfcConstructionResource,
  46535. IfcConstructionResourceType,
  46536. IfcContext,
  46537. IfcContextDependentMeasure,
  46538. IfcContextDependentUnit,
  46539. IfcControl,
  46540. IfcController,
  46541. IfcControllerType,
  46542. IfcControllerTypeEnum,
  46543. IfcConversionBasedUnit,
  46544. IfcConversionBasedUnitWithOffset,
  46545. IfcCooledBeam,
  46546. IfcCooledBeamType,
  46547. IfcCooledBeamTypeEnum,
  46548. IfcCoolingTower,
  46549. IfcCoolingTowerType,
  46550. IfcCoolingTowerTypeEnum,
  46551. IfcCoordinateOperation,
  46552. IfcCoordinateReferenceSystem,
  46553. IfcCostItem,
  46554. IfcCostItemTypeEnum,
  46555. IfcCostSchedule,
  46556. IfcCostScheduleTypeEnum,
  46557. IfcCostValue,
  46558. IfcCountMeasure,
  46559. IfcCovering,
  46560. IfcCoveringType,
  46561. IfcCoveringTypeEnum,
  46562. IfcCrewResource,
  46563. IfcCrewResourceType,
  46564. IfcCrewResourceTypeEnum,
  46565. IfcCsgPrimitive3D,
  46566. IfcCsgSolid,
  46567. IfcCurrencyRelationship,
  46568. IfcCurtainWall,
  46569. IfcCurtainWallType,
  46570. IfcCurtainWallTypeEnum,
  46571. IfcCurvatureMeasure,
  46572. IfcCurve,
  46573. IfcCurveBoundedPlane,
  46574. IfcCurveBoundedSurface,
  46575. IfcCurveInterpolationEnum,
  46576. IfcCurveSegment2D,
  46577. IfcCurveStyle,
  46578. IfcCurveStyleFont,
  46579. IfcCurveStyleFontAndScaling,
  46580. IfcCurveStyleFontPattern,
  46581. IfcCylindricalSurface,
  46582. IfcDamper,
  46583. IfcDamperType,
  46584. IfcDamperTypeEnum,
  46585. IfcDataOriginEnum,
  46586. IfcDate,
  46587. IfcDateTime,
  46588. IfcDayInMonthNumber,
  46589. IfcDayInWeekNumber,
  46590. IfcDeepFoundation,
  46591. IfcDeepFoundationType,
  46592. IfcDerivedProfileDef,
  46593. IfcDerivedUnit,
  46594. IfcDerivedUnitElement,
  46595. IfcDerivedUnitEnum,
  46596. IfcDescriptiveMeasure,
  46597. IfcDimensionCount,
  46598. IfcDimensionalExponents,
  46599. IfcDirection,
  46600. IfcDirectionSenseEnum,
  46601. IfcDiscreteAccessory,
  46602. IfcDiscreteAccessoryType,
  46603. IfcDiscreteAccessoryTypeEnum,
  46604. IfcDistanceExpression,
  46605. IfcDistributionChamberElement,
  46606. IfcDistributionChamberElementType,
  46607. IfcDistributionChamberElementTypeEnum,
  46608. IfcDistributionCircuit,
  46609. IfcDistributionControlElement,
  46610. IfcDistributionControlElementType,
  46611. IfcDistributionElement,
  46612. IfcDistributionElementType,
  46613. IfcDistributionFlowElement,
  46614. IfcDistributionFlowElementType,
  46615. IfcDistributionPort,
  46616. IfcDistributionPortTypeEnum,
  46617. IfcDistributionSystem,
  46618. IfcDistributionSystemEnum,
  46619. IfcDocumentConfidentialityEnum,
  46620. IfcDocumentInformation,
  46621. IfcDocumentInformationRelationship,
  46622. IfcDocumentReference,
  46623. IfcDocumentStatusEnum,
  46624. IfcDoor,
  46625. IfcDoorLiningProperties,
  46626. IfcDoorPanelOperationEnum,
  46627. IfcDoorPanelPositionEnum,
  46628. IfcDoorPanelProperties,
  46629. IfcDoorStandardCase,
  46630. IfcDoorStyle,
  46631. IfcDoorStyleConstructionEnum,
  46632. IfcDoorStyleOperationEnum,
  46633. IfcDoorType,
  46634. IfcDoorTypeEnum,
  46635. IfcDoorTypeOperationEnum,
  46636. IfcDoseEquivalentMeasure,
  46637. IfcDraughtingPreDefinedColour,
  46638. IfcDraughtingPreDefinedCurveFont,
  46639. IfcDuctFitting,
  46640. IfcDuctFittingType,
  46641. IfcDuctFittingTypeEnum,
  46642. IfcDuctSegment,
  46643. IfcDuctSegmentType,
  46644. IfcDuctSegmentTypeEnum,
  46645. IfcDuctSilencer,
  46646. IfcDuctSilencerType,
  46647. IfcDuctSilencerTypeEnum,
  46648. IfcDuration,
  46649. IfcDynamicViscosityMeasure,
  46650. IfcEdge,
  46651. IfcEdgeCurve,
  46652. IfcEdgeLoop,
  46653. IfcElectricAppliance,
  46654. IfcElectricApplianceType,
  46655. IfcElectricApplianceTypeEnum,
  46656. IfcElectricCapacitanceMeasure,
  46657. IfcElectricChargeMeasure,
  46658. IfcElectricConductanceMeasure,
  46659. IfcElectricCurrentMeasure,
  46660. IfcElectricDistributionBoard,
  46661. IfcElectricDistributionBoardType,
  46662. IfcElectricDistributionBoardTypeEnum,
  46663. IfcElectricFlowStorageDevice,
  46664. IfcElectricFlowStorageDeviceType,
  46665. IfcElectricFlowStorageDeviceTypeEnum,
  46666. IfcElectricGenerator,
  46667. IfcElectricGeneratorType,
  46668. IfcElectricGeneratorTypeEnum,
  46669. IfcElectricMotor,
  46670. IfcElectricMotorType,
  46671. IfcElectricMotorTypeEnum,
  46672. IfcElectricResistanceMeasure,
  46673. IfcElectricTimeControl,
  46674. IfcElectricTimeControlType,
  46675. IfcElectricTimeControlTypeEnum,
  46676. IfcElectricVoltageMeasure,
  46677. IfcElement,
  46678. IfcElementAssembly,
  46679. IfcElementAssemblyType,
  46680. IfcElementAssemblyTypeEnum,
  46681. IfcElementComponent,
  46682. IfcElementComponentType,
  46683. IfcElementCompositionEnum,
  46684. IfcElementQuantity,
  46685. IfcElementType,
  46686. IfcElementarySurface,
  46687. IfcElements,
  46688. IfcEllipse,
  46689. IfcEllipseProfileDef,
  46690. IfcEnergyConversionDevice,
  46691. IfcEnergyConversionDeviceType,
  46692. IfcEnergyMeasure,
  46693. IfcEngine,
  46694. IfcEngineType,
  46695. IfcEngineTypeEnum,
  46696. IfcEvaporativeCooler,
  46697. IfcEvaporativeCoolerType,
  46698. IfcEvaporativeCoolerTypeEnum,
  46699. IfcEvaporator,
  46700. IfcEvaporatorType,
  46701. IfcEvaporatorTypeEnum,
  46702. IfcEvent,
  46703. IfcEventTime,
  46704. IfcEventTriggerTypeEnum,
  46705. IfcEventType,
  46706. IfcEventTypeEnum,
  46707. IfcExtendedProperties,
  46708. IfcExternalInformation,
  46709. IfcExternalReference,
  46710. IfcExternalReferenceRelationship,
  46711. IfcExternalSpatialElement,
  46712. IfcExternalSpatialElementTypeEnum,
  46713. IfcExternalSpatialStructureElement,
  46714. IfcExternallyDefinedHatchStyle,
  46715. IfcExternallyDefinedSurfaceStyle,
  46716. IfcExternallyDefinedTextFont,
  46717. IfcExtrudedAreaSolid,
  46718. IfcExtrudedAreaSolidTapered,
  46719. IfcFace,
  46720. IfcFaceBasedSurfaceModel,
  46721. IfcFaceBound,
  46722. IfcFaceOuterBound,
  46723. IfcFaceSurface,
  46724. IfcFacetedBrep,
  46725. IfcFacetedBrepWithVoids,
  46726. IfcFacility,
  46727. IfcFacilityPart,
  46728. IfcFailureConnectionCondition,
  46729. IfcFan,
  46730. IfcFanType,
  46731. IfcFanTypeEnum,
  46732. IfcFastener,
  46733. IfcFastenerType,
  46734. IfcFastenerTypeEnum,
  46735. IfcFeatureElement,
  46736. IfcFeatureElementAddition,
  46737. IfcFeatureElementSubtraction,
  46738. IfcFillAreaStyle,
  46739. IfcFillAreaStyleHatching,
  46740. IfcFillAreaStyleTiles,
  46741. IfcFilter,
  46742. IfcFilterType,
  46743. IfcFilterTypeEnum,
  46744. IfcFireSuppressionTerminal,
  46745. IfcFireSuppressionTerminalType,
  46746. IfcFireSuppressionTerminalTypeEnum,
  46747. IfcFixedReferenceSweptAreaSolid,
  46748. IfcFlowController,
  46749. IfcFlowControllerType,
  46750. IfcFlowDirectionEnum,
  46751. IfcFlowFitting,
  46752. IfcFlowFittingType,
  46753. IfcFlowInstrument,
  46754. IfcFlowInstrumentType,
  46755. IfcFlowInstrumentTypeEnum,
  46756. IfcFlowMeter,
  46757. IfcFlowMeterType,
  46758. IfcFlowMeterTypeEnum,
  46759. IfcFlowMovingDevice,
  46760. IfcFlowMovingDeviceType,
  46761. IfcFlowSegment,
  46762. IfcFlowSegmentType,
  46763. IfcFlowStorageDevice,
  46764. IfcFlowStorageDeviceType,
  46765. IfcFlowTerminal,
  46766. IfcFlowTerminalType,
  46767. IfcFlowTreatmentDevice,
  46768. IfcFlowTreatmentDeviceType,
  46769. IfcFontStyle,
  46770. IfcFontVariant,
  46771. IfcFontWeight,
  46772. IfcFooting,
  46773. IfcFootingType,
  46774. IfcFootingTypeEnum,
  46775. IfcForceMeasure,
  46776. IfcFrequencyMeasure,
  46777. IfcFurnishingElement,
  46778. IfcFurnishingElementType,
  46779. IfcFurniture,
  46780. IfcFurnitureType,
  46781. IfcFurnitureTypeEnum,
  46782. IfcGeographicElement,
  46783. IfcGeographicElementType,
  46784. IfcGeographicElementTypeEnum,
  46785. IfcGeometricCurveSet,
  46786. IfcGeometricProjectionEnum,
  46787. IfcGeometricRepresentationContext,
  46788. IfcGeometricRepresentationItem,
  46789. IfcGeometricRepresentationSubContext,
  46790. IfcGeometricSet,
  46791. IfcGlobalOrLocalEnum,
  46792. IfcGloballyUniqueId,
  46793. IfcGrid,
  46794. IfcGridAxis,
  46795. IfcGridPlacement,
  46796. IfcGridTypeEnum,
  46797. IfcGroup,
  46798. IfcHalfSpaceSolid,
  46799. IfcHeatExchanger,
  46800. IfcHeatExchangerType,
  46801. IfcHeatExchangerTypeEnum,
  46802. IfcHeatFluxDensityMeasure,
  46803. IfcHeatingValueMeasure,
  46804. IfcHumidifier,
  46805. IfcHumidifierType,
  46806. IfcHumidifierTypeEnum,
  46807. IfcIShapeProfileDef,
  46808. IfcIdentifier,
  46809. IfcIlluminanceMeasure,
  46810. IfcImageTexture,
  46811. IfcIndexedColourMap,
  46812. IfcIndexedPolyCurve,
  46813. IfcIndexedPolygonalFace,
  46814. IfcIndexedPolygonalFaceWithVoids,
  46815. IfcIndexedTextureMap,
  46816. IfcIndexedTriangleTextureMap,
  46817. IfcInductanceMeasure,
  46818. IfcInteger,
  46819. IfcIntegerCountRateMeasure,
  46820. IfcInterceptor,
  46821. IfcInterceptorType,
  46822. IfcInterceptorTypeEnum,
  46823. IfcInternalOrExternalEnum,
  46824. IfcIntersectionCurve,
  46825. IfcInventory,
  46826. IfcInventoryTypeEnum,
  46827. IfcIonConcentrationMeasure,
  46828. IfcIrregularTimeSeries,
  46829. IfcIrregularTimeSeriesValue,
  46830. IfcIsothermalMoistureCapacityMeasure,
  46831. IfcJunctionBox,
  46832. IfcJunctionBoxType,
  46833. IfcJunctionBoxTypeEnum,
  46834. IfcKinematicViscosityMeasure,
  46835. IfcKnotType,
  46836. IfcLShapeProfileDef,
  46837. IfcLabel,
  46838. IfcLaborResource,
  46839. IfcLaborResourceType,
  46840. IfcLaborResourceTypeEnum,
  46841. IfcLagTime,
  46842. IfcLamp,
  46843. IfcLampType,
  46844. IfcLampTypeEnum,
  46845. IfcLanguageId,
  46846. IfcLayerSetDirectionEnum,
  46847. IfcLengthMeasure,
  46848. IfcLibraryInformation,
  46849. IfcLibraryReference,
  46850. IfcLightDistributionCurveEnum,
  46851. IfcLightDistributionData,
  46852. IfcLightEmissionSourceEnum,
  46853. IfcLightFixture,
  46854. IfcLightFixtureType,
  46855. IfcLightFixtureTypeEnum,
  46856. IfcLightIntensityDistribution,
  46857. IfcLightSource,
  46858. IfcLightSourceAmbient,
  46859. IfcLightSourceDirectional,
  46860. IfcLightSourceGoniometric,
  46861. IfcLightSourcePositional,
  46862. IfcLightSourceSpot,
  46863. IfcLine,
  46864. IfcLineSegment2D,
  46865. IfcLinearForceMeasure,
  46866. IfcLinearMomentMeasure,
  46867. IfcLinearPlacement,
  46868. IfcLinearPositioningElement,
  46869. IfcLinearStiffnessMeasure,
  46870. IfcLinearVelocityMeasure,
  46871. IfcLoadGroupTypeEnum,
  46872. IfcLocalPlacement,
  46873. IfcLogical,
  46874. IfcLogicalOperatorEnum,
  46875. IfcLoop,
  46876. IfcLuminousFluxMeasure,
  46877. IfcLuminousIntensityDistributionMeasure,
  46878. IfcLuminousIntensityMeasure,
  46879. IfcMagneticFluxDensityMeasure,
  46880. IfcMagneticFluxMeasure,
  46881. IfcManifoldSolidBrep,
  46882. IfcMapConversion,
  46883. IfcMappedItem,
  46884. IfcMassDensityMeasure,
  46885. IfcMassFlowRateMeasure,
  46886. IfcMassMeasure,
  46887. IfcMassPerLengthMeasure,
  46888. IfcMaterial,
  46889. IfcMaterialClassificationRelationship,
  46890. IfcMaterialConstituent,
  46891. IfcMaterialConstituentSet,
  46892. IfcMaterialDefinition,
  46893. IfcMaterialDefinitionRepresentation,
  46894. IfcMaterialLayer,
  46895. IfcMaterialLayerSet,
  46896. IfcMaterialLayerSetUsage,
  46897. IfcMaterialLayerWithOffsets,
  46898. IfcMaterialList,
  46899. IfcMaterialProfile,
  46900. IfcMaterialProfileSet,
  46901. IfcMaterialProfileSetUsage,
  46902. IfcMaterialProfileSetUsageTapering,
  46903. IfcMaterialProfileWithOffsets,
  46904. IfcMaterialProperties,
  46905. IfcMaterialRelationship,
  46906. IfcMaterialUsageDefinition,
  46907. IfcMeasureWithUnit,
  46908. IfcMechanicalFastener,
  46909. IfcMechanicalFastenerType,
  46910. IfcMechanicalFastenerTypeEnum,
  46911. IfcMedicalDevice,
  46912. IfcMedicalDeviceType,
  46913. IfcMedicalDeviceTypeEnum,
  46914. IfcMember,
  46915. IfcMemberStandardCase,
  46916. IfcMemberType,
  46917. IfcMemberTypeEnum,
  46918. IfcMetric,
  46919. IfcMirroredProfileDef,
  46920. IfcModulusOfElasticityMeasure,
  46921. IfcModulusOfLinearSubgradeReactionMeasure,
  46922. IfcModulusOfRotationalSubgradeReactionMeasure,
  46923. IfcModulusOfSubgradeReactionMeasure,
  46924. IfcMoistureDiffusivityMeasure,
  46925. IfcMolecularWeightMeasure,
  46926. IfcMomentOfInertiaMeasure,
  46927. IfcMonetaryMeasure,
  46928. IfcMonetaryUnit,
  46929. IfcMonthInYearNumber,
  46930. IfcMotorConnection,
  46931. IfcMotorConnectionType,
  46932. IfcMotorConnectionTypeEnum,
  46933. IfcNamedUnit,
  46934. IfcNonNegativeLengthMeasure,
  46935. IfcNormalisedRatioMeasure,
  46936. IfcNullStyle,
  46937. IfcNumericMeasure,
  46938. IfcObject,
  46939. IfcObjectDefinition,
  46940. IfcObjectPlacement,
  46941. IfcObjectTypeEnum,
  46942. IfcObjective,
  46943. IfcObjectiveEnum,
  46944. IfcOccupant,
  46945. IfcOccupantTypeEnum,
  46946. IfcOffsetCurve,
  46947. IfcOffsetCurve2D,
  46948. IfcOffsetCurve3D,
  46949. IfcOffsetCurveByDistances,
  46950. IfcOpenShell,
  46951. IfcOpeningElement,
  46952. IfcOpeningElementTypeEnum,
  46953. IfcOpeningStandardCase,
  46954. IfcOrganization,
  46955. IfcOrganizationRelationship,
  46956. IfcOrientationExpression,
  46957. IfcOrientedEdge,
  46958. IfcOuterBoundaryCurve,
  46959. IfcOutlet,
  46960. IfcOutletType,
  46961. IfcOutletTypeEnum,
  46962. IfcOwnerHistory,
  46963. IfcPHMeasure,
  46964. IfcParameterValue,
  46965. IfcParameterizedProfileDef,
  46966. IfcPath,
  46967. IfcPcurve,
  46968. IfcPerformanceHistory,
  46969. IfcPerformanceHistoryTypeEnum,
  46970. IfcPermeableCoveringOperationEnum,
  46971. IfcPermeableCoveringProperties,
  46972. IfcPermit,
  46973. IfcPermitTypeEnum,
  46974. IfcPerson,
  46975. IfcPersonAndOrganization,
  46976. IfcPhysicalComplexQuantity,
  46977. IfcPhysicalOrVirtualEnum,
  46978. IfcPhysicalQuantity,
  46979. IfcPhysicalSimpleQuantity,
  46980. IfcPile,
  46981. IfcPileConstructionEnum,
  46982. IfcPileType,
  46983. IfcPileTypeEnum,
  46984. IfcPipeFitting,
  46985. IfcPipeFittingType,
  46986. IfcPipeFittingTypeEnum,
  46987. IfcPipeSegment,
  46988. IfcPipeSegmentType,
  46989. IfcPipeSegmentTypeEnum,
  46990. IfcPixelTexture,
  46991. IfcPlacement,
  46992. IfcPlanarBox,
  46993. IfcPlanarExtent,
  46994. IfcPlanarForceMeasure,
  46995. IfcPlane,
  46996. IfcPlaneAngleMeasure,
  46997. IfcPlate,
  46998. IfcPlateStandardCase,
  46999. IfcPlateType,
  47000. IfcPlateTypeEnum,
  47001. IfcPoint,
  47002. IfcPointOnCurve,
  47003. IfcPointOnSurface,
  47004. IfcPolyLoop,
  47005. IfcPolygonalBoundedHalfSpace,
  47006. IfcPolygonalFaceSet,
  47007. IfcPolyline,
  47008. IfcPort,
  47009. IfcPositioningElement,
  47010. IfcPositiveInteger,
  47011. IfcPositiveLengthMeasure,
  47012. IfcPositivePlaneAngleMeasure,
  47013. IfcPositiveRatioMeasure,
  47014. IfcPostalAddress,
  47015. IfcPowerMeasure,
  47016. IfcPreDefinedColour,
  47017. IfcPreDefinedCurveFont,
  47018. IfcPreDefinedItem,
  47019. IfcPreDefinedProperties,
  47020. IfcPreDefinedPropertySet,
  47021. IfcPreDefinedTextFont,
  47022. IfcPreferredSurfaceCurveRepresentation,
  47023. IfcPresentableText,
  47024. IfcPresentationItem,
  47025. IfcPresentationLayerAssignment,
  47026. IfcPresentationLayerWithStyle,
  47027. IfcPresentationStyle,
  47028. IfcPresentationStyleAssignment,
  47029. IfcPressureMeasure,
  47030. IfcProcedure,
  47031. IfcProcedureType,
  47032. IfcProcedureTypeEnum,
  47033. IfcProcess,
  47034. IfcProduct,
  47035. IfcProductDefinitionShape,
  47036. IfcProductRepresentation,
  47037. IfcProfileDef,
  47038. IfcProfileProperties,
  47039. IfcProfileTypeEnum,
  47040. IfcProject,
  47041. IfcProjectLibrary,
  47042. IfcProjectOrder,
  47043. IfcProjectOrderTypeEnum,
  47044. IfcProjectedCRS,
  47045. IfcProjectedOrTrueLengthEnum,
  47046. IfcProjectionElement,
  47047. IfcProjectionElementTypeEnum,
  47048. IfcProperty,
  47049. IfcPropertyAbstraction,
  47050. IfcPropertyBoundedValue,
  47051. IfcPropertyDefinition,
  47052. IfcPropertyDependencyRelationship,
  47053. IfcPropertyEnumeratedValue,
  47054. IfcPropertyEnumeration,
  47055. IfcPropertyListValue,
  47056. IfcPropertyReferenceValue,
  47057. IfcPropertySet,
  47058. IfcPropertySetDefinition,
  47059. IfcPropertySetTemplate,
  47060. IfcPropertySetTemplateTypeEnum,
  47061. IfcPropertySingleValue,
  47062. IfcPropertyTableValue,
  47063. IfcPropertyTemplate,
  47064. IfcPropertyTemplateDefinition,
  47065. IfcProtectiveDevice,
  47066. IfcProtectiveDeviceTrippingUnit,
  47067. IfcProtectiveDeviceTrippingUnitType,
  47068. IfcProtectiveDeviceTrippingUnitTypeEnum,
  47069. IfcProtectiveDeviceType,
  47070. IfcProtectiveDeviceTypeEnum,
  47071. IfcProxy,
  47072. IfcPump,
  47073. IfcPumpType,
  47074. IfcPumpTypeEnum,
  47075. IfcQuantityArea,
  47076. IfcQuantityCount,
  47077. IfcQuantityLength,
  47078. IfcQuantitySet,
  47079. IfcQuantityTime,
  47080. IfcQuantityVolume,
  47081. IfcQuantityWeight,
  47082. IfcRadioActivityMeasure,
  47083. IfcRailing,
  47084. IfcRailingType,
  47085. IfcRailingTypeEnum,
  47086. IfcRamp,
  47087. IfcRampFlight,
  47088. IfcRampFlightType,
  47089. IfcRampFlightTypeEnum,
  47090. IfcRampType,
  47091. IfcRampTypeEnum,
  47092. IfcRatioMeasure,
  47093. IfcRationalBSplineCurveWithKnots,
  47094. IfcRationalBSplineSurfaceWithKnots,
  47095. IfcReal,
  47096. IfcRectangleHollowProfileDef,
  47097. IfcRectangleProfileDef,
  47098. IfcRectangularPyramid,
  47099. IfcRectangularTrimmedSurface,
  47100. IfcRecurrencePattern,
  47101. IfcRecurrenceTypeEnum,
  47102. IfcReference,
  47103. IfcReferent,
  47104. IfcReferentTypeEnum,
  47105. IfcReflectanceMethodEnum,
  47106. IfcRegularTimeSeries,
  47107. IfcReinforcementBarProperties,
  47108. IfcReinforcementDefinitionProperties,
  47109. IfcReinforcingBar,
  47110. IfcReinforcingBarRoleEnum,
  47111. IfcReinforcingBarSurfaceEnum,
  47112. IfcReinforcingBarType,
  47113. IfcReinforcingBarTypeEnum,
  47114. IfcReinforcingElement,
  47115. IfcReinforcingElementType,
  47116. IfcReinforcingMesh,
  47117. IfcReinforcingMeshType,
  47118. IfcReinforcingMeshTypeEnum,
  47119. IfcRelAggregates,
  47120. IfcRelAssigns,
  47121. IfcRelAssignsToActor,
  47122. IfcRelAssignsToControl,
  47123. IfcRelAssignsToGroup,
  47124. IfcRelAssignsToGroupByFactor,
  47125. IfcRelAssignsToProcess,
  47126. IfcRelAssignsToProduct,
  47127. IfcRelAssignsToResource,
  47128. IfcRelAssociates,
  47129. IfcRelAssociatesApproval,
  47130. IfcRelAssociatesClassification,
  47131. IfcRelAssociatesConstraint,
  47132. IfcRelAssociatesDocument,
  47133. IfcRelAssociatesLibrary,
  47134. IfcRelAssociatesMaterial,
  47135. IfcRelConnects,
  47136. IfcRelConnectsElements,
  47137. IfcRelConnectsPathElements,
  47138. IfcRelConnectsPortToElement,
  47139. IfcRelConnectsPorts,
  47140. IfcRelConnectsStructuralActivity,
  47141. IfcRelConnectsStructuralMember,
  47142. IfcRelConnectsWithEccentricity,
  47143. IfcRelConnectsWithRealizingElements,
  47144. IfcRelContainedInSpatialStructure,
  47145. IfcRelCoversBldgElements,
  47146. IfcRelCoversSpaces,
  47147. IfcRelDeclares,
  47148. IfcRelDecomposes,
  47149. IfcRelDefines,
  47150. IfcRelDefinesByObject,
  47151. IfcRelDefinesByProperties,
  47152. IfcRelDefinesByTemplate,
  47153. IfcRelDefinesByType,
  47154. IfcRelFillsElement,
  47155. IfcRelFlowControlElements,
  47156. IfcRelInterferesElements,
  47157. IfcRelNests,
  47158. IfcRelPositions,
  47159. IfcRelProjectsElement,
  47160. IfcRelReferencedInSpatialStructure,
  47161. IfcRelSequence,
  47162. IfcRelServicesBuildings,
  47163. IfcRelSpaceBoundary,
  47164. IfcRelSpaceBoundary1stLevel,
  47165. IfcRelSpaceBoundary2ndLevel,
  47166. IfcRelVoidsElement,
  47167. IfcRelationship,
  47168. IfcReparametrisedCompositeCurveSegment,
  47169. IfcRepresentation,
  47170. IfcRepresentationContext,
  47171. IfcRepresentationItem,
  47172. IfcRepresentationMap,
  47173. IfcResource,
  47174. IfcResourceApprovalRelationship,
  47175. IfcResourceConstraintRelationship,
  47176. IfcResourceLevelRelationship,
  47177. IfcResourceTime,
  47178. IfcRevolvedAreaSolid,
  47179. IfcRevolvedAreaSolidTapered,
  47180. IfcRightCircularCone,
  47181. IfcRightCircularCylinder,
  47182. IfcRoleEnum,
  47183. IfcRoof,
  47184. IfcRoofType,
  47185. IfcRoofTypeEnum,
  47186. IfcRoot,
  47187. IfcRotationalFrequencyMeasure,
  47188. IfcRotationalMassMeasure,
  47189. IfcRotationalStiffnessMeasure,
  47190. IfcRoundedRectangleProfileDef,
  47191. IfcSIPrefix,
  47192. IfcSIUnit,
  47193. IfcSIUnitName,
  47194. IfcSanitaryTerminal,
  47195. IfcSanitaryTerminalType,
  47196. IfcSanitaryTerminalTypeEnum,
  47197. IfcSchedulingTime,
  47198. IfcSeamCurve,
  47199. IfcSectionModulusMeasure,
  47200. IfcSectionProperties,
  47201. IfcSectionReinforcementProperties,
  47202. IfcSectionTypeEnum,
  47203. IfcSectionalAreaIntegralMeasure,
  47204. IfcSectionedSolid,
  47205. IfcSectionedSolidHorizontal,
  47206. IfcSectionedSpine,
  47207. IfcSensor,
  47208. IfcSensorType,
  47209. IfcSensorTypeEnum,
  47210. IfcSequenceEnum,
  47211. IfcShadingDevice,
  47212. IfcShadingDeviceType,
  47213. IfcShadingDeviceTypeEnum,
  47214. IfcShapeAspect,
  47215. IfcShapeModel,
  47216. IfcShapeRepresentation,
  47217. IfcShearModulusMeasure,
  47218. IfcShellBasedSurfaceModel,
  47219. IfcSimpleProperty,
  47220. IfcSimplePropertyTemplate,
  47221. IfcSimplePropertyTemplateTypeEnum,
  47222. IfcSite,
  47223. IfcSlab,
  47224. IfcSlabElementedCase,
  47225. IfcSlabStandardCase,
  47226. IfcSlabType,
  47227. IfcSlabTypeEnum,
  47228. IfcSlippageConnectionCondition,
  47229. IfcSolarDevice,
  47230. IfcSolarDeviceType,
  47231. IfcSolarDeviceTypeEnum,
  47232. IfcSolidAngleMeasure,
  47233. IfcSolidModel,
  47234. IfcSoundPowerLevelMeasure,
  47235. IfcSoundPowerMeasure,
  47236. IfcSoundPressureLevelMeasure,
  47237. IfcSoundPressureMeasure,
  47238. IfcSpace,
  47239. IfcSpaceHeater,
  47240. IfcSpaceHeaterType,
  47241. IfcSpaceHeaterTypeEnum,
  47242. IfcSpaceType,
  47243. IfcSpaceTypeEnum,
  47244. IfcSpatialElement,
  47245. IfcSpatialElementType,
  47246. IfcSpatialStructureElement,
  47247. IfcSpatialStructureElementType,
  47248. IfcSpatialZone,
  47249. IfcSpatialZoneType,
  47250. IfcSpatialZoneTypeEnum,
  47251. IfcSpecificHeatCapacityMeasure,
  47252. IfcSpecularExponent,
  47253. IfcSpecularRoughness,
  47254. IfcSphere,
  47255. IfcSphericalSurface,
  47256. IfcStackTerminal,
  47257. IfcStackTerminalType,
  47258. IfcStackTerminalTypeEnum,
  47259. IfcStair,
  47260. IfcStairFlight,
  47261. IfcStairFlightType,
  47262. IfcStairFlightTypeEnum,
  47263. IfcStairType,
  47264. IfcStairTypeEnum,
  47265. IfcStateEnum,
  47266. IfcStructuralAction,
  47267. IfcStructuralActivity,
  47268. IfcStructuralAnalysisModel,
  47269. IfcStructuralConnection,
  47270. IfcStructuralConnectionCondition,
  47271. IfcStructuralCurveAction,
  47272. IfcStructuralCurveActivityTypeEnum,
  47273. IfcStructuralCurveConnection,
  47274. IfcStructuralCurveMember,
  47275. IfcStructuralCurveMemberTypeEnum,
  47276. IfcStructuralCurveMemberVarying,
  47277. IfcStructuralCurveReaction,
  47278. IfcStructuralItem,
  47279. IfcStructuralLinearAction,
  47280. IfcStructuralLoad,
  47281. IfcStructuralLoadCase,
  47282. IfcStructuralLoadConfiguration,
  47283. IfcStructuralLoadGroup,
  47284. IfcStructuralLoadLinearForce,
  47285. IfcStructuralLoadOrResult,
  47286. IfcStructuralLoadPlanarForce,
  47287. IfcStructuralLoadSingleDisplacement,
  47288. IfcStructuralLoadSingleDisplacementDistortion,
  47289. IfcStructuralLoadSingleForce,
  47290. IfcStructuralLoadSingleForceWarping,
  47291. IfcStructuralLoadStatic,
  47292. IfcStructuralLoadTemperature,
  47293. IfcStructuralMember,
  47294. IfcStructuralPlanarAction,
  47295. IfcStructuralPointAction,
  47296. IfcStructuralPointConnection,
  47297. IfcStructuralPointReaction,
  47298. IfcStructuralReaction,
  47299. IfcStructuralResultGroup,
  47300. IfcStructuralSurfaceAction,
  47301. IfcStructuralSurfaceActivityTypeEnum,
  47302. IfcStructuralSurfaceConnection,
  47303. IfcStructuralSurfaceMember,
  47304. IfcStructuralSurfaceMemberTypeEnum,
  47305. IfcStructuralSurfaceMemberVarying,
  47306. IfcStructuralSurfaceReaction,
  47307. IfcStyleModel,
  47308. IfcStyledItem,
  47309. IfcStyledRepresentation,
  47310. IfcSubContractResource,
  47311. IfcSubContractResourceType,
  47312. IfcSubContractResourceTypeEnum,
  47313. IfcSubedge,
  47314. IfcSurface,
  47315. IfcSurfaceCurve,
  47316. IfcSurfaceCurveSweptAreaSolid,
  47317. IfcSurfaceFeature,
  47318. IfcSurfaceFeatureTypeEnum,
  47319. IfcSurfaceOfLinearExtrusion,
  47320. IfcSurfaceOfRevolution,
  47321. IfcSurfaceReinforcementArea,
  47322. IfcSurfaceSide,
  47323. IfcSurfaceStyle,
  47324. IfcSurfaceStyleLighting,
  47325. IfcSurfaceStyleRefraction,
  47326. IfcSurfaceStyleRendering,
  47327. IfcSurfaceStyleShading,
  47328. IfcSurfaceStyleWithTextures,
  47329. IfcSurfaceTexture,
  47330. IfcSweptAreaSolid,
  47331. IfcSweptDiskSolid,
  47332. IfcSweptDiskSolidPolygonal,
  47333. IfcSweptSurface,
  47334. IfcSwitchingDevice,
  47335. IfcSwitchingDeviceType,
  47336. IfcSwitchingDeviceTypeEnum,
  47337. IfcSystem,
  47338. IfcSystemFurnitureElement,
  47339. IfcSystemFurnitureElementType,
  47340. IfcSystemFurnitureElementTypeEnum,
  47341. IfcTShapeProfileDef,
  47342. IfcTable,
  47343. IfcTableColumn,
  47344. IfcTableRow,
  47345. IfcTank,
  47346. IfcTankType,
  47347. IfcTankTypeEnum,
  47348. IfcTask,
  47349. IfcTaskDurationEnum,
  47350. IfcTaskTime,
  47351. IfcTaskTimeRecurring,
  47352. IfcTaskType,
  47353. IfcTaskTypeEnum,
  47354. IfcTelecomAddress,
  47355. IfcTemperatureGradientMeasure,
  47356. IfcTemperatureRateOfChangeMeasure,
  47357. IfcTendon,
  47358. IfcTendonAnchor,
  47359. IfcTendonAnchorType,
  47360. IfcTendonAnchorTypeEnum,
  47361. IfcTendonConduit,
  47362. IfcTendonConduitType,
  47363. IfcTendonConduitTypeEnum,
  47364. IfcTendonType,
  47365. IfcTendonTypeEnum,
  47366. IfcTessellatedFaceSet,
  47367. IfcTessellatedItem,
  47368. IfcText,
  47369. IfcTextAlignment,
  47370. IfcTextDecoration,
  47371. IfcTextFontName,
  47372. IfcTextLiteral,
  47373. IfcTextLiteralWithExtent,
  47374. IfcTextPath,
  47375. IfcTextStyle,
  47376. IfcTextStyleFontModel,
  47377. IfcTextStyleForDefinedFont,
  47378. IfcTextStyleTextModel,
  47379. IfcTextTransformation,
  47380. IfcTextureCoordinate,
  47381. IfcTextureCoordinateGenerator,
  47382. IfcTextureMap,
  47383. IfcTextureVertex,
  47384. IfcTextureVertexList,
  47385. IfcThermalAdmittanceMeasure,
  47386. IfcThermalConductivityMeasure,
  47387. IfcThermalExpansionCoefficientMeasure,
  47388. IfcThermalResistanceMeasure,
  47389. IfcThermalTransmittanceMeasure,
  47390. IfcThermodynamicTemperatureMeasure,
  47391. IfcTime,
  47392. IfcTimeMeasure,
  47393. IfcTimePeriod,
  47394. IfcTimeSeries,
  47395. IfcTimeSeriesDataTypeEnum,
  47396. IfcTimeSeriesValue,
  47397. IfcTimeStamp,
  47398. IfcTopologicalRepresentationItem,
  47399. IfcTopologyRepresentation,
  47400. IfcToroidalSurface,
  47401. IfcTorqueMeasure,
  47402. IfcTransformer,
  47403. IfcTransformerType,
  47404. IfcTransformerTypeEnum,
  47405. IfcTransitionCode,
  47406. IfcTransitionCurveSegment2D,
  47407. IfcTransitionCurveType,
  47408. IfcTransportElement,
  47409. IfcTransportElementType,
  47410. IfcTransportElementTypeEnum,
  47411. IfcTrapeziumProfileDef,
  47412. IfcTriangulatedFaceSet,
  47413. IfcTriangulatedIrregularNetwork,
  47414. IfcTrimmedCurve,
  47415. IfcTrimmingPreference,
  47416. IfcTubeBundle,
  47417. IfcTubeBundleType,
  47418. IfcTubeBundleTypeEnum,
  47419. IfcTypeObject,
  47420. IfcTypeProcess,
  47421. IfcTypeProduct,
  47422. IfcTypeResource,
  47423. IfcURIReference,
  47424. IfcUShapeProfileDef,
  47425. IfcUnitAssignment,
  47426. IfcUnitEnum,
  47427. IfcUnitaryControlElement,
  47428. IfcUnitaryControlElementType,
  47429. IfcUnitaryControlElementTypeEnum,
  47430. IfcUnitaryEquipment,
  47431. IfcUnitaryEquipmentType,
  47432. IfcUnitaryEquipmentTypeEnum,
  47433. IfcValve,
  47434. IfcValveType,
  47435. IfcValveTypeEnum,
  47436. IfcVaporPermeabilityMeasure,
  47437. IfcVector,
  47438. IfcVertex,
  47439. IfcVertexLoop,
  47440. IfcVertexPoint,
  47441. IfcVibrationDamper,
  47442. IfcVibrationDamperType,
  47443. IfcVibrationDamperTypeEnum,
  47444. IfcVibrationIsolator,
  47445. IfcVibrationIsolatorType,
  47446. IfcVibrationIsolatorTypeEnum,
  47447. IfcVirtualElement,
  47448. IfcVirtualGridIntersection,
  47449. IfcVoidingFeature,
  47450. IfcVoidingFeatureTypeEnum,
  47451. IfcVolumeMeasure,
  47452. IfcVolumetricFlowRateMeasure,
  47453. IfcWall,
  47454. IfcWallElementedCase,
  47455. IfcWallStandardCase,
  47456. IfcWallType,
  47457. IfcWallTypeEnum,
  47458. IfcWarpingConstantMeasure,
  47459. IfcWarpingMomentMeasure,
  47460. IfcWasteTerminal,
  47461. IfcWasteTerminalType,
  47462. IfcWasteTerminalTypeEnum,
  47463. IfcWindow,
  47464. IfcWindowLiningProperties,
  47465. IfcWindowPanelOperationEnum,
  47466. IfcWindowPanelPositionEnum,
  47467. IfcWindowPanelProperties,
  47468. IfcWindowStandardCase,
  47469. IfcWindowStyle,
  47470. IfcWindowStyleConstructionEnum,
  47471. IfcWindowStyleOperationEnum,
  47472. IfcWindowType,
  47473. IfcWindowTypeEnum,
  47474. IfcWindowTypePartitioningEnum,
  47475. IfcWorkCalendar,
  47476. IfcWorkCalendarTypeEnum,
  47477. IfcWorkControl,
  47478. IfcWorkPlan,
  47479. IfcWorkPlanTypeEnum,
  47480. IfcWorkSchedule,
  47481. IfcWorkScheduleTypeEnum,
  47482. IfcWorkTime,
  47483. IfcZShapeProfileDef,
  47484. IfcZone,
  47485. LABEL,
  47486. LINE_END,
  47487. REAL,
  47488. REF,
  47489. SET_BEGIN,
  47490. SET_END,
  47491. STRING,
  47492. UNKNOWN,
  47493. Value,
  47494. ms
  47495. };
  47496. var WasmPath = "";