import WebGPUNodeUniformsGroup from './WebGPUNodeUniformsGroup.js'; import { FloatNodeUniform, Vector2NodeUniform, Vector3NodeUniform, Vector4NodeUniform, ColorNodeUniform, Matrix3NodeUniform, Matrix4NodeUniform } from './WebGPUNodeUniform.js'; import WebGPUNodeSampler from './WebGPUNodeSampler.js'; import { WebGPUNodeSampledTexture } from './WebGPUNodeSampledTexture.js'; import WebGPUUniformBuffer from '../WebGPUUniformBuffer.js'; import { getVectorLength, getStrideLength } from '../WebGPUBufferUtils.js'; import VarNode from '../../nodes/core/VarNode.js'; import CodeNode from '../../nodes/core/CodeNode.js'; import BypassNode from '../../nodes/core/BypassNode.js'; import ExpressionNode from '../../nodes/core/ExpressionNode.js'; import NodeBuilder from '../../nodes/core/NodeBuilder.js'; import MaterialNode from '../../nodes/accessors/MaterialNode.js'; import PositionNode from '../../nodes/accessors/PositionNode.js'; import NormalNode from '../../nodes/accessors/NormalNode.js'; import ModelViewProjectionNode from '../../nodes/accessors/ModelViewProjectionNode.js'; import SkinningNode from '../../nodes/accessors/SkinningNode.js'; import LightContextNode from '../../nodes/lights/LightContextNode.js'; import OperatorNode from '../../nodes/math/OperatorNode.js'; import WGSLNodeParser from '../../nodes/parsers/WGSLNodeParser.js'; const wgslTypeLib = { float: 'f32', int: 'i32', vec2: 'vec2', vec3: 'vec3', vec4: 'vec4', uvec4: 'vec4', mat3: 'mat3x3', mat4: 'mat4x4' }; const wgslMethods = { dFdx: 'dpdx', dFdy: 'dpdy' }; const wgslPolyfill = { mod: new CodeNode( ` fn mod( x : f32, y : f32 ) -> f32 { return x - y * floor( x / y ); } ` ), repeatWrapping: new CodeNode( ` fn repeatWrapping( uv : vec2, dimension : vec2 ) -> vec2 { let uvScaled = vec2( uv * vec2( dimension ) ); return ( ( uvScaled % dimension ) + dimension ) % dimension; } ` ), inversesqrt: new CodeNode( ` fn inversesqrt( x : f32 ) -> f32 { return 1.0 / sqrt( x ); } ` ) }; class WebGPUNodeBuilder extends NodeBuilder { constructor( object, renderer, lightNode = null ) { super( object, renderer, new WGSLNodeParser() ); this.lightNode = lightNode; this.bindings = { vertex: [], fragment: [] }; this.bindingsOffset = { vertex: 0, fragment: 0 }; this.uniformsGroup = {}; this._parseObject(); } _parseObject() { const object = this.object; const material = this.material; // parse inputs if ( material.isMeshStandardMaterial || material.isMeshBasicMaterial || material.isPointsMaterial || material.isLineBasicMaterial ) { let lightNode = material.lightNode; // VERTEX STAGE let vertex = new PositionNode( PositionNode.GEOMETRY ); if ( lightNode === null && this.lightNode && this.lightNode.hasLights === true ) { lightNode = this.lightNode; } if ( material.positionNode && material.positionNode.isNode ) { const assignPositionNode = new OperatorNode( '=', new PositionNode( PositionNode.LOCAL ), material.positionNode ); vertex = new BypassNode( vertex, assignPositionNode ); } if ( object.isSkinnedMesh === true ) { vertex = new BypassNode( vertex, new SkinningNode( object ) ); } this.context.vertex = vertex; this.addFlow( 'vertex', new VarNode( new ModelViewProjectionNode(), 'MVP', 'vec4' ) ); // COLOR let colorNode = null; if ( material.colorNode && material.colorNode.isNode ) { colorNode = material.colorNode; } else { colorNode = new MaterialNode( MaterialNode.COLOR ); } colorNode = this.addFlow( 'fragment', new VarNode( colorNode, 'DiffuseColor', 'vec4' ) ); // OPACITY let opacityNode = null; if ( material.opacityNode && material.opacityNode.isNode ) { opacityNode = material.opacityNode; } else { opacityNode = new VarNode( new MaterialNode( MaterialNode.OPACITY ) ); } this.addFlow( 'fragment', new VarNode( opacityNode, 'OPACITY', 'float' ) ); this.addFlow( 'fragment', new ExpressionNode( 'DiffuseColor.a = DiffuseColor.a * OPACITY;' ) ); // ALPHA TEST let alphaTest = null; if ( material.alphaTestNode && material.alphaTestNode.isNode ) { alphaTest = material.alphaTestNode; } else if ( material.alphaTest > 0 ) { alphaTest = new MaterialNode( MaterialNode.ALPHA_TEST ); } if ( alphaTest !== null ) { this.addFlow( 'fragment', new VarNode( alphaTest, 'AlphaTest', 'float' ) ); this.addFlow( 'fragment', new ExpressionNode( 'if ( DiffuseColor.a <= AlphaTest ) { discard; }' ) ); } if ( material.isMeshStandardMaterial ) { // METALNESS let metalnessNode = null; if ( material.metalnessNode && material.metalnessNode.isNode ) { metalnessNode = material.metalnessNode; } else { metalnessNode = new MaterialNode( MaterialNode.METALNESS ); } this.addFlow( 'fragment', new VarNode( metalnessNode, 'Metalness', 'float' ) ); this.addFlow( 'fragment', new ExpressionNode( 'DiffuseColor = vec4( DiffuseColor.rgb * ( 1.0 - Metalness ), DiffuseColor.a );' ) ); // ROUGHNESS let roughnessNode = null; if ( material.roughnessNode && material.roughnessNode.isNode ) { roughnessNode = material.roughnessNode; } else { roughnessNode = new MaterialNode( MaterialNode.ROUGHNESS ); } this.addFlow( 'fragment', new VarNode( roughnessNode, 'Roughness', 'float' ) ); // SPECULAR_TINT this.addFlow( 'fragment', new VarNode( new ExpressionNode( 'mix( vec3( 0.04 ), DiffuseColor.rgb, Metalness )', 'vec3' ), 'SpecularColor', 'color' ) ); // NORMAL_VIEW let normalNode = null; if ( material.normalNode && material.normalNode.isNode ) { normalNode = material.normalNode; } else { normalNode = new NormalNode( NormalNode.VIEW ); } this.addFlow( 'fragment', new VarNode( normalNode, 'TransformedNormalView', 'vec3' ) ); } // LIGHT let outputNode = colorNode; if ( lightNode && lightNode.isNode ) { const lightContextNode = new LightContextNode( lightNode ); outputNode = this.addFlow( 'fragment', new VarNode( lightContextNode, 'Light', 'vec3' ) ); } // RESULT this.addFlow( 'fragment', new VarNode( outputNode, 'Output', 'vec4' ) ); } } addFlowCode( code ) { if ( ! /;\s*$/.test( code ) ) { code += ';'; } super.addFlowCode( code + '\n\t' ); } getTexture( textureProperty, uvSnippet, biasSnippet = null, shaderStage = this.shaderStage ) { if ( shaderStage === 'fragment' ) { return `textureSample( ${textureProperty}, ${textureProperty}_sampler, ${uvSnippet} )`; } else { this._include( 'repeatWrapping' ); const dimension = `textureDimensions( ${textureProperty}, 0 )`; return `textureLoad( ${textureProperty}, repeatWrapping( ${uvSnippet}, ${dimension} ), 0 )`; } } getPropertyName( node, shaderStage = this.shaderStage ) { if ( node.isNodeVary === true ) { if ( shaderStage === 'vertex' ) { return `NodeVarys.${ }`; } } else if ( node.isNodeUniform === true ) { const name =; const type = node.type; if ( type === 'texture' ) { return name; } else if ( type === 'buffer' ) { return `NodeBuffer.${name}`; } else { return `NodeUniforms.${name}`; } } return super.getPropertyName( node ); } getBindings() { const bindings = this.bindings; return [ ...bindings.vertex, ...bindings.fragment ]; } getUniformFromNode( node, shaderStage, type ) { const uniformNode = super.getUniformFromNode( node, shaderStage, type ); const nodeData = this.getDataFromNode( node, shaderStage ); if ( nodeData.uniformGPU === undefined ) { let uniformGPU; const bindings = this.bindings[ shaderStage ]; if ( type === 'texture' ) { const sampler = new WebGPUNodeSampler( `${}_sampler`, uniformNode.node ); const texture = new WebGPUNodeSampledTexture(, uniformNode.node ); // add first textures in sequence and group for last const lastBinding = bindings[ bindings.length - 1 ]; const index = lastBinding && lastBinding.isUniformsGroup ? bindings.length - 1 : bindings.length; if ( shaderStage === 'fragment' ) { bindings.splice( index, 0, sampler, texture ); uniformGPU = [ sampler, texture ]; } else { bindings.splice( index, 0, texture ); uniformGPU = [ texture ]; } } else if ( type === 'buffer' ) { const buffer = new WebGPUUniformBuffer( 'NodeBuffer', node.value ); // add first textures in sequence and group for last const lastBinding = bindings[ bindings.length - 1 ]; const index = lastBinding && lastBinding.isUniformsGroup ? bindings.length - 1 : bindings.length; bindings.splice( index, 0, buffer ); uniformGPU = buffer; } else { let uniformsGroup = this.uniformsGroup[ shaderStage ]; if ( uniformsGroup === undefined ) { uniformsGroup = new WebGPUNodeUniformsGroup( shaderStage ); this.uniformsGroup[ shaderStage ] = uniformsGroup; bindings.push( uniformsGroup ); } if ( node.isArrayInputNode === true ) { uniformGPU = []; for ( const inputNode of node.nodes ) { const uniformNodeGPU = this._getNodeUniform( inputNode, type ); // fit bounds to buffer uniformNodeGPU.boundary = getVectorLength( uniformNodeGPU.itemSize ); uniformNodeGPU.itemSize = getStrideLength( uniformNodeGPU.itemSize ); uniformsGroup.addUniform( uniformNodeGPU ); uniformGPU.push( uniformNodeGPU ); } } else { uniformGPU = this._getNodeUniform( uniformNode, type ); uniformsGroup.addUniform( uniformGPU ); } } nodeData.uniformGPU = uniformGPU; if ( shaderStage === 'vertex' ) { this.bindingsOffset[ 'fragment' ] = bindings.length; } } return uniformNode; } getAttributes( shaderStage ) { let snippet = ''; if ( shaderStage === 'vertex' ) { const attributes = this.attributes; const length = attributes.length; snippet += '\n'; for ( let index = 0; index < length; index ++ ) { const attribute = attributes[ index ]; const name =; const type = this.getType( attribute.type ); snippet += `\t[[ location( ${index} ) ]] ${ name } : ${ type }`; if ( index + 1 < length ) { snippet += ',\n'; } } snippet += '\n'; } return snippet; } getVars( shaderStage ) { let snippet = ''; const vars = this.vars[ shaderStage ]; for ( let index = 0; index < vars.length; index ++ ) { const variable = vars[ index ]; const name =; const type = this.getType( variable.type ); snippet += `var ${name} : ${type}; `; } return snippet; } getVarys( shaderStage ) { let snippet = ''; if ( shaderStage === 'vertex' ) { snippet += '\t[[ builtin( position ) ]] Vertex: vec4;\n'; const varys = this.varys; for ( let index = 0; index < varys.length; index ++ ) { const vary = varys[ index ]; snippet += `\t[[ location( ${index} ) ]] ${ } : ${ this.getType( vary.type ) };\n`; } snippet = this._getWGSLStruct( 'NodeVarysStruct', snippet ); } else if ( shaderStage === 'fragment' ) { const varys = this.varys; snippet += '\n'; for ( let index = 0; index < varys.length; index ++ ) { const vary = varys[ index ]; snippet += `\t[[ location( ${index} ) ]] ${ } : ${ this.getType( vary.type ) }`; if ( index + 1 < varys.length ) { snippet += ',\n'; } } snippet += '\n'; } return snippet; } getUniforms( shaderStage ) { const uniforms = this.uniforms[ shaderStage ]; let snippet = ''; let groupSnippet = ''; let index = this.bindingsOffset[ shaderStage ]; for ( const uniform of uniforms ) { if ( uniform.type === 'texture' ) { if ( shaderStage === 'fragment' ) { snippet += `[[ group( 0 ), binding( ${index ++} ) ]] var ${}_sampler : sampler; `; } snippet += `[[ group( 0 ), binding( ${index ++} ) ]] var ${} : texture_2d; `; } else if ( uniform.type === 'buffer' ) { const bufferNode = uniform.node; const bufferType = this.getType( bufferNode.bufferType ); const bufferCount = bufferNode.bufferCount; const bufferSnippet = `\t${} : array< ${bufferType}, ${bufferCount} >;\n`; snippet += this._getWGSLUniforms( 'NodeBuffer', bufferSnippet, index ++ ) + '\n\n'; } else { const vectorType = this.getType( this.getVectorType( uniform.type ) ); if ( Array.isArray( uniform.value ) === true ) { const length = uniform.value.length; groupSnippet += `uniform ${vectorType}[ ${length} ] ${}; `; } else { groupSnippet += `\t${} : ${ vectorType};\n`; } } } if ( groupSnippet ) { snippet += this._getWGSLUniforms( 'NodeUniforms', groupSnippet, index ++ ); } return snippet; } buildCode() { const shadersData = { fragment: {}, vertex: {} }; for ( const shaderStage in shadersData ) { let flow = '// code\n'; flow += `\t${ this.flowCode[ shaderStage ] }`; flow += '\n'; const flowNodes = this.flowNodes[ shaderStage ]; const mainNode = flowNodes[ flowNodes.length - 1 ]; for ( const node of flowNodes ) { const flowSlotData = this.getFlowData( shaderStage, node ); const slotName =; if ( slotName ) { if ( flow.length > 0 ) flow += '\n'; flow += `\t// FLOW -> ${ slotName }\n\t`; } flow += `${ flowSlotData.code }\n\t`; if ( node === mainNode ) { flow += '// FLOW RESULT\n\t'; if ( shaderStage === 'vertex' ) { flow += 'NodeVarys.Vertex = '; } else if ( shaderStage === 'fragment' ) { flow += 'return '; } flow += `${ flowSlotData.result };`; } } const stageData = shadersData[ shaderStage ]; stageData.uniforms = this.getUniforms( shaderStage ); stageData.attributes = this.getAttributes( shaderStage ); stageData.varys = this.getVarys( shaderStage ); stageData.vars = this.getVars( shaderStage ); = this.getCodes( shaderStage ); stageData.flow = flow; } this.vertexShader = this._getWGSLVertexCode( shadersData.vertex ); this.fragmentShader = this._getWGSLFragmentCode( shadersData.fragment ); } getMethod( method ) { if ( wgslPolyfill[ method ] !== undefined ) { this._include( method ); } return wgslMethods[ method ] || method; } getType( type ) { return wgslTypeLib[ type ] || type; } _include( name ) { wgslPolyfill[ name ].build( this ); } _getNodeUniform( uniformNode, type ) { if ( type === 'float' ) return new FloatNodeUniform( uniformNode ); if ( type === 'vec2' ) return new Vector2NodeUniform( uniformNode ); if ( type === 'vec3' ) return new Vector3NodeUniform( uniformNode ); if ( type === 'vec4' ) return new Vector4NodeUniform( uniformNode ); if ( type === 'color' ) return new ColorNodeUniform( uniformNode ); if ( type === 'mat3' ) return new Matrix3NodeUniform( uniformNode ); if ( type === 'mat4' ) return new Matrix4NodeUniform( uniformNode ); throw new Error( `Uniform "${type}" not declared.` ); } _getWGSLVertexCode( shaderData ) { return `${ this.getSignature() } // uniforms ${shaderData.uniforms} // varys ${shaderData.varys} // codes ${} [[ stage( vertex ) ]] fn main( ${shaderData.attributes} ) -> NodeVarysStruct { // system var NodeVarys: NodeVarysStruct; // vars ${shaderData.vars} // flow ${shaderData.flow} return NodeVarys; } `; } _getWGSLFragmentCode( shaderData ) { return `${ this.getSignature() } // uniforms ${shaderData.uniforms} // codes ${} [[ stage( fragment ) ]] fn main( ${shaderData.varys} ) -> [[ location( 0 ) ]] vec4 { // vars ${shaderData.vars} // flow ${shaderData.flow} } `; } _getWGSLStruct( name, vars ) { return `[[ block ]] struct ${name} { \n${vars} };`; } _getWGSLUniforms( name, vars, binding = 0, group = 0 ) { const structName = name + 'Struct'; const structSnippet = this._getWGSLStruct( structName, vars ); return `${structSnippet} [[ binding( ${binding} ), group( ${group} ) ]] var ${name} : ${structName};`; } } export default WebGPUNodeBuilder;