// +---------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace think\console\command; use think\console\Command; use think\console\Input; use think\console\input\Argument; use think\console\input\Option; use think\console\Output; use think\console\Table; use think\Container; class RouteList extends Command { protected $sortBy = [ 'rule' => 0, 'route' => 1, 'method' => 2, 'name' => 3, 'domain' => 4, ]; protected function configure() { $this->setName('route:list') ->addArgument('style', Argument::OPTIONAL, "the style of the table.", 'default') ->addOption('sort', 's', Option::VALUE_OPTIONAL, 'order by rule name.', 0) ->addOption('more', 'm', Option::VALUE_NONE, 'show route options.') ->setDescription('show route list.'); } protected function execute(Input $input, Output $output) { $filename = Container::get('app')->getRuntimePath() . 'route_list.php'; if (is_file($filename)) { unlink($filename); } $content = $this->getRouteList(); file_put_contents($filename, 'Route List' . PHP_EOL . $content); } protected function getRouteList() { Container::get('route')->setTestMode(true); // 路由检测 $path = Container::get('app')->getRoutePath(); $files = is_dir($path) ? scandir($path) : []; foreach ($files as $file) { if (strpos($file, '.php')) { $filename = $path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file; // 导入路由配置 $rules = include $filename; if (is_array($rules)) { Container::get('route')->import($rules); } } } if (Container::get('config')->get('route_annotation')) { $suffix = Container::get('config')->get('controller_suffix') || Container::get('config')->get('class_suffix'); include Container::get('build')->buildRoute($suffix); } $table = new Table(); if ($this->input->hasOption('more')) { $header = ['Rule', 'Route', 'Method', 'Name', 'Domain', 'Option', 'Pattern']; } else { $header = ['Rule', 'Route', 'Method', 'Name', 'Domain']; } $table->setHeader($header); $routeList = Container::get('route')->getRuleList(); $rows = []; foreach ($routeList as $domain => $items) { foreach ($items as $item) { $item['route'] = $item['route'] instanceof \Closure ? '' : $item['route']; if ($this->input->hasOption('more')) { $item = [$item['rule'], $item['route'], $item['method'], $item['name'], $domain, json_encode($item['option']), json_encode($item['pattern'])]; } else { $item = [$item['rule'], $item['route'], $item['method'], $item['name'], $domain]; } $rows[] = $item; } } if ($this->input->getOption('sort')) { $sort = $this->input->getOption('sort'); if (isset($this->sortBy[$sort])) { $sort = $this->sortBy[$sort]; } uasort($rows, function ($a, $b) use ($sort) { $itemA = isset($a[$sort]) ? $a[$sort] : null; $itemB = isset($b[$sort]) ? $b[$sort] : null; return strcasecmp($itemA, $itemB); }); } $table->setRows($rows); if ($this->input->getArgument('style')) { $style = $this->input->getArgument('style'); $table->setStyle($style); } return $this->table($table); } }