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+{if condition="is_login() and !is_admin(is_login()) and btnAuth(is_login(),'PhoneMonitor/show')"}
+<textarea style="display: none;" id="StatusArea" rows="13" name="S1" class="form-control" readonly></textarea>
+<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="/static/phonejs/qnviccub.js"></script>
+<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="/static/phonejs/qnvfunc.js"></script>
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+ var fp;
+ $(document).ready(function(){
+ TV_Initialize();
+ getEvent(T_GetEvent);
+ });
+ $(window).unload(function(){
+ TV_Disable();
+ });
+ setInterval(function () {
+ OpenDevice(ODT_LBRIDGE,function(nResult){AppendStatus('打开设备.');});
+ },30000);
+ //离开页面
+ $(window).bind('beforeunload',function(){
+ TV_Disable();
+ });
+ function openPhone() {
+ // let gphone = "13838379499";
+ // let fp = "d:\\wyluyin\\" + getCurrentDate(3) + "_" + gphone + ".wav";
+ // check_phone(gphone,fp);
+ }
+ function playBtn() {
+ // let path = "d:\\wyluyin\\20220608191204_13027625915.wav";
+ // console.log('path:',path);
+ PlayFile(1,QNV_PLAY_FILE_START,0,PLAYFILE_MASK_REPEAT,path,function(id){
+ console.log('play:',id);
+ });
+ }
+ function check_phone(gphone,fp) {
+ fp = base64encode(fp);
+ var url = '{:url("orders/phone")}?phone=' + gphone + '&fp='+fp;
+ var title = '添加订单';
+ layer.open({
+ type: 2,
+ shade: 0.8,
+ title: title,
+ area: ['800px', '400px'],
+ fix: false, //不固定
+ maxmin: true,
+ content: url,
+ skin: 'layer-ext-moon',
+ success: function(layero, index) {
+ layer.iframeAuto(index);
+ },
+ // btn: ['取消']
+ });
+ return false;
+ }
+ function AppendStatus(szStatus)
+ {
+ // console.log(szStatus);
+ // $("#StatusArea").append(szStatus+"\r\n" );
+ // var scrollTop = $("#StatusArea")[0].scrollHeight;
+ // $("#StatusArea").scrollTop(scrollTop);
+ }
+ function AppendStatusEx(uID,szStatus)
+ {
+ uID=uID+1;
+ AppendStatus("通道"+uID+":"+szStatus);
+ }
+ function T_GetEvent(uID,uEventType,uHandle,uResult,szdata)
+ {
+ // console.log(uID,uEventType,uHandle,uResult,szdata);
+ //var vValueArray=qnviccub.QNV_Event(0,2,0,"","",1024);
+ if(uEventType == -1)
+ return;
+ var vValue=" type="+uEventType+" Handle="+uHandle+" Result="+uResult+" szdata="+szdata;
+ switch(uEventType)
+ {
+ case BriEvent_PhoneHook:// 本地电话机摘机事件
+ AppendStatusEx(uID,"本地电话机摘机"+vValue);
+ TV_StartRecordFile(uID,fp);
+ break;
+ case BriEvent_PhoneDial:// 只有在本地话机摘机,没有调用软摘机时,检测到DTMF拨号
+ AppendStatusEx(uID,"本地话机拨号"+vValue);
+ break;
+ case BriEvent_PhoneHang:// 本地电话机挂机事件
+ TV_HangUpCtrl(uID);
+ AppendStatusEx(uID,"本地电话机挂机"+vValue);
+ TV_StopRecordFile(uID);
+ break;
+ case BriEvent_CallIn:// 外线通道来电响铃事件
+ AppendStatusEx(uID,"外线通道来电响铃事件"+vValue);
+ break;
+ case BriEvent_GetCallID://得到来电号码
+ AppendStatusEx(uID,"得到来电号码"+vValue);
+ fp = "d:\\wyluyin\\" + getCurrentDate(3) + "_" + szdata + ".wav";
+ check_phone(szdata,fp);
+ break;
+ case BriEvent_StopCallIn:// 对方停止呼叫(产生一个未接电话)
+ AppendStatusEx(uID,"对方停止呼叫(产生一个未接电话)"+vValue);
+ break;
+ case BriEvent_DialEnd:// 调用开始拨号后,全部号码拨号结束
+ AppendStatusEx(uID,"调用开始拨号后,全部号码拨号结束"+vValue);
+ break;
+ case BriEvent_PlayFileEnd:// 播放文件结束事件
+ AppendStatusEx(uID,"播放文件结束事件"+vValue);
+ break;
+ case BriEvent_PlayMultiFileEnd:// 多文件连播结束事件
+ AppendStatusEx(uID,"多文件连播结束事件"+vValue);
+ break;
+ case BriEvent_PlayStringEnd://播放字符结束
+ AppendStatusEx(uID,"播放字符结束"+vValue);
+ break;
+ case BriEvent_RepeatPlayFile:// 播放文件结束准备重复播放
+ AppendStatusEx(uID,"播放文件结束准备重复播放"+vValue);
+ break;
+ case BriEvent_SendCallIDEnd:// 给本地设备发送震铃信号时发送号码结束
+ AppendStatusEx(uID,"给本地设备发送震铃信号时发送号码结束"+vValue);
+ break;
+ case BriEvent_RingTimeOut://给本地设备发送震铃信号时超时
+ AppendStatusEx(uID,"给本地设备发送震铃信号时超时"+vValue);
+ break;
+ case BriEvent_Ringing://正在内线震铃
+ AppendStatusEx(uID,"正在内线震铃"+vValue);
+ break;
+ case BriEvent_Silence:// 通话时检测到一定时间的静音.默认为5秒
+ AppendStatusEx(uID,"通话时检测到一定时间的静音"+vValue);
+ break;
+ case BriEvent_GetDTMFChar:// 线路接通时收到DTMF码事件
+ AppendStatusEx(uID,"线路接通时收到DTMF码事件"+vValue);
+ break;
+ case BriEvent_RemoteHook:// 拨号后,被叫方摘机事件
+ AppendStatusEx(uID,"拨号后,被叫方摘机事件"+vValue);
+ break;
+ case BriEvent_RemoteHang://对方挂机事件
+ TV_HangUpCtrl(uID);
+ AppendStatusEx(uID,"对方挂机事件"+vValue);
+ TV_StopRecordFile(uID);
+ break;
+ case BriEvent_Busy:// 检测到忙音事件,表示PSTN线路已经被断开
+ AppendStatusEx(uID,"检测到忙音事件,表示PSTN线路已经被断开"+vValue);
+ break;
+ case BriEvent_DialTone:// 本地摘机后检测到拨号音
+ AppendStatusEx(uID,"本地摘机后检测到拨号音"+vValue);
+ break;
+ case BriEvent_RingBack:// 电话机拨号结束呼出事件。
+ AppendStatusEx(uID,"电话机拨号结束呼出事件"+vValue);
+ break;
+ case BriEvent_MicIn:// MIC插入状态
+ AppendStatusEx(uID,"MIC插入状态"+vValue);
+ break;
+ case BriEvent_MicOut:// MIC拔出状态
+ AppendStatusEx(uID,"MIC拔出状态"+vValue);
+ break;
+ case BriEvent_FlashEnd:// 拍插簧(Flash)完成事件,拍插簧完成后可以检测拨号音后进行二次拨号
+ AppendStatusEx(uID,"拍插簧(Flash)完成事件,拍插簧完成后可以检测拨号音后进行二次拨号"+vValue);
+ break;
+ case BriEvent_RefuseEnd:// 拒接完成
+ AppendStatusEx(uID,"拒接完成"+vValue);
+ break;
+ case BriEvent_SpeechResult:// 语音识别完成
+ AppendStatusEx(uID,"语音识别完成"+vValue);
+ break;
+ case BriEvent_FaxRecvFinished:// 接收传真完成
+ AppendStatusEx(uID,"接收传真完成"+vValue);
+ break;
+ case BriEvent_FaxRecvFailed:// 接收传真失败
+ AppendStatusEx(uID,"接收传真失败"+vValue);
+ break;
+ case BriEvent_FaxSendFinished:// 发送传真完成
+ AppendStatusEx(uID,"发送传真完成"+vValue);
+ break;
+ case BriEvent_FaxSendFailed:// 发送传真失败
+ AppendStatusEx(uID,"发送传真失败"+vValue);
+ break;
+ case BriEvent_OpenSoundFailed:// 启动声卡失败
+ AppendStatusEx(uID,"启动声卡失败"+vValue);
+ break;
+ case BriEvent_UploadSuccess://远程上传成功
+ AppendStatusEx(uID,"远程上传成功"+vValue);
+ break;
+ case BriEvent_UploadFailed://远程上传失败
+ AppendStatusEx(uID,"远程上传失败"+vValue);
+ break;
+ case BriEvent_EnableHook:// 应用层调用软摘机/软挂机成功事件
+ AppendStatusEx(uID,"应用层调用软摘机/软挂机成功事件"+vValue);
+ break;
+ case BriEvent_EnablePlay:// 喇叭被打开或者/关闭
+ AppendStatusEx(uID,"喇叭被打开或者/关闭"+vValue);
+ break;
+ case BriEvent_EnableMic:// MIC被打开或者关闭
+ AppendStatusEx(uID,"MIC被打开或者关闭"+vValue);
+ break;
+ case BriEvent_EnableSpk:// 耳机被打开或者关闭
+ AppendStatusEx(uID,"耳机被打开或者关闭"+vValue);
+ break;
+ case BriEvent_EnableRing:// 电话机跟电话线(PSTN)断开/接通
+ AppendStatusEx(uID,"电话机跟电话线(PSTN)断开/接通"+vValue);
+ break;
+ case BriEvent_DoRecSource:// 修改录音源
+ AppendStatusEx(uID,"修改录音源"+vValue);
+ break;
+ case BriEvent_DoStartDial:// 开始软件拨号
+ AppendStatusEx(uID,"开始软件拨号"+vValue);
+ break;
+ case BriEvent_RecvedFSK:// 接收到FSK信号,包括通话中FSK/来电号码的FSK
+ AppendStatusEx(uID,"接收到FSK信号,包括通话中FSK/来电号码的FSK"+vValue);
+ break;
+ case BriEvent_PlugOut:
+ AppendStatusEx(uID,"设备移除");
+ // alert('设备移除');
+ break;
+ case BriEvent_DevErr://设备错误
+ AppendStatusEx(uID,"设备错误"+ decodeURIComponent(vValue) );
+ // alert('设备错误');
+ break;
+ default:
+ if(uEventType < BriEvent_EndID)
+ AppendStatusEx(uID,"忽略其它事件发生:ID=" + uEventType+ vValue);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+{if condition="$isDispatch eq 1"}
+<audio id="dingdantixing" src="/static/tixing.mp3" controls="controls" style="display: none;"></audio>
+ var time1;
+ var audio = document.getElementById('dingdantixing');
+ $(function () {
+ var interval = function () {
+ var url = "{:url('Index/order')}";
+ $.get(url,function (data) {
+ if(data.code == 1){
+ var audio = document.getElementById('dingdantixing');
+ audio.play();
+ if(data.data > 0){
+ document.getElementById('orderNums').innerHTML ='('+data.data +')';
+ }
+ // layer.msg('您有新的订单请及时处理',{time:3000});
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ time1 = setInterval(interval,30000);
+ $("#offNoticeBtn").click(function () {
+ var off = parseInt($("#offNoticeVal").val());
+ if(off==0){
+ clearInterval(time1);
+ $("#offNoticeVal").val(1)
+ $("#offNoticeBtn").html('开启通知');
+ audio.pause();
+ }else {
+ $("#offNoticeVal").val(0)
+ time1 = setInterval(interval,30000);
+ $("#offNoticeBtn").html('关闭通知');
+ }
+ })
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+ // initSubMenu(id);
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+ $(this).addClass('active');
+ });
+ $(document).on('click','#side-menu2 .Jiframe',function () {
+ $('#main-iframe').removeClass('main-box-padding-left');
+ $('#main-iframe').removeClass('main-box-padding-left1');
+ $('#main-iframe').removeClass('main-box-padding-left3');
+ let pid = $(this).attr('data-pid');
+ let url = $(this).attr('data-url');
+ let str = '<iframe class="J_iframe" name="iframe0" width="100%" height="100%" src="'+url+'" frameborder="0" data-id="'+url+'" seamless></iframe>';
+ $('#main-iframe').html(str);
+ $('#side-menu2 .Jiframe').removeClass('active');
+ $(this).addClass('active');
+ // 寻找父级元素
+ $('#side-menu .Jiframe').removeClass('active');
+ $('#menu'+pid).addClass('active');
+ });
+ $(document).on('click','.JmenuItem',function () {
+ $('#main-iframe').removeClass('main-box-padding-left');
+ $('#main-iframe').removeClass('main-box-padding-left1');
+ $('#main-iframe').removeClass('main-box-padding-left3');
+ let url = $(this).attr('href');
+ let str = '<iframe class="J_iframe" name="iframe0" width="100%" height="100%" src="'+url+'" frameborder="0" data-id="'+url+'" seamless></iframe>';
+ $('#main-iframe').html(str);
+ return false;
+ });
+ });
+ function initSubMenu(id) {
+ $('#main-iframe').removeClass('main-box-padding-left');
+ $('#main-iframe').removeClass('main-box-padding-left1');
+ $('#main-iframe').removeClass('main-box-padding-left3');
+ let submenus = [];
+ for (let o in menus){
+ if(id == menus[o].id){
+ submenus = menus[o].child;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(submenus.length > 0){
+ $('#sidebar-box-h2').addClass('sidebar-box-h2');
+ $('#main-iframe').removeClass('main-box-h2');
+ }else{
+ $('#sidebar-box-h2').removeClass('sidebar-box-h2');
+ $('#main-iframe').addClass('main-box-h2');
+ }
+ let str = '';
+ for (let o in submenus){
+ if(submenus[o].child.length > 0){
+ // <div class="side-group">
+ // <div class="side-group-label">系统设置</div>
+ // <div class="side-list">
+ // <a class="J_iframe" href="layouts.html"><span>项目管理</span></a>
+ // </div>
+ // </div>
+ str += '<div class="side-group">';
+ str += '<div class="side-group-label">'+submenus[o].title+'</div>';
+ let children = submenus[o].child;
+ for(let n in children){
+ str += '<div class="side-list">';
+ str += '<a class="Jiframe" id="menu'+children[n].id+'" data-id="'+children[n].id+'" data-pid="'+submenus[o].pid+'" data-url="'+children[n].url+'" href="javascript:;"><span>'+children[n].title+'</span></a>';
+ str += '</div>';
+ }
+ str += '</div>';
+ }else{
+ // <div class="side-list">
+ // <a class="J_iframe active" href="layouts.html"><span>权限管理</span></a>
+ // </div>
+ str += '<div class="side-list">';
+ str += '<a class="Jiframe" id="menu'+submenus[o].id+'" data-id="'+submenus[o].id+'" data-pid="'+submenus[o].pid+'" data-url="'+submenus[o].url+'" href="javascript:;"><span>'+submenus[o].title+'</span></a>';
+ str += '</div>';
+ }
+ }
+ $('#side-menu2').html(str);
+ }
+ function add_highlight(url){
+ console.log('url',url);
+ $('.side-list a').removeClass('active');
+ for (let o in menus){
+ if(menus[o].url && menus[o].url == url){
+ $('#menu'+menus[o].id).addClass('active');
+ break;
+ }
+ let child1 = menus[o].child;
+ let flag = false;
+ let id = 0;
+ if(child1.length > 0){
+ for (let m in child1){
+ if(child1[m].url && child1[m].url == url){
+ flag = true;
+ id = child1[m].id;
+ break;
+ }
+ let child2 = child1[m].child;
+ for (let n in child2){
+ if(child2[n].url && child2[n].url == url){
+ flag = true;
+ id = child2[n].id;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(flag){
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ console.log('flag11',flag,id);
+ if(flag){
+ initSubMenu(menus[o].id);
+ $('#menu'+menus[o].id).addClass('active');
+ $('#menu'+id).addClass('active');
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function layer_open_dispatch(_self,flag){
+ var url = $(_self).attr('url');
+ var title = $(_self).attr('data-title');
+ var width = $(_self).attr('data-width')?$(_self).attr('data-width'):'90%';
+ var height = $(_self).attr('data-height')?$(_self).attr('data-height'):'90%';
+ layer.open({
+ type: 2,
+ title: title,
+ shadeClose: true,
+ shade: 0.3,
+ maxmin: true,
+ area: [width, height],
+ content: url,
+ end: function () {
+ update_order_count();
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ function update_order_count() {
+ let url = "{:url('Index/ocount')}";
+ $.post(url,function (res) {
+ if(res.code == 1){
+ let count = res.data.count;
+ if(count > 0){
+ $('#orderNums').html('('+count+')');
+ }else{
+ $('#orderNums').html('');
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ function goindex(){
+ window.location.href = '{:url("index/index")}';
+ }
+ var menus = {:json_encode($menus)};
+ function changeMenu(_self) {
+ var menuId = $(_self).attr('data-id');
+ // $('.menu-name-box').removeClass('cur-menu-style');
+ // $(_self).addClass('cur-menu-style');
+ window.location.href="{:url('indexsub','','')}/curmenu/"+menuId;
+ // if(menuId == 500){
+ // location.reload();
+ // $('.gyindexsub-menu-list-box').css('display','none');
+ // $('.gongzuotaimenu').css('display','block');
+ // }else{
+ //
+ // $('.gyindexsub-menu-list-box').css('display','block');
+ // $('.gongzuotaimenu').css('display','none');
+ // var newMenus = [];
+ // var menuurl = '';
+ // menus.forEach((item) => {
+ // if(Number(menuId) == Number(item.id)){
+ // newMenus = item.child;
+ // var childList = item.child;
+ // if(childList.length >0){
+ // for (let i in childList){
+ // if(childList[0].url){
+ // menuurl = childList[0].url
+ // }else{
+ // var subChildList = childList[0].child;
+ // if(childList[0].child){
+ // for(let o in subChildList){
+ // if(subChildList[0].url){
+ // menuurl = subChildList[0].url;
+ // }
+ // }
+ // }
+ //
+ // }
+ // }
+ //
+ // }
+ // }
+ // });
+ //
+ // var str = '';
+ // for (let i in newMenus){
+ // var childList = newMenus[i].child;
+ // if(childList.length >0){
+ // str += '<div class="qsidenav-list">';
+ // str += '<div class="qsidenav-twomenu-name">'+newMenus[i].title+'</div>';
+ // str += '<div class="sub">';
+ // if(childList.length >0){
+ // for (let o in childList){
+ // str += '<a href="javascript:;">';
+ // str += '<div class="sub-list endmenuactive" data-url="'+childList[o].url+'" data-id="'+newMenus[i].id+'" onclick="changeEndSubMenu(this)">'+childList[o].title+'</div>';
+ // str += '</a>';
+ // }
+ // }
+ // str += '</div>';
+ // str += '</div>';
+ // }else{
+ // str += '<div class="qsidenav-list">';
+ // // str += '<div class="qsidenav-twomenu-name">'+newMenus[i].title+'</div>';
+ // str += '<div class="sub">';
+ // str += '<a href="javascript:;">';
+ // str += '<div class="sub-list endmenuactive" data-url="'+newMenus[i].url+'" data-id="'+newMenus[i].id+'" onclick="changeEndSubMenu(this)">'+newMenus[i].title+'</div>';
+ // str += '</a>';
+ // str += '</div>';
+ // str += '</div>';
+ // }
+ //
+ // }
+ // $('.qsidenablistthreemenulist').html(str);
+ //
+ //
+ // let menustr = '<iframe class="J_iframe" name="iframe0" width="100%" height="100%" src="'+menuurl+'" frameborder="0" data-id="'+menuurl+'" seamless></iframe>';
+ // $('#gy-main-iframe-menu').html(menustr);
+ // }
+ }
+ function changeEndSubMenu(_self){
+ var menuId = $(_self).attr('data-id');
+ var menuurl = $(_self).attr('data-url');
+ $('.endmenuactive').removeClass('cur');
+ $(_self).addClass('cur');
+ let str = '<iframe class="J_iframe" name="iframe0" width="100%" height="100%" src="'+menuurl+'" frameborder="0" data-id="'+menuurl+'" seamless></iframe>';
+ $('#gy-main-iframe-menu').html(str);
+ return false;
+ }
+ var curmenu = {:json_encode($curmenu)};
+ var menuId = {:json_encode($menuId)};
+ var ct = {:json_encode($ct)};
+ var submenus = {:json_encode($submenus)};
+ $(function (){
+ if(ct == 0){
+ if(curmenu == 500){
+ $('.gyindexsub-menu-list-box').css('display','none');
+ $('.gongzuotaimenu').css('display','block');
+ }else{
+ $('.gyindexsub-menu-list-box').css('display','block');
+ $('.gongzuotaimenu').css('display','none');
+ var menusublist = [];
+ var menuurl2 = '';
+ for (let i in menus){
+ if(curmenu == menus[i].id){
+ menusublist = menus[i].child;
+ let submenulistaa = menus[i].child;
+ if(submenulistaa.length >0){
+ for (let a in submenulistaa){
+ menuurl2 = submenulistaa[0].url;
+ let aaaa = submenulistaa[0].child;
+ if(aaaa.length > 0){
+ for (let z in aaaa){
+ menuurl2 = aaaa[0].url;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ var str = '';
+ for (let i in menusublist){
+ var childList = menusublist[i].child;
+ if(childList.length >0){
+ str += '<div class="qsidenav-list">';
+ str += '<div class="qsidenav-twomenu-name">'+menusublist[i].title+'</div>';
+ str += '<div class="sub">';
+ if(childList.length >0){
+ for (let o in childList){
+ str += '<a href="javascript:;">';
+ str += '<div class="sub-list endmenuactive" data-url="'+childList[o].url+'" data-id="'+menusublist[i].id+'" onclick="changeEndSubMenu(this)">'+childList[o].title+'</div>';
+ str += '</a>';
+ }
+ }
+ str += '</div>';
+ str += '</div>';
+ }else{
+ str += '<div class="qsidenav-list">';
+ str += '<div class="sub">';
+ str += '<a href="javascript:;">';
+ str += '<div class="sub-list endmenuactive" data-url="'+menusublist[i].url+'" data-id="'+menusublist[i].id+'" onclick="changeEndSubMenu(this)">'+menusublist[i].title+'</div>';
+ str += '</a>';
+ str += '</div>';
+ str += '</div>';
+ }
+ }
+ $('.qsidenablistthreemenulist').html(str);
+ let menustr = '<iframe class="J_iframe" name="iframe0" width="100%" height="100%" src="'+menuurl2+'" frameborder="0" data-id="'+menuurl2+'" seamless></iframe>';
+ $('#gy-main-iframe-menu').html(menustr);
+ }
+ }else{
+ $('.gyindexsub-menu-list-box').css('display','block');
+ $('.gongzuotaimenu').css('display','none');
+ var menusublist = [];
+ var menuurl2 = '';
+ for (let i in submenus){
+ if(menuId == submenus[i].id){
+ menusublist.push(submenus[i]);
+ // menusublist = submenus[i].child;
+ let submenulistaa = submenus[i].child;
+ if(submenulistaa.length >0){
+ for (let a in submenulistaa){
+ menuurl2 = submenulistaa[0].url;
+ let aaaa = submenulistaa[0].child;
+ if(aaaa.length > 0){
+ for (let z in aaaa){
+ menuurl2 = aaaa[0].url;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ console.log(menusublist,'xxxx');
+ var str = '';
+ for (let i in menusublist){
+ var childList = menusublist[i].child;
+ if(childList.length >0){
+ str += '<div class="qsidenav-list">';
+ str += '<div class="qsidenav-twomenu-name">'+menusublist[i].title+'</div>';
+ str += '<div class="sub">';
+ if(childList.length >0){
+ for (let o in childList){
+ str += '<a href="javascript:;">';
+ str += '<div class="sub-list endmenuactive" data-url="'+childList[o].url+'" data-id="'+menusublist[i].id+'" onclick="changeEndSubMenu(this)">'+childList[o].title+'</div>';
+ str += '</a>';
+ }
+ }
+ str += '</div>';
+ str += '</div>';
+ }else{
+ str += '<div class="qsidenav-list">';
+ str += '<div class="sub">';
+ str += '<a href="javascript:;">';
+ str += '<div class="sub-list endmenuactive" data-url="'+menusublist[i].url+'" data-id="'+menusublist[i].id+'" onclick="changeEndSubMenu(this)">'+menusublist[i].title+'</div>';
+ str += '</a>';
+ str += '</div>';
+ str += '</div>';
+ }
+ }
+ $('.qsidenablistthreemenulist').html(str);
+ let menustr = '<iframe class="J_iframe" name="iframe0" width="100%" height="100%" src="'+menuurl2+'" frameborder="0" data-id="'+menuurl2+'" seamless></iframe>';
+ $('#gy-main-iframe-menu').html(menustr);
+ }
+ })