import NodeBuilder from '../../nodes/core/NodeBuilder.js'; import SlotNode from './SlotNode.js'; import GLSLNodeParser from '../../nodes/parsers/GLSLNodeParser.js'; import WebGLPhysicalContextNode from './WebGLPhysicalContextNode.js'; import { ShaderChunk, LinearEncoding, RGBAFormat, UnsignedByteType, sRGBEncoding } from 'three'; const shaderStages = [ 'vertex', 'fragment' ]; function getIncludeSnippet( name ) { return `#include <${name}>`; } function getShaderStageProperty( shaderStage ) { return `${shaderStage}Shader`; } class WebGLNodeBuilder extends NodeBuilder { constructor( object, renderer, shader ) { super( object, renderer, new GLSLNodeParser() ); this.shader = shader; this.slots = { vertex: [], fragment: [] }; this._parseObject(); } addSlot( shaderStage, slotNode ) { this.slots[ shaderStage ].push( slotNode ); return this.addFlow( shaderStage, slotNode ); } addFlowCode( code ) { if ( ! /;\s*$/.test( code ) ) { code += ';'; } super.addFlowCode( code + '\n\t' ); } _parseObject() { const material = this.material; // parse inputs if ( material.colorNode && material.colorNode.isNode ) { this.addSlot( 'fragment', new SlotNode( material.colorNode, 'COLOR', 'vec4' ) ); } if ( material.opacityNode && material.opacityNode.isNode ) { this.addSlot( 'fragment', new SlotNode( material.opacityNode, 'OPACITY', 'float' ) ); } if ( material.normalNode && material.normalNode.isNode ) { this.addSlot( 'fragment', new SlotNode( material.normalNode, 'NORMAL', 'vec3' ) ); } if ( material.emissiveNode && material.emissiveNode.isNode ) { this.addSlot( 'fragment', new SlotNode( material.emissiveNode, 'EMISSIVE', 'vec3' ) ); } if ( material.metalnessNode && material.metalnessNode.isNode ) { this.addSlot( 'fragment', new SlotNode( material.metalnessNode, 'METALNESS', 'float' ) ); } if ( material.roughnessNode && material.roughnessNode.isNode ) { this.addSlot( 'fragment', new SlotNode( material.roughnessNode, 'ROUGHNESS', 'float' ) ); } if ( material.clearcoatNode && material.clearcoatNode.isNode ) { this.addSlot( 'fragment', new SlotNode( material.clearcoatNode, 'CLEARCOAT', 'float' ) ); } if ( material.clearcoatRoughnessNode && material.clearcoatRoughnessNode.isNode ) { this.addSlot( 'fragment', new SlotNode( material.clearcoatRoughnessNode, 'CLEARCOAT_ROUGHNESS', 'float' ) ); } if ( material.envNode && material.envNode.isNode ) { const envRadianceNode = new WebGLPhysicalContextNode( WebGLPhysicalContextNode.RADIANCE, material.envNode ); const envIrradianceNode = new WebGLPhysicalContextNode( WebGLPhysicalContextNode.IRRADIANCE, material.envNode ); this.addSlot( 'fragment', new SlotNode( envRadianceNode, 'RADIANCE', 'vec3' ) ); this.addSlot( 'fragment', new SlotNode( envIrradianceNode, 'IRRADIANCE', 'vec3' ) ); } if ( material.sizeNode && material.sizeNode.isNode ) { this.addSlot( 'vertex', new SlotNode( material.sizeNode, 'SIZE', 'float' ) ); } if ( material.positionNode && material.positionNode.isNode ) { this.addSlot( 'vertex', new SlotNode( material.positionNode, 'POSITION', 'vec3' ) ); } } getTexture( textureProperty, uvSnippet, biasSnippet = null ) { if ( biasSnippet !== null ) { return `texture2D( ${textureProperty}, ${uvSnippet}, ${biasSnippet} )`; } else { return `texture2D( ${textureProperty}, ${uvSnippet} )`; } } getCubeTexture( textureProperty, uvSnippet, biasSnippet = null ) { const textureCube = 'textureCubeLodEXT'; // textureCubeLodEXT textureLod if ( biasSnippet !== null ) { return `${textureCube}( ${textureProperty}, ${uvSnippet}, ${biasSnippet} )`; } else { return `${textureCube}( ${textureProperty}, ${uvSnippet} )`; } } getUniforms( shaderStage ) { const uniforms = this.uniforms[ shaderStage ]; let snippet = ''; for ( const uniform of uniforms ) { if ( uniform.type === 'texture' ) { snippet += `uniform sampler2D ${}; `; } else if ( uniform.type === 'cubeTexture' ) { snippet += `uniform samplerCube ${}; `; } else { const vectorType = this.getVectorType( uniform.type ); snippet += `uniform ${vectorType} ${}; `; } } return snippet; } getAttributes( shaderStage ) { let snippet = ''; if ( shaderStage === 'vertex' ) { const attributes = this.attributes; for ( let index = 0; index < attributes.length; index ++ ) { const attribute = attributes[ index ]; // ignore common attributes to prevent redefinitions if ( === 'uv' || === 'position' || === 'normal' ) continue; snippet += `attribute ${attribute.type} ${}; `; } } return snippet; } getVarys( shaderStage ) { let snippet = ''; const varys = this.varys; for ( let index = 0; index < varys.length; index ++ ) { const vary = varys[ index ]; snippet += `varying ${vary.type} ${}; `; } return snippet; } addCodeAfterSnippet( shaderStage, snippet, code ) { const shaderProperty = getShaderStageProperty( shaderStage ); let source = this[ shaderProperty ]; const index = source.indexOf( snippet ); if ( index !== - 1 ) { const start = source.substring( 0, index + snippet.length ); const end = source.substring( index + snippet.length ); source = `${start}\n${code}\n${end}`; } this[ shaderProperty ] = source; } addCodeAfterInclude( shaderStage, includeName, code ) { const includeSnippet = getIncludeSnippet( includeName ); this.addCodeAfterSnippet( shaderStage, includeSnippet, code ); } replaceCode( shaderStage, source, target ) { const shaderProperty = getShaderStageProperty( shaderStage ); this.shader[ shaderProperty ] = this.shader[ shaderProperty ].replaceAll( source, target ); } parseInclude( shaderStage, ...includes ) { for ( const name of includes ) { const includeSnippet = getIncludeSnippet( name ); const code = ShaderChunk[ name ]; this.replaceCode( shaderStage, includeSnippet, code ); } } getTextureEncodingFromMap( map ) { /* const isWebGL2 = this.renderer.capabilities.isWebGL2; if ( isWebGL2 && map && map.isTexture && map.format === RGBAFormat && map.type === UnsignedByteType && map.encoding === sRGBEncoding ) { return LinearEncoding; // disable inline decode for sRGB textures in WebGL 2 } */ return super.getTextureEncodingFromMap( map ); } buildCode() { const shaderData = {}; for ( const shaderStage of shaderStages ) { const uniforms = this.getUniforms( shaderStage ); const attributes = this.getAttributes( shaderStage ); const varys = this.getVarys( shaderStage ); const vars = this.getVars( shaderStage ); const codes = this.getCodes( shaderStage ); shaderData[ shaderStage ] = `${this.getSignature()} // // uniforms ${uniforms} // attributes ${attributes} // varys ${varys} // vars ${vars} // codes ${codes} // ${this.shader[ getShaderStageProperty( shaderStage ) ]} `; } this.vertexShader = shaderData.vertex; this.fragmentShader = shaderData.fragment; } build() {; this._addSnippets(); this._addUniforms(); this.shader.vertexShader = this.vertexShader; this.shader.fragmentShader = this.fragmentShader; return this; } getSlot( shaderStage, name ) { const slots = this.slots[ shaderStage ]; for ( const node of slots ) { if ( === name ) { return this.getFlowData( shaderStage, node ); } } } _addSnippets() { this.parseInclude( 'fragment', 'lights_physical_fragment' ); const colorSlot = this.getSlot( 'fragment', 'COLOR' ); const normalSlot = this.getSlot( 'fragment', 'NORMAL' ); const opacityNode = this.getSlot( 'fragment', 'OPACITY' ); const emissiveNode = this.getSlot( 'fragment', 'EMISSIVE' ); const roughnessNode = this.getSlot( 'fragment', 'ROUGHNESS' ); const metalnessNode = this.getSlot( 'fragment', 'METALNESS' ); const clearcoatNode = this.getSlot( 'fragment', 'CLEARCOAT' ); const clearcoatRoughnessNode = this.getSlot( 'fragment', 'CLEARCOAT_ROUGHNESS' ); const positionNode = this.getSlot( 'vertex', 'POSITION' ); const sizeNode = this.getSlot( 'vertex', 'SIZE' ); if ( colorSlot !== undefined ) { this.addCodeAfterInclude( 'fragment', 'color_fragment', `${colorSlot.code}\n\tdiffuseColor = ${colorSlot.result};` ); } if ( normalSlot !== undefined ) { this.addCodeAfterInclude( 'fragment', 'normal_fragment_begin', `${normalSlot.code}\n\tnormal = ${normalSlot.result};` ); } if ( opacityNode !== undefined ) { this.addCodeAfterInclude( 'fragment', 'alphamap_fragment', `${opacityNode.code}\n\tdiffuseColor.a = ${opacityNode.result};` ); } if ( emissiveNode !== undefined ) { this.addCodeAfterInclude( 'fragment', 'emissivemap_fragment', `${emissiveNode.code}\n\ttotalEmissiveRadiance = ${emissiveNode.result};` ); } if ( roughnessNode !== undefined ) { this.addCodeAfterInclude( 'fragment', 'roughnessmap_fragment', `${roughnessNode.code}\n\troughnessFactor = ${roughnessNode.result};` ); } if ( metalnessNode !== undefined ) { this.addCodeAfterInclude( 'fragment', 'metalnessmap_fragment', `${metalnessNode.code}\n\tmetalnessFactor = ${metalnessNode.result};` ); } if ( clearcoatNode !== undefined ) { this.addCodeAfterSnippet( 'fragment', 'material.clearcoatRoughness = clearcoatRoughness;', `${clearcoatNode.code}\n\tmaterial.clearcoat = ${clearcoatNode.result};` ); } if ( clearcoatRoughnessNode !== undefined ) { this.addCodeAfterSnippet( 'fragment', 'material.clearcoatRoughness = clearcoatRoughness;', `${clearcoatRoughnessNode.code}\n\tmaterial.clearcoatRoughness = ${clearcoatRoughnessNode.result};` ); } if ( positionNode !== undefined ) { this.addCodeAfterInclude( 'vertex', 'begin_vertex', `${positionNode.code}\n\ttransformed = ${positionNode.result};` ); } if ( sizeNode !== undefined ) { this.addCodeAfterSnippet( 'vertex', 'gl_PointSize = size;', `${sizeNode.code}\n\tgl_PointSize = ${sizeNode.result};` ); } for ( const shaderStage of shaderStages ) { this.addCodeAfterSnippet( shaderStage, 'main() {', this.flowCode[ shaderStage ] ); } } _addUniforms() { for ( const shaderStage of shaderStages ) { // uniforms for ( const uniform of this.uniforms[ shaderStage ] ) { this.shader.uniforms[ ] = uniform; } } } } export { WebGLNodeBuilder };